home · electrical safety · Dates of remembrance of the deceased in a year. Parents' Saturdays and days of special remembrance of the dead. Saturdays of Great Lent

Dates of remembrance of the deceased in a year. Parents' Saturdays and days of special remembrance of the dead. Saturdays of Great Lent

In order not to be mistaken about the date of memorial days for Orthodox Christians in 2018, it is best to check the information with the church calendar. Another name for them is parental Saturdays. However, Memorial Day does not only fall on weekends. Many of them occur on weekdays.

Why Saturday

The name “Parents' Saturday” is directly related to the date on which Christians commemorate the dead in the Orthodox calendar. In 2018, there are ten such days, and they are tied to specific significant dates. The most important of them is Radonitsa, which comes after Easter. This holiday has remained since pagan times. Previously, on Memorial Day, people turned to the memory of their family, remembering their ancestors. Hence the old name “Rodonitsa”.

With the advent of Christianity, Radonitsa acquired a different meaning. From now on, this day is tied to the celebration of Easter, reminiscent of the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Therefore, when visiting the dead in a cemetery, every believer should rejoice, since their relatives and friends are destined for eternal life in paradise. For this reason, the name of the memorial day has changed and now takes its root from the word “joy.”

Memorial days are called Parental Saturdays because of the Jewish roots of the faith. In Hebrew, the name of the day off is translated as “peace and tranquility.” Every week for a day, Jews cancel their activities in order to devote themselves to spiritual development. And in Orthodoxy, memorial days began to be established on Saturdays, so that the laity would have the opportunity to visit their loved ones who had found peace.

In addition, in the Orthodox branch of Christianity, the word “Ecumenical” is added to the name of certain parental Saturdays. It means that on this day it is customary for all believers to cancel their work and spend several hours with the whole world to pray for the peace of all those who have gone to another world.

Commemoration calendar

In 2018, each believer can independently choose what date to visit the cemetery. Memorial days in the Orthodox calendar are located as follows:

February 10. Ecumenical Meat Saturday is celebrated before the beginning of the week dedicated to the Last Judgment and the Second Coming of Christ. In this regard, before the symbolic resurrection, the laity must visit all the deceased in the cemetery.

March 3, 10, 17. Parents' Saturdays coincide with the weeks of Lent. This is done so that the dead can also join in the celebration of the miracle of the Resurrection of Christ, even while in heaven.

14th of April. Radonitsa is celebrated as a memorial day that comes after Orthodox Easter.

26 of May. On the day before the great feast of the Holy Trinity, another Ecumenical Parents' Saturday begins. This memorial day has been celebrated since the dawn of Christianity, recalling the future Kingdom of God, preceding the Apostolic Fast.

June 2, August 11, November 22. Before the Petrov, Uspensky and Nativity fasts, one is supposed to visit the cemetery, remembering the dead.

the 3rd of November. Demetrius Saturday or Archangel's stranglehold is not considered an official funeral day. However, lay people visit the cemetery on this day.

How to remember correctly

People have become accustomed to the established procedure for visiting the cemetery, which has become a tradition. On Parents' Saturdays, it is customary not only to clean up graves. Typically, people place a glass of alcoholic drink and a treat, which is later picked up by birds and poor people. Lay people prefer to remember the dead while sitting at a table generously stocked with food and alcohol. After such a “commemoration,” the Sabbath ends for a person with a restless sleep in a state of severe intoxication.

Parents' Saturdays are of great importance in the lives of Orthodox believers. These days are intended to remember the dead and cleanse the soul.

In the Orthodox calendar for 2018 you will find all the main holidays that are celebrated by the Russian Orthodox Church. Parental Saturdays marked in it are a way to honor the memory of the forefathers who gave us life, as well as all those who died for the Orthodox faith.

Not every Parent's Saturday falls on the sixth day of the week. Those that “fall” specifically on Saturdays are usually called Ecumenical.

Ecumenical Parents' Saturdays in 2018

Opens a list Meat Saturday which will be celebrated February 10. On this day, all relatives who have completed their earthly journey are remembered. For the living, this holiday is a reminder of mortal life, which must be spent cultivating an immortal soul in purity and good intentions.

