home · Lighting · What to take with you when going outdoors: a list of necessary things. What to take for a picnic from food for a vacation in the forest or in the city

What to take with you when going outdoors: a list of necessary things. What to take for a picnic from food for a vacation in the forest or in the city

Natalya Kaptsova

Reading time: 13 minutes


Summer is almost here! A little more, and parents will breathe freely, hiding their children’s school backpacks in closets. A little more, and every family will get ready to go on the road - to relax in nature, walk children tired from the school year and forget about the bustle of the city. The main thing is not to forget anything.

Therefore, having chosen the place and time of the picnic, We study the list of necessary things and products for a picnic in advance

What to take to a picnic from food and products - a list of what to prepare for a picnic for the whole family

  • Fruits and vegetables. They should be washed and packed in advance so as not to waste time outdoors. And there is a limited amount of clean water at a picnic (take more!). You will need it for fish soup, delicious tea, washing your hands and washing your little ones. Do not get carried away with exotic fruits, so as not to spend your picnic behind the bushes closest to the parking lot. For vegetables, they usually take a standard set - tomatoes, cucumbers, herbs, zucchini for kebabs, potatoes (small - for baking), bell peppers, onions - for kebabs and fish soup. By the way, you can boil the potatoes in advance at home in their skins.

  • Canned food. We are, of course, not talking about stew (unless your plans include a week-long trip with a tent), but about canned food for side dishes - corn, beans, green peas, olives, lightly salted cucumbers, etc.

  • For sandwiches. It is advisable to choose ready-made cuts in packages in the store to save yourself time on a picnic - hard cheeses, sausage or boiled pork, lard, etc.

  • Meat, fish, eggs. It’s better to fry the fish at home in pieces, choosing fillets (it will just be too lazy to fiddle with the bones, and it will give children an extra headache). The meat can also be cooked at home or marinated for kebabs (about 0.5 kg for 1 person) and taken with you in a convenient container for cooking on the grill. Chicken kebab (by the way) cooks faster. There is also an option - chicken wings fried over a fire with spices. And, of course, cold fried chicken will be a joy for everyone - don’t forget about it, prepare it in advance. Boil the eggs the day before, hard-boiled.

  • Sugar, salt, sauces (mayonnaise/ketchup), spices.

  • Food for children. If your little ones don't eat grown-up food, make sure they have a party too. In addition to the basic nutrition of children, you can take their favorite fruits, juices, and sweets. It will be difficult to cook porridge over a fire, so the solution will be instant porridge - fortunately, there is no shortage of them today. Choose sweets without quickly spoiling creams and creams.
  • Bread, bun(in different packages!), biscuits, crackers, cookies.

  • Beverages - tea (in bags), coffee (it is especially tasty in nature), juices, water (with reserve), drinks for adults (in moderation).

A little about the rules for transporting and eating food on a picnic:

  • Do not take perishable foods with you. We leave pates, raw eggs, cakes, soft cheeses, cottage cheese and all sorts of super-fresh buns at home.

  • Buy a portable refrigerator for your car, or at least a cooler bag. Especially if you are vacationing with children. Transport ready meals only in it. If this is not possible, line the bottom of the bag with newspaper and line the food with bottles of cold water. In nature, you can make a refrigerator the old fashioned way - by digging a hole in a shady piece of land (sand) and hiding packaged food in it.

  • All products and prepared meals should be placed in plastic containers - firstly, it’s convenient (nothing will spill, won’t get wrinkled, or lose its appearance), and secondly, the lids of the containers can be useful for setting the “table”.

It is clear that there is no point in carrying cabbage rolls, stuffed peppers and a bowl of cutlets with you if you are going to fry kebabs. But by the time this kebab is cooked, you will have time to get hungry 10 times. Therefore, look for a middle ground and take what is truly relevant and tasty.

List of things for a picnic for the whole family - what do you need for a picnic in nature?

Of course, the list of things will be different for everyone. If you are traveling on foot, for a day and alone, this is one option, but if you are traveling with a large group (family), for a weekend and with 2-3 cars, this is a completely different option.

Therefore, proceed from your needs, and we will tell you what may be useful at a picnic.

