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Anatomy for Medical Colleges

1)Atlas of human anatomy (systems and organs) in the form of 38 colorful table posters. 2007 Download: http://yadi.sk/d/2kQB2bka6HdSS Each table is indexed in Russian, so the tables are easy to use. This collection is the most complete collection of anatomical tables of the human body. Here are tables of all the main systems and organs of the human body. This collection of tables should make it easier for students to study the anatomy of the human body.

List of all atlas tables:

Body systems

Respiratory system

autonomic nervous system

Nervous system

Digestive system

endocrine apparatus

female reproductive system

The male reproductive system

lymphatic system

Vascular system

System of bones and their connections

Muscular system Urogenital system

Organs and parts of the body


General anatomical structure of the brain


Anatomical structure of the inner ear

Vestibulocochlear organ - the organ of hearing and balance

Ear, throat, nose

Throat and larynx

Cranial and spinal nerves

Organ of vision


Anatomy of teeth





Head and neck

Vertebrae and spinal column

Shoulder and elbow

Hands and wrists

Feet and ankles

Hip and knee joints


Pregnancy and childbirth.

2) "Atlas of human anatomy"(Samusev R.P., 2003) Textbook for students of medical colleges and schools. The manual can also be used by students of medical universities. The file is in the format" djvu» download:http://yadi.sk/d/BvwhNb6ICxLcB

3) "Atlas of normal human anatomy"(Samusev R.P., 1989) Textbook for students of medical colleges and schools. File in the format" pdf» read online or download: http://yadi.sk/d/nEGWseiJRvVod

4) "Pocket anatomical album"(Pupyshev L.V., 2000) File format " djvu» download: http://yadi.sk/d/wDwM28HLDATd4 The album includes drawings from the most important sections of the human anatomy course. The captions for the drawings are in verse form, which contributes to a better memorization of the curriculum. Designed for students and teachers of medical institutes and anyone interested in human anatomy.

5) "Atl_anat_m_ii_1.pdf " (Semenov E.V., 1998) File format "pdf". The proposed volume 1 covers the following sections of anatomy: skeleton, ligaments, joints, muscles, digestive and respiratory systems. The Atlas can be used in teaching anatomy in medical, pharmaceutical, pedagogical universities, academies, institutes. When using a smaller amount of information from the atlas, students of medical and pedagogical schools and colleges, as well as students of educational institutions of physical culture and sports, can study on it. Due to the accessibility of the presentation, it can be useful to schoolchildren and all those who are interested in the structure of the human body.

6) "Human anatomy. Illustrated atlas"(Translated from Spanish) 2011. For a wide range of readers. File format " pdf» read online or download: http://yadi.sk/d/ohdnlB-tDLX7i

7) "Human anatomy and physiology with the basics of general pathology"(Shvyrev A.A., 2004) . File format " djvu» download:http://yadi.sk/d/87Gh40RQDLYtv

8) "Anatomy_and_physiology_of_a_human_with_basics_of_general pathology"(Shvyrev A.A., 2012.) Benefit for students of medical colleges . File format " pdf» read online or download: http://yadi.sk/d/YdUUpd1aRvZCr

9) "Human anatomy and physiology"(Fedyukovich N.I., 2003) For students of medical colleges and schools in the specialty "Nurse".

File format " doc» watch online or download: http://yadi.sk/d/CEtg42TpDLbf6

File format " pdf» read online or download: http://yadi.sk/d/GjAvkHgRDLcvN

10) Tutorial" Human anatomy"(Sapin_M.R., 2008_.) for students of medical colleges and schools. The file is in the format " pdf» read online or download: http://yadi.sk/d/qP7oKSQnRvawx

11) Medical_atlas "Human anatomy"for medical students (Bilich_G.L., 2012_): https://yadi.sk/i/mOzFs59xaiJsR

Name: Human anatomy.

How does a person breathe? How do his eyes see? What happens to food when it enters the body? The answers to these and many other questions you can find in the book "Human Anatomy". Its author, Dr. Mark Crocker, presented detailed information in a lively and fascinating manner, accompanying the text with colorful illustrations and diagrams depicting human organs and systems. The book focuses on those that are vital. Colored tabs are also devoted to the most exciting issues: the food we eat, ways to treat diseases. Human Anatomy is an excellent guide to how the human body works and an indispensable guide for anyone interested in human biology.

Name: Great Atlas of Anatomy - A photographic description of the human body.

Photographic description of the human body. A large number of new illustrations have been introduced into this edition: about 60 new photographs and 20 new drawings have been added based on newly created samples. In order to avoid undesirable changes in the volume of the book, we have removed obsolete figures from previous editions and revised them. Contains 1111 illustrations, 947 of which are color ratio of the parts of the book.

Download and read The Great Atlas of Anatomy - A photographic description of the human body - Roen Y.V., Yokochi C., Lutyen-Drekoll E.

Name: Atlas of Human Anatomy - Volume 3.

The third volume is devoted to the doctrine of the vessels - angiology. The structure of the heart, the vessels of the pulmonary and systemic circulation, the lymphatic system and the spleen are presented in detail. All anatomical terms are given in accordance with the International Anatomical Nomenclature, 4th edition (M.: Medicine, 1980). Changes have been made according to the 5th edition of the nomenclature (Mexican revision, 1983).

Download and read Atlas of Human Anatomy - Volume 3 - Sinelnikov R.D., Sinelnikov Ya.R.