Trinity Parents' Saturday will take place before the church holiday of the Holy Trinity, and its date is 26 of May. On the fiftieth day after the Resurrection of the Lord, all the dead are remembered without exception, including those who died voluntarily or went missing.

Parental Saturdays of Great Lent

These Saturdays are different in that after the festive church liturgy, believers remain for a memorial service, in which they remember their deceased relatives. The priests are given notes in advance with the names of those whose souls they want to pray for.

First Saturday will take place during the second week of Lent, and its date is March, 3rd.

Second Saturday marked in the 2018 church calendar 10th of March, and its time is the third week of fasting.

Third Saturday will take place March 17. It is final and takes place during the fourth week of fasting.

Private parent days in 2018

Such days exist only in the practice of the Russian Church, and at this time you have the opportunity to pray for the souls of people who have found peace in Heaven.

9th May At the solemn liturgy, the Russian people bow their heads as a sign of respect for the fallen soldiers who gave their lives during the Great Patriotic War. Tears of joy are interspersed with universal grief for the millions of fallen who showed exceptional valor and courage.

April 17 Radonitsa is celebrated, which follows exactly the ninth day after Easter.

11 September They serve a memorial service for Orthodox soldiers who laid down their heads during the battle for the Faith, the Tsar and the Fatherland.

the 3rd of November comes Dimitrievskaya Parents' Saturday. It refers us to the exploits of Dmitry Thessalonica, who died the death of a great martyr.

These Orthodox holidays show us the meaning of human life. During church services, everyone understands that worldly life is short and can end at any moment, but the immortal soul will continue to exist and will be responsible for all our deeds.

Pray to the Higher Powers to help you avoid hardships and problems along the path of life. Devote time every day to spiritual development, which not only cleanses the soul, but also attracts good things into life. We wish you health and happiness, and do not forget to press the buttons and

04.01.2018 01:07

Orthodox Christians know a lot about the miraculous properties of prayers. By remembering the deceased, they help his soul to purify...

In order not to be mistaken about the date of memorial days for Orthodox Christians in 2018, it is best to check the information with the church calendar. Another name for them is parental Saturdays. But Memorial Day doesn't just fall on weekends. Some of them occur on weekdays.

Why Saturday

The name “Parents' Saturday” is directly related to the date on which Christians commemorate the dead in the Orthodox calendar. In 2018, there are ten such days, and they are tied to certain significant dates. The most important of them is the one that comes after Easter. This holiday has been preserved since pagan times. Earlier on Memorial Day, people turned to the memory of their family, remembering their ancestors. Hence the old name “Rodonitsa”.

With the advent of Christianity, Radonitsa acquired another meaning. Now this Saturday is tied to the celebration of Easter, reminiscent of the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Memorial days: why do we go to Grobki

Therefore, visiting the dead in the cemetery, every believer should rejoice, because relatives and friends are destined for eternal life in paradise. Therefore, the name of the memorial day has changed and now takes its root from the word “joy.”

Memorial days are called Parental Saturdays because of the Jewish roots of the faith. In Hebrew, the name of the day off is translated as “peace and tranquility.” Every week, Jews put aside their work for a day to devote themselves to spiritual development. And in Orthodoxy, memorial days began to be designated on Saturdays so that the laity could visit their loved ones who had found peace.

Also in the Orthodox branch of Christianity, the word “Ecumenical” is added to the name of some parental Saturdays. It means that on this day it is customary for all believers to put aside their affairs and spend several hours with the whole world to pray for the peace of all those who have gone to another world.

Commemoration calendar

In 2018, each believer can choose for himself what date to visit the cemetery. Memorial days in the Orthodox calendar are arranged as follows:

  1. February 10. Ecumenical Meat Saturday is celebrated before the beginning of the week dedicated to the Last Judgment and the Second Coming of Christ. Therefore, before the symbolic resurrection, the laity must visit all the deceased in the cemetery.
  2. March 3, 10, 17. Parents' Saturdays coincide with the weeks of Lent. This is done so that the dead can also join in the celebration of the miracle of the Resurrection of Christ even while in heaven.
  3. 14th of April. Radonitsa is celebrated as a memorial day, coming exactly one week after Orthodox Easter.
  4. 26 of May. On the day before the great feast of the Holy Trinity, another Ecumenical Parental Saturday begins. This memorial day has been celebrated since the dawn of Christianity, recalling the future Kingdom of God, preceding the Apostolic Fast.
  5. June 2, August 11, November 22. Before the Petrov, Uspensky and Nativity fasts, it is customary to visit the cemetery, remembering the dead.
  6. the 3rd of November. Dmitrievskaya Saturday or Archangel's strangulation is not an official funeral day. But the laity visit the cemetery on this day.

