home · Lighting · What are wedding candles for then? Symbols of God's grace: how to choose the right candles for a wedding

What are wedding candles for then? Symbols of God's grace: how to choose the right candles for a wedding

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Hello, father! I am very worried about what happened. I myself am very trusting and reliable. On October 10, I was walking down the street, a woman came up to me and put 3 candles in my hands, said: today is a big holiday, put these candles in your home, and asked for money to donate to the temple. I told her that if today is a big holiday, then I will go to the temple myself and leave money for a donation. I noticed that she was fussing, and she told me: no, no, you understand, we collect the money ourselves. I gave her money and left. I usually go to church on major holidays, and I know what dates they are on. But only later, after thinking, I realized that there was no big holiday October 10, no, the closest was only Pokrov. Now I am very worried that the woman gave me 3 candles, and I took them. Could this woman use candles to cause damage, the evil eye or something else bad? Please advise what should I do with these candles? Is it possible and necessary to throw them away? Or go to church with them and give them away?


Dear Anastasia, don’t be afraid of “damage” and all that. You are the Lord's and with the Lord. And this woman with candles is just a “creative” beggar. Candles can be taken to the temple, they will be blessed by the priest, and they will be set to burn. Your soul always feels disgusted after meeting a manipulator, but you will be consoled by the fact that you have fulfilled the Lord’s command: “Give to those who ask you.” Whether the person asking is really in need or pretending to be, the reward will be the same. God bless you!

Priest Sergius Osipov

Hello! 7 days ago I buried my aunt, she was killed because she was in the ATO zone, and her funeral service was performed by the priest. During the funeral service, all relatives were given candles, and I was the only one whose candle burned out very quickly, while it also crackled and even went out twice, the funeral service took place on the street. Please tell me what this could mean?


Dear Yulia, please accept my condolences. Kingdom of Heaven for the deceased! It happens that people look for special meaning in everything that is somehow connected with the Church. In the case of a candle, there is no “spiritual” explanation, only natural ones - the candle quickly melts in the wind, and the wick cracks because moisture remains in it, it evaporates when the candle burns, and the air bubble bursts among the wax. God help you!

Priest Sergius Osipov

My mother died... During the funeral service my candle went out, does this mean something, or should I not pay attention? And I myself carried a wreath to the cemetery, this is also just superstition, and you can ignore it? Another question: should mom’s things and the bed where she died be given away (throw away) after 40 days, or is it possible up to 40 days? Is it possible to give away some of my mother’s things to friends before 40 days? Thank you, and forgive my ignorance on these matters. Sincerely,


Irina, don’t pay attention to superstitions. The most important thing your mother needs now is your prayer for her. Things suitable for use can be distributed to those in need or loved ones as a prayer memory, even if forty days have not passed, and what has become unusable can be disposed of.

Priest Vladimir Shlykov

Good afternoon I have the following question: is it possible to read the akathist without a lit candle, because... It is not always possible to light a candle. Thank you.


Hello, Elena. A candle helps to get in the mood for prayer; there is no possibility - you can do without it. God help you.

Priest Sergius Osipov

1. Hello, father. I have a question. I have Small child 3.6 years. The child will have surgery soon, perhaps even this month. Tell me, is it possible to light candles in the ward during the operation and pray? The candles were brought from Jerusalem, which were lit on Good Friday from the Holy Fire. 2. My mother died on September 6, 2014, is this possible - sometimes I hear a groan, or is it just me, I don’t even know how to say it, although my deceased mother lived in western Ukraine, and I live in Moscow. Why is that? And I clearly hear these moans. I really don’t think about my mother’s death, I’m more worried about the child’s surgery. I wasn’t at the funeral, my child was sick, but when she was buried, I went to Mother Matronushka and lit candles for the repose and ordered a magpie for the repose, and the same thing for nine days. Tell me, what does this mean? 3. And also, please tell me, is it true that a child should eat prosphora strictly on an empty stomach? Thank you. Sorry for so many questions. Answer personally. God bless you.


