home · Measurements · What happened to Alexander Domogarov? Russian and Soviet actors are alcoholics Domogarov drinks or is sick

What happened to Alexander Domogarov? Russian and Soviet actors are alcoholics Domogarov drinks or is sick

Not so long ago we reported on the illness of Alexander Domogarov - he was injured on film shoots and almost went deaf. However, the artist managed to cope with the illness - thanks to Moscow doctors. Now the healthy and contented crowd favorite is preparing for a big concert dedicated to his 50th anniversary.

Took to the cinema for beauty

The country recognized Alexander Domogarov in the early 90s, when “Midshipmen-3” directed by Svetlana Druzhinina was released. It is known that in the Druzhininsky film group the creative abilities of the young artist were assessed modestly - he was noticeably inferior to the more experienced Sergei Zhigunov and Dmitry Kharatyan. “I just need a handsome boy in the frame!” – put an end to Druzhinin’s dispute.

They chatted that her great friend, stunt coordinator Vladimir Balon, put in a good word for Domogarova. And he, in turn, was friends with Domogarov’s father, the administrator of Rosconcert.

“No one thought that Sasha would become a big star,” Sergei Zhigunov, a partner in the film, later admitted. But Domogarov does not like to remember that he got into the cinema through connections and beautiful eyes.

His second notable role was in the multi-part story “The Countess de Monsoreau”, where he, in turn, was invited by Zhigunov, who by that time had become a producer. He also needed not so much talent as external texture - to attract female spectators.

“Even after drinking, he plays like he’s sober.”

“I worked at the Countess de Monsoreau and I can say: Domogarov was different,” Viktor Zuikov, head of the Mosfilm-KINOLOGIA studio, where they train animals for filming in films, told us. “He was modest then.” I was worried that I couldn’t outdo my more experienced partners. True, even then I was somewhat lazy.

I remember I suggested to him: Sasha, your hero de Bussy, in the story in the film, works with a setter dog, let’s go out of town with the dog this weekend so that it gets used to you. But Domogarov excused himself: he didn’t want to, I’d rather sleep. As a result, I had to double Sasha in a number of scenes with the dog, work in his costume, standing with his back to the camera - the setter did not accept the actor... Now Domogarov has too many show-offs. He does not communicate with virtually any of those who helped him in his profession.

On the same set, the future sex symbol made eyes at another future star, Nonna Grishaeva. But they say she preferred Kirill Kozakov.

– But today’s Alexander Domogarov is a brilliant artist. His talent is enough to even drink on the set. More than once he came to filming, to put it mildly, “warm.” They brought him to his senses - they poured ice water on him, and washed out his stomach,” the actress, who starred with our hero a lot, told us, including in a new film about the revolutionary year 1917. The interlocutor asked not to use her name (“Domogarov doesn’t like talkers, but I still have to work with him”). “But as soon as he stepped into the frame, all his drunkenness immediately left him.”

The employees of the film crews are wildly afraid of him, so they run around - costume designers, make-up artists, lighting technicians, looking into his eyes: “Alexander Yuryevich, we’ll do it as it’s convenient for you...” He’s a man of mood: sometimes he’ll yell obscenities, and they’ll walk around, shaking, sometimes he’ll smile and makes a joke - and everyone is happy. Women in film groups adore him.

A small point: producers and directors have a black list with the names of actors who drink - they drink and can let you down. So, Domogarov is not on this list! Because, colleagues say, even after drinking, he plays like he’s sober.

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There is a legend that on the set of the film “Thirteen,” actor Kryuchkov sometimes disrupted work due to excessive alcohol consumption. Finally, the director of the film, Mikhail Romm, could not stand it and promised to send the artist to Moscow.

This is impossible,” said Kryuchkov. - Half the film has already been filmed, who will replace me?

Romm remained silent, and the next day, when Kryuchkov again came drunk, Romm shouted to him:

In surprise, Kryuchkov followed the command and fell onto the sand.

“Cut,” Romm said. - You can leave for Moscow.

What's filmed? - Kryuchkov did not understand.

Filmed as you fall, struck to death by an enemy bullet. You are killed. I don't need you anymore.

