home · networks · 10 best vitamin complexes for women. Vitamins for women. The best vitamin and mineral complexes for women's health

10 best vitamin complexes for women. Vitamins for women. The best vitamin and mineral complexes for women's health


A lot of worries often fall on fragile women's shoulders. At the same time, it is very difficult to maintain a beautiful appearance, youth and health. Vitamin complexes will help maintain immunity and body strength. Do you know which drugs to choose? Below is an overview of the best women's multivitamins.

Which multivitamin is best

Unlike a man, a woman undergoes more hormonal changes throughout her life, which affects her health. In addition, there are many factors that aggravate the situation: malnutrition, fast pace of life, lack of sleep or stress. All this leads to beriberi - a deterioration in the condition of hair, nails, skin, general fatigue of the body. To avoid such symptoms, women are advised to combine a balanced diet with multivitamin intake. When choosing the best of them, you need to pay attention to:

  1. The quality of the vitamin complex. The top drugs include those that are marked by the international GMP standard - it confirms that the medicine has passed serious tests, therefore it has the indicated high efficiency.
  2. The cost of multivitamins. Pharmaceutical companies with a good reputation do not produce cheap drugs, because quality drugs require corresponding costs.
  3. The composition of the drug. Multivitamins should contain most of the essential trace elements such as magnesium, zinc, calcium, selenium, and iron.

Vitamins Alphabet

Among multivitamins for women, Alphabet Cosmetic is a popular brand. The emphasis of this drug is on improving the condition of the skin, nails and hair. The composition includes vitamins of almost all groups: A, B, C, D, E, H and K, as well as minerals: coenzyme Q10, magnesium, zinc, iodine, iron, calcium, copper, selenium, silicon, inulin. Another component is extracts of medicinal herbs such as nettle, chamomile, aloe, horsetail, birch leaves. Multivitamin Alphabet includes capsules of 3 different colors. According to the instructions, they should be taken daily with a break of 4-5 hours.

Duovit for women

Another popular vitamin complex for women is Duovit. It is useful in that it includes groups of substances A, B, C, E in an amount that is slightly less than the daily norm, thanks to which the drug perfectly complements the main diet and eliminates the shortage. Duovit's packaging includes blue and red dragees. They are consumed immediately after breakfast, 1 pc. In addition to saturating with vitamins, Duovit helps to normalize the physical and emotional state at times of high stress on the body, so it is prescribed for:

  • sports training or recreation;
  • stress, strict diets;
  • unbalanced diet.

Vitamins Ladys formula

The following multivitamins for women are of American origin. Their name sounds like Lady's formula or Lady's formula. This complex was developed by Farmamed. It is intended for girls who have problems with the skin, hair or nails. The formula of the drug is enhanced, because it includes vitamins of almost all groups, as well as amino acids and minerals such as manganese, copper, selenium, zinc, magnesium, iron and phosphorus.The role of the strongest antioxidants in the complex is played by vitamins A, E and D, silicon with gelatin.

Complivit for women

These vitamins are represented by a whole series of drugs. Some are intended for the age of 45 years, others for pregnant women, and others are universal in use. The average price of these multivitamins for women in a pharmacy is 300 rubles. The advantageous difference between an inexpensive drug lies in the composition, which, depending on the purpose of the remedy, includes various trace elements. In addition, Complivit is recommended by many doctors as a complex that improves overall well-being, invigorates, saturates hair, nails and skin with vitamins.

What vitamins to drink in the spring

In the spring, the body is weakened, because during the winter it has wasted the reserves of nutrients that were accumulated over the summer and early autumn. The lack of vitamins cannot be completely compensated for by food, so you have to take special complexes. In general, in spring, the body needs vitamins:

  • group A - contribute to the elimination of symptoms such as pallor, dryness with peeling of the skin;
  • group B - improve the psychophysical state, protein metabolism, compensate for the lack of oxygen in the tissues;
  • group C - vitamins for immunity, reducing the risk of getting a cold;
  • group D - necessary for bones, hair, nails.

In the spring, it is better to prefer natural vitamins that are found in vegetables or fruits. They need to be included in your daily diet. The listed groups of vitamins include all citrus fruits and freshly squeezed juices from them, green onions, raisins, honey, beets, nuts, carrots, dried apricots, apples, seafood, fish. Among the multivitamins for women that can be taken, Duovit, Kvadevit, Multitabs Intensive, Alphabet in the cold season stand out. For pregnant women, multivitamin preparations Alfavit Mom's Health, Pregnavit, Vitrum Prenatal, Perinatal are suitable.

Vitamins for skin, nails and hair

The list of general strengthening vitamins that are essential for hair, skin and nails includes the following:

  • C - improves skin elasticity, promotes collagen synthesis;
  • A - protects the skin from external influences, fights peeling and dryness;
  • B2 - provides cell respiration;
  • B7 - accelerates tissue regeneration, promotes the growth of nails and hair;
  • PP - provides the necessary amount of oxygen for hair and nails;
  • D - ensures normal absorption of calcium;
  • F - stabilizes the sebaceous glands.

Vitamin and mineral complex for women

Experts have created a classification of multivitamins depending on the age of the woman, because at each period of life the body needs different nutrients. In addition, before the age of 30 they need less than after 30, 40 and 50. You can compensate for the lack of certain vitamins with a balanced diet in combination with the use of special complexes developed by pharmacological companies.

After 30

Age in women after 30 years old refers to the heyday, but the body already needs support and some protection in order to maintain beauty and health for a long time. It is recommended to include more calcium and vitamin D in the diet, which will prevent the development of osteoporosis in the future. Mood swings will smooth out fish oil. Vitamin A will slow down skin aging. Such multivitamins for women as Vitrum Elite, Doppelherz omega 3 asset, Alpha d3 Teva, Selmevit, Alvitil will cope with these functions. The Swiss drug Supradin and the German Orthomol are especially trusted.

After 40

In women over the age of 40, there are more significant changes associated with a decrease in the amount of sex hormones and the onset of menopause. To support the body, it is recommended to take vitamins A, C and B12, which strengthen nails, hair and bones, maintain skin elasticity, prevent the development of obesity, improve memory and reduce stress disorders. During this period, the following multivitamins are recommended for women: Doppelherz active ActiveLife, Menopace, Gynekol tablets, Feminal, Vitrum Beauty Elite, Inoklim or Fito 40.

