home · Other · 259 regulations on the detachment. Legislative framework of the Russian Federation. V. Council of detachment educators

259 regulations on the detachment. Legislative framework of the Russian Federation. V. Council of detachment educators

It does not work Editorial from 30.12.2005

Document typeorder, position
Receiving authorityMinistry of Justice of the Russian Federation
Document Number259
Acceptance date01.01.1970
Revision date30.12.2005
Registration number in the Ministry of Justice7503
Date of registration with the Ministry of Justice16.02.2006
StatusIt does not work
  • "Rossiyskaya Gazeta", N 42, 03/02/2006
Navigator Notes



In accordance with the Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation dated October 13, 2004 N 1313“Issues of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation” (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2004, No. 42, Art. 4108), dated October 13, 2004 N 1314“Issues of the Federal Penitentiary Service” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2004, No. 42, Art. 4109) and in order to ensure a differentiated approach to educational work with convicts, I order:

1. Approve the attached Regulations on the detachment of convicts of the correctional institution of the Federal Penitentiary Service.

2. The Federal Penitentiary Service (Kalinin Yu.I.) ensure compliance with the requirements of the Regulations on the detachment of convicts of the correctional institution of the Federal Penitentiary Service.

3. To recognize as invalid:

dated March 25, 2003 N 69“On approval of the Regulations on the detachment of convicts of a correctional institution” (registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on 04/01/2003, registration No. 4349);

Order of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation dated 07/08/2003 N 161“On amendments to the Order of the Ministry of Justice of Russia dated March 25, 2003 N 69” (registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on July 17, 2003, registration N 4905).

4. Entrust control over the execution of the Order to Deputy Minister V.U. Yalunin.


By order
Ministry of Justice
Russian Federation
dated December 30, 2005 N 259


1. Convict squad<*>correctional colony, educational colony, medical correctional institution, medical and preventive institution, prison and pre-trial detention center<**>The penal system (hereinafter referred to as the penal system) is created in the structure of correctional institutions in order to ensure the management of the correctional process, create the necessary conditions for respecting rights and legitimate interests, ensure the personal safety of convicts, preserve and maintain their health, conduct educational, psychological, social and other work, raising the educational, professional and cultural level, satisfying spiritual needs, preparing for liberation.

<**>Next - PS, institution. A pre-trial detention center (SIZO) performs the functions of a correctional institution in relation to convicts left to perform household maintenance work, from among whom a detachment is formed (Article 77 of the Criminal Executive Code of the Russian Federation).

2. The tasks of the detachment are:

a) provision:

an integrated approach to organizing and conducting social, psychological and educational work with convicts aimed at achieving the goals of correction and preventing the commission of new crimes;

differentiated educational impact on convicts, taking into account the type of correctional institution, term of punishment, conditions of detention, the nature and degree of social danger of the crime committed, the personality of the convicts and their behavior;

assistance in protecting the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of convicts, preserving and maintaining their health, assisting them in social and psychological adaptation;

the use of elements of self-organization and self-government of convicts in the process of their correction, the development of useful initiative, participation in solving issues of organizing work, life and leisure, spiritual, professional and physical development;

b) creating conditions for:

general education and vocational education of convicts, including full-time, correspondence and distance learning, educational, cultural and physical culture and sports work;

formation of moral and legal relations among convicts, development of their desire for self-improvement and self-education;

organizing psychological work with convicts in order to provide them with psychological assistance, conducting group and individual psycho-correctional work;

carrying out social work with convicts, providing them with assistance in resolving issues of restoring, maintaining and developing socially useful connections with relatives, work collectives, public and religious associations and other organizations;

preparing convicts for release, facilitating their employment and everyday life after serving their sentences and subsequent social rehabilitation;

implementation of the rights of convicts to freedom of conscience and freedom of religion, satisfaction of religious needs, spiritual and moral needs.

II. The order of organization of the detachment

3. The detachment is created by order of the correctional institution. The number of convicts in a detachment is established in accordance with the regulations of the Ministry of Justice of Russia in correctional institutions within the range of 50 - 100 people, depending on the type of regime and the number of convicts, in a correctional colony - 120 people. In pre-trial detention centers and prisons, the size of the detachment is established annually by the territorial body of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia.

4. The distribution of convicts into groups is carried out in the manner established by the Internal Rules of Correctional Institutions and the Internal Rules of Educational Colonies.

5. Convicts are enrolled in the detachment for the entire period of their stay in the institution. The decision on the distribution of convicts into detachments (cells) taking into account their personal characteristics, involvement in work, training in the system of general and vocational education is made by a commission of the correctional institution, headed by the head of the institution. The commission includes representatives of services - security, operational, security (in prison - regime and security), special, medical, production and others. The composition of the commission and its decision are approved by order of the institution.

6. The leadership of the detachment is carried out by the head of the detachment. In an educational colony, a detachment is led by a senior educator - the head of the detachment. The position of the head of the detachment is subject to replacement by persons of command, who, as a rule, have a higher professional education.

7. In his activities, the head of the detachment is guided by the current legislation, regulatory legal acts regulating the procedure for the execution of criminal penalties and the organization of professional activities of employees of the correctional institution, and these Regulations.

8. The head of the detachment organizes his work on the basis of a quarterly plan of educational work with convicts, drawn up taking into account the specifics of the institution, the current situation in the detachment and in the production areas where the convicts of the detachment are employed, as well as proposals from other departments and services of the correctional institution. The plan is coordinated with the deputy head of the institution for personnel and educational work and approved by the head of the correctional institution. The involvement of detachment chiefs in activities not related to compliance with the requirements of penal legislation, regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Justice of Russia, and these Regulations is not permitted.

9. In each detachment, a council of detachment educators is created. The number and personal composition of the council are determined by the head of the PS in accordance with the requirements of these Regulations.

10. The detachment is provided with separate residential and communal premises, taking into account the requirements of current legislation and regulations of the Ministry of Justice of Russia, a room for conducting educational work, a TV, and a radio broadcast network receiver.

III. Organization of educational work in the detachment

11. General management and control over the organization of the educational process in groups of convicts is carried out by the head of the correctional institution, who ensures:

an integrated approach to organizing and conducting educational work with convicts, involving in participation in it employees of all departments and services of the correctional institution, as well as teachers of secondary schools at the correctional institution and secondary schools of juvenile correctional colonies, teachers and masters of vocational schools, representatives of the public, relatives of convicts;

respect for the rights and legitimate interests of convicts, interaction with human rights organizations that, in accordance with the established procedure, exercise control over the activities of correctional institutions;

compliance with the requirements of regulatory legal acts regulating the regime in correctional institutions, implementation of measures to increase its role in the correction of convicts;

use and improvement of traditional, development and implementation of new forms and methods of educational influence on convicts, as well as positive domestic and foreign experience, scientific recommendations;

creation, strengthening and development of the material base for educational work with convicts.

12. Management of the organization of educational work in detachments is carried out by the deputy head of the institution for personnel and educational work, who ensures:

control over the development of plans for educational work with convicts in the institution, the comprehensive application of educational measures to them;

interaction of employees of the educational work department with convicts and heads of detachments with employees of other services of the correctional institution;

methodological guidance of the councils of detachment educators, amateur organizations of convicts, control over their formation and training, as well as compliance with penal legislation in the process of their activities;

training of detachment heads, members of detachment educator councils and other correctional institution employees in the forms and methods of educational work with convicts, the fundamentals of law, pedagogy, psychology and social work;

involvement of public and religious associations in educational work with convicts, interaction with organizations of various forms of ownership in order to assist convicts in everyday life and work, assisting them in social adaptation after release.

13. The organization of control over the behavior of convicts, their compliance with the requirements of the procedure established by law for serving a sentence and compliance with the internal regulations of the correctional institution is carried out by the deputy head of the correctional institution for security and operational work (deputy director of the pre-trial detention center or prison for security and regime), who ensures:

participation of employees of subordinate departments and services in the educational process with convicts and the work of councils of detachment educators;

carrying out, in collaboration with employees of the educational apparatus of the correctional institution, individual work with convicts who are on preventive registration, as well as with persons held in a punishment (disciplinary) isolation ward, a single cell-type room, a cell-type room, solitary confinement and locked rooms;

organizing classes with convicts on issues of legal knowledge aimed at correcting them, developing in convicts a respectful attitude towards man, society, work, norms, rules and traditions of human society, and increasing their educational and cultural level;

management of the work of the discipline and order section of the colony staff council, their formation and training of their members in the forms and methods of work.

