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An old man stands over the water, shaking his beard. Riddles about plants Sitting above the water, shaking his beard, a riddle

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Riddle about the reeds for children.

Stands above the water

Answer to the riddle: Reed

Russian folk riddle about reeds.

riddle for children from 6 years old. Foot in the ground head in the air The head is made of plush does not grow on land An old man sits above the water An old man stands above the water and shakes his beard

See also riddles about plants.

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“standing over the water, shaking his beard” (riddle)

Aquatic, tall, noisy marsh plant

Songbird of the warbler family

Russian folk, intoxicating water and round dance plant

Made noise. the trees bent and the night was dark

Noisy song of festive feasts

Grows on land, plush head

“grows on land, head made of plush” (riddle)

Noisy plant (song)

He made noise, the trees bent

Noisy plant (song)

“made noise. the trees were bent"

“made noise. the trees bent" (song.)

Noisy grass from a Russian song

Noisy song grass of the drinker

Noisy neighbor bent trees(song.)

He made noise when the trees bent

Wrong name for reed

The habitation of the dryad among the Celts

From which swamp plant do magicians make the “rod of the ruler of the sublunary world”

Made noise while the trees bent

“made noise. the trees bent" (song)

Anagram for the word "mouse"

Noisy neighbor of bending trees

Noisy swamp plant

tall marsh plant

swamp plant, perennial grass sedge family

“It was noisy. the trees bent” (song.)

“It was noisy. the trees bent” (song)

Anagram for the word “mouse”

From which swamp plant do magicians make the “rod of the ruler of the sublunary world”

M. reed; marsh, fistula, cranked plant Аrundo, line, line; mistakenly confused with cattail, rush grass, etc. They are also called reed and cheretyanka, broom. Pin reed, stick insect, elders, Scirpus acicularis. Forest reed, sylvaticus. Until the reeds bloom, we will not have a soul. On the Dnieper, roofs are covered with reeds and stoves are heated. Reeds, reeds pl. or reed m. own. reeds cf. Sib. reed thickets, swamps, floodplains, reed swamps. Ducks sit in the reeds. There are wild boars in the Caspian reeds. Reed hen, marsh hen, devil's hen, Gallinula; we have two of them: large and small; tit genus, reed sparrow, bird Parus biamicus; reed warbler, or Silvia turdoides. song., reeds, robbers who have hangouts in the reeds. Reed, reed, reed, - night. reed, reed twig; the reed warbler is a reed pipe, a nozzle; warbler or warbler w. reed cane, made of dense Indian reed, or so-called natural. Reed or reed, made from reeds, related to it. Reed fabric, matting, wicker, seat for chairs. Reed and natural cane, made from dense Indian reed. Reedy, reedy, reed-like, similar in appearance. Reedy, about a place, abundant in reeds, reeds


Mystery. An old man stands over the water, shaking his beard. What is this?

KAMYSH. I remember as a child we loved to “play” with reeds; when you rub them, fibers come out white, apparently this is the “beard” of the same old man who is discussed in the riddle, and of course the reed is a big lover of water... everything fits.

The correct answer to the riddle question is the word "reed".

It is this so-called old man who stands above the water and shakes his beard, that is, when the wind blows, the reeds fly off his beard.

Interesting riddle, I wasn’t told something like this when I was a child, and I’ll be honest, I didn’t immediately guess what they were talking about.

reed, since this plant has a “beard” and grows only on the banks of reservoirs (more precisely, in the reservoir itself). Therefore, I can definitely say that this answer is correct!) Good luck.


Reeds grow along river banks and sometimes there are so many of them that you have to set them on fire, because when they grow, they can turn a fast stream into a swamp.

And shaking a beard is when the plant begins to bloom, and it has a white fluffy beard.

Funny riddle. Many people know that reeds grow along bodies of water, because... they need it to grow required amount moisture. And the beard of the reed is its upper brown part, most likely these are their flowers.

Riddles about plants

for children and adults.

Not the sea, but worried.

On a green leg.

A thin stem near the path.

At the end of it are earrings.

Treats wounds and burns

This doctor is by the roadside.

Stands above the water

Shakes his beard.

What a miracle: the fruit spits -

It is not given whole.

We became friends with him a long time ago,

He gives cereals and oatmeal,

And flour, and porridge, and cookies.

Let's thank him for the treat.

A house grew up in a field -

The house is full of grain.

And it's worth it new house

On a gold pillar.

To light the stove,

We need to get some wood.

Where will we go to get them?

What will be born in the bread,

Is it not good for food?

Small, green house

Was in Lyusenka's hands.

Split and fell

Beads on her palm.

Everyone knows us:

Bright as a flame

With small nails.

In the garden, on the path,

Under my window

The sun bloomed today

On a high leg.

Black, little baby,

Whoever eats it will praise it.

In the field - with a broom,

There are pearls in the bag.

In the field - earrings

On thin legs.

Like in a field on a mound

There is a chicken with earrings.

I'm growing in the garden

And on the field, in nature.

I'm the worst weed

There is no way to notify me.

Jugs and saucers

And they don’t drown and don’t fight.

It will dig into your clothes -

It's hard to come off.

He grew up angry and prickly in the field,

Needles in all directions.

The green house is cramped:

Narrow, long, smooth.

They sit side by side in the house

In the autumn trouble came -

The smooth house is cracked,

We galloped in all directions

You'll have to figure it out here

What is that forest fruit called?

What grows on a tree

And the squirrel chews!

This is not a toy at all -

Like on a field, on a mound

There is a chicken with earrings.

On a green branch

Dads give it to mommy,

And boys - girls.

In these yellow pyramids

Hundreds of delicious grains.

Eh, bells, Blue colour,

With a tongue, but no ringing.

Bright blue and fluffy

These red flowers

Will turn into chests

What do the chests hide?

It will end up on pies.

The head is on a leg, there are polka dots in the head.

The sun is burning the top of my head,

He wants to make a rattle.

In bone clothes

I got into trouble -

I couldn't split it.

The cramped house split

In two halves

And fell into the palms

Whoever touches

He clings to him.

Affectionate and caustic,

There are needles sticking out all around.

Blooms from under the snow,

Welcomes spring before everyone else.

The little blue bell is hanging,

He never calls.

Riddles about plants for adults and children on stihiskazki.ru

Read also on the topic:

Behind the wave there is a wave, A harrow walks across the field, Rakes the wheat, Maintains order. The comb What's up.

A red mouse with a white tail sits in a hole under a green leaf. The radish is red on the outside, on the inside.

When using site materials an active link to stihiskazki.ru is required!!

All rights to the lyrics belong only to their owners!!

Riddles about plants

I saw the sun on a blade of grass.

But the sun's white rays are not at all hot.

The ball grew white, the wind blew and it scattered. White peas on a green stem. There is a little curl in the garden - a white shirt.

Heart of gold, what is it?

Everyone knows us:

Bright as a flame

With small nails.

Bright blue and fluffy

It is born in bread, but is not suitable for food.

Eh, bells, blue color,

With a tongue, but no ringing.

The head is on a leg, there are polka dots in the head.

The sun is burning the top of my head,

He wants to make a rattle.

What is not sown, but will be born? Doesn't look like fire

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Answers to the game 500 best riddles. Levels 331-340

Cups are white on the stems, and there are threads and shirts in them.

