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What you need to know before. What you need to know before ordering sushi. Zen is a religion

It's hard to find a guy who is suitable not only for sex, but also for a relationship. Men often send messages, so it’s not at all clear whether this is courtship, friendly sympathy or boredom. If real dating is becoming increasingly difficult for you, try finding a life partner in an online application. Pros: no one hides their intentions here and there is a chance to meet someone who really suits you. Cons: you must be prepared for the most unexpected situations. Here are 6 facts you should know before you download a dating app.

1. It can affect your ego.

Your profile will be seen by hundreds of people, and you will most likely receive a lot of responses. Dozens of guys think you're cute and want to chat - it's unlikely you encounter that every day on the street.

It's normal if you suddenly feel like a wildly attractive thing. It is important to understand that all these guys judge very superficially and focus only on the pretty face in your profile. Don't let the number of responses - no matter how many or few - influence your self-esteem.

2. Everyone won't like you.

Thanks to the application, the number of your fans will increase, but those who didn’t like you will also increase.
Refusals should be taken absolutely calmly. On dating apps, it's as common as saying hello. In any case, here, unlike in life, you won’t have to listen to boring explanations as to why you shouldn’t be together.

3. Not all guys on apps want a relationship.

No matter what is written on his profile, not all guys register. Moreover, not everyone is straightforward about their goals right away. If you don’t want to waste time on pointless flirting, don’t be shy about indicating your position at the beginning of your acquaintance.

When a guy openly says that he just wants to have fun, believe him. Don't expect him to eventually realize how wonderful you are and change his mind. Look for someone with whom you have the same expectations.

4. You might meet people you know

Former classmates, your mother's friend's son, your neighbor and, horror of horrors, your ex-boyfriend, can also look for love in this application. I recommend staying calm and being natural.

There is nothing awkward about looking for a date on the Internet rather than in a nightclub. The one you meet was also unable to build a relationship in real life, so you are in the same positions.

5. Be prepared for weird comments

After a little experience in the application, you will probably be able to make your own rating of the most eccentric pickup truck in the history of courting girls.

Dating a guy is one of the most unpredictable things in the world. Everything in the app is very concentrated, so it can feel like the world is only made up of idiots.

Calmly endure all inadequate, frightening and simply pathetic attempts at flirting. For me there is even some kind of anthropological interest in this, so you too study homo in all its diversity.

6. Blocking someone is not rude

Never continue to communicate with an asshole out of politeness - neither in the application nor in life. Blocking a guy whose communication does not evoke pleasant emotions is not rudeness, but self-care.

Many apps provide protection against harassment and give the user the ability to choose whether or not to communicate with the person.

Any personal trainer will tell you this, and any doctor will confirm this. But whether you're working off your daily calories, planning to train to climb Mount Everest, or just want to feel better than you do now, there are things you need to know about fitness before you start.

First of all, it won't be easy at first. Secondly, you will face “problems” that you may not have even thought about. Below are five things that can (and probably will) happen to your body.

You will gain weight before you start losing it.

With daily training, extra pounds should melt right before your eyes, right? No it is not true. More precisely, not entirely true. Fitness experts warn that most people - by and large - gain weight first and only then start to lose it. This, however, happens quite quickly: within 2-4 weeks. “Your body gains muscle mass, and this is what makes you weigh more, even if visually you appear to be losing weight. If you do have excess weight, it will eventually go away. Just don't expect overnight results, especially if you haven't made any changes to your diet, personal trainer Dan Arnett tells Business Insider.

You don't have to hire a personal trainer

If you've signed up for a competitive event like a triathlon or a triathlon, you may need professional help to optimize your training program and diet. But you don't need a personal trainer if you're just starting out. Instead, it's helpful to arm yourself with a beginner's lesson plan that you can find online. But when you have been training for 1-2 months and feel that it is time to reach a new level, it would be reasonable to pay a trainer for several lessons so that he can show you what you can and should now bet on.

