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Poems for children "my home". Poems about home, my home, father's house Russian poets about home

This thread contains a selection of good poems for children about family, home, children- the poems are simple, understandable to children.

At home
It's raining continuously outside,
And the house is warm and light.
And it’s possible for brown showers
Calmly look through the glass.

Here you can hide from the heat,
Escape from a frosty day.
IN a good place native-
It just pulls me home.
Agniya Barto

IN family circle
We are growing together as a family
All your roots are in the family circle,
And you come into life from family.
In the family circle we create life,
The basis of the foundations is the parental home.

Gets up first in the morning
My little sister
She's been busy all day,
And in the evening he doesn’t want to sleep.
We even sang songs to her -
Sleep doesn't come to her, no matter how hard she cracks.
Maybe it's just that
What does sleep walk on foot?
For a sister, like an older brother,
I'm drawing a scooter
To sleep on a scooter
Came to see my sister Katya.
Tatiana Agibalova

What could be more valuable than family?
What could be more valuable than family?
Welcomes with warmth Father's house,
They are always waiting for you here with love,
And they send you off on your journey with kindness!

Father and mother and children together
Sitting at the festive table
And together they are not at all bored,
And it’s interesting for five of us.

The baby is like a pet to the elders,
Parents are wiser in everything
Beloved dad - friend, breadwinner,
And mom is closest to everyone, dearest.

Love it! And appreciate happiness!
It is born in a family
What could be more valuable than her?
On this fabulous land

Who's playing?
And the sun plays (with its rays on the river),
And the cat plays (with a ball on the porch),

And Zhenya plays (Zhenya has a doll),
And mom plays (in the theater on stage),

And dad plays (on a copper trumpet),
And grandfather (playing with his grandson in the hut).

And the grandmother washes her grandson’s diapers.
Grandma is probably playing with laundry?
A. Shibaev

About love
Mom looks at dad
Dad looks at mom
And the day is the most weekday,
Not Sunday
And outside the window there is no sun,
And the blizzard
It's just how they do it
They're just
They love each other very much.
From this love
Both light and easy.
Me with my dad and mom
So lucky!

Adults - It's worth it
take a closer look at them
and you will immediately see
how much childhood there is in them.
Both in dad and in mom,
and in a strict passerby,
and in old grandfathers
with my grandmother too.
This happens especially noticeably
when they do something
suddenly they break
when they buy
new clothes from payday,
when they receive a gift
from my granddaughter.
They know how to laugh too
as children.
But they are all adults -
These are adults.
And so
different from kids
that they have little time
for Game.
Anatoly Movshovich

His family
Vova has a deuce with a minus -
Unheard of!

He did not move at the board.
He didn't pick up chalk!
He stood as if made of stone:
He stood like a statue.

How will you pass your exams?
The counselor is worried. -

Your family, father and mother,
Reproach at a meeting
The director will be there in person!

We have a good twenty five
And three excellent families,

But by your family for now
The director is unhappy:
She's raising a student
Doesn't help the school.

So what does my family have to do with it? -
He says sighing. -
I get deuces -
And suddenly the family is bad!

He would have endured reproaches
I wouldn't show it
But there is a question about family -
He won’t hurt his family!

They will reproach mom:
"We have a good twenty-five
And three excellent families,
And you alone are a bad mother!”
The director will tell you personally.

Vova sadly looks into the distance,
A stone lay on my heart:
I felt very sorry for my mother...
No, he will pass the exam!

He will tell his mother: “Don’t be sad,
Rely on me!
We must be transferred
To a good family!”
Agniya Barto

Sunday is lucky!
Sundays are so needed!
Because on Sunday
Mom is making pancakes.
Dad washes the cups for tea.
We wipe them together,
And then we as a family
We drink tea with pancakes for a long time.
And a song pours through the window,
I'm ready to sing myself,
It's good when we're together
Even if there are no pancakes.

Family is happiness, love and luck,
Family means trips to the country in the summer.
Family is a holiday, family dates,
Gifts, shopping, pleasant spending.
The birth of children, the first step, the first babble,
Dreams of good things, excitement and trepidation.
Family is work, caring for each other,
Family means a lot of housework.
Family is important!
Family is difficult!
But it is impossible to live happily alone!
Always be together, take care of love,
Drive away grievances and quarrels,
I want my friends to say about us:
How nice your family is!
Loved you for no special reason
Because you are a grandson,
Because you are a son,
Because baby
Because you are growing,
Because he looks like his dad and mom.
And this love until the end of your days
It will remain your secret support.

