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Eduard Uspenskaya Tatyana Eduardovna Uspenskaya. The difficult personal life of Eduard Uspensky. Cartoon scripts by Eduard Uspensky

And sensational details of his life continue to emerge in the press. So, in the program “ You will not believe !» Ouspensky's 50-year-old daughter Tatiana revealed shocking details of her childhood. According to her, her father treated her cruelly and even sent her to a sect, where the girl was beaten. And the stepmother - the second wife of Eduard Nikolaevich - did not let Tatyana onto the threshold of her home when she managed to escape from her tormentors.

Eduard Uspensky

According to Uspensky’s daughter, she ended up in the sect because her father and stepmother sent her there supposedly for treatment. “I was there for four years. Children were beaten there. Uspensky supported this sect all his life. For about thirty years he supported me until the end,” Tatyana admitted on the show. This was one of the reasons why the writer’s daughter did not come to his funeral: “I didn’t go to say goodbye. This is not resentment - this is anger! There were many people who depended on him. He treated them unfairly. He had conflicts with everyone. He wanted to conflict. If you did not support these conflicts, he would start a conflict against you. I didn’t want to conflict with him.”

Tatyana also speaks negatively about her stepmother Elena Uspenskaya, who supported Eduard Nikolaevich in the fight against a fatal diagnosis until the writer’s last breath. According to Uspensky’s daughter, Elena did not allow her to enter her home. “My stepmother survived us. Such a Cinderella story. Maybe if it weren’t for her, I would have gone to say goodbye to my father. But she is an evil person, not good. There are things you can't do! – Tatyana said.

Eduard Uspensky

The heir to Uspensky admitted that she hid for a long time what her father really was like, because children were engrossed in his books and she did not want to spoil his image. Tatyana admits that even after the writer’s death, she begins to shake when thinking about him. At the same time, having gotten married and given birth to two children, she named her youngest child in honor of her father, even despite the conflict with him.

Tatyana noted that relations with Uspensky improved a little when the writer married Eleonora Filina. But their marriage broke up due to the TV presenter’s infidelity. Eduard Nikolaevich never forgave his young wife. And Eleanor herself later admitted that Uspensky was a very difficult person and in the last years of her life with him she took antidepressants.

Eleonora Filina

However, there were also those who accused Tatyana of ingratitude and self-interest. They pointed out that the daughter did not support her father during his serious illness (Uspensky battled cancer for several years. - Note ed.), despite the fact that he provided her with absolutely everything - an apartment and a car. Despite the fears of Uspensky’s relatives that Tatyana might enter the fight for the writer’s inheritance, which is estimated at 200 million rubles, Eduard Nikolaevich’s daughter from his first marriage assures that she respects her father’s will and does not pretend to anything.

Thus, Uspensky’s property will go to his wife Elena and his adopted twin daughters. In addition, the heirs of Eduard Nikolaevich are entitled to payments from Soyuzmultfilm. Shortly before his death, the writer entered into a new contract with the studio. According to its terms, Soyuzmultfilm is obliged to pay the writer and his relatives royalties for the use of the characters he invented, including the iconic Cheburashka and Crocodile Gena, Uncle Fedor, Sharik, Matroskin and many others.

Still from the cartoon “Crocodile Gena”

wife of Eduard Uspensky

This family scandal has been going on for months. The first to wash their dirty laundry in public was Eleanor Filina, the wife of the famous children's writer Eduard Uspensky, father of Cheburashka, the cat Matroskin, Zhab Zhabych and other heroes of children's books. She announced her divorce and told the world about her husband's cruelty, describing how he abused her teenage son for years.

According to Eleanor, her patience came to an end when Ouspensky began to raise his hand against her. As a result, Filina filed for divorce, despite the fact that Eduard Nikolaevich was seriously ill - he had cancer.

But writer Maria Arbatova presented a completely different version of events in her blog. According to her, she learned about all the skeletons in Filina’s closet from Uspensky’s close friend, the writer Grigory Oster. And in the end it turned out to be a straight Mexican series. This is how Arbatova presents this story.