No, you can't eat whatever you want.

One of the most common misconceptions, according to fitness experts, is that working out allows you to let go of your dietary inhibitions and indulge when you want. In fact, if you want to get results (a sculpted body or losing weight is not so important), along with a gym membership you need to acquire willpower. It will be needed in order to completely revise the diet, eliminating various kinds of “harmful” foods from it and adding enough protein products.

But the mood will definitely improve

You're probably trying to get into perfect shape so you can feel better physically. But research shows that exercise can also improve your mental health - reducing anxiety and depression, relieving depressive symptoms and, of course, increasing self-esteem, which is always a good thing. “Clients constantly tell me that training has made them calmer, more level-headed, and more positive and productive throughout the day,” says Arnett. In addition to this, you will notice significant improvements in the quality of your sleep, the absolute benefits of which are not even worth talking about.

Sometimes you will need to skip workouts

Of course, you wouldn't want to skip classes because you probably think that will ruin everything. But trainers say it's important to treat training as an enjoyable and rewarding hobby, not as a work meeting that could cost you your job. There are times when you not only need a day off from sports, but absolutely need it. “For example, if your family needs your support, then that, not training, should be put first,” says Dan Arnett. We are talking here, however, rather about those moments when it is so bad that you literally cannot get out of bed. Listen to your body, and if your muscles tell you that you need to rest a little, so be it.

Let's not confuse a barbershop with a hairdresser. The difference is like between a villa on the Cote d'Azur and a shack in the places where Leviathan was filmed. In the barbershop they cut hair in a hurry, politely asking how long to leave, while in barbershops they really create. Banal hair, regardless of its condition and health, turns into a real example of art. Because the barbershop is the territory of men. This is the essence of such establishments. This craft has been around for many, many years, and if barbershops used to be the prerogative of gentlemen, now their doors are open to everyone.

Therefore, men prefer to go to establishments with a barber floor (red, white and blue rotating cylinder). In the 21st century, it’s normal to want to be stylish and beautiful, and not crookedly cut. There is nothing wrong with this desire for beauty. Another thing is that everyone’s idea of ​​beauty and style is different, and if everyone in barbershops knows about this, then in the Lavender beauty salon they will cut your hair like the football player Ronaldo and affectionately call him the most beautiful, so that there is no doubt about the skill of the hairdresser.

Now more and more barbershops are opening in Russia. Sometimes, walking along one street from one end to the other, you can stumble upon several establishments of increased masculine elegance. And it's not just like that. The beauty industry has always been considered a good option for those wishing to create their own business. Despite the abundance of barbershops, the niche is still practically empty, and, according to experts in this field, it will develop just as dynamically in the next few years. And if you have competent marketing and a good level of services on your side, then the idea will turn into a successful business, and clients will sign up even from remote areas and surrounding areas.

The options for opening a barbershop are through the roof. If you want, buy a franchise, if you want, open it yourself. There are often cases when masters with extensive experience themselves look for an investor to open their own barber shop. All options have their pros and cons and, like any business, their difficulties. Even though there is a real boom in barbershops now and you are guaranteed to have your own clientele.

First of all, because male beauty is a complex science. Services also include selection of fragrances, beard shaping, straight shaving, and men's haircuts. And finding a master who will be able to do all this is not so easy. A barbershop is a highly specialized establishment focused on satisfying exclusively male needs, and therefore the barbers must be professionals in their field. If you hire craftsmen without specific experience, then you should take care of retraining directly as a barber. Fortunately, many academies have already appeared in Russia, where they teach from scratch and improve the professionalism of those who can skillfully wield scissors and a machine. Don’t forget that the process of training staff takes some time, so you shouldn’t hope for a lightning-fast transformation from an apprentice to a master of hairdressing, that is, to a real barber.

