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Slavic horoscope by year of birth. Slavic animal calendar - horoscope by year and month of birth

The palaces of the Slavs are an ancient, traditional horoscope that our ancestors used long before the appearance of the signs of the Zodiac and the astrological traditions associated with them. In total, our ancestors had 16 Halls, each of which corresponded to mythical creature, and God is the Patron.

In the article:

Halls of the Slavs - the origins of tradition

The Slavs have had a tradition of dividing people into Halls since ancient times - even in pre-Christian times, our ancestors had established traditions, and the accuracy of describing a person’s characteristic traits even now will be much higher than the lengthy horoscopes of the Western tradition. The first historical document that reliably confirms the existence of the Slavic calendar and, accordingly, Chertogov as a horoscope can be considered the book “ Krugolet of Chislobog" It also proves the use of the same horoscope in practice not only in ancient times, but even at the end of the 19th century - this book, published in 1888, was preserved in one of the libraries.

Slavic cycle

It should be noted that our ancestors paid Special attention the change of seasons and the periodicity of the processes occurring around them, and they had a lot of time for observations. One of the most ancient human structures has always been various observatories, so it is not surprising that it was quite easy for the ancient Slavs to unravel the secrets that the constellations and the universe itself hold.

What does the word palace mean and other secrets of the Slavic calendar

To understand the meaning of the word “chamber” among our ancestors, it is worth turning to both the explanatory calendar and fairy tales. The palace was the name given to a separate large hall in a prince's mansion or simply in the dwelling of a rich and important person, and sometimes the palace itself. Thus, the Heavenly Palaces are a kind of mansions in which certain constellations live. It was from the idea of ​​our ancestors that the zodiac arose. astrological system, translated into traditional Arabic interpretations of the celestial constellations.

The Slavic chronology was one of the most ancient in the world - some scientists and archaeologists believe that it arose much earlier than the Mayan calendar, which almost all the inhabitants of our planet learned about on the eve of 2012. Even the word “calendar” itself had a special meaning among our ancestors. It stood for “Kolyada’s Gift” - according to Slavic myths, it was presented to our ancestors by the god Kolyada, who has now been replaced by Father Frost and Santa Claus.

In general, determining your place in the Slavic horoscope will require certain knowledge about the chronology of your ancestors. So, initially the week consisted of nine days, and the day - of sixteen hours. The year had nine months of 40 and 41 days, and every sixteen years the year consisted of 369 days, it was called the “Sacred Summer”. Our ancestors did not have the word “year” in their vocabulary, because years were previously called nothing more than “summer”. You can find out more about this below.

The halls of the Slavic calendar and the subtleties that need to be taken into account when calculating them

If you want to know what the Slavic palaces mean by date of birth, then you should take into account that for our ancestors the new day began not at an incomprehensible midnight, but at the moment when the sun set on the day of the equinox - that is, around 19:30. Thus, in order not to be mistaken in determining your palace, you should take into account this aspect of the life of our ancestors. In total, the number of Heavenly Halls, each of which has its own tree and its own Patron God, is 16 pieces - all of them are dedicated to certain animals that played special significance in the lives of our ancestors.

Table of patronage by palace

The year for the Slavs began after the autumn equinox, and from that same moment the report of the Halls was carried out. All the Halls can be easily transferred to modern chronology, however, the subtleties of the Slavic horoscope and its full disclosure can only be learned by fully clarifying your date of birth down to the hour, different watches births and different days can explain much more than just the Halls, which are responsible only for the most common features character. First of all, it should be noted that the nearby Halls provide people with both individual character traits and excellent psychological compatibility. About what Slavic Halls by date of birth ensure maximum compatibility and what character traits are inherent in such couples, we will describe further.

Maiden and Boar. Such people are very eager to search for something new and understand the surrounding reality. They do not recognize attempts to manipulate themselves, demonstrate independence and become excellent leaders.

Pike and Swan. Those who were born in these undoubtedly watery Halls love a quiet life without sudden changes, but at the same time fill it with passion and sensuality. It is not easy for them to make changes and take on great responsibility.

Serpent and Raven. People from these Halls are incredibly active and have an extremely difficult time dealing with loneliness. Love is one of the main things for them driving forces, but maintaining it requires effort on the part of the partner.

Bear and Stork (Busl). One of the most important characteristics of these people is kindness and the desire to improve their own and others' lives. They almost always have harmony in the family and a large number of children, and a cozy hearth is their main happiness.

Wolf and Fox. These people, following the example of their animal patrons, are distinguished by their tenacious mind and thirst for searching for something new. They have almost no fear and strive for new achievements in any area of ​​activity.

Tur and Moose. Hard work is the main feature of people born in these Halls. They like any job, even the most routine and monotonous. However, especially in the cold season, they are characterized by apathy and loss of interest in life.

Finist (falcon) and Horse. Restless and eager for action, representatives of these palaces want to get everything from life. They often abandon what they started halfway through, because it becomes uninteresting, and petty and trivial tasks simply do not interest them.

Eagle and Race. Despite their benevolence and good nature, people born under the light of these Halls may seem annoying to others. They learn new things very easily, but their laziness can prevent them from achieving anything in life.

How to find out your Hall by date of birth

Although to determine the Hall it is best to study the calendar of our ancestors directly, simple correspondences will help you easily determine which celestial sign you belong to.

September 20 - October 12. . The patron of this Hall is the god Ramhat, and the protective tree is a pear. Boars easily cope with any seemingly hopeless situations, however, in a calm environment their performance decreases. They are determined and self-confident, but sometimes they can be too apathetic to show their character at its best.