14. The management of the activities of employment centers for convicts, industrial training and medical-industrial (labor) workshops for the restoration and consolidation of professional and labor skills of convicts is carried out by the deputy head of the institution - the director of the center for labor adaptation of convicts (deputy head of the pre-trial detention center for the rear). It provides:

direct participation of employees of labor adaptation centers for convicts in educational work with convicts and the work of the councils of detachment educators;

carrying out, together with the heads of the detachments, individual educational work with convicts, aimed at solving social problems related to their labor adaptation;

quarterly generalization, together with employees of the educational apparatus of correctional institutions, of the practice of labor adaptation of convicts and the implementation of measures to improve this work;

management of the work of the labor adaptation section of the colony staff council, selection and training of its members.

15. Material and living support is carried out by the deputy head of the correctional institution for logistics, who ensures:

detachment placement and communal services for convicts;

organizing and conducting inspections of the sanitary condition of the premises assigned to the detachments;

management of the work of the sanitary section of the colony staff council;

organizing classes with convicts on caring for federal property, economical use of fuel, water, electrical energy, food, clothing, compliance with the rules of wearing uniforms;

organization of work of convicts without pay for improvement of correctional institutions and adjacent territories in accordance with Art. 106 of the Criminal Executive Code of the Russian Federation.

16. In addition, the management of the correctional institution participates in events held in the detachments.

17. The work of the detachment commanders is directly organized by the head of the department for educational work with convicts, who ensures:

development of plans for educational work in the institution, determination of tasks, forms and timing of activities together with departments and services of the educational institution;

control over the preparation and implementation by squad leaders of quarterly plans for educational work and plans for individual work with convicts;

providing methodological and practical assistance to squad leaders, as well as their interaction with correctional institutions services;

monthly analysis of ensuring the rights and legitimate interests of convicts, as well as the state of discipline among them and disciplinary practice in correctional institutions, identifying the causes and conditions for the commission of offenses by convicts, developing and taking measures to increase the effectiveness of educational influence on convicts;

carrying out, in cooperation with other departments and services of the penitentiary institution, individual educational work with convicts held in strict conditions of serving a sentence, a punishment (disciplinary) isolator, a cell-type room, a single cell-type room, solitary confinement;

identification and implementation, in cooperation with the interested services of the correctional institution, of persons prone to illegal actions, carrying out a set of educational measures with them;

formation, together with the heads of departments and services of correctional institutions, of amateur organizations of convicts, training in forms and methods of work, monitoring their activities;

organizing, in cooperation with other departments and services of the penitentiary institution, the rational employment of convicts in their free time from work, carrying out cultural, physical culture and sports work;

management of the leisure section of convicts of the colony staff council, formation of its composition and training in forms and methods of work;

holding monthly general meetings of convicts in detachments.

IV. Responsibilities and rights of the squad leader

18. The head of the detachment is obliged to:

explain to convicts their duties and rights, conditions for serving their sentences, work and rest, provide assistance in familiarizing themselves with the internal regulations of correctional institutions and educational colonies, other normative legal acts regulating the procedure and conditions for the execution of a sentence of imprisonment, at least twice a month conduct classes with them on social and legal issues, together with employees of interested services, provide convicts with assistance and assistance in protecting their rights and legitimate interests;

know the state of affairs in the detachment; study the personal qualities of convicts, carry out individual educational work with them; prevent and promptly resolve conflict situations between convicts; monthly analyze the state of discipline and disciplinary practices in the detachment; together with employees of other services of the correctional institution, carry out preventive work with violators of the established procedure for serving a sentence, paying special attention to convicts held in strict conditions of serving a sentence, a punishment (disciplinary) isolator, a cell-type room, a single cell-type room, solitary confinement; in collaboration with interested services, identify and keep track of persons prone to illegal actions, carry out a set of educational and preventive measures with them, take measures to neutralize and separate groups of persons with a negative orientation;

ensure that convicts comply with the internal regulations of correctional institutions and educational colonies, the requirements of other regulatory legal acts regulating the procedure and conditions for serving a sentence of imprisonment;

together with employees of departments and services of the correctional institution, take part in conducting internal investigations and preparing the necessary documents on facts of violations by convicts of the established procedure for serving a sentence, proposing punitive measures in accordance with the severity and nature of the violation, as well as taking into account the circumstances of its commission. To be present when a convicted person is placed in a punishment (disciplinary) isolation cell, transferred to strict conditions for serving a sentence, a cell-type room, a single cell-type room, solitary confinement, or conducts search operations;

ensure, together with employees of the special accounting department, compliance with the deadlines for consideration of issues related to the submission of convicts for replacement of the unserved part of the sentence with a more lenient type of punishment, transfer to a colony-settlement, early release from serving the sentence;

take part in the preparation of the necessary materials on the issues of submitting convicts for replacement of the unserved part of the sentence with a more lenient type of punishment, parole of convicts from serving their sentences, pardons, changing the conditions for serving the sentence by convicts and the type of correctional facility, granting them the right to travel without an escort, as well as residence outside the territory of the PS;

draw up and coordinate with employees of interested services characteristics of convicts, determine together with them the degree of correction of convicts, use information from psychological and social services in organizing this work;

conduct a daily reception of convicts of the detachment on personal issues, monthly - general meetings on the results of work and compliance with the order of serving the sentence;

take measures to promote the development of socially useful initiatives of convicts, form and direct the work of amateur organizations to strengthen discipline and maintain order in the premises of the detachment and on the assigned territory, organize leisure and everyday life;

organize the preparation and conduct of educational, cultural, sports and other events with convicts that provide them with useful employment in their free time from work and study; contribute to improving the general educational and professional level of convicts; determine the thematic focus of the wall newspaper and visual propaganda issued in the detachment;

provide assistance to convicts in restoring lost socially useful connections, in preliminary resolution of issues of labor and household arrangements in preparation for release from punishment;

to assist employees of labor adaptation centers for convicts in correctional institutions in restoring and consolidating the professional and labor skills of convicts. Carry out individual educational work with them aimed at solving social problems related to their labor adaptation;

carry out a daily tour of buildings, structures and adjacent territories assigned to the detachment by order of the head of the correctional institution, together with other services, organize the fulfillment by convicts of sanitary and hygienic requirements and the established procedure for serving their sentences;

ensure compliance by convicts with the rules of sanitation and hygiene, proper maintenance of the dormitory and the territory of the penal institution assigned to the detachment, organize and control the work of convicts in their improvement, as well as the work of orderlies in residential premises;

take part in checking the presence of persons held in correctional institutions, removing them to work (from work), being present during search operations, eating food in the canteen, issuing parcels (parcels), transfers to them, selling food and items essential needs, conducting telephone conversations;

distribute and assign to convicts individual sleeping places, boxes (cells) for storing personal belongings and food, and places in the dining room. At least once a month, inspect the appearance of convicts, the condition of their clothing and shoes;

improve their professional and cultural level, take initiative in their work, skillfully combine legal and reasonable requirements for convicts to fulfill their duties with respect for and assistance in protecting their rights, freedoms and legitimate interests, as well as fair and attentive treatment of them.

19. The head of the detachment has the right:

participate in resolving issues of submitting convicts to replace the unserved part of the sentence with a more lenient type of punishment, changing the conditions for serving the sentence and the type of correctional institution, granting the right to travel without an escort, to live outside the territory of the correctional institution, as well as to leave the correctional institution;

make proposals and take part in the consideration of issues related to the application of incentives and penalties to convicted persons, recognition of them as malicious violators of the established procedure for serving a sentence, transfer to another detachment of the correctional institution;

distribute responsibilities among members of the detachment's teacher council, give them individual instructions on issues of conducting educational work in the detachment, analyze the results of their activities and make proposals for improving their work;

receive information about the situation in the detachment from the operational duty officer and the operational service officer assigned to his detachment, and take the necessary measures to implement it in terms of fulfilling the requirements of these Regulations. Request from other services of the institution information related to the convicts of the detachment, participate in resolving issues related to the activities of the detachment;

resolve with the management of the institution the issues of equipping the detachment’s premises with the necessary equipment and property, providing assistance in providing material and living conditions for convicts;

in accordance with the procedure established by law, involve their relatives, members of boards of trustees, representatives of public and religious organizations (associations) and other organizations to participate in educational work with convicts;

apply measures of incentives and penalties to those convicted of the detachment in accordance with the penal legislation;

submit proposals on placing convicts on preventive registration for consideration at meetings of the commission of correctional institutions, and also, together with other services, take part in the development and implementation of activities with persons on preventive registration.

V. Council of detachment educators

20. To carry out educational work with convicts, a council of detachment educators is organized<*>.

21. The SVO is created by order of the institution. Its members include: the head of the detachment, other employees of the correctional institution who have the skills to conduct educational work with convicts, teachers of the secondary school at the correctional institution and a vocational school, representatives of the public (as recommended by the chief of the detachment) (in the correctional colony - educators, representatives of the parent committee). The head of the detachment is the chairman of the SVO and plans its work in his quarterly plan.

