home · Lighting · Department of regional security of the Kostroma region. Behavior during a thunderstorm: personal safety rules What to do when there is lightning and thunder

Department of regional security of the Kostroma region. Behavior during a thunderstorm: personal safety rules What to do when there is lightning and thunder

Thunderstorms are one of the most dangerous natural phenomena that can cause a lot of trouble. The most interesting thing is that even adults are not entirely aware of what not to do during a thunderstorm, and this cannot but surprise. So, if they don’t know, then it’s scary to imagine how children will behave during such bad weather.

Why can't you swim during a thunderstorm?

First of all, it is worth dispelling the myth that you can supposedly swim during thunderstorms. It is impossible and again it is impossible. Why? Yes, simply because if lightning hits a body of water, it will strike everything around, which is within a radius of about 100 meters near the point of its impact.

What should you not cover yourself with during a thunderstorm?

Under no circumstances should you use metal objects to protect yourself from such weather. After all, since childhood we were told that we should not touch anything metal during a thunderstorm. Metal is best able to attract her blows.

It is important to remember what not to do during a thunderstorm

  1. If you are at home, unplug all appliances. Don't use your mobile phone. Its radio waves can attract thunderstorms. Do not touch water taps (be aware of metal objects). Do not allow a draft in the apartment: close all windows and... Of course, if you don't have to, don't go outside.
  2. If a thunderstorm finds you outside, it is advisable to leave the open area. If this is not possible, then wait out the thunderstorm under a low planting on your haunches. In addition, move away from lakes, ponds, rivers and other bodies of water. Don't hide under big trees. Also refrain from opening the umbrella (metal components). It is advisable to remove all metal jewelry. If possible, place them at a distance of five meters from you.
  3. You are lucky if lightning finds you in, rest assured, you are safe in it. Be sure to close windows and hatches. Wait out the bad weather.

Many people are afraid of thunderstorms - and rightly so. Our ancestors, not knowing the causes of lightning, still saw the consequences of raging nature. Therefore, they instinctively tried to hide from the thunderstorm. To do this, people locked their windows, hung thick curtains on them, and lay covered with blankets until the street became quiet. From an early age, children knew how to behave during a thunderstorm and obeyed adults.

Now thunderstorm phenomena have been studied and explained by scientists, but their danger has not decreased. It is necessary to clearly understand the correct actions when this natural phenomenon approaches.

Behavior indoors during a thunderstorm

The first and most important thing is to turn off all electrical appliances. This can be easily accomplished by turning off all power to the panel.

To prevent damage to household appliances, you need to remove the plugs from the sockets. But this should be done before the thunderstorm begins, and not during its destructive effect. A surge protector may not help. A disconnected TV antenna will help protect your TV.

Then you need to close the windows and balcony. It is recommended to keep your distance from windows. You should not shower or wash dishes, because sometimes there may be an electric current in the water supply if lightning strikes the building.

It is impossible to predict the end of a thunderstorm for sure; it is better to wait another half hour after the last lightning flashes. It is better to stop talking on a cell phone for a while.

Behavior in your car during a thunderstorm

On the road, it is better to stop away from trees and power lines and wait out the bad weather. The windows in the car should be closed and the engine should be turned off. It is not recommended to listen to music; it is better to turn off the radio and remove the antenna. Do not touch metal parts of the machine. In this case, the car will be a relatively safe place.

Another thing - or a motorcycle. You need to leave them aside, find a low spot or hole and squat down, clasping your knees with your hands and lowering your head. You should leave the shelter only when the danger has passed.

Behavior near a pond during a thunderstorm

You need to know that bodies of water are the most dangerous place for a person to be during thunderstorms. Therefore, the main task of people is to move as far away from the water as possible, and if there is time, then from the shore too.

Those in the boat should quickly row towards the shore, bending low, so as not to be a visible target for a lightning strike.

Behavior in the field during a thunderstorm

Open space also instills panic in those who find themselves there during a raging storm. First of all, you need to turn off your mobile phone or other electrical appliances that were with people at that moment.

A ravine or small hole can provide good cover. If they are not nearby, then you need to squat down and wait out the thunderstorm. Lower your head and move less. Lying down on the ground or hiding under trees or bushes is wrong and dangerous. A free-standing tree is the most dangerous object, although it seems like protection. A haystack is also an unreliable defense.

If you have a choice, it is better to wait out a thunderstorm on sandy or rocky soil rather than on clay soil.

