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Essential oils in a humidifier. A humidifier helps treat a cough better than any medicine. What is the danger?

When a cough appears, a person is tormented by unpleasant symptoms. This process is especially difficult for children: they become capricious, lose their appetite, and sleep poorly. Many doctors claim that they appear due to very dry air in the room and recommend humidifying it.

However, sometimes high humidity causes attacks to worsen. This article will discuss whether a humidifier can cause a cough and why?

In winter, many people are faced with the fact that the air in their apartments or houses is too dry. Because of this, irritation begins in the nasopharynx, and a cough may appear in combination with colds or infectious diseases.

It is very important to ensure that the air is not too dry, since in this case the cough will be dry for a long time, sputum will not be able to clear and the person will receive complications in the form of or.

To do this, it is necessary to ventilate the room and do wet cleaning. Today, special devices that humidify dry air are very popular.

Pediatricians believe that a humidifier has only positive effects when a child coughs. However, this is not always the case, Such devices have their disadvantages:

  • when using ultrasonic air humidification, a person develops a severe cough, body temperature rises, and severe complications develop;
  • very often you can notice white traces of plaque on furniture;
  • water must be changed every day;
  • if the device is not in use, it must be completely dry inside;
  • be sure to treat with special antimicrobial agents.

Very often a person experiences a sudden cough from the humidifier and an increase in body temperature. These problems appear spontaneously and also disappear after stopping use of the device. What could be the reason for this, and what measures should be taken?

Doctor Komarovsky's opinion and advice on coughs from a humidifier in children

As mentioned above, pediatricians advise the use of humidifiers when treating coughs in young children.

They have undeniable positive aspects, they help and contribute to the rapid recovery of the baby. What does Dr. Komarovsky think about this?

Evgeniy Olegovich claims that with ARVI in a child air humidity should be at least 50-70%, otherwise the risk of complications increases.

To maintain this indicator normal, he recommends using a special ultrasonic humidifier. Today there are many brands and manufacturers of these devices and everyone can find one that is suitable for them.

In this case, it is very important to follow all points of the instructions for the devices: Regularly change replacement cartridges, water, and wash the device. This will help reduce the risk of pathogenic microorganisms developing inside the humidifier.

In principle, when used correctly, an ultrasonic humidifier does not cause any complications. The appearance or intensification of coughing attacks is only possible if the device is used incorrectly. In this case, it is recommended to send the water from it to a sanitary-epidemiological laboratory for bacteriological analysis.

If pathogenic microflora is detected, it is necessary to disinfect the humidifier and the room in which it is used. Therefore, the question of why a humidifier causes a cough can be given a clear answer: due to improper operation of the device.

If you don’t want to save money, it’s better to give preference to good manufacturers. This fact is especially important when treating young patients, since the risk of complications in this case is very high.

In addition to humidifiers, you can increase the humidity level in the room through regular ventilation and wet cleaning.

You can also hang a damp towel over the radiators, which will humidify the air in the room as it dries. The easiest way is to spray with water from a regular spray bottle. This can be done together with your child in the form of a game.


The level of humidity in a room plays a very important role in the treatment of colds and infectious diseases. To monitor this indicator, it is recommended to hang a special hygrometer in the room. Experts recommend using special ultrasonic humidifiers that help achieve the required level of 50-70%.

In this case, it is imperative to fulfill all the requirements for their operation, regularly change the water and treat them with disinfectant solutions. Only in this case do these devices bring positive results and reduce the risk of complications.

Greetings to all who stopped by!
I wanted to share with you an event that was simply a discovery for me! Although, of course, this in itself is not a discovery and is known to any pediatrician.

The story is this, I am the mother of two daughters. They are now 7 and 5 years old. They don’t and haven’t attended my kindergarten, so the period of endless illnesses began for us only now, when the eldest went to school. During 3.5 months of study, we got sick 6 times, and I got sick along with the children.
The eldest daughter is stronger and recovers faster, but the youngest always coughs for a long time. (and I along with her) And now we, as a couple, have been coughing for 3 weeks, and the cough is dry. Syrups don't help. I drank a bottle of Lazolvan, Gedelix, ate an endless amount of mucaltin, bought a nebulizer for Lazolvan, and constant inhalations not only with it but also with a solution of soda and just mineral water. But the saddest thing is that we did not have time to recover, and the eldest daughter brought a new illness. And even worse, my daughter began to be allergic to all these syrups, in short, we stopped drinking them, and I was also disappointed in the nebulizer...... TTT so far everything has gone without complications, the pediatrician finds nothing in the lungs.