“Edik covers the entire Filina family with a thick layer of money,” the writer reports. “She is supervising the construction of a huge estate in Troitsk. Filina's son is entering adolescence, and he and his stepfather begin to clash. Filina is completing the construction of the estate, pushing a jacuzzi into Uspensky’s office against his will. Uspensky has a heart attack in the pool, a swimmer nearby saves him, Filina’s son says: “It would be better if he drowned.”

The wife of Eduard Uspensky took a young lover

Filina takes on a twenty-three-year-old lover. Uspensky is diagnosed with cancer. Filina goes with him to Germany, where, in her words, he raises his hand against her.” And then Arbatova makes a remark: “Edik, who even in health is half the size of this woman, raises his hand after oncological surgery!” Further events unfold even more abruptly.

Filina leaves the writer in Germany, returns to Moscow, where, together with her lover, she mortgages the house bought by Uspensky in Peredelkino in her name for $8 million. The young lover tries to buy a gold mine in Tynda with this money. They are thrown away with the mine, $8 million and the house in Peredelkino flies into space.

Outraged by the fact that Filina is not only fattening with her family on his money, but is also trying to give gold mines to her young lover, Uspensky closes the program “To Our Harbor...” and stops giving Filina and her 16-year-old son money. Eleanor rushes to all channels, to all magazines, saying that Uspensky is a tyrant, a rapist, he abused her son for ten years, and now he does not want to divide the property in the way that is convenient for her, because, except for the house in Peredelkino that flew into space, there remains an estate in Troitsk and a luxurious apartment on Kutuzovsky.

Wife of Eduard Uspensky

“The series “The Rich Also Cry” is nervously smoking in the corner,” Arbatova sneers and adds that, in her opinion, Filina, having secretly mortgaged the house, became a common fraudster.

According to our information, Uspensky is really going to challenge the legality of his ex-wife’s actions in court. In addition, Arbatova is aware that shortly before the whole quarrel, the writer, having started to get sick, made a will that did not suit Filin. He assigned most of his property to his ex-wife Elena and twin daughters, whom the writer abandoned after falling in love with Filina and getting together with her.

On one of the forums we found more interesting information about relationships in the Uspensky family. A certain Adele claims that Eleanor’s son provoked him with his actions and his attitude. “Everyone praises Lera as a mother.

Lera received a salary of 300 thousand rubles, 150 of which were Uspensky’s salary. And this was after a couple of days of filming in the program “To Our Harbor...” She was offered to calmly get a divorce, saving the program, but she began to wash her dirty laundry in public and complain about her fate, naturally, it was decided to remove her from the program...”

However, Eleanor also has supporters on this forum who add color to the portrait of Uspensky. “He has a disgusting relationship with his daughter (we are talking about the eldest daughter Tatyana from his first marriage. Elena was Uspensky’s second wife, and Eleanor was the third), writes a certain Konstantin, he repeatedly swore at her and kicked her out of the house. Eleanor often reconciled them, both of them forgot about it.”

And a certain Marina adds: “I came to this site simply because I knew Uspensky well, in other words, I was once his mistress. I know his Jesuitical, vile nature. I know his anger and plebeianism. To put it bluntly, he was not a lover... But when the relationship ended, he did a lot of nasty things to me. Absolutely on Eleanor’s side.”

Eduard Uspensky and ex-wife Elena

At the same time, there were rumors that Uspensky was trying to establish a life together with his ex-wife Elena, who now lives a hundred kilometers from Moscow - in the village of Volkovo near Ruza with 19-year-old daughters Ira and Sveta.

Let us remember that this divorce was also scandalous. Elena Borisovna begged her husband to give her and her children an apartment in Moscow, because the girls suffer from a serious illness and need constant medical supervision. But Eduard Nikolaevich was adamant. Elena, offended, did not allow him to communicate with her daughters for two years. Now these grievances are forgotten. But Elena denies rumors of a reunion with Uspensky.

“We rarely see Eduard Nikolaevich,” she assures.

And when asked whether it was true that Uspensky bequeathed all his property to her and his daughters, she refused to answer at all.