It is very important that the interior of a barbershop makes customers feel welcome. So that as soon as a man enters there he immediately feels that he is in the territory of real men. The right mood should be created as soon as he steps over the threshold, and here the interior with all its nuances and subtleties is very important. Laconic, moderately stern and restrained - this is how he should be.

It is equally important to choose a location that is visible, but it is not advisable that there are competitors nearby. The availability of such places is very limited, but with proper marketing there is nothing to fear. Promotion of a men's hairdressing salon will require a considerable amount of money, although sometimes advertising on the Internet is enough. But these are nuances that depend more on chance and circumstances. It’s definitely not worth sparing money to express yourself as clearly as possible. Involving famous people in cooperation and making a high-quality website are one of the few, but extremely effective ways to get your barbershop to the top.

In general, raising the topic of money, I would like to say that it would be nice to invest as much as possible. At least two million rubles. This amount is not necessarily mandatory, but at least desirable. Don’t forget that there will also be a lot of monthly expenses. Consumables such as professional men's cosmetics and towels should always be in abundance. And all this does not cost the same as matchboxes. In addition, the barbershop must have a waiting room, which means additional expenses for furniture. And of course, you shouldn’t forget about the equipment - a separate expense item that is much more important than the color of the walls. The chairs should be such that the client does not want to get up from them. Cheap consumer goods from China will not work. You will have to spend money on professional equipment - only it meets the quality criteria. And this, in turn, can be found from reliable suppliers who will not deceive or embarrass themselves in front of clients. This is exactly what Barbershoper is - the first store in Russia specializing only in equipping barbershops and men's hairdressing salons. The company has a narrow specialization and is unlikely to offer hairdressing equipment for beauty salons. But everything you need to open a barbershop can be found here in abundance. That is why the largest chains of barbershops in Russia (and not only) prefer to order equipment and furniture here.

Here you can find highly professional equipment for your barbershop. It is Barbershoper that has the largest assortment of barber chairs, which are also called shaving chairs. These things motivate craftsmen to work harder. After all, if a person is surrounded by professionalism, he himself strives to be a professional.

Here you can find furniture for the waiting area, exclusive men's chairs from Italian and Portuguese factories, furniture from Korean and trusted Chinese manufacturers. And all this is united in a few words - ergonomics, quality and reliability at the lowest prices. Don’t forget that barbershop clients spend most of their time in chairs, which is where barbers work, so good equipment is the first step to success. Thus, we can say that Barbershoper will help you lay a solid foundation for the success of your new business. And then the costs will be recovered, and the barbershop will begin to make a profit. And, most importantly, you will begin to enjoy business, because it is so important.

Nowadays, it is no longer a secret to anyone that a car is not a luxury, but a necessary means of transportation. More and more people prefer a car to public transport. Moreover, purchasing a car has become accessible to almost all categories of citizens. Young people, upon reaching 18 years of age, already get behind the wheel and drive their cars confidently.

As a result, the number of driving schools that train drivers is growing. Follow the link and choose. And if you are one of those who decided to go to study law, then this article will be very useful for you.

How to choose a driving school

Choosing a good one, in fact, is not as simple as it seems at first glance. After all, the safety of not only yours, but also of those people who will be next to you at that moment will depend on how you are trained.

So let's take a very close look at all the details you need to know before you start learning.

What you need to know before going to a driving school

So, if you decide to go to school in the summer, this means that you will most likely have an exam in the fall. You should be aware in advance of what conditions may complicate the already difficult process of passing exams. We are talking about weather conditions, because sometimes it is because of them that students have difficulties with passing. This is especially true in winter when snow falls. A narrow track forms on the road, which is sometimes difficult to drive even for an experienced driver, let alone for beginners. Therefore, it is very important when exactly you plan to complete your studies.

Another important point! You must decide for yourself whether you are ready to devote the lion's share of your time to properly start learning the rules of the road. Are you ready, if possible, not to miss a single lesson in a driving school? After all, all the information that your teacher will convey to you is very important, and gaps in your knowledge of traffic rules can turn out very badly for you.