October 12 - November 3. . The patron of this Hall is the goddess Rozhana, and the protective tree is the plum. Pike always manage to feel comfortable in any environment. Due to this, they can be very difficult to lift, and they always prefer adapting to them to solve problems.

November 3 - November 24. . The patroness of the Swans is the goddess Makosh, and the pine tree acts as a talisman tree. Swans often suffer from excessive pride, but much more often their pride is justified. They never pay attention to the opinions of others and always want to be on top.

November 24 - December 17. . The patron god for the Serpents is Semargl, and their sacred tree is the linden tree. People born in this Hall often become selfish. But sometimes this selfishness can lead to real love and self-sacrifice. They do not tolerate criticism and have a tenacious grip in any matter.

December 17 - January 8. . It was from the traditions of meeting the patron god of the Ravens, Kolyada, that the New Year holiday arose. The tree that is sacred to the Ravens is larch. Everyone born at this time can boast good combination curiosity and worldly wisdom. They are amorous, loving and can be very unreliable partners in their youth.

January 8 - February 1. . Those born at this time are protected by one of the main Gods of our ancestors - Svarog. Their trees are beech and raspberry. All Bears easily understand even the most complex tasks and find a way out of any trouble. They make excellent guardians of family and home comfort, skillful and kind leaders, and persistent and courageous law enforcement officers.

February 1 - February 25. (stork). Those born these days can boast of the patronage of the Family itself - the Supreme God of our ancestors. Their tree is a weeping willow. Buslov's character is open and calm. They easily find their place in life and use this to create an ideal environment for themselves and their loved ones. For the most part, Storks are faithful spouses and monogamous people.

February 25 - March 22. . Patron of wolves Veles - god secret knowledge and the afterlife, and their tree is a poplar. Their character is characterized by resilience and toughness. They are always on guard and are idealists. All Wolves are responsible and purposeful people who do not tolerate people without an “inner core.”

March 22 - April 15. . Foxes are protected by Madder, and their plants are currants and hornbeam. Foxes work best with people; their innate cunning and other fox-like qualities allow them to achieve any success in almost any social field. That's why financial problems people leave them instantly, but their innate curiosity can play a cruel joke on them.

April 15 - May 7. . The patron god of Turov is the cheerful and joyful Kryshen, and aspen is considered their sacred tree. All those born in this Hall are hardworking, persistent, and have excellent business acumen. They easily achieve their goals and become both excellent performers and effective leaders, if no one bothers them about it.

May 7 - May 30.. The goddess Lada patronizes all people born in the last month of spring. Their guardian tree is the white-sided birch. Cheerful character, openness and loving nature allow Moose to easily find mutual language

with other people. But this side of character can also play a cruel joke - such people often become victims of scammers and deceivers. May 30 - June 21

. . No one except Vyshen can patronize Finist flying in the skies. And in honor of this God, the cherry is a talisman plant for Finists. Finists are very prone to curiosity and experimentation, but their keen eye provides them with sufficient caution. They easily achieve their goals and do not despair when they fail. June 21 - July 13

. . The god of the summer holiday, Kupala, patronizes the Horses, and their plants are elm and fern. Horses are distinguished by their desire to search for new things and incredible optimism. At the same time, almost all representatives of this Hall suffer from their carelessness and do not pay due attention to any small details.

The Bear is the owner of the forest, but not the king of animals, not the king of all forests, steppes, deserts and mountains... and all because his excessive laziness was born before the Bear. He knows this, he has gotten used to it and has come to terms with it, he himself can tell something about himself that makes him look funny. Only a few know that the seemingly clumsy Bear overtakes a racehorse, is able to strangle a moose and carry it in his front paws, that he senses a mouse nest under a dense layer of hard earth and is able to get a mouse out of there before the most dexterous cat has time to say “meow.” But it is not strength and dexterity that make him the master of the forest.

He is considered the main thing because, for all his power, he is surprisingly simple and carefree, condescending to the weak, does not offend little things, and is content with surprisingly little: getting honey, lying in the raspberry thickets, basking and feasting on his belly... The bear is the envy of many animals and birds sleep in a warm den during the fierce winter, which speaks of his great intelligence and ability to get comfortable... if he really needs it.

Wolverine is a beast that no hunter associates with of his own free will. Wolverine, like no one else, protects his land, jealously watches all strangers that pass through his territory, and does not tolerate those who try to settle on his lands, hunt, dig holes, and breed cubs. Those born during the Wolverine period are more zealous than other people, putting the interests of the tribe above their own personal interests.

Wolverine is not a black grouse, he doesn’t like to be in the public eye, open places avoids, is critical of himself, is not mistaken either about his mind or about his appearance, which is why Wolverine turns out to have more loyal and devoted friends than his brighter and louder-voiced narcissistic brothers in the Forest. Wolverines have neat holes; Wolverines themselves boast clean fur and strong claws. Wolverine is that rare beast who does not have anyone who hates him, because even his enemies and adversaries respect him, knowing Wolverine’s code of honor, they know in advance what to expect from Wolverine, and are not afraid to turn their backs on Wolverine.

RAVEN (February 10 - March 9)
The raven is a wise bird, but wise not by teaching, but by its essence, initially wise and understanding. They say sarcastically about the Raven people that they don’t need a brain, a spinal brain is enough, but the joke of the gods is that in fact the Raven simply understands what a sage needs years of painful reflection for. Raven immediately correctly answers a question that many sorcerers would have to work on. He feels better than he understands, and, jumping over logical chains, he immediately gives the correct answer, but he cannot explain how he came to it. Crows rarely reach heights in management and leadership. Precisely because they see very far, and the people will not go far, they should move one step - break the age-old, part with traditions, the behests of the same illiterate fathers and grandfathers, betray the Fatherland...

