home · electrical safety · Cyperus pharaoh growing from seeds. Cyperus in the house - either on a window or in an aquarium. Growing from seeds

Cyperus pharaoh growing from seeds. Cyperus in the house - either on a window or in an aquarium. Growing from seeds

Description of plant characteristics, tips for growing cyperus, general rules for replanting and propagation, difficulties in cultivation, facts, varieties.

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Cyperus is one of the large genera belonging to the sedge family (Cyperaceae), which also includes about 600 species of representatives of the green world of the planet. It can also be found under the names Syt or Sitovnik. Cyperus would call its homeland the tropical regions of the African continent, as well as those areas of the globe where there are humid and warm (tropical) forests. He likes to settle in marshy lands with a lot of moisture in the soil.

“Gift of the River” was the name given to Cyperus by the Egyptians for its passion for wetlands. In its natural environment, this herbaceous representative is capable of creating very dense thickets, reaching up to 3–5 meters in height. However, there are also representatives of the genus that are considered real “little ones” with a height of only half a meter.

Cyperus are both perennial and annual plants and, as mentioned above, with a herbaceous growth form. Their shape is very similar to each other - they are long flowering stems, at the tops of which there are whorled leaf plates. The stem itself is triangular, quite long, and grows upright. The distance between nodes and internodes is very close. The leaves are linear in shape, sessile when moving away from the nodes and form a whorl in the form of an umbrella; their length can reach up to a meter. The color of the leaf plates of this umbrella rosette is light greenish, and the leaves are different in length and diverge in rays.

Cyperus flowers are delicate milky greenish. Their pollination is carried out by wind. The flowering process extends from mid-spring to September and directly depends on the variety. After flowering, fruits in the form of small nuts or brownish spikelets similar to cereals may form.

The rhizomes of syta are creeping or have a shortened shape, or are completely devoid of it. Some species develop tuberous spindle-shaped root shoots. Rusticum is one of the few plants that cannot be watered when grown in a room, so it is easy to cultivate even for an inexperienced gardener.

Most often, it is used by decorators when it is necessary to decorate a very shaded room or to decorate an aquarium.

Cyperus agricultural technology, home care

  1. Lighting and location. Even though this resident of swampy areas spends its life in direct sun indoors, it is worth growing it in bright, but diffuse lighting. If you place the pot on a south-facing window, you will need shading from noon to 4 o'clock in the afternoon. Window sills of eastern, western and northern windows are suitable, but it is worth remembering that it will take at least 4 hours of direct, non-scorching sun to satiate. And in winter it is necessary to provide additional lighting so that the amount of daylight is equal to 8 hours.
  2. Cyperus content temperature. The plant will be able to feel comfortable at room heat levels. In the summer, they should vary from 18 to 25 degrees, and with the arrival of winter they can be reduced to 16–18 degrees, but lowering the heat below 14 is not recommended for the plant. Although in a natural environment the rush plant tolerates values ​​within 0–2 degrees, such maintenance is not recommended for houseplants. If the plant is grown at room temperatures in the autumn-winter period, then good additional lighting will be required, and at lower temperatures, it is necessary to greatly reduce watering.
  3. Air humidity. This moisture-loving representative of the green world will need to withstand high levels of moisture in the air, approximately 70–75%. It is necessary to regularly spray the leaves of the cyperus and arrange shower procedures, washing off the dust from the leaf plates. Spraying is carried out even during winter. Of course, you will have to increase the humidity in all available ways: place vessels filled with water next to the plant; use air humidifiers; take a deep and wide tray, pour expanded clay on its bottom or lay chopped sphagnum moss, pour a small amount of water.
  4. Watering Cyperus. The plant needs to be moistened abundantly, but you should not create a “swamp” in the pot, since, being in its natural environment, the root system has time to dry out from above. In order not to overdo it with soil moisture, you can perform “bottom watering” - when a certain amount of soft and warm water is poured into the pan. It will take as much moisture as it needs.
  5. Rusticum fertilizer. To make the plant feel comfortable, complex mineral fertilizers for indoor plants are used from the beginning of spring to September. Regular application of fertilizers once every two weeks. The dosage should be reduced by a third. With the arrival of the winter months, fertilizer is added only 1-2 times.
  6. Transplantation and choice of substrate. An important property is that it can be replanted at any time of the year, if the need arises. When the plant is young, this operation is carried out annually, and with age, the completely mastered substrate by the Cyperus root system serves as a signal for changing the container. The pot must be filled with drainage, which will take up a quarter of the volume of the container, since the plant in its natural environment is constantly flooded, drainage will ensure the constant presence of air bubbles next to the root shoots. Top drainage is also necessary, since in a natural environment the roots of the plant are in water, and the upper part of the soil is in the sun and blown by the winds. The container is selected deeper than wide.
The soil for replanting is selected with a slightly acidic or alkaline pH of 5–8.5. The soil must have nutritional properties. The soil mixture is made up of the following components:
  • peat soil, humus, marsh silt (maintaining proportions of 1:1:1/6);
  • clay-turf soil, leaf soil, peat, river sand (in a ratio of 2:1:1:1).
Experienced gardeners recommend adding crushed charcoal, dust-sifted brick chips, or crushed eggshells to the substrate. The plant can be successfully grown on hydroponic material.