The whole field is covered in earrings.

I threw one away and took a whole handful.

Which sea behind the village is stirred by the breeze? In it, waves can be collected and placed in a bag.

In the morning I wash myself with dew, and once a year I shave with a scythe.

It will press itself against the tree and curl upward like a snake. And in the fall, go out into the garden - the yellow grapes are hanging.

Standing above the water, shaking his beard.

The leaf is sharp, narrow, stretches high, grows in a swamp.

He was a tight fist, but when he unclenched he became a flower.

Riddles about plants

What a miracle: the fruit is spat out - it is not given whole to the hands.

To light the stove, you need to get some wood. Where will we go to get them? On..., for dry ones!

What is born in bread, but is not suitable for food?

Bright blue and fluffy He will be born in bread, but is not suitable for food.

Everyone is familiar with us: Bright as a flame, We are namesakes With small nails. Admire the wild Scarlets.

The head is on a leg, there are polka dots in the head.

The green house is a bit cramped: narrow, long, smooth. Round kids are sitting side by side in the house. In the fall, trouble came - the smooth house cracked, Round kids galloped in all directions.

The house is small and green. It was in Lyusenka’s hands. She split it and the beads fell onto her palm.

The cramped house split into two halves, and beads and pellets fell into the palms.

Black, small crumb, They will collect a little, Boil it in water, Whoever eats it will praise it.

Standing above the water, shaking his beard.

The little blue bell hangs, but it never rings.

Eh, bells, blue, with a tongue, but no bells.

A house grew up in a field - The house is full of grain. The walls are gilded, the shutters are boarded up. And the new house stands on a golden pillar.

Olya stands in the middle of the field, covered herself with a tent, propped up with a spear.

They didn’t dig, they didn’t drill, but they got water

Angry as a she-wolf, Burns like mustard! What kind of miracle is this? Same.

They flew into a raspberry and wanted to peck it. But they saw a freak - And quickly left the garden! And the freak is sitting on a stick with a beard made of a washcloth.

I walk and wander not through the forests, but through my mustache, through my hair, and my teeth are longer than those of wolves and bears.

I'm lying under your feet, trample me with your boots. And tomorrow, take me into the yard and beat me, beat me, so that the children can roll on me, flounder and somersault on me.

Oh, don’t touch me: I’ll burn you even without fire!

It doesn't look like fire, but it burns.

Not a bumblebee, and not a bee, but it stings.

A green bush is growing, if you touch it, it will bite!

Don't touch this grass: It burns painfully, like fire.

Jugs and saucers And they don’t sink and don’t break.

These yellow pyramids contain hundreds of delicious grains.

White peas on a green stem.

White peas on a green stem.

The plant is visible, but the name is offensive.

The head is on a leg, there are polka dots in the head. The sun is burning the top of my head, I want to make a rattle.

These red flowers will lose their petals. The petals will lose, They will turn into chests, And what the chests hide will end up on pies.

Yellow chickens on a green branch Give to dads and moms, And boys give to girls.

In the field - earrings on thin legs.

Like a chicken with earrings standing on a mound in a field.

Like in a field, on a mound, there stands a chicken with earrings.

We became friends with him a long time ago, He gives cereals, and oatmeal, And flour, and porridge, and cookies... Let's thank him for the treat.

I show off as a white fluffy ball in a clean field. A light breeze blew - And a stalk remained.

I was yellow, I became white - My head turned grey. The wind blew and everything flew away. In a word, I am grass.

A golden lantern burned in the dewy grass. Then it faded, went out and turned into fluff.

The girl is holding a cloud on a stem in her hand. If you blow on it, nothing will happen.

Look what a flower! How to weave it into a wreath? He stands in a white hat, and if you blow, he flies away.

The ball grew white, the wind blew and it scattered.

A tiny boy in bone clothes I got caught on a tooth - I couldn’t split it.

Here you will have to figure out what that forest fruit is called, that grows on a tree, and the squirrel gnaws on it!

I grow in the garden and in the field, in nature. I am the worst weed, There is no way to rid me.

This is not a toy at all - Fragrant...

A thin stem near the path. At the end of it are earrings. Heals wounds and burns. This doctor is by the road.

It blooms from under the snow, welcoming spring before everyone else.

In the garden, on the path, Under my window Today the sun blossomed on a high leg.

Antoshka spins on one leg, Where the sun is, that’s where he looks.

Yellow Demid looks at the sun all day.

The golden sieve is full of black houses. So many little black houses, so many little white tenants.

Planted a seed - Grew the sun.

Planted a seed - Grew the sun. We’ll pick this sunshine, we’ll collect a lot of grains, we’ll fry them, gnaw them, and when guests come, we’ll give them a handful.

Chop it - there will be a grain, Plant a grain - there will be sunshine.

He stands thoughtfully, wearing a yellow crown, the freckles darkening on his round face.

He grew up in a field angry and prickly, There were needles in all directions.

Whoever touches clings to him. Affectionate and prickly, Needles sticking out all around.

Scary to look at - strives to stab. It gets into your clothes - it’s hard to come off.

The clothes are grey, but the body is white.

In the field - with a whisk, In the bag - with pearls.

Not the sea, but worried.

How beautiful the flower is - It looks like the sun.

Golden lights, White collars.

There is a little curl in the garden - a white shirt. Heart of gold, what is it?

I was walking along a path through a meadow, I saw the sun on a blade of grass. But the sun's white rays are not at all hot.

Elegant dresses, yellow brooches, Not a spot on the beautiful clothes.

There is a lasso on the knot that holds the suitcase. The lid opened and everything rolled out.

Mom and I weeded the beds: beets, onions and cabbage. And the question is this to the riddle: - You didn’t plant it, but it’s so thick?

Nobody loves me, Nobody respects me, Nobody waters me, Nobody plants.

What is not sown, but will be born?

The grass has grown - a seasoning for food; Her belongings are scented threads.

The Friend of all vegetables blossomed like a yellow umbrella...

The bee does not circle above him, She is not friendly with him. Pickles need a fragrant panicle.

It grows in our garden bed. This sowing “umbrella”. It goes in abundance in salads And in pickles - it’s like that!

Even if she grew up in the garden, she knows the notes “sol” and “fa”.

The first is a note, the second is the same, and the whole looks like a bean.

Annual grass, Above the yard.

Previously, it was a weed, but now it grows in a thick bunch in the garden bed, and goes into the cabbage soup in abundance.

Mystery. An old man stands over the water, shaking his beard. What is this?

KAMYSH. I remember in childhood we loved to “play” with reeds, when you rub them, white fibers come out, apparently this is the “beard” of the same old man who is discussed in the riddle, and of course the reeds are a big lover of water... that’s all. converges.

The old man above the water is the reeds along the shore. At a certain point in its period, the reeds develop hairy growths, which in the riddle are called a beard. Why does it shake - because the wind shakes the arrows of the reeds. The answer is KAMYSH.

Here the correct solution to the riddle will be the word reed, since this plant has a “beard” and grows only on the banks of reservoirs (more precisely, in the reservoir itself). Therefore, I can definitely say that this answer is correct!) Good luck.

The correct answer to the riddle question is the word “reed”. It is this so-called old man who stands above the water and shakes his beard, that is, when the wind blows, the reeds fly off his beard. It’s an interesting riddle; I was never given one like this as a child, and to be honest, I didn’t immediately guess what it was about.

