home · Lighting · What's wrong with Vera Brezhnev and Konstantin Meladze? Vera Brezhneva commented on the break with Meladze. Small Italian wedding

What's wrong with Vera Brezhnev and Konstantin Meladze? Vera Brezhneva commented on the break with Meladze. Small Italian wedding

Konstantin Meladze about his love for Vera Brezhneva: “I got married on a grand scale!”

The other day, Konstantin Meladze became a guest of the author’s program of Ukrainian TV presenter Dmitry Gordon. In the first part of the video interview, the composer spoke about his childhood and youth, about the beginning of his career, and in the second, the conversation took a more frank turn. Konstantin, perhaps for the first time, spoke about his love for Vera Brezhneva, about their first meeting, about how his life changed thanks to Vera, and about how they managed to maintain relationships in the face of private separations. We publish the most interesting quotes.

About how Vera Brezhneva joined VIA Gra:

Vera came out at one of the concerts of our group, in Dneprodzerzhinsk, then it was still a duet - Alena Vinnitskaya and Nadya Meikher... She went on stage to perform “Attempt No. 5” together with other female spectators. Our administrator saw her, picked up the phone, and at that time we had a constant rotation of personnel, I was looking for some optimal composition. Then she came to the casting, we did a video test, which plunged me into absolute delight, because she was an exact copy of Brigitte Bardot in her youth. And I said: “Well, this is the image we need right now.”

Vera Brezhneva, Nadezhda Granovskaya and Anna Sedokova

About the most talented artist of "VIA Gra":

I don’t want to offend anyone, but objectively, Vera Brezhneva achieved the greatest success of all the ex-Viagras. She really is an absolutely amazing person. She is the most beautiful and sexy.
- The most obnoxious and bitchy? - the presenter continued.
“No, this is definitely not about her,” Konstantin answered. - Vera is the most hardworking person. When we took her into the group, she could neither dance nor sing. I gave her a month, sent her to vocal and choreography teachers and attended these classes once a week to see how she was progressing. But the effect was amazing! It's comparable to some kind of cartoon. You know, like in cartoons - for example, a tomato grows once and in 5 seconds. We had about the same story. After a year of working in the group, he was already an absolute star.

Albina Dzhanabaeva, Vera Brezhneva and Olga Romanovskaya

About the presenter’s remark that Vera Brezhneva got married on a grand scale:

Rather, I got married grandly.

About the duration of the affair with Vera:

I have a feeling that he is eternal. It’s like I met her in 1963 and that’s it (laughs).

Konstantin Meladze and Vera Brezhneva with the organizer of their wedding in Italy

On the reaction to Vera’s wedding with Mikhail Kiperman:

Then I treated her just as an artist. If I had any worries, it was only about the fact that I would now have to interrupt my career. The feelings that arose between us were later.

About how his life changed thanks to Vera:

With her appearance, life changed. I finally raised my head from the keyboard and... More precisely, I didn’t even lift it myself, but rather, Vera lifted me by my hair and said, “Well, there are still a lot of interesting things.” Before Vera, I honestly didn’t care what I looked like. I didn’t care where I rested or whether I rested at all, what I ate, and so on. I missed out on a lot, to my great regret, because I was so obsessed with my work. And I probably would have missed everything completely if Vera had not given me this kick and awakened in me an interest in a life other than just the studio and music.

About children:

Alisa graduated from school and enters the university in Kyiv. Leah, my middle daughter, is now in a luxurious camp in Israel, relaxing and enjoying herself. She does vocals, choreography, she has a clear interest in music and talent, it seems to me. But I won’t push her to the stage. I will help only if she proves to me that music is her destiny, her path. As for my son, he is still in school. Vera’s and my children are friends with each other. Leah was recently with us in Italy; she is very friendly with Vera’s youngest daughter, Sarah. But it was very difficult to arrange all this.