It is possible to obtain a new cyperus by sowing seeds, planting small young rosettes, cuttings or dividing the bush.

In the first case, it is necessary to plant the seed material in bowls with a soil mixture based on sand and peat (you can use leaf soil) in a ratio of 1:2. After this, the soil is sprinkled with a little water, and the container with seedlings is wrapped in plastic wrap or placed under a piece of glass. Regular moistening with warm soft water is required and the main thing is to maintain the temperature within 18 degrees. As soon as a pair of true leaves appear on the seedlings, it is worth planting them in separate containers with a diameter of 7 cm, 3 pieces each. The soil is mixed based on leaf soil, turf and river sand in a ratio of 2:2:1. After this, the planted young cyperus are watered abundantly and not placed in bright sunlight. After several months, the pot is changed again and its diameter is increased by 2 cm, as is the number of plants in the container. The soil mixture is made up in 1:2:1 proportions of coarse sand, top turf and peat.

When leaf rosettes appear on the plant in the center of the old ones, they need to be cut off, capturing part of the stem. After this, you need to plant it in a container with moistened sand. It is recommended to provide bottom heating of the soil with a heat index of 20 degrees, but not more than 24 degrees. Some gardeners do not separate this young rosette with leaf blades from the entire bush. The stem is simply bent and the rosette is immersed in a vessel of water. When this formation has a sufficient number of roots, it should be separated from the mother specimen and transplanted into a separate container.

With the arrival of spring, it is possible to propagate Cyperus using cuttings. The upper part of the stem is cut off, which must be cut below the last whorl node. For cut cuttings, the leaf surface area needs to be reduced by 2/3 right before planting. The cuttings are planted in a container with a diameter of 7 cm with moistened sand.

When the rush plant is transplanted, a division operation can be carried out by dividing its rhizome. It is important that the bush is more than 2 years old. To do this, use a well-sharpened and disinfected knife. The cut areas should be sprinkled with activated charcoal or charcoal crushed into powder, and planted in separate containers with a substrate suitable for further growth.

The growth rate of sythas is very high; as a result of their irrepressible growth, they can literally plunder a pot with their roots.

Problems when cultivating Cyperus

The most common problems encountered during cultivation are:
  • If there is not enough light, the leaves begin to shrink and lose their green tint.
  • When air humidity decreases or the amount of moisture is not enough, the leaf blades become yellow or brown and their tops dry out.
  • If the humidity drops and temperatures remain high, the ends of the leaves will also dry out.
  • When the cyperus pot becomes small, as well as when the soil is depleted or the room is too dark, then with the advent of the growing season, growth does not begin or is greatly inhibited.
  • The leaves become covered with light, dry spots if the bush was in direct sunlight and the leaves were sunburned.
  • When the soil was too heavy, there was an excess of fertilizer in the substrate, or when the soil moisture was high and the temperature was low enough, the plant reacts by deforming the leaves, they become soft and their edges are covered with brown spots.
The main harm to the rush plant comes from thrips, spider mites, whiteflies, and mealybugs. The symptoms that accompany the defeat are:
  • punctures on the edges of leaves;
  • their deformation and yellowing;
  • the appearance of a thin cobweb on the back of the plate or in the internodes;
  • whitish dots on the underside of the leaf and subsequently the appearance of small white midges;
  • formations in the form of cotton balls on the leaves or in the internodes, as well as covering them with a sticky sugary coating.
In such cases, cyperus is treated with folk remedies: soap, oil or alcohol solution. If non-chemical means do not bring a positive result, then spraying with insecticides is performed.