But alas, most stories are not as funny as this one. It is not always easy for creative people to return from their work to simple and gray everyday life. E-motion decided to remember famous actors who abuse alcohol.

Alexander Domogarov

Alexander Domogarov is especially known for his weakness for alcohol

The actor is especially known for his weakness for alcohol. It was alcohol that did not allow Alexander to become a great actor from just a good actor. The actor’s loudest breakdown occurred at the premiere of the film “The Count of Montenegro.” After the official part, Alexander Domogarov and his friends went to the cinema bar. According to eyewitnesses, the celebration continued in the restaurant, and then the company went to visit one of Domogarov’s friends. The next day there was another serious occasion - March 8th. While drinking to the health of his beloved women (of which the actor has many), Alexander undermined his own so much that he was taken to the 17th Narcological Hospital in serious condition.

Droppers, cleansing the body, intensive treatment - only this could save the actor’s life. But without completing the full course of treatment, the actor hurried to leave the hospital. After that, there were numerous attempts to start a relationship, but the actor was never enough to last long.

Pavel Maikov

Pavel Maykoval does not consider himself an alcoholic

The performer of the role of Bee in the famous TV series “Brigade” has always been partial to alcohol. At the same time, he always knew when to stop. But after the series, the actor became wildly popular. Behind her is star fever. Inadequate perception of others. As a result, Maikov began to drink more and more alcohol. Entire legends began to circulate around Moscow about Maykov’s drunken brawls. The actor himself took it calmly:

If I want, I drink, if I want, I don’t drink. But I'm not an alcoholic, you know? An alcoholic is someone who already... that's it, he drinks, drinks and drinks, hopelessly. “But I don’t like it that way,” Maikov himself said about it.

Dmitry Kharatyan

Dmitry Kharatyan's career has declined

The famous midshipman Dmitry Kharatyan could not cope with his addiction on his own. There was a period when he appeared drunk at all premieres. The actor visited psychologists and was coded, but the effect lasted for two to three months. Only after treatment in a drug treatment clinic did the favorite of millions stop drinking. Now his career is not so successful. The most an actor can be invited to is for episodic roles in various series and television films.

Vlad Galkin

Vlad Galkin shocked everyone on the set of the TV show “Island of Temptations”

He made his film debut as a child, playing Huck Fin in The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. After that, the number of films and TV series with his participation almost exceeded a hundred. But on the set of the TV show “Island of Temptation”, Vlad showed his true colors. Not only did it surprise the film crew, it also terribly frightened the unsuspecting participants. The magnificent actor, for whom thousands of fans are in love, turned out to be a heavy drinker, which often made the filming process difficult. Even his wife, Daria Mikhailova, who accompanied Vlad, could not stop him from drinking alcohol while working.

Alexey Nilov

Alexey Nilov was rescued at the last moment

The famous “cop” Alexei Nilov repeatedly turned to specialists for help (by the way, he was treated in the same drug treatment hospital as Domogarov, No. 17). Doctors literally saved the actor’s life: due to excessive use, he once experienced clinical death. And each time the actor promised that this would be the last time. But returning to the set and meeting his colleagues from the series there, the actor again and again took up his old ways.

Alexey Panin

Alexey Panin causes brawls more often than he plays in films

“I’m not the biggest drinker in our shop,” Alexey Panin once said, and his words do not look like ordinary buffoonery. Although the actor himself is famous not only for his roles, but also for his drunken adventures.

Panin woke up famous after the film “Star”. In the film he played a young intelligence officer. This was followed by several more iconic roles. But all this time, the young actor could no longer imagine himself without additional doping. More than once he came to the set with a driver. He allowed himself various drunken antics at movie parties. More than once he started drunken fights with his colleagues and journalists.

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On his official page on the social network Facebook, Alexander Domogarov clarified the current situation. "Well, Gentlemen Journalists, you read what you wanted to read. True, you were a little mistaken, these are not emotions. Did you want to find out the TRUTH? So - the truth is that some of you really offered to cooperate with me and throw mud at me Mossovet Theater. I refused (hereinafter the author’s spelling and punctuation have been preserved. – Ed.),” Domogarov said.