I'm taking care of mom and dad
Dad complains:
- Something
I'm tired of work...
Mom too:
- I'm getting tired
I can barely stand on my feet...
I take a broom from dad -
I'm not a slacker either,
After dinner, dishes
I’ll wash it myself, I won’t forget, -
I'm taking care of mom and dad,
I'm strong
I can!

See other topics in this section here -

Olga Stebneva
We will build new house

TARGET: Formation of patriotic feelings in older preschoolers in the process of physical education and recreational work.


Improve the skills of climbing a gymnastic wall using the same method;

Exercise children in jumping on two legs, moving forward, jumping over the rope sideways, while walking on a reduced support while maintaining stable balance;

Strengthen children's knowledge about construction specialties and construction transport;

Promote the development of coordination of movements and attention;

Develop creative imagination and fantasy;

To cultivate respect and interest in the work of adults, love and respect for their hometown;

Improve skills correct posture, strengthen the muscles and ligaments of the feet.


Illustrations depicting people of different construction specialties and construction vehicles, gymnastic sticks, gymnastic bench, bags, cord, "Blots", gymnastic ladder, 2 hoops, cubes according to the number of children.

Progress of the lesson.

Children enter the hall to the music and perform alignment. Equalization.

F - Hello guys! Now it’s late autumn in our yard and you and I get sick a lot. We can help our body. How? (children's answers)

Children performing acupressure "Gnome"

The gnome lives in your fingers (bend and straighten fingers).

He brings us health.

One, two, three, four, five (with the phalanges of the fingers rub the points at the wings of the nose,

Our gnome began to play,

Draw circles with your fist near your nose,

And then I rose higher (lightly stroking the maxillary sinuses)

And rolled down from top to bottom.

The gnome looked out the window ( massage: index and middle fingers of the brow ridges,

He laughed and flew away.

The gnome found a point near the eye (massage the points on the bridge of the nose,

Turned right, left,

Pressed on the other (massage: points at the wings of the nose,

Hid behind the ears (massage the points of the auricle,

Laughed at me

And he wanted to play with me.

One, two, three, four, five (massage of the frontal region and brow ridges,

I decided to catch him.

I caught the gnome in the eyebrows,

And he kept walking in circles,

So our gnome fell silent (nose tip massage)

And he took off running.

We will take it in our palms (relaxation of the hands,

Let's wave our hands a little.

F – Today we have an unusual activity. It's called "We let's build a new house» . Do you want to know why it is called that? (children's answers)

F – Then you have to answer my questions. Ready? (children's answers)

F – Tell me, what is the name of the village in which we live? (children's answers)

F – That’s right, well done! Guys, how old is our village? (children's answers)

F – That’s right, 45 years ago the construction of the houses in which we live began. Who do you think built our houses? (children's answers)

F – Well done! People from different construction specialties and different construction machines. Do you know which ones? (children's answers)

F – Today in class we will remember everything we know about construction machines and specialties. Let's imagine ourselves as builders.

F– Let’s show how builders go to work. To the right, march around to the left in steps. (normal walking)

F– On the way we met a crane going to a construction site. (walking on toes, arms up)

F– They see a dump truck rushing to the construction site (running in a column with your hands shows the movements of the steering wheel)

F– Builders hear hammers knocking at a construction site (walking on heels, hands to shoulders)

F– Met a bulldozer (walking on outside feet, hands forward)

F– The builders are late for work and are in a hurry (running at a medium pace)

F– The builders were on time for work and weren’t late. (breathing exercises)


F – Before hard work, let’s warm up and remember what professions workers work at the counter and what machines help them. Let's do exercises with a gymnastic stick.

Children take gymnastic equipment and form three columns

F – We will perform exercises with gymnastic sticks as shown….

F – To find out what exercise we will do we need to guess puzzles:

I'm higher than the house

And easily with one hand

I'm lifting a huge load

Who, tell me, am I?