Reed is the correct answer to this riddle. The reed grows near the water and has dense dark brown flowers on a long stem, and when the reed ripens, the flowers, in the form of small specks of dust, fly around and fly in the wind, like the long beard of an old man.

Yes, the riddle is not the easiest. The correct answer to it is KAMYSH. Indeed, when you pat him, he ends up with a beard. But it cannot be said that the reeds always look like this. However, this is the correct answer.

The correct answer to this riddle is the name amazing plant KAMYSH. Reeds grow along river banks and sometimes there are so many of them that you have to set them on fire, because when they grow, they can turn a fast stream into a swamp. And shaking a beard is when the plant begins to bloom, and it has a white fluffy beard.

There is a plant that often grows along the banks of reservoirs. It's called Kamysh. In all likelihood, this word will be the correct answer. By autumn, the reeds bloom and the cylinders really begin to resemble a beard.

Reed. The old man above the water who shakes his beard is unusual plant KAMYSH. Why the beard? I'll tell you this story. In winter, my son and I, near a stream, saw a reed sticking out from under the snow (such a large one). We decided to carefully pick it and bring it home to show dad. Dad was pleased. And in the morning, when we woke up, we saw instead of our reeds a huge, white, fluffy cloud (the reeds opened up!). They cleaned up afterwards efficiently. And here they compared the blossoming reeds not with a cloud (like me), but with the gray beard of an old man.

Well, you ask riddles. Yes, they are complicated. And the answer will be reeds.

Standing above the water, shaking his beard

grandfather stands over the water shaking his beard answer

If this is a riddle, then the answer is: Reed.

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Riddles about plants

      What a miracle: the fruit spits -
      It is not given whole.

      (Answer: Crazy Cucumber)

      To light the stove,
      We need to get some wood.
      Where will we go to get them?
      On..., for dry ones!

      (Answer: Deadwood)

      What will be born in the bread,
      Is it not good for food?

      (Answer: Cornflower)

      Bright blue and fluffy
      It is born in bread, but is not suitable for food.

      (Answer: Cornflower)

      Everyone knows us:
      Bright as a flame
      We are namesakes
      With small nails.
      Admire the wild

      (Answer: Carnations)

      (Answer: Peas)

      The green house is cramped:
      Narrow, long, smooth.
      They sit side by side in the house
      Round guys.
      In the autumn trouble came -
      The smooth house is cracked,
      We galloped in all directions
      Round guys.

      (Answer: Peas)

      Small, green house
      Was in Lyusenka's hands.
      Split and fell
      Beads on her palm.

      (Answer: Peas)

      The cramped house split
      In two halves
      And fell into the palms
      Beads - pellets.

      (Answer: Peas, Beans)

      Black, little baby,
      They'll collect a little
      They will cook in the water,
      Whoever eats it will praise it.

      (Answer: Buckwheat)

      Stands above the water
      Shakes his beard.

      (Answer: Reed)

      The little blue bell is hanging,
      He never calls.

      (Answer: Bell)

      Eh, bells, blue color,
      With a tongue, but no ringing.

      (Answer: Bells)

      A house grew up in a field -
      The house is full of grain.
      The walls are gilded
      The shutters are boarded up.
      And there is a new house
      On a gold pillar.

      (Answer: Spikelet)

      Olya is worth it
      In the middle of the field
      She covered herself with a tent,
      She propped herself up with a spear.

      (Answer: Kopna)

      They didn’t dig, they didn’t drill, but they got water

      (Answer: Roots)

      Evil as a she-wolf
      It burns like mustard!
      What kind of miracle is this?

      (Answer: Nettle)

      They flew into a raspberry
      They wanted to peck her.
      But they saw a freak -
      And get out of the garden quickly!
      And the freak is sitting on a stick
      With a beard made from a washcloth.
      Birds and scarecrow
      I'm not wandering through forests,
      And by the mustache, by the hair,
      And my teeth are longer,
      Than wolves and bears.
      Scallop I'm lying under your feet,
      Trample me with your boots.
      And tomorrow take me to the yard
      And hit me, hit me,
      So that the children can lie on me,
      Flounder and somersault on me.
      Carpet Oh, don't touch me:
      I'll burn you without fire!

      (Answer: Nettle)

      Doesn't look like fire
      And it burns.

      (Answer: Nettle)

      Not a bumblebee, and not a bee, but it stings.

      (Answer: Nettle)

      A green bush grows
      If you touch it, it will bite!

      (Answer: Nettle)

      Don't touch this weed:
      It burns painfully, like fire.

      (Answer: Nettle)

      Jugs and saucers
      And they don’t drown and don’t fight.

      (Answer: Water lilies)

      In these yellow pyramids
      Hundreds of delicious grains.

      (Answer: Corn)

      White peas
      On a green leg.

      (Answer: Lily of the valley)

      White peas on a green stem.

      (Answer: Lilies of the valley)

      The plant is visible,
      And the name is offensive.

      (Answer: Burdock)

      The head is on a leg, there are polka dots in the head.
      The sun is burning the top of my head,
      He wants to make a rattle.

      (Answer: Mac)

      These red flowers
      They will lose their petals.
      The petals will lose
      Will turn into chests
      What do the chests hide?
      It will end up on pies.

      (Answer: Mac)

      Yellow chicks
      On a green branch
      Dads give it to mommy,
      And boys - girls.

      (Answer: Mimosas)

      In the field - earrings
      On thin legs.

      (Answer: Oats)

      Like in a field on a mound
      There is a chicken with earrings.

      (Answer: Oats)

      Like on a field, on a mound
      There is a chicken with earrings.

      (Answer: Oats)

      We became friends with him a long time ago,
      He gives cereals and oatmeal,
      And flour, and porridge, and cookies...
      Let's thank him for the treat.

      (Answer: Oats, Crops)

      White fluffy ball
      I show off in an open field.
      A light breeze blew -
      And the stem remained.

      (Answer: Dandelion)

      I was yellow, I became white -
      The head turned grey.
      The wind blew and everything flew away.
      In a word, I am grass.

      (Answer: Dandelion)

      Burnt in the dewy grass
      The flashlight is golden.
      Then it faded, went out
      And turned into fluff.

      (Answer: Dandelion)

      The girl holds it in her hand
      Cloud on a stem.
      It's worth blowing on it -
      And nothing will happen.

      (Answer: Dandelion)

      Look what a flower!
      How to weave it into a wreath?
      Standing in a white hat,
      And if you blow, it will fly away.

      (Answer: Dandelion)

      The ball grew white, the wind blew and it scattered.

      (Answer: Dandelion)

      Baby boy
      In bone clothes
      I got into trouble -
      I couldn't split it.

      (Answer: Walnut)

      You'll have to figure it out here
      What is that forest fruit called?
      What grows on a tree
      And the squirrel chews!

      (Answer: Walnut)

      I'm growing in the garden
      And on the field, in nature.
      I'm the worst weed
      There is no way to notify me.

      (Answer: Sow)

      This is not a toy at all -

      (Answer: Parsley)

      A thin stem near the path.
      At the end of it are earrings.
      Treats wounds and burns
      This doctor is by the roadside.

      (Answer: Plantain)

      Blooms from under the snow,
      Welcomes spring before everyone else.

      (Answer: Snowdrop)

      In the garden, on the path,
      Under my window
      The sun bloomed today
      On a high leg.