If from time to time the Raven flies up, it is simply because he does not talk about everything that his watchful eye sees, otherwise he will be beaten and kicked out like a madman.
Usually Crows are unhurried and calm, because true wisdom does not tolerate fuss. They see everything in advance, and if they need to peck at an apple, they do not rush after it as it rolls along the road, but immediately fly to the place where it stops.

ERMINE (March 10 - April 9)
An ermine is an animal that feels great strength within itself. He is so full of it that it spills out of his ears. He does not sit still for an hour, he is always on the move, and if anyone finds him motionless and lounging, he will be deeply mistaken in believing that he has finally seen Ermine at rest: he is feverishly thinking up either a hundred sophisticated tricks at once, or how to penetrate the neighboring forest and rob other Ermine, or plans to already strangle all the nasty squirrels in your forest and in neighboring ones.
The ermine is so confident in himself and that he is right that he does not care about norms, rules, laws. He is sincerely convinced that he is doing a good and necessary thing when he robs a chipmunk - look how fat he is! - or strangle a squirrel - not so squeals - that he is loved and admired not only for his dexterity, but also for his actions.
However, Ermine, in fact, most often turns out to be a selfless and sympathetic person, more willing than others to come to the rescue. Moreover, he can lend both his own and someone else’s equally sincerely to someone in need.

TOAD (April 10 - May 9)
The toad is perhaps the most amazing animal, because it can live both on and under water, and on the shore. The toad even lives in the trees in the forest. This amazing adaptability gives a person born during the Toad period the opportunity to work at the most simple work, say, in the field or in the forest as a lumberjack, and occupy the highest positions in the state, lead troops, reach heights in music, literature, art, science. Toads are less prone than others to discouragement, because they feel good everywhere, but this also has another side: Toads are so comfortable everywhere that they rarely strive somewhere else. The Toad Man can, for example, work all his life as a gardener, knowing full well that if he sweated a little more, he could become a manager, a governor or even a king in this state.
Why, Toad usually answers. I'm fine as it is. And the Tsar has to bark away from everyone, take care of his skin, the Tsar is always to blame, they hang all the dogs on the Tsar... Toads are valued for their golden souls, which are covered with inconspicuous skins, but the Toads themselves are reluctant to get along with people, because the soul is not clothing, it still needs to be examined !

GRASSHOPPER (May 10 - June 9)
The grasshopper, more than anyone else, does not like to show fatigue, defeat, or unhappiness. He always sings, always spreads his wings, preens in the sun. People smile when they look at the Grasshoppers, each Grasshopper glows - it’s just like lying on the grass in the sun.

The grasshopper is very easy to climb, and although his heart trembles with fear before each jump, he still jumps, spreads his wings and flies, flies, trembling with fear and delight. Large scary animals may be waiting in a new place, there may be predatory spiders, but there may also be a beautiful clearing with lush grass, sweet berries and... other beautiful Grasshoppers, Beetles, Butterflies!

Perhaps the biggest coward in the world, the Grasshopper admits this only to those closest to him, but for everyone else he is a carefree and cheerful creature, to whom everything comes easily, without effort, who easily gets along with all creatures in the world, both Grasshoppers and all - everyone.

The grasshopper is not hardworking in the sense that it is restless; it grabs onto one thing or another. He often gives up what he starts, but for others it is surprising that he accomplishes a lot, even often more than other diligent people. And the secret is that the Grasshopper, having abandoned a lot of tasks halfway, still returns to half of them and, ashamed of his cowardice, finishes quickly and successfully. And if you consider that the Grasshopper quickly grasps everything, then we can say that the great Family created him in one of his better days and in a good state of mind.

HAMster (June 10 - July 9)
A hamster is a creature that sleeps for almost nine months a year, but in the remaining months it develops frantic activity, managing to collect grain from the fields and fill the pantries to the ceilings. The Hamster Man is able to work day and night without rest, quickly take a sip of hot coffee and go back to work. On such days, he manages to do as much as someone born as an Ant does in a month. But then the Hamster, exhausted, falls with his tongue hanging out and takes a long, long time to come to his senses, and the Ant keeps working, working, working, and when the time comes to compare the results, it remains to be seen who has more time!

Hamsters are loved for their gentle nature, slowness and good nature. They are most often seen on vacation, and Hamsters love and know how to relax, even if the vacation is just lying on the grass in the sun.

Ravlik is particularly sensitive. They feel other people very subtly and accurately; Ravliks can make excellent leaders, because they know how to ignite and lead people, how to influence them so that they even rush into the abyss. But this hypersensitivity also turns into another side: they are either ready to give everything they have to a stranger, then, having come to their senses, they fence themselves off even from their loved ones, all the time telling themselves that they have been deceived as many times as possible, it’s time to think about themselves...

This hypersensitivity makes them painfully vulnerable. To escape, they go into the shell, from there they just move their legs, looking around the world, trying not to interfere with anything. These people live in a half-imaginary world, they are much better off there than in the real one, and when they return, they always say with sadness that they were too late to be born, that they would have been a couple of hundred years ago, or even a thousand, for some reason counting, that in the past they would definitely have been princes and not slaves!
There are no better interlocutors for communication than Ravliki, because due to their innate hypersensitivity, they always see the mood of the interlocutor, they will never say something rude, they will always come to the rescue, and help them get out of a sticky situation.

Ravliks are smart, although their intelligence almost never leads to enrichment, a successful career, or prosperity in their business. No one is better than the Ravliks at inventing illusory worlds, but how much they lose on the way from sweet dreams to reality!