  • Tent. Even if you are traveling for the day, it can be useful for those who want to relax, take a nap, sober up, or play pirates and mother daughters. A tent will also be useful, as it will save your heads from the sun and sudden rain.

  • Sleeping bags, bedspreads, blankets, rugs - there’s absolutely no way to have a picnic without them.
  • Oilcloth for the “table” . Or maybe even the table itself (folding), if there is enough space in the car.
  • Folding chairs or sun loungers. Or air mattresses (beds) and pillows – for convenience (don’t forget about the pump). Folding chairs - for older people.

  • Warm clothes in case the picnic is planned for a long time - with morning fishing, night songs by the fire with hot mulled wine and late awakenings to the singing of birds.
  • For the fire. Charcoal for the barbecue, a hatchet for firewood (+ firewood if there is none on site), a spatula, lighters/matches, newspapers for ignition, gloves.
  • Barbecue, skewers, grill grate. Foil for baking potatoes, fish or vegetables.

  • Bowler under fish soup and mulled wine, cast iron frying pan, long spoon for stirring.
  • For fishing: fishing rods/spinning rods, baits/attachments, fish tank, boat/pump, bait, fishing line, hooks/sinkers.
  • For the table: disposable tableware - plates of different sizes and depths, glasses, plastic cutlery.
  • Paper and wet wipes , toilet paper, liquid soap.
  • Corkscrew, can opener , ordinary knives for cutting food, cutting board.
  • UV Remedies, for tanning, against mosquitoes and ticks (sprays and creams, spirals).
  • Sun umbrellas.
  • Bathing items : swimsuits/swimming trunks, towels, inflatable rings and mattresses.
  • First aid kit(iodine, brilliant green, bandages, plasters, activated charcoal, remedies for abdominal pain and indigestion, antispasmodics and analgesics, allergy medications, for the heart, etc.).
  • For fun : guitar, radio or receiver, games (chess, backgammon, etc.), ball, frisbee, badminton, book or newspaper with crosswords.
  • For children: toys (easy to clean), a set of young sandcastle builders, a pool for little ones, markers/albums (if the kids are drawn to creativity). Be sure to have a change of clothes, comfortable shoes, warm clothes, hats for your heads and a navigator keychain for your neck (so you don’t get lost).
  • Garbage bags so that after the picnic you can take all the garbage with you.
  • Camera, camera, phone, flashlights . With a spare battery.

Hello, dear readers. The May weekend is approaching, my daughter’s birthday, and behind it comes summer, with its warm sunny days, lush green nature, inviting beaches and, of course, delicious aromatic kebabs. This means that the outdoor travel season is declared open. Of course, the most important thing for a good holiday is good company and good weather. But unthought-out everyday issues often make for an uncomfortable time. It happens that we take with us on picnics completely the wrong products and items, but on the contrary, we forget what we need.

I even have a list of things on my refrigerator that I need to take on a fishing trip; for me, this is also a vacation. This article will be a short guide, or just a reminder.

What to take and what not to take

Of course, you should proceed from the format of your vacation, but here are the main items that are necessary for organizing comfort and safety.

1. Bedspread, blanket, beach mat, which you don’t mind laying on the ground. Perfect for organizing a table or sitting area; not everyone likes to relax in specially organized places. You can also take oilcloth and newspapers instead of a tablecloth.

2. Drinking water. Calculated based on residence time.

3. Hygiene products. If you plan to spend a day or several hours, you can limit yourself to wet wipes and antiseptic gel, but if you are traveling with tents, it is recommended to take soap and a toothbrush, as well as a small bottle of gel or shampoo. And don't forget about paper napkins and toilet paper.

4. Protective means against mosquitoes and ticks. While mosquitoes are harmless, a tick bite can be fatal. Sun protection products, from caps to creams.

5. Warm clothes. Swimming clothes and a towel if you plan to relax near a body of water.

6. Plastic dishes and garbage bags. It’s very convenient, you just collect all the garbage with you and take it to the nearest trash can. No need to wash anything after. Today, stores offer a wide range of products from plates to glasses.

7. Minimum first aid kit. This should include such products as activated carbon or its analogues, a bandage and adhesive, an allergy remedy, a wound disinfectant, and an ointment for burns. If you are going to a wild party with friends, it is recommended to stock up on painkillers and medications to help your stomach.