22. Representatives of local government bodies, public and religious organizations (associations), and the board of trustees of the educational institution can take part in the work of the SBO.

23. Meetings of the Board of Directors are held as necessary, but at least once a month. Discussed issues are recorded by a secretary elected by the Board of Directors. Decisions of the Board of Directors are made by a majority of votes in an open vote. Decisions made in relation to specific convicts are reflected in the diaries of individual educational work.

28. The results of the work of the SVO are summed up at a general meeting of correctional institution employees at least once a year.

VI. Unit records

24. The head of the detachment leads:

squad leader's journal (Appendix 1);

diary of individual educational work with a convicted person in a correctional colony (Appendix 2).

: The numbering of paragraphs is in accordance with the official text of the document.

25. The head of the detachment may have other documentation, the list and forms of which are determined by the territorial bodies of the penal system or the management of the correctional institution, which helps to improve the organization of his work.

26. The detachment of the educational colony maintains documentation provided for by the acts regulating the organization of educational work.


Annex 1
to the Regulations

FULL NAME. convictedYear of birthCriminal recordArt. UKTerm of punishmentBeginning of the sentenceEnd of sentenceEducationSpecialityFamily statusDeadlines established by law
Application for paroleTransfer to a colony - settlementProviding vacationsTransfer from strict to normal conditionsTransfer to easier conditions

3 x 4

\r\nDIARY<*>\r\n individual educational work with a convicted person \r\n in a correctional institution \r\n \r\nLast name ______________________________________ \r\nFirst name _______________________________________ \r\nPatronymic _______________________________________ \r\nDay, month and year of birth _______________________________________ \r\n \ r\nWhich court and when was he convicted _____________________________________________ \r\nArticle(s) UK _______________________________________ \r\nTerm of imprisonment _______________________________________ \r\nStart of term _______________________________________ \r\nEnd of term _______________________________________ \r\n \r\nTerms of possible transfer (submission) \r\nto lighter conditions of serving the sentence _______________________ \r\nto regular conditions of serving punishments _______________________ \r\nto a penal colony _______________________ \r\napplications for parole \r\nrelease _______________________ \r\n

\r\n \r\n<*> The diary is made in a format of 20 cm x 14.5 cm. \r\n \r\n 1. General information about the convicted person \r\n \r\n (filled in based on an analysis of the personal file materials, \r\n the results of studying the personality of the convicted person while \r\n serving a sentence, etc.) \r\n \r\n 1.1. Nationality ______________________________________________ \r\n (filled in at the request of the convicted person) \r\n1.2. Marital status __________________________________________ \r\n__________________________________________________________________ \r\n1.3. Information about relatives _____________________________________ \r\n (full name, degree of relationship, address \r\n__________________________________________________________________________ \r\n place of residence, etc.) \r\n__________________________________________________________________ \r\n ___________________________________________________________________ \r\n 1.4. Education before conviction _____________________________________ \r\n__________________________________________________________________ \r\n1.5. Profession (specialty) before conviction ______________________ \r\n__________________________________________________________________ \r\n1.6. Brief summary of the crime ______________________ \r\n (attitude \r\n__________________________________________________________________ \r\n of the convicted person to the crime, in the presence of material damage \r\n __________________________________________________________________ \r\n indicate their size and other data, \r\n__________________________________________________________________ \r\n r\n characterizing the act) \r\n1.7. Information about existing criminal records and grounds for release ___ \r\n__________________________________________________________________ \r\n__________________________________________________________________ \r\n__________________________________________________________________ \r\n 1.8. Medical report on the state of health and \r\n ability to work ____________________________________________ \r\n (filled out by the head of the medical unit of the correctional institution) \r\n__________________________________________________________________ \r\n1.9. Other circumstances characterizing the convicted person and subject \r\n to be taken into account in educational work with him _________________________ \r\n__________________________________________________________________ \r\n__________________________________________________________________ \r\n __________________________________________________________________ \r\n ___________________________________________________________________ \r\n__________________________________________________________________ \r\n__________________________________________________________________ \r\n \r \n 2. Individual psychological characteristics of the personality of the convicted person<*> \r\n \r\n (The section is filled out every six months by a psychologist \r\n and the head of the detachment) \r\n \r\n2.1. Personal orientation: motives for committing a crime, value orientations, life plans, etc. _______________ \r\n __________________________________________________________________ \r\n__________________________________________________________________ \r\n__________________________________________________________________ \r\n__________________________________________________________________ \r\n__________________________________________________________________ \r\n__________________________________________________________________ \r\n2.2. Psychological characteristics (in quarantine and as \r\n necessary) \r\n ___________________________________________________________________ \r\n (Level of intellectual and cultural development; \r\n__________________________________________________________________ \r\n emotional stability and basic character traits; \r\n__________________________________________________________________ \r\n r\n relationships with other convicts and employees of the correctional facility; \r\n__________________________________________________________________ \r\n self-esteem and control over one’s behavior; positive and \r\n__________________________________________________________________ \r\n negative personal qualities, etc.) \r\n ___________________________________________________________________ 2.3. Information about the behavior of the convicted person, assessment of his compliance \r\n with the requirements of the current legislation and the internal \r\n regulations of correctional institutions ________________________ \r\n__________________________________________________________________ \r\n________________________________________________________________________________ \r\n__________________________________________________________________ \r\n__________________________________________________________________ \r\n__________________________________________________________________ \r\n__________________________________________________________________ \r\n ___________________________________________________________________ \r\n ___________________________________________________________________ \r\n________________________________________________________________________________ \r\n \r\n \r\n<*>The section must include information for the entire period of serving the sentence by the convicted person. \r\n \r\n 3. Individual educational work carried out \r\n with the convicted person \r\n \r\n3.1. Individual educational work carried out with the convicted \r\n squad leader \r\n

dateContents of the interview with the convicted person
educational work
(type of educational work)




In connection with the entry into force on January 1, 1990, SNiP 2.07.01-89 "Urban planning. Planning and development of urban and rural settlements", SNiP 2.08.01-89 "Residential buildings" and SNiP 2.08.02-89 "Public buildings and structures", approved by Decree of the USSR State Construction Committee dated May 16, 1989 No. 78 I order:

The orders of Gosgrazhdanstroy shall be declared invalid in accordance with the Appendix.

Chairman of the State Committee for Architecture E.G. ROSANOV


to the Order of the State Committee for Architecture


1. Order of the State Civil Engineering Committee dated July 30, 1971 No. 140 “On approval of the Instructions for the design of a network of physical culture and sports facilities in cities and urban-type settlements.” (VSN 2-71/Gosgrazhdanstroy).

2. Order of the State Civil Engineering Committee dated December 30, 1971 No. 239 “On approval of Temporary Instructions for the design of points for receiving secondary raw materials from the population.” (VSN 7-71/Gosgrazhdanstroy).

3. Order of the State Civil Engineering Committee dated June 12, 1972 No. 101 “On approval of the Guidelines for the design of waste chutes in residential and public buildings.” (VSN 8-72/Gosgrazhdanstroy).

4. Order of the State Civil Engineering Committee dated December 29, 1973 No. 313 “On approval of the Instructions for the design of a network of physical culture and sports facilities for rural settlements.” (VSN 16-73/Gosgrazhdanstroy).

5. Order of the State Civil Engineering Committee dated December 31, 1975 No. 304 “On approval of the Instructions for the planning and development of resorts and recreation areas.” (VSN 23-75/Gosgrazhdanstroy).

6. Order of the State Civil Engineering Committee dated December 31, 1975 No. 306 “On amending the Instructions for designing a network of physical culture and sports facilities in cities and urban-type settlements.” (VSN 2-71/Gosgrazhdanstroy).

7. Order of the State Civil Engineering Committee dated December 31, 1975 No. 307 “On amending the Guidelines for designing a network of physical culture and sports facilities for rural settlements.” (VSN 16-73/Gosgrazhdanstroy).

8. Order of the State Civil Engineering Committee dated February 11, 1980 No. 46 “On approval of the Instructions for the design of buildings and premises of housing maintenance organizations and their bases.”

9. Order of the State Civil Engineering Committee dated December 29, 1980 No. 376 “On approval of changes and additions to the Instructions for the planning and development of resorts and recreation areas.”

10. Order of the State Civil Engineering Committee dated February 26, 1982 No. 62 “On approval of the Instructions for the design of archives” SN 426-82.

11. Order of the State Civil Engineering Committee dated February 26, 1982 No. 63 “On approval of the Instructions for the design of libraries” SN 548-82.

12. Order of the State Civil Engineering Committee dated May 30, 1986 No. 181 “On approval of departmental building standards of the State Civil Engineering Committee “Cultural and entertainment institutions. Design standards". VSN 45-86/Gosgrazhdanstroy.

