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Free portrait photo retouching. Removing unnecessary objects from photos

Modern technologies make life much easier for photography enthusiasts. Even if the photo didn’t turn out very well, using Photoshop you can retouch it on your computer and remove unwanted objects. With the TouchRetouch mobile app, editing photos and removing unnecessary things from them has become even easier - there is no need to use a computer mouse, just one finger is enough.

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How to remove unnecessary objects from a photo

1 . Open the application, click on " Albums» and select a photo.

2 . Zoom in on the part of the image you want to remove.

3 . Press " Deleting objects". By default, the tool will open Brush" In one motion, “paint over” the extra object. Press " Forward».

4 . At this stage, the unnecessary object should disappear from the photo. If there are still any extra lines left, erase them again. You can also click on the " Back", return everything as it was and try again.

Alternatively, you can use the " Lasso”, which also very accurately marks unnecessary objects. " Quick edits" And "Deleting lines" act in a similar way.

How often after taking a photo do we notice that there are unnecessary elements in the frame, for example: wires, strangers or unnecessary objects? But the photo itself would have turned out perfect if these objects in the background had not interfered. Photoshop masters can easily edit a photo and remove all disturbing details, but what should ordinary people who do not know how to work in professional graphic editors do? The solution, as usual, is simple - use third-party software that is “tailored” for specific purposes. In our case, this is the Snapheal program, designed to help mere mortals easily remove all unnecessary elements from photos. Working with the program is quite simple. When we launch Snapheal, we are greeted with a hint on how to work with it and an import window for uploading a photo. Add your photo and start editing. To do this, we have three blocks available to us:
- removing unnecessary elements
— retouching a separate part of a photo
— entire photo correction

Unfortunately, each of the blocks works independently of each other, so you cannot simultaneously cut out objects and, for example, change the contrast; you must save the intermediate result. But nevertheless, Snapheal is not a graphic editor, and its main goal is to remove unnecessary elements. All other functions are more likely to be made for small adjustments after the main task has been completed.

Let’s not dwell on secondary functions and move straight to the main one – “smart” object removal. We have special tools to select the area that we need to delete. You can use the “lasso” and select the required area with maximum precision, or you can take a “brush” and cover the desired area over the photo. Then you have a choice of one of three processing options:

  • Twister - for removing objects against the sky;
  • Shapeshift - for removing large objects;
  • Wormhole - on the contrary, for removing small objects.

After this, it is advisable to set one of three replacement parameters: low, medium or very precise. That's all, all that remains is to press the “Erase!” button. and wait a little while Snapheal removes the elements we don’t need. Naturally, the higher the processing accuracy you set, the longer the process will take (if you do not take into account the size of the photo itself).

Not every time the result of the program will be satisfactory, because everything still depends on the concept of the photo itself. It is clear that the more uniform the background, the better the effect will be. However, if you are not satisfied with the result obtained, try different substitution options. As a rule, one of them will give a completely positive effect.

Now about something more pressing - the price. She “bites” - 479 rubles. A bit much for a narrowly focused program. On the other hand, a Photoshop package for these purposes is not the most profitable investment, especially if you do not use it professionally.

Good day everyone, my dear friends. I’m with you again, Dmitry Kostin. I remembered here many moments when you are being photographed, and some extra person or some object that is out of place in the photograph gets into the frame. Sound familiar? You only notice this when you can’t take another photo. Leave it as is? No way!

Unnecessary objects can be thrown out of the photo, and no one will notice the difference. Do you want to know how to remove an unnecessary object from a photo in Photoshop? Then read on.

Content-Aware Filling

As you can see, the cat has disappeared, but you are not left with a cut out area as is usually the case. The void was filled with adjacent pixels, which, according to the program itself, would most likely end up in this place.

I had a small problem. when I removed the cat, a piece of the handle appeared in the area where the tail should be (apparently a clothes dryer). But it cleans up in exactly the same way. And now you have a clean blanket without a baby.

Likewise, I decided to remove the textbook from my desk. Do you agree that it is very simple? But that is not all.

Stamp tool

Sometimes the first method may not be entirely suitable for the purposes we need. But it doesn't matter. Photoshop almost always has several solutions for a specific task. And this case is no exception.

Let's take a picture of a beautiful view of the coast. A beautiful view, but as you can see, a cheeky bird flew past and got into the frame. It arrived beautifully, but let’s say it’s not needed there.

Then we roll up our sleeves, take the lasso and carry out all the operations from the first point. Let's see what we got. Somehow not very good, right?

The Stamp tool will help us with this. This tool is somewhat similar to "Healing brush", which we used, but there are differences. With the healing brush, we took the donor area and painted over the unnecessary detail with it in such a way that the colors that correspond to this area were then superimposed. Nothing like that happens with a stamp.

If it is somehow difficult for you to understand this process in text form, then I made a separate video lesson especially for you. Enjoy watching.

It turned out to be a pretty good picture, as if it had happened. You can combine several methods to achieve the desired result.

Do you have photos where you can remove anything unnecessary? If yes, then it's time to get rid of it. Well, if you want to learn all the possibilities of Photoshop in a short time, then I recommend that you take a look excellent video course. All the information in it is presented amazingly and is designed for any level of user.

Well, that's all for me. I hope you enjoyed my lesson today. Don't forget to subscribe to blog article updates, then you will be the first to know about the release of interesting articles and other interesting information. Check out other blog articles as well. I'm sure you'll find something interesting for yourself. Well, I say goodbye to you. Bye bye!

