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Alena Vodonaeva marital status. Biography. Alena Vodonaeva: career and personal life. Childhood and adolescence

Alena Vodonaeva is one of the most famous participants in the reality show “Dom-2”, who during the project, with her beautiful appearance and extraordinary behavior, won the interest of the public, which did not cool down even after her departure from the “love TV show”. Today Alena Vodonaeva appears before a wide audience as a TV presenter, actress, popular blogger and journalist, continuing to gain popularity among millions of viewers.

Alena Vodonaeva was born on July 2, 1982 in the family of an orthopedic doctor and a university teacher. From early childhood, the girl dreamed of becoming a model - already at the age of 12, Alena conquered the stage of the local fashion theater, where Vodonaeva was involved in various fashion shows and advertising. In her youth, the future participant in the Dom-2 project was distinguished by her independent and decisive character, as well as a passion for adventure, which allowed the girl to burst onto Russian television like a whirlwind and win the sympathy of an entire army of fans, which is often not possible for everyone.

At the age of 14, Alena Vodonaeva decided to become a journalist - the girl began writing notes for a local Tyumen newspaper, which was an excellent start for her future journalistic career. After graduating from school, Alena entered Tyumen University, where she graduated with a diploma in journalism.

While still a student, Vodonaeva got a job on the radio, where she hosted a crime column. At the same time, Alena worked on local television, where the girl’s duties included interviewing all the stars coming to Tyumen.

But her familiar workplace could not suppress the ambitions of the girl, who had dreamed of conquering the capital since childhood. Therefore, Vodonaeva, without hesitation, went to “Dom-2”, but not for the sake of fame, but because of her thesis, which was “burning” - during her graduation from the university, the girl decided to cover not a crime chronicle, but a reality show in her scientific work. Vodonaeva’s television biography began with this trip.

"House 2"

While participating in “House 2,” Alena Vodonaeva became truly popular and recognizable throughout Russia. She first came to “House 2” on July 10, 2004 and spent 1067 days on the television set. Initially, the girl came to the project with, the scandalous tandem with which helped Vodonaeva instantly gain popularity.

Stepan Menshchikov and Alena Vodonaeva on the project "House 2"

On the first day, Alena Vodonaeva danced an erotic dance at the place of execution, which did not leave Menshchikov indifferent. The guys became one of the most hot-tempered couples on the project. Alena Vodonaeva constantly caused scandals for Stepan, sometimes their conflicts resembled military battles. The whole country watched these situations with bated breath. The star never made any friends on the project.

To the disappointment of fans, six months later the couple passed away. After the charismatic Menshchikov, the girl tried to build a relationship with the calm Anton Potapovich and the audience’s favorite. But none of the guys could cope with Vodonaeva’s temperament, so the couples broke up. In the summer of 2007, Alena Vodonaeva unexpectedly left the project for fans.

After "House 2"

When Alena Vodonaeva left the television set, the girl’s fans began to talk en masse about a possible career as an actress. Journalists wrote that a list of roles in television series had already been prepared for her. Later, rumors spread about a possible invitation to the VIA Gra group. Despite this, no one was right - Alena Vodonaeva decided to go as a TV presenter on the TNT channel in the “Cosmopolitan - video version” program.

Alena Vodonaeva made many attempts to become a Russian television star, but they were all failures. For a short period of time, the girl hosted the “RealityGirl” program, but work on the project did not work out due to constant quarrels with a colleague, a temperamental man.

The next stage in the life of the ex-participant of “House 2” after the project was blogging. Alena Vodonaeva’s blog in a short time became one of the most popular among Internet users, especially males - the girl quickly won 3rd place in traffic on Mail.ru, conquered “ Twitter" and created the most popular blog in " Instagram ».

Vodonaeva also became a TV presenter of the author’s program “Russia.ru” on a video portal for Internet users. The essence of the project was interviews with successful and famous men. During the same period, the ex-participant of “House 2” began to be actively invited as a model to participate in fashion shows and photo shoots for glossy and men’s magazines, on the pages of which Vodonaeva appeared in revealing outfits and without them.

In 2010, Alena Vodonaeva became the TV presenter of the “Naked Ten” program on the Ren TV channel, and a year later she co-hosted the “Good Night, Guys” program, in which she tested many married couples for fidelity.