Behavior in the forest during a thunderstorm

There are also open spaces in the forest. It is better to find such a place and act in the same way as in the field. The most important thing is not to panic. If there is no clearing nearby, then you need to choose the right place among the vegetation.

You should stay away from the tallest trees. Being between low-growing plants with a dense crown is the right choice. Lightning “loves” oak and poplar, so it is better to move as far away from them as possible. Spruce and pine, birch and maple are a little safer.

Particularly dangerous for people are places where there are trees previously damaged by lightning. The earth in these areas has increased electrical conductivity.

Hiking behavior during a thunderstorm

People take with them various items that can pose a danger in bad weather. Hatchets and saws, shovels, knives and metal utensils must be stored separately from the hikers if a thunderstorm begins.

Heat-insulating mats, floorings made of stones or dry spruce branches on which you can sit will help to protect well from lightning strikes. You can use clothes and shoes as bedding if there is no time for other structures.

Running, screaming, fussing is wrong behavior. It’s better to go one at a time, slowly. Wet clothing and shoes are an additional source of danger.

Modern houses are built with protection from thunderstorms in mind. Those who decided to build a country house should not forget about this. A lightning rod will protect homes and people from the effects of a thunderstorm. Electrical distribution panels are often equipped with fuse blocks to protect against high voltage.

To prevent a thunderstorm from becoming a surprise, you can stock up on batteries for equipment, candles and other lighting devices that can work without electrical power.
A well-charged cell phone will help you call services in time to troubleshoot problems after bad weather.

You should not go close to areas damaged by thunderstorms until special services arrive.

You need to know that lightning can strike a place even 10 km away from the rain, so it is important to hear the thunder in time and take the necessary preventive measures.

After bad weather, it is better not to go outside for another half hour. Good health!

Lightning is an electrical discharge of high voltage, enormous current, high power and very high temperature that occurs in nature. Electrical discharges that occur between cumulus clouds or between a cloud and the ground are accompanied by thunder, heavy rain, often hail and heavy winds. According to statistics, in our area, the death of people in a thunderstorm used to be very rare, but in the last two decades the number of people injured in a thunderstorm has increased significantly. There are many varieties of lightning. In the middle zone, the most common are linear and ball lightning. They differ in appearance, but are equally dangerous to humans.

A thunderstorm is one of the most dangerous natural phenomena for humans. An instant lightning strike can cause paralysis, deep loss of consciousness, respiratory and cardiac arrest. When struck by lightning, specific burns remain on the body of the victim in the form of reddish stripes and burns with blisters. To avoid being struck by lightning, you need to know and follow certain rules of conduct during a thunderstorm.

The approach of a thunderstorm can be predicted

You should pay attention to the formation of powerful cumulus clouds and monitor the direction of the wind and the spread of the thunderstorm front. However, thunderstorms often go against the wind.
Immediately before the start of a thunderstorm, there is usually calm, or vice versa, the wind changes its direction, sharp squalls occur, after which it begins to rain. However, the greatest danger is posed by “dry” thunderstorms, without rain.

You can determine whether a thunderstorm is approaching or, conversely, moving away, by the time from the flash of lightning to the beginning of the thunderclaps. If this time decreases with each new flash, it means that a thunderstorm is approaching. You can also calculate how far away the thunderstorm is at a given moment. From the moment the lightning flashes, you need to count the number of seconds until the moment when thunder is heard. Based on the speed of sound propagation in air, it is known that in three seconds sound travels a distance of approximately one kilometer. And, if the clap of thunder occurs immediately after a flash of lightning, it means that the thunderstorm is directly above you, this situation is the most dangerous.

If you are in a country or garden house during a thunderstorm, you should

  • Close doors and windows and eliminate drafts.
  • Do not light the stove, close the chimney, since the smoke coming out of the chimney has high electrical conductivity and can attract an electric discharge.
  • Turn off the TV, radio, electrical appliances, and disconnect the antenna. In cities, electricity is supplied via an underground cable, and in suburban areas, as a rule, via an overhead line, which is vulnerable to lightning.
  • Turn off communication devices: laptop, mobile phone.
  • You should not be near a window or in the attic, or near massive metal objects.