Konstantin Meladze, Vera Brezhneva and Valery Meladze with their daughters

About love for Vera:

There are things that need to be said in person, so I don’t think Vera will be pleased if I shout to the whole country through TV how much I love her. She and I have other signs and codes with which we send all these vibes to each other, regardless of the distance. We are constantly away from each other, she tours a lot, but we have learned to minimize this distance, so to speak. At a distance, you especially need to somehow prove and show your love. When you are at home, sitting in the kitchen, everything is much simpler - you take your hand and that’s it. But when she is in America, and I am here, there are thousands of kilometers between us, then efforts must be made.

About happiness:

More and more often I feel happy out of the blue. If earlier, in order to feel happiness, I needed, for example, to see a crowded hall or my song in first place - strange criteria, but now this feeling arises out of the blue. Recently we were on vacation in Italy, I watched my daughter splashing and laughing in the pool, Vera and my children were swimming, Vera was sitting next to me, the sun was shining, some music was playing... And that’s it, I understand that I’m on seventh heaven Such happiness is much more difficult to achieve. It took me longer to achieve it than to achieve my musical success. It is amazing!

This is not the first time that rumors about the impending divorce of the popular singer Vera Brezhneva and Konstantin Meladze have circulated in the media: the couple is regularly credited with breaking up, and ill-wishers immediately declare that they “knew it.” Recently, the public again found a reason to talk about the divorce of their lovers, and Vera Brezhneva decided to tell the details of her personal life with Konstantin herself in order to avoid unnecessary speculation.

But where did Vera’s subscribers get the information that something irreparable was about to happen to the couple? It turns out that netizens were alarmed by the fact that Brezhneva left for Italy for a long time with her mother, her children and sister. The singer was away for so long that she even missed the award ceremony for the prestigious MUZ-TV award, where, by the way, she was also nominated in one of the categories. The fact that Vera was absent from the event confused the public even more, and they started talking about breaking up with Meladze even more confidently.

The fact is that part of the public is strongly opposed to the relationship between Konstantin and Vera, openly expressing their opinion that Brezhnev “everything will come back like a boomerang.” The rest ask not to interfere in the personal life of their favorite singer and keep their own unfavorable opinions to themselves, but they still find netizens who write “evil” comments in large numbers.

Are Brezhnev and Meladze getting divorced?

Vera herself decided to explain what was happening in her couple very eloquently: the singer published a joint photo with her husband at home. Thus, the performer demonstrated that all the rumors about their divorce are still just rumors, and everything is fine with Konstantin. Vera's fans were happy for their favorite and asked to pamper them with common pictures with Meladze more often.

True, they wrote this under other photographs, since Vera decided to publish the family photo only in the “stories” of the social network Instagram. In all likelihood, the singer didn’t really want to start commenting on him. Meladze himself has admitted more than once that he has the most tender feelings for his wife and is proud that she is his wife. Vera also constantly mentions her reverent attitude towards family values.

Brezhnev maintains relationships with her relatives, which she constantly tells fans about on social networks. Vera publishes photos with her sisters and, by the way, without hesitation, shares photos together with her husband. Previously, due to general condemnation, the singer did not do this in such quantities, but now, after a long time, she decided to make some “revelations” with her subscribers.

The “little white one” from Viagra again became her mistress - Erica Herceg, who easily eclipsed Brezhnev with her beauty, youth and talent, they wrote online.

Only the lazy did not discuss the couple of Konstantin Meladze and Vera Brezhneva in 2015. The thing is that Vera had been sleeping with Meladze, who was married at that time, since 2005 and was not embarrassed by the fact that her ex-wife was about to give birth to a third child. The secret relationship lasted for 8 years, and then Yana Summ asked her husband to leave. At that time, she already knew that Konstantin was dating Vera Brezhneva. More recently, it became known that Vera and Konstantin, who had been married for three years, began to move away from each other.

No photos of them together appear on the Internet, and Meladze has even begun to be noticed in the company of the blonde from Viagra. It is worth noting that Vera Brezhneva is very similar in appearance to Erica Herzog, only Erica has a stronger voice and is a little younger in age. At 30 years old, the girl looks 18 years old, which Meladze always liked.