In 2011, Alena again starred in a photo shoot for Playboy magazine (before that, Vodonaeva appeared on the pages of the magazine in 2006 and 2009), and in 2012.

In 2012, the star of “House 2”, who by this time had proven herself both as a journalist, and as a TV presenter, and as a model, decided that the role of a socialite suited her best. Vodonaeva begins to actively participate in social events, continuously appearing on viewers’ screens as a participant in the show and host of television programs.

In the same year, Vodonaeva became a TV presenter in the reality show “Vacations in Mexico-2.”

In 2013, Alena became the most popular user of the fashion social network tagbrand.com. Also in 2013, the TV presenter participated in the “Dancing with the Stars” project. Vodonaeva performed in tandem with. The couple took second place.

In 2014, the model took part in another sports TV show called “Duel”, dedicated to fencing. Here Alena also took second place.

Personal life

The personal life of Alena Vodonaeva has never left the pages of the media. After leaving the reality show, she began a whirlwind romance with businessman Alexei Malakeev. Their acquaintance took place at the birthday party of a mutual friend, where Vodonaeva ended up quite by accident. There was no true “chemistry” between the young people, which is usually talked about, and the relationship began only five months after the first meeting.

On August 23, 2010, the lovers became parents. Alena Vodonaeva gave birth to a son in a private Moscow clinic, he was named Bogdan. In honor of such a significant event, Vodonaeva got a tattoo. After some time, in 2013, a split occurred in the family; Malakeev and Vodonaeva divorced. It is known that she communicates with the father of her child after the divorce, but this does not prevent her from building her personal life and seeking true female happiness.

After a painful separation from her husband, Alena Vodonaeva did not want a serious relationship for a long time, until she met Anton Korotkov, who is the great-grandson of Nobel laureate Academician Sakharov. The chosen one of the ex-participant of “House 2”, Vodonaeva’s junior by 6 years, is an economist by training, develops his own business, and in his free time he does tattoos.

Today Korotkov works as the director of Vodonaeva herself - the man manages Alena’s affairs in show business and skillfully manages the personal life of the socialite, who next to him has found peace and confidence. Anton was also able to make friends with Alena’s main man, the model’s son Bogdan.

Alena Vodonaeva now

In 2016, Alena Vodonaeva starred in the comedy series “Poor People,” where she played herself. The ex-participant of “House 2” was invited to the project for a cameo role, which Alena was supposed to play together with. After filming the film, Vodonaeva stated that she did not feel like an actress and did not yet plan to develop creative activities in this direction. But nevertheless, Vodonaeva does not refuse acting offers, which are mainly put forward by the star friends of the TV presenter.

In December 2016, the TV presenter decided to undergo plastic surgery, which Alena openly told reporters about. The model underwent reduction mammoplasty - reduced breast size. After plastic surgery, Vodonaeva’s bust became two sizes smaller. The model admitted to reporters that she quickly got used to the changes and was pleased with the result of the operation. Alena does not regret such a non-standard operation: size 5 breasts weighed on the TV presenter, in addition, according to Alena, now a woman can always use push-up if she gets bored with her curvy size.

In 2016, it became known about the impending wedding of Vodonaeva and Korotkov - their wedding was planned for June 17, 2017. Alena admitted to reporters that she often quarrels with her fiance, but at the same time she cannot live without him. Subsequently, Vodonaeva revised this decision. The wedding with Korotkov was just that, and the press soon started talking about Vodonaeva’s new novel.

Alena started with Alexey Komov, who is also known under the name Alexey Kosinus and the pseudonym Zeskulls. The girl did not hide her relationship and regularly posted photos together with Cosine on social networks and microblogs. Fans rejoiced at Vodonaeva’s personal happiness, but some of them drew attention to the difference in height between the lovers. According to fans of the model, the short musician is not worthy of the slender and tall Vodonaeva (Alena’s height is 176 cm, weight is 57 kg).

The lovers lived in two cities and were torn between capitals, but in the summer of 2017 Alena decided to move to St. Petersburg. The girl told fans about this step on her own Instagram page, where Alena’s news is followed by 1.8 million subscribers. The model took up the task of arranging the joint home and began selecting designers.

In July 2017, Vodonaeva intrigued fans by publishing a photo without a caption, the geolocation of which was the Wedding Palace in St. Petersburg. Alena refused to comment on the photo and answer questions related to the wedding until the fall, so fans are sure that the wedding is planned for this time.

