home · Networks · Drainage well made from shower tires. The feasibility of using tires in the construction of a country toilet. Choosing a location for a tire drain pit

Drainage well made from shower tires. The feasibility of using tires in the construction of a country toilet. Choosing a location for a tire drain pit

The main facility where such a septic tank is ideal. Although in a private house it will also work, albeit with some reservations.

Don't throw away your car tires, they'll come in handy

First, it is worth mentioning the disadvantages of this method:

  1. The service life does not exceed 10-12 years, which is due to the destruction of the material under the influence of aggressive organics and inorganic chemistry.
  2. The tightness is broken at the tire joints.
  3. Rubber does not withstand soil press.
  4. It is difficult to eliminate and repair - it is easier to fill up the old one and build a new one.
  5. Difficult to clean due to configuration features.

Healthy! To simplify the calculations, we base the average volume of water consumption per resident. An indicator of 1.2 cubic meters is taken. Let’s say if a family of five lives in a house, then the volume of the pit should be 6 cubic meters.

Sanitary standards are mandatory for all organizers and users of drains.

  1. If there is a well thirty meters from the planned installation of the septic tank, then draining is prohibited.
  2. Autonomous sewage system provides for natural wastewater treatment.
  3. The drainage device includes several chambers. Large and solid suspensions settle to the bottom of the first. In others, wastewater is bioprocessed.

Every man can make a sewer sump with his own hands.

Digging a foundation pit for a future sump from cut-off car tires

The recess under the drains must be such that the prepared rings fit in it, a sewer line is connected and the required distance from neighbors is maintained.

If the sewerage pipeline at the entrance to the septic tank is dug at a level of half a meter, then the excavation is deepened by three meters.

The pit should be the size of the tires

The pit for the filter well (sump) provides a much larger volume. If it exceeds the daily norm ten times, that should be enough. In such cases, either a deep hole is dug or several wells are made.

It’s good if an excavator operator with his equipment is invited to dig a pit, the work will be completed before it even begins. You can also quickly dig a hole by hand, but not as deep as using an excavator. A tire drainage pit is made simply and quickly.

Why do you need a drainage well in a bathhouse and a house?

As soon as the pit takes on the desired shape, especially in depth, you should begin drilling a drainage well. into the soil in the center of the hole. This is necessary to increase the area of ​​absorption of liquid waste into the soil.

This idea is carried out as follows:

  • using a garden drill to drill a hole as deep as possible;
  • then it is inserted into the well with holes for draining water;
  • the top of the pipe at a level of about a meter from the bottom surface is covered with a polymer mesh to protect the well from solid objects getting into it;
  • the cesspool should not silt the soil, and therefore the bottom is sprinkled with a small layer of crushed stone (10 cm).

How to prepare tires for installation with your own hands: the right approach

Before lowering the tires into the recess, cut off the inside of the tire rims with a jigsaw. This procedure helps to eliminate the accumulation of waste in the inner pockets of tires. One of them has specially made holes to accommodate the inlet of sewage waste supplied through the drain pipe.

Upon completion of preparation, the tires are placed in the pit, and the last of them should rise slightly, i.e. protrude above the ground. The gaps between the walls of the pit and the tires are filled with crushed stone or earth. One layer is poured and compacted. Next comes another layer, and again it becomes denser, etc. Close the water sump with a lid, providing a window in it to monitor the filling of the container. With the help of an earthen embankment, they try to protect the structure from the entry of atmospheric phenomena in the form of rain or snow.


As can be seen from the description, there is nothing radically difficult about creating a cesspool from tires. And although, most likely, it will not last too long, you can be proud of the fact that at minimal cost it was possible to concoct an individual-family sewage system, a drain for disposing of household liquid waste. A tire drainage pit is a popular country sewer system.

If you are the owner of a country house or dacha, then you have probably thought about creating all the comfortable conditions in them, that is, transferring a piece of comfort from a city apartment.

