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Future profession by date of birth. Choosing a profession by date of birth

Incredible facts

Your birthday can tell everything about your talents and innate qualities, say numerologists.

What abilities do you have and what profession would suit you best?

Unleash your talents and choose what will bring you joy in life.

Choose your birthday and find out in which area you are most likely to succeed.

Profession by date of birth

Birthday on the 1st

You are a born leader who loves to be the center of attention and is dedicated to success. You have a creative streak and you know how to take risks. You are best suited to work in business and finance. You are a positive and stubborn person, and the position of a boss will suit you better than that of a subordinate. You will also succeed if you start your own business.

Your professions: veterinarian, minister, psychologist, artist, dentist, director, politician, athlete, designer, doctor, chiropractor, lawyer, writer, inventor, businessman, architect, composer, actor, teacher.

Birthday 2nd

You are sensitive and know how to put yourself in another person's shoes. You understand well what other people are thinking, and deep down you want peace between people. You would excel in a field that involves helping others, such as a social worker. You are also artistic and can use your creative energy to help others.

Your professions: psychologist, diplomat, healer, accountant, banker, radio presenter, information technology specialist, dancer, administrator, designer, secretary and artist.

Birthday on the 3rd

You have the heart of an artist and work best in creative fields such as music, acting, painting and writing. You have mood swings and need to monitor your emotions. You also have remarkable charisma and know how to persuade any person, thanks to which you can choose a profession in sales.

Your professions: writer, musician, salesman, correspondent, singer, actor, teacher, philosopher, architect, dancer, coach, hairdresser, comedian.

Birthday on the 4th

You are career focused, very disciplined and rational. You know how to prioritize and love order. Any work you undertake will be done as needed and to the end. You are a realist and office work or a profession that values ​​logical thinking and the ability to organize is best suited for you.

Your professions: gardener, designer, builder, business owner, developer, lawyer, administrator, real estate agent, computer analyst, scientist, engineer, geologist, minister, programmer, office worker, farmer, store owner, research chemist, mechanic.

Birthday on the 5th

You have a strong desire to change places. You are eager to see new places, and a profession that requires a lot of travel would be very suitable for you. You know how to get along with people and are very persuasive, which is why you could work in the field of tourism. You get bored easily and are restless, making it difficult for you to do monotonous work. Find a job that feeds your curiosity.

Your professions: advertiser, developer, reporter, philosopher, teacher, sales specialist, actor, anthropologist, archaeologist, agent, travel agent, teacher, scientist, writer, historian, computer specialist, social activist, designer, detective.

Birthday on the 6th

You are a down-to-earth person who strives for harmony in relationships and is ready to help others. You care about other people and might choose a career in healing. Being a doctor or nutritionist will satisfy your desire to make a difference in the lives of others. The purpose of your life is to be useful to others.

Your professions: consultant, advisor, minister, philosopher, artist, educator, massage therapist, nurse, naturopath, guardian, trainer, cook, writer.

Birthday on the 7th

You are smart, rational and analytical. You are curious by nature and would excel in the field of science. Learning is fun for you and you have an inexhaustible thirst for knowledge. Develop your intuition to balance your life between work and creativity.

Your professions: writer, actor, comedian, chemist, analyst, detective, antiques specialist, archaeologist, scientist, researcher, occultist, professor, consultant, minister, astrologer.

Birthday on the 8th

You have a strong grasp of numbers, a talent for finance, and an excellent understanding of business. You are a leader and could take the position of a boss or businessman. You know how to manage groups of people and make money. You are an ambitious and goal-oriented person who achieves what he wants.

Your professions: Business owner, financial analyst, publisher, engineer, judge, banker, supplier, builder.

Birthday on the 9th

Many artists are born on the 9th. You are creative, have a good eye for beauty, but are practical and willing to help others. Use your creative gifts for persuasion, relief, and humanitarian causes. Your life will be complete when you bring value to people.

Your professions: health worker, composer, teacher, scientist, actor, public figure, minister, preacher, counselor, spiritual mentor, artist, cameraman, diplomat, architect, designer, social worker.

Numerology of profession

Birthday on the 10th

Routine is contraindicated for you. You are a dreamer and live your life following your fantasies. You will succeed in a profession that allows you to work on your own schedule and does not tie you down. You can become an innovator and find a profession that no one has heard of before as you forge your own path.

Your professions: CEO, consultant, surgeon, quality inspector, doctor, manager, observer.