In 2017, the model became a guest of the show “The Invisible Man”. Alena’s task during the program was to confirm or refute the rumors that the yellow press spread about the TV presenter. The media often covered the piquant details of the socialite's life. Vodonaeva had to comment on this gossip, knowing that her mother was watching the conversation from the next room.


  • House 2
  • Reality Girl
  • Russia.ru
  • Naked ten
  • Good night guys
  • Popular doctor
  • Holidays in Mexico 2
  • Dancing with the Stars
  • Duel
  • Invisible Man

Alena Yuryevna Vodonaeva. Born on July 2, 1982 in Tyumen. Russian TV presenter and singer.

Father is an orthopedic doctor. Mother is a teacher of economics at Tyumen University.

She has a younger brother, Stanislav, they are six years apart. He graduated from the Peoples' Friendship University in Moscow and became a political scientist.

Journalist by training. Moreover, she began working in this profession at the age of 14 - she worked part-time as a freelance correspondent for the Tyumen Vedomosti newspaper.

Then, from her second year at university (she studied at the journalism department of the Faculty of Philology), she worked on television in Tyumen as a crime news presenter.

“Looking back, I am horrified by my own fearlessness. I was the only girl in the editorial office, I went with police groups to incidents, fires, accidents, murders, in general, “to corpses.” I questioned witnesses, culprits, prosecutors and murderers, prepared stories and I was also the host of the "Moments" program. My parents, of course, weren't happy, but they couldn't prohibit anything. I liked being independent and independent, I liked earning my own money.", she recalled.

However, she wanted to go to the capital, she craved fame, for which she was ready to literally do anything.

Just in time for such a girl with an adventurous character and an almost complete absence of complexes, a new (at that time) project appeared on the TNT channel - “House 2”.

She herself, however, said that she went to the show out of journalistic interest - she wanted to cover the topic of a reality show in her journalism diploma.

Alena Vodonaeva - scandalous interview about "Dom-2"

Soon after leaving Dom-2, she recorded the song “Paper Sky” with the group Plazma. However, her singing career did not take place.

After some time, she becomes the host of the Internet reality show “Reality Girl” together with Otar Kushanashvili. But after conflicts with his co-host, he leaves the Internet show.

The next step in her career was her participation as a presenter for the Internet portal Russia.Ru - she recorded interviews.

On February 23, 2009, she opened a personal blog on Mail.ru, which in the same year took third place in readability after the blogs of Medvedev and Solovyov. After the blogs on Mail.ru were closed, Alena switched to the Twitter microblog, where she also quickly gained popularity. Currently, the star's blogging activities are carried out through the Instagram network.

In 2010 she became the host of the show "The Naked Ten" on Ren-TV.

On January 10, 2011, a new reality show started on the DTV channel "Good night, guys", in which she was a co-host. For about four months they tested married couples for jealousy and fidelity.

After the closure of this scandalous project, Alena hosted a program on the Internet channel “Popular Doctor”, where her guests were experts in the world of medicine.

She recorded a song in a duet with Ukrainian singer Alexander Lominsky "Vulnerable Heart", and then a video was shot for this composition, filming of which took place in Kyiv. The director of the video was Alan Badoev.

Alena Vodonaeva and Alexander Lominsky - Vulnerable Heart

In 2011, she became the face of a collection of futuristic glasses from singer Nikita. She was filmed for a commercial for the “Meteofon” service of the MegaFon company, for the Expocomm exhibition. In the same year, she took part in the photo exhibition of Alexey Nikishin and Vasilina Mikhailovskaya “No Rules. House-2 in reality" (part of the project "In the role of yourself").

In 2012, Alena became the host of the reality show “Vacations in Mexico - 2” on the MTV Russia channel.

In August 2013, she became the most popular user of the fashion social network tagbrand.com.

In September 2013, she took part in the new season of the project “Dancing with the Stars” on the Russia 1 channel, paired with Evgeniy Papunaishvili, where the couple was able to win second place.

In September 2014, she took part in the show “Duel” on the Russia 2 channel. The show is dedicated to fencing. Took second place.

Participated in a show for Volvo Fashion Week.

She starred for such magazines as Maxim (August 2005, November 2012), Speed ​​Info (June 2009), Sobaka.ru (March 2014), Playboy (January 2006, 2009 and August 2011).