13. Order of Gosgrazhdanstroy dated May 30, 1986 No. 182 “On approval of departmental building standards of Gosgrazhdanstroy “Sports and physical culture and recreational facilities. Design standards". VSN 46-86/Gosgrazhdanstroy.

14. Order of the State Civil Engineering Committee dated October 9, 1986 No. 328 “On approval of departmental building standards of the State Civil Engineering Committee “Children's preschool institutions. Design standards". VSN 49-86/Gosgrazhdanstroy.

15. Order of the State Civil Engineering Committee dated November 17, 1986 No. 373 “On approval of departmental building standards of the State Civil Engineering Committee” for vocational, secondary special and higher educational institutions. Design standards". VSN 51-86/Gosgrazhdanstroy.

16. Order of the State Civil Engineering Committee dated November 17, 1986 No. 374 “On approval of departmental building standards of the State Civil Engineering Committee” General education schools and boarding schools. Design standards". VSN 50-86/Gosgrazhdanstroy.

17. Order of Gosgrazhdanstroy dated January 12, 1987 No. 5 “On approval of departmental building standards of Gosgrazhdanstroi” for retail trade enterprises. Design standards". VSN 54-87/Gosgrazhdanstroy.

  • Order of the Ministry of Justice of Russia dated 08/15/2016 N 186 “On amendments to the order of the Ministry of Justice of Russia dated 06/23/2005 N 95 “On approval of the Instructions on the supervision of convicts held in educational colonies of the Federal Penitentiary Service” and to the Regulations on the detachment of convicts of a correctional institution, approved by order of the Ministry of Justice of Russia dated December 30, 2005 N 259″ (Registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on August 19, 2016 N 43322)
  • Order of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation dated August 15, 2016 No. 186 “On amendments to the order of the Ministry of Justice of Russia dated June 23, 2005 No. 95 “On approval of the Instructions on the supervision of convicts held in educational colonies of the Federal Penitentiary Service” and to the Regulations on the detachment of convicts correctional institution, approved by order of the Ministry of Justice of Russia dated December 30, 2005 No. 259” (has not entered into force)

    In accordance with Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated October 13, 2004 No. 1313 “Issues of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2004, No. 42, Art. 4108; 2005, No. 44, Art. 4535, No. 52 (Part 3 ), Art. 5690; 2006, No. 12, Art. 1284, No. 19, Art. 2070, No. 23, Art. 2452; No. 38, Art. 3975, No. 39, Art. 4039; 2007, No. 13, Art. 1530, No. 20, Article 2390; 2008, No. 10 (Part 2), Article 909, No. 29 (Part 1), Article 3473, No. 43, Article 4921; 2010, No. 4, Article 368 , No. 19, Art. 2300; 2011, No. 21, Art. 2927, Art. 2930, No. 29, Art. 4420; 2012, No. 8, Art. 990; No. 18, Art. 2166, No. 22, Art. 2759 , No. 38, Article 5070, No. 47, Article 6459, No. 53 (Part 2), Article 7866; 2013, No. 26, Article 3314, No. 49 (Part 7), Article 6396, No. 52 , (Part 2), Article 7137; 2014, No. 26 (Part 2), Article 3515, No. 50, Article 7054; 2015, No. 14, Article 2108, No. 19, Article 2806, No. 37 , Art. 5130; 2016, No. 1 (Part 2), Art. 207, Art. 211, No. 19, Art. 2672) I order:

    to amend the order of the Ministry of Justice of Russia dated June 23, 2005 No. 95 “On approval of the Instructions on the supervision of convicts held in educational colonies of the Federal Penitentiary Service” (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on July 13, 2005, registration No. 6787) with amendments made by order of the Ministry of Justice of Russia dated 03/05/2013 No. 26 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on 03/15/2013, registration No. 27708), and in the Regulations on the detachment of convicts of a correctional institution, approved by order of the Ministry of Justice of Russia dated 12/30/2005 No. 259 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on 02/16/2006, registration No. 7503), as amended by orders of the Ministry of Justice of Russia dated June 6, 2006 No. 206 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on June 20, 2006, registration No. 7951), dated August 23, 2012 No. 165 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on September 17, 2012, registration No. 25483), dated October 15, 2015 No. 244 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on October 26, 2015, registration No. 39469), according to the appendix.

    Changes made to the order of the Ministry of Justice of Russia dated June 23, 2005 No. 95 “On approval of the Instructions on the supervision of convicts held in educational colonies of the Federal Penitentiary Service” and to the Regulations on the detachment of convicts of a correctional institution, approved by order of the Ministry of Justice of Russia dated December 30, 2005 No. 259

    1. In the order of the Ministry of Justice of Russia dated June 23, 2005 No. 95 “On approval of the Instructions on the supervision of convicts held in educational colonies of the Federal Penitentiary Service” (hereinafter referred to as the order):

    2. In paragraph five of clause 19 of the Regulations on the detachment of convicts of a correctional institution, approved by order of the Ministry of Justice of Russia dated December 30, 2005 No. 259 “On approval of the Regulations on the detachment of convicts of a correctional institution of the Federal Penitentiary Service”, replace the words “operational duty officer” with the words “duty assistant chief institution, on-duty assistant to the head of the colony, on-duty assistant to the head of the hospital, on-duty assistant to the head of the pre-trial detention center, on-duty assistant to the head of the prison.”

    Document overview

    New positions have appeared in penal institutions. In this regard, the Instructions on the supervision of convicts in educational colonies have been clarified. The powers of the operational duty officer are vested in the duty assistant to the head of the colony, and the powers of the assistant on duty are vested in the deputy duty assistant to the head of the colony.

    The Regulations on the detachment of convicts of a correctional institution have changed the circle of persons from whom the head of the detachment has the right to receive information about the situation in the detachment.

    Legislative framework of the Russian Federation

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    Federal legislation
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  • ORDER of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation dated December 30, 2005 N 259 (as amended on June 6, 2006) “ON APPROVAL OF THE REGULATIONS ON THE SQUAD OF CONVICTED CONVICTS OF THE CORRECTIONAL INSTITUTION OF THE FEDERAL PENALTY SERVICE”
    • The document was not published in this form
    • (as amended on December 30, 2005 - “Rossiyskaya Gazeta”, N 42, 03/02/2006)
    • V. Council of detachment educators

      20. To carry out educational work with convicts, a council of detachment educators is organized.

      21. The SVO is created by order of the institution. Its members include: the head of the detachment, other employees of the correctional institution who have the skills to conduct educational work with convicts, teachers of the secondary school at the correctional institution and a vocational school, representatives of the public (as recommended by the chief of the detachment) (in the correctional colony - educators, representatives of the parent committee). The head of the detachment is the chairman of the SVO and plans its work in his quarterly plan.

      22. Representatives of local government bodies, public and religious organizations (associations), and the board of trustees of the educational institution can take part in the work of the SBO.

      23. Meetings of the Board of Directors are held as necessary, but at least once a month. Discussed issues are recorded by a secretary elected by the Board of Directors. Decisions of the Board of Directors are made by a majority of votes in an open vote. Decisions made in relation to specific convicts are reflected in the diaries of individual educational work.

      28. The results of the work of the SVO are summed up at a general meeting of correctional institution employees at least once a year.

      : The numbering of paragraphs is in accordance with the official text of the document.

      Current version ORDER of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation dated December 30, 2005 N 259 (as amended on June 6, 2006) “ON APPROVAL OF THE REGULATIONS ON THE SQUAD OF CONVICTED CONVICTS OF THE CORRECTIONAL INSTITUTION OF THE FEDERAL PENALTY SERVICE”


      By order
      Ministry of Justice
      Russian Federation
      dated December 30, 2005 N 259

      Order of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2005 N 259 Moscow “On approval of the Regulations on the detachment of convicts of a correctional institution of the Federal Penitentiary Service”

      Changes and amendments

      Registration N 7503

      In accordance with the decrees of the President of the Russian Federation dated October 13, 2004 N 1313 “Issues of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation” (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2004, N 42, Art. 4108), dated October 13, 2004 N 1314 “Issues of the Federal Service execution of punishments" (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2004, No. 42, Art. 4109) and in order to ensure a differentiated approach to educational work with convicts I order:

      3. To recognize as invalid:

      Order of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation dated March 25, 2003 N 69 “On approval of the Regulations on the detachment of convicts of a correctional institution” (registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on April 1, 2003, registration N 4349);

      Order of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation dated July 8, 2003 N 161 “On introducing amendments to the order of the Ministry of Justice of Russia dated March 25, 2003 N 69” (registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on July 17, 2003, registration N 4905).