Naturally, the first thought is the presence of sewerage, because absolutely everyone does not like to constantly carry wastewater outside into the garden, particularly in winter. Therefore, most modern people prefer to immediately think about installing a sewer system.

But, unfortunately, many simply cannot afford modern sewer systems due to their high cost. In addition, such a system implies the presence of a drainage well, which can also cost a pretty penny.

Today there is an optimal option - a do-it-yourself tire cesspool, which is easy to install and economical.

In addition, you can equip such a pit yourself, even without any specific construction skills. Before proceeding directly to the consideration of the features of installing such a cesspool, you should pay attention to all its advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages and disadvantages of a cesspool made from car tires

It’s worth saying right away that such a pit is the best solution if the volume of wastewater is not too large. For example, you install it at your dacha, where you come on weekends.

If the pit is planned in a house where you live permanently, you have a family of several people, and water is constantly used, then it is possible that such a pit may not be enough.

Before deciding specifically on this option, you need to carefully weigh the pros and cons.

So, the main advantages of a tire cesspool include:

  • installation is quite simple and easy;
  • such a pit will cost very little, unlike a pit made of bricks or concrete rings;
  • Absolutely any tires can be used, both from ordinary passenger cars and trucks whose tires exceed a diameter of more than one meter.

As for the shortcomings, they certainly shouldn’t be ignored. If you decide to give preference to a tire cesspool, then you should know its disadvantages in every detail, which include:

How to make a cesspool from tires with your own hands: step-by-step instructions

In fact, a tire cesspool is a fairly convenient part of a sewer system that is very easy to create. So, how to make a cesspool from tires with your own hands:

  • First you need to prepare the material, namely, car or tractor tires. Please note that if you do not have old tires, of which on average you will need about 10, maybe a little more, do not rush to buy new ones. It’s worth taking a trip to auto repair shops; they often have old tires that will cost you much less;

Used tires for cesspools can be found in auto repair shops.

  • after the required number of tires has been prepared, it is necessary to begin digging the cesspool itself. Please note that the bottom of the pit should have a slight slope in relation to the future hatch. You should be prepared for the fact that this process may take quite a long time, up to several days. If possible, you can simplify your task and hire a tractor, which will cope with this task much faster; the hole will be ready in an hour;

Finished pit. The tires should fit inside without any obstruction.

  • Once the hole is dug, a drainage well must be made in its center. This can be done using a garden auger. This well is necessary to allow wastewater to pass through all layers of soil without stagnating;

It is necessary to make a “hole” in the ground so that wastewater flows directly into the ground

  • A drainage pipe should be inserted into the resulting hole, taking into account that its upper end is about one meter above the bottom of the hole, this way clogging of the pipe can be avoided. Small holes are made along the side parts of the pipe, through which, in fact, the water will flow out. Please note that these holes on the pipe, as well as its upper part, must be additionally protected with polypropylene mesh;

  • After this stage, fill the bottom of the pit with a 10 cm layer of coarse crushed stone. Now it's time to lay out the tires. But first you need to cut off the inner rim from each tire, this will allow water to drain well and prevent it from accumulating inside the tires. You can cut off the inner rim from them using a jigsaw;

  • Now it’s time to install the inlet pipe; to do this, using a jigsaw, you need to cut a hole of the appropriate diameter from the side of the tire;

  • It is necessary to place car tires in a cesspool so that the topmost tire is at a slight elevation from the soil level. The resulting voids between the tires should be filled with earth. As for the internal joints between tires, they must be insulated with sealant;

  • the pit is ready, all that remains is to cover it and this can be done using a polymer cover. In addition, the system must be well insulated; this will require a ventilation pipe. The pipe should be located at a slight elevation - 60 cm from ground level.

The fact that a do-it-yourself cesspool for a private house has some special features deserves special attention!