The artist further said that all the excitement around his person was caused precisely by this decision of his. “For what I did, I received such a perfect and deep understanding of my stay at the Theater. Well, what can I say? Nothing. Only one thing - sorry. Sorry for not living up to your expectations! And there was no time to drink, sorry, but if they offered it, I would be happy to!” – admitted the popular artist.

As proof that Domogarov leads a crystal sober lifestyle, he gave his work schedule. “8 performances were given from February 20 to March 2, and on February 19, on the stage of the Mossovet Theater there was the play “The Cherry Orchard”. SOMETHING DOESN’T ACHE WITH alcohol, citizens who do not drink Journalists!)),” the actor completed his opus.

Earlier, Alexander Domogarov announced on social networks that he was resigning from the Mossovet Theater. According to the artist, he was removed from all performances. The Moscow City Council responded to the artist’s emotional statement. “They didn’t film it from anywhere, I can’t say anything. He has a tour ahead. I know what he wrote,” Tatyana Gorina, public relations secretary of the Mossovet Theater, told Channel Five.

March 06, 2018

Last Friday, March 2, the actor informed readers of his Facebook page that he was leaving the Mossovet Theater, where he had served for more than 20 years. He left a rather emotional post, but did not really explain the reasons for his decision. Of course, various versions appeared in the media.

Photo: globallook

the site has already reported that on March 2, Alexander Domogarov announced his desire to leave the Mossovet Theater, where he worked for many years. On your page in Facebook the actor said that he submitted an application on January 9, but so far it has not been signed. Despite the fact that Domogarov’s post was filled with emotions, it was not possible to understand from the publication why he made such a decision. Of course, many versions of what was happening appeared in the media. There were rumors that the actor was removed from most performances due to his addiction to alcohol. Domogarov did not remain silent; he criticized the journalists who published such information.

“Well, Gentlemen Journalists, you have read what you wanted to read. True, you were a little mistaken, these are not emotions. Did you want to know the truth? So - the truth is that some of you really suggested that I cooperate and throw mud at the Mossovet Theater. I refused. And for what I did, I received such a perfect and deep understanding of my stay at the Theater. Well what can we say? Nothing.

Just one thing - sorry. Sorry for not meeting your expectations! Yes, and there was no time to drink, sorry, but if they offered, then with pleasure! 8 performances were given from February 20 to March 2, and on February 19, the play “The Cherry Orchard” was performed on the stage of the Mossovet Theater. Somehow it doesn’t fit with alcohol, citizens who don’t drink are Journalists!” — the artist addressed the media.

Unfortunately, both many years ago and today, some artists suffer from a love of alcohol, while some of them go with the flow, others struggle to quit drinking. Find out who succeeds and who doesn't, in our review.

It was only relatively recently that the truth was revealed about the drinking bouts of Vysotsky, Burkov, Dahl, Oleg Efremov, about the tragedy of Georgy Yumatov, who shot his neighbor, a janitor, in a drunken stupor, and Valentina Malyavina, accused of murdering her common-law husband Stas Zhdanko. Actress Marianna Vertinskaya said that she got rid of drunkenness in a specialized clinic. Sergei Shakurov, who even jumped into the fountains at Kinoshok while drunk, also recovered from “this case,” and has now become an absolute teetotaler. And the most famous “Mary Poppins” to us, Natalya Andreichenko, told in an interview how she was treated for alcoholism after breaking up with Maximilian Schell. Most recently, the magnificent actor Andrei Krasko, who passed away, honestly admitted that he was an alcoholic, and a hard drinker at that.

Even during his lifetime, Vysotsky’s addiction to alcohol acquired a mythological format. Moreover, every time it all started with libations and ended with male squabbles, fights broke out instantly. And it happened that Vladimir Semenovich went on a drinking binge and disappeared without a trace for a week. But when the leading artist finally appeared, everything was forgiven.

By the way, Vladimir Vysotsky’s wife, French star Marina Vladi, was also not averse to drinking. It is known that when Vysotsky died, Vladi lived for a month and a half at the dacha of screenwriter Eduard Volodarsky, drinking five bottles of champagne a day.