After 50 years

One of the most difficult periods in a woman's life is menopause. At this time, the body definitely needs support, so it needs vitamins with iron, calcium, magnesium and vitamin D. The latter is necessary to strengthen bones and reduce the risk of developing osteoporosis or breast cancer. At this age, women should take such complex drugs as Alphabet 50+, Vitrum centuri, Undevit, Tsi-Klim, Finnish tablets Ladyvita 50+ and Centrum Silver.

How much in this life lies on the fragile female shoulders! Career and family support, the birth and upbringing of children, home comfort and endless responsibilities. At the same time, society makes rather high demands on the fair sex. They should look good, have beautiful hair and neat nails, smooth skin. In order to do everything and at the same time maintain beauty and health, it is necessary to use multivitamins for women. However, with today's variety of vitamin complexes, it is quite difficult to understand them. That is what we will try to do today.

Vitamins needed for young girls

Usually until the age of 20 we live with our parents and go through training. Life is quite measured, and, despite the high training load, the body does not require too many active trace elements. However, at this time you need to take multivitamins for women. Young girls need to pay special attention to the amount of tocopherol, folic acid and B vitamins, the amount of vitamin PP, vitamin A and D is very important. However, we need not only vitamins, but also minerals. Multivitamins for women under 20 should contain enough iron and calcium. In general, at this age, you can choose a complex for older students, it will help maintain good academic results. You can use the Duovit or Vitrum complex.

The optimal set for women under 35 years old

Between the ages of 20 and 30, life changes dramatically. Building your own family, having children, career and everyday problems come to the fore. Usually each of these areas is associated with a lot of stress and upheaval, which is why multivitamins for women become simply necessary. However, the body is still very young and adapts to a variety of conditions without much effort. At this age, he is still able to squeeze the maximum out of food, therefore, with good nutrition, he does not suffer too much from a lack of trace elements. That is, the intake of vitamin complexes is now more of a preventive value, it helps to prevent fatigue from accumulating, chronic diseases do not develop. You can not discount the usual metabolic processes, menstruation and hormonal changes, the end of the formation of all organs and systems.

One of the most popular vitamins for this age is Duovit. It contains all the necessary trace elements and vitamins, but at the same time it is affordable (a package containing 40 capsules will cost about 125 rubles). The complex contains vitamin A and the entire group B, C, E and D. Of the minerals, it contains calcium and phosphorus, magnesium and iron, copper and zinc, manganese and molybdenum. In addition, you can recommend the Alphabet Cosmetic, but we will talk about it separately.

Vitamins for women 35-45 years old

Now multivitamins for women need to be taken with a slightly different purpose. A mature body does not need prevention, but caring care and maintenance of beauty. At this time, a woman becomes mature, they can shine with beauty, like a fully blossomed flower, but often adverse living conditions lead to the fact that she begins to fade before our eyes. That is why you need to consult a doctor to choose a good multivitamin for women.

At this age, women often begin to notice the first changes in the body: gray hair, joint pain, the first wrinkles. You can delay the onset of old age if you have enough vitamin A in your diet. This is a powerful antioxidant, it is under its influence that collagen and elastin are produced, and without them it is impossible to have smooth skin and beautiful hair. The second extremely important vitamin is C. Contrary to a well-known misconception, it is most not in citruses, but in rose hips and red peppers. It is ascorbic acid that promotes the formation of collagen. Finally, the last vitamin of youth is vitamin B12. An excellent choice for a woman of this age group is the Vitrum Elite complex. Multivitamins for women after 40 should not only maintain her beauty, but also take care of her health, strengthen the nervous system. It is precisely these requirements that the proposed complex meets.

A rather difficult stage in a woman's life begins, menopausal restructuring of the whole organism. And without outside help, the body simply can not cope. If you look at the body's need for vitamins and minerals, then it remains almost the same as in the previous age group, but there are also slight differences. It is very important during this period of life to consume a sufficient amount of vitamin D, this is necessary for the absorption of calcium. Vitamin K is essential for the health and good condition of the skin, teeth, nails and teeth. Vitamin F is the well-known Omega 3 and 6, the most important trace elements that affect lipid metabolism, promote skin regeneration and get rid of edema. There are also specially designed multivitamins for this age group. Which ones are better - your attending physician will tell you, but we will give the most popular ones today. These are Alphabet +50, Vitrum Centuri, Undevit. However, without a complete examination and the implementation of all the doctor's recommendations at this age, one cannot do. Do not forget that there is still a whole life ahead, but in order to live it brightly, you need to treat your health very carefully, especially now. Multivitamins for women 50 years old are essential daily helpers.

Separate topic: multivitamins during pregnancy

Most often, the birth of children occurs between the ages of 20 and 35 years. However, we did not consider specialized complexes for expectant mothers in the section on vitamins for young women. Pregnancy is a difficult and crucial moment, the body can withstand a tremendous load, which means that it is necessary to actively help it. In addition to the consumption of microelements for their own functioning, the mother's body needs to allocate a sufficient amount of microelements for the child. Moreover, this rule applies not only to childbirth, but also to breastfeeding.

Until about 12 weeks of pregnancy, the body's needs for additional trace elements are not yet too high, so you can get by with your usual complex or take folic acid and vitamin E separately. But from the second trimester, you can switch to any of the listed drugs. This is the Alphabet of Mom's Health, which after 12 weeks is an excellent source of all the necessary substances. The second can be called "Vitrum Prenatal" - it contains a large amount of iron, which is enough not only for prevention, but also for the treatment of anemia. But there is absolutely no iodine in it. Vitamins "Complivit Mom" ​​contain less vitamins A, B and D than many other complexes, this is not enough in winter. Iodine will also have to be taken additionally. Familiar to all vitamins "Elevit" are quite balanced, but do not contain iodine. "Pregnavit" can be called the leader in the content of vitamins, it has everything that a pregnant woman needs in sufficient quantities, but there are no trace elements and iodine.

Multivitamin complexes: pros and cons

Sometimes it is very difficult to find the right multivitamin for yourself. The instruction does not provide exhaustive information, and friends do not stop repeating that it is enough to eat right, and the need for vitamins will disappear by itself. In fact, statistics do not cease to repeat that the Russians are experiencing a large deficiency of B and C vitamins, protein and many trace elements. Often we skip meals, snack on sandwiches on the go, drink coffee instead of a full breakfast, which means we miss the opportunity to provide the body with everything it needs. Our diet is poor in vegetables and fruits, almost no one consumes the recommended amount (1-2 kg per day). In addition, rational nutrition is also quite expensive. Imagine a grocery basket for a family of 4, where each person has one and a half kilograms of vegetables and fruits, fish and meat, dairy products, whole grains. Most often, we limit ourselves to cooking one meal a day for the whole family. That is why it is necessary to regularly take high-quality natural multivitamins. Their price can vary greatly, depending on the manufacturer, which, unfortunately, does not indicate the quality of the product. Therefore, do not forget to consult your doctor. Separately, I would like to note women of childbearing age.