Cyperus has great energy, which first rises upward and then descends in a wave, reminiscent of streams of water in a fountain. Such a wave-like energy field helps a person maintain vigor of body and spirit, helps a person take for granted the dynamic changes in events around him, and guides him towards active communication. But at the same time, the plant will help you avoid empty conversations and not spend your time in idleness. Most of all, energy experts advise installing a pot of nourishment in those rooms where students, students or scientists live, as well as people associated with information flows, since with its help information is absorbed on the fly and knowledge is always ready for updates.

In Egypt, it is customary to make baskets and mats from the stems of the rose plant, but the rhizome of the herb is often eaten. In ancient times, even papyri was made from the stems of the plant. This species - papyrus (Cyperus papyrus) is currently considered endangered.

Due to the dense thickets of cyperus, which can overwhelm any vegetation in some countries, this plant is considered an invasive (foreign plant in a particular environment) weed.

Sitnik is also actively used for medicinal purposes. If you infuse cyperus leaves in water, then this remedy can be used for stomach pain. It also helps if it is necessary to improve the process of blood circulation in the brain, or increase the level of vision. It can eliminate frequent and prolonged headaches and stop insomnia.

Cyperus species

Of all the variety of species, only three varieties can be grown indoors.

Cyperus alternifolius. May be found under the name Cyperus umbellata. The homeland of this species is the territory of the island of Madagascar. It likes to settle on the banks of river arteries and has been cultivated since 1893. It is a perennial and has a rhizome. A plant of herbaceous growth form, forming rosettes of evergreen foliage. Reaches a height of 1.5–1.7 m. The stem is triangular or rounded, green in color, upright, slender, with a bare surface.

A rosette in the shape of a crown is formed from the leaf blades at the top of the stems, the leaves are linear in appearance, hanging to the ground, alternate. They reach a length of 25 cm with a width of 0.5–1 cm.

Flowering occurs with inconspicuous flowers, from which spike-shaped inflorescences are collected, flattened on the sides. Their usual location is in the leaf axils at the ends of the stems. The flowering process takes the whole year. If the care conditions are favorable, then in adult specimens small rosettes-layers begin to grow from the center of the rosette, with the help of which vegetative propagation can be carried out.

The following varieties exist:

  1. Cyperus graceful (Cyperus Gracillis), a plant of smaller height and with smaller leaf blades.
  2. Cyperus Variegatus, the stems are completely white, and the leaves are covered with white stripes.
  3. Cyperus Zumula, the leaf plates are very long and can exceed the length of the stem itself, which makes it look like a fountain.
  4. Cyperus papyrus. It was this species that was actively used in Egypt in ancient times, and even now there are dense thickets of it on the banks of the Nile. The size of the plant exceeds the previous species (the height of the stems reaches 3 m), it is an evergreen herbaceous plant with a rhizome and a long period of growth. Due to its large size, it is rarely grown indoors. Rosettes with hanging long leaves are formed at the tops of the stems. Flowering occurs in April-July. Inflorescences are formed from the leaf axils, which are placed on thin stalks; the number of flowers in them sometimes reaches up to a hundred. In central Russia, several varieties of rush grow, with their appearance resembling sedge, which is a marsh plant of low height.
  5. Spreading Cyperus (Cyperus diffusus). It is native to areas of the globe where a tropical climate prevails. This rush is most similar in appearance to a small palm tree of small height. The stems stretch only to 60 cm to 90 cm in height. There are quite a lot of leaves and if they begin to grow in the basal part of the shoot, then their width is 0.4–1.4 cm and a sufficient length. And if they grow in the upper part of the stems, then their length is 10–35 cm with a width of 1.2 cm. Their number varies from 6 to 12 units.
You will learn more useful information about cyperus and its cultivation from this video:

Cyperus, sytve, Venus grass or rosemary is a herbaceous plant of the Sedge family. Under natural conditions, it grows in wetlands and along the banks of rivers and lakes, where it forms dense thickets. Cyperus is native to the tropical part of the African continent and the island of Madagascar. The flower is unpretentious in maintenance, so propagating cyperus and caring for it at home does not cause difficulties.

Botanical description

The first specimens of Cyperus were brought to Western Europe at the end of the 18th century. The flower has become very popular due to its exotic appearance.

Cyperus is a perennial plant with long straight stems; at the top of the shoot there is an umbrella of thin linear leaves collected in a rosette. The peduncles are long, triangular in shape, and highly durable. This allows them not to break under gusts of wind. The color of the leaf plates can be varied: from light green to brown, yellow or white.