(I.P.: feet width apart, stick on shoulder blades. On the count of 1 – raise the stick up (inhale); on the count of 2 - return to i. P. (exhalation) 8 times)

White sawdust flying

Flying from under the saw

Who does this?

Windows and floors.

(I.P.: feet shoulder-width apart, stick on shoulder blades. 1 – turn to the right "sh-sh-sh" (exhalation); 2 – return to i. P. (inhale); 3 – turn left "sh-sh-sh" (exhalation); 4 – return to i. P. (inhale) 8 times)

He starts to dig

Replaces one hundred shovels

(I.P.: sitting with your legs apart, hold the stick in front of your chest. 1 – stick up (inhale); 2 – lean forward, touch the field (exhalation); 3 – stick up (inhale); 4 – return to i. P. (exhalation) 8 times)

They carry lime into the house in buckets

The walls are brushed with vitriol

Slowly spreading the chalk

I could do the same.

(I.P.: stand straight, legs together, stick in bent arms in front of chest. 1.2 – squat stick forward (exhalation); 3.4 – return to i. P. (inhale) 8 times)

Where they stand new house

A warrior walks with a shield

I took a walk unsteadily -

The platform became level

(I.P.: standing with the middle of the foot on a stick, hands on the belt. 1-4 – roll from heels to toes and back; 6 times)

He lays the walls deftly

An assistant trowel is with him

Trowel - spatula.

There will be a home built on time,

The masonry will be strong.

(I.P.: standing sideways to a stick lying on the floor, feet together, hands on the belt. 1-8, jump over the stick, left, right. Alternate with walking in place 3 times)

Among the clouds on high

We are building together new house

To be warm and beautiful

People lived happily in it.

(I.P.: stand straight, legs together, stick below. 1 – stick forward and up, right leg back on the toe (inhale); 2 – return to i. P. (exhalation); 3 – stick forward and up, left leg back on the toe (inhale); 4 – return to i. P. (exhalation) 8 times)

Children line up in one column, equipment is put in place, and they line up.

F – That’s how many workers of different specialties are building a house. To be good build home they all must be strong and dexterous. Let's check, are you strong and dexterous? And let's do the exercise "Merry Builders". But for this we need to split into two teams, How can we do this? (children's answers)

Children are divided into subgroups. Performing exercises in subgroups.

F – Assignment for the first subgroup "Bring a bucket of paint"

(Walking on toes on a gymnastic bench, arms to the sides, bag on head - 2 times)

F – Assignment for the second subgroup “Don’t get paint on your feet”

(Jumping on two legs sideways over a rope - 2 times)

Once the task is completed, they change places.

F – And now our last task is called it "Paint the wall". What is the name of the specialty of people who paint? (children's answers)

F – And now you and I will be painters. To paint the entire wall you need to climb a ladder. This means that we will perform climbing on the gymnastic wall using the same method. Who remembers how this is done? (children's answers)

Climbing in columns is performed.

F– Guys, I see that you are familiar with a lot construction specialties. Let's see if you can build a house. I suggest you play a game « Let's build a house» . This is a relay game. And we will play in two teams. And let's see whose team is faster and more beautiful will build a house.

A relay game is being held « Let's build a house»

F – Well done! Look what beautiful houses You built. Let's invite our friends to a housewarming party and guess by their voice who came to visit us.

A game of low mobility is being played "Guess by Voice".


F – Guys, today in class we remembered what specialties do people participate in building a house? Name (children's answers)

F – That’s how many people worked on building houses in our village. We must respect and protect the work of these people. How can this be done? (children's answers)

Home alone

Igor Shevchuk

There is a word in the world called HOME.
It’s light in it - and without a light bulb!
Because in that house
Everyone has a mommy!

Home two

Igor Shevchuk

There is a word "HOME" in the world.
If the home is dear,
All three letters in the word tom
We love every single one!


Lydia Mokievskaya

I want to build a house
So that it doesn't feel crowded
Books and pencils,
Both big and little ones.

I want to build a house
With a big, big window,
So that I can see everything
And I didn’t get wet in the rain.

I want to build a house.
I'm not afraid of hail and thunder,
I'll invite my friends over -
It will be more fun together.