They need to take folic acid daily to avoid defects in the development of the baby's neural tube at a time when the mother does not yet know about her pregnancy.

Top best vitamin complexes: "Supradin"

Going to the pharmacy, today it is very easy to get confused by the abundance of offers. Therefore, you first need to find information and consult a specialist. One of the most popular complexes is called "Supradin". Many doctors trust the authority of the Swiss company and recommend these vitamins to their patients. Their price is not too high - for a package containing 30 tablets, you will have to pay about 450 rubles. The vitamin complex consists of 25 active substances that are necessary for normal metabolism and vital activity.

Russian brand Alfavit-cosmetics

This complex is more focused on young girls who care about their own appearance. It contains 13 vitamins and 10 minerals, which fully meets the needs of the body. First of all, when taking this complex, an improvement in the condition of hair and nails is noted. Skin rashes stop, many women note a charge of vivacity. That is, you do much more in a day, and the fee for this is quite small, about 400 rubles per package. Many may argue that it is more profitable to buy Revit. Its price is really much more profitable, only 15 rubles, but the set of vitamins in its composition is very limited - these are vitamins A, C, B1, B2. And, as you know, for the full assimilation of one of them, it is necessary to enter the body of others.

Popular vitamins "Vitrum Beauty" (USA)

This is another popular name for multivitamins for women. Today we will limit ourselves to only those that best meet the needs of the body of the fair sex. "Vitrum Beauty" is another good complex for girls from 13 to 30 years old. It contains vitamins, minerals and amino acids. In addition, it contains a plant extract of horsetail. This product is best suited for solving problems with skin, hair and nails, helps to compensate for the lack of vitamins in the diet.

The company has another worthy product - this is Vitrum Beauty Elite. It is designed for women over 30. In addition to horsetail, it includes 15 more herbal extracts, each of which stands guard over the beauty and health of a woman.

Russian multivitamins "Complivit"

There is a whole series of them, among which you can choose what suits you. The universal complex is called "Complivit", "Complivit 45 plus" or "Complivit Mom", each of them has a different composition and is suitable for a particular consumer. Their average price is 200 rubles, which distinguishes them from other well-known complexes. Judging by the recommendations of doctors, these are very good multivitamins for women. Patient reviews emphasize a significant improvement in well-being, vigor and excellent condition of hair, skin and nails.

"Laura" from the company "Evalar"

These are not exactly vitamins, but nevertheless they are very popular among women. They are called anti-aging beauty pills. Their composition is quite simple, but very effective: wild yam extract, vitamin C, vitamin E and hyaluronic acid. Tablets will not replace a full-fledged multivitamin complex, it has a rather narrow focus. Its goal is to ensure the perfect condition of the skin, hair and nails. It can be combined with any other complex for maximum effect. The cost of the drug is about 290 rubles, which ensures its popularity.

Perfectil, UK

This is the most popular complex in England, and today it has begun to gain popularity among Russian consumers. The complex contains a complete set of vitamins and microelements, beta-carotene, echinacea extract and burdock extract. This drug acts not only as a general antioxidant, but also as a regenerative agent that revives natural beauty. The vitamin complex has an excellent effect on the skin and hair, fills the body with the necessary microelements from the inside, accelerates the process of cell regeneration and blood microcirculation.

Revolutionary Revidox, Spain

These are not the usual vitamins, but a new generation antioxidant complex. Its task is to reduce visible age-related changes, remove wrinkles and age spots, moisturize the skin and improve complexion. The complex improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system, accelerates metabolism, and normalizes weight. In the composition - grape and pomegranate extract, anthocyanins and flavonoids, various acids. All this affects the female body in the best way - the skin begins to shine. There are no analogues to this complex in the world. These are multivitamins, the price of which is quite high, about 2500 rubles per pack. Many Russian women know this complex from the reviews of former acquaintances and girlfriends who have gone abroad. But today we also have it, however, its cost does not become more affordable from this. But, judging by the reviews, it shows a fantastic result, so if your goal is an impeccable appearance, you will have to write it down as an expense.

Summing up, I would like to say that for beauty and health, women need to take vitamins regularly. Which complex you choose should depend on the age and other characteristics of the body. Do not forget to consult with your doctor, because not always the most expensive complex will be optimal for you. Regular intake of vitamins will allow you to stay beautiful much longer. It is especially important to take vitamins during pregnancy and lactation, as well as after 50 years, when the body is waiting for a wave of changes and hormonal changes. But the optimal vitamin complex does not eliminate the need to eat right and varied and adhere to a healthy lifestyle.

Women over 30 need not only positive emotions and no stress, but also a lot of useful substances. The lack of vitamins and minerals leads to disruption of the internal organs, thinning and delamination of the nail plates, drying out and peeling of the skin. Food is the best source of nutrients for the body. But most store-bought products contain few vitamins and minerals. Therefore, to preserve youth and beauty, doctors advise patients to take special pharmacy vitamins for women.

In women who have reached the age of 30, the concentration of estrogen in the body begins to decrease, but the concentration of prolactin begins to increase. Such hormonal changes lead to the following unpleasant changes:

  • the appearance of excess weight, excess body fat in certain areas of the body;
  • decrease in growth due to deformation of the spinal column, the development of osteoporosis;
  • deterioration of the condition of the hair and skin;
  • weakening of the immune system;
  • increase the likelihood of developing pathologies of the endocrine and gonads.

A woman who feels weak and apathetic, who has lost the ability to do her job normally, needs to contact a medical specialist. The doctor will recommend the optimally suitable complex of vitamins and minerals, which tones the body and increases efficiency.

What vitamins do women need after 30?

There is a list of useful substances that should regularly enter the female body.