The flowering period lasts all summer. The flowers are small, yellowish-white or greenish in color, collected in rosette inflorescences or arranged singly. After flowering, fruit-nuts form in their place.

The root system of Cyperus is powerful and long, but is located shallow from the soil surface. Some varieties may have spindle-shaped root shoots that provide the plant with nutrients and moisture. Other varieties may have short roots.

Variety of species

Cyperus is widely used in indoor floriculture. The most common types of flowers you can find are:

Plant care does not depend on the season. It develops well at any time of the year. The flower requires bright, diffused lighting. The best option for placing cyperus are eastern or western windows. When placing the pots on the south side, care should be taken to protect them from direct sunlight at midday.

In winter, if there is a lack of lighting, it is necessary to provide additional illumination with fluorescent lamps. With a lack of light, tsiperus does not lose its decorative qualities, but its growth stops.

The flower requires a large amount of moisture. In order for it to grow and develop normally, its root system must be constantly hydrated. To do this, the pot is placed in a deep tray filled with water, and the water should slightly cover the pot.

The soil for the flower should not be acidic and contain peat, river sand, turf and leaf soil and humus. Sand will give the soil the necessary looseness and porosity and help better allow moisture and air to pass through.

The plant will require a large, spacious pot, since the root system is close to the soil surface. One quarter of the pot’s volume should be filled with drainage made of crushed stone or expanded clay. Cyperus is transplanted using the transshipment method while preserving the old earthen clod. Before planting, rotten and old roots should be removed. The soil around the flower should be compacted and watered abundantly.

To plant in water, soil is poured into the bottom of the container, followed by a thick layer of sand, which will prevent erosion of the fertile layer. After this, the pot with the plant is placed on the bottom of the reservoir.

Plant feeding is carried out throughout the year. It is combined with watering. For cyperus, you can use complex mineral fertilizers. Fertilizing is carried out once every 15-20 days. In winter, it is fed once a month.

(Cyperus)- a perennial umbellate plant of the sedge family, also known as syt, venus grass, ory. It consists of several tall stems growing from a powerful root system, on top of which there is a rosette of long linear leaves.

The tropical forests of Africa, America and Madagascar are considered the homeland of Cyperus. In its natural environment, the flower stem reaches 1.5-3 m in height. The inflorescences are small, milky or pale green in color, after flowering they form small elongated fruits of a brown hue. With proper care, Cyperus lives up to 20 years.

In one season, the plant adds 5-10 leaves.
Cyperus blooms in summer.
The plant is easy to grow.

Cyperus not only has an original decorative appearance, but is also widely used in the treatment of certain diseases. A decoction of its leaves is used as a remedy for headaches and stomach pain, high blood pressure, and insomnia. In some countries, the roots of the plant are added to food and drinks. The stems are used as material for weaving boxes and interior items.

Caring for Cyperus at home Briefly

Cyperus grows as actively at home as in the natural environment. To grow it successfully, you need to know the following maintenance features:

TemperatureIn the summer season from 20 to 25 degrees, in the winter – no higher than 18 degrees.
Air humidityHigh humidity is desirable; in drier air, frequent spraying is recommended.
LightingShaded places, eastern and northern windows, or soft artificial light.
WateringThe plant tray should be filled with water in the summer; in winter, it is recommended to drain it after watering.
PrimingGarden, compost, garden soil mixed with sand is used.
Feeding and fertilizerLiquid nitrogenous fertilizers are used.
TransferIt is carried out approximately once every two years, excluding the flowering period.
ReproductionThis is done in several ways: by dividing the rhizome during transplantation, by rooting with leaf rosettes, or by planting seeds.
Features of cultivationIt is necessary to maintain high soil moisture all year round, protect the flower from direct sunlight, and soften the water for irrigation.

Caring for Cyperus at home. Details


It is advisable to plant Cyperus in the spring-summer season in a room with a temperature of 18-20 degrees under moderate lighting.

If seeds are used, they are sown in a mixture of leaf and peat-sand soil, covered with a glass or polyethylene dome to create a greenhouse effect, and ventilated daily.

When sprouts appear, they are planted in pots with a diameter of 10 cm. For each pot there are three sprouts. Planting an adult plant is carried out while preserving the earthen ball at the roots. The remaining volume of the new pot is filled with prepared soil.