Hello Svetlana. 1. The candle has an exclusively unitary meaning. Firstly, the purchase of a candle is a donation to the temple in whose shop it was purchased. Secondly, a burning candle symbolizes prayer. However, the symbol of prayer does not replace the prayer itself. Neither the Lord nor His saints require candles. Icons, candles and lamps are necessary for the most convenient mood of the soul for prayer. Therefore, lighting a candle in itself will not bring any benefit. But if you pray as fervently as a candle burns, the benefits will be undeniable. Regarding whether it is possible to light candles in hospital ward, ask the medical staff, I have doubts that this is allowed. Perhaps there is a temple, a chapel, or at least a prayer room at the hospital; it is better to pray there. 2. Do not trust your sensory experiences, they may be various reasons: power of imagination, painful memories, demonic suggestion. But it is absolutely certain: under no circumstances can we hear, see or communicate with the dead. According to God's providence, they are in another reality, which does not intersect with our world anywhere. But fallen spirits - demons - are in our world, and take advantage of the ignorance and gullibility of many. Once you trust your feelings, which are incapable of knowing and correctly perceiving the spiritual nature, the enemies of the human race, demons, will subsequently easily control this person. Forbid yourself to listen to the “moans”. Close the gates of the soul with the prayer: “Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me.” 3. Prosphora is supposed to be eaten in the morning, after prayers, before breakfast. An exception can be made for a child, but it is necessary to teach a reverent attitude towards shrines from an early age. God help you.

Priest Alexander Beloslyudov

Hello, I would like to ask for advice on what to do with wedding candles. I’m not married, and several years ago, either out of oblivion or ignorance (I don’t remember exactly now), I went with my friends to some granny, she read prayers there... she’s not a psychic, but some kind of... she gave advice. So she gave us wedding candles, and said to light and read the plot for 10 days... I started, but didn’t finish. Of course, I realized this sin a long time ago and confessed. But I don’t know what to do with these candles. I don’t dare throw them away, they are still church, but lighting them up is scary, that it’s a sin. Tell me what to do!


Burn it in the stove. It is not a sin to burn something sacrificed to idols.

Archpriest Maxim Khizhiy

Hello! The other day I accidentally broke a wedding candle while attaching it next to the icons. Now I'm very worried. Is this bad, and what should I do? Thank you!


Dear Marina, don’t worry, it’s not scary at all, except that it’s just a shame when a memento is somehow damaged. But this did not stop the candle from being a wonderful reminder of joyful event, let him still be with the icons. God bless you.

Priest Sergius Osipov

Good afternoon. Today I was treated with prayers... It was not in church, but at home. One candle was burning, and at one moment I felt bad - I felt dizzy, nauseous, and sweating.


Feeling sick because you trusted the servant of Satan. You need to be treated in a hospital. And to turn to God in a legal way and by legal means, through the Church established by the Lord Jesus Christ, who said: “Whoever does not enter by the door into the sheepfold, but climbs in elsewhere, is a thief and a robber” (John 10.1). “The sheepfold” is the Kingdom of Heaven, the “door” is the Church of Christ, “to climb outside” means to invade by witchcraft and magic where only God can lead. Thieves and robbers will be dealt with as they should be - they will be thrown out. We must repent and do penance before the demonic obsession begins to take effect. Otherwise there will be sorrows.

Priest Alexander Beloslyudov

Hello, I have a question, when I was in church at a service, a lit candle fell from the funeral table near me, I picked it up, lit it, and put it where it stood. And then I realized that you can’t touch other people’s candles or set them on fire. I don’t know what to do now.

Hello, Yana. Continue to do the same. A candle is simply a candle, a device for lighting, consisting of wax, paraffin and thread. On one side they set it on fire, and on the other they put it in a candlestick. A candle burning in a church symbolizes prayer, but is not itself a prayer - you must pray the way a candle burns - brightly, and not sparing yourself. The candle also symbolizes a sacrifice, but is not a sacrifice - a sacrifice for the temple is the cost of the candle that you put in the candle box. It doesn’t matter how the candle burns, goes out or falls, flows or not. Don't pay any attention to these speculations.

Priest Alexander Beloslyudov

Hello! At my children’s wedding, the “hearth” candle they lit went out, tell me, does this affect their future family life? I’m very worried now, and the thoughts won’t go away.