  1. Retinol (A). Participates in protein and lipid metabolism. Necessary for maintaining vision, strengthening bone and dental tissues.
  2. Calciferol (D). Helps minerals to penetrate into bones. Important for maintaining a healthy skeleton and preventing osteoporosis.
  3. Tocopherol (E). Participates in the formation of cellular structures. Strengthens vascular walls. It has a strong antioxidant effect. Normalizes the functioning of the ovaries. Necessary for the synthesis of collagen, which makes the skin soft and elastic.
  4. Ascorbic acid (C). Normalizes blood clotting. Slows down the aging process. Improves the condition of gums and skin. Stimulates the formation of collagen.
  5. Vitamin B group. Improves the functioning of brain tissues. Normalizes the processes of hematopoiesis, prevents anemia. Restores the nervous system.

In order for the above vitamins to enter the body in sufficient quantities, it is necessary to eat well and fully. In the daily menu of a middle-aged woman, meat and dairy products, vegetable dishes, fresh fruits, bran bread should be present.

The best vitamin preparations for women after 30 years

Below is the top vitamins for women over 30 years of age.

A high-quality vitamin complex from the American pharmaceutical company PharmaMed, intended for women over 30 years old. The drug is the first in the ranking of women's vitamins, is very popular. Vitamins and mineral elements are in the composition of the complex in an easily digestible form. Additionally, the drug contains plant extracts that supply the body with flavonoids and other useful compounds. A package containing 30 capsules costs about 800 rubles.


  • directed action on improving the functions of organs and systems, preventing various pathologies;
  • normalization of blood and lymph circulation, elimination of puffiness;
  • improving the formation of sex hormones, reducing the likelihood of developing endometriosis, mastopathy and other female diseases;
  • stimulation of collagen synthesis, restoration of firmness and elasticity of the skin;
  • normalization of the work of the endocrine glands;
  • capsules are easy to take.


  • the content of plant components that can cause an allergic reaction, which is why the drug is contraindicated in case of a tendency to allergies.


I met Ladys Formula only when I was over 35. It’s a pity that no one told me about this drug before that age. But she could get rid of many problems without consequences. I was constantly plagued by colds. The skin was terribly dry even from ordinary soap, the hair was sluggish and lifeless. I started drinking Ladys Formula a month ago, it's already the second month of the course. The result pleases me. I feel better, I sleep soundly, my skin has become softer.

For 30-year-old women, doctors often recommend this complex, which includes 11 vitamins and 8 mineral elements. The active components of the drug normalize metabolism, help to endure stress more easily, and eliminate chronic fatigue syndrome. Tablets are inexpensive. A package containing 60 tablets will cost about 130 rubles.


  • meeting the daily need for nutrients;
  • effective action at high physical or emotional stress;
  • strengthening immunity, increasing efficiency;
  • convenient tablet form.


  • the need for careful intake and compliance with the dosage due to the high content of retinol and tocopherol in the composition;
  • inadmissibility of exceeding the course of admission.


We accept Complivit with the whole family. I buy drugs of this series for myself, and for my husband, and for a child. We drink the course usually in winter and spring. Complivit contains all the most important vitamins and minerals, while it is inexpensive.

An effective multivitamin that includes not only vitamins and minerals, but also amino acids and several herbal extracts. The drug is useful for the skin, prevents premature aging of skin tissues. It has a pronounced antioxidant effect, supports the immune system, helps to endure stress more easily. These multivitamins are expensive, but popular. The average price is 1550 rubles.


  • improvement of the condition of the skin;
  • normalization of the functioning of the digestive tract;
  • acceleration of growth and strengthening of hair and nail plates;
  • ease of use.


  • specific smell;
  • high price;
  • not always an excellent result of application.


Previously, I almost did not take complex means, I did not consider it appropriate. Sometimes only fish oil drank. But the sports coach advised me, when I intensified my training, to try Vitrum Beauty. I have never regretted that I listened to the coach. The vitamins are really good. They justify their price.

Doppelhertz active

A good German complex, sold in tablet form. The composition contains all the substances that a woman's body needs. The drug improves the condition of blood vessels, prevents varicose veins, normalizes the endocrine glands, strengthens the immune system, normalizes the structure of hair and nail plates. Customers note a noticeable improvement in well-being after a course of taking the complex. The average price is 480 rubles.


  • wide positive impact on the body;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • improving the condition of hair and nails;
  • effervescent tablets have a pleasant taste;
  • ease of use.


  • tablets are quickly used up.


Vitamin complexes from Doppelgerz are my favorite. I used to buy different drugs, but opted for German vitamins. Firstly, Doppelherz contains the daily norm of the most important vitamins, and secondly, it contains zinc, which is necessary for the skin. Tablets have a normal taste, do not cause disgust when taken. After a month's course, my acne finally disappeared. I felt that my immunity was strengthened.

Good and cheap women's vitamins from a Russian manufacturer. The main component is hyaluronic acid. Also in the composition there are vitamins and natural substances extracted from the extract of wild yam. The drug is intended to preserve youth and health of the skin, prevent the formation of age wrinkles, improve blood circulation, and normalize the menstrual cycle. The complex costs an average of 400 rubles.


  • natural ingredients in the composition;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • high efficiency;
  • improvement in the condition of the skin.


  • a large list of contraindications.


I have a stressful job, and I often don't have time to eat properly during my lunch break. I began to notice that the complexion had worsened, there were problems with women's health. I thought for a long time what vitamins to drink. The doctor advised to choose Laura. Passed the course. The nerves calmed down, the appearance improved, the skin became lighter and smoother, the hair began to shine, the nails stopped exfoliating.


Vitamins of this series for women have several names: Classic, Mom's health, Cosmetic. All nutrients are distributed in the optimal combination of three tablets for better absorption. The first tablet with calcium, biotin and B vitamins, without iodine, but with silicon and chromium. The second tablet contains beta-carotene, trace elements (selenium, iodine, zinc, manganese, magnesium), vitamins C and E, natural compounds. Third tablet with vitamins A and C, inulin, copper, iron, folic acid. The cost of the drug is an average of 360 rubles.


  • large component composition;
  • low price;
  • a small number of contraindications;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • improving the structure of hair and nail plates;
  • maintaining youthful skin;
  • prevention of pathologies of the heart, blood vessels and reproductive system.


  • inconvenience of taking due to three tablets for different times of the day;
  • the effectiveness of the reception is not always noted.


I have always had heavy periods. These days she felt lethargic and dizzy, was whiny and nervous. Also, the nails were not in the best condition. Mom advised the Alphabet. The drug has a rich set of vitamins and minerals. Everything a woman needs. After taking it, not only the symptoms of menstruation eased, but also pleasant changes appeared in appearance. Nails are strengthened. After combing, there is almost no hair on the comb. The skin became softer, bruises under the eyes disappeared.