Name: Atlas of Human Anatomy - Volume 2.

The second volume presents the doctrine of the viscera: the digestive and respiratory systems, the genitourinary apparatus, as well as the endocrine glands. Information about the development and age characteristics of organs and systems is presented. The text is illustrated with original drawings, photographs from preparations and radiographs. All terms are aligned with the International Anatomical Nomenclature (4th and 5th editions).

Name: Atlas of Human Anatomy - Volume 1.

The first volume consists of three sections: 1) the doctrine of the bones; 2) the doctrine of bone joints; 3) the doctrine of muscles. The relationship between bone formations and the muscles attached to them is reflected, which makes it possible to reveal the skeletonotopy of especially complex muscle complexes. The illustrative material is represented by drawings of preparations specially prepared for the atlas and by radiographs. All anatomical terms are given in accordance with the International Anatomical Nomenclature, 4th Edition (Medicine, 1980). Some changes have been made to the 5th edition of the nomenclature (Mexican revision, 1983).

Name: Anatomical Atlas of the Human Body - Volume 3.

Volume 3

Download and read Anatomical Atlas of the Human Body - Volume 3 - Kishsh F. Sentagotai Ya.

Name: Anatomical Atlas of the Human Body - Volume 2.

Volume 2

The study of human anatomy is impossible without the help of an anatomical atlas. The task of the atlas is not only to help the medical student understand the shape, position and structure of organs when the student studies anatomy in a dissection room or museum. Atlas helps to restore natural anatomical preparations in memory. Therefore, the atlas serves not only the student, but also the doctor. Anatomical atlas prof. F. Kishsha and prof. J. Sentagotai reflects the great scientific and pedagogical experience of these Hungarian scientists. The Atlas compares favorably with the fact that, while remaining at the high level of modern science, it offers the medical student studying anatomy only the most important. The atlas is not overloaded with details. It presents generalized, often even semi-schematic, but completely natural anatomical pictures. In each figure, the most important is also highlighted with markup and notation, and the less important is omitted.

Name: human anatomy
Sapin M.R., Shvetsov E.V.
The year of publishing: 2008
Size: 11.42 MB
Format: pdf
Language: Russian

In the practical manual "Human Anatomy" edited by Sapina M.R., et al., the questions of anatomy and the basics of human physiology, its anatomical and physiological features according to the age criterion of development are considered. The book covers questions covering the musculoskeletal system, splanchnology, the urogenital apparatus and lymphatics, the immune system, the endocrine apparatus, the cardiovascular and nervous systems, the anatomy of the analyzers, and the sense organs. For students of medical colleges, schools.

Name: Anatomy of the musculoskeletal system
Pivchenko P.G., Trushel N.A.
The year of publishing: 2014
Size: 55.34 MB
Format: pdf
Language: Russian
Description: The book "Anatomy of the musculoskeletal system" under the editorship of Pivchenko P.G., et al., considers general osteology: the function and structure of bones, their development, classification, as well as age characteristics ... Download the book for free

Name: Large Atlas of Human Anatomy
Vincent Perez
The year of publishing: 2015
Size: 25.64 MB
Format: pdf
Language: Russian
Description: The "Great Atlas of Human Anatomy" by Vicente Perez is a compact illustration of all sections on normal human anatomy. The atlas contains drawings, diagrams, photograms illuminating the bone-we... Download the book for free

Name: Osteology. 5th edition.

The year of publishing: 2010
Size: 31.85 MB
Format: pdf
Language: Russian
Description: The textbook on anatomy "Osteology" presented to your attention, where the issues of osteology, the initial section of human anatomy, studying ... Download the book for free

Name: Anatomy of the muscular system. Muscles, fascia and topography.
Gaivoronsky I.V., Nichiporuk G.I.
The year of publishing: 2005
Size: 9.95 MB
Format: pdf
Language: Russian
Description: The textbook "Anatomy of the muscular system. Muscles, fascia and topography", as always, at a high level, considers the main issues of myology with the inherent accessibility of describing the material, which are reflected in ... Download the book for free

Name: Human anatomy.
Kravchuk S.Yu.
The year of publishing: 2007
Size: 143.36 MB
Format: pdf
Language: Ukrainian
Description: The presented book "Anatomy of a Human" by Kravchuk S.Yu. kindly provided to us directly by its author to popularize and facilitate the study of the basic for all medical science and one of the most ... Download the book for free

Name: Functional anatomy of the sense organs

The year of publishing: 2011
Size: 87.69 MB
Format: pdf
Language: Russian
Description: The presented book "Functional anatomy of the sense organs" edited by Gaivoronsky I.V., et al., considers the anatomy of the organ of vision, balance and hearing. The features of their innervation and ... Download the book for free

Name: Functional anatomy of the endocrine system
Gaivoronsky I.V., Nechiporuk G.I.
The year of publishing: 2010
Size: 70.88 MB
Format: pdf
Language: Russian
Description: The textbook "Functional anatomy of the endocrine system", edited by Gaivoronsky IV, et al., examines the normal anatomy of the endocrine glands, their innervation and blood supply. Description... Download the book for free

Name: Illustrated Atlas of Human Anatomy
Macmillan b.
The year of publishing: 2010
Size: 148.57 MB
Format: pdf
Language: Russian
Description: The Illustrated Atlas of Human Anatomy, ed., MacMillan B., is a well-illustrated atlas of normal human anatomy. Atlas examines the structure...