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What does the number 7 mean on your date of birth? Seven is a spiritual number. Four currents of one science

Many people have thought more than once about the meaning and significance of certain signs, symbols and numbers. In this article we will talk about the meaning of the number seven. This number meant a lot to the people of the ancient world. The first mention of this sign can be found in Ancient Egypt. At that time, there was a cult of polytheism; the Egyptians worshiped seven divine entities. Many will wonder why there were 7 gods in Egypt? The thing is that ancient astronomers discovered exactly 7 planets and on this basis began to associate religion and history with this mystical number. They were convinced that it would bring them prosperity and happiness, and indeed, for a very long time, Egypt was a rich and fertile country.

The number 7, together with the numbers 7 and 8, are considered spiritual numbers. Why is the number 7 considered a lucky number, a number of good luck? In fact, this is not entirely true. It is worth deciding what luck actually is. Almost all citizens are convinced that luck is blind and use the concept of “luck” in the sense that someone got lucky by chance! However, the whole point is that luck does not choose the lucky one at random. Moreover, she is perfectly aware of whom to bring happiness and success, because every person is absolutely open to her. It should be understood that luck always comes to those who deserve it. She, like a beautiful woman, sees the efforts expended on her and gives herself to the most persistent.

The mysterious and mystical purpose of the seven is directly related to the Bible, sacred to every Christian, and to other major world religions. It is unlikely that anyone will argue that the Bible attaches great importance to the number 7. This can be traced back to the Seven Old Testaments and ending with the seven circles of hell, where all sinners go. This number can undoubtedly be put on a par with the numbers around which human civilization was created. Some researchers find the origins of this number in the ancient Jews. This people call it the beautiful word “savah” and it contained a deep meaning. The Jews believed that this sign contained wealth and bestowed prosperity.

This number is magical, detached, mysterious, difficult and lonely. Famous mystic Crowley argued that there are several unfortunate moments in this symbol, since each of them is generated by the obsession with perfection, so typical of the seven. As long as humanity exists, it will always strive for perfection. This is why the number 7 can become a painful obsession. Although we should not ignore the fact that thanks to this, seven can sometimes turn out to be much closer to perfection than other numbers.

The great Crowley considered the number seven to be a reflection of the blind struggle for perfection, but this struggle is useless, since all of humanity is imperfect

The oldest rituals that have come down to us were directly related to the seven celestial objects that were known to astronomers of that time. Nowadays, the picture of near space is quite well studied and differs markedly from the ideas of the ancients. However, many modern priests still continue to use the knowledge of distant eras, not realizing that the world has fundamentally changed.

7 holes in the human head, 7 primary colors of the spectrum, 7 days of the week, 7 chakras, 7 notes

However, not all nations consider the number seven lucky. For example, the Chinese use this symbol in funeral ceremonies. For Tibetans and Japanese, the interval between life and death is 49 years, that is, 7x7. In addition, the number 49 indicates the number of sticks for playing the I Ching, known to Europeans as the Book of Changes.

In the world-famous Chinese teaching of Feng Shui, the number 7 has always brought great luck and a lot of money. Ancient philosophers believed that every seven years it is necessary to radically change your lifestyle in order to attract prosperity and good luck to your side.

Based on mystical laws, magical power will be passed on to children in the seventh generation. Based on this information, it can be assumed that this symbol contains not only good luck, but also something mysterious, frightening and unpredictable. No matter what happens to you in life, you always need to remember the influence of various numbers on your destiny, and not consider your problems to be a coincidence. Moreover, if an unexpected and favorable event occurred to you, then you should not be lazy and try to track the relationship with the number 7. Without a doubt, you will find it!

The meaning of the number 7 in scripture

Numerology is a science that will help you find out what awaits you in the future and tell you about the chances of a successful completion of a business. In addition, it indicates the character traits of a person. The meaning of the number 7 can be found in any religious treatment. It is found in different religions. The number seven itself and its meaning characterize many things in the worldview of people.

What does numerology say?

The rotation of the Universe occurs almost around this figure. Just think about it: there are 7 circles in hell, the seventh heaven is considered heaven, the rainbow has the same number of tones. Seven may not appear on the path by chance; it always indicates predestination from above.

