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Effective spells in money magic. Black magic to attract money - secrets of the wealth of dark magicians

How to attract wealth to your home? Sometimes it is not enough just to work hard, spend the money you earn rationally and not indulge in financial adventures. For some people, even with the best income, money tends to fall through the cracks.

It would seem: just a week after payday, nothing has been bought, and the money has already run away. If everything happens this way for you, you need the magic of attracting money and wealth. Such rituals have existed as long as money itself has existed. And, fortunately, these rituals have not yet been forgotten; it makes sense to ask magic for help.

Indeed, if money magic exists, why not use it? This obviously won't cause any harm. But the benefits can be enormous. Moreover, nothing extraordinary is required from you. The necessary ingredients can be found in any home; you will only have to spend money on special magical colored wax candles. Shall we take a risk?

How do you feel about money?

  • How do you feel about money?
  • Maybe you are still sure that happiness is not in them, that being rich is even somewhat shameful, that honest people do not earn much?

If so, then your relationship with money has not worked out. You don't like them and are suspicious of their appearance. Money most naturally answers you in kind. They don't like you either and want to leave you.

This attitude is often fostered by the teachings you heard as a child. Now, having matured, you would be glad to change this relationship, but your subconscious attitude does not allow you to do this without additional effort. Therefore, before reading how to attract money using magic, you will have to overcome a harmful psychological attitude.

Start your relationship again, with a clean slate. The way relationships with people begin.

  • Think good things about money more often, imagine how happy you will be when it comes.
  • Take care of your money, count and smooth out your bills.
  • Take care of them. Don't let coins, even small ones that are no longer in circulation, lie in corners.

In general, any psychological practice that seems most successful to you will be suitable for reconciliation with money. Try to feel and remember the energy of money, learn to evoke it in yourself at the right moment.

Rules of money magic

  • All your magical actions must be kept secret.. The same applies to plans, preparation of rituals and subsequent storage of magical objects. Magic stops working as soon as strangers find out about it. No one except you should interfere with the sacred process either with thoughts or physical actions. This law is observed when performing any actions that are in one way or another connected with magic.
  • Magic to get rid of poverty happens on the waning moon. The magic for attracting money is growing. In the traditions of many magical teachings, it is believed that the moon and money are connected with each other. Therefore, before you begin performing rituals that last more than one day, carefully study the lunar calendar.
  • You have to pay for everything. In magic this is even more obvious than in everyday life. Engage in whatever charity you can, give alms, take things you don’t need to church. Give as payment what you are willing to give. Otherwise, it may happen that magical energy itself chooses to pay itself for the intervention, and you will not like this payment.
  • Keep the magical treaty in force. To do this, do some work every day to acquire or maintain wealth. A little work beyond your usual norm will indicate your serious attitude to the agreement with higher powers. Simply put, act in accordance with the saying: “water does not flow under a lying stone.”
  • Don't ask for more than you need. Demanding a billion rubles for a lottery ticket is not only useless, but even dangerous. Mindless greed has never brought anyone any good. You need a completely real, countable amount. That's exactly what you should ask for.

In the magic of attracting money and wealth, this rule works flawlessly. By naming the exact amount and clearly understanding what it will be spent on, you send a signal that wealth for you is not an end in itself, but an intermediate link on the path to your dream.

Instead of a conclusion

We present a ritual for bread. In any culture, bread is associated with prosperity and wealth. The ritual should attract money to your home, so it must be performed on the waxing moon. You should buy, or even better, bake rye bread with your own hands.

When completely alone, place the bread on the table and slowly rotate the loaf clockwise with both hands. Concentrate on thoughts of incoming wealth and the desire to get rich. Read the plot three times:

“Glory to You, God! Give, Lord, the young month golden horns for good deeds, give me, God’s servant (name), for high deeds. From now until forever and forever and ever. Amen".

After the ritual, put the bread in a secluded place and eat it within three days. Collect the crumbs and donate them to the birds on the third day.

Good luck in your magical endeavors!

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Video “How to become rich”

Svetlana Yadchenko
especially for “Psychology of Relationships”

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Money magic, money magic.

Almost all people are concerned about getting rich and increasing their wealth. Quite often, businessmen do not make any financial transactions without consulting a personal psychic, fortune teller or magician. For example, a close magician Mavrodi from Yekaterinburg prophesied to him that the scam he was committing would not have the best outcome, but Mavrodi did not listen to him. The whole country knows the consequences of this scam and remembers with a shudder. The magic of money is aimed at increasing income and preserving savings. On the portal you can read in detail about the use of many of these practices.