The best house in the world

Lika Razumova

The house we live in
The best house in the world!

For the little fox and the mole -
This is a warm hole.

For baby squirrels there is a hollow in the forest,
And for the chicks - a nest.

For a chicken - a shell,
For mice there is a hole in the floor.

For the big hippo
The best home is his swamp.

For a dog - a kennel,
A hut in a river is for a beaver.

A hive is a house for a bee,
For bugs - grass, flowers.

And the worm made a house
In my ripe apple.

There are his traces all around -
Both outside and inside.

Oh! And a cunning worm:
He trampled, but he remained silent.

Who helps mom?

Natalia Volkova

So tell me, is it really
Mom alone
Makes all the beds
Irons all the shirts

Sweeps the floor everywhere
And cooks dinner
Treats my cold
(If I have a cold)

Cleans the floor, plates, shelves,
And me in addition,
And he’s in charge of weeding,
If we are at the dacha?

No, this cannot be!
I know someone is secretly
Both in the kitchen and in the hallway
Helps mom.

Maybe elves? Or gnomes?
Genie, the most powerful?
Or good dragons
Are they working for their mother?

It’s easy for them: the dragon will breathe -
He will light the fire
Will bake cheesecakes, donuts
And Dragon Pie.

The gnomes will fix everything deftly,
I know their habits.
It’s easy for them: they have dexterity,
Strict rules...
If I were a fairy-tale creature,
I would help my mother too - with magic!


Olga Skvortsova

Our daughter teaches and teaches
The address where she lives.
I said house and apartment,
Well, I forgot the street.
Then she said to the street -
I lost my house number.
While I was remembering the number -
I named the wrong street...
He teaches and teaches, but he doesn’t go,
The numbers are reversed.
Her mother tells her sternly:
- You won’t find your way home,
If you get lost -
You will immediately get confused...
Natasha thought about it,
My head is a complete mess.
And then she said:
- I completely forgot the address,
I don't even want to think
What to do - I’ll teach you:
Let's not try -
We can get lost TOGETHER!

Happy House

Stepanova Elena Anatolevna

I go to a lot of places
(I will say without further ado):
I recognize a happy home
From a thousand houses.

It's burning in his windows
Happy good light,
There's a cat sleeping on the roof -
There is no happier cat!

The sun is above this house
Shines every day.
It's shining there under the window
Happy lilac.

There are kids running around there
Barefoot at home.
And the kitchen smells sweet
Cherry pie.

Our phone is broken
He has been silent for a week now.
And dad asks:
You should call a mechanic!
Yu. Mogutin
Dad knocked over the vase:
Who will punish him?
- This is fortunately, this is fortunately, -

The whole family will say.
Well, what if, unfortunately,
I did it!
- You're a bum, you're a bungler! -
They'll talk about me.
O. Grigoriev
Together with my brother
We today
With brother Borka
Were busy
I'll do the dishes
Washed it up
The floor was wiped
Watered the flowers
Hid it in the closet
Your boots
Removed from the trestle bed
Well, Borka,
Little brother
Also contributed
Possible contribution:
He's in a stroller
Lying down
Clean up for me
Didn't interfere.
I. Melnichuk
I'll draw
Of course he will
A little papery.
Of course he will
Not very brick
But - white-walled,
But he’s cute.
From this house for sure
No one will ever drive a puppy away.
B. Serikbaev