The meaning of the number 7 in numerology is very ambiguous, magical and mysterious. For many, the characteristic of this figure means something unreal and heavenly. Is this really true?

Numerology can be found everywhere, especially when it comes to the number seven. It may be noted that this magical number is found even in mythology. If you read the legends of Ancient Egypt, you can see that this figure is a symbol of the afterlife. It is at 7 o'clock in the evening that the journey begins, which leads to the kingdom of the dead. For the deceased, it was important to overcome 7 rooms and open the same number of doors.

If we are talking about the culture of Ancient Greece, then this number was patronized by Apollo, whose birth fell on the seventh. He used a musical instrument that had this number of strings.

You can list other legends that mention the magical number seven; its meaning changed over different periods. Let's turn again to the legends of the ancient Greek period and see where else were the seven present:

  1. When it was necessary to make sacrifices to the minotaur, there were exactly this number of them.
  2. Atlas had exactly seven daughters.
  3. Odysseus was imprisoned by the nymph for so many years.

Magical component

The number 7 in numerology literally means a magic number. Why is she like this? Everyone thinks differently. Some people believe in eternal life, therefore they connect earth and heaven together, while others think about the presence of an angel on earth. Everyone chooses for themselves what is closest to them.

One cannot help but think that this figure can really connect magic and reality. For example, to prepare an infusion that can cure all diseases, a special composition will be required, and a person must prepare it in a special way, and also take it:

A woman or anyone else may come across the destiny number 7 in popular sayings. The Seven continues to follow the person everywhere. Remember what the saying goes:

  • seven do not wait for one thing;
  • seven spans in the mouth;

For many, seven is a lucky number; sometimes the number 7777 may appear on the way, which means that success will definitely be guaranteed to you. Sometimes for some people this combination is a prophecy that a person has the gift of clairvoyance or has well-developed intuition.

Born under the number seven

Those whom fate allowed to be born on the seventh are always successful. The person is characterized as happy and incredibly talented. He is distinguished by his own worldview, more often than not he does not depend on any specific principles established in society. He strives to achieve success on his own, creating his own unique world.

Birth on the seventh indicates that man is destined to study science or show your creativity. Most often, these are peace-loving creatures, calm and not lacking in intelligence. If such a person fails to demonstrate his natural talents, he withdraws into himself.

Some people believe that seven is their lucky number. Usually these are people who look at the world with a positive attitude, are open and strive to achieve a specific goal. They cannot be intimidated by difficulties or obstacles, they are full of determination and always achieve what was planned.

Presence of guardian angels

Many people believe that if a person takes a crooked path, then he simply needs help from above. It is then that a guardian angel can come to his aid. Thanks to him, it is possible to again decide on a place in the sun, choose the right path and protect yourself from inevitable death. Sometimes such an angel can speak to a person with signs or symbols.

According to some people involved in numerology, higher powers can communicate with numbers. For example, if the same number constantly comes across your path, then this can be regarded as a sign of an angel. It is no coincidence that drivers who have the 777 sign on their car never get into accidents.

The meaning of the number 7 in world culture boils down to the fact that it is a divine, lucky number, one of the mystical parameters of the universe. In numerology, seven takes on new meanings if it is the date of birth. Seven, as a destiny number, is also obtained by addition. For example, if a person was born on the 25th, then the number that affects his life and character is also seven.

Seven is a lucky number

According to Vedic numerology, an odd number of fate means a connection with solar energy and sacred sources. This date immediately identifies an active personality of a revolutionary type, endowed with bright qualities, perseverance and ambition. She is attracted by novelty and the possibility of self-affirmation. She is cool, collected and overcomes any obstacles on the way to her goal.


In numerology, the number seven is obtained by adding two basic numerical characteristics of the Universe:

  • triplets: a symbol of the human, world soul and time - a synthesis of the past, present and future;
  • Fours: ideal stability and integrity, but sometimes takes on the meaning of pessimism and stagnation.

This combination gives the number seven exceptional value and strong potential, but at the same time creates negative, contradictory vibrations in it. It symbolizes the struggle of the higher triad with the tetrad of lower bodies that create loneliness. This threatens the balance of fate of its owner.

A person who is a “seven” by date of birth receives the abilities of a psychologist, the ability to recognize good and evil. He is wise, sensitive, emotional. He is characterized by openness to the world, he is cosmopolitan and at the same time conservative. The main aspiration is inner peace and harmony. He loves to travel.