The expression “making money is making money” is something we hear very often from most people today. Some earn it through honest and legal work, others get material benefits as if in the blink of a magic wand, while others barely make ends meet. It doesn’t matter which category you belong to, but you are unlikely to argue that money is a way to achieve many goals and realize your cherished desires. In addition, simply the desire to possess material wealth is very beautiful, there is nothing bad or bad about it. Of course, it is quite possible not only to earn wealth, but also to learn how to attract money (material wealth) into your life with the help of money magic (money magic). Rituals for attracting money, which are very effective, can help with this.

What is money magic, money magic?

This is one of the types of white magic, which is intended not only to reduce the influence of negative factors, but also to increase positive ones, which affect all processes carried out with money.

Money magic (rituals, conspiracies to attract big money) is popular among all segments of the population, both among trade workers and among ordinary citizens who periodically have to make financial transactions.

Rules of money magic that you must follow.

Before using money magic, you need to remember some rules, and only in this case will it definitely help you achieve the desired result:

1. You cannot use magic to get rich at the expense of other people, i.e. You cannot abuse the generosity, helplessness or trust of other people! You need to rely only on the help of Higher powers, as well as your own strength.
2. Not a single ritual will work if it is not helped. This principle applies to any type of magic, without exception. For example: if you wish for a certain amount of money and sit back, then it will not appear on its own if you do nothing.
3. You must have 100% confidence in your desire to have money! If you are not completely sure, the magic will not work!
4. It is always necessary to indicate the real amount of money! For example: if you wish to receive a billion, there is a possibility of reducing the chances of this desire being fulfilled. The magic works only if you need a real amount. In this case, there should be no problems with receiving it.
5. Money magic is directly related to emotions. If your financial condition is depressing and there is no faith in success, then money magic may not work.
6. You shouldn’t tell anyone about the use of money magic! In particular, you cannot talk about what has already been done or what you are planning to do. Money magic should be a secret.
7. After determining the purpose of the magical effect, determine its essence. The magic of money can be both attractive and expelling! Banishing Magic- aimed at getting rid of the black streak (problems, debts, loans, etc.). Attractive magic- attracts luck, money, comfort, prosperity into life. To open a new business, search for a new job, etc., you need to use the time from the new moon to the full moon. Banishing spells and spells are used from the full moon to the new moon.
8. There is a certain color symbolism in money magic. You should especially stick to certain colors while performing rituals! These are colors such as: green, gold, orange, red.

How to open a money channel.

Very often in life it happens that a person cannot not only get rich, but also simply earn money for a normal existence, regardless of the efforts and work put in. This happens when the money channel is closed. If you have money problems, this is not normal. Any person should have money, and if there is no money, then you have problems with the energy field.

The money channel is closed, why?

There can be quite a few reasons in this case:

* Negative money karma- when there are no wealthy, rich people in the family.

* Negative attitude towards money- this comes from upbringing and is “strengthened” by negative attitudes in the family: “there is no money”, “this is expensive for us”, “we cannot afford it” and so on. In this case, a person hears these phrases from childhood and subsequently begins to follow them.

* Damage or evil eye on money. This is an induced negative impact on a person, which can come from envious people, ill-wishers, and enemies. If a person often wishes evil, then it most likely appears in life.
It doesn’t matter for what reason the money channel is closed, it can be opened! You can do this either yourself or turn to a professional to perform the ritual, and then no one will be able to jinx you anymore.

Ritual for opening a money channel.

The main condition of the ritual to open a money channel is to believe in the result.

For the ritual you will need - glassware (jar), selected rice. The ritual must be started on the new moon! We fill two thirds of the vessel with rice and place it in the hallway or corridor. Every day, when you come home, put all the small change you have, such as change, into a jar of rice, and with your right hand mix the contents of the jar clockwise. In this case, it is necessary to pronounce a special phrase, which, when repeated frequently, reinforces the necessary attitude in the subconscious: “ I attract big money into my life. I was born for big money!»

You need to perform this ritual for 29 days. Then you select all the coins from the rice and count them. You should donate 10% of the amount to the temple or give it to the poor, and with the rest, buy yourself something tasty and eat it. You can buy a lottery ticket and check the result.

