home · Other · What palmists look at on the left hand. The meaning of the line of fate in the palm: interpretation from photo. Various symbols on the palm - what do they mean?

What palmists look at on the left hand. The meaning of the line of fate in the palm: interpretation from photo. Various symbols on the palm - what do they mean?

Each of us, any person, has a desire to look into our future, to find out what will happen in a year, two or 10 years, and fortune telling by hand can help with this - the life line will give answers to many questions to higher powers. In your search for an answer, palmistry can help you with explanations - which lines, tubercles and symbols on the palm will indicate to you your future. What symbols can indicate life expectancy, what signs can warn of impending trouble or indicate good health, and therefore we’ll talk about this and much more further.

The science of palmistry can lift the veil of the future

The life line is an external symbol that reflects a very powerful energy flow; it is present on a person’s every hand, and taking this into account, its meaning is interpreted. It begins in the very middle of space, starting from the thumb and index finger, forming an arc, bends around the base of the towering Mount of Venus and descends directly to the wrist. It is by its position and length that you can find out how many years a person will live, and also how exactly. It reflects such components as internal energy and inner strength, nutrition and security, and a person’s creative potential.

What is the meaning of the life line?

Palmists consider the line on the hand to be happy, the line that is clearly visible and runs without interruptions or convolutions. Although if there are certain signs or birthmarks on it, it is interrupted - this indicates certain events or obstacles that arise in a person’s life.

It can tell about a person’s health, for example, short or long will indicate life expectancy, but the size of the Mount of Venus will indicate his vitality and energy strength. Located on the left hand, it carries information about fate, what was given to him from life. But if it is located on the right, this will indicate how a person can realize his potential and plans in real life.

Symbolic designations of fate on the hand

The features of its interpretation are defined in their length and character - all of this is presented in the following table. The length will directly indicate such events and features:

  1. The absence of one indicates constant worries and stressful situations.
  2. If it is unclear, this will indicate the minimum of a person’s life potential, the energy necessary to realize all his plans.
  3. But a broken one - the life of this or that person will pass in constant struggle and at the same time he will be accompanied by unreasonable losses.
  4. If the latter is forked, then this indicates that the person is not collected and is wasting his vital energy on things that are unnecessary for him. Therefore, it is worth reconsidering your own priorities.
  5. A line that is short in length will indicate a person’s weak will, since he is easily susceptible to the influence of others and is marked by weak immunity.
  6. Double indicates the highest protection, the fact that a person will have his invisible protector with him, a kind of guardian angel.
  7. A clearly visible line on the palm indicates a happy and long life.
  8. A long line on the palm directly indicates a person’s strong immunity, and the full cup of his internal strength and vital energy.

What does it mean if a person has two life lines on his hand?

Two lines on the hand are rare in the science of palmistry

Even medical statistics have at their disposal cases where even hopelessly ill patients, who had such a double symbol on their palms, recovered and got out of wheelchairs.

But its reddish tint indicates that the person has considerable love of love and enjoys well-deserved success with the opposite sex. The main thing is to always be on the alert, because envious people are not asleep and can strike you from behind.

Detailed decoding of the life line

In order to fully analyze your future, when deciphering this symbol, you should take into account the following main points and factors.

  1. First of all, its location. If it begins near the base of the index finger on the hand, then this indicates considerable energy and ambition of the person. Closer to the thumb, a person will live in constant fear due to his weakness and lack of independence. It lies smoothly between the fingers - any problem or task will be within a person’s reach.
  2. Presence of branches. Short and small branches going down from the life line indicate constant life losses and losses. If the latter go directly upward, every business will be successful and promises joyful events in life. If there are branches and a fork at the base, this will indicate impermanence and a love of constant change.
  3. Parallel. If next to the life line there is another line of similar thickness, such a person will build a successful career and family life. Thin lines indicate support from relatives or a very influential and powerful person.
  4. It is important to take the length into account. Many people believe that the longer it is, the longer its owner will live, although this is not entirely true. A person with a short line of fate has weak immunity and is subject to outside influence, while all owners of a long line have good health and great endurance. But, having received the support of his relatives, he will not listen to the influence of outsiders - his life will be extended and he will live longer than the time allotted to him.
  5. Pay attention to breaks along the entire length of the line - they indicate future troubles and difficult life circumstances. But this applies only to the right hand, and breaks in the fate line running along the left palm are troubles and losses that occurred in the past, leaving an imprint on the human psyche.