Cyperus flowering

In favorable conditions, Cyperus blooms most of the year, starting in early spring.
Depending on the species, and about 700 varieties are known, the plant differs in the shade and shape of the inflorescences. Thus, cyperus alternate-leaved produces umbrellas with small pale green flowers.

Spreading - small white or yellowish inflorescences. For indoor cultivation, even such inconspicuous flowers, in combination with the lush crown of the plant, serve as interior decoration.


Homemade cyperus is a rather unpretentious plant, for which significant temperature fluctuations may go unnoticed. In summer, the most comfortable environment is a ventilated room with a temperature of about 22 degrees. In winter, the flower can be kept at either 12 or 18-20 degrees.


The plant does not require any special hygienic manipulations. Since this is a very moisture-loving flower, it would be a good idea to clean the crown of dust weekly with a shower or generous spraying.


Cyperus at home with very dry air needs more frequent feeding. A humidifier will cope with this problem, or you will need to spray with soft filtered or settled water at room temperature several times a day. The lack of moisture within 24 hours negatively affects the appearance of the flower.

Lighting for Cyperus

Any variety of Cyperus is primarily a marsh plant, which is comfortable in shaded places, without direct sunlight. In a home environment, the flower can be placed in any convenient place, avoiding close proximity to heating systems in winter and scorching sun in summer.

For more luxuriant growth and flowering, the plant needs soft, long-term lighting; in dark corners, Cyperus growth slows down.


Since the cyperus flower at home needs constant moisture, it is organized not only by abundant watering, but also by watering through a tray. This is the case when excess water cannot harm. The exception is cold periods, winter and late autumn. At this time, it is better to drain the water from the pan, but you still should not allow even the slightest drying of the soil surface.

To retain moisture for a longer period during particularly hot periods, you can cover the surface of the flower’s soil with a moisture-retaining material, such as expanded clay.

Cyperus pot

For Cyperus, it is better to select tall pots and vessels, since this plant forms a powerful root system. A wide, shallow container simply will not allow the flower to grow. The plant looks most impressive in hanging and floor planters in elongated flowerpots.

Soil for Cyperus

The main quality of soil for growing cyperus is neutral or slightly acidic soil,
consisting of turf, humus, leaf soil, silt or sand.

When preparing it yourself, the listed components are taken in a ratio of 3:1:1:1, respectively.

Also, a universal mixture for palm trees, to which river sand is added in equal proportions, is also suitable.

Drainage for the plant is provided using expanded clay, brick chips or small pebbles.

Feeding and fertilizer

It is necessary to fertilize the orchard only during periods of active growth and flowering.– from early spring until the onset of frost with a frequency of once every two weeks. As a rule, any nitrogenous compositions for decorative foliage crops are used for this purpose. It is these additives that give the juicy shade and glossiness of the greenery of the flower. In order not to overfeed, minerals are diluted approximately three times from the original dose indicated on the package.

Cyperus transplant

Transplanting Cyperus is a fairly common procedure if the flower is in favorable conditions. Overgrown roots do not allow the plant to be kept in one pot for more than two years.

Therefore, in this case, a deep container one and a half times larger than the previous one is prepared, and the plant is replanted using a transshipment method - preserving the soil near the root system and filling the voids of the pot with a new composition.


Many plants require pruning to maintain a neat decorative appearance. Cyperus can also be classified as one of these flowers. Care at home involves regularly forming a plant bush by cutting off excess leaves and stems.

Too overgrown - it provokes sagging and breaking of stems under the weight of large leaf panicles.

If you don’t want to prune, you can tie up the plant or purchase special decorative holding supports.

Cyperus dormant period

Cyperus is able to actively develop all year round, so it does not have a pronounced need for rest. It does not need a rest period as such, since abundant watering and fertilizing should be carried out regardless of the time of year.

Reproduction of Cyperus

This plant does not cause problems when propagated; even inexperienced gardeners can quickly grow a full-fledged bush. There are three ways to propagate Cyperus: cuttings, dividing the bush and seeds.

Propagation by apical cuttings

The stems of the plant along with the leaves are shortened to about 2-3 cm. The resulting rosette is lowered into a container of water with the stem up. Within a couple of weeks, thin roots will appear. As soon as they reach a length of about 5 cm, you can transplant the shoot into prepared soil. This method is best done in the spring.