A person who is a “seven” by date of birth is a good psychologist

Seven as the number of fate marks a departure from reality, immersion in the secrets of invisible life, and a passion for mysticism. The meaning of “seven” is high spirituality. Often such people are characterized by paranormal abilities, outstanding intuition and imagination. They produce famous folk healers, masters of tantric and occult medicine. Often “sevens” become philosophers, writers, and teachers. They have a talent for cooking, literature and painting.

The meaning of the number seven is indifference to material wealth, the desire for spiritual development and self-knowledge. In hobbies, profession and personal growth, a person who is a “seven” by date of birth strives to achieve perfection.

Emotions and personal life

By nature, people whose lives are influenced by 7 from birth are introverts and individualists. They are silent and secretive. The peculiarities of the emotional fate of such a person are initial loneliness, which is associated with spiritual practices and growth. But at the same time he strives to overcome isolation, seeks love and understanding.

Friendship with a “seven” person is always close and strong

He has a hard time getting along with people and avoids noisy large companies. He has few friends, but his friendship with them is always close and strong. He chooses as friends those with whom he has intellectual and personal contact. Relationships develop well with birth numbers 1, 7, 10, 16, 19, 25 and 28.

In romantic unions, birth number 7 influences a person's idealism. He is looking for one and only love for life. He is characterized by a thirst for perfect harmony with his partner, spiritually, intellectually, and sexually. He rushes things, and this scares people away from him. He quickly becomes strongly attached, and every disappointment causes him serious mental trauma. Numerology suggests that relationships will develop with representatives of birth dates 25 or 28.

Weak sides

Despite the strong positive vibrations, the number 7 in numerology, like any other, is not endowed with only positive meaning. Under unfavorable circumstances of fate, the following shortcomings will appear:

  • the idealism of the number seven, which accompanies a person from birth, often turns into narrow views, fanaticism and intolerance;
  • excessive trust in relationships leads to emotional wounds and isolation, negativism;
  • attention to the inner world turns into soul-searching, emotional and spiritual stagnation;
  • mystical abilities, openness to the other world become a source of danger, defenselessness against evil spirits;
  • the desire for truth is transformed into eternal disputes with others, sarcasm and gloating;
  • a rich imagination will distort the true picture of life and lead you into the world of fruitless dreams.

The pursuit of truth turns into endless disputes


Seven gives a lot to its owner, but not selfishly. However, the following factors will affect the negative value of this number and improve karma:

  • knowledge of dangerous and favorable periods;
  • the right choice of talisman stones;
  • selfless help to others.

Dangerous periods

At this time, a person is haunted by failures, he loses initiative and loses contact with others. Numerology advises date 7 to avoid important events and focus on spiritual protection on the following days:

  • May 22 – June 21;
  • August 24 – September 23.

Favorable periods

The positive energy of fate, when luck accompanies and it is recommended to start new things, intensifies on the days:

  • February 20 – March 20;
  • November 23 – December 21.

Using talisman minerals

Rose Quartz Will Attract the Right Partner

To reduce negative vibrations in this number and protect yourself from fate and external enemies, a person who is a “seven” by date of birth is recommended to wear, keep at home and meditate on the following stones:

  • Amazonite: meaning – restoring balance in the owner’s soul;
  • hematite: will prevent attacks from evil entities from the subtle world;
  • cat's eye (preferably light green): will bring good luck;
  • tiger's eye: will point to the enemy;
  • moonstone: dispels doubts and stabilizes mood swings;
  • pearls: will help maintain purity and chastity;
  • Rose Quartz: Will attract the right partner.

Subject to these conditions and careful work on oneself, a person whose life is influenced by 7 will connect with the sources of world harmony and integrity. He will reach unprecedented spiritual heights and become a benefactor for many people.

The number 7 means for humanity, first of all, a sacred divine number, a sign of an angel that brings good luck. The number is patronized by the unusual and mysterious planet Saturn.

The meaning of the number 7 has been formed over centuries and was supplemented bit by bit with folk observations, facts, and information related to this number. Thus, people’s faith in the fact that this number carries a magical, mysterious meaning of the absolute and unified perfection of the universe grew, strengthened and multiplied.