Knowing how to decipher the lines on your hand, you can learn a lot about your future

Be sure to take into account the drawings that come after the break.

  1. If it has become weaker, this promises a future deterioration in overall health and loss of internal vital energy.
  2. If it becomes clearer, the changes, good or bad, have benefited you.
  3. The line has approached the center of the palm - this directly indicates rapid career growth and a new area for the implementation of one’s ideas and field of activity.
  4. If it approaches the base of the thumb, this directly indicates that a person has found peace and tranquility.

What do the signs on the hand say?

In addition to the lines on the hand, there are other symbols and signs

Depending on the sign itself and its location, the fate line can tell a lot about a person’s future.

  • The line indicates a strong shock.
  • A gap indicates susceptibility to frequent illnesses, and if the lines on the hand overlap one another, this promises drastic changes in life.
  • The cross indicates financial difficulties and disagreements in a person’s life in all areas of life.
  • The chain indicates a changeable person who will do something only according to the mood or at will.
  • The square will indicate a successful and successful completion of the work begun, patronage and help from above.
  • A lattice indicates apathy and lack of purpose.
  • If there is a sister line nearby, it promises improved health and the implementation of all plans.
  • The star predicts an unfortunate event for a person that will plunge him into a state of shock.
  • The presence of specks indicates a weak immune system and constant susceptibility to disease.
  • The island indicates weak energy and a lack of vital energy in a person.
  • The grooves indicate constant stress and anxiety.
  • The triangle symbolizes high mental abilities, talent, but if they are located on the left hand, and if they are located on the right, this promises a great inheritance and winnings.

How to calculate life expectancy by hand

You can also determine your life expectancy by looking at your hand.

To calculate life expectancy, take a line that crosses the right palm of your hand. Each person has a variety of marking parameters - the length of the line itself and the size of the palm are taken into account, but on average, 1 year of life corresponds to 1-1.5 mm.

When carrying out the calculation, the starting point is the intersection of the axial straight line running on the hand with the index finger on the line symbolizing life, and corresponding in their calculation to 10 years of life. Next comes a step-by-step breakdown of the line into 10-year periods.

You can resort to another, more accurate, but very complex method of calculating life expectancy. At the very beginning, draw a vertical line from the base of the index finger on your hand and draw it to the base of the thumb. Then draw a horizontal line from the outer edge of the palm, where the Head line finishes, and to the outer side of the thumb. This is how the lilies intersect at the base of the thumb.

Next, from the point of intersection, draw a straight line to the outer side of the little finger - so the resulting intersections with the life line itself are 35 years, and with the heart line 30. Then draw the line to the very point of connection of the hill - to the area of ​​​​the base of the little finger, to the blossom itself. So the intersection with the life line itself is equal to 65 years of life, if the intersection is with the line symbolizing fate, this is equal to 20 years.

Video: The life line will tell you a lot about you

Video: Don’t panic if you see an unfavorable sign on your hands

Video: 10 facts that you can learn about a person from the palm of your hand

Many have heard and know about what a life line is. But not everyone understands its meaning and can interpret its messages. Palmistry will help you understand the signs from above.

Palmistry is an excellent and reliable way to know yourself and anticipate difficulties in time. Knowledge of palmistry allows you to tell fortunes by hand. But no less important is a timely understanding of the pattern on the hand. Especially when it comes to the life line.

What is the life line and where is it located?

The life line is an arc that exists in the palm of every person. It begins between the thumb and index finger and extends down toward the beginning of the thumb and hand. It is named so because it shows the vitality of a person and even the development of such a character trait as love of life, depending on what this line is. It can be used to determine a person’s endurance and energy.

The more clearly defined the life line and the deeper it is, the better. It encircles the Mount of Venus, thus directly connecting with vital energy and strength. The closer the life line is to the thumb, the more likely a person is to develop qualities such as passivity, slowness and increased fatigue.

Dating along the life line

Often people, seeing a short life line, are afraid that a person will not live long. Actually this is not true. To determine the death of a person by hand, many other factors must be taken into account. Moreover, throughout life, the pattern on the hands can change. This means that negative events read in your hand and associated with some dangerous incident may soften or be eliminated after some time.

There are several ways to tell about a person’s age at the time of certain events, based on the life line. This is not so easy to do, however.

The first and easiest way is to draw a vertical line from the middle finger down and see where it intersects with the life line. This would be an age indicator of 35 years.