      (Answer: Sunflower)

      Antoshka spins on one leg,
      Where the sun is, that’s where he looks.

      (Answer: Sunflower)

      Yellow Demid
      He looks at the sun all day.

      (Answer: Sunflower)

      Golden sieve
      There are plenty of black houses.
      How many little black houses,
      So many little white residents.

      (Answer: Sunflower)

      Planted a seed -
      We raised the sun.

      (Answer: Sunflower)

      Planted a seed -
      We raised the sun.
      Let's pluck this sunshine -
      We will collect a lot of grains,
      Let's fry them, gnaw them,
      And the guests will arrive -
      We'll give them a handful.

      (Answer: Sunflower)

      Split it -
      There will be a grain
      Plant a seed -
      There will be sunshine.

      (Answer: Sunflower)

      He stands thoughtfully
      In a yellow crown,
      Freckles darken
      On a round face.

      (Answer: Sunflower)

      He grew up angry and prickly in the field,
      Needles in all directions.

      (Answer: Burdock)

      Whoever touches
      He clings to him.
      Affectionate and caustic,
      There are needles sticking out all around.

      (Answer: Burdock)

      Scary to look at -
      Strives to stab.
      It will dig into your clothes -
      It's hard to come off.

      (Answer: Burdock)

      Gray clothes,
      Yes, the body is white.

      (Answer: Rice)

      In the field - with a broom,
      There are pearls in the bag.

      (Answer: Rye)

      Not the sea, but worried.

      (Answer: Rye (Field)

      How beautiful is the flower -
      He looks like the sun.

      (Answer: Chamomile)

      Golden lights
      White collars.

      (Answer: Chamomile)

      There is a little curl in the garden - a white shirt.
      Heart of gold, what is it?

      (Answer: Chamomile)

      I was walking along a path through a meadow,
      I saw the sun on a blade of grass.
      But the sun's white rays are not at all hot.

      (Answer: Chamomile)

      Elegant dresses, yellow brooches,
      There is not a stain on the beautiful clothes.

      (Answer: Daisies)

      There is a lasso on the knot
      Holding a suitcase.
      The lid opened -
      everything rolled out.

      (Answer: Ripe Pea Seeds)

      Mom and I weeded the beds:
      Beets, onions and cabbage.
      And the question is this to the riddle:
      - You didn’t plant it, but it’s so thick?

      (Answer: Weed)

      Nobody loves Me,
      Nobody respects
      Nobody waters
      Nobody is planting.

      (Answer: Weed)

      What is not sown, but will be born?

      (Answer: Grass)

      The grass has grown -
      Seasoning for food;
      Her belongings -
      Scented threads.

      (Answer: Dill)

      Bloomed with a yellow umbrella
      Friend of all vegetables...

      (Answer: Dill)

      There is no bee circling above him,
      She is not friends with him.
      scented panicle
      Pickles need it.

      (Answer: Dill)

      It grows in our garden
      This “umbrella” is sowing.
      It goes well in salads
      And in pickles - he’s like that!

      (Answer: Dill)

      At least it grew in the garden,
      Knows the notes “sol” and “fa”.

      (Answer: Beans)

      The first is a note, the second is the same,
      And the whole thing looks like a bean.

      (Answer: Beans)

      annual grass,
      Above the yard.

      (Answer: Hops)

      He used to be a weed
      And now in the garden
      It rises in a thick bunch,
      There is plenty of cabbage soup.

      Complete information on the topic “stands over the water and shakes his beard” - all the most relevant and useful information on this issue.

      “standing over the water, shaking his beard” (riddle)

      Aquatic, tall, noisy marsh plant

      Songbird of the warbler family

      Russian folk, intoxicating water and round dance plant

      Made noise. the trees bent and the night was dark

      Noisy song of festive feasts

      Grows on land, plush head

      “grows on land, head made of plush” (riddle)

      Noisy plant (song)

      He made noise, the trees bent

      Noisy plant (song)

      “made noise. the trees were bent"

      “made noise. the trees bent" (song.)

      Noisy grass from a Russian song

      Noisy song grass of the drinker

      Noisy neighbor of bent trees (song.)

      He made noise when the trees bent

      Wrong name for reed

      The habitation of the dryad among the Celts

      From which swamp plant do magicians make the “rod of the ruler of the sublunary world”

      Made noise while the trees bent

      “made noise. the trees bent" (song)

      Anagram for the word "mouse"

      Noisy neighbor of bending trees

      Noisy swamp plant

      tall marsh plant

      Marsh plant, perennial grass of the sedge family

      “It was noisy. the trees bent” (song.)

      “It was noisy. the trees bent” (song)

      Anagram for the word “mouse”

      From which swamp plant do magicians make the “rod of the ruler of the sublunary world”

      M. reed; marsh, fistula, cranked plant Аrundo, line, line; mistakenly confused with cattail, rush grass, etc. They are also called reed and cheretyanka, broom. Pin reed, stick insect, elders, Scirpus acicularis. Forest reed, sylvaticus. Until the reeds bloom, we will not have a soul. On the Dnieper, roofs are covered with reeds and stoves are heated. Reeds, reeds pl. or reed m. own. reeds cf. Sib. reed thickets, swamps, floodplains, reed swamps. Ducks sit in the reeds. There are wild boars in the Caspian reeds. Reed hen, marsh hen, devil's hen, Gallinula; we have two of them: large and small; tit genus, reed sparrow, bird Parus biamicus; reed warbler, or Silvia turdoides. song., reeds, robbers who have hangouts in the reeds. Reed, reed, reed, - night. reed, reed twig; the reed warbler is a reed pipe, a nozzle; warbler or warbler w. reed cane, made of dense Indian reed, or so-called natural. Reed or reed, made from reeds, related to it. Reed fabric, matting, wicker, seat for chairs. Reed and natural cane, made from dense Indian reed. Reedy, reedy, reed-like, similar in appearance. Reedy, about a place, abundant in reeds, reeds

      Riddle about the reeds for children.

      Stands above the water

      Answer to the riddle: Reed

      Russian folk riddle about reeds.

      riddle for children from 6 years old. Foot in the ground head in the air The head is made of plush does not grow on land An old man sits above the water An old man stands above the water and shakes his beard

      See also riddles about plants.

      Download riddles

      Download all riddles in one text file (RTF format):

      Download riddles about reeds Download riddles about plants

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      Send your questions, suggestions and comments using the form below.

      Thanks to your feedback and ratings, we will try to make the “Riddles No. 1” project even better.


      Mystery. An old man stands over the water, shaking his beard. What is this?

      KAMYSH. I remember in childhood we loved to “play” with reeds, when you rub them, white fibers come out, apparently this is the “beard” of the same old man who is discussed in the riddle, and of course the reeds are a big lover of water... that’s all. converges.

      The correct answer to the riddle question is the word "reed".

      It is this so-called old man who stands above the water and shakes his beard, that is, when the wind blows, the reeds fly off his beard.

      It’s an interesting riddle; I was never given one like this as a child, and to be honest, I didn’t immediately guess what it was about.

      reed, since this plant has a “beard” and grows only on the banks of reservoirs (more precisely, in the reservoir itself). Therefore, I can definitely say that this answer is correct!) Good luck.