If you have enough time to study and realize the importance of regularly attending classes, then it’s time for you to move directly to choosing a driving school.

We enter into an agreement with a driving school

Don’t rush to sign an agreement with the first driving school you come across. First, you need to find out where your friends and acquaintances studied, what opinion they had about this driving school, how they passed their exams, and whether they liked the instructors. The Internet can be your most faithful assistant in this. Just open any forum about driving schools and read the reviews.

If you have decided on a driving school, then the most important moment for you comes - concluding an agreement. Your entire further education depends on how careful you are when compiling it. Read all the recommendations carefully, otherwise you risk simply throwing money away.

So, first of all, you should pay attention to the full cost of training. It may be different in different schools. This depends on whether the gas you will be driving is included in the full cost of your tuition. If it is taken into account, then you enter into an agreement for the full amount. If you enter into an agreement only for theory training (traffic rules), then in the future you will have to pay for each driving lesson separately, or after completing the training you will pay the amount that remains due after all the lessons. Do not neglect this point, otherwise you risk giving away more money than you actually owe.

The next point that is worth paying attention to is the number of hours of classes. A very important point: do not confuse academic hours with astronomical ones! An academic hour is, in other words, a teaching hour, and it lasts 45 minutes. An astronomical hour is 60 minutes. Usually in driving schools one lesson is 2 academic hours, which means 1.5 hours of regular time. Many, when giving money, do not pay attention to this, and when the question arises - why there were so few classes, they are very surprised that this was stated in the contract.

When concluding a contract, check whether a “Certificate of Completion of Training at a Driving School” is issued. This is a mandatory document for all driving schools.

Also see if the driving school provides its own car for passing exams at the state traffic inspectorate. If so, there will likely be an additional charge for this. But it’s better to clarify which one in advance.

If the driving school provides payment in installments, find out in as much detail as possible exactly how payments are made, on what dates and where you need to pay the money.

Driving school training time

Find out in as much detail as possible how driving lessons are held, where the driving school has a racing track, whether these lessons are individual, or whether there are other students in the car. Check the routes the training vehicles take. Also find out if it is possible to replace the instructor in the event of some conflict situation.

Are you determined to write a script? It seems like it could be simpler. We watch movies for hours and days, we know the plot lines, but according to Polti’s classification, there are only 36 plots.

I'm sure you can take the plunge and write your own story if you want. But first, let's look at the difference between the script and other literary forms.

1. The script is not the final creative product

Nobody will read your script like War and Peace in high schools. It's not something you can throw out on paper in any form. The script is a semi-finished product of the film, which must still be “prepared” by the director, actors, cameraman, artists and many others.

So what's so difficult about the script? The script is the protocol of the “crime”. "Crime" is the movie you see in your head. Good scripts are not written, but recorded. That is, you must first see the movie, scenes, actions and characters, then write down what flashed through your head and in your thoughts. Therefore, the most difficult thing for a beginner is to understand that the audience sees and hears the script. Alas, only these two channels of information work in cinema.

Nothing complicated, you say, I wrote stories and poems, tried to write novels and even dreamed of a novel - I will also write a script. Yes, you will write, but you will have to leave phrases like “he thought that he should have” or “a serious storm was playing out in his soul from the upcoming choice” and the like.

Everything that is written in the script must be played by the actor and staged by the director, so write down “how and what” they must act and portray on screen. But the viewer must guess about internal feelings or doubts based on your “show and tell.”

2. Characters are real people

They already “lived” before they came to the lens of your attention. If people in your story begin to do something that they didn’t do before the start of the film, I, as a viewer, have a question: why now is a person who has never done anything interesting decided to take a heroic deed, or “to the left,” or change his profession/ life, fly into space and the like.

The characters, like us, are living people. We always act according to our own rules, along the path of least resistance, we follow the methods and roads that have already been laid earlier and are comfortable for us. If something forces us to change our lives, then these must be strong internal or external reasons. Why can your characters make sudden changes in fate without powerful motivation?