There is another way to approximately determine the time period in which this or that event will occur. Find the point closer to the base of your thumb where the life line begins to curve around it. This is approximately the 70 year mark. You can measure the length of your life line (using, for example, a thread) and determine the time frame relatively accurately. Or you can divide it into three equal segments, each of which will be equal to a period of 20 to 25 years.

Life line signs

Gap in the life line: this is a sign of change, which is often associated with serious psychological stress. This could be a break in a love relationship, an illness, or any other dramatic event. But due to mitigating circumstances, they can be less painful.

Square on the life line: this sign may turn out to be both favorable and, conversely, undesirable. It’s good if it seems to contain a break in the line of life within itself. In this case, the square shows that the person will have enough strength to cope with a difficult situation. If it is simply located on the life line, then it indicates the isolation of a person. It could be a monastery, or it could be a prison.

Ovals (islands) on the life line: this sign most often speaks of emotional problems, illnesses and hospitalizations.

Drawings often found near the life line

Sister line: goes next to the line of life, located a little closer to the thumb. It often begins from the very beginning, but can occur at any point in your life line. It indicates that during these periods you will be protected from bad influences.

Concern lines: Most people have many fine lines that move from the thumb towards the life line. Sometimes there are a lot of them, but they can also be located in a specific area. These are lines of concern. They indicate periods and events that will cause you a lot of trouble and worry.

It is believed that with the help of palmistry you can even find out. But still this is not always necessary. Remember that you yourself can change your life. Best wishes, and don't forget to press the buttons and

21.08.2016 05:07

Every person wants to know as much as possible about themselves. For this, many turn to palmistry...

The Life Line is the first and main of the 8 main ones. She appears earliest at the age of 8 weeks. The accuracy of predicting positive and negative events in a person’s fate depends on how and on which hand the life line is located.

What is the Life Line

The semicircle that goes around the Mount of Venus is called the line of Life. It starts on the edge of the palm, runs diagonally down, and ends at the base of the thumb or wrist.

In palmistry, the hill and the thread are interpreted together. contains energy potential, and the thread indicates the degree of disclosure of internal forces.

The stripe does not show exactly how many years a person will live, it does not name it. It predetermines how he will spend his life, taking into account the available opportunities. The trait is broken down by age period using dating systems.

  • years. From the middle of the base of the finger (middle) draw a vertical line down the palm. The point of intersection with the thread is 35 years.
  • years. The place where the line reaches the base but does not yet turn to the right. The thread is cut proportionally into segments of 10 years.
  • 7 year cycle. The entire line from 0 to 70 is divided into 10 segments of 7 years.
  • 3 segments. The thread is continued until it intersects with the 1st carpal groove. This is the 100-year mark. The entire line from the beginning is divided into 3 equal parts of the year.

On this issue, the opinions of specialist palmists differ greatly. Each method has disadvantages. None guarantee an accurate result. The methods are theoretical and do not take into account illnesses, accidents and other events. They show how long a person can live without troubles and hardships.

Which hand to read

Before fortune telling along the line, they look at both hands. So the prediction will be accurate and truthful. There is a fact that the right hand describes the future and the realization of opportunities in it, and the left hand describes the present, past and inherent potential.

If a person has both hands approximately the same, then he and his fate have hardly changed since the day he was born. In essence, he goes with the flow and makes no effort to develop.

There is an opinion that in women you need to look at the left hand, in men - the right. If a person is right-handed, then his active hand is the right. The left one is passive. For left-handed people it's the other way around.

The difference between both hands when divining health is fundamental. But if a prediction is made for a specific disease, then only the active one is looked at.

Mostly determined by the stripe of the right hand. The left one will reflect the ability to make money.

Relationships with people in the future are looked at on the right hand, and in the past and present - on the left.

Main characteristics of the line

The beginning of the thread shows self-sufficiency and connection with family. If the line departs from (under the index finger), such individuals become independent early and quickly achieve success.

The source near the thumb is found in closed, distant, lonely people. Connection at the point with the head line - attachment to relatives. The owner will always come to their aid. they go together for a long period, and then separate - a person is strongly influenced by relatives. He gains independence in adulthood.

The length of the line symbolizes energy. A long line predicts liveliness and energy in a person’s character. A short thread, especially on the right hand, shows a lack of strength and poor health. Such a person is passive and may be susceptible. In children, the furrow is small. But as you get older, it increases.

The width determines the activity of the owner. A fat furrow adds passivity and slowness to the character. A person takes a long time to make decisions, controls the events that happen, of which there are few. He doesn't do anything rash.