The main activity at the moment is advertising - she takes part in photo shoots as a model and sells advertising posts on her Instagram account.

Since 2012 she has been the owner of the Brand A Religion under which he sells clothes and jewelry.

Alena Vodonaeva - interview about her life, scandals, career

“For a long time now, every man next to me automatically becomes my “lover,” a glass of water in my hand turns into a “club drinking session,” a funny photo on Twitter turns into a “scandalous prank,” and so on,” laments Alena.

“Journalists, not knowing anything reliably about my life and about me, are trying to assure readers that I continue to remain, as in the days of “House-2,” a rather hysterical person. Then, under the guns of the cameras, my endurance really betrayed me: “lit up “, without thinking about how I look. But now that’s in the past,” she assures.

Alena Vodonaeva's height: 176 centimeters

Personal life of Alena Vodonaeva:

Alena's stormy personal life has always been the focus of media attention. It is hardly possible to list all of her novels and affairs, but we will focus on the most notorious ones.

She herself said that her first love was a certain Anton from her native Tyumen. “At the age of eighteen, back in Tyumen, I fell in love for the first time. Anton was three years older. We met at a sports club, dated for several months, walked, sat in a cafe, then became so close that I introduced him to my parents.” However, Anton "turned out to be spoiled and wayward."

On July 10, 2004, Alena Vodonaeva first came to the television project “Dom-2” and stated that she wanted to build a relationship with Stepan Menshchikov. She succeeded. After dating for several years, the couple broke up, but this bright couple from “House-2” is still remembered.

Her next boyfriend was May Abrikosov. The couple finally broke up after May was kicked out of the project.

On June 12, 2007, Alena Vodonaeva also left the project. And she settled in the apartment of the producer of the show “Dom-2” Vaselina Mikhailovskaya. To her parents’ offer to move in with them, Alena responded with a categorical “No.” For about a month, the girls hid the fact that they lived together.

“Gossip about our relationship still does not subside. They constantly write that we are lesbians. And that I stayed on the project for so long precisely because Vasya is my mistress. And all because we were often seen together,” - Alena sighed in one of the interviews.

True, in the press there appeared, to put it mildly, strange photographs of the couple for “just friendship.” But Alena categorically rejected a lesbian relationship with Vaselina.

On August 7, 2009, Alena married businessman Alexei Malakeev. The ceremony took place in the Gagarin registry office, where only the closest and dearest people were invited. On August 23, 2010, Alena gave birth to a son, Bogdan.

In 2011, her husband left her.

Alena Vodonaeva's son examines mannequins

While formally married (Malakeev and Vodonaeva officially divorced only in 2013), she actively had affairs.

From October to December 2011 she met with the lead singer of the YIN YANG group Sergei Ashikhmin. She will also have a relationship with him from March to May 2013.

In February 2012, she began dating businessman Arseny Sharov - the romance lasted until February 2013.

Since May 2013, Vodonaeva began dating St. Petersburg party-goer Slava Panterov. They separated in September 2013.

From February to August 2014, Alena dated 23-year-old St. Petersburg partygoer and entrepreneur, owner of a real estate agency, Yuri Ande, and even planned to marry him. But this union also fell apart.

At the beginning of 2015, she had a relationship with 20-year-old racer Artem Markelov, who is 12 years younger than her. They separated in April 2015.

Since May 2015, she began an affair with tattoo artist Anton Korotkov.

At the beginning of 2017, Alena began a relationship with a musician. He is a world-famous electronic music star, the frontman of the popular electronic project Zeskullz in the West. They have known each other for a long time, but previously they were limited to working and friendly relations.

Filmography of Alena Vodonaeva:

2000 - Russian Kids 2 - Lena the Rat
2008 - Happy together - cameo
2010 - Partisans - nurse
2012 - Deffchonki - Galya
2014 - It’s Always Sunny in Moscow - Karina
2015 - Game of Thrones - episode

Songs by Alena Vodonaeva:

"It's not too late"
"Paper Sky" (with the group Plazma)
“Vulnerable Heart” (with Alexander Lominsky)
“Alena” (with Gyssi-Swans)

Clips of Alena Vodonaeva:

“Vulnerable Heart” (with Alexander Lominsky)
“Alena” (with Gyssi-Swans)

Alena Vodonaeva is a famous presenter, fashion model and singer. Popularity came to her when she took part in the famous project “Dom-2”, where she attracted the attention of viewers with her unconventional behavior and remarkable charm.