Continues to fight cancer. The 80-year-old writer is currently undergoing chemotherapy in Germany. Next to him is his wife Elena Uspenskaya, with whom the author of Cheburashka broke up and then reunited again.

"He's been fighting with someone all his life"

In 2003, Uspensky divorced his second wife Elena with a scandal (they raised two adopted daughters together). And he went to television journalist Eleonora Filina, with whom he hosted the musical program “To Our Harbor...”. The couple got married in 2005, and separated in 2011 - also with mutual reproaches and division of property through the courts. Two years ago, Uspensky was reunited with his ex-wife Elena, and the couple began living together again. The other day, in a television interview, the writer said: Eleanor Filina left him when he got cancer - she left him alone in difficult times. But his fourth (aka second) wife Elena faithfully looks after him. A plot worthy of "Santa Barbara"... Or is it not quite like that?

"KP" got through to the writer's wife.

We are now in Germany, undergoing treatment,” said Elena Borisovna.

- How does Eduard Nikolaevich feel?

Fine. We are fighting. Yes, we are together again. You can forgive betrayal. You can’t leave a person in trouble, it’s wrong. Sorry, it’s expensive for me to talk from abroad and there’s nothing more to add.

Earlier in an interview with Komsomolskaya Pravda, Elena admitted:

“We lived with Uspensky for 20 years. He is great. And with great people it is always difficult. He fights with someone all his life. If this drains other people, it seems to fuel him. We divorced on December 4, 2003. Even before the divorce, I filed for alimony: there was nothing to live on. He agreed to pay $500 a month. And after four months he stopped paying..."

"Marriage was a mistake"

What does Eleonora Filina, who abandoned the patient, think about Uspensky’s words?

I have no complaints about Uspensky, everything has passed,” she told Komsomolskaya Pravda.

- Do you feel guilty before Elena Uspenskaya? After all, her husband left her for you...

We are on normal terms with Lena. I'm glad they're back together.

- But it seems you wanted to return to Uspensky?

No. For some reason they serve it in such a way that Lena and I are now fighting for it. Rave! Our marriage was a mistake. I was accused of allegedly abandoning Uspensky when he was diagnosed with cancer. It is not true. When we were still married, Uspensky was diagnosed with stomach cancer, and I cured him. I was going to leave, but after learning the diagnosis, I stayed. I went with him to Germany for treatment. And she put him in a rehabilitation center in the Moscow region. And then we went for examination to the same Germany and made sure that everything went well with him. That is, we sorted out that cancer. And only then I left him, I could no longer endure his tyranny. After that, he felt good for five years, worked, wrote books. A year ago he was struck down by his second prostate cancer. And suddenly now they are trying to present it as if I abandoned Uspensky in trouble, sick!

But that's not true. I didn't even know he was sick. For the last seven years, Uspensky and I have been living our own lives.

"My son was sleeping at the bedroom door"

- They say that Tatyana, her own daughter from her first marriage, does not visit her sick father?

They have a complicated relationship. I treated all of Uspensky’s children the same way as my own (Filina has two sons from her first marriage. - Ed.). I believe that a child is a child at any age, he needs to be loved and supported. But Eduard Nikolaevich has a different position.

- Did you manage to bring Uspensky and his daughter closer together?

Certainly! They communicated. How much effort it took is another question. We built a huge house - I hoped that everyone would live there: my children, his children, grandchildren. But Eduard Nikolaevich is a different person.

- Did he raise your children and treat them like family?

No. He tried to push them away. From that series: it would be better if they weren’t in our lives.

- They say that Ouspensky forbade you to enter your son’s room after you put him to bed. And the boy was afraid of the dark, crawled to your bedroom and slept there by the door. Then he froze and returned to his place...

This happened. I learned this from my son later... Eduard Nikolaevich found fault with his son, but I no longer want to remember it. The child who endured everything and was unhappy will soon be 23 years old. He's doing well now.

- Eduard Nikolaevich accused you of treason. Allegedly, you even brought a 19-year-old boy into the house, and the guy turned out to be your lover!