A thin strip runs along the hand of an active, emotional person. The narrow thread shows the rapidity of the changes taking place. It happens that a wide line narrows. This suggests that a person acquires new character traits and his behavior changes. He becomes more emotional and active.

If there is a thin thread on the left hand, then the person has inherited emotionality. On the right - it acquired quality during life.

The depth of the thread indicates strength. If the thread is clearly palpable, it means the person is thoughtful, sets priorities correctly, and brings things to the end. A superficial weak thread reveals a frivolous personality. A person is changeable, quickly moving from one thing to another. He can't concentrate.

The bending of the thread is responsible for the attitude towards life and events. The closer the thread passes to the thumb, the more likely its owner is to experience depression. The farther from the Mount of Venus and the more curved the line, the more optimistic the person. An even, straight line speaks of indifference, composure, and calculation.

The ideal thread is continuous, clear, deep on both hands. It predetermines a long, happy life. The absence of marks and spots only enhances the prediction. And if this thread doubles, that is, a sister line appears, then the person is able to quickly recover from negative events.

The end of the line may end which means:

  • poor, lonely old age;
  • stinginess, indifference;
  • loss of property due to loved ones.

Signs on the line

Symbols can take the form of clear circles), markings (dots, branches) and spots.

The point at the origin of the main line means removal of the tonsils in childhood. The deep blue dot is there - the child suffered from pneumonia. The rest show diseases.

In palmistry it looks like branches intersecting at one point. It is an unfavorable symbol and predicts a sudden unpleasant incident.

A star, especially at the end of a furrow, predetermines the inevitability and fatality of a particular event. It can completely break the owner.

A square, rhombus, rectangle with a break inside serves to mitigate sudden changes and circumstances. It seals negative consequences inside (after divorce, material deprivation). A person recovers quickly and loses less energy. In other cases, the square predicts a personal limitation: imprisonment, military service, etc.

Spots are important if they are on the life line and near it. A mole on the thread of the right hand means a serious test at a particular age. The disappearance of the stain indicates a solution to the problem.

If the spot is located at the intersection of the lines of Life, Mind and Heart, then it predicts danger. It cannot be avoided, but you can prepare for it. Death is marked by a birthmark at the intersection of the Life and Health lines.

A mole on a man’s right hand predicts good luck in business, luck. A woman has a calm, measured life. In right-handed (left-handed) people, the mark on the left (right) hand shows a hereditary disease.

Ascending branches from the stripe indicate an ambitious person who strives for a better life. Descending strokes - loss of strength, weakness.

Bands crossing the main line predict interference. These can be either external obstacles or internal discord.


The interpretation on the thread of life differs significantly from predictions on other places in the palm. If the sign is correct and well defined, then it is positive, and vice versa.

Depending on the location of the cross on the furrow, it is interpreted as follows:

  • at the end -
  • at the beginning - obstacles in childhood, adolescence;
  • in the middle - problems with the cardiovascular system.

Several marks indicate a person’s originality and his desire for self-improvement. He is sincere and devoted. His intelligence helps him soberly evaluate people's actions.

Crosses located next to the life line also have an influence. The presence of an element near the line at its beginning means the owner moves in early childhood and the financial difficulties of his family. The cross between the lines of Life and Fate at the end is read by rescuers and health workers.

The symbol near the line on the Mount of Venus is associated with family and relationships with people. The sign foreshadows problems with friends, relatives, betrayal, divorce. It can also be interpreted as difficulties in communicating with the team at work. Three such marks nearby indicate a break in relations with all relatives and friends.


This symbol is used to study a person’s financial capabilities and potential wealth. Significant symbols are formed by the intersection of the Life strip with other lines. They appear on both hands, but on one of them they are clearer. These are banknotes.

If on the right hand the angle points towards the thumb, then such people will have good luck in any financial matter. The larger the symbol, the luckier and more successful the person. A similar situation on the left hand means that money and valuables come first for a person.

Turning the top of the figure in the other direction is interpreted as a bad relationship with money. These are hereditary punishments for the sins of our ancestors. A person has periods of poor existence. But if he passes these tests, he will be rewarded by fate and deserve wealth.

If a large money figure is read on the left hand, but not on the right hand, then the owner has chosen the wrong path. It will not lead him to wealth and success. The symbol may appear on the palm if the right path is found.

The symbol adjacent to the line has an unfavorable meaning. The size determines the duration of the black bar. This is a time of loss of material values. The presence of another such sign nearby is interpreted as bad luck, failure in business.