      4. Entrust control over the execution of the order to Deputy Minister V.U. Yalunin.

      Regulations on the detachment of convicts correctional institution

      I. General provisions

      1. A detachment of convicts of the 1st correctional colony, educational colony, medical correctional institution, medical and preventive institution, prison and pre-trial detention center 2 of the penal system (hereinafter referred to as the correctional system) is created within the structure of correctional institutions in order to ensure management of the correctional process, creating the necessary conditions for respecting the rights and legitimate interests, ensuring the personal safety of convicts, preserving and maintaining their health, carrying out educational, psychological, social and other work with them, raising their educational, professional and cultural level, satisfying spiritual needs, preparing for release.

      2. The tasks of the detachment are:

      an integrated approach to organizing and conducting social, psychological and educational work with convicts aimed at achieving the goals of correction and preventing the commission of new crimes;

      differentiated educational impact on convicts, taking into account the type of correctional institution, term of punishment, conditions of detention, the nature and degree of social danger of the crime committed, the personality of the convicts and their behavior;

      assistance in protecting the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of convicts, preserving and maintaining their health, assisting them in social and psychological adaptation;

      the use of elements of self-organization and self-government of convicts in the process of their correction, the development of useful initiative, participation in solving issues of organizing work, life and leisure, spiritual, professional and physical development;

      b) creating conditions for:

      general education and vocational education of convicts, including full-time, correspondence and distance learning, educational, cultural and physical culture and sports work;

      formation of moral and legal relations among convicts, development of their desire for self-improvement and self-education;

      organizing psychological work with convicts in order to provide them with psychological assistance, conducting group and individual psycho-correctional work;

      carrying out social work with convicts, providing them with assistance in resolving issues of restoring, maintaining and developing socially useful connections with relatives, work collectives, public and religious associations and other organizations;

      preparing convicts for release, facilitating their employment and everyday life after serving their sentences and subsequent social rehabilitation;

      implementation of the rights of convicts to freedom of conscience and freedom of religion, satisfaction of religious needs, spiritual and moral needs.

      II. The order of organization of the detachment

      3. The detachment is created by order of the correctional institution. The number of convicts in a detachment is established in accordance with the regulations of the Ministry of Justice of Russia in correctional institutions within the range of 50-100 people, depending on the type of regime and the number of convicts, in a correctional colony - 120 people. In pre-trial detention centers and prisons, the size of the detachment is established annually by the territorial body of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia.

      4. The distribution of convicts into groups is carried out in the manner established by the Internal Rules of Correctional Institutions and the Internal Rules of Educational Colonies.

      5. Convicts are enrolled in the detachment for the entire period of their stay in the institution. The decision on the distribution of convicts into detachments (cells) taking into account their personal characteristics, involvement in work, training in the system of general and vocational education is made by a commission of the correctional institution, headed by the head of the institution. The commission includes representatives of services - security, operational, security (in prison - regime and security), special, medical, production and others. The composition of the commission and its decision are approved by order of the institution.

      6. The leadership of the detachment is carried out by the head of the detachment. In a correctional colony, a detachment is led by a senior educator - the head of the detachment. The position of the head of the detachment is subject to replacement by persons of command, who, as a rule, have a higher professional education.

      7. In his activities, the head of the detachment is guided by the current legislation, regulatory legal acts regulating the procedure for the execution of criminal penalties and the organization of professional activities of employees of the correctional institution, and these Regulations.

      8. The head of the detachment organizes his work on the basis of a quarterly plan of educational work with convicts, drawn up taking into account the specifics of the institution, the current situation in the detachment and in the production areas where the convicts of the detachment are employed, as well as proposals from other departments and services of the correctional institution. The plan is coordinated with the deputy head of the institution for personnel and educational work and approved by the head of the correctional institution. The involvement of detachment chiefs in activities not related to compliance with the requirements of penal legislation, regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Justice of Russia, and these Regulations is not permitted.

      9. In each detachment, a council of detachment educators is created. The number and personal composition of the council are determined by the head of the PS in accordance with the requirements of these Regulations.

      10. The detachment is provided with separate residential and communal premises, taking into account the requirements of current legislation and regulations of the Ministry of Justice of Russia, a room for conducting educational work, a TV, and a radio broadcast network receiver.

      III. Organization of educational work in the detachment

      11. General management and control over the organization of the educational process in groups of convicts is carried out by the head of the correctional institution, who ensures:

      an integrated approach to organizing and conducting educational work with convicts, involving in participation in it employees of all departments and services of the correctional institution, as well as teachers of secondary schools at the correctional institution and secondary schools of juvenile correctional colonies, teachers and masters of vocational schools, representatives of the public, relatives of convicts;

      respect for the rights and legitimate interests of convicts, interaction with human rights organizations that, in accordance with the established procedure, exercise control over the activities of correctional institutions;

      compliance with the requirements of regulatory legal acts regulating the regime in correctional institutions, implementation of measures to increase its role in the correction of convicts;

      use and improvement of traditional, development and implementation of new forms and methods of educational influence on convicts, as well as positive domestic and foreign experience, scientific recommendations;

      creation, strengthening and development of the material base for educational work with convicts.

      12. Management of the organization of educational work in detachments is carried out by the deputy head of the institution for personnel and educational work, who ensures:

      control over the development of plans for educational work with convicts in the institution, the comprehensive application of educational measures to them;

      interaction of employees of the educational work department with convicts and heads of detachments with employees of other services of the correctional institution;

      methodological guidance of the councils of detachment educators, amateur organizations of convicts, control over their formation and training, as well as compliance with penal legislation in the process of their activities;

      training of detachment heads, members of detachment educator councils and other correctional institution employees in the forms and methods of educational work with convicts, the fundamentals of law, pedagogy, psychology and social work;

      involvement of public and religious associations in educational work with convicts, interaction with organizations of various forms of ownership in order to assist convicts in everyday life and work, assisting them in social adaptation after release.

      13. The organization of control over the behavior of convicts, their compliance with the requirements of the procedure established by law for serving a sentence and compliance with the internal regulations of the correctional institution is carried out by the deputy head of the correctional institution for security and operational work (deputy director of the pre-trial detention center or prison for security and regime), who ensures:

      participation of employees of subordinate departments and services in the educational process with convicts and the work of councils of detachment educators;

      carrying out, in collaboration with employees of the educational apparatus of the correctional institution, individual work with convicts who are on preventive registration, as well as with persons held in a punishment (disciplinary) isolation ward, a single cell-type room, a cell-type room, solitary confinement and locked rooms;

      organizing classes with convicts on issues of legal knowledge aimed at correcting them, developing in convicts a respectful attitude towards man, society, work, norms, rules and traditions of human society, and increasing their educational and cultural level;

      management of the work of the discipline and order section of the colony staff council, their formation and training of their members in the forms and methods of work.

      14. The management of the activities of employment centers for convicts, industrial training and medical-industrial (labor) workshops for the restoration and consolidation of professional and labor skills of convicts is carried out by the deputy head of the institution - director of the center for labor adaptation of convicts (deputy head of the pre-trial detention center for the rear). It provides:

      direct participation of employees of labor adaptation centers for convicts in educational work with convicts and the work of the councils of detachment educators;

      carrying out, together with the heads of the detachments, individual educational work with convicts, aimed at solving social problems related to their labor adaptation;

      quarterly generalization, together with employees of the educational apparatus of correctional institutions, of the practice of labor adaptation of convicts and the implementation of measures to improve this work;

      management of the work of the labor adaptation section of the colony staff council, selection and training of its members.

      15. Material and living support is carried out by the deputy head of the correctional institution for logistics, who ensures:

      detachment placement and communal services for convicts;

      organizing and conducting inspections of the sanitary condition of the premises assigned to the detachments;

      management of the work of the sanitary section of the colony staff council;

      organizing classes with convicts on caring for federal property, economical use of fuel, water, electrical energy, food, clothing, compliance with the rules of wearing uniforms;

      organization of work of convicts without pay for improvement of correctional institutions and adjacent territories in accordance with Art. 106 of the Criminal Executive Code of the Russian Federation.

      16. In addition, the management of the correctional institution participates in events held in the detachments.

      17. The work of the detachment commanders is directly organized by the head of the department for educational work with convicts, who ensures:

      development of plans for educational work in the institution, determination of tasks, forms and timing of activities together with departments and services of the educational institution;

      control over the preparation and implementation by squad leaders of quarterly plans for educational work and plans for individual work with convicts;

      providing methodological and practical assistance to squad leaders, as well as their interaction with correctional institutions services;

      monthly analysis of ensuring the rights and legitimate interests of convicts, as well as the state of discipline among them and disciplinary practice in correctional institutions, identifying the causes and conditions for the commission of offenses by convicts, developing and taking measures to increase the effectiveness of educational influence on convicts;

      carrying out, in cooperation with other departments and services of the penitentiary institution, individual educational work with convicts held in strict conditions of serving a sentence, a punishment (disciplinary) isolator, a cell-type room, a single cell-type room, solitary confinement;

      identification and implementation, in cooperation with the interested services of the correctional institution, of persons prone to illegal actions, carrying out a set of educational measures with them;

      formation, together with the heads of departments and services of correctional institutions, of amateur organizations of convicts, training in forms and methods of work, monitoring their activities;

      organizing, in cooperation with other departments and services of the penitentiary institution, the rational employment of convicts in their free time from work, carrying out cultural, physical culture and sports work;

      management of the leisure section of convicts of the colony staff council, formation of its composition and training in forms and methods of work;

      holding monthly general meetings of convicts in detachments.