      Reeds grow along river banks and sometimes there are so many of them that you have to set them on fire, because when they grow, they can turn a fast stream into a swamp.

      And shaking a beard is when the plant begins to bloom, and it has a white fluffy beard.

      Funny riddle. Many people know that reeds grow along bodies of water, because... They need the required amount of moisture to grow. And the beard of the reed is its upper brown part, most likely these are their flowers.

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      Answers to the game 500 best riddles. Levels 331-340

      Cups are white on the stems, and there are threads and shirts in them.

      The whole field is covered in earrings.

      I threw one away and took a whole handful.

      Which sea behind the village is stirred by the breeze? In it, waves can be collected and placed in a bag.

      In the morning I wash myself with dew, and once a year I shave with a scythe.

      It will press itself against the tree and curl upward like a snake. And in the fall, go out into the garden - the yellow grapes are hanging.

      Standing above the water, shaking his beard.

      The leaf is sharp, narrow, stretches high, grows in a swamp.

      He was a tight fist, but when he unclenched he became a flower.

      Standing above the water shaking his beard

      200 and 1 Riddle 181-190 Level

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      Jumps like a flea, swims like a human? – TOAD

      Under the floor-floor, is a lady walking with a stake? - RAT

      A fighter and a bully, lives in the water, bones on his back - and the pike won’t swallow? – ERSH

      She's been moaning all her life, but nothing hurts herself? - PIG

      Without arms, without legs, crawling on its belly? – WORM

      Neither a woodcutter, nor a carpenter, but the first hunter in the forest? – Woodpecker

      An awl in front, a fork in the back, a white towel on the chest? – SOROKA

      Fluffy sailor, spade nose. Are there red shoes on the short legs? - DUCK

      A rooster stands above the water, with a red beard; whoever comes will grab his beard? – KALINA

      Standing over the water and shaking his beard? – REED

      An old man stands over the water, shaking his beard.

      “An old man stands over the water, shaking his beard.” in books

      “In a tub of water by the well...”

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      “A man is worth as much as his word is worth!”

      “A man is worth as much as his word is worth!” The clouds were gathering around me. It felt like “there was a thunderstorm in the air.” I hit my forehead on all the sharp corners. And I always knew how to find such angles... When Yezhov was on duty at night, we were left without medicine. Write out

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      If cattle shake their ears

      If your cattle are shaking their ears, this is usually due to ear pain. You need to stand next to it and read in a quiet whisper into the ear of the sick animal three times: The corner is cut and the cross of oaks is so that the ear does not hurt and does not twist, neither in the day, nor in the night, nor in the morning dawn, nor in the evening. Neither new nor

      About pouring water on the Great Day.

      About pouring water on the Great Day. NECIA FROM THE ANCIENTS, the lawless one is the source and lacker of multiplication for the sake of the fruits of the earth, offering sacrifices to the Shah, and in time, people in the waters of the swamp. In some Russian countries, the memory of that ancient outrage is still being renewed, when during

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      If the car is shaking...

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      The engines are shaking, the plant is in a fever

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      NEW YORK IS NOT SHAKED YET. Associated Press correspondents David Novak and Katrina Stewart reported from Moscow: Recently, at the Moscow nightclub SOHO ROOMS, bankers were having a party, being in an extremely depressed mood that could be described as

      “Coming by water and blood”

      “Coming by water and blood” In the face of the crucified Jesus, a person finds himself standing on the left side of the Supreme Judge. Because in the face of the executed Son of God, the Spirit testifies to man: “Every time you tormented one of the least of My brothers or not

      19. And God opened her eyes, and she saw a well of (living) water, and she went and filled a bottle with water and gave the boy something to drink.

      19. And God opened her eyes, and she saw a well of (living) water, and she went and filled a bottle with water and gave the boy something to drink. “And God opened her eyes, and she saw a well of water. “God opened Hagar’s eyes; those. drew her attention to something she had not noticed before (2 Kings 6:17,20; Luke 24:16,31)

      If a cattle shakes its ears

      If a cattle shakes its ears, this usually happens because the ear hurts. You need to stand next to it and read in a quiet whisper into the ear of the sick animal three times: The corner is chopped and the cross of oaks is so that the ear does not hurt and does not twist either in the stump, or in the night, or in the morning dawn, or in the evening. Neither new nor

      MYSTERY; The grandfather is standing above the water. Shaking his beard?

      Come in and chat - you won't be bored!

      Weeping willow over water in windy weather.)))

      there is a goat on the river bank. It scares its reflection in the water.

      Reed, reed. Although shizukha

      Let's sympathize with all creatures, not just people. We have brought problems to many people

      So let's sympathize with them. The cutest creatures in the world

      :(- everyone went to bed. I’ll go to work tomorrow. Bye-bye.

      Good night

      Here is our goat without horns. He has an honest goat.

      The goat was lucky. Just like me.

      I understand that you are happy for me?

      Of course I'm happy for you.

      No. This is a goat on the shore..

      no, it's a goat on the shore.

      so with a beard.

      You can grow a beard and at 30 what a grandfather. and the waterfalls are ancient and foam like gray hair

      Well, this is how to look at it... and then you need to ask the compilers why...

      goat drinks water

      this is a goat on the shore..

      This is such a clue..and nothing more..

      add the bearded ones there too

      Well, who has any imagination..

      none other than my husband on a fishing trip

      Riddles about flowers and herbs

      Brief wisdom // Riddles // Riddles about flowers and herbs

      1. Ah, don't touch me

      I can burn you without fire. Nettle

    • White peas

      On a green leg. Lily of the valley

    • They beat me, they beat me,

      They tore it into pieces,

      They spread it out in the field,

      The table was set. Linen

    • Titus entered the land

      I found a blue hat

      Grew from the ground -

      The whole world dressed. Linen

    • In a broom field,

      In a bag of pearls. Wheat

    • Everyone knows us:

      Bright as a flame

      With small nails. Carnations

    • A house grew up in a field,

      The house is full of grain.

      The house is shaking

      On a golden trunk. Ear

    • A house grew up in a field, the house is full of grain,

      The walls are gilded, the shutters are boarded up. Ear of bread

    • Tall and green

      It will be beveled.

      Sheep, goats and cows

      There is always it ready. Grass

    • Head on a leg

      There are polka dots in my head.

      The sun is burning the top of my head,

      He wants to make a rattle. Poppy

    • Good Doctor Aibolit

      He's sitting by the road! Plantain

    • There is one such flower

      You can't weave it into a wreath,

      Blow on it lightly

      There was a flower - and there is no flower. Dandelion

    • The spring flower has

      Signs to avoid mistakes:

      The leaf is like garlic,

      And the crown is like that of a prince! Narcissus

    • Yellow Antoshka

      Spins on its leg.

      Where the sun stands

      That's where he looks too. Sunflower

    • He is golden and mustachioed,

      There are a hundred guys in a hundred pockets. Ear

    • Golden sieve

      There are plenty of black houses. Sunflower

    • Golden Demid

      Stands against the sun. Sunflower

    • Grew from an onion

      But it's not good for food.

      On a bright glass

      The flower is similar. Tulip

    • Everyone, I think, will know

      If he visits the field,

      This little blue flower

      Everyone knows... Cornflower

    • "Cat grass" -

      Spine for the first aid kit

      To help the heart. Valerian

    • Whoever touches

      He clings to him.