They said that on her Instagram page the girl not only praises Meladze as a producer, but also writes provocative posts about how her love is limitless and he is the most wonderful person on Earth. Users predict that in 2019, the Duke will become the producer’s new wife, and Brezhneva has already returned in full.

In addition to this, Vera does not want to get pregnant from Konstantin, which also makes us think about the sincerity of the singer’s feelings.

However, Brezhnev is not far behind; she posted a provocative photo with her longtime friend, fashion designer David Koma. The photo shows that the girl allows herself a little more than just friends - she leans on the fashion designer, as if he is her main shoulder and support.

They were tired of hiding... This is how the music elite reacted to the news about the unexpected wedding of singer and producer Konstantin Meladze. After all, rumors about a romance between the two stars appeared almost from the very moment young Vera joined the Via Gra group in 2002. The fact that Brezhnev and Meladze want everything to finally be official is also evidenced by the quick reaction of the singer’s PR manager, who immediately confirmed the information about the wedding to the media. “Yes, this is the absolute truth - . They are completely happy, but are not yet ready to share the details of what is happening. We have to wait a little,” said the star’s representative.

The celebration took place on October 22 in the town of Forte dei Marmi among the closest friends of the stars. Apparently, the friends of the happy lovers are truly devoted and faithful, because none of them leaked the details of the event to the press. The only comment about an important event in her life was left by Brezhnev herself on Instagram. “Happiness loves silence. I wish it to everyone,” the singer wrote under her beautiful and romantic photo.

The period of secrets

How quick and unexpected their wedding was, so long, thorny and hard-fought was their path to this marriage. The lovers had to go through insults, disappointments and even betrayal. I had to hide my feelings and tell lies not only to journalists, but also to close people. Now everyone remembers Konstantin Meladze’s reaction to newspaper publications about their romance, supported by photographs where the composer was photographed near Brezhneva’s Kyiv apartment. “All this is just another invention of journalists,” said Konstantin, “they have already married and divorced us a hundred times over the past 10 years, and now they have decided that we are lovers. This is base nonsense. Vera and I are long-time friends and colleagues, and there is nothing reprehensible in the fact that we visit each other in our free time. We have families and children, we are already established people, and if we decided to be together, then the newspaper headlines would not bother us.”

In the end, everything happened exactly as the star composer said then. She and Vera eventually decided to become official spouses, and no one could stop them. It’s just a pity that this long path to family happiness was not without sacrifices. He considers himself like that. The mother of three children, she claims: she first felt that her husband’s heart belonged to another 10 years ago. “I guessed, but didn’t know for sure. In 2005, while pregnant with my youngest son, I attributed the crisis in our relationship to betrayal, instinct, and temporary weakness. I was able to forgive the betrayal,” Yana told Komsomolskaya Pravda journalists.

Soon, however, she felt that the normalization of relations with her husband was only temporary: “I received confirmation that I was serving as a picture behind which my husband was living a different life. I say openly: I am one of those women who, suspecting deception, can look at her husband’s phone number. And then I couldn’t stand it and dialed her number. She said: “I have no reproaches or complaints. For me, calling you is humiliation. But I do this for one reason: I need to understand what is happening in my family.” The answer was insincere: “We have a working and friendly relationship, like a father and daughter... He is my mentor. There is nothing…"

Yana did not believe Vera then, and her relationship with Konstantin continued to deteriorate. As a result, the couple decided to divorce. But at the end of 2012, Konstantin got into an accident near Kiev, because of him a woman died, and Yana decided to postpone the divorce: she had to support her husband at a difficult moment. It was then that the first personal meeting of the two rivals took place. “Kostya withdrew into himself and did not answer calls,” Yana said in an interview. - And then this woman came to my house. For what? She said she wanted to help. But I think she came to come out of hiding. I had one question: “In the name of why are there so many broken destinies? I called you. Count how many years of my life you took from me. Almost 10 years!” In response - eyes wide open: “It’s just that then I thought that it would be better this way...”.