She was an ordinary simple girl, but became a metropolitan celebrity. Cool parties, communication with influential people, and expensive things have now become part of her life - everything that ordinary Muscovites can only dream of. But few people know that the road to success for this girl was not easy. She has her own style and line of behavior that fits perfectly into the Moscow elite.

Height, weight, age. How old is Alena Vodonaeva

This girl is, first of all, notable for her luxurious curves. It is thanks to her extraordinary appearance that she attracts many fans. Who are interested primarily in her height, weight, age. How old is Alena Vodonaeva? This is a special question. In appearance, you wouldn’t give her more than thirty years of age. But in fact, Alena is already 35.

If you compare the photo of Alena Vodonaeva in her youth and now, we can say that then she looked, nevertheless, more attractive and natural. However, she still looks good now. And this is largely due to her gorgeous figure. With a fairly tall height for a woman of 176 centimeters, Vodonaeva weighs 58 kilograms.

Biography of Alena Vodonaeva

Alena was born on July 2, 1982. She did not achieve any particular success at school, since she often missed classes - the girl was in rather poor health. Father - Yuri Vodonaev - worked as an orthopedist. Mom taught at a university. In addition, she has a brother, Stanislav, 6 years younger than her.

The biography of Alena Vodonaeva is filled with all sorts of amazing events. For example, if you enter the query: “Alena Vodonaeva photo in her youth,” you can immediately understand that even at a very young age the girl differed favorably from her peers. Her extraordinary appearance allowed her to grab a lucky ticket at the age of 12 and enter a modeling school.

Despite the fact that the girl may seem like just an arrogant fool, she is not. In fact, Alena has two higher educations - she received degrees in journalism and philology.

She got to Dom-2 thanks to her thesis work - there she had to highlight all the pros and cons of this show. During the project, she began an affair with Stepan Menshikov, and after that with May Abrikosov. After three years of being there, Alena finally left the project.

Afterwards, she received a position as a TV presenter, first in the video version of Cosmopolitan magazine, and then in the program Reality Girl.

Alena Vodonaeva recorded songs with the music group “Plazma”, the most famous of which is “Paper Sky”.

Among other things, she played in several TV series and films. She is often invited to fashion shows as a model. Including for the men's edition "Maxim".

Personal life of Alena Vodonaeva

The personal life of Alena Vodonaeva is not a secret to the public. Alena married only once, to businessman Alexei Malakeev. Their marriage did not last long - about four years. But during this time they had a common child - a son. The parting was quite painful for the girl. It is noteworthy that the official divorce took place only a couple of years after the actual separation.

After the divorce, she had several affairs, however, they never led to anything serious. Now Vodonaeva does not give any comments.

Family of Alena Vodonaeva

Alena Vodonaeva's family has always been very friendly. From the cradle, the girl was taught to love family and respect traditions. Alena dreamed of leaving her native Tyumen for the capital and staying there. Her wish came true, but now, on the contrary, she misses her hometown and comes there to visit her parents as soon as she has free days.

The girl's father continues to work as a doctor in the city hospital, and her mother no longer teaches. Taking advantage of Alena’s popularity, the woman now teaches culinary classes.

Currently, Alena herself lives in the capital with her little son.

Children of Alena Vodonaeva

The children of Alena Vodonaeva are her only son Bogdan. And the family was very much looking forward to his birth. Parents carefully prepared for the arrival of their first child - they read special literature, bought all the necessary things and furniture, and various toys. Unfortunately, the appearance of the boy only completely broke down the relationship between their parents.

Alena did not sit on maternity leave and went back to work as soon as she finally recovered from childbirth. The baby's mother was replaced by a nanny. However, his father also tried to spend more time with him.

Son of Alena Vodonaeva - Bogdan Malakeev

Alena Vodonaeva’s son, Bogdan Malakeev, was born in August 2010. The boy is already 7, he often sees his father, even though his parents have not been together for a long time. Bogdanchik is growing up as a very cheerful, active and inquisitive child. He has a lot of hobbies, including drawing, learning English, reading and gymnastics. It is quite possible that in the future he will continue his father’s work.

Alena Vodonaeva and her son Bogdan - a photo of this kind can be easily found on the celebrity’s Instagram profile.