8. Matches or lighter. This is necessary in case you decide to organize a fire.

9. Knife and disposable utensils. If you are planning a barbecue.

10. Scotch tape. It’s just that very often this material can be useful to you in nature when setting up a place to relax. Especially when you go for more than a few hours.

The remaining elements must be taken based on needs, such as tents, sleeping bags, sleeping mats, air pillows and mattresses, boilers and cooking grates, a folding barbecue, ignition supplies, a hatchet for preparing firewood, a flashlight, it is advisable to take a flask for carrying water. But this point applies more to trips for the entire weekend or a hike.

But those who like to go out by car for half a day can limit themselves to the basic list, food and entertainment, and if you want to make your vacation more comfortable, you should take folding furniture. Of course, if you are planning a long hike, then you need money, documents, a change of clothes and personal hygiene products, and a supply of lighter and larger food items.

Many ladies are concerned about the question of whether to take cosmetics or not. Of course, this is an individual question, but a compact BB cream is worth taking with you, as it protects your skin from drying out. And sometimes it has sun protection properties.

You should not take with you on a long hike:

1. Heavy and impractical things. For example, a book if you are not going to read it. Or even a laptop. Some people don’t want to part with their toys even on a hike. A completely useless thing in nature.

2. Glassware.

3. Ready-made dressed salads, cakes. (Personally, I think that there should be no salads in nature, they drain quickly and can be smeared)

When organizing a vacation, it is very important to think about clothing. If this is a period of tick activity, then pay special attention to ensuring that clothing fits tightly around your arms and does not allow ticks to get under your sleeve or into your shoes. It is better to treat the fabric with repellent in advance.

Shoes should be comfortable and appropriate for the season. But it’s worth taking warm clothes with you even in hot weather.

What food to take outdoors

If you are planning a vacation for several hours, then you can limit yourself to sandwiches and other food taken from home. Fresh vegetables and fruits are perfect. Also take drinking water and a thermos of tea. You can take juice if you wish. Baked fish, meat, and poultry are suitable as main dishes.

Rest for the whole day means more provisions. Here it is worth giving preference to dishes prepared in nature.

1. Pre-marinated shish kebab, herbs, vegetables, bread. A very tasty dish - grilled mackerel, as well as grilled vegetables. It is better to focus on lean types of meat so that the whole holiday is not spoiled by heaviness in the stomach.

2. Also be sure to take enough water and tea bags. You can take fruits, but it is better to give preference to those types that do not require difficult peeling and thorough washing, such as oranges, bananas, apples. And grab a lemon, it's light but works great as an alternative to the sauce.

3. Sausages and sausages. They also cook well on the grill.

4. Snacks for sandwiches.

5. Salt and pepper.

6. Sauce or ketchup. We often take it to barbecues. It is thick and very tasty with kebabs.

7. Potatoes and onions. Despite the abundance of kebab, potatoes are rarely deprived of attention.

You should not take perishable foods that can spoil before the evening; these include almost all salads dressed with mayonnaise, some sweets and baked goods, and dairy products. It is also not recommended to take a lot of sweets and soda. This will significantly increase your need for drinking water.

For example, when we go outdoors with barbecue, we take a light snack with us. Because in nature the appetite is very good, and often children, and ourselves, especially when with alcohol, are not ready to wait that long.

We even took canapés with us for our daughter’s birthday. But here it is worth considering that it is better to eat them right away. Many canapés contain perishable foods. Although you can make it fruity, right on the spot. But if you really want to make an impression, then to start the holiday, you can take a little from home. Well, now you can choose canapés for the festive table to suit every taste. Fortunately, the Internet makes this easy to do.

It is recommended to think through a separate menu for small children. It is better to take more fruits, dried fruits, and those types of baked goods that can be chewed, such as straws or dryers. Children have an excellent appetite in nature.

It is best to store all products in a portable refrigerator bag. It can be packaged in both disposable and regular household plastic containers.

If you are planning a hike, then the calculation of food should be based on the route. If there are shops on your way, and you do not plan to move away from civilization, then it is better to unload yourself and take less food and more money. But if the hike is more extreme, then your food kit should be carefully considered.