Larisa, such a candle is just a beautiful wedding tradition. But what will really affect family life is the ardent desire of both spouses to save the family, their readiness for patience and self-sacrifice

Priest Vladimir Shlykov

Hello, father! Once upon a time I went to a fortune teller, she told me to buy candles in the church, and she used them to tell fortunes, but not to find out the future or anything else bad, but to find out what was going wrong in life then. I went to see her a couple of times, and then I didn’t want to go anymore, because it was wrong. My conscience torments me for this, that I went to her, I already went to church, confessed, repented. But I still have these candles at home, and I don’t know what to do with them, my conscience is tormenting me that they are lying at home, right to the point of psychosis. Tell me, where should I put these candles? I went to the priests, one told me that I needed to throw them into the river, the other said that I needed to bring them to church and throw them away, where they throw candle stubs. So where should we put them, to the river or to church? Help me, this is how you can go crazy, this torments me so much. Thank you!


Hello, Natalia. It doesn't matter what you do with them. The main thing is that you remain determined not to sin in the future and not to betray Christ. A candle is just a candle. Lighting fixture. It becomes a sacrifice to God only when we light it with prayer, and set up our prayer so that it burns like a candle. A candle can be called a symbol of prayer, but in itself it is just an object. Go to the temple where you bought them, because the payment for the candles went as a donation to this temple, light them in front of the image of the Savior, and make three prostrations for each candle with the prayer: “Lord, have mercy on me, foolish, and forgive me my lack of faith.”

Priest Alexander Beloslyudov

During fasting, should a candle burn all day, or maybe even night?


During fasting, you need to practice ascetic deeds and prayer, but whether the candle is lit at the same time is not at all important.

Deacon Ilya Kokin

Hello! When I was cleaning, I accidentally broke the wedding candle, what should I do now?


Olga, you don't need to do anything. The main thing in our life is not the candle and its condition, but how we spend this life. You need to fulfill the Gospel Commandments, go to church regularly, confess and receive communion, in a word, be a Christian.

Hieromonk Victorin (Aseev)

During the funeral service in the church, the candle in my hands went out three times. I know that there were no drafts in the church. What does it mean?


Tatyana, candles can be of poor quality, and there is no need to attach any importance to this.

Hieromonk Victorin (Aseev)

Hello, father. My mother died, and when she was being buried, my candle went out. There was no wind, it happened at home. I immediately lit the candle, and the funeral service continued. A friend says it's Bad sign. What to do?


Hello, Love. Don't take such words from your friends seriously - that's what to do. This incident doesn't mean anything. A person, living outside the tradition of the Church, is forced to invent his own content of life - signs and superstitions. Let us not follow this, but by praying regularly in church, let us become imbued with the understanding of life that the Mother Church gives. God bless you.

Priest Sergius Osipov

Hello. I asked in the temple for the health of one person, and when I said his first name and patronymic and last name, the candle (red, bought in the same temple) crackled very much, and the rest of the time it burned quietly. Does this mean anything?


Elisha, it doesn't mean anything. Candles are of poor quality.

Hieromonk Victorin (Aseev)

Christ is Risen! Help, please, I am very worried, at Easter I discovered that one wedding candle was broken, the children would not admit who broke the candle, what to do and what to do, what prayers should be read? Thank you for your answer, may the Lord bless you.


Truly Christ is risen! Yes, you don’t need to do anything, this is not the needle of Koshchei the Immortal - if you break it, he will die. You can divide this candle into two and place it in church for the health of your loved ones.

Deacon Ilya Kokin

Hello, father! Please tell me what this could mean: I was in church at Christmas and bought candles there. She placed several of them in the temple, and brought several home. In the evening we decided to light a candle at home near the icons. When the candle was burning, the wax began to fly off from it in large, pretty pieces and fall. I examined one of the pieces, and saw there the image of a woman holding a baby in her arms. Before, when candles were burning at home or in church, I had never experienced anything like this. Tell me, what could this mean?


Natalia, you don’t need to imagine or imagine anything. Candles “shoot” like this only because they are very often of poor quality, made in violation of manufacturing technology.