The wonderful actress Elena Mayorova doused herself with gasoline and burned herself, also becoming a victim of a destructive passion. After an autopsy, a large amount of alcohol was found in her blood. Actors who knew Mayorova closely said that in a state of intoxication she was prone to shocking behavior, but her death had deeper reasons. After all, it was at this time that the actress learned that her father and husband had cancer. Among other things, evil tongues are also talking about the unhappy love story that happened to Mayorova on the set of her last film “Strange Time” and was one of the reasons for the tragic death of the actress.

Nikolai Eremenko Jr. was always proud of the fact that he does not drink and is as healthy as a bull. However, Eremenko hid a terrible secret from everyone: the actor was a binge alcoholic - he often broke down and drank, which only the actor’s closest friends knew about. And the most tragic thing for him was his drinking bout during the filming of the TV series “Brigade”. It was then that he had just gotten married, got an apartment and... lost it. This breakdown was the cause of a stroke, from which the actor died at the age of 52.

In 1983, 37-year-old actress Valentina Malyavina was accused of stabbing to death her lover, actor Stas Zhdanko, who died from a direct wound to the heart. For her crime, the judge sentenced Mulyavina to nine years, four and a half of which she served.

On the other hand, sometimes creative people when drunk acquire a special charm. This was Efremov Sr. It is known that when he was “in a bind,” “teetotaling” was not easy for him. Suppressing the desire to drink, Oleg Nikolaevich tormented the artists and was constantly dissatisfied with the rehearsals. But sooner or later the day came when he came drunk - kind, generous, smiling, and everyone was happy, everyone adored him.

The son of the great director, actor Mikhail Efremov, to whom the passion for alcohol apparently was inherited, was also noticed in discrediting connections with the “forty-degree woman.” But if director Efremov Sr. drank out of despair, then actor Efremov Jr. drank for any reason. However, the actor does not consider himself an alcoholic; he says that rumors about his drunkenness are greatly exaggerated. And that he drinks solely for the sake of a hangover, during which he succeeds in the most difficult roles “on an exposed nerve.”

“By the way, I can’t stand this vodka and never drink it. Bourbon is a completely different matter, I have a certain weakness for it!” - Efremov Jr. admitted in an interview.

And outrageous rocker Sergei Shnurov claims that he went on stage sober only a couple of times in his life, and only because he was taking antidepressants at the time. The rest of the time, Cord appears before the audience exclusively “under the influence”.

Another rocker, Vladimir Kuzmin, is also known for long drinking bouts. There was a time when he often appeared on his solo albums so drunk that he could not remember his own songs and could hardly stand on his feet. Once, outraged by the singer’s condition, listeners even demanded a refund for tickets.

Popular artist Andrei Danilko, better known to his fans as Verka Serduchka, completely stopped touring for several months at the end of January this year. The reason for this was more than valid - the artist was being treated for alcoholism. It should be noted that Danilko’s entourage has long noted his love of drinking. And, having become a superstar, the artist turned out to be even more dependent on alcohol, but, despite the advice of family and friends, he did not want to hear about treatment. This continued until Andrei himself felt very bad. It is for this reason that the doctors of the Kyiv center “Favorit” took seriously the health of the public’s favorite.

Alexander Domogarov also visited a drug treatment clinic this spring, where the doctors had to try hard to get the people’s favorite out of his drinking bout, especially since it had to be done in a fairly short period of time. The actor broke down after a long period of abstinence at the premiere of the film “The Count of Montenegro”, so much so that he was taken to the 17th Narcological Hospital in serious condition.

By the way, it has long been known that Domogarov abuses alcohol. However, before he got out of heavy drinking bouts at home with the help of a school friend, a drug addiction specialist.

On the one hand, Alexander Yuryevich can be understood - lately he has been practically invisible on television. Of course, offers of roles to an actor of this level are constantly coming, but his star status does not allow him to grab the first job that comes his way. However, the “stars” should not be idle - this has a negative impact on their health. Domogarov has recently had personal problems in addition to his creative downtime. In a very short time, he broke up with the two “greatest loves of his life,” actresses Gromushkina and Alexandrova. In such a situation, even a teetotaler and an ulcer sufferer will drink.