Birthday on the 11th

You are a philosopher and idealist by nature. You hold strong opinions, which makes it difficult for you to work with others, especially if they do not support your point of view. You are more of a dreamer than a doer, and you need to learn to channel your creative energy into the projects you dream about.

Your professions: psychologist, occultist, medium, designer, spiritualist, media personality, teacher, advisor, poet, inventor.

Birthday on the 12th

You are imaginative and will excel in any creative profession, be it painting, writing or cooking. You have well-developed verbal skills and would make an excellent writer. You can succeed in your profession if you learn to concentrate and don't let your mood get in the way of your dreams.

Your professions: diplomat, mediator, consultant, salesman, jack of all trades, project manager.

Birthday on the 13th

You are a hardworking person who is able to maintain concentration for a long time. Your employees admire your discipline. You can rush around in search of your calling, and try many professions before you find your purpose. Dont be upset. Explore your interests and you will find the right path.

Your professions: builder, mechanic, screenwriter, craftsman, architect, designer and hobbyist in various fields.

Birthday on the 14th

You have a great command of words and would make a good writer or editor. Be careful, because despite your enthusiasm, you tend not to finish what you start. You are a creative person who jumps from idea to idea. You prefer to avoid responsibility and need to develop discipline in order to become a professional.

Your professions: travel agent, organizer, designer, contractor, artist, personal assistant, secretary, manager

Birthday on the 15th

Your talent is creativity. You may excel in the visual arts, such as painting or sculpture. However, you are sensitive to criticism and need to learn to be thicker-skinned in order to succeed. You are also thorough in business matters and have an understanding of finances.

Your professions: teacher, healer, social worker, diplomat, banker, translator.

Birthday on the 16th

You have developed analytical thinking, and you tend to thoroughly study the subject of your interests. Whatever profession you choose, you will become an expert in the field that interests you. If this happens, you will be able to earn a lot and will be an accomplished person.

Your professions: comedian, transporter, fishing expert, food industry specialist, writer, actor.

Birthday on the 17th

You are ambitious and business savvy. You are independent and follow your own path in life. You would do well by starting your own business. However, you tend to take on too much and need to learn to delegate or risk burnout.

Your professions: psychiatrist, politician, lecturer, professor, business owner, teacher, actor, consultant

Birthday on the 18th

You are a natural leader and can become an excellent manager. You have abilities in the areas of law and religion. Your excellent understanding of people can help you become a lawyer or clergyman. You may need more time to figure out exactly what you want from life.

Your professions: builder, designer, teacher, lecturer, veterinarian, nurse, doctor, volunteer, manager, project developer.

Birthday on the 19th

You are dedicated to your job and work harder than most people. With your determination, you can succeed in almost any field you choose. However, your inherent independence may interfere with your professional aspirations. Learn to work with others to achieve success.

Your professions: business owner, designer, controller, organizer, information technology specialist.

Choice of profession

Birthday on the 20th

You are very sensitive and receptive to other people's emotions. These qualities make you an excellent mediator and diplomat. You are polite and have good manners, you know how to compromise with people, and they feel at ease and calm with you. You need to work with other people to make the world a better place.

Your professions: public relations specialist, nurse, artist, caregiver, interior designer, decorator, social worker.

Birthday on the 21st

You enjoy being around other people, you are a creative thinker, and you can talk others into doing anything. This can make you a great sales professional. You are charming and often use this to get what you want instead of working hard. Try to put effort into your work and not just your social life.

Your professions: intermediary, publisher, agent, writer, organizer, inspector, banker, financial advisor, secretary, personal assistant

Birthday on the 22nd

You are an excellent leader and organizer. You are capable of great things, as many Nobel prize winners, inventors and statesmen were born under this number. Don't be afraid of your ambitions. If you don't follow your dreams, you won't be able to contribute to society.

Your professions: architect, designer, inventor, adviser, doctor, nurse, educator.

Birthday on the 23rd

There aren't many things you can't do. You have excellent talent in the field of biology and physiology, and you would become a good doctor. You also know how to get along with people and have a gentle manner of persuasion. You have a tendency to not live up to your full potential, and you need to keep an eye on this.

Your professions: politician, mediator, tax inspector, judge, accountant, diplomat, doctor.

Birthday on the 24th

You are a caring, compassionate and understanding person who could pursue a career in psychology, classical and alternative medicine. You tend to get too emotionally involved and need to learn to detach and separate yourself from those you work with.

Your professions: therapist, alternative medicine doctor, healer, artist, mediator, mentor, psychologist, lawyer.