This ritual to open a money channel can be repeated several times.
The main thing is to believe in success and positive results.

How to attract money using magic? Magic rites, rituals to attract money.

You should not be scared by the fact that esotericism, magic, rituals and spells help attract money through ritual magic. They are a very real and harmless way to acquire or increase wealth, quite quickly and effectively. Here are some options:

A ritual with a New Year tree to attract money.

When decorating a spruce or pine tree for the New Year's holiday, you need to hang amulets or talismans on it, symbolizing money or wealth. You can also make jewelry out of money or hang several bills. Be sure to hang fruits and sweets. You can also place gifts under the tree that may have symbolic meaning.

Ritual with a broom to attract money. Money magic.

The broom was very often used in Slavic rituals. It is available in every home, but to perform a ritual of money magic, the broom must be new! Wet it with holy water and sweep in all rooms, and at the same time you must say the following words: “Sweep a broom, sweep a broom, sweep money into the house. Venichek - broom, don’t spare money for me.” The swept garbage should be burned, and the broom itself should be placed on the threshold at the front door.

A ritual to attract a comfortable life. The magic of money. Money magic.

You need to plant any flowering plant or tree in a flower pot and at the same time bury a coin in the ground. At this time, say the following words: “Grow my flower, bloom. Take care of my ruble and grow. Grow my wealth and multiply!” And then take care of the flower, take care of it, because now it is your talisman that will attract money.

A ritual for opening a money channel and success.

After this ritual, your income will increase significantly. The ceremony is carried out on a day off, on the night from Saturday to Sunday. For this ritual, you need to boil a mug of water over a fire and throw seven ingredients into it: thyme, lemon balm, carrot seeds, rose petals, a fir cone, a pinch of cinnamon and 2 black peppercorns. Boil over the fire and say: “Brew my potion, act, my witchcraft, I’m waiting for you, my money.” After that, bury a coin under a lonely tree and pour a potion on it.

Ritual for receiving money. The magic of money. Money magic.

In order to attract money and material wealth into your life, you need to perform this ritual. Wait until the darkest night. After 2 o'clock midnight, go out into the courtyard, take with you a church candle and a copper coin. After this, count 5 steps forward and 7 steps to the right from the door of your house. In this place, bury a coin in the ground and burn the candle to the end. When you return home, pray and go to bed. After completing this ritual, there will always be money in your life.

A ritual for a rich life, the magic of prosperity.

A tree is one of the symbols of life, prosperity and procreation. You need to choose a place to plant a tree near your house and purchase a new seedling. If you need help during landing, then contact only the person you trust, love and respect. Dig a hole and throw a coin into it. Read the spell: “For joy, for happiness, for a good life. Grow a tree as big as my wealth.” Lightly cover the coin with soil and continue planting the tree. The tree needs to be fenced and constantly watered. In the first week after planting, approach the tree and talk to it as if you were a loved one. As the tree grows, your wealth will increase.

Spell for receiving money.

For this ritual you will need a green candle, vegetable oil, and basil powder. In the light, write your name and the exact amount you want to receive. After this, grease the candle completely with oil and roll in basil powder. While lighting a candle, say: “Money comes, money grows, money will find its way into my pocket.”

A spell to attract money.

Fold the corner on the right side of the new bill (of any denomination). After this, bend the corner on the other side of the bill so that you end up with an isosceles triangle. After this, you need to bend the bill along the vertical axis from the short side. With your left hand, grab one of the corners of the bill and bring it to your lips, saying the following words:

“Like a strong river attracts streams,
And the sea is strong rivers,
How a woman attracts a man
And a man - a woman,
How the night attracts the day,
And day is night,
So you would attract
Similar to yourself. May it ALWAYS be like this!”

After completing this ritual, put the bill in a separate pocket of your wallet, do not take it out or pick it up for 3 months. When bills of the same denomination appear, place them next to it and do not bend them. At the same time, you cannot count the money that has been in this wallet for 3 months.

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Dreams of wealth visit everyone. But just dreaming is not enough, you need to make efforts to always have money. People follow different paths - some work hard, while others successfully use the magic of money to attract financial abundance. How to prevent money from being transferred? There are simple and effective rituals of money magic that anyone can perform. Read about them in the article below.

Magic for money and wealth helps to create the most favorable conditions for financial growth and earnings, but you need to remember that you cannot become a slave to money. It is undesirable to concentrate too much on material things; it is better to live a calm life with your loved ones and maintain a balance in all areas of life.