About a boy - it's just funny! He is actually the son of a friend of Uspensky, who asked the guy to temporarily live with us. He became friends with my son... This is such a vision of Uspensky that I left not from him, but supposedly to someone. In fact, I could no longer be near Eduard Nikolaevich, because aggression came from him, because he had such an attitude towards my child and towards all members of my family.

- So there was no betrayal?

Of course not. After my divorce from Uspensky, I have been living alone for seven years, with my son. It’s just that Eduard Nikolaevich was sure that I would not leave for two reasons - because of wealth and because we have a common TV program. I endured it because there was blackmail: they say, I will close the program... As soon as I left, he immediately expelled me from the program.

- Uspensky, there are rumors, always tried to keep his wives at home?

Yes. I had several offers to work separately from him. He didn't let me in. And then he said, they say, I didn’t work anywhere, I was sitting on his neck.

If I were next to him now, I would say: there is no need to fight or sue anyone,” says Eleonora Filina. - He has good income, he can sell one or two apartments and take care of his health. Why get involved in scandals? Why spend the rest of your life on this? But Eduard Nikolaevich likes to sort things out. He once told me through friends that I extended his life and strengthened him with our divorce.

There is a lot of good in it. If you step back from his character, he has wonderful books, how many children and their parents he gave joy to. And what he is like in everyday life... these are different faces of the same person.

-Have you found your personal happiness?

If you want to know if I have affairs, no, I don't care. I'm not going to get married. It seems to me that at my 56 years old I can calmly not think about it. I have a love affair with creativity. If a person like the former (Uspensky - Ed.) had been nearby, he would have said: “Where? Sit!”

Help "KP"

Eduard Uspensky studied together at the Moscow Aviation Institute with his first wife Rimma. They married in 1963 and lived together for 18 years. The couple have a daughter, Tatyana (she graduated from the Forestry Institute with a degree in site planning and design) and two grandchildren: Eduard and Ekaterina.

The writer’s second wife, Elena, after construction college, worked on television in production workshops. There she met Uspensky. The couple lived together for 23 years, raising two adopted daughters - Irina and Svetlana. The girls graduated from veterinary college. The couple divorced in 2003.

The writer's third wife is Eleanor Filina, a TV presenter and singer. She lived with him in marriage from 2005 to 2011.

Russian writer Eduard Uspensky passed away at the age of 81. He gave millions of people the heroes of Prostokvashino, Cheburashka, Crocodile Gena and other favorite characters.

But what kind of husband and father was the great storyteller? At times, the script of his life could be used as the basis for a family drama or even a real soap opera.

The first wife and the image of Shapoklyak

Eduard Uspensky studied with his first wife at the Moscow Aviation Institute, she quickly captured the attention of the then young man, and in 1963 they got married. Rimma gave birth to her husband’s daughter Tanya and was there when Uspensky began writing cartoon scripts, poetry, and then his world-famous books.

They lived in marriage for 18 years, and it seemed that nothing foreshadowed the sad development of events, but Edward fell in love with someone else. Uspensky met his second wife in the cafeteria of the animation studio.

Rimma did not expect such a turn of events. In addition, after the divorce, the writer took his daughter with him, and Tanya grew up in a family with a stepmother, who was able to become her friend.

Cheburashka’s father did not remember very flatteringly about his first wife:

“The prototype of the old woman Shapoklyak was my first wife - a harmful lady in all respects. Now I’m just wondering how we managed to live together for eighteen years! Although, to be completely honest, Shapoklyak also has my features. My character is also not angelic.”

Second wife - wife forever (almost)

Ouspensky's second wife was 22 years younger than him - he was 42, and she was 20! Surprisingly, her parents had nothing against their union.

Elena was not familiar with the writer’s work, and the first works she read by him were stories about Prostokvashino.

“I fell under his spell,” Elena recalled. - He was 42 years old at the time; he and his wife were on the verge of divorce; by that time they were no longer living together. I moved to Eduard Nikolaevich. And immediately became a mother. He took in his 12-year-old daughter from his first marriage, Tanya. She was both a friend and a nanny for her at the same time.”