The ant is perhaps the only creature in the world that is never afraid to overwork. An Ant can rarely be seen doing nothing, but even then he either cleans his paws and ears, licks his shiny armor, and a person born of an Ant not only plans the day ahead in moments of rest, but also tries harder than others to carry out.

The ant is constantly at work, even if it looks like aimless wandering through the bushes. He either grazes cattle, at the same time protecting Ants from strangers, or builds and drags prey into the house. He will never say to himself: enough, I have done enough. He always tries to do more, for which he is valued and respected, although they try to load him with more work and transfer part of their labor to him. The ant drags and grumbles very occasionally.

Such hard work is rewarded: Ants are noticed, promoted, and given more difficult and responsible work. And let them say that Ant wins not with his intelligence, but with his hard work, but genius is one percent of talent and ninety-nine percent of hard work!

Khrushch - no one experiences such drastic changes in life as Khrushch. When a worm digs into the ground and gnaws the roots, he is sure that he will do this all his life. When he turns into a doll and freezes in great peace, he exclaims in insight: “What a fool I used to be!”, implying that now he has finally understood how to live, now knows how to Live, now he will only live So...

But the time comes, and the cocoon bursts, a young Beetle crawls out of the ground, spreads its wings...

Khrushch is tormented more than anyone else by the fact that you can’t explain to your children how they will live, they won’t believe it, in general you can’t explain to anyone how to live in order to be able to turn into Real-With-Wings, because the majority will die like fat, blind worms ...

In his work, Khrushch easily reaches any heights, unless he is led away from the easy career path for him by more complex searches for truth, philosophical or religious paths, the search for moral and ethical gates to right life.

Beaver - Beaver's desire for order and peace led him to learn how to build dams, raise the level of streams and rivers, and make dams. All animals adapt to the weather, only the Beaver adapts it to himself, adjusts it to his character and routine.

Beaver always has everything at hand, he is never in a hurry, and works calmly and confidently. Other animals are jealous, but Beaver's life is too difficult for them. Being a Beaver means knowing a lot and being able to do a lot. But when animals flee in panic from a thunderstorm or forest fire, the Beaver only needs to dive into his underwater house and calmly wait out the trifle, which for others is a disaster. The beaver knows how to arrange his life in such a way that next to him everyone feels calm and protected, even if the rest of the world is collapsing.

PES (November 10 - December 9)
Dog - distinguishing feature- loyalty and fearlessness. In a world where no one keeps their word, the Dog is the only one who still adheres to the old canons of honor, loyalty to the word, he will never hit a man who is lying down, in the back or below the belt, no matter what benefits it promises and no matter how much they laugh at him for his old-fashioned habits.

He is faithful to his friends to the point of blindness, to the point of stupidity, and no betrayal or betrayal can wean him from trusting people and protecting them.

But, strangely enough, even his opponents trust him more than their friends and associates. You can trust a dog with money, secrets and own life. If a friend is in danger of trouble, you cannot frighten the Dog with either a knife or power. He will not, like the Cat, calmly wash himself when his owner is killed nearby, he will jump and grab the throat, even if he knows that this is his last jump. For the Dog in life it is much more important to live in harmony with his conscience than with the law, which is one today, another tomorrow. He does not strive for a career, but you often see him at the top of business, politics, and management systems, because even his opponents trust the Dog.

Modern horoscopes are guided by Western astrology. But our ancient ancestors also believed that they were born under the influence of heavenly forces. The annual solar cycle - Svarog Kolo, consisted of periods of time, each of which was under the control of various sacred deities. They all had their own character and were conductors between the kingdoms of nature and man.

We can meet the Vyrgoni prototype in ancient greek mythology in the form of Medusa the Gorgon. These are symbols that go back to a single source associated with the ancestral culture of Death. People born during the Vyrgoni period are independent by nature and have an indefatigable imagination. Sensuality and perseverance distinguish these people. They cannot stand hard work, have a huge need for comfort, and are prone to deception and cheating. Women are competitive with men, selfish and inflexible. They prefer a representative of another as a partner social environment, religion or race

Kitovras (Karachun) December 11 - December 23

Those born during this period are patronized by a half-man, half-horse. This is the mythical Centaur, about whom it is said: “He is famous for his wisdom and strength, but has a weakness for wine.” Those around him are often tempted to use him for their own selfish purposes, but he can reach heights in any way. life spheres, if at the same time he does not become excessively attracted to pleasures and worldly pleasures. The Karachun man has poor health, the closer his birthday is to the most severe day - December 23.

Perun (Unicorn) December 24 – January 20

Perun is the oldest and most majestic of all Svarozhichi. Luminous God of Fire and Lightning. Perun rarely inspires love, but always respect. If his energy and passions are not used, he can become unusually aggressive. The positive type of Perun is a daredevil, warrior, defender, the negative type is a brawler, brawler, reveler, martinet.

Stribog January 21 – February 20

God of the wind, giving flexibility of mind and intelligence. The Stribog man is able to get out of any situation. His soul is a source of new ideas and good beginnings. The most devoted friend, as well as a sensitive and responsible marriage partner. Stribog patronizes wise and cautious people, and complicates life for those who are impulsive and stumble at every step.

Birth February 21 – March 20

The genus is the fundamental principle of the creation of the universe, where all descendants came from one beginning. A symbol of the unity of the family and all living things in the world. So a person born under the sign of the Family feels his involvement in everything that exists. When starting a family, he protects it from any misfortune and rarely gets divorced. The genus gives knowledge of human psychology and reveals the secret motives of behavior and actions. A mysterious person to others and not very clear to himself. Love can ignite his blood for a long time, which is why he can commit rash acts.