The number of triangles is directly proportional to success and opportunity. Better 2 small signs than one big one.

For the correct interpretation of a triangle, it is important what lines it consists of. If the stripes are straight, deep, and clear, then the owner will not have problems with money.

It happens that a triangle is difficult to see with the naked eye; its sides are curved and intermittent. A person's money will not be delayed. He won't be able to save up.


Doesn't necessarily mean doom. This is also a sign of changes in fate.

An intermittent stripe butt-to-end indicates a temporary black streak, but with a favorable outcome of events:

  • getting rid of diseases;
  • solving financial problems;
  • Moving to another city.

The cut of the trait, which is located in the middle, is interpreted as serious contradictions in a person’s character. He needs to think about self-improvement and personal growth.

If the stripe is interrupted by a dotted line, this predicts a long-term illness. If the continuous line continues further, the person will be successfully cured.

An internal break with continuation along the line of Fate means dramatic changes: dismissal followed by getting a well-paid job, divorce with the creation of a new happy family.

With an external break, the strip continues in another place. This predicts: a change of faith, worldview, moving to another country for permanent residence.

Intermittent lines on 2 hands are a sign of a short life and predict the threat of death. It also happens that the groove on the left is torn, but not on the right. The owner will have a serious illness, but he will be able to recover if it is detected in time.


Small ovals of different lengths that interrupt the strip. Basically they are elongated and rise above the lines. They weaken the characteristics of the segment they are on. This is an unfavorable sign; it symbolizes a disease that will confine a person to bed for a long time. The longer the islands, the more of them, the weaker the owner’s health.

The quality of the stripe after the sign will tell you about the consequences of the disease. A thin, intermittent line indicates a chronic disease that prevents the owner from living and working normally.

One small island on the line is interpreted as a difficult birth, a dangerous operation.

If the trait starts from the island, then its owner in childhood and adolescence does not know how to concentrate. He doesn't like to study, skips school, and may not even graduate. Such a sign is often read in the hands of adopted children and orphans.

The location of the sign in the first third of the strip means congenital diseases of the spine:

  • scoliosis;
  • back injury in youth;
  • vertebral displacement.

The presence of a symbol in the middle of the line means problems with the genitourinary system and intestines. The island in the final part is diseases of the veins and joints of the legs.

An eight or a chain of islands at the beginning of a journey means long-term illnesses in childhood. A string of symbols throughout the strip indicates an emotionally unbalanced person.

Palmistry is fortune telling by hand, which came to us from Ancient Greece. In the distant past, palmistry was considered a science that explained and predicted fate based on the lines on the palm of a person. Despite its long history, interest in palmistry has not faded away and is captivating more and more people. Having started to become interested in it, everyone, without exception, has many questions regarding this activity. Most often, beginners are interested in the following:

  • Which hand do palmists use to tell fortunes?
  • Which hand holds the future and which holds the past?
  • What does this or that line on the palm of your hand say?

To tell your fortune by hand, you don’t have to turn to professionals; you can simply read your fortune for free at home. If you carefully study and read additional information, then fortune telling along the lines of the hand is not such a difficult matter. To correctly decipher the information written on the palm, you need to learn to distinguish between various lines, hills, and small signs on the hands that indicate positive and negative character traits of a person.

Preparing our hands for fortune telling

First, let's decide which hand is best for guessing. If a person is right-handed, then his left hand will tell about the fate given to him by nature itself. The right hand carries information about current and present life. Therefore, for right-handed people, fortune telling is best done using the right hand. For left-handers the situation is completely opposite. They need to tell fortunes using their left hand, since it is she who will tell him about the present. To make it more convenient to examine the lines on your hand, you can use different methods.

1 way. You can use a scanner to obtain a handprint. Before doing this, you need to wash your hands thoroughly with soap and dry with a towel. Then place the palm of your hand on the scanner glass and press scan. You don’t have to press your hand too hard against the glass, the main thing is not to move it. Save the scanned image with a resolution of 300 dpi. Then you can work with the resulting photo.

Method 2. If you don’t have a scanner at home, you can do without it. You can get a print easily and free of charge using stamp ink. For this procedure you will need the following materials: a stack of old newspapers, stamp ink, a small rubber roller, a blank sheet of paper and a simple pencil. Place a white sheet of paper on a stack of old newspapers, apply paint to your palm with a roller and press it onto the sheet. Trace the outline of the hand with a pencil.

What do the lines on the palm mean?