Birthday on the 25th

You are rational and have a high intellect, thanks to which you could work in the fields of science, teaching and philosophy. You need to balance your intellectual nature with your emotional side, otherwise you risk becoming cynical and critical of others. You are better off working alone than with others. You know how to complete all the projects you start.

Your professions: advisor, consultant, researcher, scientist, healer.

Birthday on the 26th

You are smart and want to earn a lot of money. You work to keep up with others and demonstrate what you've got. You have high expectations for work. Find something that truly interests you and you can make money and live a wonderful life.

Your professions: manager, politician, leader, tycoon, entrepreneur.

Birthday on the 27th

You are a creative person with a broad outlook on the world. You can build a career in the arts. However, it will take you a long time to figure out what you want in life. You have a great desire to help others and your ultimate goal is to help people. Many professions will suit you for this purpose.

Your professions: veterinarian, physician, telecommunications specialist, scientist, teacher, mentor, humanitarian.

Birthday on the 28th

You are an excellent organizer, you have a talent for handling a variety of social situations, and you love large gatherings. A job that involves organizing various events, such as weddings or parties, would be suitable for you. You know how to initiate projects, but you need to learn to see them through to completion.

Your professions: travel agent, TV presenter, scientist, polemicist, salesman, organizer.

Birthday on the 29th

You are endowed with the gift of intuition, and your brain works with visual information. Professions related to healing and understanding the emotions of other people would be suitable for you. You could also excel in the visual arts, such as painting, photography and sculpture. Learn to control your emotions to achieve success.

Your professions: trainer, consultant, educator, physiotherapist, medium, doctor, nurse, artist.

Birthday on the 30th

You are an artist at heart and can spend a lot of time devoting yourself to this area. If you don't like drawing, writing or acting, you can become a good designer or cook. All creative activities and everything that creates harmony are areas where you will find success.

Your professions: radio host, inventor, gardener, landscape designer, commentator, decorator, writer, cook.

Birthday on the 31st

You are practical, organized, and good at managing others. Your colleagues consider you a person they can rely on in any matter. You are a real rock in the workplace. You need to find a balance between work and personal life, otherwise you risk becoming a workaholic.

Your professions: inspector, teacher, researcher, scientist, entrepreneur, leader, manager, and specialist in the field of crafts and everything related to working with the hands.

Have you ever noticed that even in small work teams there are many namesakes. Or why do we meet marketers Yul and secretaries Kristin so often? According to onotamologists, such coincidences are far from accidental - people with the same names more often choose similar professions or work in related fields. There is no point in denying it - not only the natural inclinations and character traits of their representatives make themselves felt, but also the perception of a particular name by colleagues and superiors. The so-called “name music”.

First, some statistics: according to analysts from a large recruiting agency, who studied the profiles of several thousand clients, it is easier than others to find work and achieve the desired position of a woman named... Elena! Natural activity and initiative take their toll. But Marinas, although they are not distinguished by hard work and diligence, can easily soar to the boss’s chair due to their natural charm. The list of successful careerists includes Olga, Natalia, Irina, Anna and Yulia. They are united by stubbornness and healthy ambitions, which help them overcome obstacles.

It is curious that those who are called by their full name in life (for example, Natalya, not Natasha) are expected to do more in school and at work. You won't be able to relax. But women with rare names are “monogamous.” They decide early on their desired profession and remain faithful to it for many years.


It is a big mistake to imagine Alexandra as a character with masculine character traits or to try to force Sasha into professions typical of the stronger sex. The famous Russian philosopher and researcher of names Pyotr Florensky is sure that the female version of this name is not only not similar, but also contradicts the male one. Yes, in her work Alexandra is persistent, stubborn, straightforward, firmly adheres to her chosen goal, but she often does it in a girlish, chaotic, capricious, flirtatious way, at the behest of “blind desire.” Higher education is a personal “fad” for Sasha; she strives to enter the best institute and consciously approaches the choice of specialty. Her real calling is medicine. But she can also become an excellent accountant; successful in business related to cars or tourism. Household chores do not attract her, but if she completely entrusts her maintenance to her husband, she will turn into an excellent housewife and mother.


Let's start with the meaning of the name Alice - “noble class”. And this “blue blood” spreads throughout her character and life path. She is easy-going, a little lazy, squeamish, stubborn, careless and confident that all the blessings of the world will fall on her from heaven (if they were not given to her a priori by birth). In the team, Alice tries to keep a low profile and does not stand out in any way, although she does all the work properly; required; any task is completed. More accommodating - Alices born in summer. If we go back to noble origins, such women love classical art and antiques, and can achieve success if they turn their passion into a profession. Among the priority areas are architecture and philology.