So, how to quickly and easily increase your profits with the help of magic? There are several strong and proven rituals for increasing wealth that contribute to increased income. You can do each of them at home.

Money Bank Ritual

This ritual is one of the most effective, but it is carried out only if you need a certain amount of money for a specific need, otherwise, the ritual with the bill below is for you.

So, for the ritual you need to take a sheet of plain paper, a pen, a bay leaf, seven coins and a key item - a jar with a screw-on lid. On a piece of paper, write down the amount of money you need it for and put it in the jar. Then take the coins in your right hand (for left-handers - in your left) and throw them into the jar one by one, imagining how the money multiplies, there are more and more of them. Listen carefully to their ringing, imagine a whole mountain of coins, how they grow and turn into the required amount. At the same time, pronounce the words of the conspiracy:

“The sound of coins, the shine of coins, all the coins will be here. Every day there are more and more of them, this jar will help. I will receive my income, as soon as I spin the jar.”

After this, take a pre-prepared bay leaf, write your full name on it and, following the coins, send it to the jar. Having screwed the lid tightly, place it in a place where only the person performing the conspiracy can see and touch it, otherwise the ritual will not help. Every day, add one or two coins to the jar, and when the full moon comes, bury it in the garden, vegetable garden, park or forest. It is better to do this after sunset, ideally at midnight. That's all - the money ritual is completed. If the actions are performed correctly and your desire is sincere, then expect to receive the required amount of money within a period of two weeks to six months.

Ritual and conspiracy with a banknote

For the next ritual, a banknote of any denomination is required, but the more, the better. Use only money that is current in the country where you live. In this conspiracy, it is important to create conditions for the multiplication of such bills so that money is always in abundance.

Fold the bill into a triangle, tucking the top corners toward the bottom. Then fold the bottom up. You should get a small isosceles triangle (See photo).

After that, take it in your left hand and, bringing it to your lips, pronounce the money spell:

"As steam gathered into the clouds,

How day and night touch

Let me also meet people like you."

Next, put the money in your wallet and never touch it, don’t even touch it. You don't have to carry this wallet with you all the time; you can keep it at home. You can even take an old wallet or purchase a new one specifically for this purpose. When you earn the same bills, put them next to the charmed one, but do not fold them like the first one. The principle of magical action is clear: money will attract money. There is no need to count the money in your wallet, just remember how much is there.

Magic ritual to attract money

For the money ritual you will need two candles (one white and the other green) and a gold ribbon. Place them on the table at a distance of 20 centimeters and imagine that the white candle is the one performing the ceremony, that is, you. She personifies the essence of man. A green candle represents money, prosperity and prosperity. Next, light both candles in order - first the white one and then the green one. After a couple of seconds, blow them out and place them in a secret place. Repeat the ritual for ten days without breaks, each day bringing the candles 2 centimeters closer to each other. On the last day the candles will touch. It is necessary to light them and extinguish them for the last time, and then tie them with a gold ribbon. Keep the tied candles as a money talisman and do not show it to anyone.

White magic for money

Suitable even for those who have never used magic before, it is harmless. White fortune telling for wealth helps increase your earnings and income in trade and business. To accomplish this, it is good to take your first earned income, for example, from a new job or in a new business. Such money has very powerful energy and is perfect for a magical ritual. Take the money in your right hand and read the words of the conspiracy:

“There will be a buyer, to the delight of the seller. I am a humble merchant, God’s servant. I surrender to you, please help me, bring the same banknotes for me.”

Magical ways to attract money, success, good luck, and improve well-being.

List of articles:

In order to correctly conduct a magical ritual, you must enter a special state (the so-called “magician state”), have enough strength and rights (which are usually given at Initiation) to attract subtle energies.

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If only the wallet’s “reserves” were inexhaustible! It would be possible not only to solve pressing problems, but also to allow yourself something extra. But, alas, money is most often not enough. Magic itself will not fill your wallet, however, by applying some folk wisdom, you can ensure that there is enough money... Read...

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Magic bottle techniques were very common in the seventeenth century in Western Europe. The remains of the components of this magical ritual have survived to this day. In a slightly modified form, this ritual was also used in the nineteenth century as an effective and powerful technique for attracting money... Read...

Is it possible to attract abundance, prosperity, and material wealth into your life with the help of simple home magic? What do you think?.. The experience of some beginners and more mature wizards shows that it’s still possible! For this purpose, talismans of wealth are also used (for example, Hottei, money toad, hoarding pig... Read...