Yarila March 21 – April 20

This period was considered the first month of the Slavic calendar. People born under the auspices of Yarila are forever young, looking at the world broadly with open eyes. They inherited a lot of sexual energy from the god of the spring sun, which is why they often change partners, leaving behind a series of broken hearts. This way they escape boredom. The Yaril people drink this life in large sips, not wanting to deny themselves anything. Only by truly loving do they acquire the ability to give, and not just take.

Lada April 21 - May 21

Goddess of love, harmony and order. Wherever she goes, there is a feeling of warmth and homeliness everywhere. It is precisely this aura of home that attracts money and other benefits to Lada. The goddess Lada helps lovers, so a person born during this period does not need to be afraid of loneliness.

Lelya May 22 – June 02

Lelya is the wife of Perun, aka Gromovitsa, the goddess of thunder and lightning. People marked by Lelya have a warm heart and a kind soul; they can express themselves without fear of being misunderstood. They know the “rules of the game” very well, are curious, have practical acumen and intuition.

Kostroma June 03 - June 12

When field work ended, our ancestors celebrated farewell to spring with the help of rituals. Kostroma ensured the future fertility of the land. Children of Kostroma are talented and eloquent, as if they themselves earthly forces speaks through their mouths. This is how oratory abilities, literary abilities, etc. arise. They are often haunted by mystical accidents and coincidences.

Dodol June 13 – June 21

Dodola is the patroness of young girls and their secrets. The people of Dodola come to this world for relaxation and contemplation. They do not like to make efforts to achieve their goals. They need an experienced mentor, patron or just a loyal friend. Despite their infantility, people born during this period are very lucky. For them, rivers of milk flow and grass blooms.

Veles June 22 – July 22

In the sacred “Book of Veles” - the creator of truth, similar to Odin or Hermes. Navi God, God of Magic, God of the Hidden. Children of Veles have a penchant for everything transcendental, often running into the depths of their subconscious from the surrounding reality. They feel a strong connection with nature.
July 6-7 (Ivan Kupalo) stands apart from other days. On this day, people lit magical fires - eyes of light, picked berries and flowers, danced and sang. By folk custom- This is a sign of continuation of the family, dynasty. Man-Kupala is happy if he honors and respects the laws of nature and the universe. Secret powers give their pet special knowledge, allowing them to do as they please.

Dazhdbog July 23 – August 23

The deity's name comes from "give" and "share". In the people of Dazhdbog, pride is combined with intelligence and self-sufficiency. If they do not realize their ambitions in time, they can become real tyrants. Their distinctive feature is prudence. They don’t follow anyone’s lead; they come up with their own strategy. They make professionals in their field, excellent managers, lawyers and attorneys.

Maya August 24 – September 8

Maya is the deity of the life-giving forces of nature - the sun's rays along with rain. She was depicted as a mature beauty holding ripe ears and fruits. Mature beauty is a symbol of the harvest. But, like Mother Nature, Maya needs careful handling and care. The Mayan man is a lover of everything pure and natural, has a sense of proportion and sensitivity to the grief of others. Does not tolerate harsh conditions or any discomfort.

Rozhanitsa September 09 - September 11

Virgin of Life and Fate. People born under the sign of the Woman in Birth are shy, lazy, but having fallen in love with their favorite activity, they are able to work to the point of self-denial. These are people of their word and deed. Ardent passions seem like a disease to them; they lack faith that it is love that can overcome all obstacles.

Mokosh September 12 - September 27

An exclusively female deity. Patronizes intimacy and the birth of children. The two weeks of Mokoshi - “Indian summer” - encourage you to cherish every minute and not waste time. People born during this period (especially women) can achieve great success in any activity if they are not lazy. They know how to find a common language with people. Their most successful weather is rain, and their place of power is a water source.

Svarozhich September 28 – October 15

It personifies earthly fire, gives warmth and light, but can also destroy by sending droughts and fires. This is also the God of Victories. If the children of Svarozhich live the first half of their lives in struggle, then the second will bring honor and wealth. In any respect, incompatible with Mokosh.

Mara (Morena) October 16 – November 01

Goddess of Winter, wife of Koshchei, cruel and unforgiving. The moraine is full hidden power. Hardy, uncompromising, preserves good health until old age. By realizing her inner resources and learning to manage them, Morena will receive exactly what she needs. Good luck is brought by bad weather, rain and strong wind.

Semargl November 02 – November 08

Semargl is the god of the Moon, the keeper of the family hearth, crops and seeds, intimate feelings between a woman and a man. The best time is night. Standing guard in the dark, Semargl can send to his pets prophetic dreams and revelations that help them comprehend the meaning of life, and also stimulates intuition, which saves them in difficult everyday situations.

Skipper-beast November 09 – November 30

Skipper-beast is the leader of snakes and all creatures of Navi - the otherworldly invisible world. Therefore, people born under the sign of the Skipper Beast have the ability to sense danger from a distance, to see the dark sides of the actions of others and the reverse side of things. They need to honor their elder relatives and it is useful to turn to the wisdom of their ancestors.

Since ancient times, people have used a variety of talismans and amulets to protect themselves and their homes from everything bad, as well as to attract happiness and good luck into their lives. Our ancestors used special amulets, called “chambers”. A Slavic amulet was selected according to date of birth. There are sixteen of them in total. The ancient Slavs believed in the magical power of palaces and always carried them with them, carefully hiding them from prying eyes.