Alena Vodonaeva's ex-husband - Alexey Malakeev

Alena Vodonaeva’s ex-husband, Alexey Malakeev, is a famous businessman who owns several large companies. Alexey met his future wife at a party with their mutual friend. A romantic relationship did not arise immediately, but the couple decided to get married six months later. The wedding took place at the end of the summer of 2009. And only relatives were present there. Once again the celebration was held in the Maldives. It looked very romantic - the pastor married them right on the seashore. A year later, their first child, Bogdanchik, was born.

Unfortunately, the birth of the baby did not save the family. The man left his wife, but helps with raising the boy.

Since her youth, Vodonaeva could boast of chiseled facial features and a chic, slim figure. But, as they say, there is no limit to perfection - over time, the girl still wanted to have several plastic surgeries, despite the protests of her friends. Photos of Alena Vodonaeva before and after plastic surgery with a difference of several years are easy to find on the Internet. The changes are very clearly visible on them. But the girl herself does not deny that she performed these operations.

She enlarged her breasts to size 5, corrected the shape of her lips and made them fuller. Among other things, Alena is a frequent client of beauty salons, where she receives special anti-aging injections. But he claims that he is not going to do any more plastic surgery.

Instagram and Wikipedia Alena Vodonaeva

Instagram and Wikipedia Alena Vodonaeva are the primary sources of information for those fans who want to be aware of all the details of the life of their favorite. Be sure to pay attention to them, especially if you have not yet subscribed to her Instagram. There, the TV presenter has over nine thousand posts and more than a million subscribers. In addition, it should be noted that Vodonaeva once took third place in a competition to create the most popular profile on Instagram.

Also, Alena is an active user of other social networks. She has pages on Twitter and Facebook. Article found on alabanza.ru

Alena Vodonaeva – Russian TV presenter, actress, model, former participant in the television project “Dom-2”.

Also leads his blog on the Mail Ru website. Today, her blog ranks third in terms of traffic among all.

Childhood and adolescence

Alena was born on July 2, 1982 in Tyumen into a fairly wealthy family. Her father is an orthopedist, and her mother is a teacher of economics. Alena is not the only child in the family; she has an older brother, Stas.

Despite the fact that the girl did not know refusal for anything, she did not become capricious and spoiled. On the contrary, Alena has always been distinguished by independence and independence, the desire to achieve something big without the help of her parents.

As a child, Alena wanted to become a model and even took part in small shows Tyumen Fashion Theater. She even managed to star in small commercials.

However, already at the age of 14, she sharply changed her interests and decided to become a journalist. Alena plunged headlong into her new hobby and began writing short articles and notes for the local newspaper.

After graduating from school, the girl entered the Faculty of Journalism at Tyumen State University, successfully passing all entrance exams. Alena was the best student on the course, I didn’t miss classes and always passed all tests and exams with flying colors.

While a student, she worked part-time on a radio station where she hosted a crime news section. Alena also managed to work on local television, where her duties included interviewing celebrities arriving in Tyumen.

However, Alena’s dream was to move to Moscow and make a career there. So Alena Vodonaeva went to the TV show “Dom-2”, but, as she herself said, not for the sake of finding her soul mate, but for the sake of writing her thesis, which described the essence of the reality show.

Participation in "House-2"

Alena came to the show in 2004 and almost immediately became one of the most talked about participants. Her romance with Stepan Menshikov, the main macho man of the reality show, brought her fame.

The girl attracted Stepan on the very first day at the “TV set” by dancing an erotic dance on the execution site. However, their relationship cannot be called cloudless; they constantly quarreled and then made up. Alena regularly arranged violent showdowns for her chosen one, some of them looked like real battles.

The relationship lasted only six months, Alena decided that nothing would work out with Stepan, and put an end to their romance. Then the girl made attempts to start a love relationship with May Abrikosov, Mikhail Kontsev and Anton Potapovich. However, none of the novels were successful and in 2007 Alena decided to leave the project.

Life after the project

After completing her participation in the reality show, Alena decided to become the host of the program "Cosmopolitan - video version" on the TNT channel. Although the girl tried to become a popular TV presenter, all her attempts failed. Alena failed to achieve widespread fame in this area.

Then in 2009 she created her blog in “Mail Ru” and after a short time it took an honorable third place in readability. Alena also launched her blogs on Instagram and Twitter, which also did not go unnoticed.