This feature lies in the fact that the pit has no bottom, which makes some adjustments to its location. That is, it must be located at a certain distance from the house - at least 5 meters, from the roadway - 4 meters, from the neighboring plot - 2 meters, from the well - 25 meters.

As for pumping wastewater from a cesspool, this can be done using a sewer truck.

When you need to quickly organize a simple and reliable wastewater storage facility at your summer cottage, you can make a cesspool from car or tractor tires. From old tires you can make a spacious wastewater tank, which you can easily make with your own hands. “Plumber Portal” will describe step by step the technology of how to create a cesspool from tires with your own hands, so that you can make such a sewage system yourself in your dacha.

Before starting construction of such a sewer structure, all the pros and cons should be carefully considered.


  1. To build a cesspool from tires, old tires are perfect.
  2. High efficiency. The minimum cost of materials for the construction of such a structure.
  3. There is no need to contact qualified specialists and pay for their labor, and the work does not require special machinery and equipment.
  4. Speed ​​and ease of performing all work. A couple of people can easily create a cesspool from car tires in a day.
  5. Relatively long service life. The tire material is not subject to deformation, and moisture and insects that live in the ground cannot damage it. The service life of such a pit is approximately 10-12 years.
  6. It is allowed to use tires of any diameter from any car or tractor, even KAMAZ or BelAZ.


  1. If you use a not very reliable sealant when installing the slopes, there is a possibility of leaks.
  2. An unpleasant odor may begin to spread from under the hatch that covers the tire pit.
  3. If the structure is damaged during active use, it will be quite difficult to repair or dismantle the tires.
  4. It is best to use such a design in a house where no more than 2 people live, since this structure is not designed for a larger number of people.
  5. This design is not the best solution in case of high groundwater.

A pit for a toilet made of tires requires a comparison of the features of the arrangement, the efficiency of work with the expected operating conditions and “loads” on the sewer system.

Where is the best place to place a waste pit?

The installation of the drain collector must be planned in a place where a sewer truck can easily drive up. Since periodically the contents from the pit will need to be pumped out.

Also, a tire cesspool should not be located next to water wells and drinking water wells. This is done to prevent feces from getting into groundwater; this distance should not be less than 30-50 meters.

A house with a buried foundation will also create some problems when arranging drainage. The distance to the septic tank should not be less than 5 meters, otherwise there is a risk of compromising the integrity of the walls. In simple terms, a house can “lead.”

The minimum distance from the fence should be 2 meters. The optimal option is to locate the pit in sandy soil - in this case, you can call the vacuum cleaners less often.

When calculating volumes, they are guided by a simple formula: on average, 0.5 cubic meters of wastewater is taken for each person using the system. It is also taken into account that the liquid level in a fully filled pit must be 1 meter below the soil level. If this requirement is not met, waste may overflow over the edge of the pit, which will lead to quite serious problems.

How to properly dig a pit?

One person can dig a pit for a drainage basin, without the help of special equipment. The width of the hole should not be much larger than the diameter of the tire, otherwise more crushed stone may be required for filling.

  1. When working, it is necessary to work with two shovels of different configurations. It is easy to loosen the soil with a bayonet shovel, and a scoop shovel will simplify the task of selecting soil. The second type of shovel can be made with your own hands; for this you need to take a shovel and bend it 80° relative to the handle. The handle of such a shovel must be at least 2.5 meters in order to be able to reach soil from a sufficiently large depth.
  2. First, you will need to mark the outline of the future pit. This is done as follows: a tire is placed on the ground and circled with a peg, making a small indentation approximately equal to the width of a matchbox.
  3. The gap is necessary to facilitate the insertion of tires into the finished pit. At the first stage, you can use ordinary short shovels, but when going deeper, you will need to use long-handled ones.

While digging a hole, you may be tempted to go down into the hole in order to simplify the work; in this case, it is necessary to take all safety measures, since the probability of a ground collapse is very high. When digging, the diameter of the pit may gradually narrow. To prevent this, it is necessary to measure the diameter of the drain collector from time to time.