For a long rest you need to take:

1. Canned food. Today there is a wide range, ranging from stewed meat and fish, to vegetables and ready-made dishes.

2. Pasta or a pack of cereal. The primitive, cheapest types of instant noodles are also quite suitable for this purpose. They are very light and compact. And the cereal should be poured into a plastic bottle so that it does not get damp.

3. Tea bags. Sugar and, if desired, well-packaged chocolate, milk powder, light biscuits, nuts and dried fruits. Anything that is compact, can be stored for a long time, and what you like to pamper yourself with.

4. Salt and other spices. Vegetable oil.

5. You can take some potatoes.

6. Instead of bread, you can stock up on crispbread. They are lighter and will not spoil.

The list of foods not to take includes all perishable foods and those that may melt in the heat. There is no point in taking ready-made food that will only last for one day. This will simply make your backpack heavier.

And don't forget about knives, pots, aluminum cookware, lighters and can openers. And also, in case of bad weather, I recommend buying a portable gas burner and several cylinders.

In all cases, alcohol is taken at the request of the vacationers. In general, when going on a hike, you should take a small flask of vodka or cognac in case of an emergency, to disinfect, light, and relieve pain.

Entertainment for a company in nature

Here you are limited only by your capabilities and imagination. If you are planning a vacation near the water, then you should take:

— a fishing rod for fishing enthusiasts (this is for me);

— child safety equipment, cylinders and arm guards;

And everything else for a fun and active holiday:

- guitar;

- portable music device;

— badminton;

- kite;

- camera;

- toys for children, it is worth making a choice in favor of rubber and plastic.

Even this small list will provide you with a lot of pleasant emotions. And those who like a relaxing holiday would do well to stock up on a hammock and their favorite book or fishing rod.

For your child, you should take a set of toys that will occupy him for a long time and will not get boring. Sand play sets are good for kids, and sports equipment is good for older children. But you can also take a sketch pad and markers with you.

When planning a vacation, always consider activities and timing. Based on this, you can divide all the things into those that are really necessary, and those that can be purchased near the place of celebration, or completely discarded. In any case, it is recommended to take drinking water in reserve, or, if there is an organized source, vessels for its transportation.

Also pay attention to personal items that are necessary for you. This could be medications or glasses and contacts. That is, individually important things, and simply things without which your vacation would be ruined.

But remember, if you are planning a vacation by car or not far from home, then you can make it as comfortable as possible. But when planning a longer trip or hike, the choice arises between the comfort and lightness of a backpack. Have a nice and unforgettable holiday in nature!

What to take with you outdoors - tips and necessary list

A hike or picnic in nature is perhaps the most accessible form of recreation. A trip to the forest, to a river or lake will allow you to relax and unwind from the bustle of the city without any special expenses. However, in order for your vacation to be truly successful and not overshadowed by any annoying trifle, you should think through every detail, not to add too much and not to forget anything.

Things, products and items needed for a picnic or hike may differ slightly and will depend on their type. After all, you can go out into nature for a short time, just for a walk, for the whole day or even for several. The main purpose of recreation may be exploring the surrounding area, fishing, cooking barbecue, entertaining children, etc.

Picnic in nature

If you are planning a short picnic, for example, in a park or just a short walk in the nearest forest or by the river, you will not need a large amount of food and things. You will definitely need a blanket on which you can relax and dine, as well as food and drinks. You can limit yourself to homemade sandwiches and fruits; be sure to take water and drinks, such as juice or tea in a thermos. Lunch can be made more varied, for example, take baked chicken or meat, fresh vegetables, cheese, and light snacks. But keep in mind that in this case you will also need a knife, dishes and napkins.

If you plan to go outdoors for the whole day, you will need a lot more food and additional things.

What to cook for a picnic

You can choose a variety of food for a trip to nature, the main thing is that it is not perishable (salads with mayonnaise, fermented milk products, pates, cakes, etc.). You can find out more about dishes that can be prepared for a picnic in one of our publications. Now we will look at only the main products that you may need:

It is best to transport food in a basket; this will not only look more aesthetically pleasing than an abundance of bags, but will also protect your food from damage. A thermal bag is good for transporting food; it will protect it from spoilage.