A well-known American company produces a whole line of dietary supplements for women. Of Solgar's female preparations, one-component vitamin products, multivitamins, mineral complexes, herbal preparations, complexes of omega-3-6-9 fatty acids, products with coenzymes and antioxidants can be noted. The drugs cost, depending on the number of tablets in the package, from 1500 to 2000 rubles.


  • no side effects;
  • natural component composition;
  • improvement of hair structure, prevention of baldness;
  • strengthening nails.


  • high price;
  • slow action;
  • rare admission to pharmacies, the ability to buy only on the Internet.


I have been taking Solgar products for a long time. Started with Solgar Multi. It strengthens the immune system and helps prevent colds. Recently, I began to drink Solgar Selenium. It was necessary because the hair began to fall out badly. The hair was restored, the hair became shiny. I also know that selenium does not allow cancer cells to grow and slows down the aging process. The price, of course, is a bit high, but it’s not a pity to give money for the sake of health.

Taking vitamins is one of the ways to improve women's health. Even inexpensive drugs can replenish the balance of missing substances and trace elements, as well as support immunity and give strength to the body.

Top 5 All-In-One Vitamins for Women

Duovit for women (Slovenia)

One of the popular multivitamin complexes. It contains vitamins of groups B, A, D3, C, E, H, as well as trace elements: iron, calcium, magnesium. Together they reduce oxidative processes in the body, prevent premature aging, and also “care” for the skin. It is recommended to take 1 capsule daily for a month. The price of 30 pieces - from 400 rubles.

Artlife Formula Women (Russia)

Inexpensive vitamins to keep the female body in good shape.

  • painful menstruation;
  • inflammatory processes in the reproductive system and their prevention;
  • delay premature aging.

The composition allows you to cover the deficiency of 12 vitamins and more than 15 trace elements. Take one capsule twice a day. The cost of 90 tablets - from 750 rubles.

Supradin from Bayer (Russia)

This is a multivitamin complex aimed at general strengthening of the body and maintaining normal metabolism. During its administration, an increase in immunity, rapid healing of wounds, and an improvement in the psycho-emotional state are noted. Take this way: dissolve the tablet in water and drink it during breakfast. The price of 20 effervescent dragees is about 650 rubles.

Doppelherz Aktiv A-Ts (Germany)

Balanced multivitamin complex for active women. Contains 13 vitamins (A, B, C, D, E, K, biotin, folic acid), as well as 14 trace elements.

Women taking this drug note:

  • easy rise in the morning;
  • increased concentration;
  • improvement of mental and physical performance.

Daily dose - 1 tablet. The course of admission is 2 months. The cost of 30 tablets is 370 rubles.

BioTech Multivitamin (USA)

Inexpensive vitamins for women with an impressive composition: 12 vitamins (A, C, E, D, group B), 9 minerals, and antioxidants. Due to the increased concentration of trace elements, they are suitable for active women, as well as those who are fond of diets. Take 2 tablets per day for a month. Course cost: approximately 700 rubles.

Top 5 Vitamins for Women's Immunity

Selmevit Intensive (Russia)

The drug includes vitamins (A, C, E, as well as B1, B2, B6, PP) and trace elements that effectively increase immunity and tone the body. It is indicated in the autumn-winter period, as well as with stress and increased physical exertion.
Duration of admission - up to 3 months, 1 tablet per day. The cost of a monthly course is 350-400 rubles.

Centrum (USA)

Vitamins for general strengthening of the immune system and antioxidant effects on the female body. The complex is enriched with vanadium, which generates energy and stimulates the movement of blood cells to protect health from pathogenic bacteria.

There are several forms of release: chewable tablets and capsules, coated tablets. The course of admission is 1 tablet daily for a month. The cost of 30 tablets is up to 500 rubles.

Revit (Russia)

One of the most popular and budget vitamins with an extremely simple composition: A, B1 and B2, as well as C. This is enough to support the body and increase its resistance to viral and infectious diseases, as well as speed up recovery.

Dose calculation:

  • for prevention - 1 tablet twice a day for 1-2 months;
  • during the treatment of colds - 2 tablets 2-3 times a day.

The cost of 100 pieces is 35-100 rubles.

Undevit (Russia)

A good composition of the complex is combined with a budget price - up to 100 rubles. for 50 dragees.

Contains vitamins of groups B, A, E, C, and is also supplemented with folic acid, nicotinamide.


The course of admission is a month, 1 tablet per day. During treatment and recovery - 2-3 pieces per day.

Vitrum (USA)

There are many variations of these multivitamins, but the classic version perfectly compensates for the lack of vitamins of group B, as well as A, E, C. The complex is indicated during an increase in the risk of getting the flu, colds, during recovery and antibiotic treatment.

Method of application: course - 1-2 months, 1 tablet during or after meals. A bottle of 30 pieces costs about 500 rubles.

Top 5 postpartum vitamins

Vitrum Prenatal (USA)

After childbirth, the body of women is weakened, so the drug compensates for the lack of vitamins A, BC, E, as well as group B. Its composition is enriched with iron, calcium and zinc.

After a few days of taking women, they notice an improvement in well-being, a surge of strength, and after completing the course, hair strengthening and skin radiance. Dosage - 1 tablet a day after meals. The monthly course costs about 600 rubles.

Complivit Mama (Russia)

Inexpensive vitamins for women after childbirth, aimed at restoring the body. The preparation contains vitamins and minerals, which cover 75% of the daily dose of trace elements.

The impact is aimed at:

  • increase in hemoglobin;
  • normalization of metabolism;
  • strengthening nails, hair and teeth;
  • burst of vitality.

Take 1 tablet daily. The cost of 60 dragees is up to 300 rubles.

Doppergelz V.I.P. (Germany)

An active lifestyle and stress are the current state of young mothers, so it is important to replenish the balance of B, C, E vitamins, as well as trace elements: selenium, beta-carotene, calcium and zinc. The course of admission is 30 days, 1 tablet per day. The cost of packaging for 40 pieces - from 700 rubles.

Alphabet Mom's health (Russia)

These are domestic vitamins developed for lactating women. Since during this period all macro-microelements from food enter milk, the composition includes: folic acid, magnesium, calcium and vitamins B1, B2, B5, C, K.