Slow, lazy, balanced. You can’t call her a “ringleader” - she rarely shows leadership qualities at work, but calmly and consistently carries out her work. Of the many professions, Vika chooses those that require the least communication with people, and where the final result depends solely on her alone. Group work on a project is not for her; she needs a separate area of ​​responsibility in which she can feel like a queen. Victoria feels comfortable in the economic sector and banking sector. If external data allows, it is worth taking part in castings and, perhaps, becoming a fashion model. Natural slowness and silence do not at all exclude the desire to regularly teach surrounding colleagues. But, to their credit, they listen carefully to Vicki’s advice and often follow it.


In her youth, Galya loves to read adventure novels, imagining herself as the main character of exciting stories. This passion does not go away over the years - she is constantly drawn to travel. Therefore, the ideal option would be work related to business trips and constant travel. She is ready to live out of suitcases. Among the owners of this name there are real workaholics, capable of doing ten things at once. A pleasant feature is that Gala is completely alien to the intrigues that are usually woven in women's groups. She shuns any gossip and conspiracies. Which, however, does not exclude the fact that she is interested in friendship with profitable, necessary people who can help her achieve her goals or certain career positions.


What can you expect from a woman whose name means “mistress” in Persian? She does not agree to be content with “second roles”. Since childhood, he has dominated his friends and classmates. This does not mean at all that with age Dasha will necessarily occupy a leadership position at work, but even in the position of a secretary she will prudently and thoughtfully manage internal processes in the manner of an eminence gray. Can't stand loneliness. The larger the workforce, the better. There is always exemplary order on her desk. Representatives of this name never make far-reaching plans; they are used to living and being content with the present. Energetic and capable. They easily leave their homes and are ready to start a career “from scratch” at any moment. Dasha is suitable for work in the field of cinema, insurance, psychology and journalism.


In ancient Roman mythology, this name was given to the goddess of the hunt. If we transfer this metaphor to modern realities, we can trace a certain pattern. For example, many Dianas build a successful career as employees of recruitment agencies (think of them as “headhunters”) or realtors. Pragmatic and stubborn - no one has ever managed to fool them. Diana can smell deceivers and hypocrites a mile away. They are so self-confident and accustomed to doing everything their own way that at a very young age they begin to think about their own business and private practice. Success in individual entrepreneurship is facilitated by both powerful leadership qualities and the ability to win over others; Diana easily manages a large team, including men. Without regret, he will part with his subordinate if circumstances require it. In addition to the areas mentioned, he can become an excellent teacher, designer, stylist and choreographer.


“Truthfulness, unselfishness, openness of action, avoidance of coquetry, in general the desire to keep one’s appearance unsullied by anything low, dark or vague - characterizes Catherine,” writes philosopher and researcher of names Pyotr Florensky. “This is not chastity and shyness, but a magnificent purity, which in in her own consciousness she builds a magnificent case for herself and who is so confident in herself that sometimes she considers herself to have the right and the strength to majestically step down from her pedestal, firmly convinced that no dirt can stick to her. Catherine occupies such a place in society, by the power of her name, that she inevitably becomes the subject of attention.” Such a woman cannot renounce the obligations of her name and irresponsibly reject the expectations placed on him. Her influence is manifested in the fields of law, finance, personnel management, pedagogy, and show business. “Above average height, dignified, with facial features that are not small, but rather large and defined, Ekaterina is immediately noticeable. Her spiritual qualities are exactly the same: intelligent, majestically calm and somewhat haughtily benevolent, sometimes kind, having enough taste and enough tact. She is not a coquette in the sense of deception and insincerity, she does not hide anything,” continues Florinsky. Isn't this the kind of boss or business partner you would want to have around?

Are you sure you have chosen the right profession? Test yourself: find out your personal code by date of birth!

Each number is associated with a specific group of professions.

For example: date of birth 12/25/1983

Number: 25=2+5=7

Month: 12=1+2=3

Year of birth: 1983=1+9+8+3=21=2+1=3


Number 4 is a personal code.

*If you get a two-digit number, then you need to add the numbers to get a single-digit number.

For example: 10=1+0=1

Result according to personal code:

Number 1:

Field of activity: Managers of various ranks. Creative people. Organizers. Active, mobile, varied work is suitable, where the result is visible, where you can show determination, responsibility, introduce new ideas, a new approach.