Features of Slavic amulets by date of birth

Even in pre-Christian times, the Slavs had a tradition of dividing people into palaces - peculiar analogues of a horoscope according to the signs of the zodiac. Each person, depending on his birthday, was assigned a certain palace, by which one could recognize the character, strengths and weak sides personality. The patron god and the sacred tree were determined by date of birth.

In the ancient Slavic calendar, the year was divided into palaces, which were united in the circle of Svarog. This calendar is different from the Gregorian calendar we are used to. In ancient times, a week consisted of nine days. Each day had sixteen hours. Among the ancient Slavs, the year consisted of nine months, each of which had approximately forty days.

A person, knowing which palace he belongs to, can choose a special amulet for himself that neutralizes negative energy, helps to improve his life and achieve what he wants.

The palace is the house of God. It can be made of wood or metal in the shape of a circle. On front side a polygon is depicted, and in its center there is a special character. Also, as an amulet, a figurine of an animal was made, the name of which corresponded to the palace.

The circle of Svarog is the heavenly path along which the Sun moves, passing 16 palaces

How to determine your palace according to the Slavic horoscope?

If the modern horoscope is focused on Western astrology, then our ancestors were sure that birth directly depends on the influence of heavenly forces. The Slavic annual cycle consisted of 16 periods. Each period was patronized by a specific deity. The gods served as intermediaries between the kingdom of nature and man. They helped people leading a correct lifestyle and could punish those who strayed from the true path. The countdown of the year began at the end of summer.

You can determine your palace by your date of birth.

The meaning of the Virgo amulet

Period from August 28 to September 20. The patron is Jiva - the goddess of life and fertility, as well as a symbol of kindness and youth.

“Virgos” are distinguished by independence and perseverance. Under any circumstances, they strive to achieve their goals, without fear of difficulties and obstacles encountered along the way. The tree of this sign is an apple tree.

People born in the hall of Virgo strive for independence and self-sufficiency

Amulet Vepr

Period from September 20 to October 12. The patron saint of the sign is Ramhat, the god of law and order and Heavenly Court. People of this sign are distinguished by a well-developed sense of justice, they always defend their point of view and cannot stand it when others try to put pressure on them to force them to do something. Boar tree - pear.

People born in the palace of the Boar are leaders by nature. They cannot stand lies and sycophancy


Period from October 12 to November 3. The patroness is the goddess Rozhana, who brings comfort and family prosperity. People born under this palace know how to negotiate and quickly find a way out of difficult situations. They adapt easily and find a common language with others. However, they are not always able to make an important decision, because they are often overcome by doubts. Their tree is plum.

A person born in the palace of Pike knows how to empathize and is always ready to help his neighbor


Period from November 3 to November 24. The patroness is Makosh - the goddess of fertility and fate, who helps to improve personal life. The person of this symbol loves calm and regularity, great attention pays attention to his appearance. Before taking a step, he will think through everything well and calculate it. His tree is pine.

People born in the palace of the Swan are characterized by pride and irascibility. They often try to assert themselves at the expense of others.

How to choose a talisman for the Hall of the Serpent

Period from November 24 to December 17. The defender of this symbol was Semargl - the god of fire and fertility, the messenger between the earthly and heavenly worlds. “Snakes” have incredible vitality and energy. They are active and do not like to sit idle. Loneliness and inactivity depress them, and an inactive lifestyle leads to illness and depression. The sacred tree is linden.

People of the Serpent's Palace boast a sharp mind, which allows them to solve almost any puzzle

Raven Amulet

Period from December 17 to January 8. The patroness is the goddess Varuna, who monitors the Gates of Interworld and controls the movement of the stars in the sky. People of this sign are active, cheerful and sociable people who always have a lot of plans and ideas. The worst thing for them is loneliness. The sacred tree is larch.

The Hall of the Raven is a symbol of the Sun, which annually passes a certain area in the sky


Period from January 8 to February 1. Patron - Svarog. This supreme god commands life. He has the power to choose its course. At this time, kind and peace-loving people are born. However, they are characterized by some impulsiveness, so sometimes others do not know what to expect from them. sacred plant- raspberries.

The man from the palace of the Bear is characterized by caring and kindness. He does not hesitate to lend a helping hand to friends and family, even to his own detriment.

Hall of the Stork or Busla

Period from 1 to 20 February. Patron - first Slavic god The race that is the creator of the world. The people of this palace are friendly. They are sociable and easily get along with people, in many ways similar to the people from the palace of the Bear. The union of representatives of these two signs will be strong and durable. The tree that suits buslams is willow.

"Busly" ‒ zealous owners, and their house is a full bowl


Period from February 20 to March 22. Patron - Veles. This Slavic god of fertility and wealth bestowed fire on the inhabitants of Yavi. The sacred tree is poplar, which can take away negativity and illness. At this time, true pedants are born, striving to put everything around them in order. They are attentive and suspicious, so they quickly recognize bad people with whom they do not want to communicate.

“Wolves” know how to skillfully avoid obstacles that come their way, always striving to get to the bottom of the truth


Period from March 22 to April 15. The patron is the powerful and formidable goddess Marena. People born during this period of time are distinguished by curiosity, assertiveness, cunning and ingenuity. To achieve what they want, they may lie and deceive. They know how to make a good impression on others. The sacred plant is currant.

“Foxes” are quite rational and balanced, but from time to time they can get involved in dubious activities in order to provide themselves and their loved ones with everything they need.

Period from April 15 to May 7. The patron is the god of light and warmth Kryshen, who is also called the Heavenly Shepherd. People of this sign are dependent on nature, feeling any of its changes. They become especially active in spring time of the year. Thanks to organization, perseverance and diligence, they always achieve their goals and can teach worldly wisdom to others. The sacred tree is aspen, which protects from evil spirits and negative influences.

