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Align to page width. Aligning text in Word

When you type text in a program Microsoft Word, it is printed left-aligned. But quite often it is necessary to shift it to the other side.

For example, it is customary to move the heading to the center of the page, but to print the header of a document, you often need to move the text to the right. This procedure is called leveling.

is the way text is laid out on the page. It can be located in the center, along the left and right edges, along the width. To do this, Word has special buttons at the top:

We'll talk about them a little later. In the meantime, a few words about how not to align text.

Incorrect text alignment

Many people unknowingly align text incorrectly - using the space bar on the keyboard or the Tab button.

Such a shift is considered an error, since the distance from the left margin is made by eye. Because of this, it is often more than necessary. And if you align the text to the right in this way, then a lot of problems will arise when editing it. And the method itself is very inconvenient - you have to press the space bar or Tab button on the keyboard many times.

What does this mean? For example, lose your business reputation. After all, you can very quickly check the design of the text. To do this, just click on this button at the top of the Microsoft Word program:

Dots and strange icons will appear in the text. Here the dots show spaces. And if you align the text incorrectly, with such a check it will immediately be visible by the many dots in front of it.

To return everything back - remove the dots and strange icons - press the button again

By the way, a document with incorrect alignment may not be accepted in some organizations.

How to align text

Now let's learn how to properly align text. By the way, this can be done after the text has been printed. I recommend doing just that - it’s both easier and faster.

Word has four buttons for moving text. They are located at the top.

- this button aligns the text to the left

- this one aligns to the center

- on the right edge

— in width (makes the text even on both sides)

Now let's try to move the text correctly. To get started, type a few words in Word. Then select them. To do this, move the cursor (arrow or stick) to the very beginning or the very end of the text. Then press the left mouse button and, without releasing it, drag to the other end. When the text turns a different color (usually black or blue), it means it is highlighted.

After selection, click on the button that aligns the text to the center. The words you type should move to the middle of the page.

It may seem to you that this is the wrong center. In fact, everything is correct. After all, the margin (indent) on the left side is larger than on the right.

In the same way, try aligning the text to the right.

As for the "Fit to Width" button. If you have little text (a couple of words), then you will not see any differences from the “Align to the left” button - the words will also shift to the left. But if you have several paragraphs, then the text will be aligned on both sides of the sheet - both the left and the right. That is, it will be even on both sides.

Example of left aligned text:

The same text, just justified:

By the way, according to the rules of document design, the main text must be aligned exactly in width.

November 3, 2015

Formatting paragraphs of text in Word implies the following options:

How to align text in Word?

There are several commands and options for aligning text. There are 4 options for text alignment:

  • in width(usually used in most document texts because it looks neat)
  • on the left edge
  • to the right
  • in the center(to align headings and subheadings)

To align text:

Line spacing in Word

Used to change the distance between lines in Word

Line spacing can be:

  • single, one and a half or double
  • installed exactly by using digital value(in the case when you need to fit the text, for example, on exactly one page)

How to set line spacing in Word:

Red line or paragraph

To set a paragraph in Word, you can use:

  • ruler
  • menu item "Paragraph"

To set the red line using rulers:

To set the exact paragraph value in Word 2007:

How to indent margins in Word?

Select text or place the cursor in the desired paragraph

Spacing between paragraphs in Word

It is very convenient when you need to visually separate, for example, headings throughout the text from the main content and not put a million “enters” throughout the document. In this case, the heading style adds space before and after the paragraph.

Let's continue our study of the Word text editor and in this article we'll look at Word text alignment, working with fields and learning how to control markers on the ruler.

First, let's figure out why alignment is needed. The first is readability and appearance. Secondly, these are document printing standards. Thirdly, these are standards for drawing up standard documents. In the last article, I talked about aligning text using the alignment tools. And we settled on the most popular and popular alignment method. That is, titles and headings are centered, and the main content is aligned to the width of the page.

Setting page margins.