On May 9, Victory Day, it is also customary to visit the cemetery and remember all those who died in the war. Although this is not a church holiday, services are held in all churches. Clergy and laity pray for the peace of all victims of World War II.

How to remember correctly

People are accustomed to a certain order of visiting the cemetery, which has become a tradition. On Parents' Saturdays, it is customary not only to clean up graves. Usually people put out a glass of alcoholic drink and a treat, which is subsequently picked up by birds and the poor. Lay people prefer to remember the dead while sitting at a table abundantly stocked with food and alcohol. And Saturday ends for a person with restless sleep in a state of severe intoxication.

The Church is against such an attitude towards the dead. From a Christian point of view, millions of people commit a great sin every year. According to the spirit of the creed, it is not the things of the world that are important. To help a soul that has left this world, one must not drink alcoholic beverages and succumb to the sin of gluttony. It is much better to spend the day in prayer.

There is a clear order of commemoration that the church offers to the laity:

  1. You should start by visiting the temple. After praying and lighting a candle for the repose, it is important to mentally ask for the deceased before God.
  2. Arriving at the cemetery, you need to clean up. The sacred meaning of this is to prepare for the Second Coming.
  3. The next stage is inviting a priest. The holy father must come to the grave and pray for the deceased, turning to the Lord with a request to grant forgiveness to the deceased.
  4. Parents' Saturday must be completed in church. Evening prayer should be addressed to the Lord with gratitude for the great gift of eternal life that awaits every Christian.

This is the only way to help your deceased loved ones. It is prayers, and not food or alcohol, that can give peace to the soul of the deceased.

Parents' Saturdays are important days when we remember our family and friends. On such days, as a rule, people come to the cemetery, tidy up the graves, give their friends food so that they also remember the deceased.

Each such day has its own customs, traditions and characteristics, but the point is to be sure to order a memorial service for close deceased relatives and friends, and also, if possible, be sure to go to the cemetery.

– days when love and warmth for the souls of deceased loved ones are especially manifested.

According to the calendar they fall on:

  • February 10. Universe parental Saturday or Meatless. It’s not fasting yet, but you can’t eat meat anymore.
  • March 3 is Saturday of the second week of Lent.
  • March 10 is Saturday of the third week of Lent.
  • March 17 will be Saturday of the fourth week of Lent.

Let's take a closer look at what dates the days of remembrance of the dead fall on in 2018: the calendar of which, as you know, changes depending on the date of Easter. We offer to prepare salads with tongue, simple and tasty recipes with photos.

Radonitsa is considered a well-known parent's Saturday. A significant date for Christians. To find out what date Radonitsa falls on, you need to know what date Easter is. Just on the ninth day after the Easter holiday, the dead are commemorated. In the new year, Easter holiday will be on April 8th. This means that 17 April believers will go to the cemetery. This custom originated from the time when the baptism of Rus' took place. Loud celebrations are prohibited on this memorial day. It is customary to remember the deceased in a cemetery silently.

Well-known days of remembrance of the dead in 2018: the calendar mentions Radonitsa and Trinity. During the year, the total number of parental days is eight.

Meat Saturday, one of the ancient holidays of remembrance, falls on February 10. This parental Saturday is celebrated one week before Lent. This is the last day when you are allowed to eat meat products.

Trinity Saturday- the next day of remembrance known to the people. According to beliefs, it is on Trinity that the soul is completely cleansed by the Holy Spirit and moves to the highest level of spiritual development. When visiting a cemetery, it is customary to leave some food from the funeral dinner and candy at the grave. This Saturday, May 26, young girls should not do housework. The belief says that a marriage entered into on this day will be unhappy.