If there is a thunderstorm outside

  • Do not be in open areas, near metal structures or power lines.
  • Do not touch anything wet, iron or electrical.
  • Remove all metal jewelry (chains, rings, earrings) and put it in a leather or plastic bag.
  • Do not open your umbrella over yourself.
  • Under no circumstances should you seek shelter under large trees.
  • It is not advisable to be near a fire.
  • Stay away from wire fences.
  • Do not go out to remove clothes drying on the lines, as they also conduct electricity.
  • Do not ride a bicycle or motorcycle.
  • Do not swim, move away from the pond.
  • It is very dangerous to talk on a mobile phone during a thunderstorm; it must be turned off.
  • A thunderstorm usually hits the highest point along its path. A lonely man in a field is that very high point. It’s even worse to be on a lonely hill in a thunderstorm! If for some reason you are left alone in a field with a thunderstorm, hide in any possible depression: a ditch, hollow or the lowest place in the field, squat down and bend your head. Lying on wet ground during a thunderstorm is not recommended.
  • Never try to hide under a lonely tree.
  • During a thunderstorm, do not swim, fish, or stay near bodies of water.

If a thunderstorm caught you in the forest

In the forest, the safest place will be a lowland with an array of low trees; take cover among low trees with dense crowns. You cannot stay in a clearing, especially near a lonely tree. Do not sit near a fire: a column of hot air is a good conductor of electricity.

If a thunderstorm caught you in a car

  • A car is a safe shelter from a thunderstorm. Stop driving and wait out the weather on the side of the road, away from tall trees, but not in a high place or in an open field.
  • Close the windows and lower the radio antenna.
  • Turn off your radio, cell phone, and GPS.
  • Do not hold metal objects in your hands, including door handles.

If a thunderstorm catches you on a bicycle or motorcycle

This type of transport is dangerous during a thunderstorm. It must be laid on the ground and moved to a safe distance of at least 30 meters.

Ball lightning

Ball lightning looks like a freely floating horizontally or chaotically glowing ball with a diameter of several centimeters to several meters. Ball lightning can exist from a few seconds to three tens of seconds. It has great destructive power, causing fires, severe burns and sometimes death of humans or animals. It appears unpredictably and also disappears unexpectedly. Penetrates even into a closed room through a switch, socket, pipe, or keyhole.

When encountering ball lightning, the main rule is not to make sudden movements and not to run. You need to move away from it smoothly and slowly. You should not try to drive it away with anything, as it may explode if it collides with an object. If ball lightning flies into the room, you need to slowly, holding your breath, leave the room. If this is not possible, you need to stand without moving, with your arms outstretched. After 10-100 seconds, she will go around you and disappear. Ball lightning can appear without causing harm to a person or premises, but it can explode, and the resulting air wave can injure a person. Ball lightning has a temperature of about 5000° C and can cause a fire.

Help for a lightning strike victim

To provide first aid to a person struck by lightning, he should be immediately moved to a safe place. Touching the victim is not dangerous; no charge remains in his body. Even if it seems that the defeat is fatal, it may actually not be so.
If the victim is unconscious, place him on his back and turn his head to the side so that the tongue does not stick into the airway. It is necessary, without stopping for a minute, to perform artificial respiration and cardiac massage until medical help arrives.

If these actions helped and the person shows signs of life, before the doctors arrive, give the victim 2-3 tablets of analgin, and place a wet, cold cloth folded in several layers on the head. If there are burns, they must be poured with plenty of water, the burned clothing should be removed, and then the affected area should be covered with a clean dressing.
When transporting the injured person to the nearest medical facility, he must be placed on a stretcher and his well-being must be constantly monitored.
For relatively mild lesions, give the victim any painkiller (analgin, tempalgin, etc.) and a sedative (valerian tincture, Corvalol, etc.)

Lightning protection for country and garden buildings

Country houses and garden houses must be protected from lightning strikes using a lightning rod, which is often called a lightning rod in everyday life. This device is a thin, pointed metal rod that is installed at the highest point of the building and reliably grounded. Such a lightning rod is called a mast lightning rod. Other lightning rod designs are also possible, for example, cable or mesh. To protect small buildings with a metal roof, including residential buildings, the roof, shutters, and gutters must be well grounded. As for ball lightning, so far no means of protection against it are effective.

Many people during a thunderstorm ask themselves the pressing question of how to behave correctly in such weather conditions. Every year the number of victims increases. Knowing certain rules, you can avoid an accident. Let's consider in order how to behave in a thunderstorm, being in different places.