In addition to food for a picnic, you will also need some things and items.

What to take on a picnic

If you are planning a vacation for more than one day, in addition to all of the above, you will need tents, everything you need for sleeping - pillows, blankets, sheets, blankets (all of these will perfectly replace sleeping bags), tourist foams or air mattresses (they will replace regular ones). You may also need some other little things: raincoats, rope (you can dry clothes on it or use it to make a canopy), construction film (it will be useful for building the same canopy), a change of warm clothes, a flashlight (preferably powerful and ordinary) , toothbrush, razor, toothpaste, thread and needle. You can diversify the above list of products with canned food.

What to take with you on a hike

If you are not going on a long hike, you should limit yourself to a minimum of things, because you will have to carry them. First of all, take care of food. For a short hike, the best option is sandwiches. They should be supplemented with vegetables; fruits and cookies are suitable for dessert. In addition, you will definitely need backpacks, comfortable shoes and hats, as well as drinking water.

You need to prepare carefully for a long hike. When collecting things for him, you should take into account the duration, complexity of the route and weather conditions; this will determine whether it is worth stocking up on warm clothes or whether you can travel light. Be sure to discuss with the participants of the hike who will take what, so as not to take the same thing. In any case, the things you will need are:

  • Backpack. It should be roomy and comfortable. A backpack with a volume of 50 to 70 liters is considered optimal, for strong men up to 100 liters. It must be made of dense, strong fabric, and its straps must be securely attached.
  • Tent, sleeping bag, sleeping mat. You will need them if you are planning an overnight camping trip. These things will make your stay as comfortable as possible.
  • Knife, axe, lighters or matches. Matches should be sealed, for example, wrapped in a bag and wrapped with tape.
  • Flashlight. It's better to take a headlamp.
  • Cloth. You may need a couple of sets of underwear (thermal underwear), three to four pairs of socks, a warm sweater, a couple of T-shirts, shorts, a hoodie, a hat, a windbreaker, jeans, sneakers, sandals, sleepwear, a swimsuit or swimming trunks (if your route will come across bodies of water suitable for swimming).
  • Raincoat .
  • Hygiene items– toilet paper, wet wipes, soap, toothpaste, brush, hygienic lipstick.
  • Mirror, comb.
  • Towel.
  • Fishing rod.
  • Insect repellent, sunscreen .
  • Money and passport. Be sure to pack them in a sealed bag.

Dishes for camping

On a hike that will last more than one day, you should not take disposable tableware; it is better to take metal or plastic. You will definitely need a spoon, bowl and cup for each person. In addition, you may need one or two (depending on the number of people) large common bowls, for example, for salads, cauldrons or cauldrons (select their volume and quantity based on the size of the group), and a frying pan. In addition, everyone should have a two-liter plastic bottle, this will allow you to replenish your water supply at any time.

What to take on a hike from food

Before deciding what food to take on a hike, it’s worth studying the route and finding out whether there will be shops along the way. If so, you can take less food. If the hike takes place far from populated areas, you will have to stock up on food thoroughly so that it is enough for the entire duration of the trip.

The best food for a hike is, of course, canned food. Various cereals will help restore strength; in addition to them, you can take with you pasta, small raw potatoes, vegetables, dried or jerked meat, dried mushrooms, powdered milk, beans, muesli, coffee, tea leaves, nuts, dried fruits, cookies, crackers. Be sure to put salt, spices, and vegetable oil in your backpack. Bread should be replaced with crackers or crispbread. If the hike will not take place in hot weather, you can also take chocolate. To prevent pasta and cereals from getting soggy, pour them into plastic bottles.

Hiking with children - the essentials

For children, the hike will be a most exciting adventure. So that it is not a burden for the kids, you should carefully select the route and decide on the duration of the hike. You should not take small children on long trips. If you are going hiking for the first time, limit yourself to one, maximum two days, and choose the simplest routes. Over time, the duration and difficulty of hikes can be increased.