Reproduction by dividing the bush

This option is suitable for a large, overgrown plant, when, together with replanting, one or more independent inflorescences can be painlessly separated from the flower. To do this, the cyperus root is cut into several parts, each of which should have 2-3 stems. The separated flower is planted in the ground and cared for as an adult plant.

Growing Cyperus from seeds

Since cyperus seeds are very small, they are sown in a large seedling container without planting in the ground. The soil must be slightly acidic, water- and breathable. As soon as the seedlings sprout, they are planted in cups in more nutritious soil. The soil in the container with the seedling should dry out between waterings, this will prevent the death of the sprouts.

Diseases and pests

The most common plant problems:

  • Cyperus does not grow new stems with a long-term lack of sunlight;
  • Cyperus leaves turn yellow and wither from constant lack of moisture;
  • Cyperus grows slowly – the problem is insufficient soil nutrition;
  • white spots on cyperus leaves may be the cause of pests or may be due to lack of lighting;
  • edges and tips of leaves are brown – this is always a sign of dry air in the room where the flower is located;
  • in winter the leaves turn yellow if cyperus grows in too cold conditions;
  • leaves fall in winter in the absence of watering in combination with a critically low temperature in the room.

Types of Cyperus domestica with photos and names

Also known as common leaf plant - a plant about a meter high with long umbrella-shaped leaves and white-green flowers. It is widespread as a decorative foliage decoration not only for interiors, but also for landscapes. It feels ideal near ponds and reservoirs, when the lower part of the stems is located in the water and the upper part is above the surface.

Its second name is thin, white-striped or graceful cyperus. It is distinguished by its compact size - the stems do not exceed a length of 30 cm. The leaves often have a wide white stripe and hang down to the stem in a lush “panicle”.

The tallest of the indoor representatives of the plant - the height of the bush reaches 1.7 meters. It is characterized by a rounded leaf shape, a dense crown with yellowish flowers.

At some point, experienced gardeners may want to grow some exotic plant in their apartment. Therefore, they can turn their attention to a flower such as Cyperus, which is a member of the sedge family. It is mainly found in tropical regions of Africa, where its favorite habitats are swamps, river banks and lakes.

In the wild, this plant has complete freedom, so it can form large thickets. In our country, flower growers first became acquainted with this plant in the 80s of the last century. Cyperus is interesting for its unpretentiousness and excellent decorative properties, so it will look great in the interior of any modern apartment.

Caring for the Cyperus plant at home

This flower will be able to delight the owner with its flowering only if the most favorable conditions are created for it.

Air temperature and humidity

Cyperus has earned the love of many gardeners due to its ability to grow well in city apartments.

  • In order for a flower to feel good in spring and summer, it needs to be provided with a temperature of about 20-25 degrees;
  • in autumn and winter, for normal development, a temperature of 16-19 degrees is enough for it;
  • When the weather gets warm outside, you can let the flower visit the fresh air more often. If this is not possible, then you can ventilate the room.

Cyperus papyrus is a moisture-loving plant. To maintain optimal humidity in your apartment, you may need a humidifier. An effective procedure is to spray the leaves with a spray bottle, which must be done regularly during the warm season.

Features of lighting the Cyperus flower

Although this plant is good grows in maximum light, however, even with its deficiency she feels quite well.

Proper watering of homemade cyperus flower

This plant responds positively to moisture, so it is recommended to carry out abundant watering. The main rule that must be followed by every novice gardener who decides to start growing cyperus in a city apartment is to constantly keep the roots of the flower moist.

If the next watering does not leave a drop of moisture in the ground, this will negatively affect the plant. It is recommended to keep the flower pot in a flowerpot, with the top filled with water. But there should be enough of it so that it barely covers the pot. In the summer, when the sun is especially hot, watering is carried out frequently and abundantly. There is no need for this during the winter season. Moreover, it is best to use settled water for irrigation.

Soil selection

In order for Cyperus papyrus to grow and develop well, the pot where it will be planted must be fill with light fertile soil having weak acidity. If you decide to prepare the soil yourself, then for this you will need garden soil, sand, humus and peat. It doesn’t hurt to add a small amount of charcoal or brick chips to it - these components will help retain water in the soil.

A modern solution to this problem is a special hydrogel, which is offered in many specialized stores. Its uniqueness is associated with its ability to absorb water well, retain it, and the presence in its composition of useful fertilizers that plants need during the growing season. However, the effect of using synthetic materials will not be as significant as in the case of natural ingredients.