If I sweep the floor -
I raise dust to the sky,
If I start doing laundry -
I flood the whole apartment.
If I wash the dishes -
The roar is heard everywhere:
Cups are breaking
The saucers are beating
No spoons are given into your hands.
I have -
By Grandma -
P. Sinyavsky
I am waiting for a call
Call back all evening -
This is the phone ringing:
Mom, dad, Uncle Zhenya, -
They ask everyone without exception.
But I confess to you, friends,
The "exception" is me.
Would like to chat with someone
Through the tube, at least a little bit.
I wish there was an elephant or a gazelle
They called once a week.
I wouldn't forget them
If only I knew the number.
D. Polovnev
Bright sunny weather
Happy, happy kids.
Only Zina is walking about something
Sad in the morning:
Asks the sun to close,
Remove the rays from the clouds.
Cloud asks to appear,
Get everything wet.
Looks at the blue sky
And to the blue horizon...
What's wrong with the girl?
Mom bought her an umbrella!
G. Ladonshchikov
- What’s the weather like, tell me, if possible, -
At the window, the umbrella asked carefully.
“The sun is shining,” I heard in response, “
And there is not a cloud in the high sky.
An umbrella turned in the corner, sighing:
“The weather,” he said, “is bad.”
- What’s the weather like, tell me if you can
For tomorrow? – he asked again carefully.
“Gray and damp,” I heard in response, “
Clouds and rain.
And the umbrella exclaimed:
- Hooray! Grace!
It's nice to walk in this weather!
S. Jaksevac
Poor umbrella
He's chilled
I was completely wet.
Sun, look out again -
The umbrella wants to rest!
T. Shapiro
Fast, brilliant,
A real craftswoman:
Work does not require rewards,
The whole world is happy about her new clothes.
V. Karizna
Save yourself quickly -
The glue has escaped from the kitchen!
He doesn't feel sorry for anyone:
Everyone you don't meet
Glued together a hanger and a hat,
I glued the lamp and the coat together,
He glued dad to the chair -
You can't peel it off, no way!
The lights in the city are going out -
They also stuck together...
And my eyes began to stick together,
So that everyone can sleep quickly.
J. Brzechwa
If there is a roof
And there is a staircase
Possible on the roof
Climb the floor of the ladder.
Possible on the roof
Run later
And you can lie down and fall apart.
Everything is possible.
We must not forget only that
What can you do from the roof?
Fall down!!!
V. Danko
Once - a step,
Two is a step
Three - bruised knee.
On the fourth
On the step
I get down on all fours.
May the steps be high
There are bruises on the knees,
I climbed the stairs
The rest is nothing!
A. Akhundova
Record player
Tape recorder, tape recorder!
What he hears is what he writes.
Little mice squeal from their holes,
Mosquitoes squeak under my ear,
Grasshoppers and birds
They sing without rehearsals.
Well, and then, in the middle of winter,
We invite everyone to visit:
Everyone wants to hear
Like summer thunder rumbles.
N. Bromley
Little house
When I have a small house,
Then I will start on my farm:
Two fluffy cats
Three fluffy cows
Four horned goats,
Five mugs with a pattern of roses,
Six glass glasses,
Seven tin knives,
Eight new teapots,
Nine tablespoons
Ten dessert spoons
Eleven porcelain bowls.
That's how much in total
I will manage my farm,
When will I have
Little house.
E. Fargen

Lots of furniture in the apartment
One two three four,
There is a lot of furniture in the apartment.
We'll hang the shirt in the closet,
And we’ll put a cup in the cupboard.
To give your legs a rest,
Let's sit on the chair for a while.
And when we were fast asleep,
We were lying on the bed.
And then me and the cat
We sat at the table
They drank tea and jam together.
There is a lot of furniture in the apartment.
N. Nishcheva

Our new broom
I chalked the house every day,
I swept away all the specks of dust,
But one day she said this:
- I'm working...
And they praise Alla!
I. Muraveiko

With thread
No -
Can not
To become necessary
V. Lunin
New house
The truck brought, growling,
Full brick body.
And the driver brought the other one
Crushed stone, lime and mortar.
Ringing and thunder are all around.
A new house is being built quickly.
He's almost ready
And a team of painters
Paints in Blue colour facade:
There will be a kindergarten in the house.
L. Rashkovsky
Climb onto the windowsill.
Press your nose to the glass.
Look out into the yard
I love from the window.
Outside the window there is nature, morning, day and night.
The weather outside is
Sun, wind, rain.
There are trees outside the window,
People and houses
And in the window, probably
I am visible myself.
More than pictures
More than a movie
More than records
I love the window.
A. Akhundova
Movie goes on day after day
On this screen.
Sunshine, full of greenery
On the screen in summer.
And in winter the ice turns blue,
Snow flies while playing.
The movie goes on and on and on
Without end and edge.
A. Shibaev
Very clean on the floor
The floor is very clean
The broom in the corner is boring.
He has nothing to do
I stayed until the evening...
I tear up paper and run -
I'm making trash bins!
So I ran until I sweated -
Lots of rubbish on the floor:
There will be work for the broom,
Don't be bored in the corner!
Y. Akim