Dmitry Kharatyan also could not cope with his addiction on his own. There was a period when he appeared drunk at all premieres. By the way, Dmitry’s penchant for alcohol appeared at the dawn of his fame. Social life with feasts, banquets and buffets instilled in him a bad habit, which over time turned into a destructive passion. In the fight against the “green serpent,” Kharatyan tried a lot of treatment methods. At one time, he actually gave up drinking for a short period, drinking only water and juices, but... The deadline passed, and the actor took up the glass again. He visited psychologists and was coded, but the effect lasted for two to three months. Only after treatment in a drug treatment clinic did the favorite of millions stop drinking. It is known that the celebrity’s wife, actress Marina Maiko, insisted on treatment, having tried in vain to solve the problem of her husband’s alcoholism for many years. And Kharatyan managed to cope with his destructive passion. The artist himself admits that without the help of his wife Marina Maiko, he would not have been able to completely recover. It was she who convinced Dmitry to go to a drug treatment clinic. Now the actor does not drink and again regularly appears in films and theatrical projects.

“Ment” Alexey Nilov also repeatedly turned to specialists for help. His wives could not stand long drinking bouts and left. But the actor did not stop drinking. Sometimes, because of his binges, he even had to cancel filming. Nilov often admitted that his love of alcohol could cost him his life. He had several bouts of delirium tremens, and in 2000 Alexey experienced clinical death caused by excessive libations. Then the doctors literally saved his life.

But the famous director Vladimir Menshov is convinced that it is not necessary and even dangerous for a person of art to be treated for addiction to alcohol, since compulsory treatment can be fraught with catastrophic consequences. “I don’t believe in any of the methods of medical influence, I think that they are all deadly. Fundamentally, I hate methods based on fear - when a person should be afraid to drink. I avoided such treatment, I think that’s what saved me,” the director admitted. In addition, Menshov does not consider alcohol to be evil and is afraid of people who do not drink.

For example, Mikhail Boyarsky thought about a sober lifestyle after he was diagnosed with a whole bunch of illnesses. Before that, by his own admission, he could drink fourteen bottles of vodka. However, the famous musketeer cannot lead a sober lifestyle for a long time. He still admits that his only way to relax is alcohol.

But there are a lot of teetotalers in Russian cinema and show business.

So Alexey Guskov stopped drinking a long time ago. Now, when asked to drink, he responds with the words of Sorin from Chekhov’s “The Seagull”: “No, let’s talk first, and then we’ll drink. Because if you drink, you won’t be you, but you plus someone.”

As a child, Alexander Zbruev drank a glass of vodka and poisoned himself, after which he was thrown up just by the memories alone. Although the actor does not completely rule out alcohol for himself. At the age of 17, Eldar Ryazanov, wanting to seem like an adult, got so drunk that for ten years he could not even take a sip of a glass.

At one time, another public favorite, Anatoly Papanov, was no stranger to drinking. During periods of drinking, his wife Nadezhda was afraid to leave her husband at home alone. However, over time, Anatoly Dmitrievich showed exceptional will in the matter of relations with alcohol, giving up this activity abruptly - literally in one day.

After many years of libations, as well as after the excess that happened to him on New Year’s Eve live, TV presenter Yuri Nikolaev also firmly “tied up”, who, in his words, “has already drank to himself and to that guy.” Over the past fifteen years, Yuri Mikhailovich has been drinking only mineral water and actively involved in sports.

Vlad Galkin, who constantly plays in all the series, and thousands of fans are in love with him, also turned out to be a heavy drinker, which often made the filming process difficult. At one time, even Vlad’s wife, actress Daria Mikhailova, could not stop him from taking alcohol while working. However, at this stage, Vlad restrained his passion for strong drinks, and life in the family of actors more or less improved.

“I’m not the biggest drinker in our workshop,” says today the most outrageous young actor Alexey Panin, whose drunken adventures at one time became the talk of the town, and whose name has not left the pages of the yellow press for a long time. And it’s not surprising: sometimes he gets drunk, sometimes he gets rowdy. True, they say that Lesha Panin came to his senses and... became encoded. At social events he behaves more than modestly and drinks exclusively mineral water