How to replant a houseplant Cyperus?

A photo of a plant perfectly shows how beautiful its flowering is, but this is possible if its transplantation was carried out according to all the rules.

There are no special restrictions regarding this operation, so it can be done at least every year. However, in any case, the plant needs provide proper care, then it will quickly take root and begin to bloom. For planting, it is necessary to select a container of more capacious dimensions. It only makes sense to transplant an adult Cyperus papyrus if there is an urgent need for it.

How to transplant a flower correctly?

How to choose a container for homemade cyperus?

As it develops, the flower begins to increase in width. Because of this, for replanting it is necessary to prepare a flower pot, the width of which should be greater than the height. But you should not use fairly spacious pots, since in this case the cyperus will begin to spend a lot of energy on the formation of the root system.

The main methods of flower propagation are taking cuttings and dividing the bush. The method of sowing seeds is not used due to its high labor intensity, since it requires more effort and time.

When using the cutting method choose a well-developed shoot from which you need to cut off a leaf rosette so that a small part of the trunk is present on the harvested part. You definitely need to trim the leaves, reducing their length to 4 cm. Next, you need to find a shallow container and place the flower umbrella in it. Then water is poured there, which should fill the container no more than 1-2 cm. Over the next two weeks, it is necessary to constantly monitor the cuttings: at this moment, young shoots will begin to form. When this happens, you need to wait until they are fully formed, and after 20-25 days you can plant the planting material in the ground.

Sometimes the method of sowing seeds is used to propagate Cyperus papyrus. First you need to prepare the bowls by filling them with the prepared substrate. Seeds are sown in them, after which they are install glass jar. In the future, it is necessary to maintain the room temperature at 18 degrees and regularly carry out abundant watering. After some time, the first shoots will begin to appear. When the seedlings become stronger, they are picked and transplanted into individual pots. Moreover, there should be three seedlings for each.

However, for beginning gardeners, the most preferred method of propagating Cyperus is dividing the rhizome. This can be done at the moment when the time comes for the next transplant. The method guarantees high survival rate due to the fact that the roots require a minimum of time to begin to grow.

Diseases and pests

Cyperus is one of the few crops that demonstrates high resistance to many pests. However, he does not always remain healthy. If the room maintains minimum air humidity, it increases risk of spider mites. Also, pests such as whitefly, scale insects, and mealy worms pose a threat to the flower.

However, in most cases, the cause of cyperus diseases is improper care of the plant.

What to do if signs of the disease are noticed?

It is very important to constantly monitor the condition of the flower and begin to act at the first signs of pest activity. This increases the chances of saving the plant. An effective means of pest control is a soap solution, which must be applied to the stem and leaves. Treating the plant with an Actellik solution can also help protect against pests.


Despite the fact that the homeland of Cyperus is African tropics, this plant can be grown in the conditions of our country. This plant is unpretentious, but it is still necessary to take into account some points related to its cultivation. In addition to preparing the soil mixture, you need to choose a pot of suitable size. Along with regular watering, you need to monitor the condition of the flower, since it, like most other indoor plants, can be affected by various pests.

House plant Cyperus

Cyperus, a plant that is well known to amateur gardeners. In our latitudes it is grown as an indoor flower, but cyperus is the same papyrus from which boats were once made in its homeland, and at the same time they also wrote on it. Cyperus looks good as a single plant, but even better in combination with other indoor flowers, especially flowering ones. I must note that it is not for its decorativeness alone that it is valuable. Along with recognized natural air purifiers, cyperus perfectly cleans and moisturizes the air.

In addition, it has been noted that it also relieves headaches and has a beneficial effect on sleep and blood circulation. Due to its absolute safety and “non-harmfulness”, this plant is a very common interior element in children's institutions and hospitals. Caring for cyperus at home is very simple; it is quite undemanding and hardy.

Cyperus: care at home


In the warm season, the most suitable place to place Cyperus is in the fresh air, or even better, in. After all, this plant is a marsh grass, which means these conditions are its “home.” If you decide to decorate your summer cottage pond with cyperus, then it is absolutely not necessary to even remove it from the pot. Place it in the water with it. But just in a pot, among other garden and indoor plants spending the summer in the fresh air, it will feel no worse. Of course, the summer street temperature, with all its daily changes, is quite suitable for Cyperus. If he lives indoors with you all the time, then the optimal temperature is considered to be +18-22 degrees, but this does not mean that he will not tolerate more. Temperature drops in winter are also not particularly dangerous for Cyperus, but not below +12 degrees.