Vacuum cleaner, vacuum cleaner,
Where are you sticking your nose?
- Ju-ju-ju! Ju-ju-ju!
I'm putting things in order!
A. Maslennikova
Washing machine
No, don't
Hunch your backs
Above the trough
Day after day.
After all, the washing machine
Deal with the laundry.
Will roll,
It will pass
Will re-soap
It will steam,
Will squeeze...
V. Prikhodko
Tiger bought a TV
The best one asked.
“I love,” he said sternly, “
May there be a lot of stripes!
G. Vieru
Tick ​​tock
I can’t understand at all -
Where does Tick-Tock sit in the clock?
I took apart the entire alarm clock,
There's a whole lot of details there!
Shooter, cogs, springs,
Different gears...
No Tic-Tac! Where is Tik-Tak?
There's no way to catch him.
My dad fixed the watch
The alarm went off again...
Apparently he caught Tic-Tac
And he put him in his place.
I. Gamazkova
Tick ​​tock, the clock goes by
The arrow is hurrying somewhere,
Roaming around in circles
And jumps like a squirrel.
Counting down the minutes
Another one is crawling behind her.
This work is a burden to her -
How lazy!
And the third arrow is sleeping,
Counts the clock in a dream
And time is not worth it
And it flies by quickly.
T. Kamenev
What does a watch do?
They say: the clock is standing,
They say: the clock is rushing,
They say: the clock is ticking,
But they are a little behind.
Mishka and I watched together,
And the clock hangs in place.
V. Orlov

To build a new house,
They stock up on oak planks,
Bricks, iron, paint,
Nails, tow and putty.
And then, then, then
They begin to build a house.
I. Demyanov

Poems about home are precisely that category of artistic works that have found special expression in the selected fund of Russian literature. For a long time, our compatriots have sung of Russia - their Fatherland and native land, where every tree, spring or river evokes complex feelings in which love, duty and responsibility are intertwined.

But the more inviting, epic and heroic the lyrics about the Motherland are, the more lyrical and intimate the poems about home. Whether it’s a rickety hut in a God-forsaken village or a modern, comfortable apartment, the authors put their whole soul and its hidden strings into praising their native walls. This personal, incomparable experience is so different, but such works of art are united by one thing - a feeling of calm and confidence that you will always be welcome here.

Poems about home came from the pens of a variety of authors, including those whose work has long become a classic. Enough to remember famous lines of Sergei Yesenin, which, without exaggeration, are forever etched in the memory:

Yes! Now it's decided. No refund
I left my native land.
They will no longer be winged leaves
I need the poplars to ring...

In this poem about home, one feels so much pain and despair of a person who is no longer destined to see the open spaces dear to his heart that it is impossible not to be imbued with them. Yesenin addresses this topic in his other works: “Low House with Blue Shutters”, “In the Hut”.

Such classics as M.Yu. also drew inspiration from their native land. Lermontov, A.S. Pushkin. The latter preferred a life-affirming message to quiet sadness, as in his poem about the house “Housewarming”:

I bless the housewarming,
Where is your idol at home?
You endured it - and with it there’s fun,
Free labor and sweet peace...

Poems about home, like memories of youth

The theme of native spaces has always attracted creatively gifted people, perhaps because they feel and experience the passing of carefree youth more keenly. Thus, everyone’s favorite children’s poet Samuil Marshak, famous for his funny and instructive works for kids, pours out conflicting emotions in a poem about home:

...So it pulls you towards you and calls you
Home shelter with warm smoke.
Isn't it your youth that lives here?
Behind three rows of trunks...

No one can turn back time, but in these lyrics the happy moments of childhood and youth come to life, when the world still seems infinitely big, kind and open.

Another children's writer echoes Marshak - A.L. Barto. In her “The House Woke Up at Dawn,” instead of the usual simple and slightly ironic instructions for children, one feels quiet sadness and nostalgia.

Poems about home also occupy a special place in the works of modern authors. They reflect life in a big city, when home is not a quiet village or cozy courtyard, but a noisy metropolis. These lyrics are no less interesting and emotional, and represent a new facet of this inexhaustible topic.