Professions: Bankers, managers, secretaries, doctors, civil servants, public figures, jewelers, actors, artists.

Goal: The desire to find and realize oneself.

Number 2.

Field of activity: Professions related to helping and caring for others. Suitable work in the social and service sector, where there is communication with people.

Professions: Doctors, social workers, artists, travelers, philosophers, service workers, housewives, farmers, actors.

Goal: Development of feelings and imagination. The desire to be loved and popular.

Number 3.

Field of activity: Medicine, technical professions, the ability to act independently. Any business that requires ingenuity and mental effort will do.

Professions: Managers, military, customs officers, surgeons, athletes, blue-collar workers, businessmen, Emergency Situations Ministry employees, racing drivers, journalists, system administrators.

Goal: Direct strength and energy towards your realization, as well as people in need of help and protection.

Number 4.

Field of activity: Any business that requires attention to detail, the production of something tangible, as well as work related to security and control.

Professions: Analysts, journalists, teachers, administrators, salespeople, clerks, healers, information service workers, sales representatives, doctors, builders.

Purpose: Collection, analysis, transfer of knowledge and information. Search for new knowledge and new paths.

Number 5.

Field of activity: Professions related to international information exchange and business trips. A job where you can express yourself and your organizational skills.

Goal: Striving for truth, for higher knowledge.

Number 6.

Field of activity: All areas of art, professions that require communication with people. Work related to educational institutions, public organizations, medicine.

Professions: Cosmetologists, designers, diplomats, lawyers, doctors, restaurateurs, photographers, bank employees, musicians, artists, writers, actors, jewelers.

Goal: To bring beauty, art and harmony into the world and preserve it.

Number 7.

Field of activity: All responsible positions and work in the public sphere. Professions that require concentration, patience and great endurance.

Professions: Consultants, stylists, realtors, builders, lawyers, psychologists, salespeople, bank employees, farmers, miners, administrators, law enforcement officers, doctors, historians, officials, designers.

Goal: Personal development, for the sake of gaining independence and independence, the ability to recognize the truth.

Number 8.

Field of activity: Professions that require creativity and ingenuity. They have managerial talent in all types of activities, especially in the field of business and financial transactions.

Professions: Marketers, financiers, inventors, nuclear energy specialists, social workers, motorists, mechanics, engineers, teachers, dancers, doctors, advertisers.

Goal: Democracy, freedom and respect for human rights.

Number 9.

Field of activity: Any activity that requires higher intuition and imagination. A job where you have the opportunity to demonstrate your abilities and knowledge, where you can share knowledge and use it for the benefit of others.

Professions: Pharmacists, chemists, scientists, musicians, poets, actors, healers, oil industry workers, sailors, private detectives, social workers, psychologists, lawyers.

Goal: Finding true spirituality, overcoming one’s “I”.

With the help of number numerology, you can attract into your life what you dream of. Using your luck number, you will be able to change your life for the better and enlist the support of Fortune

You can use your

If you are looking for a path in life or want to change the type of your activity, it will be useful to use a numerological calculation of your profession. Experts in the field of numerology claim that with the help of these calculations you can find a life calling that will bring success, money and happiness.

To determine the profession destined by fate, it is necessary to add up all the numbers in the full date of birth and reduce the resulting number to a single digit.

For example, your date of birth is 03/13/1979. Add up all the numbers: 1+3+0+3+1+9+7+9=33=3+3=6. The result is the number 6. It is the key to unraveling the path of life and profession. Now it remains to interpret the resulting number:

1 – active and mobile work is suitable for you. You have talents, you have organizational skills and leadership qualities. Your goal is to find yourself and become successful professionally. Professions that will suit you: artist, performer, jeweler, politician, public figure, doctor, manager, banker, secretary.

2 – you need to connect your life with activities aimed at helping people. Your main goal is to be loved and needed. Professions that are suitable for people of this number: social worker, doctor, farmer, business executive. Success awaits in the service sector, as well as in theatrical activities.

3 – you are an intellectual and it is important for you to use your thinking in your work. At the same time, you have a well-expressed desire to help people. My life goal is to direct my energy towards the implementation of my plans and provide support to everyone who needs it. The professions for you are: military, surgeon, athlete, journalist, administrator, social worker, doctor, lawyer.

4 – you are an attentive, neat and diligent person. You need to do things that require control, attentiveness, and information collection. You would make an excellent analyst, administrator, teacher, secretary, sales representative, doctor, builder.

5 – you are a person who loves to learn and seek the truth. At the same time, you are a good organizer. Such professions as lawyer, financier, teacher, scientist, manager, psychologist, translator, politician, writer would be suitable for you.

