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Analysis of the poem on the railway block. Analysis of Blok’s poem “On the Railroad”

The poem “On the Railroad” was included in the “Motherland” cycle. The work reveals the tragedy of fate and the suicide of a young woman. The action takes place at a small remote stop; the author does not indicate the name of the district or province.

To understand the fate of the heroine, it is enough to know that this is the wilderness. This fact allows us to feel more deeply the loneliness and joylessness of a young woman who dreamed of happiness. Trains probably stop very rarely, “passing by on the usual line.” The reader understands that the platform is deserted by the fact that only she and the gendarme standing next to her are visible from the windows. From the poem it becomes clear that she went out onto the platform more than once, caught many glances from people looking out of the windows, but only once noticed the passing smile of a hussar leaning on the red velvet

Many people passing by saw the woman, but few paid attention to the lonely figure standing on the platform. These imaginary meetings occupied a huge place in the life of a single woman. Words about passing youth with its empty dreams make you think about the speed and irrevocability of time, about unfulfilled hopes. Dreams of finding happiness ran into the indifference and coldness of those around me. Millions of deserted eyes from the carriages looked at her, many bows were given, but all to no avail.

The author asks not to ask her anything. But questions arise of their own accord. The reader will find the answers after carefully reading the poem, when a clear idea of ​​the cause of suicide is formed. We are talking about a woman meeting not a specific person from the train, but about the expectation of wonderful changes for the better. Constant visits to the station and unjustified hopes give the reader the opportunity to feel the hopelessness of the young heroine’s situation.

Constantly passing trains symbolize life rushing by. Her heart was torn apart by the melancholy of the road. The inability to change anything prompted a beautiful woman to commit suicide.

Reading and learning the verse “On the Railroad” by Alexander Alexandrovich Blok is not easy. This is due to the fact that the symbolist poet takes the reader away from the main storyline, giving the poem a special meaning. The text of Blok’s poem “On the Railway” is full of drama, melancholy, and special internal tension. The work was written in 1910 and is dedicated to the death of a young woman under the wheels of a train. It seems to continue the “railway-tram” line begun by other Russian writers and poets: L. Tolstoy in “Anna Karenina” and “Sunday”, A. Akhmatova in the poem “Rails”, N. Gumilev in the poem “The Lost Tram”.

Blok paints his lyrical heroine as a “young”, “beautiful”, strong woman, capable of subtle feelings and experiences. Her life flows smoothly, she is invisible to others, but she wants something different, she wants to be noticed, not to be “glided over with even glances”, not to be compared with the gendarme standing next to her or the growing bushes. In literature lessons in the 11th grade, teachers explain that the railway in this poem is a symbol of the poet’s modern life, where a meaningless cycle of events takes place, where everyone is indifferent to each other, where everyone is depersonalized, where there is nothing but “road, iron melancholy.” Life in a world where entire classes are fenced off from each other by the iron walls of carriages is unbearable. In such a world, a person can only be a victim, and if happiness is impossible, if life flows meaninglessly, if no one notices you, the only thing left to do is die. After reading the poem in its entirety, you begin to understand what the poet is talking about. He calls for paying attention to a person during life, and not showing idle curiosity about him after his death. That is why the poet does not reveal the reasons for the heroine’s death and does not explain what pushed her to take this step, because no one cares, but “she has enough.”

Blok’s poem “On the Railroad” is presented on our website. You can get acquainted with it online, or you can download it for a literature lesson.

Maria Pavlovna Ivanova

Under the embankment, in the unmown ditch,
Lies and looks as if alive,
In a colored scarf thrown on her braids,
Beautiful and young.

Sometimes I walked with a sedate gait
To the noise and whistle behind the nearby forest.
Walking all the way around the long platform,
She waited, worried, under the canopy.

Three bright eyes rushing -
Softer blush, cooler curl:
Perhaps one of those passing by
Look more closely from the windows...

The carriages walked in the usual line,
They shook and creaked;
The yellow and blue ones were silent;
The green ones cried and sang.