A feature of vitamins is 3 types of tablets.

It is necessary to drink 1 tablet of each color with an interval of 4-6 hours. For convenience, you can set an alarm clock. Packing price (60 pieces) - from 300 rubles.

Elevit Pronatal (Germany)

The drug improves immunity, reduces the likelihood of postpartum hair loss, improves overall well-being.

To compensate for the lack of trace elements, the composition includes:

  • vitamins: A, C, PP, H, B1, B2, B5, B6;
  • minerals: calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, manganese, copper, zinc.

The course of admission is the entire period of lactation, 1 tablet per day. The cost of 30 tablets is up to 700 rubles.

Top 5 vitamins for women over 30

Evalar Lora (Russia)

A unique formula designed specifically for women 30+ who want to rejuvenate their bodies.

Active substances of the drug:

  • vitamins E, C;
  • hyaluronic acid;
  • wild yam extract.

The complex is aimed at prolonging the youthfulness of the skin, normalizing metabolism, strengthening immunity. Reception rules: 1 tablet once a day for a month. The cost of the course is up to 400 rubles.

Lady's Formula Woman 30 Plus (USA)

In addition to the standard promises that vitamin complexes fulfill, the pharmacological action of the drug is aimed at:

The composition of the complex is unique, as it is a source of vitamins A, E, D3, as well as selenium, zinc, iodine and plant extracts. Daily dose - 1 tablet. The course of admission is 1 month. Its cost will be 700 rubles.

Opti-Women by Optimum Nutrition (USA)

One capsule is a source of 40 trace elements (23 of them are vitamins). The drug is aimed not only at general strengthening of immunity and reducing fatigue, but also at filling the lack of female hormones and increasing body tone. Take 2 capsules once a day with meals. The cost of a month of admission is 600 rubles.

Vitrum Beauty Elite (USA)

This is a unique multivitamin complex with an anti-aging direction. One capsule is a source of 15 vitamins, 10 minerals, 6 amino acids and 15 herbal extracts.

The high cost compared to analogues (30 tablets - 1400 rubles) is due to the rich composition and high efficiency in:

  • improving the condition of the skin;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • prevention of vascular diseases.

Dosage - 2 tablets after meals 1 time per day.

Complivit (Russia)

Women's vitamins of domestic production due to their inexpensive cost (180 rubles for 60 pills) allow you to take several monthly courses of their intake. Reception at any time of the day after meals, 1 tablet. The composition complements the diet of the average person, and is aimed at maintaining immunity and reducing the effects of stress on the body.

Top 5 vitamins for women after 40-45 years

Tsi-Klim 45+ (Russia)

A drug aimed at delaying early menopause. Phytoestrogen of cimicifuga is a source of vitamins A, C, E and L-carnitine, which:

Daily dose - 1 tablet. The price for a two-month course is up to 350 rubles.

Complivit 45+ (Russia)

A complete complex of vitamins, minerals and plant extracts. The composition is aimed at filling the lack of trace elements in the period before menopause, accelerating metabolism, maintaining skin beauty. Take 1 tablet daily. On the recommendation of a doctor, the daily dose can be increased to 2 pieces. The cost of a month of admission is 370 rubles.

Vitrum Beauty Lux (USA)

A "beauty" preparation that covers the deficiency of 11 vitamins and more than 10 minerals.

These are general tonic universal vitamins that:

  • suitable for the period of winter and early spring;
  • cover the lack of trace elements in case of malnutrition;
  • improve the well-being of women living in ecologically unfavorable areas.

Monthly admission will cost 900 rubles.

Magne B6 (France)

After the age of 40, stress resistance decreases, which ultimately can lead to irritability, sleep disturbances, fatigue, and tingling in the muscles. In the presence of these symptoms, it is advisable to drink monovitamins, which include magnesium and B6, to replenish their balance.
Recommended daily dose: 2 tablets 2-3 times a day. The cost of 50 capsules is up to 450 rubles.

Menopace (UK)

This is an excellent complex of vitamins for the onset of menopause and the prevention of early menopause.
The combination of B vitamins and pantothenic acid supports the production of estrogen, and vitamin C, together with magnesium and calcium, reduces the symptoms of early menopause. The daily intake is 1 tablet. The cost of a monthly course is 570 rubles.

Top 5 vitamins for women over 50

LadyVita 50+ (Finland)

After the age of 50, the need for the dosage of vitamins and minerals changes. Therefore, it is important to buy drugs with the appropriate mark.

This set is different:

  • increased concentration of calcium and vitamin D3;
  • the presence of phytoestrogens;
  • low iron levels.

Take 3 tablets daily. The cost of 120 pieces is 1500 rubles.

Vitrum Centuri (USA)

A complex of vitamins and minerals (A, C, E, B, manganese, selenium, calcium), which has a general strengthening effect on the body of a woman aged 50+.

The effect is aimed at:

  • improved metabolism;
  • protection of health from colds;
  • reducing the risk of heart disease.

Dosage: 1 tablet daily. The monthly course will cost 530 rubles.

Alphabet 50+ (Russia)

Inexpensive vitamins for women, which is a set of 3 tablets. They must be taken in turn in any order throughout the day. This approach is due to the fact that the composition of one capsule contains vitamins that are combined with each other, thereby accelerating their absorption into the blood.

Doppelgerz active 50+ (Germany)

The optimal amount of 8 vitamins and 4 minerals to maintain good health throughout the day, increase working capacity, ensure the normal functioning of the elderly organism. The course consists of a monthly intake of 1 tablet per day. Its cost will be about 300 rubles.

Mense (Russia)

A drug that combines 6 vitamins, isoflavones (phytoestrogens) and folic acid. This composition is aimed at reducing the manifestation of menopause and improving overall well-being.
Daily dosage - 1-2 tablets per day. Take within a month. The price of 40 tablets is about 350 rubles.

Top 5 vitamins for the health of women's skin, hair and nails

Merz (Germany)

Universal drug aimed at:

The complex has a general strengthening effect for the whole organism: increased immunity, quick recovery and a surge of vitality. Dosage: 2 tablets per day (one in the morning and one in the evening). The cost of 60 capsules is about 780 rubles.

Vitrum Beauty (USA)

A multivitamin complex aimed at maintaining the beauty of hair, face and body skin. It is recommended to take in the absence of a diet, as well as with increased physical and mental activity.