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Many of us have read about the power of intention, which can work wonders in the right hands. Some even managed to perform these very miracles, attracting success and good luck to themselves. But, as a rule, we do such things at the everyday level, without even imagining that they can easily be transferred to our business... Read...

The advantages of this ritual are

1.its availability,
2.possibility of holding on any day convenient for you,
3. the opportunity to find a job where you will stay as long as you want.

So, the ritual for finding a job can be done... Read...

Very often, when we get tired of working for someone, being dependent and receiving an already small salary at the wrong time, we decide to give up everything and start our own business. We are full of determination and courage, but... a few minutes, or even hours, pass, and we suddenly begin to feel that between us and our goal... Read...

Now, when the whole world is experiencing the consequences of a global crisis, when many enterprises are closed and hundreds of thousands of people are left without work, it is very important to maintain an existing job or find a new one as soon as possible. And magic can help you with this and quite effectively.

And we recommend this ritual to those who work hard and honestly, but receive mere pennies for their work, having lost all hope of ever becoming rich. It’s not in vain that we warn about this feature of the ritual, because for those who spend whole days on the couch daydreaming, doing a job they don’t like, or... Read...

Lately we have been too carried away by the books “On Changing Reality”, “Transurfing” and “The Secret”, hoping with their help to achieve good luck and happiness. And at the same time, we completely forgot that our Slavic ancestors owned the secrets of Money Magic, which helped them solve similar problems wherever... Read...

Have you decided to sell your apartment or help someone close to you with a similar sale? Then take advantage of the conspiracy to quickly, safely and profitably sell any home. And it can also be used when selling a private house, cottage or any other real estate.

It’s unlikely that any magic school will be able to answer your question “how to buy a new apartment if you don’t have the money for it?” But Money Magic knows the answer, and can teach you it. True, you will have to try, but the goal has been set rather big - a new apartment.

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Recently, the theory has become increasingly popular that if you clearly imagine what you want, you will definitely get it. According to this theory, thought is material. But among skeptics, this theory raises certain doubts, “after all, no matter how much you shout halva, it won’t become sweet in your mouth... Read...

It happens that a person lives in abundance, everything is fine with him, but gradually his well-being begins to melt away before our eyes. At first, a person simply thinks that he has fallen into a streak of bad luck. But when this streak does not end, but rather expands, you begin to think - maybe I was doing something wrong. ... Read...

Every businessman is passionate about his business. We want the business we are engaged in to bring us a stable income, so that we do not encounter any pitfalls on our way. But everything is in our hands. And this simple and beautiful ritual will help you always be on top.

Black magic for attracting money will work quickly and accurately - you will receive the required amount or other material benefit in a few days. However, a money love spell has its own price, and in the case of black witchcraft, it is not about money.

In the article:

What you need to know about black magic to attract money

Black magic rituals to attract money are quite effective - you will get everything you want. Black magicians rarely need. Usually they can be called rich people. Their secret is simple - rituals can make you rich in a short time.

But resorting to dark witchcraft is not nearly as easy as using white witchcraft. Dark forces require literal performance of rituals as a sign of respect for them. A mistake in casting spells can be costly. In addition, you will have to cultivate courage - night cemeteries should not frighten you. In a churchyard, a black magician feels almost more protected than in his own home.

Rituals with sacrifices. No, you don't need to sacrifice people and puppies. Usually these are black chickens and roosters, sometimes wild rats - with the exception of the latter, these animals are killed for food even without black magic. But few people get dinner in this way - for a modern person, even killing a chicken cannot be called a familiar and simple task.

If you believe the opinion of the church, the road to the temple is closed for the black magician. This is not entirely true. If you decide to get rich with the help of dark forces, you cannot consider yourself a believer. However, you can go into the temple and repent of what you have done - however, after this you will very quickly lose everything that the forces of darkness have given you, they are quite touchy. Many dark sorcerers also use the parishioners of the temple. You can still see them in the church, but witches and sorcerers come there with their own dark goals.

If these conditions do not bother you, you can come to a dark craft with the goal of enriching yourself. Most likely, you will move on and learn other rituals - some of them will benefit you and your loved ones, some will harm your enemies. The life of a dark magician can evoke envy and admiration, and the purpose of interest in magic in the form of wealth is quite understandable to the dark forces.