What to take on a hike with children

In principle, a child needs approximately the same as an adult. He must have a separate sleeping bag, rug and dishes. Take diapers for very young children, and a potty for older children. Be sure to buy your child a small backpack, so he will feel like part of the team. It is worth taking care of children's leisure time. To do this, you need at least a minimum set of toys - pencils, a notebook, a ball, a Frisbee, binoculars, a sand set, etc.

Food for a child on a hike

Since children usually have an excellent appetite in the fresh air, it is worth taking extra food for them that they can eat along the way. It should be light in weight and fairly high-calorie food, which you can quickly get enough of, for example, dates, nuts, raisins, bagels, straws, dried apricots, kozinaki, etc. Such products can be divided by the number of days of the hike and a bag of them can be given to the child every day.

First aid kit for hiking and picnic

Various things can happen in nature; no one is immune from injuries, stomach problems, headaches, etc. Therefore, when going on a hike or a picnic, be sure to pack a first aid kit. It is recommended to be equipped with the following :

  • Panthenol- This is the best first aid for burns in summer.
  • Painkillers .
  • Gastrointestinal drugs– from poisoning, diarrhea, heartburn, etc.
  • Bandage, plaster, peroxide, cotton wool, iodine, alcohol, brilliant green, tourniquet.
  • Antipyretic.
  • Cold remedies(if the rest lasts more than one day), drops in the nose, ears, antiviral drugs.
  • Remedies that relieve itching and inflammation after insect bites.

You can take other medications on a hike or on a picnic, especially if among the vacationers there are people suffering from any diseases. If you are vacationing with a child, additionally equip your first aid kit with children's products.

A picnic is a wonderful opportunity to have a good time outdoors. It is worth remembering that organizing a picnic requires careful thought through the menu.

It is not suitable to feed children and adults heavy, fatty foods. When deciding what food to take on a picnic, give preference to light snacks, vegetables and fruits.

The ideal food for a picnic is baked chicken (meat) or fish, fresh or grilled vegetables, and various fruit mixes.

This article will not only help you decide what food you can take for a picnic, but will also give you a couple of ideas for decorating the dishes.

For the main course, it is better to choose simple meat dishes. These can be sausages or sausages, chops and even chicken legs in batter or crackers.

Sausages can be cut, which will make it possible to eat them without sitting down at the table.

Thinking about what food to take on a picnic. don't forget the snacks. This is rightfully considered an important component of any menu.

An excellent appetizer would be an omelet or eggs. This dish can also be eaten by children. In addition, it is easy to prepare even on the go. Buns with scrambled eggs are the healthiest dish in nature, because they are enriched with various vitamins and give you satiety.

Colored sweet peppers stuffed with ham, vegetables or chicken - what could be more wonderful on a hot day? Such products tend to be stored for a long time and contain many vitamins that restore strength after active games.

You can also include zucchini and other vegetables in your picnic food list. The zucchini must be cut, cleaned of the insides and stuffed with finely chopped carrots, chicken, onions, herbs and other products to taste.

You can also bake zucchini without stuffing.

If vegetables are a pleasant and healthy food for you, prepare some salads. You can find the most popular summer salads without mayonnaise dressing. By making a dressing from a mixture of olive and sunflower oils, you enrich your body with a large amount of vitamins.

When preparing food for a picnic, you can opt for cheese balls. This snack is quick to make and is considered one of the most satisfying. All you need is soft cheese and breadcrumbs. We make small balls from the cheese and dip them in crackers. The results are small kebabs that can be given to both adults and children. You can place pieces of tomatoes between the balls of cheese - this will add freshness and taste to the dish.

One of the well-deserved places in the list of picnic products is occupied. Usually this is the most traditional and lightest food option for a picnic. Opt for bran bread or wholemeal wheat. This will add strength to everyone having fun at the picnic and will not harm the health of children and adults.

The sandwich can be made from a mixture of soft cheese and cucumbers.

You can also give preference to cheese in combination with tomatoes or sweet baked peppers.

Hamburgers are a traditional American food consisting of lettuce, ham, cheese, cucumbers or tomatoes and are also ideal for a family or friends picnic.

We can also offer our readers a closed pie with various fillings - fish or meat. You can also make a cheese pie :).

Overall, picnic food it's just your imagination. Planning a picnic food list , pay attention to dishes such as:

  • Lavash stuffed with fresh vegetables.