Customized fields are needed for: creating binding or binding pages. To do this you need:

1. Go to the “Page Layout” tab

2. Open the “Page Options” settings window. Let's look at the picture:

3. Set up the “Fields” of the document. Units of measurement are in cm, the number is the number of centimeters, that is, the indentation from the edge of the page. Set the page orientation, portrait or landscape. The “Multiple Pages” option allows you to customize the display of pages based on templates. Let's look at the picture:

4. Adjust the paper size. If you are not using standard sheet for printing, then enter the width and height values ​​manually. If the sheet has standard sizes, then select one of the templates. Let's look at the picture:

Setting text alignment in Word.

In the Word editor, it is possible to align text using markers that are located on the ruler of the viewing area. The marker consists of two parts. Top part is responsible for aligning the border of the first line of a paragraph. Bottom part is responsible for aligning text from the second line of a paragraph.

Markers define page margins and apply this parameter, both to the entire text and only to the selected text. This is necessary to create a special stylistic format for the text. For example, to place a statement or quote separately from the general border of the text to focus attention. Let's look at examples:

All of the above tools can be used using the buttons in the “Page Layout” tab, but for more precise settings it is better to use the above method.

Creating multiple columns.

In order to make several columns on a sheet, just use the “Columns” button in the “Page Layout” tab. This function is needed to give stylistic look document. Let's look at the picture:

Summarize. The topic of document page alignment and adjustment is very important. Not just for the presentable appearance but also in order to adhere to certain standards. It often happens that the document was created in A3 or A2 format and when printed it turns out something incomprehensible. Therefore, before you save or print a document, you must configure the page settings.

In my practice, there have been incidents when the printer was sent for repair. Since he was trying to print a larger sheet on a standard one. So be careful and follow the algorithm for setting page parameters.

See you in the next articles!

The Word program has become widely used among users of various specialties. It's essentially a small desktop publishing system. When working with text, the program provides simple unlimited possibilities. It will not be difficult for even an inexperienced user to understand all its intricacies. In this article we will examine in detail the question of how to align text in Word.

Horizontal alignment

When working with Word, making text neat and beautiful is quite easy. To align, for example, you do not need to perform complex and time-consuming actions by working with the spacebar and tab keys. Everything can be done much faster using by special means programs. So, how to align text in Word?

For this purpose, the program has a “Paragraph” group in the main menu. There are four buttons with dashes (second row). By clicking on the first one, you can align the text to the left. This is the default formatting in the program. But sometimes, for one reason or another, it is necessary to center the text. This method is used to design, for example, headers. In this case, click the second button from the left. Aligning text to the right is very rarely used. However, this formatting is used from time to time. To do this, you need to click the third button on the left. Next, let's look at how to align text to the edges. This can be done by clicking on the last button in the row, “Fit to Width”. In this case, by eliminating the fixed length of spaces, the text will be straight on the sides. By the way, this is the format of documents that is considered correct in most cases.

You can also use the keys on your keyboard to align:

  1. Left alignment - Ctrl + L.
  2. Center - Ctrl + E.
  3. To the right - Ctrl + R.
  4. Fit to width - Ctrl + J.

If desired, horizontal alignment can be done after the text is printed. To do this, you need to select the required text fragment with the mouse (right click). Then you should click on the button that is required in this specific case. We hope you now understand that there simply cannot be any difficulties with this.

Aligning text in a table

In a table, text is aligned in exactly the same way as in a regular field. This is done simply. In order to change the position of words in all cells at once, the entire table should be selected with the mouse. Next, click on the desired button in the “Paragraph” group of the main menu. To change the position of text in a separate cell, you need to select only it and follow the same procedure as in the case of designing the entire table at once.

You can use another method. To do this, place the cursor in the desired cell and click the right mouse button. In the menu that opens, go to the “Cell Alignment” item and select the desired text position.

Selecting line spacing

Next, let's look at how to change the distance between lines. This may also be necessary when working with text. To do this, in the same group of the main menu “Paragraph”, click on the “Line Spacing” arrow (the last one in the second row). As a result, a menu will appear in which you can select required value. In order to change the spacing between lines in already typed text, you should simply select the required fragment and press the right mouse button. Next, select the required value.