      IV. Responsibilities and rights of the squad leader

      18. The head of the detachment is obliged to:

      explain to convicts their duties and rights, conditions for serving their sentences, work and rest, provide assistance in familiarizing themselves with the internal regulations of correctional institutions and educational colonies, other normative legal acts regulating the procedure and conditions for the execution of a sentence of imprisonment, at least twice a month conduct classes with them on social and legal issues, together with employees of interested services, provide convicts with assistance and assistance in protecting their rights and legitimate interests;

      know the state of affairs in the detachment; study the personal qualities of convicts, carry out individual educational work with them; prevent and promptly resolve conflict situations between convicts; monthly analyze the state of discipline and disciplinary practices in the detachment; together with employees of other services of the correctional institution, carry out preventive work with violators of the established procedure for serving a sentence, paying special attention to convicts held in strict conditions of serving a sentence, a punishment (disciplinary) isolator, a cell-type room, a single cell-type room, solitary confinement; in collaboration with interested services, identify and keep track of persons prone to illegal actions, carry out a set of educational and preventive measures with them, take measures to neutralize and separate groups of persons with a negative orientation;

      ensure that convicts comply with the internal regulations of correctional institutions and educational colonies, the requirements of other regulatory legal acts regulating the procedure and conditions for serving a sentence of imprisonment;

      together with employees of departments and services of the correctional institution, take part in conducting internal investigations and preparing the necessary documents on facts of violations by convicts of the established procedure for serving a sentence, proposing punitive measures in accordance with the severity and nature of the violation, as well as taking into account the circumstances of its commission. To be present when a convicted person is placed in a punishment (disciplinary) isolation cell, transferred to strict conditions for serving a sentence, a cell-type room, a single cell-type room, solitary confinement, or conducts search operations;

      ensure, together with employees of the special accounting department, compliance with the deadlines for consideration of issues related to the submission of convicts for replacement of the unserved part of the sentence with a more lenient type of punishment, transfer to a colony-settlement, early release from serving the sentence;

      take part in the preparation of the necessary materials on the issues of submitting convicts for replacement of the unserved part of the sentence with a more lenient type of punishment, parole of convicts from serving their sentences, pardons, changing the conditions for serving the sentence by convicts and the type of correctional facility, granting them the right to travel without an escort, as well as residence outside the territory of the PS;

      draw up and coordinate with employees of interested services characteristics of convicts, determine together with them the degree of correction of convicts, use information from psychological and social services in organizing this work;

      conduct a daily reception of convicts of the detachment on personal issues, monthly - general meetings on the results of work and compliance with the order of serving the sentence;

      take measures to promote the development of socially useful initiatives of convicts, form and direct the work of amateur organizations to strengthen discipline and maintain order in the premises of the detachment and on the assigned territory, organize leisure and everyday life;

      organize the preparation and conduct of educational, cultural, sports and other events with convicts that provide them with useful employment in their free time from work and study; contribute to improving the general educational and professional level of convicts; determine the thematic focus of the wall newspaper and visual propaganda issued in the detachment;

      provide assistance to convicts in restoring lost socially useful connections, in preliminary resolution of issues of labor and household arrangements in preparation for release from punishment;

      to assist employees of labor adaptation centers for convicts in correctional institutions in restoring and consolidating the professional and labor skills of convicts. Carry out individual educational work with them aimed at solving social problems related to their labor adaptation;

      carry out a daily tour of buildings, structures and adjacent territories assigned to the detachment by order of the head of the correctional institution, together with other services, organize the fulfillment by convicts of sanitary and hygienic requirements and the established procedure for serving their sentences;

      ensure compliance by convicts with the rules of sanitation and hygiene, proper maintenance of the dormitory and the territory of the penal institution assigned to the detachment, organize and control the work of convicts in their improvement, as well as the work of orderlies in residential premises;

      take part in checking the presence of persons held in correctional institutions, removing them to work (from work), being present during search operations, eating food in the canteen, issuing parcels (parcels), transfers to them, selling food and items essential needs, conducting telephone conversations;

      distribute and assign to convicts individual sleeping places, boxes (cells) for storing personal belongings and food, and places in the dining room. At least once a month, inspect the appearance of convicts, the condition of their clothing and shoes;

      improve their professional and cultural level, take initiative in their work, skillfully combine legal and reasonable requirements for convicts to fulfill their duties with respect for and assistance in protecting their rights, freedoms and legitimate interests, as well as fair and attentive treatment of them.

      19. The head of the detachment has the right:

      participate in resolving issues of submitting convicts to replace the unserved part of the sentence with a more lenient type of punishment, changing the conditions for serving the sentence and the type of correctional institution, granting the right to travel without an escort, to live outside the territory of the correctional institution, as well as to leave the correctional institution;

      make proposals and take part in the consideration of issues related to the application of incentives and penalties to convicted persons, recognition of them as malicious violators of the established procedure for serving a sentence, transfer to another detachment of the correctional institution;

      distribute responsibilities among members of the detachment's teacher council, give them individual instructions on issues of conducting educational work in the detachment, analyze the results of their activities and make proposals for improving their work;

      receive information about the situation in the detachment from the operational duty officer and the operational service officer assigned to his detachment, and take the necessary measures to implement it in terms of fulfilling the requirements of these Regulations. Request from other services of the institution information related to the convicts of the detachment, participate in resolving issues related to the activities of the detachment;

      resolve with the management of the institution the issues of equipping the detachment’s premises with the necessary equipment and property, providing assistance in providing material and living conditions for convicts;

      in accordance with the procedure established by law, involve their relatives, members of boards of trustees, representatives of public and religious organizations (associations) and other organizations to participate in educational work with convicts;

      apply measures of incentives and penalties to those convicted of the detachment in accordance with the penal legislation;

      submit proposals on placing convicts on preventive registration for consideration at meetings of the commission of correctional institutions, and also, together with other services, take part in the development and implementation of activities with persons on preventive registration.

      V. Council of detachment educators

      20. To carry out educational work with convicts, a council of educators of detachment 3 is organized.

      21. The SVO is created by order of the institution. Its members include: the head of the detachment, other employees of the correctional institution who have the skills to conduct educational work with convicts, teachers of the secondary school at the correctional institution and a vocational school, representatives of the public (as recommended by the chief of the detachment), (in the correctional colony - educators, representatives of the parent committee). The head of the detachment is the chairman of the SVO and plans its work in his quarterly plan.

      VI. Unit records

      24. The head of the detachment leads:

      squad leader's journal (Appendix 1);

      diary of individual educational work with a convicted person in a correctional colony (Appendix 2).

      25. The head of the detachment may have other documentation, the list and forms of which are determined by the territorial bodies of the penal system or the management of the correctional institution, which helps to improve the organization of his work.

      26. The detachment of the educational colony maintains documentation provided for by the acts regulating the organization of educational work.

      2 Next - PS, institution. A pre-trial detention center (SIZO) performs the functions of a correctional institution in relation to convicts left to perform household maintenance work, from among whom a detachment is formed (Article 77 of the Criminal Executive Code of the Russian Federation).

      Order 259 regulations on the detachment

      Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation

      dated December 30, 2005 No. 259

      On approval of the Regulations on the detachment of convicts of a correctional institution
      Federal Penitentiary Service

      In accordance with the decrees of the President of the Russian Federation dated October 13, 2004 No. 1313 “Issues of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation” (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2004, N 42, Art. 4108), dated October 13, 2004 No. 1314 “Issues of the Federal Service execution of punishments" (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2004, No. 42, Art. 4109) and in order to ensure a differentiated approach to educational work with convicts, I order:
      1. Approve the attached Regulations on the detachment of convicts of the correctional institution of the Federal Penitentiary Service.
      2. The Federal Penitentiary Service (Kalinin Yu.I.) ensure compliance with the requirements of the Regulations on the detachment of convicts of the correctional institution of the Federal Penitentiary Service.
      3. To recognize as invalid:
      Order of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation dated March 25, 2003 No. 69 “On approval of the Regulations on the detachment of convicts of a correctional institution” (registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on April 1, 2003, registration N 4349);
      Order of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation dated July 8, 2003 No. 161 “On introducing amendments to the order of the Ministry of Justice of Russia dated March 25, 2003 No. 69” (registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on July 17, 2003, registration No. 4905).
      4. Entrust control over the execution of the order to Deputy Minister V.U. Yalunin.