      Affectionate and caustic,

      There are needles sticking out all around. Burdock

    • The face is fragrant,

      And the tail is prickly. Rose

    • Parachutes over the meadow

      Swinging on a twig. Dandelion

    • On a green fragile leg

      The ball grew near the path.

      And dispelled this ball. Dandelion

    • On a green cord

      White bells. Lily of the valley

    • On a thin

      Golden egg cup. Millet

    • Oh don't touch me

      I'll burn you without fire! Nettle

    • I remember this year

      They bloomed in the garden,

      Dressed up like actresses

      In white dresses... Daffodils

    • Planted a seed -

      We raised the sun. Sunflower

    • Breaking through the snow

      The very first, the most tender,

      The most velvet flower! Snowdrop

    • The traveler often injures his leg

      Here is the doctor by the road. Plantain

    • Ros Demid grew up

      Came out into the white light.

      Passed through the earth

      I found a red hat.

      I put the children to bed. Poppy

    • There is a curl in the garden

      What it is? Chamomile

    • There is a town.

      How many gray houses,

      So many little white residents. Sunflower

    • There is an oak tree, full of cereals.

      Covered with a cap and nailed in place. Poppy

    • A man stands above the water,

      Shaking his gray beard. Reed

    • Stands above the water

      Shaking his beard. Reed

    • Sisters are standing in the meadows -

      Golden eye, white eyelashes. Chamomile

    • Sometimes purple, sometimes blue,

      He met you at the edge of the forest.

      They gave him a very sonorous name,

      But he can hardly just ring. Bell

    • The grass grows on the slopes

      And on the green hills,

      The smell is strong and fragrant,

      And her green leaf

      It suits us for tea,

      What kind of weed, answer me! Oregano

    • Amazing sun:

      This sun has a hundred windows,

      They look out of those windows

      Hundreds of little black jackdaws. Sunflower

    • This flower is blue

      Reminds you and me

      About the sky - pure, pure,

      And the radiant sun! Forget-me-not

    • A little flower entered the damp earth and found a blue hat. Linen
    • Cups and saucers

      They don't drown and don't fight. Water lilies

    • I was walking along a path through a meadow,

      I saw the sun on a blade of grass.

      But not hot at all

      White rays of the sun. Chamomile

    • Eh, bells, blue color,

      With a tongue, but no ringing. Bell

    • Bright blue, fluffy

      He will be born in bread,

      Not suitable for food. Cornflower

    • I am a herbaceous plant

      With a lilac flower.

      But change the emphasis

      And I turn into candy. Iris

    • I'm a fluffy ball

      I turn white in a clean field,

      And the wind blew -

      A stalk remains. Dandelion

    • Riddles about flowers and herbs. Phrase of the day for your website:

      Mystery. An old man stands over the water, shaking his beard. What is this?

      KAMYSH. I remember in childhood we loved to “play” with reeds, when you rub them, white fibers come out, apparently this is the “beard” of the same old man who is discussed in the riddle, and of course the reeds are a big lover of water... that’s all. converges.

      The old man above the water is the reeds along the shore. At a certain point in its period, the reeds develop hairy growths, which in the riddle are called a beard. Why does it shake - because the wind shakes the arrows of the reeds. The answer is KAMYSH.

      Here the correct solution to the riddle will be the word reed, since this plant has a “beard” and grows only on the banks of reservoirs (more precisely, in the reservoir itself). Therefore, I can definitely say that this answer is correct!) Good luck.

      The correct answer to the riddle question is the word “reed”. It is this so-called old man who stands above the water and shakes his beard, that is, when the wind blows, the reeds fly off his beard. It’s an interesting riddle; I was never given one like this as a child, and to be honest, I didn’t immediately guess what it was about.

      Reed is the correct answer to this riddle. The reed grows near the water and has dense dark brown flowers on a long stem, and when the reed ripens, the flowers, in the form of small specks of dust, fly around and fly in the wind, like the long beard of an old man.

      Yes, the riddle is not the easiest. The correct answer to it is KAMYSH. Indeed, when you pat him, he ends up with a beard. But it cannot be said that the reeds always look like this. However, this is the correct answer.

      The correct answer to this riddle will be the name of the amazing plant KAMYSH. Reeds grow along river banks and sometimes there are so many of them that you have to set them on fire, because when they grow, they can turn a fast stream into a swamp. And shaking a beard is when the plant begins to bloom, and it has a white fluffy beard.

      There is a plant that often grows along the banks of reservoirs. It's called Kamysh. In all likelihood, this word will be the correct answer. By autumn, the reeds bloom and the cylinders really begin to resemble a beard.

      Reed. The old man above the water, shaking his beard, is an unusual plant, KAMYSH. Why the beard? I'll tell you this story. In winter, my son and I, near a stream, saw a reed sticking out from under the snow (such a large one). We decided to carefully pick it and bring it home to show dad. Dad was pleased. And in the morning, when we woke up, we saw a huge, white, fluffy cloud instead of our reeds (the reeds opened up!). They cleaned up afterwards efficiently. And here they compared the blossoming reeds not to a cloud (like me), but to the gray beard of an old man.

      Well, you ask riddles. Yes, they are complicated. And the answer will be reeds.

      “standing over the water, shaking his beard” (riddle)

      Alternative descriptions

      Aquatic, tall, noisy marsh plant

      Songbird of the warbler family

      Russian folk, intoxicating water and round dance plant

      It was noisy..., the trees were bending, and the night was dark

      Noisy song of festive feasts

      Grows on land, plush head

      marsh plant

      . “grows on land, head made of plush” (riddle)

      . "noisy" plant

      Song "Noisy..."

      swamp grass

      Noisy plant (song)

      He made noise, the trees bent

      Noisy plant (song)

      . “it was noisy... the trees were bending”

      water thickets

      Noisy plant

      . “it was noisy..., the trees were bending” (song.)

      Noisy grass from a Russian song

      Noisy song grass of the drinker

      Noisy neighbor of bent trees (song.)

      He made noise when the trees bent

      Wrong name for reed

      The habitation of the dryad among the Celts

      From which swamp plant do magicians make the “rod of the ruler of the sublunary world”

      Made noise while the trees bent

      . “it was noisy..., the trees were bending” (song)

      Anagram for the word "mouse"

      Noisy neighbor of bending trees

      Noisy swamp plant

      tall marsh plant

      Marsh plant, perennial grass of the sedge family

      . “It was noisy..., the trees were bending” (song.)

      . “It was noisy..., the trees were bending” (song)

      . "noisy" plant

      Anagram for "mouse"

      From which swamp plant do magicians make the “rod of the ruler of the sublunary world”

      M. reed; marsh, fistula, cranked plant Аrundo, line, line; mistakenly confused with cattail, rush grass, etc. They are also called reed and cheretyanka, broom. Pin reed, stick insect, elders, Scirpus acicularis. Forest reed, sylvaticus. Until the reeds bloom, we will not have a soul. On the Dnieper, roofs are covered with reeds and stoves are heated. Reeds, reeds pl. or reed m. own. reeds cf. Sib. reed thickets, swamps, floodplains, reed swamps. Ducks sit in the reeds. There are wild boars in the Caspian reeds. Reed hen, marsh hen, devil's hen, Gallinula; we have two of them: large and small; tit genus, reed sparrow, bird Parus biamicus; reed warbler, or Silvia turdoides. song., reeds, robbers who have hangouts in the reeds. Reed, reed, reed, - night. reed, reed twig; the reed warbler is a reed pipe, a nozzle; warbler or warbler w. reed cane, made of dense Indian reed, or so-called natural. Reed or reed, made from reeds, related to it. Reed fabric, matting, wicker, seat for chairs. Reed and natural cane, made from dense Indian reed. Reedy, reedy, reed-like, similar in appearance. Reedy, about a place, abundant in reeds, reeds

      We invite you to familiarize yourself with the topic: “standing over the water, shaking his beard, riddle, tell me the answer,” including the latest trends.

