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What does the name Alexey mean from ancient Greek? Interpretation of the name: Alexey

Short and diminutive options: Alekseyka, Alyokha, Lyokha, Alyosha, Lesha, Alyonya, Alyoka (Aleka), Leka (Leka), Lelya, Lex, Alex, Lyoshka, Leksey, Lyoshik, Lelik.

Patronymics: Alekseevich, Alekseevna; colloquial form: Alekseich, Lekseich and Lyakseich.

Latin transliteration in a Russian passport: Alexey

Analogues of the name in other languages: English Alexis, French Alexis, Spanish Alejo, Italian Alessio, Ukrainian Oleksiy, Belarusian Alyaksey, Chuvash Alyush, Hungarian Layosh

Origin of the name "Alexey"

Alexey is a name of Greek origin, meaning “protector”. Alexey is a real “shield” of his loved ones, not too keen on leadership, but cheerful, balanced and a good adviser. In old Russian fairy tales, Alyosha Popovich is a simple-minded but mighty hero, guardian of the earth and protector of the offended from adversaries and monsters. Alexey and the common people's Lexey correspond to modern Alexey as historical prototypes. In a sense, Alexey is a slightly softened form of the name Alexander, which makes individuals with such names similar, but still different. Aleksey seems to have lost his balance; he sounds less firm than Alexander, but at the same time less closed in on himself.

Patrons of Alexei– Saint Alexy, Metropolitan of Moscow and Venerable Alexy, man of God, and name days, respectively, are celebrated on February 25 and March 30. Saint Alexy was, in a sense, a diplomat saint. Having cured the wife of the Tatar Khan from an “eye disease,” he saved Russia from many troubles with the Tatar invasions, and in 1378 he founded the Chudov Monastery in Moscow. The Monk Alexy, a man of God, lived in the 5th century AD, and became famous mainly for his righteous life. He was born in Rome, and until his wedding day he did not stand out in any way. However, on the day of the proposed wedding, the voice of God commanded him to leave his parental home. Dressed as a beggar, Alexy first lived on the church porch, and then spent 17 years under the porch of his parents’ house. Only when he died did Alexy’s family and wife recognize him – and then not by his appearance, but by the letter in his hand.

Horoscope named after "Alexey"

Zodiac signs that are considered Alekseev's signs are Aquarius, Cancer, Libra. Jupiter and Neptune are named as its patron planets. Usually, according to their name, Alexeys feel themselves to be protectors of the women around them all their lives. Like their patrons, the Alexeis bear a certain imprint of holiness and, at the same time, foolishness. They seem to be defenseless in front of the world and at the same time bring it brightness and depth. Hence some of the foolishness, cunning and good sense of humor that distinguishes Alekseev.

They are friendly towards people, although it is difficult to become a close friend of Alexey, because he spends a long time looking at candidates for this important role. Alexeys are not very ambitious, but they engage in any painstaking and responsible work with pleasure and attention, they never leave things halfway, and that is why they often win the respect of their colleagues. They are quite creative personalities, and this allows them to easily master both the fine arts and the exact sciences. Alexeys are writers, scientists, musicians, and designers. If Alexei is lucky and has a bit of ambition, he easily achieves a significant position in society and does not get lost under any circumstances. In family life, Alexeys are charming and flexible, gentle with their spouses, but principled in important matters. Alexei is usually faithful to the chosen woman and is not jealous. Girls like his tact and modesty. This same modesty can prevent Alexey from realizing his full potential and force him to turn to friends and colleagues for help. Among other things, Alexey takes criticism rather sensitively, so it’s hard for him to show off his creations without proper support.

Alexey's colors are red, light green, blue, green. His totem plants are mistletoe, poplar, lilac, and animals are elk and crab. The stones that bring luck to Alexei are alexandrite, lapis lazuli and jasper.