Children of Saturn are perfect and self-sufficient, with a stable and extraordinary worldview, creative thinkers and have their own non-standard answer to everything. They are able to see God's meaning even in the simplest inanimate things. These are thinkers with an analytical, complex mindset. They are by nature inventors, pioneers and discoverers. They seek power in knowledge, and for this they are able to turn all the religions and philosophies of the world upside down in search of truth. They are restless and changeable, constantly learning, and in their house every free space is filled with books.

“7” is the number of happiness for its owner

The meaning of the number 7 is in many ways intertwined with the previous 6, endowing the efficiency and perseverance inherent in the six with the successful result of the one. Those. all the undertakings of the Seven will invariably lead to a beneficial outcome.

In people of this symbol, positive character traits prevail over negative ones.

They are happy people with a refined sense of humor, very bright and eccentric, and often leave their mark on history.

These are talented people with developed intuition; they draw knowledge from the experience of mankind and successfully apply it in their activities and careers. Sevens can see the result of their labors by the age of 25. By this age they can get the fame and fortune they desire.

Sevens will succeed in the field of teaching, analytical work of investigative agencies, and perhaps even become intelligence agents. They are excellent connoisseurs of art and their hands grow as they should, so people of number 7 can become experts in jewelry or engraving. Those born under the number 7 should know that all their endeavors will be successful and not be afraid to put their ideas into practice.

Perhaps some will call Sevens closed and stingy. But this is far from true. Sevens simply select friends according to their interests and hobbies; they do not need a large social circle. Friendship is something valuable and intimate for them, and being a guardian to the whole world is a troublesome and thankless task. Seven also does not like large numbers of people in their own home, so when choosing a partner for marriage, this person needs to pay attention to the presence of numerous relatives who can cause irritation and disturb comfort.

7 in Pythagorean doctrine

The number 7 in numerology takes an honorable leading place. This happened not because 7 is supposedly a symbol of luck. Because the concept of luck with hard, purposeful work is controversial.

This figure suggests the interest of Her Majesty Nature in revealing human perfection.

If there are no sevens in the psychomatrix, this does not mean that a person will not have luck and will not be able to achieve anything. It’s just that such people on the path of self-knowledge will take different paths, overcoming all adversities and difficulties on their own. But a sign with one seven is also weak enough to be called “lucky”. It will be ideal if in their life there is a person with many sevens.

A person with two numbers 7 in the psychomatrix is ​​protected by luck. He can safely take risks, get involved in gambling activities, fortune is in his bosom.

The most perfect form of being is possessed by people with three or more sevens in their personal psychomatrix. These are builders and design engineers of their own destiny, possessing solid knowledge about the nature of things. It is advisable for such people to devote themselves to the sciences of the soul, natural science and bring their Knowledge to the world.

Magic number 7 in history

The philosophy of the ancient Egyptians and Babylonians represented seven as the sum of two magic numbers: 3 and 4. Three is the basis of life - a child and father and mother, and four is the vital number of the countries of the world, the directions of the winds. The meaning of the number 7 is magical both among the ancient Romans (worship of the seven wise men) and among the people of Ancient Greece (annual festival of the seven actors).

The Christian religion, starting from the seven days of the creation of the world, continued the list with seven sins, seven Christian sacraments, and Holy Week. Seven is truly considered the number of the almighty Lord.

Muslims in their beliefs extol the seventh heaven - a place for souls pleasing to Allah.

The Japanese believe that a person is given seven good fortunes from the seven good gods throughout his life. Everyone knows the story of the Seven Wonders of the World. Seven seas, seven notes, seven days of the week... And it’s not for nothing that the word family contains this mystical number in its name. So, seven denotes luck and the perfection of nature.

Video: The meaning of the number 7

7 - what does it mean in numerology




What is the psychology of number 7

The number 7 has long been considered a number with a positive mode.

Sacraments (in the Orthodox Church) - 7.