The first results in the form of a reduction in hair loss and strengthening of thin nails are noticeable already in the third week of admission. Daily dose - 1 tablet per day. The maximum duration of admission is 2 months. The monthly course costs from 800 rubles.

Aevit (Russia)

One of the most popular and affordable vitamins. The cost of 30 gelatin capsules starts from 20 rubles.

But, despite the meager price, Aevit is a powerful antioxidant that moisturizes the skin from the inside, thereby relieving the dermis from dryness and flaking, and the hair from increased oiliness. For the effect, you need to take 1 tablet a day for 30-40 days.

Alfavit Cosmetic (Russia)

A complex of 13 vitamins and 10 minerals that are aimed at improving the appearance of the skin and hair, removing puffiness, and preventing pigmentation. The peculiarity of the drug is the presence of Q10, a powerful antioxidant.

The daily dose is represented by tablets of 3 colors, which can be taken alternately at intervals throughout the day or at the same time. The cost of 60 tablets is about 450 rubles.

Perfectil (UK)

The drug shows results in the fight against alopecia, atopic dermatitis, eczema, accelerates the healing of wounds, scratches, cracks in the corners of the lips.

After passing the monthly course, the girls note the strengthening of the hair, the absence of peeling on the skin and the minimization of inflammation. Take 1 tablet daily. The cost of 30 capsules - from 600 rubles.

Top 5 vitamins for menopause

Doppelherz Active Menopause (Germany)

A complex drug that helps in the fight against the symptoms of menopause: irritability, sweating, hot flashes.

Inexpensive vitamins for women are designed for different ages.

It allows you to normalize weight, stop the destruction of bone tissue, strengthen the walls of blood vessels. To maintain the body in a normal state, it is enough to drink 1 tablet per day. The cost of a monthly admission is about 400 rubles.

Estrovel (Russia)

A rich complex, which includes vitamins B6, E, K1, minerals and estrogens. The action is aimed at reducing sensations during the ebb and flow, renewal of bone tissue, maintaining the balance of hormones and normalizing pressure.

Take 1 tablet per day for 2 months. The cost of monthly admission is 420 rubles.

Lady's Formula Menopause Strengthened Formula (Canada)

This complex is an alternative to hormone replacement therapy. Contains 7 vitamins, minerals and plant extracts.

Completely natural composition is capable of:

  • cheer up;
  • add strength;
  • reduce the manifestations of menopause;
  • stop the rapid aging of the body.

Vitatress (Russia)

Inexpensive vitamins for women during menopause are highly effective. After the start of the reception, an improvement in mental performance, a decrease in the impact of stress and an improvement in the emotional state are noted.

For prevention, it is prescribed to take 1 tablet per day, but in stressful situations, it is recommended to increase the dosage to 4 pieces. The cost of 30 dragees is 170 rubles.

Femicaps (Finland)

The complex has a pronounced effect, since its constituent components are able to normalize the level of progesterone. This provides high-quality prevention of the occurrence of diseases of the female reproductive system, as well as the removal of symptoms of menopause.

Magnesium and B6 even out the emotional background of a woman, and vitamin E rejuvenates the body.

Effective, but at the same time inexpensive vitamins to support women's health can be found both in domestic and foreign manufacturers. When choosing them, it is necessary to take into account such parameters: age, lifestyle, diet. Only then will they give noticeable results within a few days after the start of the intake.

Video: inexpensive vitamins for women

Cheap pharmacy products for female beauty in the video:

Vitamins for women in the video:

The better half of humanity is always more closely monitoring the state of their health and shows considerable interest in new medical products that can improve overall well-being and the condition of their body. These drugs include multivitamin complexes that have a positive effect on the functioning of the human body. We offer for your consideration a rating of the best vitamins for women for 2017 at different periods of life and for different purposes.

Comparison Chart: Top 10 Vitamins for Women

Name Purpose of application Customer Review Rating Price in rubles
Livelon+ To slow down aging 9.8 out of 10 6000 — 7000
Lady's Formula To slow down aging 9.7 out of 10 400 – 700
KG Off For weight loss 9.5 out of 10 5500 — 6000
Opti Women For weight loss 9.8 out of 10 600 — 900
Chromevital R To tone up 9.6 out of 10 1000 – 1200
Complivit To tone up 9.9 out of 10 200 – 300
iCBerry For Women's Health 9.6 out of 10 2000 – 2200
Medisoya + For Women's Health 9.7 out of 10 3000 — 3500
Femibion ​​Natalcare 2 For pregnant women 9.9 out of 10 1000 – 1200
Elevit pronatal For pregnant women 9.9 out of 10 1000 – 1200

The best vitamin and mineral complexes for beauty

"LiveLon +": for complex rejuvenation of the body

The drug contains ten antioxidants that have a complex effect on the tissues of the human body and slow down the aging process. All components are completely vegetable origin. Firmly protects the skin from free radicals. One of the best vitamin preparations for women aged 30 and up.

  • Improves skin elasticity and smoothes wrinkles;
  • Stimulates the immune system;
  • Accelerates metabolism and promotes the rapid replacement of old body cells with new ones;
  • Helps to lose weight.


  • Since the product contains natural biological components unusual for our environment, adverse allergic reactions of the body may occur.
  • Expensive price.

"Lady's Formula": for the natural enrichment of the body with vitamins and minerals

As planned by French pharmacists, this drug should help fight aging, eliminate the causes of chronic diseases and prevent their occurrence prophylactically. Judging by the feedback from customers, the tool is 100% able to cope with the tasks assigned to it. The main reason for such amazing effectiveness is its assistance in the production of the necessary amount of sex hormones by the body for the normal and stable functioning of internal organs and tissues.

Positive effects and advantages of the drug:

  • Improves blood circulation and the functioning of the lymphatic system;
  • Increases the efficiency of the supply of nutrients to the cells of the body;
  • Prevents the appearance of edema and helps to eliminate them;
  • Makes the skin firmer and more elastic;
  • Acceptable price.


  • An allergic reaction to individual components is possible.

The best vitamin and mineral complexes for weight loss

"KG-Off": for those who want to quickly and seamlessly lose weight

This is a dietary supplement for weight loss. The complex includes two products with the original names from the manufacturer "fat absorber" and "hunger suppressant". The first drug is a fat blocker. To reduce the body's consumption of fats, the natural substance chitosan is used, which intercepts fat molecules before they are absorbed in the human stomach and intestines. The second tool affects the appetite, and allows you to control it. For this, pomace from the konjac plant, which grows in Japan, is used. After taking the drug, it enters the stomach, where it is converted into a gel-like mass of fiber containing a minimum amount of calories and properties that are harmless to human organisms. Filling the stomach helps to dull the feeling of hunger.