  • Seafood – fish, lobster and shrimp.

  • Sausages in dough, closed pies, pizzas, rolls.

  • Cupcakes with various fillings, desserts, cookies.

  • Fruits and berries, fresh juices.

We hope that after our article you will not have the question “What to take from food to nature?”

You can find more picnic recipes.

Wild in nature!

Now it's time for vacation. Hooray! But the economic crisis continues (if you are reading these lines when it has already ended, then congratulations to you... Alas, most people have less money, which means there will also be less left for vacation this year. But I still want to relax, That's why I propose to remember our grandfather's method of relaxation, namely, in the lap of our native nature. Yes, yes, native nature, and not some Turkish or Egyptian, Finnish or Thai. After all, many can no longer afford it (and maybe not anymore , but simply), the most our fellow citizens can do is buy seeds in an online store and plant them at their dacha.

That’s why I suggest relaxing on our blue lakes with fresh water, overgrown with curly birches, our wide, leisurely rivers with gentle banks, in our pine forests filled with healthy air. This is where I call you. I’m sure many haven’t been here for a long time, and if they have, it would still be worth reading my article about outdoor recreation.

What to take with you for a comfortable holiday in the forest, on a river or lake?

Well, you are already reading this article, which means you are thinking about going on vacation not somewhere abroad, but in our native country. But vacation, wherever it is, should be comfortable. It’s good if you (or your friends) regularly make such trips and have all the necessary equipment. If not, then you will still have to buy something, and do without something or replace it with improvised means. But first you need to choose the place where you will go. We usually go to places where we ourselves or our friends have been, or at least heard good reviews. Another option is to select a place you like on the map and inquire about it on the Internet. In any case, you will have to purchase a map of the area where you will be vacationing and the road along which you will go to this very area.

1) Map (atlas);

Well, that means we decide where we’re going, how we’re going and what we’re driving on. Now let's start getting ready.

Where will we sleep? I prefer a tent (rather than in a car or outdoors), and I advise you to too. For a more comfortable sleep, you can buy another 2*2m air mattress and stuff it into the tent. If you don’t have enough money for such a mattress, then buy an ordinary one for swimming for one person (costs 3-4 dollars). I put my sleeping bag on the mattress and the sleep is excellent, no worse than at home, besides, an inflatable mattress and a sleeping bag take up much less space than a bunch of blankets, blankets and pillows.

The next stage is cooking. You will have to cook over a fire, the main utensils are a pot (if you don’t have one, a saucepan will do), you can take a frying pan, but decide this after you think over the diet. Usually I take:

2) a pot, a frying pan, an old kettle, skewers, plates, mugs, a couple of salad bowls, cutlery, etc.

For the pot, I cut out two spears and a crossbar from hazel on the spot, and the camp stove is ready.

3) Food. This, of course, is up to you to decide, but I dare to recommend some products:

Meat for barbecue (if there is a spring or lake nearby, it is better to store the meat there)

Fish for soup


Cereals, pasta


Vegetables, greens, fruits

20 liters of water (this depends on the length of stay). I fill 5 liters of clean water into barrels.

Seasonings, salt, sugar, quick soups.

I advise you to think in advance about what you will eat on what day. It is better to eat raw meat and fish, for example, in the first couple of days, and then take on the stew.

4) To adapt your parking lot for a long and comfortable stay, it would be a good idea to take with you:


Sapper shovel

A couple of skeins of rope


Several bedspreads

Several dry logs (you never know if it rains, there will be something to dilute)




Sleeping bags


Insect repellents.

Warm. socks

Night cloth


miracle rugs


Record player

Soap accessories

Dish detergent


Coal for hookah



Garbage. packages

Well, what about without clothes? Decide for yourself what to take, I’ll just remind you to take warm clothes just in case (even if you’re traveling in incredible heat).

If you like to fish, take a fishing rod, you will have time to occupy yourself. Although I prefer to spend time in nature, idleness, sunbathing, swimming, playing cards, badminton, gluttony, etc. In short, in a word, if you don’t forget anything, and the weather is favorable to you, then you can have a great time.

I wish you a successful holiday!