From the sum of 3 and 4 - the main numerical parameters - the number 7 arises. “The magic number 7” (according to J. Miller) characterizes the general idea of ​​the Universe, a constant in the description of the world tree, the full composition of the pantheon, the number of fairy-tale heroes - brothers (cf. “ Seven brothers”, “Seven Simeons” and sisters, etc.), the number of days of the week, the number of days of holidays, the number of colors of the spectrum, tones in music, the basic smells of stereochemical theory, the constant that determines the volume of human memory, etc. In some cultural and linguistic traditions, there is a septenary number system and/or the number 7 generally acts as the most commonly used number, characterizing almost universally everything that is counted in the mythopoetic cosmos (cf. the number 7 among the Kets on the Yenisei). From the product of 3 and 4, the number 12 arises, which also belongs to the number patterns most commonly used in mythopoetic cultures (12 parts of the year, respectively - zodiac signs, 12-member pantheons, etc.). 12 as a lucky number is opposed to the unlucky number 13 (12+1). In a number of traditions, the number 7 competes with the number 9, obtained by repeating the triad three times. In old Chinese poetry, the number 9 is used to mean "everything". It plays a large role in individual mystical experience. Other derivative numbers derived from 2, 3, 7, 9, 12 (33, 37, 99; 24, 36, etc., also the number 108/12x9) are sacredly marked and accordingly used in ritual and in mythopoetic texts ), noted in Buddhism; the same number of counting elements in the traditional beads with the help of which meditation is carried out.

The number 7 symbolizes mystery, as well as study and knowledge as the path of exploring the unknown and unseen. Since ancient times, it has captivated the imagination and aroused the admiration of philosophers, priests, and magicians. They believed that the septenary lies at the basis of all evolution. These are the seven ruling planets, seven days of the week, seven notes of the scale, seven colors of the rainbow, etc.

It also corresponds to the mysterious seven-pointed star of magicians, which helps to foresee cyclical changes in the development of not only individuals, but also entire nations.

Psychology of the number 7. “SEVEN” is a sacred number. "Seven" is mentioned 770 times in the Bible. The seventh day was the day of rest of the Lord God; one phase of the moon lasts seven days. Seven is a symbol of Space. The Bible talks about seven fat cows and seven thin cows. “Our Father” contains seven requests, Archangel Michael fights with a seven-headed dragon. The Catholic Church talks about the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit, the seven virtues and the seven deadly sins. It is recommended to measure seven times before cutting. We know fairy tales about the princess and the seven heroes, about Snow White and the seven dwarfs, about the brave little tailor who kills seven in one fell swoop. In ancient times there were seven wonders of the world. There is a well-known legend about the seven wise men. There are seven continents. The human senses are connected to seven important structures.

ki - detachment, desire for solitude. The Seven often has the talent to find lost things, untie lingering knots, and find solutions to complicated problems. At the same time, the bustle of external life is of little interest to Sevens, and they often neglect the financial side of life and consider the pursuit of a penny an unworthy occupation. It is very difficult to influence the opinions or intentions of Sevens, since all their actions are usually well thought out and have deep “roots”.

Vibrations of the number 7


Wisdom, analysis, thoughtfulness, thoughtfulness, ability to understand complex concepts, criticality, legibility, attention to detail; intuitiveness, knowledge, faith, striving for perfection; sensitivity, mystery, unspokenness, depth, spirituality, transformation, restraint, spirituality, skepticism, invention, thinking, discovery, mystery.


Overcritical, rebellious, incapable, hopeless, skeptical, humiliated, nervous, unusual, embarrassed.


Inconstancy, skepticism, confusion, malice, deceit, cunning, depression, duplicity, secrecy.

The number 7 is generally recognized as sacred for many peoples. In fact, the entire Cosmos has a sevenfold structure.

Seven is the first prime number that can be called truly prime. Let's look at the prime numbers preceding seven. One is a prime number. Primes are divided into themselves and one. But in this case, by one means by yourself. That is, one has only one divisor, and all other prime numbers have two divisors. The next prime number is 2. It is distinguished from all other primes by its parity. "Troika" - Abel. You just read about his signature, a digital root equal to himself. Perhaps the ancient Greek myth about Narcissus, forever admiring his reflection, is a story about the same number “three” and the digital root “3” that reflects it, the only one of its kind “simple”. This exclusivity of reflection serves Narcissus as a reason for narcissism. The last prime number before seven is 5. It is the only prime number that ends in five. Prime numbers end with any odd digit except five. But the “seventh from Adam”

Enoch is no longer different from all subsequent simple ones, for which he was exalted. The number 7 has two divisors, like all primes except one; it is odd, like all primes, except for two; its root "7" carries the simple 43, 61, 79, 97, etc.; simple 17, 37, 47, 67, 97, etc. end with 7.