The Turs are persistent and hardworking. They try to complete any work, even if it is difficult and uninteresting.


Period from May 7 to May 30. The patroness is the goddess of spring and family relations Lada. People born under this palace are optimists by nature. They go through life easily, quickly make new acquaintances, and are distinguished by their love of love. “Moose” are leaders by nature. They can become excellent leaders. The sacred tree is birch.

“Moose” happily take on any work and quickly adapt to circumstances

Amulet for Finist

Period from May 30 to June 21. Patron - god higher worlds Cherry. At this time, rational and optimistic people are born. They are distinguished by incredible performance, very active and energetic. They are not afraid of failure. They know how to retreat in time to accumulate strength and rush into battle again. The sacred tree is the cherry.

"Finists" - creative personalities who strive to bring any business they start to perfection


Period from June 21 to July 13. The patron is the summer god Kupalo. People of this sign are characterized by haste and impatience. They are in a hurry to live, easily become infected with new ideas, but also quickly abandon them. Responsible by nature, they always keep their promises to others. The sacred plant is the fern.

“Horses” are maximalists by nature, trying to do everything well and efficiently


Period from July 13 to August 4. The patron is the thunder god Perun. The people of this palace are distinguished by their inquisitive mind, goodwill and willingness to help others. However, sometimes they are overcome by laziness, which prevents them from developing and moving forward. In this case, it is good when there is a person next to them who can guide them on the true path. The tree that suits them is oak.

Hall of Race - meaning

Period from 4 to 28 August. Patron - god of fertility and sunlight Dazhdbog. Impulsiveness is inherent in people of this sign. They strive for knowledge, but often laziness and choosing the wrong path prevent them from improving. They tend to do rash things, but if they take on some work, they do it well. Their sacred trees are ash and ygg.

The ancient Slavs used the word “race” to call the leopard

The word “palace” means a large and luxuriously decorated room. This may be a separate building or a chamber in a palace. Our ancestors called the houses in which the constellations were located palaces.

Ways to create a talisman by date of birth, and rules for wearing it

You can create a Slavic talisman by date of birth from various materials. The most popular are metal, stone and wood. Today you can find on sale talismans made of gold, silver or bronze. Such an amulet can be worn by both men and women.

The easiest way would be to make an amulet from wood. In this case, it is better to opt for the sacred tree of the palace. For example, an apple tree is suitable for “boars”, poplar for “wolves”, and pine for “swans”. You can make a talisman both for yourself and for loved one. Accept a talisman as a gift only from those people, in sincerity and good location which you are sure of. A palace made with love will truly become a strong talisman, capable of protecting a person from negativity, and also helping to avoid many troubles.

It’s worth making a talisman if you honor the culture of the ancient Slavs and respect the Slavic deities. Only in this case will the palace have magical power, and will not become an ordinary decoration.

The amulet gives a person self-confidence and helps to reveal his strengths.

If you bought a talisman, then before you start wearing it, you need to cleanse it of other people’s energy. After all, before it came to you, it was in the hands of the master who made it, as well as sellers or couriers.

The cleansing ritual must be performed on the full moon. In the evening, take a glass of running water and add three pinches of salt. Leave the chamber overnight in a glass of water. In the morning the amulet will be cleansed. Wear it around your neck during the day, and before going to bed, take it off and place it under your pillow.

A wooden amulet can be placed in a jar (but not a plastic one) and placed under running water (the meaning of the procedure is cleansing with the energy of Water).

You can also put the item to be cleaned in a bag of sea salt, for example, for a day, and if necessary, for a longer time.

Attention: salt can oxidize some metals.

A palace made of metal can be burned in a fire before wearing by holding it over the flame for several seconds.

The claw or fang of an animal attached to it, symbolizing the palace, will help strengthen the effect of the amulet. If you accidentally dropped the amulet, then mentally ask for forgiveness from its patron. If you lose your talisman, don’t be upset. This means that he averted trouble from you. The found symbols should not be worn because they belonged to another person and their effect applies only to him.

The halls of the ancient Slavs do not lose their relevance today. When choosing a talisman, a person born at the junction of two signs should listen to his inner voice, which will tell him which symbol suits him best.

The ancient Slavs had their own zodiac. He was enclosed in the so-called Svarog Circle. The meaning of the Circle is that the Sun moves along it throughout the year, passing sixteen constellations, or heavenly palaces. That is, the palace is a Slavic zodiac sign. And, like modern zodiac signs, they are associated with astrological objects.

Each palace corresponds to certain days of the year (as in the usual, familiar zodiac), as well as a tree or plant, a patron god. Each person born in a certain palace has characteristic character traits, talents, inclinations and abilities. It is very easy to determine which palace you are from - by the date of your birthday.