      Order of the Ministry of Justice of Russia dated 08/15/2016 N 186 “On amendments to the order of the Ministry of Justice of Russia dated 06/23/2005 N 95 “On approval of the Instructions on the supervision of convicts held in educational colonies of the Federal Penitentiary Service” and to the Regulations on the detachment of convicts of a correctional institution, approved by order of the Ministry of Justice of Russia dated December 30, 2005 N 259″ (Registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on August 19, 2016 N 43322)


      In accordance with Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated October 13, 2004 N 1313 “Issues of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation” (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2004, N 42, Art. 4108; 2005, N 44, Art. 4535, N 52 (Part 3 ), Art. 5690; 2006, N 12, Art. 1284, N 19, Art. 2070, N 23, Art. 2452; N 38, Art. 3975, N 39, Art. 4039; 2007, N 13, Art. 1530, No. 20, Article 2390; 2008, No. 10 (Part 2), Article 909, No. 29 (Part 1), Article 3473, No. 43, Article 4921; 2010, No. 4, Article 368 , N 19, article 2300; 2011, N 21, article 2927, article 2930, N 29, article 4420; 2012, N 8, article 990; N 18, article 2166, N 22, article 2759 , No. 38, Article 5070, No. 47, Article 6459, No. 53 (Part 2), Article 7866; 2013, No. 26, Article 3314, No. 49 (Part 7), Article 6396, No. 52 (Part 2), Article 7137; 2014, No. 26 (Part 2), Article 3515, No. 50, Article 7054; 2015, No. 14, Article 2108, No. 19, Article 2806, No. 37, Article 5130; 2016, No. 1 (part 2), Article 207, Article 211, No. 19, Article 2672) I order:

      Amend the order of the Ministry of Justice of Russia dated June 23, 2005 N 95 “On approval of the Instructions on the supervision of convicts held in educational colonies of the Federal Penitentiary Service” (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on July 13, 2005, registration N 6787) with amendments made by order of the Ministry of Justice of Russia dated 03/05/2013 N 26 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on 03/15/2013, registration N 27708), and in the Regulations on the detachment of convicts of a correctional institution, approved by order of the Ministry of Justice of Russia dated 12/30/2005 N 259 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on 02/16/2006, registration N 7503), as amended by orders of the Ministry of Justice of Russia dated June 6, 2006 N 206 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on June 20, 2006, registration N 7951), dated August 23, 2012 N 165 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on September 17, 2012, registration N 25483), dated October 15, 2015 N 244 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on October 26, 2015, registration N 39469), according to the appendix.

      And about. Minister

      to the order of the Ministry of Justice
      Russian Federation
      dated 08/15/2016 N 186

      RUSSIA FROM 30.12.2005 N 259

      1. In the order of the Ministry of Justice of Russia dated June 23, 2005 N 95 “On approval of the Instructions on the supervision of convicts held in educational colonies of the Federal Penitentiary Service” (hereinafter referred to as the order):

      in paragraph 4 the words “to the First Deputy Minister A.A. Smirnov” should be replaced with the words “Deputy Minister A.D. Alkhanov";

      in the Instructions on the supervision of convicts held in educational colonies of the Federal Penitentiary Service, approved by order:

      the words “operational duty officer” in the corresponding number and case shall be replaced with the words “duty assistant to the head of the colony” in the corresponding number and case;

      the words “assistant on duty” in the appropriate number and case shall be replaced with the words “deputy assistant on duty to the head of the colony” in the appropriate number and case.

      2. In paragraph five of paragraph 19 of the Regulations on the detachment of convicts of a correctional institution, approved by order of the Ministry of Justice of Russia dated December 30, 2005 N 259 “On approval of the Regulations on the detachment of convicts of a correctional institution of the Federal Penitentiary Service,” replace the words “operational duty officer” with the words “duty assistant chief institution, on-duty assistant to the head of the colony, on-duty assistant to the head of the hospital, on-duty assistant to the head of the pre-trial detention center, on-duty assistant to the head of the prison.”

      Order of the Ministry of Justice of Russia dated December 30, 2005 No. 259 (as amended on August 23, 2012) “On approval of the Regulations on the detachment of convicts of the FSIN correctional institution”





      (as amended by Orders of the Ministry of Justice of Russia dated 06.06.2006 N 206,

      dated 08/23/2012 N 165)

      In accordance with Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation dated October 13, 2004 N 1313 “Issues of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation” (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2004, N 42, Art. 4108), dated October 13, 2004 N 1314 “Issues of the Federal Service execution of punishments" (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2004, No. 42, Art. 4109) and in order to ensure a differentiated approach to educational work with convicts, I order:
      1. Approve the attached Regulations on the detachment of convicts of the correctional institution of the Federal Penitentiary Service.
      2. The Federal Penitentiary Service (G.A. Kornienko) ensure compliance with the requirements of the Regulations on the detachment of convicts of the correctional institution of the Federal Penitentiary Service.
      3. To recognize as invalid:
      Order of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation dated March 25, 2003 N 69 “On approval of the Regulations on the detachment of convicts of a correctional institution” (registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on April 1, 2003, registration N 4349);
      Order of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation dated July 8, 2003 N 161 “On introducing amendments to the Order of the Ministry of Justice of Russia dated March 25, 2003 N 69” (registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on July 17, 2003, registration N 4905).
      4. Entrust control over the execution of the Order to the First Deputy Minister A.A. Smirnova.
      (as amended by Order of the Ministry of Justice of Russia dated August 23, 2012 N 165)

      • Order of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation dated July 17, 2013 N 116 “On departmental awards of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation” (with amendments and additions) Order of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation dated July 17, 2013 N 116 “On departmental awards of the Ministry of Justice […]
      • Miassats.Ru Federal Law of March 28, 1998 N 52-FZ “On compulsory state insurance of life and health of military personnel, citizens called up for military training, private and commanding personnel of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, […]
      • Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation dated April 6, 2018 N 179 “On the cancellation of the order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated August 4, 2017 N 398” In accordance with the Rules for the preparation of normative legal acts of federal executive authorities and their […]
      • Order of Rostechnadzor dated 10/02/2015 N 395 “On approval of the Requirements for the content of operating rules for hydraulic structures (except for shipping and port hydraulic structures)” (Registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on 12/01/2015 N […]
      • Federal Law of August 12, 1995 N 144-FZ "On Operational Investigative Activities" (as amended and supplemented) Federal Law of August 12, 1995 N 144-FZ "On Operational Investigative Activities" As amended and supplemented by: July 18, 1997, 21 […]
      • Federal Law of December 28, 2017 N 420-FZ “On the suspension of certain provisions of the Federal Law “On Insurance Pensions”, amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation and the specifics of increasing the insurance pension and […]
      • On approval of the Procedure for maintaining the state real estate cadastre In accordance with Part 10 of Article 4 of the Federal Law of July 24, 2007 No. 221-FZ “On the State Real Estate Cadastre” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2007, No. 31, […]
      • Federal norms and rules in the field of industrial safety 533 FEDERAL SERVICE FOR ECOLOGICAL, TECHNOLOGICAL AND NUCLEAR SUPERVISION dated April 12, 2016 N 146 In accordance with paragraph of the Regulations on the Federal Service for Environmental, […]

    Registration N 46520

    3. This standard does not apply to the following types of assets:

    a) reserves;

    b) financial assets, unless otherwise provided by this Standard;

    c) other assets, in cases where the procedure for their impairment, as well as the disclosure of information about the impairment of such assets in the accounting (financial) statements, is carried out in accordance with the provisions of other federal accounting standards for public sector organizations, a unified methodology for budget accounting and budget reporting established in accordance with with the budgetary legislation of the Russian Federation, and the Instructions on the procedure for compiling and submitting annual and quarterly financial statements of state (municipal) budgetary and autonomous institutions (hereinafter referred to as regulatory legal acts regulating the maintenance of accounting records and the preparation of accounting (financial) statements).

    II. Terms and their definitions

    4. Terms defined in other regulatory legal acts governing accounting and preparation of accounting (financial) statements are used in this Standard in the same meaning as they are used in these regulatory legal acts.

    5. In this Standard, the following terms are used with the meanings specified.

    Impairment of an asset- this is a decrease in the value of an asset that exceeds the planned (normal) decrease in its value due to the ownership (use) of such an asset (normal physical and (or) moral wear and tear), associated with a decrease in the value of the asset.

    Impairment loss on an asset- the excess of the residual value of an asset over its fair value minus the costs of disposal of the asset.