There is another reason why Enoch's number deserves special distinction. Seven contains all six digital roots of prime numbers. If, when dividing by seven, the answer contains a fractional number, then you will see that these digital roots are cyclically repeated in the fractional remainder: ...1, 4, 2, 8, 5, 7. Enoch seems to suggest that the fractions obtained in the result of dividing one natural number by another will always be cyclic. This means that on a regular calculator the division operation can be performed with any accuracy.

Thus, a possible conclusion arises: twenty-two levels of the hierarchy of the Universe are distributed among the seven primary cells of the universe. In this case, the “filling” of one such cell is the number “pi” (since 22/7 = n)! On the other hand, considering the relationship of these three numbers, it would be logical to assume that 22/7 = n is the diameter (the question is, in what units?) of the Universe, since the circumference L = n x D! Answers to all these questions are yet to be answered by humanity find.

Tell me the meaning of the number 7 in numerology, but not in the date of birth, but as a sign of something

Let me explain: in the storage room I open my box No. 11 with the key No. 11, but it’s empty, just in case I try to open No. 12 - my things are there. I go to the locker room, give number 86, and they tell me that my coat is not there, I go to look, but it hangs on number 96. This has never happened to me, but here it happened 2 times in a row. There were four numbers in total: 11-12 and 86-96. If you add everything up, you get 7. Tell me what this means

The number 7 symbolizes the mystical nature of man. 7 is the number of the priest who owns 7 keys, that is, possessing absolute magical power, this is holiness and intelligence (a holy sage who is connected with God). It is under the patronage of Saturn, is in charge of time, is responsible for the inner core, symbolizes the depth of thoughts, hard work, intelligence, wisdom, asceticism, seriousness. Controls the concentration of thought, will and energy.


The number seven has always been associated with the concept of luck (luck). Sometimes this figure is called the sign of an angel.
Most likely, a more or less logical explanation for this interpretation of the number 7 can be given from the example of a tiller who, cultivating the land with the help of a rogue, always hoped for a happy, successful outcome of his business. Simply put, the plowman counted on luck, which only heaven could send him - God, an angel, the Holy Spirit or holy relics. Man had nowhere to turn with his requests for a good harvest. All we had to do was hope for a miracle, but it was much easier and more convenient to rely on luck. And so it turned out that it was the combination of three factors that gave birth to the number 7 as a number responsible for luck: horse (4 legs), plowman (2 legs) and God (angel, luck, luck, hope). In addition to what has already been said, we can add that it was on the seventh day of the week - Sunday - that people tried to achieve their luck or fortune by asking God for it during prayers, since this day should be dedicated to God.

Smart girl

The most magical number. Symbolizes mystery, study and knowledge as a path to explore the unknown and invisible.
There is also a well-known number in Russian folklore - measure seven times...
seven troubles - one answer... seven do not wait for one...
In everyday life, seven is almost everywhere:
Seven ruling planets, seven days of the week, seven notes of the scale, seven colors of the light spectrum, seven heavens, seven holes on the head.

11-Loyalty, 12-Nobility, 86-Grace, and 96-Deception.
11+12+86+96=205 (Willpower) = 7 (Perseverance)
It turns out that you knew that you were on the right path, but there was some kind of deception, and thanks to your perseverance and willpower, you came out of this situation gracefully and gracefully.
The situation is written right by the numbers.

The meaning of numbers in numerology. What does the number 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 mean?

The entire numerology system is based on single-digit numbers from 1 to 9, with the exception of two-digit numbers with special meanings. Therefore, making all the calculations is quite simple, you just need to correctly perform subtraction and addition based on the numbers included in your date of birth. All letters of the name also have a corresponding digital equivalent or number. It usually depends on where the letter is in the alphabet. For example, A-1.B-2,B-3, etc.