Thunderstorm while at home

  1. Often a thunderstorm catches people while they are outside their home walls. It is a mistake to assume that a weather event cannot cause harm. It is important to follow a number of certain rules if you find yourself in such a situation.
  2. It is strongly recommended that you turn off the power to all household appliances that are connected to the network. It would be a good idea to completely cut off the power to your living space (house, apartment).
  3. It is imperative to close balcony doors, windows, and vents. To avoid being frightened by bright flashes, close the curtains. It is also worth paying special attention to fireplaces and chimneys. They should be closed if possible.
  4. There should be no hint of a draft in the house. This move will prevent ball lightning from hitting you. There is no need to assume that this is a rather rare occurrence. It is highly recommended to stay away from windows during thunderstorms.
  5. Do not try to light the stove or fireplace in such weather conditions. Smoke is considered an excellent electrical conductor. Otherwise, the risk of lightning striking the roof of the house increases.
  6. People indoors are advised to stay away from entrance doors, antennas, walls and wiring. Especially if there are tall trees or other similar objects near the house.
  7. It is also worth limiting the use of cellular communications and modern gadgets. Do not leave the premises unless necessary during a thunderstorm. In this way, the accident can be reduced to zero.

Thunderstorm while staying near a pond

  1. Almost everyone knows that in the summer there comes a period of severe thunderstorms. Often people go fishing, have an active rest and simply cool off in the water. In this case, a thunderstorm is considered the most dangerous phenomenon.
  2. As soon as you hear thunder in the distance or the flickering of lightning, immediately leave the pond, you need to stay as far away from it as possible.
  3. If you are spending time on a catamaran or boat, you need to get to shore as quickly as possible. At the same time, try to bend down to the water transport as much as possible.

Thunderstorm while in transport

  1. It is not always possible to predict the weather. Often a thunderstorm occurs suddenly. Fortunately, transport is not the worst shelter. The car is quite capable of protecting you from lightning, thunder and heavy rain.
  2. If you have your own vehicle, it is recommended to park your car in an area where there are no power lines or trees. You should not continue driving during bad weather conditions.
  3. If you have insufficient experience as a driver, such a move could contribute to a bad outcome. Gusty winds along with poor visibility and bright flashes often lead to traffic accidents.
  4. It is strongly recommended to find a suitable location, turn off the engine, turn off the radio and close all windows.
  5. If you are driving another vehicle, for example a two-wheeler, you need to stop immediately and move away from the vehicle. Otherwise, you will become the target of lightning strikes, since you represent the highest point in the open area. In the city it is not necessary to follow such rules.

  1. When in the forest, it is recommended to behave quite calmly. Without panic, if possible, leave such a place and find an open clearing.
  2. If you have electronic devices on you, turn them off immediately. Remove jewelry, if any. Do not try to hide under tall trees such as poplar, pine, oak or spruce.
  3. For such cases, birch, maple or hazel will do. Such trees, as practice shows, are the least susceptible to lightning strikes. Don't hide near plants that have previously been exposed to thunderstorms.
  4. The earth in such an area has high electrical conductivity, and therefore poses the highest danger. After choosing a suitable place, you need to squat down, lower your head and clasp your legs with your hands.

Thunderstorm while in the mountains

  1. It is strongly recommended to stay away from sharp peaks and rocks, mountain ridges. If possible, go as low as possible.
  2. If you climbed a mountain with professional equipment and all kinds of utensils, immediately put everything in bags and lower it on a rope into any depression.

Thunderstorm while outdoors

  1. If for some reason you find yourself in an open area at the beginning of a thunderstorm, it is recommended to find any structure. Otherwise, immediately turn off all devices that have power.
  2. Look around you for potentially dangerous objects such as power lines, trees and bushes. Ideally, you need to find a depression and ravine where the ground is dry; a sand mound works best.
  3. You should also remove all kinds of jewelry and place them at a distance of several meters. Squat down and lower your head. Try not to get nervous or move. Lying on the ground is prohibited.
  4. During a natural phenomenon, do not try to hide in the open under single trees, metal structures, wet buildings and mesh fences. All of the above objects attract lightning.

Before a thunderstorm, carefully assess the situation, do not panic. Remember that the risk of being struck by lightning may be greater if your body and clothing are wet. An important factor remains that you need to stay away from large trees, clay soil, ponds, and fires. It is prohibited to be on a hill or in a dense group of people.

Video: rules of behavior during a thunderstorm

There are various natural disasters that manifest themselves in different ways. There are also all sorts of atmospheric phenomena that can be no less dangerous. Every time there is bad weather, a large number of people suffer. Moreover, there are cases of death due to negligence. Most often, misfortune occurs due to the fact that people do not always follow the rules of behavior during a thunderstorm. Here you will learn how to avoid getting into trouble, no matter where you are.