Best regards, Dmitry Kostin


Select the Clone Stamp Tool from the Tools panel. The Tools panel is located on the left side of the program window by default. You can simply use the S hotkey.

Configure the parameters of the Clone Stamp Tool. To do this, left-click on the triangle next to the Brush palette, which by default is located in the upper left part of the window, under the main menu.

The Clone Stamp Tool, like any brush, has two parameters: Master Diameter and Hardness, which are adjusted with sliders. You can also enter parameter values ​​in the fields above the sliders in order to customize these parameters. The first parameter determines the size of the brush with which we will remove unnecessary objects from the photo. The second parameter determines the degree of hardness of the edges of the brush.

In order to remove unnecessary objects from our photo, first select a semi-soft large brush.

Enlarge the image for easier viewing. This can be done by dragging the slider in the Navigator palette to the left, or by typing a numeric value into the field located to the left of the palette slider. The Navigator palette is located in the upper right corner of the Photoshop window by default.

Determine the area of ​​the photo that we will clone to remove unnecessary objects. To do this, move the cursor over an area of ​​the photo that is free from wires and, while holding down the Alt button, click the left mouse button. The cursor takes the form of a circle with a crosshair inside.

After releasing the Alt button, move the cursor over the item that needs to be removed. Left click. Some of the wires have disappeared. We repeat this simple operation, choosing the image cloning source as close as possible to the unnecessary object that we are removing.

To move around the enlarged photo, you can move the red rectangle in the Navigator palette. It limits the part of the photo that we see in the window of the open image file.

A few minutes of work, and all the unnecessary objects from our photo disappeared.


It may happen that the cloning area was chosen poorly and the object that needs to be removed was covered by a spot that does not match the color of the rest of the image. It's okay, an unsuccessful action can be canceled through the History palette, which by default is located in the middle right part of the Photoshop window. The last action in this palette is highlighted in blue. Hover your cursor over the previous action above the last one and left-click.

Good day to all readers! I can’t say that I’m very good at Photoshop, because now I’m developing in a different direction. However, from time to time I have to work in Photoshop, and I will be happy to share some of my skills with you.

Useful information on the topic “Photoshop”:

Often, when preparing pictures for my articles, I have to use not the whole picture, but only part of it. And often, on the contrary, I need the whole picture (or photograph), but there is something in it that bothers me and that I would like to remove from it. I’ll tell you about this today - how to remove unnecessary things from a photo in Photoshop.

This may be useful for you when processing your own photos. For example, if someone got into the frame who shouldn't have gotten into it. So you can remove an extra person, a pole, a chair from a photograph, or remove a bird or insect that flew by at the wrong time.

Well, our most perverted readers, of course, will be interested in learning how to remove eyes from the face or mouth. I’ll say right away that it’s better not to do this, because it looks scary.

Removing unnecessary things from the photo

Let's finally move on to practice and try to independently remove unnecessary elements (or whatever you call it) from our photo. So I found in Yandex pictures this wonderful, well-fed cat, standing on the asphalt, on which autumn leaves were scattered, and in the background there was a sewer manhole.

Regular photo with a cat, leaves and a hatch

What's superfluous here? As for me - nothing. But you have to practice on something. We can only imagine that we don’t like the leaves around the cat; our hands are reaching out to sweep them up. Well, in Photoshop you can remove leaves from a photo in a matter of seconds. If the hatch bothers you, you can also remove it from the photo. I hope it doesn’t occur to anyone to remove the cat from the photo, since he is, after all, the main character of this plot. And he looks really okay.

Let's remove the leaves from the photo

The first step is to select the leaf that you want to remove from the photo. This can be done using the usual rectangular or oval selection, or you can use a tool lasso(or magnetic lasso). You can find all these tools on the toolbar.

Our tools

We have a solid color background, so I'll use a rectangular selection and that will be enough. If your background is less monochromatic, you will have to select it very carefully and with greater precision using a magnetic lasso.

Selected sheet. Now click on the top menu on “ Editing" and select the item " Perform filling..." Or you can just hit the key combination Shift +F5. A window with fill settings will open in front of you. Choose as in my screenshot:

Set everything up the same way as shown in the screenshot

And press OK!

A miracle happened! Is not it?

As you can see, our leaf disappeared and did not leave a hole or transparency in its place, and Photoshop carefully calculated what colors should be used to replace the contents of the deleted area of ​​the photo.

So, after we removed the first leaf from the photo and understood how to do it, we need to deal with the remaining leaves. In the same way, just select them and click Shift +F5 and OK .

I removed all the leaves I found from the photo, even the one that was lying on the rim of the hatch. This is the kind of janitor I am.

Level 80 Janitor

Removing the hatch from the photo

If this is not enough for you, then you can also remove the hatch in the background. For such a large object, it is better to use a lasso rather than a rectangular selection, as we did before, so that the different shades of asphalt on different sides of the hatch are less noticeable. Circle the hatch using a lasso at a distance of approximately 3-5 mm. You don't have to do it exactly.

Then you know what to do. Here's how I removed the hatch from the photo. If I had seen this photo first, I would not have even thought that there was once a hatch there. And if I saw it with a hatch, I would think that it was added there using Photoshop.

I swept the hatch at the same time! =))) So that the cat doesn’t fall through by accident


Knowing how to remove clutter from a photo in Photoshop can give your photos the perfect look. In addition, this is done very quickly and is not at all difficult. Of course, you will have to tinker and select different options if the background is not very uniform. But nonetheless, how to remove a pimple from your face in photoshop, you'll definitely figure it out.

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