Yana officially divorced Konstantin only in 2014. It is clear that after so many years of deception, she could not help but harbor resentment against either her husband or his chosen one. True, this does not prevent her from considering Meladze a wonderful dad, who adores and does not deny anything to his daughters Alice and Leah, as well as his son Valera. The composer's youngest child has autism, and he needs parental care and love like no other.

Fruits of labor

So far, the most original commentary on the wedding of Meladze and Brezhneva comes from the pen of singer Natalya Vetlitskaya. “Smart women have already begun to marry in Europe,” she complimented Vera. - And they do it right, this is the only guarantee that you will not be abandoned in the event of a divorce. By the way, an excellent couple has developed, in my opinion: she is extraordinarily good, and he is practically a god.”

It’s funny, but Konstantin himself is ironic about the fact that someone considers him a handsome man. This is exactly how he reacted to the title “The Most Handsome Man in Ukraine” awarded by our magazine. “When I was named “The Most Beautiful” according to Viva!, I thought it was some kind of mistake. To be honest, this is the most unexpected reward in my life. But since this happened, it seems to me that they chose me not so much based on my external data, but on the work that makes a favorable impression on people. Thank God, I don’t consider myself handsome!”

As for Vera, in one of her interviews she honestly admitted that the ideal relationship in marriage is a myth: “The relationship between a man and a woman is work, a constant search for compromise. They are easy only at the very beginning, when it’s all romance, or after many years, when the main work has been done, and you’re just enjoying yourself.”

I would like these words to become prophetic and all the “work” in the novel between Vera and Konstantin remains in the past and now they are simply enjoying themselves together. Of course, there will be people who will always reproach the singer for this affair and marriage, but we should not forget that she fought for her love. But because the words of others are foreign to her when she has hard-earned happiness. “Love is when two people close their eyes and still see each other,” shares Vera. - I need love, warmth, affection. Of course, for me, an indicator of feelings is the actions that a man does for me. Wonderful knightly and pleasant little things. But, like any girl, I love to hear magic words. This is a declaration of love, preferably every day. If several times a day, even better.”

It seems that the most important confession in her life came recently in a small Italian town. It was simple and laconic: “Yes.”

The love story of Vera Brezhneva and Konstantin Meladze

Happiness loves silence,” Vera Brezhneva.

October 22, 2015. The media reported that singer Vera Brezhneva and composer Konstantin Meladze secretly legalized their relationship in Forte dei Marmi (Italy) among their closest friends and stars.

To many, the news seemed like just another “duck”, because there had been rumors around this couple for so many years. But everything fell into place after Vera Brezhneva’s press service confirmed this information.

Yes, this is absolutely true - Vera and Konstantin officially got married in Italy. They are completely happy, but are not yet ready to share the details of what is happening. We have to wait a little,” commented Anastasia Drapeko.

Happiness loves silence. I wish it to everyone,” Vera captioned the photo.

Konstantin, in turn, published a video in which he speaks touching words about tender feelings.

Many fans of Meladze’s work were shocked. How could Konstantin divorce his wife Yana after 19 years of marriage? After all, family always came first for the composer!

As Konstantin’s ex-wife Yana claimed then, the affair between her husband and Brezhneva had lasted for 10 years. She knew about this and even once asked her lovers directly to the forehead if there was something between them, to which they both replied: “No! We're just friends!".

This is just a sick and meager fantasy of people. We have a high and very warm relationship, we have families and we are just long-time friends. There is no more secret,” Meladze asserted.

Konstantin finally stopped communicating with Yana when she was pregnant with her third child. After this, the woman realized: this is more than friendship.