Later, Alena hosted the “Russia Ru” program, in which she talked about the lives of successful men. At the same time, the girl began to be invited to shoot in men's magazines, as well as to various shows as a model.

In 2010, together with Anfisa Chekhova, Alena hosted the TV program “The Naked Ten”, and in 2011 starred for Playboy.

A few months later, in parallel with filming, Alena tried on the role of a socialite, and since 2012 the girl began to actively attend all social events and parties.

In 2013, Alena took part in the project "Dancing with the Stars" together with Evgeniy Papunaishvili. Their dance duet took second place.

In 2014, the TV presenter became a participant in the sports television project “Duel”, where she again took silver.

Personal life

Alena has always had a busy personal life. After participating in “House-2” with the TV presenter had a relationship with Alexey Malakeev, a famous businessman. In August 2009, Alena and Alexey had a magnificent wedding, and a year later the couple had a son, Bogdan. However, their relationship did not last long - in 2013, the couple decided to divorce.

Having experienced a separation from my husband, Alena began dating Anton Korotkov, who is 6 years younger than her. The young man is actively involved in business and is also interested in tattooing. The young people were supposed to get married, but the wedding never took place.

Since 2017, the TV presenter has been dating Alexey Komov(Alexey Kosinus). Their relationship is gaining serious momentum. For the sake of her lover, the girl moved to St. Petersburg. Their romance is actively followed by numerous subscribers.

Recently, Alena Vodonaeva became the wife of musician Alexei Kosinus. The star's wedding was not without scandal, as were most of her novels. Alena loudly declared herself by becoming a participant in the Dom-2 project. The girl tried to build her love with Stepan Menshchikov, whom she dated for several years under the gun of television cameras. The romance was quite stormy - quarrels, fights, dramatic reconciliations. He made the couple one of the most popular contestants on the show. Despite Stepan and Alena’s love for fame, they could not last long in the relationship and broke up. Now Stepan periodically appears on screens, manages his own event agency and has scandals with his ex-wife.

Stepan Menshchikov and Alena Vodonaeva Photo: Social networks

Alena Vodonaeva’s next chosen one on the project was Roman Tertishny, better known as May Abrikosov. There was also drama and fighting in this relationship. If Alena managed to maintain her popularity even after she left the perimeter, then Roman, after his expulsion, preferred a quiet life in the village.

Alena’s first husband Alexey Malakeev was very different from Stepan and May. The calm, balanced young man was very popular with fans of the celebrity. When Alexey took Alena as his wife, their joy knew no bounds. But the idyll did not last long. Alena Vodonaeva announced that she was divorcing her husband because they have too different views on love and romance. Apparently, the star didn’t have enough fights and stormy reconciliations. After the divorce, Alena swore that she would never marry again, and her followers complained that she missed such an exceptional man. Now Alexey and Alena maintain friendly relations and are raising their son Bogdan together.

Alexey Malakeev and Alena Vodonaeva // Photo: Instagram

After the divorce, Alena returned to her favorite type of men - partygoers and playmakers. She was seen in the company of millionaire Arseny Sharov and Slava Panterov.

Then Alena Vodonaeva began a period when she dated men younger than herself. Among them were twenty-four-year-old real estate agency owner Yuri Ande and racer Artyom Markelov. If with Yuri there were words first about wedding, and then about betrayal, then the celebrity hung out with Artyom and parted peacefully.

Alena Vodonaeva and Artyom Markelov // Photo: Instagram

Fans of Alena Vodonaeva again heard serious discussions about the wedding from the lips of their idol when the star began dating tattoo artist Anton Korotkov. Gigabytes of sweet photos together, common plans for the future and a planned wedding ended with Alena’s philosophical posts on Instagram and reasoning about why she needs a man who lives at her expense, feeds her with promises and watches TV all day long.

Alena Vodonaeva and Anton Korotkov // Photo: Instagram

Alena Vodonaeva’s second husband Alexey Kosinus, like the first, stands apart among all her suitors. Alexey is handsome, an ardent supporter of a healthy lifestyle, he seems to earn money himself, but at the same time he loves parties and travel. Alena admitted that she had her eye on Alexey five years ago. However, it took her a long time to change her status from friend to bride.

Perhaps Alena finally managed to find the man of her dreams and with Alexey Kosinus she will be truly happy.