Name compatibility

Alexey will be happily married to women who bear the names Angela, Varvara, Roxana and. But marriages with Alina, Vera, Oksana, Tamara and Yulia are most likely doomed to failure.

Alexey and pets

By his nature, Alexey can find a common language with any breed of dog. He is not cruel, patient, and can work as a dog trainer in a club. The most important thing is that the animals love him very much. He does not need to seek an approach to each dog; they themselves seek his affection. However, Alexey's favorite dogs are collies, German shepherds, boxers, and miniature schnauzers.

Alexey will get along well with dogs named: Maximilian, Milan, Alvin, Ennis, Ferra, Alfa, Altai, Bland, Markel, Mirra, Belonna, Clark.

Name popularity and statistics

The name Alexey, which the parents gave to their son at birth, is quite popular. For every 1000 newborn boys this name was given (on average by period, Moscow):

  • 1900-1909: 75 (6th place)
  • 1924-1932: 29 (10th place)
  • 1950-1959: 44 (8th place)
  • 1978-1981: 94 (3rd place)
  • 2008: (not in the top ten)

The history of the origin of the name Alexey: the name came from the Greek language from the word Alex.

The meaning of the name Alexey is translated from Greek as defender, assistant, protective.

Character and destiny

The name Alexey is not burdened with anything negative in its energy; it is quite cheerful and calm. Even though this name does not push its owner to leadership, it reliably protects him from various troubles. The main role in fate Alexey, plays a role in his upbringing, and in what environment he grows up.

The name Alexey is considered neutral, so many parents call their son this, intuitively feeling the energy of this name. Alexey is able to fit into any team without much difficulty, without causing rejection. But not everything is always as good as you want it to be, especially when, when raising Alexei, his ambition is highly developed. On the one hand, Alexey, who is devoid of any ambitious aspirations, can become a terribly lazy person, on the other hand, with a strong development of ambition, he may experience an internal conflict, which in turn can lead to various unpleasant situations.

The secret of the name Alexey: The fact that this name is directly characterized by balance and gives its owner calmness and confidence can sometimes prevent him from becoming famous.

Little Alyosha is quite strongly attached to his mother. From early childhood, it is not surprising that he already feels like her protector, and as he grows up, he feels like a protector of all those women who directly surround him. Alexey himself is a friendly person, does not like to talk a lot, prefers to do. And despite the fact that as a child he is not the leader in the company of boys, they turn to him for advice.

Already grown-up Alexeys approach their affairs diligently, doing painstaking work with obvious pleasure. They strive to achieve excellence in their field of work. Whatever Alexey undertakes, no matter what he does, he will soon become the best in this field. Working at a factory, he will be an indispensable master; when playing sports, he will be a patient coach; as for business, here he is an obligatory partner.

Alexeys are somewhat ambitious, which helps them, with their business qualities, achieve a fairly good position in society. The owner of the name Alexey is a person who has clearly expressed creative abilities. Therefore, it is not uncommon to find writers, artists, and actors among the Alekseevs. They do not shy away from the exact sciences; Alexei can be good surgeons, physicists, criminologists, engineers.

Alexey’s successes are often helped by his fairly well developed intuition. Alexey has such a character trait as - complaisance. He is, one might say, always calm, hardworking, conscientious, thorough and persistent. He may give in to his wife in trifles, but if something concerns serious issues, then he will show sufficient firmness, and those who know him very well will not even argue with him about this.

From the point of view of love relationships, the interpretation of the name Alexey is somewhat different. First of all, he values ​​cleanliness. In conflict situations, the wife will always take her side, even when she is wrong. Alexey is not jealous, so his wife can lead him by the nose for a long time. He is loyal, most likely due to a feeling of disgust. He is a good father, caring about his children more than himself. Throughout his life he retains filial affection for his parents.

Alexeis born in winter are the most difficult to communicate with.