Numbers represent archetypes. The meaning of numbers in numerology reflects the individual qualities of the person in question, but only for each person the set of qualities has a different ratio. Each number is an archetypal quality. Numbers are very similar to people and sometimes it is very difficult to put together all the qualities that a number has and analyze them. Even the symbols themselves and the writing of numbers sometimes speak about the meaning of numbers, and what qualities they represent.
Digit 1
- has the shape of a pillar and means leadership, strength and independence. It is also a symbol of various endeavors, innovation, and exceptional individuality. It encourages you not to think, but to immediately act. Well versed in what is good and what is bad. Denotes energy directed towards fate. Instigator.
Digit 2
- means sensitivity, diplomacy and softness, and also has good flexibility and elasticity. Symbolizes sophistication and femininity. Indicates love of music and sophistication. Avoids any confrontation, but gives strength for advancement.
Digit 3
- means mastery, self-expression, inspiration, enthusiasm. It symbolizes the desire to seemingly embrace everyone in this world. It is considered a very lucky and lucky number. Expresses optimism and enthusiasm. He enjoys life and takes everything easily.
Digit 4
means rigor and pragmatism, being the support for all other figures and reliability. It is the most moving number. He has wit and an unusual perception of the world. Doesn't tolerate change. Strongly tied to tradition. Characterized by honesty and enjoys authority.
Number 5
– is the most dynamic figure, open to everything new and unknown. Symbolizes the innate ability for trade and administration. Characterized by courage and a desire for various adventures and adventures.
Number 6
- the most loving number. It means a willingness to make self-sacrifice and motherhood. Combines harmoniously with all other numbers. Capable of standing up for the weak and humiliated. Outwardly artistic and talented.
Number 7
- means a thinker and a recluse, seeking the truth, and extending his hand with a lamp, dispelling the darkness. Characterized by deep knowledge and wisdom, as well as intuition and understanding. Self-isolation and surrender of one's positions. Solitude and contemplationNumber 8
- means balance between the spiritual and material world, being a symbol of the infinity of existence, the transition from one world to another. Characterized by the ability to use money as a tool. Has the strength and ability to see through everything, and also indicates a broad mind.
Number 9
- ends the cycle. It looks like the number 6, but the love in it is intended for the whole world. The most humanistic number. Characterized by boundless consciousness, genius and creativity. Possesses nobility and aristocracy.

Series of messages "Numerology":
Part 1 - Numerology what is it
Part 2 - The meaning of numbers
Part 3 - The meaning of numbers in numerology. What does the number 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 mean?
Part 4 - What does your wedding date mean in numerology What does your wedding date mean in numerology

The number 7 means magic and mystery, and due to its influence it is considered one of the most mystical and witchcraft numbers. Seven can seriously influence the life of a person born under this number or who encounters it in life.


Mysticism of the number 7

Since ancient times, seven has played a vital role in human culture - seven notes, days of the week and colors in the rainbow.

The sum of three and four means:

  • union of heaven and earth;
  • spiritual and worldly;
  • eternal and fleeting;
  • souls and bodies.

In the Middle Ages, people created the theory of the seven ages of man:

  • the first seven years are childhood;
  • fourteen years old - the end of childhood;
  • 28 years old - youth;
  • 35 - maturity;
  • 42 - loss of strength.

Shakespeare in his comedy “As You Like It” in the immortal monologue “All the World’s a Stage” says that the seven ages represent metaphorical roles:

  • baby;
  • schoolboy;
  • lover;
  • soldier;
  • judge;
  • old man;
  • and again a baby.

The influence of the number seven on folk art is difficult to overestimate. Well-known phraseological units that include the seven - “seven troubles - one answer”, “seven spans in the forehead” - people often use in conversations. This figure also left its mark in fairy-tale folklore all over the world - “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights”, “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”.

In magical rituals, many actions also need to be repeated seven times.

Divine origin of the number 7

Origin theories:

  1. The spiritual and divine interpretation of the number seven is a symbolic representation of a sword. In combination with the figure eight, representing a shield, they protect the number nine, the keeper of spiritual knowledge.
  2. In Islam, the number seven is sacred because, according to Muslim religious tradition, there are seven heavens. Getting to the last, seventh heaven means the highest grace and bliss.
  3. In Christianity, seven also plays an important role. It is mentioned 77 times in the Old Testament, and 700 times in the Old and New Testaments together. God created the earth in seven days, gave us seven deadly sins and seven virtues. Lent lasts seven weeks.
  4. This number has also found its place in Buddhism - it is considered the number of Buddha and symbolizes his seven hypostases.