We got up sleepy behind the glass
And looked around with an even gaze
Platform, garden with faded bushes,
Her, the gendarme next to her...

Just once a hussar, with a careless hand
Leaning on the scarlet velvet,
Slipped over her with a tender smile,
He slipped and the train sped off into the distance.

Thus the useless youth rushed,
Exhausted in empty dreams...
Road melancholy, iron
She whistled, breaking my heart...

Why, the heart has been taken out a long time ago!
So many bows were given,
So many greedy glances cast
Into the deserted eyes of the carriages...

Don't approach her with questions
You don’t care, but she’s satisfied:
With love, mud or wheels
She is crushed - everything hurts.

A. Blok's poem "On the Railway" begins with a description of the death of the heroine - a young woman. The author returns us to her death at the end of the work. The composition of the verse is thus circular and closed.

On the railway
Maria Pavlovna Ivanova
Under the embankment, in the unmown ditch,
Lies and looks as if alive,
In a colored scarf thrown on her braids,
Beautiful and young.

Sometimes I walked with a sedate gait
To the noise and whistle behind the nearby forest.
Walking all the way around the long platform,
She waited, worried, under the canopy...

In the poem “On the Railway” you can find many other symbols. The symbol of the path - fate is the railway. Depicting continuous lines of passenger cars, Blok sets the theme of the road, the life path of a person. People constantly move from carriage to carriage, some are lucky, others suffer the bitterness of defeat. People's lives are in constant motion. A train, locomotive, station is a symbol of a stage or moment of the journey. But the path, the road, are also harbingers of the outcome, towards which every person moves, as if towards a cliff. Perhaps the poet perceived this outcome as the death of old Russia and the birth of a new one, which all the people were looking forward to. The railway is a sign of a terrible world, merciless to people.
In most of the poem, the poet writes about the past, but it is inextricably linked with the present.
The color scheme of the poem is also interesting. The color of Blok's poetry is a means of expressing emotional assessment and attitude towards images. In terms of color, the first and last quatrains contain practically no colors, they are colorless. In the past, in another world - a different flavor. Here are the “bright eyes” (lights) of the oncoming train, and the gentle, lively blush on the cheeks of this girl, and the multicolored carriages (apparently, division by class). Blue is the color of the sky, sublime – carriages for the rich, yellow is bright, hurting the eyes the color of warmth and at the same time illness is the middle class, and green is the color of grass, proximity to the earth - third class carriages. It is noteworthy that the view from the platform is completely different from the view from behind the windows of the cars. From the inside, the world is visible in faded, colorless colors. The only bright, sharp color in the carriage is scarlet. It can symbolize blood, irritation, aggression and cruelty of these people. Outside there are forest trees, behind the forest there is a long platform with a canopy on it. The color scheme is not muted, but quite calm. The green color of the trees appears to be a blue gendarme uniform and most likely a wooden platform. Blok deliberately does not give “color” definitions for some words, giving the reader the opportunity to imagine this picture in his own imagination.
In the poem, the author uses the technique of reverse narration, that is, he begins with the death of the heroine, tragedy, gradually revealing previous events.

Alexander Blok wrote this interesting poem in 1910. And it is interesting because the poet himself made a note that this is a kind of imitation of one of the episodes of Leo Tolstoy’s work “Resurrection”.

Speaking of the plot: this is a rather sad picture. The life of a young girl who hoped for happiness in life. But she found only death. It seems that the lyrical hero knew the young lady and watched her fate. He feels sorry for her, and at the same time, from some lines one can notice that the girl herself took the wrong path in life. The action takes place on the platform of a railway station, where a young lady is trying to find a response in the hearts of passengers from passing cars. Why is she waiting for happiness in such a place? Why does he ultimately step into the abyss of non-existence? Many questions arise as you read A. Blok’s work. In advance, Blok writes the lines “Don’t approach her with questions, you don’t care, but she’s happy.” It seems as if Blok wanted to say that the reader, like an indifferent passenger, will also rush past after finishing reading. And yet, it can be assumed that the girl was looking for happiness on the platform, because she hoped to find joy at least from strangers, because she was lonely.