Great people

Now let's find out who contributed to the history of the name Alexey. Alexei’s famous namesake was Alyosha Popovich, according to legend a hero of the Russian land, one of the famous heroic trinity. Even Alyosha Popovich was born, according to legend, not like normal children are born, because it was a bolt from the blue that day, and, having been born, he first of all asked his mother for a blessing to walk around the white world, and so as not to be swaddled with him swaddled, but in chain mail. Even from a very young age, he was already excellent at wielding weapons and holding his own in the saddle; even then he was ready for feats.

In folk tales, Alyosha Popovich has the image of more of a perky warrior, a bearer of the qualities inherent in a common man. He is not averse to cheating, sometimes even setting up his comrades, Dobrynya Nikitich and Ilya Muromets. In epics he is depicted as a favorite of women. Alyosha's true weapons were intelligence and cunning. In addition to all this, Alyosha has the image of a somewhat crafty, boastful, self-confident hero, which is perhaps why he is one of the brightest fairy-tale characters, in whom there is much more life than other purely fairy-tale characters.

In communication, Alexey is balanced, which makes him a good listener, an adviser and has a positive characteristic among his friends. He will not refuse to support you and is always capable of compassion. Just don't put pressure on him.

Name horoscope

What does the name Alexey mean in astrology:
  • Zodiac sign corresponding to the name: Libra;
  • Patron planet: Jupiter;
  • Character Traits: Cheerful, balanced, independent;
  • Name colors: All shades of red and light green;
  • Lucky colors: For balance - green, for more activity - red;
  • Patron saints of the name: Moscow Alexy (February 25), Venerable Alexy (March 30), Pechersky Alexy (October 11);
  • Talisman stone: Jasper and Alexandrite.

Video stories about the name

The secret and meaning of the name Alexey:

In this video you will learn what the name means in the spiritual sense:

He is not very skilled in sexual games, but nevertheless easily wins. Alexey is vulnerable, sensitive and careful in contact with partners - this mainly applies to “summer” men. In general, he is curious, strives to learn all forms of sexual relations, and gain experience. He is seriously trying to adapt to his partner; because of his modesty, he prefers women who are somewhat older, more experienced, but at the same time affectionate and delicate. Unexpectedly, even for himself, he can show amazing abilities that make him free and liberated in sex. If it happens that he fails during his first intimate relationship with a woman, this does not lead him to sexual stress, but only strengthens the desire to meet his partner, and the more successfully and quickly this search is completed, the more confidence Alexey gains in the field of sex.

Alexey Vladimirovich, born in August, is a delicate, vulnerable nature. He can be very tender with a woman who is tender herself. Does not tolerate rudeness, is not afraid of ridicule, but considers it bad manners. He carefully prepares for an intimate meeting with a woman, spares no expense to make a small holiday for her: flowers, sweets, delicacies - that’s all for his beloved. Women should not delude themselves that all this is being done only for her; Alexey is equally attentive to all his partners. He knows how to set the table, loves beautiful dishes, elegant furnishings, dim lighting, and good music. All this is important primarily for himself, but he hopes that his partner will also like it. He prefers to deal with experienced partners and tries to get maximum pleasure from sexual contact. He likes sophisticated caresses, during which he can experience orgasm. Alexey will not date a partner who has a complex and is constrained in intimate relationships for a long time. The best partner for him may be a woman born in January; sex with such a woman will be the most fulfilling for him and he will not want to part with such a partner.

He does not like to change girlfriends often, like Alexander; in this sense, he is cautious and indecisive. During intimacy, he tries to choose a position so that his partner experiences an orgasm, doing it gently, very delicately and naturally. While enjoying love, he is in no hurry to be the first to finish sexual intercourse. His behavior increases the partner’s excitement and her desire to prolong foreplay. “Winter” Alexey tries to play a leading role in intimate relationships. He should not choose a woman who was also born in winter as his wife - this will be a rather difficult union.

Alexey Dmitrievich, born in January, is unyielding and persistent in marriage. May argue over trifles, gets irritated by objections. Fights for economic superiority over his wife and independence. Children of different sexes are born.