Elena did not give birth to her own children, but she and Eduard adopted two girls at once - Ira and Sveta, who had kidney problems, which is why they later received disabilities.

When, after 20 years of marriage, Edward decided to leave the family for another woman, it came as a shock to both his daughters and Elena. She was essentially left alone and continued to care for her daughters, who required constant medical supervision.

Third wife and scandalous separation

Uspensky met his third wife on his original program “Ships Came into Our Harbor.” He needed an assistant, and his colleagues from Good Morning volunteered to help and sent a tall, slender girl who captivated the writer.

While Elena was at home with the children, Edward spent almost all his time with his assistant Eleanor. Their romance began quickly.

“How could I interfere with Eduard Nikolaevich, especially if he and Eleanor have crazy love? And in general, it is much easier to endure a divorce than, God forbid, the death of a loved one. And he’s a good father,” Elena recalled.

At first, everything was fine with Uspensky and his third wife, but then problems began. Eleanor had a son from a previous relationship, but her new husband could not accept him as his new husband.

The woman recalled that her child constantly listened to complaints about him and was often to blame simply for being there.

However, all disagreements stopped when the writer was diagnosed with stomach cancer. Fortunately, then the disease was overcome. Eleanor followed her husband to all hospitals and rehabilitation centers. But this did not help save the relationship.

The couple broke up, and there is still no clear answer to the question “who is to blame?” no one gave it. Some say that Eleanor found another man, so she decided to leave, but she herself claims that she simply could not stand the harsh and sometimes even tyrannical attitude of her husband. The writer’s friends also sometimes commented on such statements and confidently said that there was definitely no need to talk about assault.

Return of the husband

But no matter what they say, apparently, his most beloved, reliable woman was always and remained until the last Elena, his second wife. It was to her that Ouspensky returned after breaking up with Eleanor.

Elena forgave and accepted, and later helped fight a terrible disease that had reappeared - cancer, this time of the prostate. The writer ultimately lost the fight with him.

Eduard Uspensky's wife regrets marrying him

The third wife of Eduard Uspensky, Eleanor Filina, met the writer on Russian Radio. It was very easy for Filina to work with Uspensky, but Eleanor called her marriage to him a mistake.

“Seven years have passed since we broke up. We had the happiest creative union. Unfortunately, our family life turned out to be not so ideal,” Filina admitted on the air of the “Let Them Talk” program.

For a long time, Uspensky struggled with stomach cancer, which eventually defeated him. A fatal illness caught the writer at a time when he was on the verge of divorce from Filina. At that time, the press often wrote that Eleanor left her husband in a difficult situation. She called such information a lie.

“None of the close relatives, much less the press, knew that Uspensky was ill. We left for Germany. There I lived with him in the same room for a month. The operation was completed and the rehabilitation was over. The illness was reported only upon returning home. By the time we finally broke up with him, he had gone into remission. After that, the disease did not bother my husband for six years,” said Eleanor in the studio of the “Let Them Talk” program.

Prokhor Chaliapin, who was present in the studio, advised Filina to ask for forgiveness from her ex-husband, arguing that at one time Eduard Nikolayevich told others about how his beloved Eleanor betrayed him. She did not want to talk about this topic and asked Prokhor “not to start a farce.”

Until the end of his life, Eduard Uspensky did not forgive his third wife’s betrayal

The famous writer Eduard Uspensky died on August 14 at the age of 81. The creator of stories about Cheburashka, Crocodile Gena and the village of Prostokvashino died in his home in New Moscow. In recent years, the writer lived alone, with his third wife, TV presenter Eleonora Filina; he divorced in 2011 amid scandal. Eduard Nikolaevich convicted his wife of treason and was never able to forgive her until his death.

In one of the last interviews he gave to the “Live Broadcast” program, Uspensky told the details of his separation from his ex-wife, with whom he had lived together for 10 years. The children's writer said that he was very upset about Filina's betrayal. According to the writer, the journalist acquired a 19-year-old lover. The young man lived in Uspensky’s house, and his wife spent fabulous money on her gentleman. “...business, to sausage factories. He's a fool, stupid. “I can’t forgive her for this,” Ouspensky exclaimed angrily then.