6 – you are a creative and sociable person. You crave attention, new contacts, and a constant change of background. Monotonous work will not be to your taste. Professions that match your number: designer, artist, musician, painter, writer, photographer, doctor, lawyer, cosmetologist.

7 – you are a person with extraordinary endurance, patience and endurance. You are not afraid to take responsibility and easily make independent decisions. Professions that will help you achieve success: lawyer, builder, bank employees, miner, doctor, scientist, designer, psychologist.

8 is the number of creative and active nature. There is a rich imagination, good taste, ingenuity, plus excellent organizing skills. Professions that can reveal such talents: actor, musician, salesman, inventor, social worker, mechanic, teacher, medical worker, advertiser, marketer.

9 – you have well-developed intuition and imagination. You love receiving information and sharing it. Such professions as psychologist, lawyer, teacher, chemist, poet, musician, detective, doctor are suitable for you.

A numerological calculation of a profession allows you to identify areas of activity that best suit you in terms of temperament, abilities and life values. Moreover, a profession chosen taking into account numerological data can attract success and financial well-being to you. Useful article? Then be sure to put

A person comes into this world with a certain individual nature. Qualities of the planet ruling on his birthday. The nature of this planet must be taken into account when choosing a type of activity. Individual can work in a prestigious, highly paid job. But she will not bring him pleasure and satisfaction. This means that he is in the wrong place. He doesn't do what he needs to do. As a result, he becomes irritable. All sorts of problems arise.

How do you find out what your vocation is, what profession is suitable based on your date of birth?

How to calculate profession by date of birth

Profession by date of birth is calculated very simply. It is enough to know only the number of a person’s birth, the number of the soul. For example, if you were born on the 18th, your soul number is 9 (sum up 1 and 8) and look at your profession based on Mars and the number 9.

Let's consider the meaning of professions by date of birth:

Professions of the Sun and number 1

In professional activities, a person of number 1, like the Sun, wants to occupy a central position. He strives for leadership and, even from childhood, possesses the necessary qualities for making vitally important decisions.

Professions of the Moon and number 2

A number 2 person will be suitable for a job where he does not need to take on many responsibilities. The burden of responsibility usually leads to nervous exhaustion.

Moon people are very diplomatic by nature. They are mostly dependent on others. These are supporters of peace and quiet.

Creative professions are suitable. These are wonderful nannies, teachers, secretaries, diplomats, translators, service personnel, restaurateurs, and tourism workers. So are composers and writers.

Professions of Jupiter and the number 3

A number 3 person will be suited for a job where they can “shine off” and be the center of attention. Like ones, threes like to bask in the rays of fame and occupy a high position in society.

Such a person will make a lot of efforts in his life and load himself with responsibility, which will create certain problems. Disciplined. To some extent, we depend on the opinions of others.

Professions related to acting and teaching are suitable. These are also doctors, lawyers, bankers, authors, politicians, and religious figures. investors, social workers and financial professionals.

Professions of Rahu and number 4

A number 4 person is suitable for activities related to decision making. These are very strong personalities - they can do anything. But it is important to remember that on the path to success you should not suppress others and deprive them of the right to choose.

The number 4 is associated with the energy of illusion, deception and darkness. Therefore, work related to this to one degree or another will be fruitful. These are people who strongly strive to realize themselves, and at the same time they can take on different forms.

Professions of Mercury and the number 5

The number 5 person is distinguished by quick decision-making, a cunning resourceful mind and a certain superficiality in everything. They strive for movement in life and want to accomplish a lot.

The main idea of ​​such people is the desire to accumulate as much knowledge as possible. It is difficult for them to pacify their ardor and concentrate on one activity, in one direction. But if they do this, they will achieve a lot in their chosen field.

Businesses related to marketing, deposits and real estate are suitable for them. These are excellent journalists, mathematicians, astrologers, bankers, accountants. Also activities related to laws, medical education, calculations.

Venus Professions and Number 6

Number 6 people will always do easier work, but very profitable ones. They are Brahmins by nature. They may have a connection with one or another teaching activity.

Professions Ketu and number 7

Number 7 people perceive the world around them through their intuition. They simply amaze with their insight. In this regard, they can successfully engage in research activities and work with any type of occult knowledge.

Work related to sales, especially import and export, and abroad (commerce) is suitable for them. Sevens are wonderful teachers, writers and thinkers (especially good if you need to go deeper into something). Successful in yoga and other similar practices.