Natalya Vladimirovna, Elena Andreevna, Bogdana Alekseevna, Ada Petrovna, Anna Mikhailovna, Oksana Mironovna, Darina Alekseevna, Vitalia Borisovna, Lyudmila Fedorovna, Valentina Sergeevna, Aza Leonidovna are suitable for a successful marriage.

Zhanna Dmitrievna, Stanislava Nikolaevna, Tatyana Igorevna, Milena Yuryevna, Elza Arturovna, Yunna Rostislavovna, Iona Eduardovna, Ekaterina Feliksovna are not suitable.

The meaning of the name Alexey (from ancient Greek) is “protecting”, “protecting”. Origin - from the male name Alex, literal decoding - “protector”, which means a person strong in spirit and body. According to church canons, the name sounds like Alexy. The man celebrates Angel Day twice a year - March 30 (Reverend Alexy) and February 25 (Moscow Metropolitan).

Other forms and diminutive variations of the name: Leshenka, Leshka, Aleshenka, Alekseyka, Alekha, Leshy, Lekhan, Lex, Alex, Alekseyushka, Leshik.

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    Little Lesha's childhood

    The child is very attached to his mother, he always shows his tender feelings for his parent, without hesitation that he may be considered a “mama’s boy.” Lesha helps her loved ones and eagerly performs household duties. Alyosha never lies to his family, he is used to telling the truth, even if he is punished after his confession.

    The boy grows up a little reserved, he does not like boasting and excessive talkativeness, the child has a developed sense of justice, he will never offend the weak and will always help a person in trouble. Lesha does not participate in boyish squabbles and showdowns through fights. He is used to resolving all conflict situations peacefully. The child is very sensitive and knows how to empathize, he is devoid of selfishness and is not capricious.

    Studying at school is easy for Alexey, but he is lazy to do homework regularly and spend a lot of time studying textbooks, so he often receives reprimands from teachers. He values ​​friendship and will never reveal a secret entrusted to a friend. Lesha loves active pastime; he enjoys attending physical education classes and participating in sports clubs. The boy has enormous creative potential, loves to draw, has a good ear for music and excellent artistic abilities.

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    Teenage years

    At a young age, Alexey learns to control his emotions, he is persistent and always achieves his goal. A large role in the fate of the young man is played by the company of friends and people from his close circle, since Lesha easily succumbs to bad influence and is inclined to adopt the habits and addictions of his comrades.

    The guy is very popular among representatives of the opposite sex. He is charming, endowed with good manners, always protects girls from bullies and has an attractive appearance. He is always dressed immaculately and tastefully, he knows how to emphasize his external advantages with the help of clothes. The young man knows how to beautifully look after young ladies, he writes poems and love messages to his beloved, gives her bouquets and arranges unforgettable romantic dates.

    A man named Alexey

    General characteristics of adult Alexey.

    Character type Sanguine
    The good side Responsibility, reliability, dedication, hard work, cheerfulness, activity, perseverance, calmness, self-control
    Negative sides Excessive gullibility, stubbornness
    Health Health problems in childhood and adolescence, weak immunity. An adult man may experience various diseases of the digestive system.
    Psyche The man is balanced, friendly and patient, has an extraordinary sense of humor and can laugh at his own shortcomings
    Intellectual abilities Possesses critical thinking, he has excellent memory, he can quickly make decisions and instantly analyze the information received
    Sex Alexey craves new experiments in intimate relationships, he takes an active position in bed, demanding that his partner be relaxed and ready for role-playing games
    Hobby Cars, travel, sports, music
    Professions Writer, journalist, artist, film director, art critic, financier, actor, musician, sculptor, physician, lawyer, lawyer
    Friendship Alexey values ​​his comrades, he is very attached to his friends, he will always help and listen, and give valuable advice
    Morality The man is a highly moral and spiritual person who rarely commits questionable acts.
    Business His business will flourish, since Alexey is accustomed to completing any task, he will make every effort to ensure that his own business begins to generate good income
    Intuitive abilities A man’s sixth sense is well developed; he always relies on his inner feelings and completely trusts his intuition.
    Love compatibility with female names Margarita, Alexandra, Evgenia, Darina, Olga, Lilia, Natalya, Irina, Yulia, Lydia, Elena, Ekaterina
    Love incompatibility with female names Nadezhda, Claudia, Vera, Varvara, Raisa, Tatyana, Tamara, Larisa, Karina, Christina, Carolina