The writer could not stand the behavior of the TV presenter: he filed for divorce and also stopped funding the program “Ships Came into Our Harbor,” where he had previously met his future wife. Filina tried to justify herself and in response accused the writer of drunkenness and assault, and also intended to sue him for part of his property. As a result, Uspensky turned to his second wife, Elena, for help.

The 75-year-old writer explained for the first time the reason for his divorce from Eleanor Filina

The 75-year-old writer explained for the first time the reason for his divorce from Eleanor Filina

The scandal in the family of Eduard USPENSKY has not subsided for two years now. Former wife and partner in the popular TV show “Ships Came into Our Harbor...” Eleonora FILINA, even after the divorce, continues to throw mud at the famous writer. They say that Uspensky is a tyrant and a drunkard, he humiliated her and her young son. The reason for all these furious attacks is extremely banal - the lady does not lose hope of suing her ex-husband for a country house and an apartment in the center of Moscow. Eduard Nikolaevich was silent all this time and finally told his version of events only for Express Gazeta.

The love story of the 75-year-old author of Cheburashka Eduard Uspensky with a 51 year old Eleonora Filina It also started with a scandal. In 2003, because of an affair with a young colleague, Uspensky divorced his wife Elena, with whom he raised twin daughters.

Trying to quickly end his old life, the writer bought an apartment in the center of Moscow on Kutuzovsky Prospekt and moved there with Eleanor. However, in 2011, after he was diagnosed with cancer, he unexpectedly filed for divorce, and Filina began to talk about the horrors of their life together.

Uspensky was silent then. But the writer Maria Arbatova I learned the details from Uspensky’s close friend, the writer Gregory Oster and wrote a whole detective story on her blog.

“Edik is covering Filina’s entire family with a thick layer of money,” the writer said. - She is supervising the construction of a huge estate in Troitsk. Filina's son is entering adolescence, and he and his stepfather begin to clash. Filina is completing the construction of the estate, pushing a jacuzzi into Uspensky’s office against his will. Uspensky has a heart attack in the pool, a swimmer nearby saves him.

Uspensky is diagnosed with cancer. Filina goes with him to Germany, where, according to her, he raises his hand against her. Edik, who even when healthy is half the size of this woman, raises his hand after cancer surgery!

Filina abandons the writer in Germany, returns to Moscow, where, together with her lover, she mortgages the house bought by Uspensky in Peredelkino. A young lover is trying to buy a gold mine in Tynda with this money. They throw them away with the mine, the money flies into space.

The indignant Uspensky closes the program “To Our Harbor...” and stops giving Filina money. Eleanor rushes to all channels, all magazines, saying that Uspensky is a tyrant.

In the hands of young scammers

Referring to illness, Eduard Nikolaevich refused in any way to refute the offensive words of his ex-wife, or to remember the past at all. However, having learned about the property litigation started by the ex-wife, who lays claim to a luxurious apartment on Kutuzovsky Prospekt and a house of 1,200 square meters. m in Troitsk near Moscow, Uspensky still could not stand it and responded to the insults:

Recently, television and the press have been constantly approaching me with questions about my divorce from Eleanor Filina, with whom we lived together for a long time.

I want to explain that my ex-wife fell into the hands of young scammers led by her “friend” - a twenty-three-year-old David Chedia.

She sold the Nissan Tiana we bought, her valuables and my antique books and got into multi-million dollar debt. Most likely, under their influence, she took out a huge loan from a bank, mortgaging the four-story house we built in Peredelkino, which cost about a million dollars. Apparently, she was unable to repay the loan. Because of this, Vyatka Bank employees evicted Eleonora Filina onto the street. She currently lives in her mother's four-room apartment, which I also helped purchase.

I am truly sorry that she ended up in such a situation. It’s hard for me to comment on this, so I don’t want to discuss this situation with anyone.