Very skillfully A. Blok selects expressions in his creation to convey the main theme. For example, in the seventh stanza there is the line “So the useless youth rushed.” Such a catchy word “useless” makes it clear that no one needs the heroine, no one knows about her, only the lyrical hero and the reader turn their attention to the fate of the girl.

Sad fate attracts the image of an unhappy soul. Perhaps this is one of those poems in which you don’t need to look for meaning again, you just need to pay attention to it as to its heroine.

Analysis of Blok's poem On the Railway

Alexander Blok wrote a work in the genre of a poem, which he called “On the Railroad.” This was done in 1910. Also, critics include this work in his collection of poems, or a cycle called “Alone.” And perhaps not without reason. Since the block’s poem contains many elements that in themselves are illustrations of Russia, which was not yet revolutionary.

That is, pre-revolutionary Russia is an important thing that Blok wanted to show in his work. In addition, the main characters are also present. This is a beautiful, young woman. In addition, he is her lover. But from the very first lines of the poem it becomes clear that she is dead. Since the plot is as follows - she died after throwing herself under the wheels of a train.

But the thing is, she did it that way on purpose. After all, the whole point is that life is as difficult as it seemed to her at that moment. Blok further develops this idea, and readers see that everything is not so simple. After all, there was love, so strong and passionate, but everything seemed to perish in one moment.

No wonder Alexander Blok chose such a plot. After all, it is inspired precisely by the works of Leo Tolstoy. Especially, the theme of works in which the main characters die tragically, and this is “Anna Karenina”, and even “Sunday”. These heroes died because shame came first for them, as well as disappointment that people were not the same as themselves. Alexander Blok was able to present the plot in the poem in such a way that it does not look ridiculous or ordinary. Everything seems majestic, and very tragic.

But who the heroine herself is is difficult to understand. Both beautiful and young, but what origin is not clear. But there was one fact - this woman constantly and regularly came at the same time, watching the passengers get off the train, and then sadly looked after the departing train. This happened all the time, and then, on an ordinary day, she died, thus perishing. Even the author himself does not know what exactly made him commit this act.

Analysis of the poem On the railway according to plan

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Under the measured rumble of iambic

There is a leisurely and, in fact, terrible description of the existence of a young girl somewhere in the depths of Russia, who does not know how to hold on to her fleeting youth. Her painful daily visits to the station are shown with empty hopes for some (what?) changes in life. After all, she is “beautiful and young,” Blok characterizes her. On the railway will show this) life will squeeze the heart and soul of the heroine with such unbearable melancholy that from the first stanza it is clear how scary and quickly she will end her life and hopes.

In the quagmire of life

In the terrible monotony of the heroine’s life, there was only one entertainment - going to the station in the evening, dressed up. The whole tedious, wearisome day ended with the arrival at a fast train, through the windows of which one could look and see another life - bright and elegant. And her cheeks flushed, and her curls curled more steeply, and the heroine, standing next to the gendarme near the faded dusty bushes, was exhausted in empty dreams, bogged down in inertia. From afar I saw three bright headlights of a rushing train, and the cars, shaking and creaking, went and went past, without stopping, and the melancholy tore my heart: again she stood there, no one needed. The train flashed by, looked at the carriages - and that was it, and there was nothing more.

Sheer indifference, even if you shout or don’t shout, no one cares about her. An eventless existence takes place at a small stop (and Blok vividly describes it), on the railway. Analysis of the poem says that the heroine has nowhere to apply her strength, feelings, intelligence, beauty.

Just one just once

The hussar drew attention to her just once, casually leaning his elbows on the scarlet velvet. He smiled tenderly, glanced over - and there was nothing more left.