Spell for money with Tarot cards

Tarot cards- a sacred instrument, and not only fortune tellers use it. This deck can be used not only for fortune telling. There are many rituals in which they serve as the main component. Most of them are directly related to black magic. Thus, one of the powerful spells for money from black magic requires the presence of the most money cards in the deck, as well as the personification of the patron of dark magicians.

The ritual is performed at three o'clock in the morning on the waxing moon. You cannot hold it on Sunday or a church holiday, otherwise, at best, the witchcraft will not work, and at worst, it will hit your biofield. Turn off the power to the entire house or go to your special place for magic - a forest, an abandoned house, an old cemetery. No one should disturb you and no one should be present while performing the ritual. Loneliness is the best companion for a black magician when he needs to turn to black magic spells for wealth.

Light six black candles. Select the three cards listed above from the deck. Place a green fabric triangle, prepared in advance, on the altar or clean table. Green is the color of money; not all attributes of dark witchcraft are black. Place cards at the corners of the triangle, the Devil should be on top, at the top of the triangle.

After this, you should extract some of your blood from your finger - you will need a medical scarifier, which can be bought at a pharmacy, as well as alcohol or another means for disinfecting wounds. Using blood, draw a pentagram on the green fabric, in the center of the triangle. At the same time, say the spell:

Amidas prenas delas hramos tibieros Magnum threos!

In all words of this spell, the emphasis is on the first vowel sound. After reading it, wrap the cards in cloth and place them under your pillow. Now it's time to go to bed - you should definitely get at least a little sleep before morning comes.

First thing in the morning, put the cards in a box specially prepared for this purpose, where they will be stored permanently. You will no longer be able to use cards for fortune telling, so if you don’t want to part with your favorite deck, purchase a new one in advance. Green cloth should be kept in your wallet without being taken out. In just a few days you will start receiving money from the most unexpected sources.

Black witchcraft for money - gypsy sacrifice

ABOUT gypsy witchcraft There are legends to this day. People believe that most representatives of the nomadic people have a magical gift. It is extremely rare that this gift is light; gypsies are very often accused of the evil eye and damage, and they themselves rarely hide their involvement in black magic. So, how to attract money using black magic using gypsy methods?

The most important component of the gypsy ritual is sacrifice.
Nomadic sorcerers sacrificed rats; in the old days there were many of them near people’s homes. Nowadays it is much more difficult to find a wild rat, but it is still possible. It cannot be replaced with anything, and you cannot buy an animal either. Before the sacrifice, the rat must sit in a cage for three days without food. If the rat dies, it means that the forces do not accept your sacrifice, and it is better to look for another black magic money spell.

If the Darkness has accepted your victim, you can perform a ritual of black money magic. It is held in the light of six black candles. You will also need a metal bowl - ideally silver, as well as a knife with a black handle - atame. Take the rat in your left hand and the knife in your right. Read the Lord's Prayer backwards and, with its last words, cut the rat's throat. Blood must be spilled into the bowl, not a drop should be spilled.

Place the rat's corpse back in the cage, it will be useful later. You need to speak about blood six times:

I dedicate my blood to the King of Hell! I call him by his name! Satan! Satan! Satan! Just as this blood will not return to my veins, so wealth will not turn away from me! Gold and diamonds will come, from this moment and immediately! I'm fencing myself with a damn cross! Just as a rat does not rise up, no one can deceive my word!

You need to go around the whole house with a bowl. Draw small crosses on each window and door. Pour the remaining blood down the drain. Fear must activate the process - many gypsy rituals are built on it. For this, the corpse of a rat will come in handy, which needs to be thrown to neighbors, enemies, rivals or anyone else who might be frightened by such a sight on their own doorstep.

Black magic spells for money - knot magic

Creation nauzov Witches have been practicing since the Middle Ages. They have long been accused of creating special knots that seemed to bind the harvest, cause drought, and bring pestilence to the area. But few people know that with help you can not only cause harm to others. With the help of knowledge, you can get rich or help a loved one solve money problems.

Monetary sciences

Despite the fact that the rituals of knot magic seem simple and harmless, it is still dark witchcraft. You cannot do it on church holidays and Sundays, otherwise instead of profit you will get a backlash. Knot magic for money is practiced on the waxing moon or during the full moon. If you perform this ritual during the waning of the moon, your income will decrease - but this can spoil poverty.