In bright light, Cyperus will feel best. At the same time, it easily tolerates direct sunlight. But it’s especially nice that this is not a mandatory condition for its content. If it is not possible to provide it with a lot of light, cyperus will grow in partial shade, with virtually no damage to its decorative appearance.

Watering and air humidity

These two points for caring for cyperus at home are the most important and require the most attention and effort. Cyperus comes from swamps, which means the moisture of the earth is very important for it. At normal summer temperatures it is impossible to fill it! Moreover, as I noted above, it will feel best in the summer in a pond. Drying out the root system of Cyperus is unacceptable! In summer, especially hot, regular, even frequent and abundant watering may not be enough. Therefore, choose the deepest pan for it and make sure that there is always water in it. Even better, take a spacious pot and place a pot of cyperus in it, while filling the pot with water to at least half the height of the pot with the plant. Such measures will provide the plant with a sufficient amount of moisture, and you will be spared from very frequent watering. In winter, when the plant is resting and if the room temperature is lower than it was in summer, cyperus is enough (preferably through a tray). In this case, watering should be regular, the soil should not dry out.

The same applies to air humidity. Cyperus will immediately react to dry air by blackening and drying out the tips of the leaves. Spray it regularly throughout the year.


Give fertilizers to the plant only in the warm season at intervals of 10-15 days. The most common fertilizers for Cyperus are suitable - a complete mineral complex. It doesn’t matter whether they are liquid or dry.

Cyperus transplant

Although it is often recommended to repot Cyperus only when necessary, as it grows, I recommend repotting it annually. If this is not done, the stem of the plant begins to turn yellow, the leaves become smaller, and there are fewer of them. In addition, given that the roots of the plant are constantly in a humid environment, anything can happen, including acidification of the soil and rotting of the roots. We should not forget that it still grows in a confined space. Replanting will allow you not only to renew the soil, but also to clean the roots, removing dead ones. At the same time, you can rejuvenate the plant and propagate it. On an industrial scale, in greenhouses, Cyperus is most often grown on, this is the most ideal environment. But at home, even a compact hydroponic installation looks like an alien element in the interior. But growing Cyperus in - that’s it! This is comfortable for the plant and looks very beautiful. But most often, amateur gardeners make do with ordinary soil mixture. Its simplest composition is as follows: peat, turf soil, humus and sand in equal parts. If possible, you can add part of the swamp silt to this mixture. If you plan to keep it in water in the summer, then to prevent the soil from being washed away, pour a decent layer of sand on top of it.

Cyperus reproduces very easily. The simplest and most commonly used method is propagation by division. Already from the age of two, Cyperus grows sufficiently and becomes suitable for division. Of course, the division of the bush occurs during transplantation.

Propagating Cyperus from cuttings is also not difficult. The cutting is taken from the top of the shoot, this is its tip, 15-20 centimeters long. It is cut under the knot. If necessary, the leaves of the apical rosette are trimmed to the required length. The cutting is placed in a container with light soil, sand, perlite or vermiculite of your choice. But! It is not planted traditionally, with the bottom down, but on the contrary - with the top towards the ground. At the same time, it is absolutely not necessary to sprinkle the “umbrella” of the Cyperus with earth; it is enough to fix it so that it is in maximum contact with it. With this method of propagation, it should be taken into account that the cutting itself will not develop, it is needed for the formation of young shoots, so even if it shrivels during the rooting process, this is normal, and there is nothing wrong with that. Cyperus cuttings produce shoots in water no less successfully (this is how it reproduces in nature). To do this, its stalk is also placed in the water “upside down”. Sometimes they make it even more natural. The shoot is simply tilted and the top is lowered into a container of water. The effect is the same. Young shoots and roots usually appear within a month (sometimes earlier).

Cyperus also reproduces by seeds. At home, you can collect your own seeds after the plant blooms, but if you grow it “from scratch,” you can buy it. Cyperus seeds are sown on the surface of a light sand and peat mixture and covered with a transparent cap or simply a piece of glass. During seed germination and seedling growth, keep the soil moist and the temperature at least +18 degrees. Sprouts will appear in 15-20 days.

Of course, no matter how you propagate cyperus, this is done in the spring. An exception may be reproduction by division. You can divide the cyperus bush at the beginning of summer.


Cyperus is rarely attacked by pests, but sometimes they can attack.

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