Tire laying technology

Before constructing a tire cesspool, it is necessary to evenly and thoroughly fill the bottom of the pit with large crushed stone, in a layer of at least 30 centimeters. This must be done in order to reduce the likelihood of bottom silting.

Before placing tires in the pit, they need to be treated. Using a jigsaw, you need to cut along the inner rim, this is necessary so that debris and waste water do not collect in the curves.

In addition, it is necessary to make a hole for the sewer pipe.

Rubber tires are fastened together using sealant and hot bitumen; in addition, the entire structure is additionally wrapped in roofing felt or fairly dense polyethylene.

What can I do to prevent the tire cesspool from standing out? Everything is extremely simple. It is simply covered with a thick plastic lid and sprinkled with a little earth. You can even plant a flower bed on top. It is very convenient to use a wheel cap as a cover.

How to pump out a “rubber” pit?

All cesspools require periodic cleaning. The contents of a tire drain container are cleaned using several methods:

  1. Scooping out drains using a bucket on a rope. Quite labor-intensive and unpleasant work, but it does not require anyone’s help or financial costs. The main problem is the removal of waste abroad where people live.
  2. Pumping out using a drainage pump. The operation of the pump requires constant monitoring and the problem of removing wastewater also remains.
  3. Calling a sewer truck. This method is the fastest, most effective and aesthetic. True, you will have to spend money, and this method also requires providing passage for a car of sufficiently large dimensions.
  4. Use of biological drugs. They can be found over the counter in gardening stores. The product must be poured or poured into the waste pit. Live bacteria will quickly process the contents, separating dirt from water. With this method, although less often, you will nevertheless have to call the sewer trucks.

This design is an economical option for organizing comfort in the country.

Based on their own experience, the site’s consultants have prepared some useful tips:

  1. Place the tires in such a way that the top one rises slightly above the surface. This will prevent the pit from overflowing when meltwater enters it.
  2. It is better to make a hole for the pipe directly while laying the tires in order to more accurately determine the optimal depth of the pipe.
  3. Fill the gap between the tires and the walls of the pit with crushed stone during the construction of the structure, and not after all the tires have been inserted.
  4. Install a ventilation pipe 60 centimeters high under the top cover.

Most users who have installed such a pit on their property speak positively about the simplicity and convenience of such a sewer system. If you don’t live at the dacha permanently, but only visit for short visits, then you can use small-diameter tires. When installing a cesspool in the yard of a private house, it is necessary to take larger diameter tires or use a different sewer system.

The main arguments in favor of a drain well made from old car tires:

  1. Low cost. You can get used tires for free - a car service center or trucking company still has a lot of old tires left for recycling. In extreme cases, you can buy worn-out car tires for almost pennies at a flea market. The main expense item is the arrangement of the supply pipeline.
  2. Easy to install. Preparing the material, installing and connecting the drain tank is a feasible task for one person. The work does not involve the use of expensive tools and equipment.
  3. Rubber does not corrode, so the pit will last longer than a structure made from metal barrels. The average service life is 10-15 years.

A DIY tire cesspool completely copes with the task. Thanks to it, stable operation of sewage systems in dachas or small private houses is ensured. And despite the fact that its potential is limited to serving a small number of people, the low financial costs and speed of construction of this structure make it very competitive.

Even a small dacha plot needs sewerage installation. A tire cesspool can even replace a professional portable septic tank or a standard centralized sewer system.

In the absence of a large amount of wastewater, there is no urgent need to develop a complex sewer system.

A pit reinforced with car tires has the following advantages:

  1. Availability of materials. You can use any tires - from cars and trucks. They can be in any state, the main thing is that they are whole;
  2. Installation of a cesspool can be done with your own hands. There is nothing complicated in installing such a wastewater system. You will need to prepare a pipe branching plan and calculate the size of the septic tank, but in general, you may have absolutely no plumbing experience;
  3. Low cost. There is no need to use new tires. This material is thrown out in large quantities every day into service station landfills, taken out of town, and occasionally even simply stored in a garage.