Hieromonk Victorin (Aseev)

Hello, father. Recently, at the entrance to our city church, a sign appeared at the entrance: “Candles purchased outside the church are not a charitable sacrifice.” For some reason, this inscription jars me, I want to turn around and leave, is such a protrusion of material things in God’s house compatible, after all, people go both with grief and with gratitude, namely to God, and to them here - here you go, please, God cannot exist without money accepts... It is clear that the temple also needs to exist for something, but after all, the temple is for the people, and not the people for the temple? Today just such a situation happened to me, I came to a new church under construction, bought candles at the entrance, but it turned out to be closed for technical reasons, but I really wanted to thank the Lord for the successful operation, and I had to go just to the temple where "You can't do it with your own." Of course, I did what I wanted, but some kind of negative aftertaste remained. I would really like to know your opinion, thanks in advance.

Hello, Yana. The candle itself doesn't mean anything. The custom of lighting candles is ancient. There was no electricity then, the temple was lit by candles and lamps. The parishioners brought everything they needed to the temple. Hence, by the way, the name “proskomedia” - offering. Everything needed for worship was brought by the parishioners. It was a feasible sacrifice, a divinely established tithe. Now the temple is illuminated with electricity, and candles and lamps are lit symbolically. The sacrifice for the maintenance of the parish is not the offering of candles, oil, Cahors and bread, but the purchase of all this in the church shop. I assure you that if you throw a ruble into a candle box, but do not take the candle and light it, then the benefit will be greater than from the same action, but with lighting a candle. Formally, the call to light only those candles that were purchased in this temple is logical. And even the fact that it causes embarrassment is also good. After all, there is something to think about: “It turns out that I am easily offended by such a trifle. What will happen if I encounter a person who is clearly sinning, will I hate him?” Lord have mercy.

Priest Alexander Beloslyudov

Tell me what to do? Everything is bad in my family, big debts, problems because of these debts! I can’t sleep, my little daughter, there are no parents to help. I go to church, I pray, church candles I burn, I bless the apartment with holy water, but things are not going well, I give up! I beg you, I believe that you can help me.


Hello, Galina. Christianity has not developed means and methods for a successful arrangement in temporary life. All his goals and interests are beyond the limits of this world and this time. Christ set these goals, and no amount of prayers or candles can force Christ to stop being Christ. The reality is that we cannot live without sorrows. If we accept sorrows as a bitter but necessary medicine, with patience and complacency, then the sorrows are reduced both in duration and in volume. If we resist and are indignant, then we push away the bitter medicine. The illness intensifies, sorrows increase and lead to despair. I have no doubt that you will prefer the first path, because the second leads to nowhere. Start by forcing yourself to thank God. Give thanks for everything He gives. Nothing happens to us without His will. And His will is to lead all people to salvation and eternal life. This means that everything that happens to us serves this purpose. Let's force ourselves to be grateful. In relation to life's difficulties, do what you can, and leave the impossible beyond your attention. God help you.

Priest Alexander Beloslyudov


Many newlyweds are concerned about the question of what to do after the wedding with wedding candles or a towel? Store carefully? But not everyone is sentimental. Throw it away? The hand doesn't rise. After all, these objects are witnesses sacred sacrament, connecting you with your loved one!.. And what do traditions say?

Wedding candles

Church candles have special symbolism. This is not just a light dancing on the end of a wax stick! A burning candle is the embodiment of our faith, fiery prayers and requests with which we turn to God. And in your case, it is also a sign of marriage, incorporating happy emotions, hopes and dreams that filled the hearts of the young at the altar. Is it possible to burn it or throw it away like an ordinary cinder?! Even if both spouses are inveterate pragmatists, they are unlikely to dare to do such an act.

What should you do after a church wedding with this important attribute of the sacrament? Traditions dictate that the candles be taken home, carefully wrapped in a clean handkerchief and left behind the icon with which the parents blessed the couple for marriage. However, which image to choose and the method of storage depends on the wishes of the spouses. You can do without a scarf or, for example, pack cinders in paper bag , away from dust and direct sun rays . The main thing is to find a place for storage that is clean and pious - use a desk drawer or Kitchen Cabinet

Whenever a disagreement arises between spouses, one of them falls ill or is forced to go on a long business trip, candles are taken out from behind the icons and lit for a short time.