You can also change the spacing using a style set. To do this, in the main menu, in the “Styles” group, click on “Change Styles”. Next, select a style with suitable line spacing. Once the cursor is placed over a specific menu item, the text will change accordingly. You can choose, for example, the style of Word 2003 (spacing 1), Word 2007 (spacing 1.5), etc.

Selecting spacing between paragraphs

So, we have figured out how to align text in Word horizontally and how to change the spacing between individual lines. Now let's try to understand the intricacies of paragraph design. Changing the distance between them in this program is also very simple. By default, paragraphs in the program are separated by one line. In order to change this, you must first select the desired paragraph. Next, on the “Page Layout” tab (or “Page Layout”, depending on the version), go to the “Paragraph” group. Here you can set the indentation value from the left or right edge, as well as the interval “Before” (top) and “After” (bottom).

Align text height

Text alignment in Word can be done not only horizontally, but also vertically. For example, when designing covers, it is often necessary to ensure that the text is located in the middle of the sheet in a vertical direction. This way you can emphasize the specifics of the page. Therefore, next we will look at how to align text in height.

In order to achieve this goal, you should go to the “Page Layout” menu and click on the arrow (bottom right) in the “Page Settings” tab. After this, the corresponding menu will open. Here you should select the “Paper Source” section (last). In the “Vertical Alignment” item, you can choose the position of the text at the top edge, center, height or bottom edge. As you can see, the answer to the question of how to align text vertically in Word is also completely simple. The program allows you to do this in a few clicks.

How to Reverse Text in Word

If desired, the text in Word can even be flipped to vertical position. To do this, go to the “Insert” tab, to the “Table” group (first in the row), and click on the arrow. In the menu that appears, select “Draw Table” and trace the text. Next, placing the cursor in the resulting field (not on the text), right-click. In the menu that appears, click on “Text Direction”. Here you can select the desired text position.

Deleting a page

If you remove only the text in Word, the page will still be saved, since, in addition to visible letters, there are also hidden characters (usually tabs and line breaks). They should also be removed by clicking on the “Display all characters” icon in the “Paragraph” group of the main menu ( the last row, last button). Erase all that have become visible characters can be done by selecting them with the mouse and pressing the Del key. After this, the page will be automatically deleted.

Thus, you now know how to align text in Word horizontally, vertically, along the edges and in tables. The procedure is quite simple. This program, designed for both professionals and ordinary users, allows you to format text without spending extra time and effort.

Work with text document Microsoft Office Word has certain requirements for text formatting. One of the formatting options is alignment, which can be either vertical or horizontal.

Horizontal text alignment determines the position on the sheet of the left and right edges of paragraphs relative to the left and right borders. Vertical text alignment determines the position between the bottom and top edges of the sheet in a document. Certain alignment options are set in Word by default, but they can also be changed manually. How to do this will be discussed below.

Horizontal text alignment in MS Word can be done in four different styles:

  • on the left edge;
  • on the right edge;
  • in the center;
  • along the width of the sheet.

To set document text content to one of the available alignment styles, follow these steps:

1. Select a piece of text or all the text in the document whose horizontal alignment you want to change.

2. On the control panel in the tab "Home" in Group "Paragraph" Click on the button corresponding to the type of alignment you need.

3. The position of the text on the sheet will change.

Our example shows how you can align text in Word in width. This, by the way, is a standard in document preparation. However, it is worth noting that sometimes such alignment entails large spaces between words in the last lines of paragraphs. You can read about how to get rid of them in our article provided at the link below.

Vertical alignment of text in a document

You can align text vertically using a vertical ruler. You can read about how to enable and use it in the article at the link below.

However, vertical alignment is possible not only for regular text, but also for labels located inside a text field. On our website you can find an article on how to work with such objects, but here we will only talk about how to align the inscription vertically: along the top or bottom edge, as well as in the center.

1. Click on the upper border of the inscription to activate the mode of working with it.

2. Go to the tab that appears "Format" and click on the “Change caption text alignment” button located in the group “Inscriptions”.

3. Select suitable option to align the inscription.

That's all, now you know how to align text in MS Word, which means you can, at a minimum, make it more readable and pleasing to the eye. We wish you high productivity in work and study, as well as positive results in mastering such a wonderful program as Microsoft Word.