      Under the floor-floor, is a lady walking with a stake? - RAT

      A fighter and a bully, lives in the water, bones on his back - and the pike won’t swallow? – ERSH

      She's been moaning all her life, but nothing hurts herself? - PIG

      Without arms, without legs, crawling on its belly? – WORM

      Neither a woodcutter, nor a carpenter, but the first hunter in the forest? – Woodpecker

      An awl in front, a fork in the back, a white towel on the chest? – SOROKA

      Fluffy sailor, spade nose. Are there red shoes on the short legs? - DUCK

      A rooster stands above the water, with a red beard; whoever comes will grab his beard? – KALINA

      Standing over the water and shaking his beard? – REED

      Stands above the water
      Shakes his beard.

      Answer: Reed

      Topic: Riddles about plants

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      Stands above the water
      Shakes his beard.

      Answer: Reed

      Topic: Riddles about plants

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      Many, many riddles on different topics.

      Riddles about plants

      They beat me with sticks, rub me with stones,
      They burn me with fire, they cut me with a knife.
      And that’s why they ruin me so much that everyone loves me.

      A house grew up in a field,
      The house is full of grain,
      The walls are gilded
      The shutters are boarded up.
      The house is shaking
      On a golden trunk.

      Golden sieve
      There are plenty of black houses.
      How many little black houses,
      So many little white residents.


      It's round, but not the moon,
      Green, but not an oak forest,
      With a tail, but not a mouse.

      Two people were walking, stopped, and one asked the other:
      - Is it black?
      - No, it's red.
      - Why is she white?
      - Because it's green.
      What were they talking about?

      (Red Ribes)

      My caftan is green,
      And the heart is like red,
      Tastes like sugar, sweet
      And he himself looks like a ball.

      I'm sitting on a tree
      Round like a ball
      Tastes like honey
      Red as blood.

      There is an oak tree, full of cereals,
      Covered with a patch.

      An old man stands above the water
      Shaking his beard.


      No windows, no doors,
      The room is full of people.

      Blue uniform
      Yellow lining,
      And in the middle it’s sweet.

      Hat on one side,
      Hid behind a stump.
      Who passes close
      Bows low.

      Not a sea, not a river, but agitated.

      (Field with ears of grain)

      Golden mountains grow in the summer.

      I threw one away and took a whole handful.

      Riddles about animals

      White as snow
      Puffed up like fur
      Walks on shovels.

      Although I'm not a hammer -
      I'm knocking on wood:
      Every corner of it
      I want to explore.
      I wear a red hat
      And the acrobat is wonderful.

      The brothers stood on stilts,
      They look for food along the way.
      Are you running or are you walking?
      They can't get off their stilts.


      Walks on the ground
      Can't see the sky
      Nothing hurts,
      And everything groans.

      They always call me blind
      But this is not a problem at all.
      I built a house underground
      All the storerooms are full of it.

      There is a shock: There are pitchforks ahead,
      There's a broom behind.

      The beast is afraid of my branches,
      Birds will not build nests in them.
      In the branches is my beauty and power,
      Tell me quickly, who am I?

      It has wings, but it doesn’t fly,
      There are no legs, but you can’t catch up.

      In a cramped hut
      An old woman is weaving canvas.

      Who is in the forest without axes
      Builds a hut without corners?


      It flies and howls,
      He sits down and digs the ground.

      Who can go out into the open field,
      Without leaving your home?

      Crying in the swamp
      But it doesn’t come from the swamp.

      Will be born twice
      One dies.

      There is an awl in front,
      Behind the wheel,
      Below is a towel.


      Will be born with a beard
      Nobody is surprised.

      The fur is soft,
      Yes, the claw is sharp.

      Lies on the hay
      Doesn't eat on her own
      And he doesn’t give it to others.

      Fear drags warmly
      And the warmth of the “guard” screams.

      (Wolf and Ram)

      Not a Christmas tree, but a peg.
      Not the cat, but the mouse is afraid.

      Walks in the summer
      And in winter he rests.


      Fighter and bully,
      Lives in water.
      Claws on the back -
      And the pike won’t swallow it.

      Who carries the forest on themselves?

      A huge cat will flash behind the trunks,
      Golden eyes and tufted ears,
      But it's not a cat, look out, beware
      The insidious one is on the hunt...

      Who in the world walks
      In a stone shirt?
      In a stone shirt
      They're walking...


      And we are in the forest, and in the swamp,
      You will always find us everywhere:
      In a clearing, at the edge of the forest,
      We are green...


      I dig a hole day and night,
      I don’t know the sun at all
      Who will find my long move,
      He will immediately say that this is...

      Instead of a nose - a snout,
      Instead of a tail - a hook,
      My voice is shrill and ringing,
      I'm funny…


      A giant swims across the ocean
      And he hides the mustache in his mouth.

      I've been catching bugs all day
      I eat worms.
      IN warm region I don't fly
      Here, under the roof, I live,
      Tick-tweet! Don't be timid!
      I'm experienced...


      I am in any bad weather
      I respect water very much.
      I'm staying away from the dirt
      Clean gray...

      There are a lot of them in the summer,
      And in winter everyone dies out,
      They jump and buzz in your ear.
      What are they called?

      Under the bark of pine and spruce
      Sharpenes complex tunnels.
      Only to the woodpecker for lunch
      It hits...

      Helps us with the farm
      And willingly settles in
      Your wooden palace
      Dark bronze…


      Of all the migratory birds,
      Cleans arable land from worms.
      Jump back and forth across the arable land,
      And the bird's name is...

      Riddles about man

      I've been wearing them for many years
      But I don’t know the number of them.

      Who walks on four legs in the morning,
      In the afternoon for two,
      And in the evening at three?


      One says
      Two people look
      Yes, two people are listening.

      (Tongue, eyes, ears)

      My brother lives behind the mountain,
      May he not meet me.

      If it weren't for him,
      I wouldn't say anything.

      All my life I've been racing,
      Yes, they cannot overtake each other.

      Always in my mouth
      Don't swallow it.

      The piece of wood is lucky
      The knuckle cuts
      Wet Martin turns around.

      (Spoon, teeth, tongue)

      Two people walk
      Two people are watching
      Two help
      One leads and orders.

      (Human legs, eyes, arms and head)

      Riddles about natural phenomena

      He is everywhere: in the field and in the garden,
      But it won't get into the house.
      And I'm not going anywhere
      As long as he goes.

      I have sleeves, although I don’t have arms.
      And although I'm not made of glass,
      I am bright like a mirror.
      Who am I? Give an answer!

      Along the silver road
      We went hiking.
      Let's stop for a rest
      And she suits herself.