Just enough to pray from the bottom of your heart for your soulmate, and, looking at the light, to resurrect in your heart the feeling of unity and joy that you experienced in church. Wedding candles are kept in the family all their lives, and when the time comes for the spouses to go to another world, the cinders are placed in a coffin or burned. You didn't know about the custom and burned both candles? Don't worry, no trouble will happen. Let this be an important symbol family union

, it is not he who determines happiness in marriage, but God’s grace and the mutual efforts of husband and wife.


  • What to do with the towel after the wedding? There are even more options:
  • Use it as a napkin under your wedding icons – it’s both elegant and a worthy place for an iconic item.
  • Fold it and put it away in your closet so you can take it out when celebrating important family dates. In the old days, it was the norm to pass skillfully embroidered colorful wedding towels from parents to children, and even in our time, many people support this glorious tradition. Maybe it will take root in your family too?

Take it to the temple. There, the towel will be given to less wealthy couples or used at the discretion of the clergyman.

What to do with a towel after the wedding so that it serves to strengthen the marriage? Just like candles, a wedding towel is taken out in moments of strife and sorrow. Some lie down and cover their heads, some put them under the pillow. And others closely examine the bright patterns of the towel, while reading a prayer or remembering pleasant moments of marriage. One way or another, the meaning is always the same: calm down, be in silence and try to tune in to a peaceful mood. A moment of respite taken at the right time can reduce the conflict that has flared up to zero and strengthen a person’s mental strength in the hour of trial. What you cannot do after the wedding is fall into fetishism. Traditions are traditions, but common sense has not been canceled. If it so happens that candles, a towel or other thing you left as a memory of holiday

Search line:, were lost, this will in no way affect the quality of family life. Your family happiness depends on you, and not on a piece of wax or a piece of fabric.

Records found: 7

Hello. My husband and I got married, but it wasn’t as expected. Firstly, we did not receive communion or confession, and secondly, we were late after the registry office, and our wedding was significantly shortened; the granny who sold the candles yelled and scolded us for being late and brought us to tears - but the ceremony was still held. I could describe the situation in detail for a long time - in general, my husband and I expected something completely different from what we received (although I do not in any way diminish our guilt). Is it possible to get married again in another temple if we really want to?


Hello, Allah! You cannot get married again. The sacrament was performed, regardless of the setting in which it took place. God's grace is poured out on everyone equally, but it depends on us how much we can accommodate. In fact, it's like this an important event like a wedding, it rarely goes without temptation. In your case, this is your lateness, the bad manners of the servant in the temple. And it happens that the priest is an hour late due to traffic jams. Joint confession and communion are a tradition. If you went to church more often, you would do this too. But now there is no need to think that something was done wrong. Take more care that you have a strong Orthodox family, visit church and take communion together. Many spouses do this.

Priest Vladimir Shlykov

Good afternoon What remains from my parents (unfortunately, they are no longer there) are wedding candles, rings and my mother’s wedding dress. Do I need to light these candles or just store them? And is it possible to wash a wedding dress?


Marina. Wedding candles can be lit or stored – at your discretion. The wedding dress can also be washed.

Hieromonk Victorin (Aseev)

Good afternoon Please tell me how to store and how wedding candles can help? Thank you!


Dmitry, Wedding candles are kept next to icons or in a holy corner. Wedding candles by themselves cannot help. God, the Mother of God and the Saints help us when we turn to Them in prayer, and at the same time our life should be Christian, built according to the Divine commandments. Wedding candles can be lit at home on major church holidays.

Hieromonk Victorin (Aseev)

Hello! Please tell me, my husband and I have been married for 10 years and are now expecting a child. We want to get married, can we do it now? If so, how to properly prepare for this sacrament? To our shame, we are not parishioners (baptized), we go to services occasionally. At the church they asked and said to sign up three days before the date, fast for three days the day before, confess and take communion. I thought for this you need to first come to a conversation with the priest? And other questions: what kind of clothing is acceptable, what rings can be purchased for a wedding, how to choose the day according to the calendar on which the wedding takes place (we asked at the reception, they didn’t answer us anything specifically), they wanted October 13, but there is 14 Pokrov, they asked , we were not told whether there would be weddings on this day. So I’m writing here, please excuse me for disturbing you. If you can, please clarify the situation a little for us. Thank you! And another question: can guests at a wedding be unregistered? Thank you all the best!!!