3. Characters act independently

This sounds strange and even stranger happens in life. But believe me, when students start writing scripts, by the middle of the course they experience the first surprise of realizing that their characters themselves decide how to act. This looks somewhat schizophrenic, but the reality is this - the better you come up with a character, the more likely it is that he himself will begin to tell the author what will happen to him.

When my students write a short film, it seems to them that now, for 10-20 minutes of screen time, nothing can change the original idea. However, the character “comes to life” and by the end he decides for himself. Then it turns out that the initial pages need to be rewritten “from scratch.” And then - the middle. And then look again at what happened in the end. I won’t say how many such iterations you have to do with a full-length script. A lot of.

4. The script is not written, but rewritten

What you saw and wrote at the beginning never, absolutely never, I emphasize this, becomes the final version. There are always changes that characters make to the story against the will of the author. This is "scary" from a common sense point of view, but normal from a screenwriting point of view. Many scenarios have 10-20-30 drafts (scenario versions - author's note). That's life.

5. Lines should be for the characters, not the audience.

Almost all of my students initially saturate their short and long-form films with a huge number of dialogues and monologues. Despite the fact that the training course includes a special task - creating a “silent” sketch - it is difficult to get rid of the temptation to tell “everything the viewer needs to know.” Perhaps this is the bad influence of television of yesteryear or a way of “taking the path of least resistance.”

But here the author must say a strict “no” to himself and remember that the viewer is spying on the lives of the heroes “through the keyhole.” Therefore, all lines and conversations should be for the characters, not the audience. For example, if two characters in a scene begin to discuss information that they both know well and do not contain conflict, then the viewer has a fair question: “Are they completely stupid? Why should they tell each other what they both know very well.”

At this moment, the viewer understands that everyone is saying this specifically for him. That is, the characters know that they are being watched and behave unnaturally. As a result, the effect of spying on real life is lost, and the viewer remains disappointed. After all, we all love to peek and be unnoticed. I mean cinema, of course.

6. Don't literally recreate life.

If you want to write a script based on real events or biographies of real people, then you should not literally reproduce the life and sequence of events. Life differs from cinema in that there are a lot of pauses in it where nothing happens: a traffic jam, a trip on the subway, a flight from Moscow to Vladivostok, and so on.

If you show this in real time in a movie or television series, the viewer will not appreciate your realism. Cinema is a musical harmony, where actions and pauses are combined in the correct sequence, but still in such a way that in one and a half to two hours the viewer lives some important part of life along with the hero.

7. Take highlights from real life

Conflict is the basis of drama, you know? The most interesting choice is between bad and bad. This is what will keep the viewer engaged.

Conflict, difficult decision, overcoming, struggle, suffering, unfulfilled desire - everything that causes stress in the hero gives the viewer pleasure from watching.

I am sure that you can decide and write your own story if you want.

How to write a pitching application

Pitching is a competition of projects. Or production ones, where there is already an estimate, a film crew and a director. Or screenwriting - this is where only stories compete. Let's talk about the latter.

To apply for script pitching, you need to select all the most important scenes that lead us (the audience) from the beginning to the end of the story. Show the most complex and interesting conflicts in the text, focusing on the climax. And be sure to tell how the story ends.

Many authors prefer not to write the entire content of the story, limiting themselves to general words like “and then there were many adventures” or “it all ended very unexpectedly.” This repels the selection committees, leading them to believe that the author simply did not write or invent those very “adventures” and “unexpected endings.” As a result, such applications remain outside the pitching rounds, and the authors themselves become offended by the organizers and selectors.

Writing a script is an interesting but complex process that is completely exciting and gives great pleasure.

If you feel the need and ability to write a script, send a brief description of your story (one page) to the address. We will read them all, and three authors will receive a 10% discount on training in the 8th screenwriting workshop of Oleg Bogatov, which starts in the fall of 2017.