At the same time, such a “makeshift” sewer system also has some disadvantages. The most obvious of them is the appearance of an unpleasant odor, which is difficult to combat. To eliminate unpleasant smells, you can use special microorganisms or sealed lids for septic tanks, but these are additional costs.

The second unpleasant factor is the lack of tightness. If you cover the walls of the waste pit exclusively with tires, without a plastic box, then some of the waste will simply be absorbed into the soil. Therefore, when arranging a tire cesspool, it is important to ensure its distance from reservoirs and the garden.

And the last unpleasant factor is the fragility of the structure. Concrete cesspools last up to 50 years. Some types of plastic septic tanks - up to 80. Tires can perform such functions for no more than 15 years.

Pit design

Schematically, such a pit is a reinforced hole in the ground, the walls of which are reinforced with tires. A sand and crushed stone cushion is additionally installed under the bottom of the system, which acts as a filter. There are sewer pipes located in the walls at different levels. There may be several of them (if a shower room and toilet are connected), or all of them (exclusively for the toilet). To prevent the spread of unpleasant odors, the pit is covered with a lid.

Design: cesspool option

This is an open pit, so the bottom is not blocked by anything. Additionally, a drainage pipe passes through the sand and crushed stone bed.

The size of the pit (and tires) depends on the estimated volume of wastewater. In order to calculate the required drainage size, it is necessary to be guided by the requirements of SNIP 2.04.03-85 dated 01/01/1986. There are from 150 to 500 liters per adult per day. This indicator depends on numerous factors, including household appliances. If they are connected separately, then the average value is taken, say 200.

In a family of three people, the pit will drain 0.6 cubic meters per day. The volume of the septic tank must exceed the daily sewage rate by three or more times. Accordingly, for a family of three people, the cesspool should be at least 1.8 cubic meters in size.

Step-by-step instructions for making a cesspool with your own hands

To begin with, a site for construction is selected and prepared. The minimum distance from residential premises must be at least 30 meters. From the reservoir - 50 meters. The soil on top is cleared of debris and plants - this will help when digging. The size of the hole in the ground should be slightly larger than the size of the planned cesspool (this is necessary to seal the walls of the septic tank with crushed stone). At the same time, its depth must be at least twice as large as its diameter, plus one meter to protect against freezing of drains. Based on the depth, the required number of tires is calculated.

30 centimeters are added to the maximum depth - this is the future cushion of sand and crushed stone. Experts recommend using sifted river sand and fine gravel for such purposes - it filters wastewater well.

It’s unpleasant to look at mountains of worn-out car tires.

They are scattered in the bushes, along roads, along river banks, around tire shops and car repair shops.

Rubber litters our cities, populated areas, causing environmental damage.

At the same time, many owners of private properties are racking their brains on how to install a drainage septic tank on a wastewater site and make a drainage pit.

Instructions for making them from waste tires are outlined in our article.

A comfortable home differs from others in its benefits of civilization.

These are the resources most necessary for a comfortable family living: electricity, gas, water supply, sewerage.

If the owners of dachas, cottages, and houses decide on the first three points one way or another, then the installation of sewerage is too expensive and depends on the presence of a main pipe nearby the accommodation.

To drain waste water, enterprising and handy folk craftsmen make septic tanks and cesspools on their plots.

Difference from cesspool

Drainage pit and septic tank - not the same thing. These are completely different objects and their intended purpose is different.

The cesspool is sealed and serves only for filling with waste liquid. When it is full, the operation of the structure ceases. The owner calls a special sewage disposal machine, which pumps out all the contents of the pit.

A septic tank is a completely different matter. This structure is not airtight.