Time does not wait, the train rushed off into the distance. But for a second she was appreciated. This is both wonderful and humiliating. Useless youth rushed by like a train. What then? And now there is nothing but dull monotony, except petty affairs that stultify and coarse the mind and soul. What then? Is it really necessary to grow old so colorlessly so that no one will rejoice at her lively, cheerful character and the tender charm of her youth? The bitterness, regrets, and hopeless melancholy that consume the heroine are shown by Blok (“On the Railroad”). Analysis of the poem does not allow us to hope for any changes in the heroine’s life.

Sharp turn

How many times the poor thing had to walk through the woods to the station, how many times she had to stand under the canopy, how many times she had to walk the long platform, only she and the Almighty know. After all, I was so irresistibly drawn from this quiet place to where life is seething and changing every day. And nothing happened. And then came an instant desire to put an end to the sleepy fog of life (Blok says) on the railway forever. Analysis of the poem speaks of the girl’s spontaneous, but not accidental, decision to smile farewell and without desire, like into a pool, throw herself under the train.

A terrible beginning and a terrible end

Like a musical rondo, the first and last quatrains begin and end an abruptly cut short, miserable, wretched life, which did not even blossom, and could not blossom in full force. And now, as if alive, with open, frozen eyes, she lies in an unmown ditch, having rolled off the rails and under an embankment. Actually, she did not die now, but back when her hopes were smoldering and fading away with each passing day.

Physically alive, she was already dying when she cast greedy glances at the windows of the carriages. What questions might arise for her now? And would the girl want to answer them? After all, no one cares. Everything is just empty curiosity. This is how Blok narrates (“On the Railroad”). Analysis of the poem only states, like a doctor, the fact of death.


The girl is lonely and not needed by anyone, neither herself nor people. What about Russia without a daughter? She herself is a beggar, lying dozing, humiliated and wild. This is how Blok saw her at a crossroads, on the railroad. The analysis done by the poet, like a scalpel, reveals its chaotic nature and disastrous path. But this is precisely the kind of poet who loved and hated her immensely at the same time. Contradictively, with a bleeding heart, Blok looked with bitterness at what was happening on the railway. He carried out an analysis of Russian reality throughout the entire cycle of poems “Russia”. “On the Railroad” is a piece of the mosaic from which “Russia” was formed - boundless melancholy.

The poet’s heart is crying, blood is flowing from it on the Kulikovo Field. And the artist himself does not know what to do with himself, let alone give advice and recipes to the children of Russia. One thing he knows for sure is that “the heart cannot live in peace,” Blok. “On the Railway” (analysis of the verse makes us understand this) is a piercing cry of the soul, tearing the hearts of both the poet and the heroine of the work. Vulgarity, savagery and age-old darkness triumph.

Reading Blok out loud

Poems should be perceived by ear, like music, because this is the only way to hear the sounds and understand, feel how the images come together.

Let's start with the language of metaphors. The carriages, yellow and blue, are intended for wealthy people who can afford to travel in first and second class, which is not specified by the poet, and the green ones are for poverty, because this is clear to contemporaries without explanation. In addition, this quatrain has interesting sound assonances and alliterations: the repeated syllables “li” soften the menacing sound of the wheels and make it more melodious. The soft “l” repeated 10 times in the quatrain about the hussar softens the inevitability of a fleeting meeting of the eyes of strangers. The whistling and hissing “s” and “zh” emphasize the rapid movement of the composition. If you read carefully and say it out loud, this expressive coloring will be heard. And the technique in the composition, when the denouement precedes the story, strengthens the image of the railway created later as a symbol of the rut of life, from which one cannot turn either to the right or to the left. The tenses of verbs are also important. In the first and last quatrains, the verb forms are used in the present tense, and this also enhances its reverse composition. The image of the path, having passed through the entire poem, becomes central, oppressive and killing a person. This is how Blok “On the Railroad” builds. The analysis is given briefly. They can be supplemented further.

The essence of Blok’s world is terrible and filled with scattering evil, soulless and indifferent, human stupidity, hopeless, majestic, endless. But no, this is not the end, says the poet. There are also forests, clearings, fogs, rustling in the oats. Beauty exists outside of people. It can and should be seen.