Palmistry studies and describes the main lines on the palm, which carry the most information about a person - these are the lines of Life, Heart, Head, Fate. If a person has them smooth and there are practically no small transverse lines extending from them, then this indicates the determination and practicality of the owner. If there are many chaotic small lines crossing the main lines on the hand, it means that a person with such a hand has an impulsive and uncollected character, and is accustomed to doing rash actions, which he later regrets.

Life line

The curve, which is usually called the line of life in fortune telling, reflects the level and quality of life, shows how much vital energy a person has, how hardy and cheerful he is. Let's look at two types of life lines in the photo:

People whose life line hugs the thumb usually have a pessimistic character, they are very slow, characterized by weakness and increased fatigue.

If a person has it crossing the palm and has the shape of a semicircle, then he is very enthusiastic and full of vital energy. From the video below you will learn about the signs of wealth that are located on the life line. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xFt9jE5L4wU

Heart line

One of the main lines distinguished by palmistry is considered to be the line of the heart, which begins on the palm under the little finger and ends between the index and middle fingers. It shows the emotional side of a person and what kind of relationships he can have with others. There are several types of this curve, which we will now consider:

  • a long, clear curve that ends between Saturn and Jupiter. Its owner knows how to find a middle ground between emotions and reason, understands well and finds a common language with people;

  • a long curve that bends under Jupiter means that the owner’s feelings and emotions are higher than the mind. Such a person is characterized by loyalty and reliability, romanticism and deep affection, as well as idealization of a loved one;

  • a short curve indicates that its owner loves physically rather than platonically;

  • a straight line, the end of which ends in a fork or trident, means realism in love and great trust;

– a straight long curve, the end of which is on Jupiter, indicates that the person is more interested in work than in relationships.

Head (mind) line

The line of the mind allows you to learn about the level of intelligence, as well as how a person thinks at a particular stage of life. According to its location, it originates between the thumb and index finger, crosses the palm and ends almost in its middle. The head line can be divided into 2 main groups:

The creative line of the head has a slight bend at the end and is directed towards the wrist. People with this line are distinguished by their rich imagination and creative talent; they approach everything creatively. It is very important that the work occupies him completely, otherwise he will quickly get bored with it.

People with a practical line of mind stand firmly on their feet and live in the present day. He approaches everything practically and simply, and does not like to rely on blind faith.

In the 11th century, the Arab physician Avicenna wrote the work “The Canon of Medicine,” in which he described the various shapes of hands, their types and interpretations, and connected them with the divine plan for each person.

What awaits you in the near future:

Find out what awaits you in the near future.

Palmistry for left-handers

To read fate in the palm of your hand, you usually look at one hand first, and then (necessarily!) the other. Look for differences and analyze. Is the person going the right way? How faithfully does he manage the gifts received at birth? After all, the future is always unstable, it can change depending on actions, decisions, even thoughts.

Principles of "browsing"

From the point of view of palmistry, the differences between the right and left hands are quite significant:

  • on first the promising future and present are “recorded”;
  • On the second- the past of varying degrees of prescription.

A newborn baby's patterns are almost identical. But the older we get, the more the lines of our two palms diverge - noticeable adjustments are made to the original prophecy of the Higher Powers.

There is a concept of an “active” hand - it is the one that performs the maximum number of actions, and therefore is better developed. On this basis, all people are divided into “right-handed” and “left-handed”. For the former (as the name suggests), the working hand is the right hand, for the latter - the left.

Palmistry for left-handers has only one important difference - the records about innate qualities (prospects) and real acquisitions (defeats) have changed in comparison with right-handers. Accordingly, first of all, you should study the right palm, find out what the Universe was going to be generous with, and only then evaluate the results of the left palm.

Which hand do left-handed people use to tell fortunes?

The answer is no different in originality - of course, in two ways. If comparisons are not made, it will be impossible to assess whether a person is developing in the right direction. The more accurately reality corresponds to the plans of Fate, the more advantages and bonuses the owner of similar palms receives in life. However, sometimes serious changes with a “plus” sign occur. For example, a person with an initially undeveloped Heart Line can learn to be compassionate and loving, and as a result, their chances of a happy marriage increase.

A retrained left-hander is considered right-handed in palmistry. Everything is logical: at birth, future key events were inscribed on two palms at once, but they began to develop the right one - regardless of initial inclinations. Accordingly, the new active hand will have to change to a greater extent. It is she who reflects the transformations that occur to a person and leave an imprint on his