For the ceremony you will need a green ribbon about 30 cm long. Tie nine knots on it, and for each of them say the corresponding part of the spell:

The first node begins witchcraft. The second node is done. With the third node, the money comes to me. With the fourth node, new opportunities are knocking on my door. With the fifth node, my business is thriving. The sixth node secures witchcraft. With the seventh node I was given success. With the eighth node the income is multiplied. With the ninth knot, it's all mine now!

The ribbon should be kept in your wallet; it will attract money from a wide variety of, sometimes unexpected, sources. If you do not use a wallet or it does not belong to you personally, for example, you have a common wallet with your spouse, it is better to keep the charmed knowledge in a secluded place. They should not be seen by strangers, much less fall into the wrong hands.

Attracting money with a magical ritual with church candles

Black magic and witchcraft for money may require the presence of Christian symbols. Energy Christian egregor very often used by black magicians, do not underestimate its power. So, one of the rituals for money requires going to church. It is performed on the thirteenth day of any month, preferably on a waxing moon or on a full moon. There should be no church holiday on this day, and one should not enrich himself with black witchcraft on Sundays.

You need to buy 13 candles in the church. After the purchase, you should receive change; the amount does not matter. The change from the purchase of church candles must be exchanged so that only iron coins are obtained. After this you can return home.

At home, immediately throw the coins onto the floor with a backhand. They cannot be collected until the next morning. It is important that no strangers come to you at this time. It is ideal if your family members go somewhere during the ritual. In the morning after waking up, you should immediately collect money from the floor into a pre-prepared bag. It should be kept under the bed. It is advisable that no one discovers the bag of coins.

Money ceremony at the cemetery

Black magic will help you find money if you are brave enough to perform its rituals. To carry out one of them, you should go to the cemetery at night. You should not talk to anyone on the way there and back. Take with you a coin that is currently used in any country in the world.

By midnight you need to find a grave where a person with the same name as you is buried. You need to put a coin on the grave and say:

Asmodeus, Beelzebub, Astaroth. Open the gates of Darkness, give me gold and wealth. Gold, pour down to my feet, gold, stick to my hands! Let it be so!

After casting the spell, leave the cemetery without looking back. Dark forces love to test those who turn to them. This is especially true for novice magicians and witches. If you run, turn back, or show your fear, at best you will be considered unworthy of the gift of wealth. It is unlikely that you will be able to practice black magic in the future. In the worst case scenario, it is quite possible to lose your mind and even your life.

There is also a more complex ritual at cemetery intersection. To do this in the evening you need to go to the churchyard with a live rooster in a bag. In addition, you will need seven five-kopeck coins, a red cloth, a bay leaf and a sharp knife. In the cemetery, you need to cut the rooster's throat so that its blood drips onto the red cloth on which coins and laurel leaves should lie. While the blood is flowing, recite the spell:

Bes Besovich! Satan Satanovich! Judas Judic!
Here's a red bird and seven nickels for you,
Give me gold for seventy-seven years.
A century would not be translated, would not become smaller.
Just as the rooster died, so did poverty.
Just as a nickel is red with blood, so I am sweet and beautiful with gold.
As the sun rises, my slander will grow. Amen!

Wrap the corpse of a rooster, coins and bay leaf in a red cloth. Bury the package at the cemetery intersection with these words:

Here is your sacrifice and blood, give the slave (name) gold.

Leave the cemetery without looking back. As mentioned above, evil spirits like to arrange terrible tests that show whether the magician is worthy of their help. If the ceremony is carried out successfully, financial affairs go up very quickly. It can be done both for yourself and for a loved one. This is done only during the waxing moon. Throw away the bag in which you brought the rooster somewhere within the churchyard. Don't forget to leave the ransom to the owner of the cemetery.

Love spell for money

One of the most powerful black magic remedies - . Like a person, wealth can be bewitched. Sometimes such love spells are called transfers of poverty - all your financial problems go to another person, most often a stranger. Typically, poverty is alleviated through coins of any denomination that are currently used in your region.

Poverty goes to poverty, evil people go to evil people, from me (your name) they go to you. I give you bad luck, you unfortunate one. So be it, for so it is.

You need to pass the coins directly into the hands, not into a glass, guitar case or hat of the person asking. Otherwise, the money love spell will not work. Nothing will work if you give the coins to a rich or middle-income person. Little will change in the life of the beggar; he was already suffering from financial problems without you. But your business will quickly go uphill.