Waste water entering a tank with loose walls partially leaks through them, a large volume of water is absorbed into the bottom object.

When the container is only slightly filled, owners do not even need to think about pumping out the contents.

More intensive use of water, frequent washing, filling the pool and visiting the sauna in the house still leads to overflow of the septic tank. The water in it has to be pumped out, causing sewer truck. However, this process is carried out much less often than in the presence of a cesspool.

The designs of septic tanks are very different. The walls are made of brick, cinder blocks, rubble stone, granite with holes for intensive water absorption.

The bottom is covered with crushed stone, broken brick, expanded clay, and left simple non-compacted soil. Bald car tires are an excellent material for building a septic tank on a summer cottage, cottage yard, or your own home.

Operating principle of a septic tank

Creating your own autonomous sewer system is a useful and interesting process. Moreover, if the owner of private property plans to carry out his plan, using cheap building material– worn-out car tires.

Having your own car, they can be assembled in one day around tire shops or behind garage cooperatives.

A similar network for draining waste water from a house is made with a minimum of building materials, tools, and equipment.

You don’t have to plan any special financial expenses. You just need to consider what the structure is not designed for large volumes fluid circulation. When draining water into a septic tank from automobile rubber, it is necessary to constantly monitor its level.

A home septic tank made from tires is a sewer system that carries out biological treatment of wastewater.

In the ground there is a container created from the internal cavities of car tires. A sewer pipe is laid from the house, the installation of which is carried out at an angle. The slope of the pipe must allow the waste liquid to flow drain into a container on its own.

Sewage in the form of large contaminated particles settle to the bottom.

The activity of bacteria begins to purify wastewater.

Partially purified liquid seeps through the porous bottom and cracks between the tires into the earthen walls of the septic tank.

For more intensive cleaning chemicals are used. They decompose silt deposits, liquefying them as much as possible.

DIY process

Any construction requires permission from local authorities. This applies to cases where the depth of laying communications exceeds 5 meters.

If there are no cables or other objects on the site, a permit is issued by the city or village government.

Now you can start installing a septic tank on your site.


  1. Choose a place for the manufacture of a septic tank.
  2. From the outside wall of the house dig a trench to the septic tank site. Its bottom should be located below the soil freezing level in the given region, by 20-30 cm.
  3. Select design option septic tank
  4. Dig a pit. The hole should be 20-30 cm larger than the diameter of the tires.
  5. Bottom of the pit cover with drainage. First, a layer of sand 40 cm thick is laid, granite crushed stone of the middle fraction 40 cm thick is poured onto it.
  6. stack on top of each other worn-out car tires in quantities of up to 10 pieces.
  7. Between the top tire and the next one cut a hole for a tight fit of the drain pipe.
  8. Space between tires and pit walls fill with sprinkles- best with expanded clay.
  9. Above install a plastic sewer hatch with a lid, sprinkle with fine soil and cover with turf and green grass.

How to choose a place?

The wastewater tank should not be located next to the source of water supply: well, borehole, deep-well pump.

The infection from it will seep into groundwater and contaminate a drinking source with pathogenic bacteria.

It is also prohibited to equip it in the immediate vicinity of the foundation of a house, bathhouse, or barn.

The soil will settle, the foundation will sink and lead to the destruction of the structure.

It is also not a good idea to place the pit too far from the house. This will lead to a significant increase in the cost of the entire system. Along the entire length of the sewer pipe it will be necessary to install at least two inspection wells with hatches. Laying too long a pipeline from the house to the septic tank is fraught with blockages.

The optimal length of the drain pipe should be considered 5-10 meters. The slope should be 0.5 meters per 10 meters of pipeline length.

This position will allow any liquid to flow by gravity from the riser of the house system into the septic tank pit in the yard without any problems.

The diameter of the pipe, preferably made of plastic, should be at least 50 cm.