Beheading of John the Baptist- the most tragic parent's day. According to the new calendar, it falls on September 11. On this calendar day, Orthodox soldiers who died during the war with Poland and Turkey are commemorated. This is a holiday honoring courage and bravery in the struggle for a great cause. On this memorial day, fasting is strictly observed; you cannot even eat fish dishes.

Dmitrievskaya parent Saturday a – another day associated with the commemoration of fallen soldiers. This calendar date appeared as a tribute to the memory of the Great Martyr Dmitry of Thessalonica. According to the new calendar, this day falls on November 5th. According to custom, preparations are made for this day in advance. The day before Saturday they go to the bathhouse, and when leaving, it is customary for people to leave a towel for their ancestors. On Dmitrievskaya Saturday, people not only visit the graves of their ancestors, but also organize large funeral celebrations.

According to beliefs, the richer the table, the happier the deceased ancestors will be. On this date, only bright and good things are said about the deceased. There is also a sign associated with this holiday: if it gets very cold and snowing this Saturday, then spring promises to be cold. We tell you the secrets of making lasagna at home with minced meat.

Parental Saturdays of Great Lent– days when love and warmth for the souls of deceased loved ones are especially manifested. According to the calendar, they fall on March 2, 10 and 17. On this day, believers pray for loved ones who are dear and close to their hearts, so that the Lord does not leave them without his prosperity.

Although, with the modern rhythm of life, everyday worries and routine, the once kind and warm feelings for those we love seem to be erased. Regardless of how a person feels about church holidays, whether he is a believer or not, in any case, one must gratefully honor and remember his loved ones. That is why parental Saturdays are special days of greatest respect and honor for each other.

The rules on all memorial days are practically the same. These days it is customary to attend churches, in particular memorial services. Believers take Lenten food with them as a donation to the funeral table. They are distributed to all those in need: the poor and the needy. In addition to church, on Parents' Saturdays it is customary to visit cemeteries and remember deceased loved ones. It is considered a great sin to drink alcohol in a cemetery. The best thing you can do for the dead is to pray for the repose of the soul. By the way, we have collected rare and beautiful names for girls 2018 by month.

In Christianity there are certain days of remembrance of the dead, they are called Parental Saturdays. For what reason these days were named so, no one knows for sure. There are several versions of the origin of the name, the first says that on the day when deceased people are remembered, a person first of all remembers those closest to him.

If parents are no longer alive, then naturally they are the first to be remembered. The second theory says that when a Christian goes to another world, that is, dies, he returns to his forefathers. In other words, after death on Earth, he meets with his deceased father and mother, grandfathers and grandmothers. Saturday was chosen for a reason; it has always been considered the busiest day among the other days of the week.

What date is Parents' Day in 2018, 5 Parents' Saturdays

There are 5 Parental Saturdays in the Orthodox Church. Meat-free universal Parental Saturday, on this day Orthodox believers ask God for mercy to all departed Christians. Trinity Ecumenical Parental Saturday - before the day of the Holy Trinity, on the 49th day after Easter.

Private parents' day, this Saturday, according to Christian tradition, deceased parents are remembered in the Russian, Bulgarian and Serbian Orthodox churches. Similar days include Mikhailovskaya, Dmitrievskaya and Intercession Saturdays.

Parental 2nd, 3rd, 4th Saturdays during Great Lent exist in order not to deprive the deceased of prayers for their repose throughout Great Lent, since during this period, according to Christian regulations, the usual commemorations of the deceased are canceled.

What date is Parents' Day in 2018, exact dates

According to Christian customs, the graves of deceased relatives must be kept in order and cleanliness. This is a sign of respect. But leaving food and alcoholic drinks on graves is not permissible. In Orthodoxy, such actions are considered desecration of the souls of deceased Christians. It is recommended to give food to the poor or distribute it with a request to commemorate a certain person who is no longer alive.

Dates for Parents' Saturdays in 2018:

In Orthodoxy, it is customary to show concern for the souls of deceased loved ones. This phenomenon is an integral part of Christianity as a whole, since this religion is one of the spiritual teachings that preach life after death and, in general, spiritual immortality.

It is also known that in Christianity there is a ban on commemorating deceased suicides. This means that they are not buried as those who died against their will, and also church ministers do not have the right to perform memorial prayers for them. With the blessing of a clergyman, relatives of suicides can pray for them on their own.

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