    Asset disposal costs- costs directly attributable to the disposal of a cash-generating asset, non-cash-generating asset or cash-generating unit, excluding interest expense. For example: costs of dismantling the asset and direct costs of pre-sale preparation of the asset, costs of legal services, negotiations, and other similar costs. The costs of severance payments and other costs associated with curtailing or reorganizing the operations of an accounting entity subsequent to the disposal of a cash-generating asset, a non-cash-generating asset or a cash-generating unit are not the costs of disposal of the asset.

    Assets that generate cash flows (hereinafter referred to as CGU Assets),- assets whose purpose of ownership is to obtain economic benefits (income) in the form of cash or cash equivalents (hereinafter referred to as positive cash flow, cash flows), regardless of the fact of receiving such income.

    Assets that do not generate cash flows (hereinafter referred to as NGDP Assets),- assets from which useful potential is expected and the purpose of ownership of which is not to generate cash flows.

    A group of assets is a set of assets that are similar in essence or functions performed in the activities of an accounting entity, information about which is disclosed in the accounting (financial) statements in one article (generally).

    Cash generating unit (CGU), is the smallest identifiable group of assets suitable for generating positive cash flows. A group of assets is identified as a GDP Unit if, from the total cash flow received within the activities of the accounting entity, it is possible to isolate the cash flow arising from the use of this group of assets.

    A CGU unit combines both assets, from the independent use of which useful potential is expected to flow and the purpose of ownership of which is not to generate cash flows, and assets, with the independent use of which it is possible to obtain a positive cash flow (hereinafter referred to as the Asset in the CGU that generates cash flows).

    A group of assets used for the production of products, works, services, including for internal consumption by the accounting entity, can be classified as a GDP Unit.

    III. Identification of signs of asset impairment, classification of such signs and their composition

    6. Identification of signs of impairment of an asset is carried out by the accounting entity as part of the inventory of assets and liabilities carried out by it in order to ensure the reliability of data in the annual accounting (financial) statements, by analyzing the presence of any signs indicating possible impairment of the asset (hereinafter referred to as the impairment test, signs of impairment ):

    a) individually for each NGDP Asset;

    c) for each individual GDP Unit.

    7. External signs of asset impairment include:

    a) significant (long-term - more than the period for which the activities of the accounting entity are planned) changes in the legislation of the Russian Federation, foreign and domestic policy, economics, technologies that occurred during the reporting year or will occur in the near future and which adversely affect (will have an impact on) ) on the activities of the accounting entity;

    b) a significant decrease in the fair value of the asset for the reporting year compared to the decrease in the fair value of the asset as a result of its operation and (or) obsolescence (normal physical and (or) obsolescence);

    c) absence or significant decrease in the need for products, works, services provided by the asset.

    For a cash-generating cash-generating asset, fair value less costs of disposal is determined individually.

    13. At the same time, when making a decision to determine fair value, the accounting entity assesses the need to adjust the remaining useful life of the asset in relation to it.

    14. If, based on the results of an analysis of identified signs of impairment of an asset, the accounting entity makes a decision to record the asset in off-balance sheet accounts, no further testing for impairment of such an asset is carried out.

    IV. Recognition of loss from impairment of an asset in accounting

    In relation to the Assets of the non-GDP that are part of the CGU Unit, no loss from impairment of the CGU Unit is recognized.

    17.7. Amounts of loss from impairment of the GDP Units that remain undistributed after performing the procedures set out in paragraphs 17.2 - 17.6 of this Standard are recognized as a liability in cases provided for by regulations governing accounting and preparation of accounting (financial) statements.

    V. Identification of signs of a decrease in loss from impairment of an asset, classification of such signs, their composition and restoration of loss from impairment of an asset in accounting

    18. Reversal of an asset impairment loss is carried out by the accounting entity if, based on the results of the impairment test, signs are identified indicating that the asset impairment loss recognized in previous periods no longer exists or has decreased (hereinafter referred to as signs of a decrease in the asset impairment loss) .

    19. External signs of a decrease in the impairment loss of an asset (including to zero) include:

    a) significant long-term changes in the legislation of the Russian Federation, foreign and domestic policies, economics, technologies that occurred during the reporting period or will occur in the near future and which have a favorable impact on the activities of the accounting entity;

    b) a significant increase in the fair value of the asset during the reporting period;

    c) restoration or significant increase in the need for products, works, services provided by the asset.

    20. Internal signs of a decrease in impairment losses (including to zero) of assets include:

    a) there is evidence that the performance of the asset has become or will become significantly better than expected;

    b) significant long-term changes in the extent and (or) method of use of the asset that occurred during the reporting period or are expected in the near future, and which will favorably affect the activities of the accounting entity;

    c) making a decision to resume the creation of an asset or bring it to a state suitable for use;

    d) the emergence of data showing that the financial (economic) results of owning (using) the asset have significantly improved or will improve compared to expectations;

    e) a significant reduction in the costs of acquiring, operating or maintaining the asset compared to those originally planned.

    21. A reduction (including to zero) of the impairment loss of the GDP Asset is also indicated by the presence of economic benefits (positive cash flow) from the ownership (use) of the asset for which the impairment test is carried out, calculated by combining the indicators of the reporting period with indicators of future periods .

    22. If any of the signs of impairment of an asset specified in paragraphs 19 - 21 of this Standard are identified, the accounting entity makes a decision to determine the fair value of the asset.

    23. If there is an indication that an impairment loss recognized in prior periods for an asset no longer exists or has decreased, but the amount of the impairment loss on the asset cannot be reversed, the accountant decides to adjust the remaining useful life of that asset.

    24. A reversal of an impairment loss for an asset recognized in prior periods is made if the method for determining the fair value of the asset has changed since the last impairment loss was recognised. In this case, the residual value of the asset is increased to its fair value, but within the amount at which the asset would be carried if the asset were not impaired less depreciation and amortization.

    Any increase in the residual value of an asset over the asset's original cost less depreciation is a revaluation. Reflection in accounting of such a revaluation of assets is possible only if there are provisions in the regulatory legal acts governing the maintenance of accounting and the preparation of accounting (financial) statements that regulate the procedure for the revaluation of such assets.

    25. Reversal of an asset impairment loss is reflected in income for the current financial year.

    26. After recognition (reversal) of an impairment loss on an asset, depreciation rates for the asset must be adjusted so that the changed residual value of the asset is written off evenly over its remaining useful life.

    27. The recoverable amount of loss from impairment of an asset in relation to a GDP Unit is subject to distribution among the assets included in its composition in proportion to the residual value of these assets. Attributing part of the recovered loss to the NGDP Asset, which creates useful potential for the CG Unit, is not allowed.

    28. When allocating the reversal of an impairment loss on a CGU Unit, the carrying amount of the individual assets shall not increase beyond the fair value (if determinable) or the residual value that would have been determined (less depreciation) if there had been no prior periods for the asset. An impairment loss on an asset was recognized, depending on which of these amounts is lower.

    The amount of the reversal of an asset impairment loss so calculated must be allocated on a proportionate basis to other assets within the CGU Unit.

    VI. Reclassification of assets for impairment purposes

    32. For the amount of an impairment loss on an asset recognized or reversed during the period, the accounting entity discloses the following information:

    a) the events and circumstances that led to the recognition or reversal of an impairment loss on the asset;

    b) the amount of recognized or reversed impairment loss on the asset;

    c) the group to which the asset belongs, if the provision of such information is provided for by regulations governing accounting and preparation of accounting (financial) statements;

    d) the methods used to determine fair value in the impairment test.

    33. In relation to the GDP Unit, information is disclosed in the accounting (financial) statements separately.

    34. For cumulative losses from impairment of an asset and cumulative reversal of losses from impairment of an asset, recognized during the reporting period, for which information was not disclosed in accordance with paragraph 32 of this Standard, the accounting entity discloses the following information in the accounting (financial) statements:

    a) the main groups of assets that are affected by asset impairment losses, and the main groups of assets that are affected by the reversal of asset impairment losses;

    b) the main events and circumstances that led to the recognition of these asset impairment losses and their reversal.


    * approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated December 31, 2016 N 256n “On approval of the federal accounting standard for public sector organizations “Conceptual framework for accounting and reporting of public sector organizations” (registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on April 27, 2017, registration number 46517);

    ** approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated March 25, 2011 N 33n (registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on April 22, 2011, registration number 20558), as amended by orders of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated October 26, 2012 N 139n (registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on December 19, 2012, registration number 26195), dated December 29, 2014 N 172n (registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on February 4, 2015, registration number 35854), dated March 20, 2015 No. 43n (registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on April 1, 2015, registration number 36668), dated December 17, 2015 N 199n (registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on January 28, 2016, registration number 40889), dated November 16 2016 N 209n (registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on December 15, 2016, registration number 44741);

    *** approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated December 31, 2016 N 257n “On approval of the federal accounting standard for public sector organizations “Fixed assets” (registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on April 27, 2017, registration number 46518).