Hello Svetlana! Wedding is a sacrament of the Church, in which God gives the future spouses, upon their promise to remain faithful to each other, the grace of pure unanimity for joint Christian life, birth and raising children. Through weddings, the Church unites people for their mutual assistance and growth in love for God and each other. So that they learn together to fulfill the commandments of the Gospel and teach this to their children. If spouses approach a wedding with such a goal, then God helps them to survive all the hardships of life together and preserve mutual love. Those wishing to get married must be believers, baptized Orthodox Christians. They must deeply understand that the unauthorized dissolution of a marriage approved by God, as well as the violation of the vow of fidelity, is an absolute sin. Weddings are not performed: on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, on the eve of the great twelve and temple holidays, on the eve of and during multi-day fasts, during Christmastide, Cheese and Bright Week, on the holidays of the Exaltation of the Cross and the Beheading of John the Baptist. For the wedding, you must prepare two icons: the Savior and the Mother of God, with which the Church will bless you after the Sacrament, two wedding candles and a long new towel. You can take your wedding rings, but if you wish, buy gold or silver ones, you can buy them in the temple with the words “Save and Preserve.” Clothing should correspond to the solemnity of the event, be strict and not too revealing. A headdress is required for women. Makeup should be modest, without lipstick, as you will be touching sacred objects. Women are not allowed to participate in the Sacrament during critical days. Before the wedding, prepare for confession and communion. You can take communion the day before or on the day of the sacrament, whichever is more convenient for you. But it is still advisable to talk with a priest to find out the nuances. If this cannot be done on a duty day, then you can approach the priest for confession.

Priest Vladimir Shlykov

Good afternoon Please tell me what to do. When I got married, my parents blessed my future husband and I at home with an icon of Kazan Mother of God with a towel. My husband’s parents did not bless him; in their opinion, this is an unnecessary archaism. After some time we got married. We received the towel, the wedding couple, and the candles in the church. Now we have a wedding couple at home (with the image of Jesus Christ and the Kazan Mother of God), and another icon with the image of the Kazan Mother of God, with which my parents blessed us. Would it be correct to place them together (at our house we have one red corner for icons)? And what is the right thing to do in this case?


Evgenia, it will be very good if all your icons are located together. And don't forget to pray before them.

Hieromonk Victorin (Aseev)

Hello, Abbot Nikon (Golovko), Christ is Risen! Please tell me where the wedding icons will be placed in the house? I found information that wedding candles should be carefully preserved throughout your life and lit during prayer in difficult moments of life, is this true? Please explain, what does the service mean and at what moments is it ordered in the Church? About 2 months ago, I said that if the business I started succeeds, I will donate my gold chain to the Church. It worked out, with the help of the Lord, but I don’t know how to do it! Can I just put it in the begging box? Please answer me by email. address, thank you! Thank you for everything! God bless you!


Svetlana, wedding icons should be placed in the red corner, along with all the other icons, maybe even at the head of the corner. As for candles, you were told correctly; they can be lit in prayer during difficult life moments. Requirements are those services - prayers, memorial services, sacraments of baptism, weddings, confessions and others - that are performed at the request, demand of parishioners. As for your donation, it is best to give it personally to the rector of the temple or the elder.

Hegumen Nikon (Golovko)

Good evening. My husband and I got married. And at the very beginning of the wedding, when the priest led us to the analogue, the candle in my hand went out. I lit it from my husband’s candle and it never went out. I came home, read a lot of unpleasant things and was very upset. A sign of death, and in general, not a very good one. And we are expecting a child and somehow I got very excited. Please tell me how should I feel about this? Thanks in advance for your answer.


Hello, Polina! I congratulate you on such a great sacrament. Do not doubt anything and fear only the Lord God. Believing in omens is a sin.