This is characterized by very strong discharges of electricity in the area of ​​cumulonimbus clouds. In this case, lightning is accompanied by very strong thunder sounds. There are also frequent cases when, along with a thunderstorm, there is a very strong wind that can sharply increase its speed. Sometimes a tornado appears.

Since lightning can cause a fire, disruption of power lines, and injury to a person, it is necessary to know the rules of behavior during a thunderstorm. It is important where exactly you are during the disaster. Please note that the heat of lightning during a strike can kill. Those who survived after such a disaster received serious burns and injuries. Some victims were unable to recover from the shock.

How do you know when bad weather is coming?

Before you learn the rules of behavior during a thunderstorm, you need to know how to determine its occurrence. So, there are such harbingers of bad weather:

High air humidity, which can be seen by long-drying dew.

Low flying and insects.

Slow drop in atmospheric pressure. Moreover, the decline may occur in spurts.

Cloudiness in the morning, if before that you noticed the twinkling of stars at night.

If you feel that it has become too stuffy outside, it means that a thunderstorm is coming soon.

Features of calculating the approach of a thunderstorm. Which tree is most often struck by lightning?

You have the opportunity to find out how close lightning is flashing near you. This will give you a head start and you can quickly hide from the weather. Calculating the approach of a thunderstorm is simple. You need to count the time between the clap of thunder and the flash of lightning. The more seconds that pass between these phenomena, the farther the thunderstorm is from you.

Keep in mind that sound travels one kilometer in one second. That is, the more seconds between lightning and the sound boom, the farther the epicenter of the thunderstorm is from you. This means you still have time to find shelter.

Rules for behavior during a thunderstorm will help you protect yourself from injury and even death. As for hits on a tree, most often the oak takes the hit (in more than 50 cases out of 100). The safest tree in case of thunder and lightning is birch, as well as hazel, maple and laurel. However, this does not mean that you need to hide under a tree.

What should you do if you are in an open area during a thunderstorm?

Now let’s figure out how to behave if you didn’t have time to run home:

1. First of all, there is no need to run under a tree or canopy. A tent made of material will not save you either.

2. If there are no buildings nearby, then try to find a depression in the ground. In this case, it is advisable to bend down and bring your legs together. Remove all items made from metal. Please note that you should not lie down and you should not climb high hills either.

3. Do not gather in groups of several people. It's better to stay away.

4. If you hear a persistent hum emanating from nearby objects, or feel that the hair on your head has begun to rise, immediately change your location.

5. Never hold metal objects in your hands.

6. If a thunderstorm catches you while fishing, then try to move as far away from the water as possible. The fact is that if lightning strikes a body of water, it can kill you even at a distance of several kilometers.

7. It is also undesirable to be near a fire during a thunderstorm. Warm air attracts lightning better.

8. If you are near it, immediately run away from here.

9. If a thunderstorm starts, a tree is not the best thing to hide.

If you are in the house

Now you need to find out what to do during a thunderstorm if it finds you in a building. Please note that even if you are at home, in order to protect yourself from a lightning strike, you also need to follow some rules:

Try not to go near windows or turn on household appliances. Move away from plumbing pipes or other utility systems.

Unplug the TV or other devices from the outlet. A voltage drop can damage them.

All doors, windows, and chimney must be closed in the house. Please note that a draft can trigger ball lightning, so eliminate it.

You cannot light the stove during a thunderstorm.

If you do show up in the house, try to move away from her as quickly as possible.

What to do if you are traveling by transport?

A thunderstorm (you can see the photo in the article) is a serious atmospheric phenomenon, and you can’t hope for luck here, especially if you are driving a car, bicycle or motorcycle. If you are in transport, then adhere to the following rules of conduct:

1. Stop the car. However, he should not stand near tall buildings or electricity transmission lines. You should not get out of the car. When doing this, try not to touch the metal panel or other parts of the vehicle. Close the windows tightly, turn off the radio. If you have a hardtop trailer, you can hide in it.

2. Wherever you are, you should not make phone calls. It is best to turn off your mobile device altogether.

3. If you were riding a bicycle or motorcycle, try to stop as quickly as possible and move at least 30 meters away from the vehicle.

4. You should not try to escape from ball lightning if it is flying nearby. This will only bring her closer to you.

If it so happens that one of your loved ones is struck by lightning, then you need to immediately call an ambulance. You yourself must perform artificial respiration.

During bad weather, try not to be nervous. This will only prevent you from remembering the specified rules and doing everything correctly. Try to be calm and focused. Behaving safely during a thunderstorm can save lives and prevent injuries. Be healthy!