Positive effects and advantages of the drug:

  • Natural weight loss;
  • Cleansing the body of toxins;


  • Expensive drug.

"Opti-Women": for a slim figure after pregnancy

The bioactive supplement "Opti-Women" is useful for any woman, whether she is an office worker, leading a sedentary lifestyle or a young mother with a plump figure after childbirth. The composition of the drug includes twenty-three vitamins and minerals, which are enough to meet the body's needs for nutrients. The drug is ideally combined with low-calorie diets and regular exercise. The tool has a complex effect on body tissues, slows down the rate of aging and improves cell regeneration.

Positive effects and advantages of the drug:

  • Gives strength and energy;
  • Improves the condition of nails and hair;
  • Helps to lead an active lifestyle and reduces the feeling of fatigue;
  • Strengthens the top layer of the skin and makes it more elastic.


  • A purely female drug, men should not take it, and it is strictly contraindicated for children;
  • The composition includes substances that increase the sensitivity of the skin to solar radiation. When taking the complex, you should not abuse the beach and the solarium.

The best vitamin and mineral complexes to relieve stress and fatigue

"Chromvital R": a battery against fatigue

Vitamin and mineral complex of French production. It will be beneficial to the body for several reasons. Firstly, it allows you to push back the limit of fatigue, and secondly, it gives energy to the body and makes the brain work better: problems with concentration will disappear. Recommended for women who lead an active lifestyle or work hard physical work.

Positive effects and advantages of the drug:

  • Energizes every cell of the body;
  • Stimulates the work of the nervous system;
  • Strengthens immunity;
  • Increases stress resistance.


  • In some cases, adverse allergic reactions may occur.

"Complivit": gives energy and improves metabolism

A time-tested medical preparation that primarily serves to normalize the metabolism in the body. To do this, it includes eleven essential vitamins and eight minerals needed by a person. The drug helps to fully satisfy the daily needs of the body in trace elements, which has a positive effect on its condition: fatigue and fatigue disappear, psychological stress disappears, which will increase physical activity and do much more work.

Positive effects and advantages of the drug:

  • Normalizes metabolism;
  • Improves working capacity;
  • Strengthens the nervous system;


  • Not recommended for co-administration with other vitamin products: an overabundance of vitamins is also bad.

Vitamins are needed by the human body at any age. Without them, normal metabolism and hormone production is impossible. A person receives most of the vitamins from food, but with an unbalanced diet, a deficiency of nutrients can occur. Vitamin deficiency can be eliminated as soon as possible only by taking multivitamin complexes.

The best vitamin and mineral complexes for women's health

"iCBerry": for the treatment of diseases and strengthening women's intimate health

Vitamin and mineral preparation containing probiotics. These microorganisms inhibit the growth and development of pathogenic bacteria and maintain the desired acid balance in the intimate areas of the body. Additionally, the composition of the product includes a number of vitamins and minerals that help to quickly eliminate inflammatory processes. The bioactive supplement is recommended for women suffering from chronic cystitis. It will be useful to any representative of the weaker sex in cold weather, as it strengthens the body and has a preventive effect on the appearance of diseases.

Positive effects and advantages of the drug:

  • Prevention of the appearance and treatment of chronic forms of cystitis;
  • Reliably protects against gynecological diseases;
  • Improves the functioning of the genitourinary system of the body.


  • Not detected.

"Medisoya +": for women's health and sexual desire

Effective for the treatment and prevention of female diseases. Good for menopause for women of all ages. Contains phytoestrogens that normalize hormonal balance and D-group vitamins. Smoothes out the unpleasant symptoms of menopause and significantly delays its timing with regular use.

Positive effects and advantages of the drug:

  • Delays the onset of menopause;
  • Strengthens the musculoskeletal system;
  • Normalizes metabolism;
  • Eliminates the effects of menopause;
  • Prophylactically prevents the occurrence of osteoporosis;
  • Increases female libido.


  • Contraindicated in women with identified allergic reactions to the components of the medicinal product and with elevated estrogen levels.

The best vitamin and mineral complexes to take during pregnancy

"Femibion ​​Natalcare 2": a source of polyunsaturated fatty acids

Fatty acids of the polyunsaturated type are produced by the human body in scanty doses, and they are extremely important for the development of the nervous tissues and the cardiovascular system of the child. We get most of these acids while eating seafood, in particular oily fish. It is not always possible to use it, for example, due to the peculiarities of the diet. In this case, the proposed vitamin preparation is simply irreplaceable. These acids are rarely found in other vitamin supplements, in addition to them, Femibion ​​Natalcare 2 contains vitamins and minerals in the composition and volume that will fully satisfy the needs for microelements of both the mother and the child growing in her.

Positive effects and advantages of the drug:

  • A complete set of all necessary substances and vitamins;
  • The presence of folic acid;
  • Improves the hematopoietic function of the body;
  • Increases the body's defense against free radicals;
  • Improves metabolism;


  • Only one: individual intolerance to certain components.

"Elevit pronatal": the best multivitamin complex for expectant mothers of German production

Based on customer reviews, the drug has a miraculous effect: overall well-being improves and an increase in vitality is felt. The composition includes folic acid, twelve types of vitamins of the main groups and nine trace elements, that is, the necessary minimum of substances necessary for the normal functioning of the body of a pregnant woman and the development of an intrauterine fetus. It is carefully balanced and will help reduce the risk of premature termination of pregnancy.

Positive effects and advantages of the drug:

  • It will be useful to take during the winter months when access to fresh vegetables and fruits is limited;
  • The composition includes elements necessary for the development of the child during each trimester of pregnancy;
  • Provides the body with the necessary elements with increased toxicosis during the first trimester;
  • A time-tested German quality drug with a minimum level of side effects.


  • Not detected.

Buying vitamins: which is better to choose?

Before deciding which good vitamins for women can be purchased, understand the most important rule: before taking a mandatory consultation with a specialized medical specialist! Self-medication in the vast majority of cases will harm, not benefit! Only after a medical examination and identification of the needs of the body, you can proceed to the choice of a multivitamin complex. Any product on our list is best in class according to consumers, pharmacists, and medical professionals and would be a good choice. However, the final verdict, "to take or not?", depends only on your therapist.