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    Love relationship

    The girl’s appearance is not the main thing for Lesha; he initially pays attention to the character traits and inner essence of the young lady, her intellectual abilities. Sincerity and sincerity are extremely important for a man; he will never fall in love with a scandalous and hypocritical woman. A man with a similar name does not forgive betrayal; he is a monogamist, so he approaches the choice of his future wife very responsibly.

    Alexey's mother must like his beloved; the young man will never marry a girl whom his mother does not approve of.

    In love, Alexey is attentive and gentle, ready to fulfill any woman’s whims, he does not skimp on expensive gifts and gives flowers not only on holidays. A woman should take care of her man and support him in any endeavor, praise her husband and show her love in every possible way.


    For a man with a similar name, family is sacred; he protects his loved ones from life’s hardships and tries to spend all his free time with them. It is important for Alexey that his wife becomes his best friend and advisor.

    A woman should create a cozy home atmosphere and maintain family harmony, she should never criticize her husband or reproach her for anything, she should remain calm under any circumstances. He always takes the leading role in Alexei’s family, however, he discusses all important decisions with his wife.

    A man is attached to his children, he willingly spends time with them and is involved in their upbringing. Children love their father, because the man never raises his voice or punishes them; he strives to establish a trusting relationship with his kids and supports them in everything.

Meaning of the name Alexey: The name for a boy means "to protect." This affects the character and fate of Alexei.

Origin of the name Alexey: Ancient Greek.

Diminutive form of name: Alekha, Alyosha, Lekha, Lena, Aleshenka, Alekhan, Lexa, Leksey, Lekseyka.

What does the name Alexey mean: The name Alexei comes from the ancient Greek name Alexio, Alexis. The name translates as “to protect.” Another meaning of the name Alexey is “to prevent.” Alex is resilient and courageous; since childhood he has strived to protect those who are weaker than him and tries to restore justice. He values ​​deeds more than words, but is quite talkative and friendly. Alyosha is one of the most common names in Rus'; it was worn by kings, generals, patriarchs, boyars, nobles, and mere mortals.

Middle name: Alekseevich, Alekseevna; decomposition Alekseich, Lekseich.

Angel Day and patron saints named after Alexey: The name Alexey celebrates his name day twice a year:

  • February 25 (12) - St. Alexy, Metropolitan of Moscow, through prayer healed the wife of a Tatar khan from an eye disease, thereby saving Russia from many Tatar troubles; in 1378 he founded the Chudov Monastery in Moscow.
  • March 30 (17) - St. Alexy, the man of God, was named so by a voice from heaven (5th century). By the will of God, on his wedding day he left his parents’ house and, dressed as a beggar, lived first on the church porch, and then for seventeen years under the porch of his family home in Rome. He died with a letter in his hand, by which he was recognized by his parents and wife.

Signs of the name Alexey: March 30 - Alexey, streams from the mountains, water from the mountains. “Alexey, take the shafts out of the sleigh!” If water flows from the mountains on this day, a good harvest is expected.