But what Slavic zodiac signs, or palaces, exist:

  • Virgo. The plant corresponding to this palace is an apple tree. And the patron goddess is Jiva. People of this sign are very characterized by the desire for love and wisdom. Therefore, they make excellent artists, musicians, writers and others. creative professions. By nature, Virgos are leaders, independent and persistent. They always achieve their goals, they are independent and learn only from their mistakes, using only their own experience.
  • Pike. The chamber is associated with a plum tree and the goddess Rozhana. As for people born under the sign of Pike, they are very harmonious, empathetic, and merciful. They love nature. Despite their vulnerability, they can stand up for themselves and their family. Home and household are of great importance to them. This is especially true for women - wonderful housewives and caring mothers. People from the palace of Pike easily adapt to changing conditions.
  • Boar. The pear tree and the god Rakhmat are faithful companions of the palace. People of the Boar sign are talented lawyers and police officers. They are inclined to justice, they are honest and know how to clearly fulfill their goals. Due to their responsibility and out-of-the-box thinking, these people are very interesting and good at any work, especially with other people. But sometimes they are not too confident in themselves and may retreat from their goal if they fail.
  • Swan. This Slavic zodiac sign is associated with the goddess Makosh and the pine tree. The character traits of people born in the sign of Swan are calmness, prudence, and composure. However, decision-making is often difficult for them. These people have an incredibly sensitive feel for others, they are emotional and expressive. But sometimes they can be impulsive, proud and arrogant. Swans are patriots; for them, a sense of duty often comes first.
  • Crow. This palace corresponds to the god Kolyada (according to some sources - Varuna) and the larch tree. We can say with confidence about people of this sign that life is in full swing within them. They are mobile, energetic, and cannot sit still. There are hundreds of plans and thoughts in their heads. Loneliness for people from the Raven's chamber is the most terrible punishment. They also have a penchant for teaching others, being mentors and sages.
  • Serpent. This palace is associated with the god Semargl and the linden tree. For people of this sign, the phrase: “Movement is life!” is the best fit. They are dynamic and easy-going. This applies to both the emotional and physical aspects of life. Love for them is an ocean into which they throw themselves headlong, demanding the same from their partner. By nature, the Snake man is an inveterate conservative with an excellent mind.
  • Busel (Stork). The sacred tree of this palace is willow, and the patron god is Rod. People born under this sign are characterized by kindness and sincerity, mercy and responsiveness. In general, they can be called humane. These people are also the owners of an iron will, determination, and inquisitive mind. They make good family men, they often have many children, and love and harmony reign in the house. And people of this sign are incredibly hardworking.
  • Wolf. This sign is under the protection of the god Veles and the poplar tree. Wolf people have been searching for something all their lives: the meaning of life, the essence of surrounding things and processes. And thanks to this, they turn out to be pioneers and travelers. Interest in life, adventurism, activity, independence are the main features of these people. It is important that Wolves are always ready for the unexpected; they are difficult to take by surprise and discourage. They are excellent warriors and loyal friends.
  • Bear. It is not surprising that the tree of this palace is raspberry. As for the patron god, this is Svarog. The character of people born in the palace of the Bear is distinguished by kindness and generosity, but at the same time by their temper. It is impossible to predict the Bear's thoughts and actions. If such people take up a business, then it is doomed to success. After all, they are skilled analysts, persistent and purposeful.
  • Tour. The palace is under the protection of the god Kryshen and the aspen. People of this sign are very sensitive to nature and its manifestations. That is, their entire life and performance depends on her whims, and this is not always good. But, in any case, their hard work and responsibility do not allow them to be lazy even on the cloudiest day. You could even call them perfectionists. Nature did not deprive them of creative abilities, patriotism and loyalty.
  • Finist. The tree corresponding to this palace is cherry. And the god who patronizes him is Vyshen. People from Finist's palace are unusually active and dynamic. They can easily perform hundreds of tasks, their energy is literally in full swing. They have notes of adventurism, determination, as well as creative thoughts and ideas. These people look at the world through the prism of common sense, but always believe in the best.
  • Elk. The constant companions of this palace are the goddess of love and beauty Lada, as well as the birch tree. One can only envy the hard work of the people from the palace of the Elk. They are capable of performing even the most unenviable work. They are also characterized by closeness to nature, dependence on its phenomena and changes. As for relationships with others, this is also the strong point of people of this sign. They are sociable, easily find a common language, and can become a leader in the company. A person of this sign is sometimes careless and amorous, but does not let everyone get close to him.
  • Horse. The palace is guarded by the god Kupala and, oddly enough, by the fern plant. The people of this palace “burn” all their lives, illuminating the path for others. Often they move from one thing to another, their thoughts changing direction at the speed of light. There is also a bit of perfectionism and maximalism in them. We can say that people born under the sign of the Horse are responsible and efficient. However, often only with those matters that are interesting to them. These people know how to love, feel, and understand others. Nature did not deprive them of talents, intelligence, and kindness.
  • Fox. The palace is under the protection of the goddess Madder (Mara) and currants. The fate of people of this sign is often difficult. They have to find their way in life for a long time. But what they are lucky in is that they are talented, unshakable, and know how to love. In general, by nature, Foxes are harmonious and balanced, sometimes selfish, and curious. But their strong will and resilience allow them to withstand all difficulties.
  • Eagle. The oak became the sacred tree of the palace, and Perun became the patron god. Eagle people are very friendly and can sacrifice themselves for the sake of others. They are persistent, selfless, but often annoying. They have huge potential to learning, which is often prevented from unfolding by the notorious laziness. And physically, Eagles are very developed, agile and warlike. They often go on adventures and are sometimes selfish. But in love, Eagles are faithful and reliable.
  • Race. The palace is under the protection of Dazhdbog and the ash tree. People from the palace of the Race truly love life in all its manifestations. They know a lot, striving to constantly learn new things. As well as studying, they can relax, sometimes recklessly and cheerfully. But this does not mean that people of the Race sign cannot be trusted. They make good warriors, strategists and philosophers. They often display selfishness, which can harm relationships with others.

This is how our ancestors imagined the characters and morals of people according to their system of signs. And all this knowledge is obtained through long observations, analysis and empirical experience. A tremendous amount of work has been done. It is not for nothing that in ancient times the Svarog Circle was a system to which tribal elders and sages turned to in order to find an answer to an exciting question.

Horoscope by date of birth.