Priest Vladimir Shlykov

I have a question for you. How you can influence your husband with the help of wedding candles or prayers (and what prayers). My husband and I have been married for 6 years, we are married, our families are very religious people. I was to him faithful wife, a year ago he cheated on me, I forgave him, but the problem is that he filed for divorce (threatening me) because he wants to leave me for that girl. But I love him very much and I want to live only with him, I see from him that he also hesitates, we have been struggling for a year now. I suspect that she somehow bewitched him, he loved me very much, and now he leaves and cries. This means that there is still something left for me... How can I help our falling apart family, if I really want to save it, no matter what... Please tell me.

Hello, Victoria. Indeed, in these damned days it is becoming increasingly difficult to keep a family together. The corruption and decline of morals reach such a point that I cannot stop crimes against the closest, dearest and dearest people.
It is impossible to influence a husband with the help of wedding candles, because actions with objects consecrated during the sacrament of Wedding (candles, footstool, other objects) is a witchcraft practice and is blasphemous for Orthodox Christian not acceptable.
Wedding candles are a family shrine. Pious custom involves careful storage of wedding candles as memories of the Sacrament of Marriage. Sometimes they are placed in the icon case, which they received as a blessing from their parents for marriage. Wedding candles can be lit briefly during times of separation or marital discord. You just need to remember that their kindling has power only under the condition of fervent prayer to God for your lost loved ones.
We must also remember that a person errs not always because of his malice or hardness of heart, but because of the loss of moral guidelines, which are based on the Gospel commandments. Then he might be an easy target evil people, a mockery for the devil.
The Divine Commandment says that only selfless love leads to happiness: “live in love, as Christ loved us... fornication and all uncleanness and covetousness should not even be mentioned among you... Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the Church and gave Himself for her "(Eph. 5.2, 3, 25). We just need to believe that there is a solid wall that protects us from everyday troubles and the eternal destruction of the soul, that the yoke of Christ’s commandments is good and easy.
One is pretty clever man recently told me: “I have a wife, a child, I love them very much, I take care of them, but I am lost. This is a pain that cannot be compared with physical pain. If I were a believer, how easy it would be for me to resolve this situation.”
It is customary to pray to the Holy Martyrs Gury, Samon and Aviv to protect the family from all misfortunes. They are known among Orthodox Christians as patrons of matrimony, marriage, happy family, they pray to them “if the husband innocently hates his wife.”
And you, pious wives and children, save your souls with patience, because only “he who endures to the end will be saved” (Matthew 24:13).

Wedding candles are a mandatory attribute of the ceremony. They differ from ordinary ones in being more elegant and sacred meaning, which the ritual gives them. They choose them carefully, preferring the most beautiful and largest candles, believing that tony will ensure a long and happy family life. However, they do not have time to be completely used up, so what should you do with them later?

Signs about wedding candles

Many people pay attention to how wedding candles burn during the ceremony. It is believed that if they burn evenly, then the life of the spouses will be long and happy, and if they smoke and crackle, then the newlyweds will experience many difficulties in life.

One of the signs speaks about the duration of their burning. The spouse whose candle burns longer will live less.

Wedding candles after a wedding or divorce, the opinion of the holy fathers, when to light them, what they should be, how to store them if they are broken, what they are for

Many priests recommend lighting wedding candles during particularly solemn or difficult moments for the family. For example, if a child gets sick, or a spouse is on the verge of divorce. You can also use them at the birth of a child or recovery from a serious illness.

It is better to store them separately, wrapped in a clean towel or scarf, placing them next to the icons. Sometimes candles break, then they can be cut into pieces that will be lit separately.

Wedding candles after the death of one of the spouses, husband or wife, what to do with them

After the death of one of the spouses, wedding candles can be kept as a memory of a joyful event, but they can also be lit if necessary. You can also take them to church.

What are wedding candles for in magic?

Any object that a person holds in his hands carries part of his energy, which is important for magic, so wedding candles can be used in magical rites both with a positive goal - to return the spouses to the family, and with a negative one - to turn them away from each other. Therefore, it is advisable that candles are stored in a separate place that is not accessible to strangers.

Wedding candles for returning a husband to the family in case of family discord

In case of discord in the family, you can use wedding candles, light them in front of the icons with which the parents blessed the spouses, and read prayers. In a couple of days, the discord will be forgotten, and the spouse will look at family life with new eyes.

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