  • Zodiac – Aquarius
  • Planet named – Neptune
  • Color – greenish
  • Auspicious name tree - poplar
  • Treasured plant - mistletoe
  • Patron - elk
  • Talisman stone Alexey - lapis lazuli

Characteristics of the name Alexey

Positive features: What character traits determine the meaning of the name Alexey? Reliability, the ability to protect a loved one from all sorts of troubles, a sincere desire for justice, practicality and balance, as well as the ability to bring peace and harmony to one’s environment. A man named Alexey is a peacemaker. A man named Alexey hates any hostility and bloodshed, except in cases where the need to enter into a fight is caused by the violation of justice. This is a calm and cheerful person. A guy with this name is almost immediately accepted into the new team, arousing sympathy for himself. Alyosha prefers to stay on the sidelines and live by his own mind, which earns him the reputation of being an independent and self-confident person. Despite his gentleness, Alexey rejects anyone’s attempts to subordinate himself to someone else’s will, and he himself is not prone to violence.

Negative features: Excessive softness, often weak-willed, absent-minded. Upbringing and communication environment have a great influence on the formation of character. A lack of ambition can result in an inability to realize your rich potential. With overly developed ambition, unjustified stubbornness and a desire to attract attention to oneself at any cost are possible. The result is internal discomfort. As a teenager, Alexey, who was raised with ambitious aspirations and a “masculine” character, is able to succumb to the influence of strong personalities with a dubious reputation.

Character of the name Alexey: The meaning of the name Alexey from the point of view of psychology. He has been friendly to people since childhood. In all matters he is very diligent and, no matter what he does, strives for perfection. Ambition helps him in this; but if a man named Alyosha is deprived of it, then he often gives in to laziness - and turns into a completely different person! Alexey has pronounced creative abilities, he has subtle intuition.

Alexey and his personal life

Compatibility with female names: A successful marriage of the name with Galina, Daria, Evgenia, Irina, Margarita, Natalya, Sofia. The name Alexey is also combined with Yulia. Complex relationships of the name with Varvara, Vera, Gorislava, Claudia, Nadezhda, Raisa, Rogneda, Tamara, Tatyana.

Love and marriage: What character traits determine the meaning of the name Alexey? Alex strives for love. He is looking for heartfelt affection, which will occupy a very important place in his life, but, alas, will bring little satisfaction.

A man named Alexey is flexible, this helps him to be happy in his family life. Most of all, he does not indulge in all serious things because of his innate disgust. A guy with this name cares more about children than himself; at the same time, he retains a certain dependent attachment to his father even until his advanced age.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: Lehi's balance makes him diligent, patient and thoughtful, which can serve him well in business, medicine, and diplomatic work. An innate sense of justice allows him to become an expert on the law, an outstanding lawyer, judge, or even a politician involved in lawmaking. In any matter, he will be inclined to a thorough approach. The name Alyosha is characterized by the desire to get to the bottom of the matter and restore justice.

Business and career: For Alexey, material wealth is of particular importance. He will provide it using his intellectual capabilities, and not through routine work. Alex is often seen as richer than he is. It is difficult for him to refuse people their requests, so at times he is left without a penny in his pocket. A man named Alyosha should avoid speculative ideas, unscrupulous people and any risky enterprises.

Health and energy

Health and talents named after Alexey: The meaning of the name Alexey from a medical point of view. Friendly, taciturn, from early childhood he feels like a protector of his mother, and later of all the women around him. The guy named Alexey is a man of action. A man with this name is diligent, loves painstaking work, and strives for completeness and perfection in any undertaking.

Thanks to pronounced creative abilities and subtle intuition, he easily achieves success in professional activities, sports and business, as well as a good position in society. Alexey is almost always calm and balanced. When solving minor problems, he is ready to make concessions, but in matters affecting his principles, he shows firmness, and it is very difficult to convince him.

Please note that a man named Alyosha is touchy and easily vulnerable. He is not very experienced in flirting and is very cautious in relationships with women, but nevertheless easily wins. A man named Alexey prefers women who are somewhat older than himself, experienced, but affectionate and delicate.