In 2005, while pregnant with my youngest son, I blamed it on the crisis in our relationship, on betrayal, which I was able to forgive. And I received confirmation in 2007. I couldn’t resist and dialed her number, but from the woman on the other end of the line I heard that she and Konstantin had a working and friendly relationship, like a father and daughter,” Yana Meladze told Paparazzi.

2002. In July of this year, Vera attends a VIA Gra concert, where she gets the chance to sing the song Attempt No. 5 with the soloists.

In November 2002, Vera was invited to a casting for the VIA Gra group to replace the departing Alena Vinnitskaya, which she successfully passed.

Insiders claim that it was then that the spark broke out between Vera and Konstantin.

Meladze was already married to Yana at that time and had children. But an affair began between the young singer and the mature composer, which did not last long.

year 2009. The media spread the news that the most enviable bride, Vera Brezhneva, was marrying businessman Mikhail Kiperman. In the same year, the newlyweds had a daughter, Sarah.

It would seem that everything is fine, and the press has long forgotten that there was allegedly once a romantic relationship between Vera and Konstantin. In addition, the singer’s career has rapidly taken off: she receives awards, releases bright videos and acts in films.

year 2012. Kiperman and Brezhnev file for divorce. The reason is that Mikhail found out about his wife’s affair with the composer, which, it turns out, was still going on. There were rumors that Kiperman even followed his beloved, after which he realized: Vera was cheating on him.

year 2013. Konstantin and Yana are getting divorced. The media continues to claim that there is an affair between Meladze and Brezhnev, citing Yana’s words.

I understood that I was not going to spend my life keeping my husband on a leash and controlling every step. Divorce is just a procedure. But making a decision was not easy. I thought for a long time whether I could come to terms with some things in my life. I realized: I can’t. It’s not the divorce that’s scary, but what happens before it,” Yana recalls.

year 2014. In February, TSN journalists. Osoblive (channel 1+1) published photographs showing Brezhneva and Meladze leaving one of the Kiev restaurants together, where the artist celebrated her birthday, after which the lovers went to Brezhneva’s apartment in the capital on Podol.

Then Konstantin was repeatedly seen near Brezhneva’s house in Kyiv. Although the producer explained his visits to Vera by the fact that they have a strong friendship.

Paparazzi photographs that captured the couple as they left the clinic for expectant parents also made a splash in the press. Vera even wanted to sue the media, but these were only intentions.

These are just another invention of journalists, they have already married and divorced us a hundred times in ten years, and now they have decided that we are lovers. This is base nonsense. Vera and I are long-time friends and colleagues, and there is nothing shameful in the fact that we visit each other in our free time,” Konstantin continued to say.

In addition, the media has repeatedly stated that Vera and her daughters often visited Meladze’s country house near Kiev.

In July 2014, Vera and Konstantin came to Jurmala together for the New Wave competition, where they lived in the same room.

Autumn 2015. After 10 years of secret dates and sidelong glances from colleagues, the couple decided to legitimize their relationship.

On October 22, 33-year-old Vera Brezhneva and 52-year-old Konstantin Meladze officially became husband and wife. An exclusive video from the wedding was published by TSN (channel 1+1):

But neither Vera nor Konstantin were in a hurry to comment on this good news. For the first time, Meladze called the singer “his young wife” on October 30 at the Kiev Palace of Ukraine, where the Meladze brothers gave a concert.

Afterwards, in December 2015, the Meladze brothers presented a new joint song called My Brother with very symbolic lines:

My brother once told me: if it doesn’t work out, don’t wait. I spent half my life getting used to it, but I just had to leave.”

This track caused a lot of speculation among listeners. After all, both brothers left their wives for other women.

But, apparently, Vera had already played the role that she once sang about with the group VIA Gra, after which Meladze finally realized that Brezhneva did not need freedom:

Via Gra - Don't leave me darling0:00 / 03:32
As they say, all ages are submissive to love. The main thing is to wait and believe, then everything will come true. However, Brezhnev is an example of this.

Let us remind you that Brezhnev previously said that she did not understand why she had never received a music award in Ukraine