From the video on the channel “Teleproject Slovo” you can learn more about the importance of the number seven in religion.

The meaning of number 7 in date of birth

The main magical property that the number 7 is often given is luck, however, its influence on life is much more complex and complex.

Those born under the number seven are characterized by the following qualities:

  • order;
  • intelligence;
  • organization;
  • analytical thinking;
  • hunger for knowledge;
  • tendency to loneliness;
  • desire for introspection.

People with a seven in their date of birth have strong intuition and imagination, but also developed critical thinking.

Creative and humanitarian professions are well suited for such people:

  • artist;
  • musician;
  • designer;
  • philosopher.

Such people are also characterized by charitable activities.

Personality Features

Those born under the number seven have a strong personality.

Such people are characterized by:

  • independence;
  • desire to express one's opinion;
  • love of books;
  • desire to travel.

Such people, as a rule, are introverts and do not have many friends, but for close people they are reliable and faithful companions.

Negative character traits

The reverse influence of the number seven can affect a person throughout his life.

Seven brings the following negative factors:

  • neuroses;
  • secrecy;
  • sharpness;
  • tendency towards alcoholism.

Due to lack of diplomacy and the desire to always express their opinion out loud, such people may find it difficult to build relationships, and sometimes this property leads to unpleasant situations.

However, over time, thanks to wisdom and awareness, you can transform the negative aspects of your character into positive ones, learn patience and restraint. In addition, strong intuition can help.

Lucky days

For those born under the number seven, the most successful days are Monday and Sunday. For serious undertakings, the 7th, 16th and 25th of the month are best suited. Close friends for sevens can be people born on the 2nd, 11th, 20th and 29th.

Impact on marriage

The number seven has a serious influence on the destinies of people getting married.

Owners of a seven are characterized by:

  • loyalty;
  • honesty;
  • reliability;
  • call of Duty.

If both spouses were born under the number seven:

  • this promises strong and trusting relationships and a reliable marriage;
  • seven-year-olds also become good parents; it is not difficult for them to earn the trust of their children;
  • Sevens, thanks to their developed intuition, make parenting mistakes infrequently;
  • people with the number seven are ready to make any sacrifice for the sake of their family.

Features of children born under the number 7

Children born under the number seven are distinguished by enviable prudence from early childhood. These are visionaries and dreamers who prefer books and solitude.

Children with seven years of age are characterized by:

  • empathy;
  • compassion for other living beings;
  • soft character;
  • responsiveness;
  • daydreaming;
  • patience.

Because of their dreaminess, they may not be the most successful students in school, but diligence and perseverance allow them to cope with even difficult tasks.

Parents need to completely win the trust of their seven-year-old child so that he does not grow up secretive and is not afraid to express his thoughts out loud. Introversion can create communication problems that can be easily solved once you establish a trusting relationship with your child.

Number 7 in numerology

Numerology will help you to unravel many of a person’s personal qualities, taking the person’s date of birth as a basis.

Seven is patronized by the planet Saturn - the most unusual and controversial in the solar system.

It is related to:

  • in order;
  • conscience;
  • power;
  • self-discipline.

The life of a seven can be complicated by excessive pride. Numerology defines those with a seven as difficult people in relationships. Therefore, creating an alliance with sevens is not easy, but if successful, such people become ready to do anything for their partner.

Men-sevens are different:

  • self-sufficiency;
  • seriousness;
  • independence.

This number can represent restraint and determination. It may seem that such men are calculating in love, but deep down they are romantic and really value sincere feelings. For women, a man seven is a symbol of dangerous fatal attraction, which attracts and repels at the same time.

Women of seven are characterized by:

  • tact;
  • courtesy;
  • sentimentality.

They are also very romantic and strive for beautiful and intense relationships.

Both men and women of seven have special magnetism and insight. This number also carries a dangerous meaning - the number 7 means pessimism and a tendency to depression.

The meaning of the number 7 in a name

Those who have any form of the number seven in their name are less susceptible to its influence than those born under this number.

Such people are suitable for work in the fields of science and creativity.

Seven-year-olds have the following data:

  • strong leadership qualities;
  • strong will;
  • patience;
  • delicate taste;
  • the desire to analyze everything carefully;
  • desire for solitude.

If a seven-year-old person has connected his life with business, he cannot do without assistants.