In his family, Alyosha is caring, values ​​neatness and tidiness in a woman, and always makes it clear that his wife’s sloppy appearance is unpleasant to him. In conflicts between his wife and others, he always takes her side. A guy named Alexey, without being jealous, is able to forgive betrayal. Until old age, he retains a tender attachment to his parents. He treats his children with love, sometimes even surrounding them with excessive care.

Bright creative nature, calm and friendly. He is an excellent conversationalist, knows how to listen to a person, understand him, sympathize with him, and support him. Alex is modest, diligent, patient.

A man named Alexey has a good memory and is receptive to everything new. The guy named Alexey is ambitious, and no matter what he does, he always knows his business perfectly.

Lech internally takes failures hard, attaches great importance to criticism, and is very vulnerable. Mental suffering can unsettle him for a long time. He does not strive for power, but he also does not tolerate pressure on himself, although he does not openly express his protest.

Alyosha is in love, feels like a protector of women, and in childhood - of his mother. He loves women who are affectionate and friendly, values ​​family comfort, is ready to meet the wishes of the household, and takes tender care of children.

The deep meaning of the name Alexey was wonderfully revealed by P. Florensky:

“The names Alexander and Alexey manifest almost opposite signs and yet are metaphysically very close to each other, and in Alyosha there is some softening or softening of the name Alexander, as a result of which the basic balance in it is disturbed: Alexander is a solid body, crystalline. Alexey is the same Alexander, but near the melting point. Alexander stands, Alex falls, always falls, and there is not a single vertical in him...

In Alyosha there is the same proportionate proportion of personality elements, in themselves, taken separately, but the totality of those that fall into the realm of consciousness is no longer proportional to the totality of the elements of the subconscious. By shifting the level of consciousness in Alexander, and precisely by raising this level significantly upward, we thereby get Alexey... If we imagine Alyosha acquiring such consciousness and intelligence, but without changing the depth of the subconscious that he had, then Alyosha would cease to be Alexey and would become Alexander, but not an ordinary Alexander, but a great one, a genius. But the fact of the matter is that the structure of Alexei’s personality is such that any increase in consciousness in him leads to an accelerated, in comparison with the growth of consciousness, growth of the subconscious roots of the personality; Growing spiritually, Alyosha becomes even more Alyosha, but in the extreme he strives for foolishness...

When Alexander’s degree of consciousness decreases, for example due to illness, etc., he shifts somewhat towards Alexey, just as Lekha’s shift towards Alexander occurs with a temporary aggravation of consciousness. But for both, these shifts are only temporary deviations from their own inherent correlation of personality elements, and, having undergone a shift, both of them usually return to their own type.

A man named Alyosha is thin and in another sense - not strong, has little self-control, does not control himself, therefore, does not know how and does not want to express himself in coherent and open creativity; it gives more sparkles, individual stars, self-sufficient penetration, rather than a long-lasting radiance or even a powerful flash. The name Alexey is a capricious and whimsical mind, sometimes insightful, sometimes refusing to act, and medium-sharp.

His will does not keep up with the impressions of his feelings, and through the mind, accumulating and generalizing in him, they cannot act according to their mutual combativeness. Hence the helplessness in a man named Alexey, although in the sense of the elementary structure of life Alyosha can adapt; Despite his helplessness, and perhaps precisely because of it, Alyosha is characterized by cunning, not cunning, but precisely cunning in the mind. A man named Lekha is a cunning man. It is not for the worse, or not for the greater harm, but rather a means of self-defense... a kind of mimicry: and hence his craving for foolishness.

If Alexei is reputed to be stupid, then he will show more stupidity than he really is, laughing in his heart that with this mask he fooled those who wanted to take advantage of his helplessness. If he stutters, then in other cases he will pretend to stutter more than he really does, when it is necessary to hide absent-mindedness or ignorance. Alyosha is simple and simple-minded; but, in addition, he forgives himself for simplicity, cultivates in himself the subtlety and looseness of the mind, and seeing in it the refinement of the spirit, and instinctively masking his helplessness...”