When connecting the drain pipe to the house sewer, it should not be laid under the foundation. It is best to use a crowbar, hammer drill, or jackhammer to punch out a special niche in the upper part of the foundation into which to insert the pipeline, sealing the cracks with cement mortar.

Exist three design options septic tank:

  • with a filtration system;
  • with settling tank and absorption well;
  • with filter system and drainage pipeline.

We choose a budget option - with a filter system.

Advantages and disadvantages

Benefits from installing a septic tank made from old tires on the site:

  • availability building material - old automobile rubber;
  • simplicity installation;
  • saving funds: one reinforced concrete ring costs 4,500 rubles, and at least three of them are needed;
  • Possibility of location anywhere yard

Flaw: due to the non-monolithic nature of the body, low weight, poor sealing between the tires, the service life of rubber pits is shorter than plastic and concrete septic tanks. Ground movements often move tires stacked on top of each other.

How to make a drainage pit from wheels?

A cesspool is a sealed tank, the liquid effluent from which needs to be pumped out regularly.

A structure made from waste tires differs from a septic tank in that during construction it is necessary to make hermetically sealed walls and build a solid bottom.

First of all, it is necessary to ensure complete isolation of the drain liquid in the pit from the surrounding soil.

Once in the soil around the pit, pathogenic bacteria can leak into the water intake structures:

  • wells,
  • speakers,
  • wells.

Viruses contaminate drinking water can cause serious illnesses and even epidemics.

Therefore, it is so important to protect residents from exposure to bacteria found in human and animal waste products.

After all, a cesspool serves to drain liquid waste, including from sinks and toilets.

cesspool with high-quality waterproofing allows:

  • serve as a storage facility for liquid waste until pumping is needed;
  • reliably protect soil and groundwater from dangerous pathogens found in dirty waste water;
  • prevent the spread of unpleasant odors;
  • maintain an attractive landscape design of the garden plot.

Step-by-step process for creating a drain pit:

  1. To arrange a cesspool it is necessary lay an inclined sewer pipe, similar to the design of a septic tank, in a trench to the location of the cesspool.
  2. Dig a pit, which will be 20-30 cm wider than the diameter of the tires used.
  3. Bottom of the pit cover with a layer of sand 20 cm thick, fill with fine granite crushed stone on top.
  4. Install panel or wooden formwork and pour liquid concrete. The thickness of the concrete layer is 20 cm.
  5. When the concrete hardens, put on the bottom used tires on top of each other in quantity of 10 pieces. Wheels should be stacked one at a time. Before laying the bottom tire, apply a 3 cm thick layer of modified bitumen to the plane of contact with the concrete.
  6. The same layers should be applied to each gap between the tires up to the top. This will create high quality sealed tank. After the primer has dried, heat the bitumen and apply it to the outer walls of the tires with a wide brush. Above stick fiberglass, which is again covered with liquid bitumen. Create such a coating on top of a concrete floor.
  7. After laying and processing all the wheels, the space between the tires and the soil walls of the pit fill with clay. You can dilute the clay with water and pour it into the free space. You will get a clay castle.
  8. Block cesspool beams and slabs, leaving holes for exhaust.
  9. Install plastic sewer hatch with cover.
  10. Disguise the place finding a hole of turf with green grass.

Useful video

To learn how to make a cesspool for a toilet in a country house, watch this video:


Setting up a septic tank and cesspool on your own property is not an overly complicated and costly process. There is a huge amount of rubber lying right under your feet.

Assembling 10 wheels is not a problem. Sand, expanded clay, crushed stone in a volume of several buckets also do not cost much. You will only have to spend a little money on concrete.

With a little effort, every owner of a summer house or private estate can easily equip his family with an excellent septic tank and a cesspool for a toilet from used car wheels, and then the home will be fully equipped.

If the tires remain, there are lots of ways apply them in the country:

  • build ;
  • build for a bathhouse or barn;
  • create ;
  • decorate the yard;
  • make a beautiful one for the site.

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