      Don't take me and lift me up
      Do not cut with a saw
      Do not cut down and do not drive away,
      Don't sweep it with a broom
      But the time will come for me -
      I’ll leave the yard myself.

      One is walking, the other is drinking,
      And the third one eats.

      (Rain, earth and grass)

      It curls around the nose,
      But it’s not given into your hands.

      What happened tomorrow
      Will it happen yesterday?


      I wander in the mountains following you,
      I will answer any call.
      Everyone heard me, but
      No one has seen it yet.

      No matter how much you eat
      You will never be full.

      What goes on without moving?

      You can see the edge, but you won’t get there.


      The fur coat is new, but there is a hole in the hem.

      (Ice hole)

      You are behind her, she is away from you.
      You are from her, she is behind you.

      What grows upside down?


      It does not sink in water and does not burn in fire.

      Himself without hands, without eyes,
      And he can draw.

      No arms, no legs,
      And he climbs into the hut.

      The red yoke hung over the river.

      Not water and not land.
      You can't sail away on a boat and you can't walk with your feet.

      Gray cloth stretches out the window.

      (Steam, fog)

      They often ask me, wait for me,
      But as soon as I appear, they will start hiding.

      Stronger than the sun, weaker than the wind,
      There are no legs, but he walks.
      No eyes, but crying.

      He won’t knock, he won’t blurt out, but he will come.

      We don’t know grief, but we cry bitterly.

      They beat me, they turn me over, they cut me,
      And I remain silent and cry with all good things.

      An ox roared a hundred villages away, a hundred rivers away.

      What can't you lock in the chest?

      (Ray of sunshine)

      The blue sheet covers the whole world.

      Sister goes to visit brother
      And he is hiding from her.

      (Moon and sun)

      Grabbed the cheeks, the tip of the nose,
      Painted a window without asking.
      But who is it?
      Here's the question!
      All this makes...

      Red Cat
      The tree is gnawing
      Lives happily.
      And how will he drink water?
      He will hiss and die.
      Don't touch him with your hand!
      This red cat...

      Tall and strict
      Walks without touching the floor.
      Whoever comes out or comes in,
      He will always shake her hand.

      What a smart old man
      Eighty-eight legs
      Everyone is shuffling on the floor
      It's hot at work.

      She will be born in water,
      But strange fate -
      She's afraid of water
      And he always dies in it.

      The wind blows - I don't blow,
      He doesn't blow - I blow.
      But as soon as I start,
      The wind blows away from me.

      Looks like a wedge
      And if you turn it around, damn it.

      I'm sitting on horseback
      I don't know on whom.
      I'll meet an acquaintance -
      I'll jump off and pick you up.

      There was barely a breath of winter,
      They are always with you now.
      Two sisters will warm you up,
      Their names are...


      White as snow
      In everyone's honor
      Got it in my mouth -
      He disappeared there.

      Sits on a spoon, legs dangling.

      No arms, no legs,
      And it climbs up the mountain.

      Five fingers,
      No bones, no meat, no nails.


      Bone tail
      And on the back there are bristles.


      Born on the field
      Brewed at the factory
      Dissolved on the table.

      With legs and no arms,
      With sides, but without ribs,
      With a back, but without a head.

      Two bellies, four ears.
      What it is?


      The dog doesn't bark
      But he won’t let me into the house.

      Four brothers live under one roof.

      Tail in the yard, nose in the kennel.
      Whoever turns his tail will enter the house.

      (The key is in the lock)

      Steep mountain
      Every step is a hole.


      That the house freezes in winter,
      Isn't it on the street?

      (Window glass)

      They always see each other, but never get together.

      (Floor and ceiling)

      He walks and walks, but does not enter the hut.

      It stands across the entrance.
      One hand in the hut
      The other is on the street.

      Riddles about technology and labor

      He's thin, but his head is big.


      I am a river and friend and brother,
      I'm happy to work for people.
      I was built by machines
      I can shorten the path.
      And from the drought, like a warrior,
      Forest and field on the shore!

      A rolling pin walks along the road
      Heavy, huge.
      And now we have a road
      Like a ruler, straight.

      (Road roller)

      He walks and eats earth -
      Hundreds of tons in one sitting.
      He cuts the steppe into pieces,
      And behind him the river flows.


      I'm not alive, but I'm walking,
      I help dig the earth.
      Instead of a thousand shovels
      I'm happy to work alone.


      The big-eyed beetle hummed,
      I went around the green meadow,
      The feather grass was crushed by the road
      And he left, kicking up dust.


      A little cow walks like a pole -
      Sooted tongue.
      Cow cutting grass
      Right down to the spine.

      (Self-propelled mower)

      They don't feed me oats,
      They don't drive with a whip,
      And how it plows,
      Dragging seven plows.


      From edge to edge
      Cuts a black loaf
      He will finish, turn around,
      He will do the same.

      You can jump off it while moving,
      But you can’t jump on it.


      It doesn't flap its wings, but flies.
      Not a bird, but outruns birds.


      Floats boldly in the sky,
      Overtaking birds in flight.
      Man controls it.
      What's happened?


      My hiking buddy
      TO firm rules used to:
      Finished it by the cheeks too
      Will remove the steel tongue.


      I eat coal, I drink water.
      As soon as I get drunk, I’ll speed up.
      I'm carrying a train of one hundred wheels
      And I call myself...


      A bass can be heard above the village,
      He wakes us up in the morning.
      We got used to it
      To your routine.

      (Factory horn)

      If I want, I’ll bow down
      If I'm too lazy, I'll just lie down.

      Who lives far away
      He won't go on foot.
      Our friend is right there.
      He'll finish everyone off in five minutes.
      Hey, sit down, don't yawn!
      Heading off…


      I don't look like a piano
      But I also have a pedal.
      Who is not a coward or a coward,
      I'll give him a good ride.
      I don't have a motor
      My name is...


      Swims bravely through the waves,
      Without slowing down,
      Only the hum of the car is important.
      What's happened?


      So that I can take you
      I don't need oats.
      Feed me gasoline
      Give me rubber for my hooves,
      And then, raising dust,
      Will run...


      Sits on the roof above everyone else.


      There is a curl near the ear,
      And in the middle there is a conversation.


      Riddles about study and leisure

      On the squares of the board
      The kings brought down the regiments.
      Not for battle near regiments
      No cartridges, no bayonets.


      We are nimble sisters -
      Craftswomen run fast.
      In the rain we lie down,
      We run into the snow:
      This is our regime.

      Small in stature and pot-bellied,
      And he will speak -
      A hundred loud guys
      It will turn off immediately.


      My horned horse is three-legged
      He rushes quickly along the road,
      I want him to stand,
      If I want, he runs forward.


      With friends and sisters
      She comes to us
      Stories, lead new ones
      Brings it in the morning.

      There is a road - you can’t go,
      There is land - you can’t plow,
      There are meadows - you can’t mow them,
      There is no water in rivers and seas.

      (Geographic map)

      Although not a hat, but with a brim,
      Not a flower, but with a root,
      Talking to us
      With a patient tongue.

      The sandpiper is small,
      He tells the whole hundred:
      Then sit down and study,
      Then get up and go away.

      (School bell)

      Summer, winter - all on skis;
      Brother is a table, sister is a bench.
      These are the most in the world
      Inseparable friends.

      She speaks silently
      But it’s understandable and not boring.
      You talk to her more often -
      You will become four times smarter.