The fate of Alexei in history

What does the name Alexey mean for a man’s destiny?

  1. Alyosha Popovich is one of the most popular heroes of the Russian epic, the third and youngest at the “heroic outpost”; He enters the circle of the Kyiv prince Vladimir Krasnoe Solnyshko. He is fiercely brave in battle with the enemies of the Russian land: Alyosha Popovich defeated the terrible Tugarin Zmievich, cut off his head - “and the head fell on the damp ground like a beer kettle!”
  2. Alexey Ermolov - (May 24 (June 4) 1777, Moscow - April 11 (23), 1861, Moscow) - Russian military leader and statesman, participant in many major wars that the Russian Empire waged from the 1790s to the 1820s. The outstanding military man and statesman began his military career under Suvorov in 1794. In 1827, at the request of Nicholas I, who did not trust the general popular among the Decembrists, Alexey Ermolov retired.
  3. Alexei Mikhailovich (1629-1676), the second Tsar of the Romanov dynasty, was one of the most prominent personalities of the 18th century. Alexey Mikhailovich had a remarkably gentle, good-natured character and was, according to his contemporaries, “much quiet.” He was an intelligent and educated man. Alexey Mikhailovich was a man of order; the catchphrase “Time for business is time for fun” was first uttered and written down by him.
  4. Alexey Yagudin - (born 1980) Russian figure skater, Honored Master of Sports of Russia. Olympic champion in 2002, four-time world champion (1998, 1999, 2000 and 2002), three-time European champion (1998, 1999, 2002), two-time winner of the Grand Prix finals in figure skating, in addition, two-time world champion among professionals. )
  5. Alexey Abrikosov ((born 1928) Soviet and American physicist, Nobel Prize laureate in physics (2003), academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences. The main work was done in the field of condensed matter physics.
  6. Alexey Abrikosov - (1824 - 1904) Russian entrepreneur, manufacturer, who founded the confectionery factory “Partnership of A. I. Abrikosov’s Sons” (now the Babaevsky concern) in the second half of the 19th century, and also owned confectionery and tea stores in Moscow, Supplier of the Yard His Imperial Majesty, Chairman of the Board of the Accounting Bank, Actual State Councilor.
  7. Alexey Koltsov - (1809 - 1842) Russian poet and merchant.
  8. Alexey Smertin - (born 1975) Russian football player, midfielder.
  9. Alexey Belsky - (1726 - 1796) Russian artist, from the Belsky dynasty, famous Russian serf painters of the 18th century; Academician of the Academy of Arts.
  10. Alexey Zhemchuzhnikov - (1821 - 1908) Russian lyric poet, satirist and humorist.
  11. Alexey Balandin - (1898 - 1967) Soviet chemist, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1946), founder of the national scientific school in the field of catalysis.
  12. Alexey Bakhrushin - (1865 - 1929) Russian merchant, philanthropist, collector of theatrical antiquities, creator of a private literary and theatrical museum. Cousin of collector Alexei Petrovich Bakhrushin.
  13. Alexey Mishin - (born 1941) Soviet, Russian figure skating coach.
  14. Alexey Novikov-Priboy - (1877 - 1944) real name - Novikov; Russian Soviet writer-marinist.
  15. Alexey Yavlensky - (1864 - 1941) Russian expressionist artist who lived and worked in Germany. He was a member of the group of artists “Blue Rider”.
  16. Alexey Buldakov - (born 1951) Soviet and Russian theater and film actor, People's Artist of Russia (2009).
  17. Alexey Petrovich - (1690 - 1718) son of Peter I and his first wife Evdokia Lopukhina.

Alexey in different languages ​​of the world

The meaning of the name Alexey sounds slightly different in different languages. In English it is translated as Alexis, in French: Alexis, in Esperanto: Aleksio, in Spanish: Alejo, in Italian: Alessio, in Ukrainian: Oleksiy, in Belarusian: the name Alyaksey.