And then in the store I came across Komarovsky’s book: ORZ: a guide for sensible parents. The book is large - about 600 pages. And throughout the entire book, one thought is simply hammered home. That all these cough medicines will not help if the house is dry and warm and the child drinks little.
It just hit me like thunder. Well, the pediatrician has said a million times the recommendations - plenty of warm drinks. But I didn’t perceive this as an integral part of the treatment. In the book, this is simply hammered into the head, repeated many times and highlighted in every possible way.
This was the first point of treatment, the second was to create a good climate in the apartment for recovery, namely to lower the room temperature to +18 degrees and create humidity in the apartment.
Okay, I covered the radiators with wet towels and hung the washed laundry around the apartment. The temperature was actually only able to drop to +21, and then with a scandal. Since we are accustomed to 24, we already perceived 21 as a terrible cold. But everything was to no avail, the cough remained dry and remained. My husband apparently got tired of me running around the apartment with wet towels, and he went and bought an air humidifier.

We turned it on for lunch. By evening, I felt that my cough had become more productive. And the process began, I slept normally at night. Instead of a constant painful and unproductive cough, there were several attacks during the night - I coughed for a couple of minutes, cleared my throat, and fell asleep. My daughter had the exact same thing. Before this, we had not slept for several nights, because the cough was strong and frequent, but did not bring relief.
Now a day has passed since the humidifier is working, my daughter is coughing very softly, clearing her throat well. I also feel myself getting better. We drink water, right on time, like medicine. I set the timer for 30 minutes and when it rings, we drink a third of the glass. Then I set the timer again.

Now, of course, I can assume that everything coincided and the disease itself is already coming to an end. And apparently, you still need to get sick several times to confirm the effectiveness of the humidifier. .
But now I definitely have no reason not to trust Komarovsky. He writes that when creating a damp, cool atmosphere in the house, there is no great need to take medications, the body can handle everything on its own. And complications occur much less frequently.

I will be glad if this information helps someone. And I highly recommend the above book.

Human health and well-being largely depends on the microclimate created in residential premises. The humidity in the room (together with the temperature and hygienic condition of the room) is an important indicator of a healthy microclimate.

For residential premises occupied by adults, the following air humidity is considered optimal:

  • minimum level - 40%;
  • the maximum level is 70%.

In rooms with children, the standard indicator increases:

  • for a newborn - 50%;
  • for a healthy preschooler and primary school student - 60%.

Humidifier and its effect on human health

Household humidifiers help maintain the humidity levels required by a person. They relieve a person from the negative effects of dry air on the condition of the skin and hair, and help regulate heat exchange. The popularity of these devices is growing, but some buyers are concerned about whether their use will lead to a cold or other illness.

Can a humidifier cause a cold?

To find out whether the air emitted by the device will cause hypothermia (and subsequently a cold), you should clarify which air stream comes out of the device.

This indicator depends on its type and principle of operation:

  • the traditional option is a stream at room temperature;
  • steam option - warm jet;
  • ultrasonic version - a jet at room temperature.

Important! Household humidifiers of any kind do not produce cool air flow.

Considering this feature of the devices, you can be confident in their safety. Humidifiers do not cause hypothermia or cause colds.

Doctors' opinion

Professional doctors also confirm the safety of the devices. Pediatrician E. O. Komarovsky, an authority for parents, claims that the main cause of frequent respiratory diseases in children is dry air, and not the use of a humidifier. Dr. Komarovsky considers low humidity “one of the global problems of civilization.” Proper use of humidifiers can overcome this problem.

Is it necessary to humidify the air in the room of a sick person?

The use of humidifiers becomes especially important if there are patients suffering from pulmonary diseases in the room. This is explained by the fact that the devices support the protective capabilities of the nasal mucous membranes and prevent blood thickening, which can disrupt the normal functioning of human internal organs.

Therefore, maintaining air humidity is a real help in the fight that a weakened body wages against disease.

Important! For a preschool child with a respiratory infection, high air humidity is required: from 60 to 70%.

How to use a humidifier without harm to your health

A guarantee of the usefulness of devices when humidity levels increase is their correct operation.

Helpful tips for using humidifiers safely

  • Strict adherence to the recommendations for use drawn up by the manufacturer of a particular model will make the use of the device safe.
  • Purified water should be poured into the container: distilled or boiled, which is settled and cooled.
  • When using a humidifier, it is important to follow the proper care instructions. To avoid harm to health, it is important to wash the device regularly to remove scale. Timely replacement of the filter or cartridge is also required.
  • Excessive indoor humidity is seriously harmful to health. This can be avoided by using a hygrometer, which will provide accurate information about the microclimate.
  • To maintain good health, it is important to combine normal humidity with optimal air temperature (20 to 24°) and regularly ventilate the room.

Proper use of household appliances will allow you to take full advantage of their benefits.

A runny nose that occurs in infants creates many problems for both the child and the mother, as difficulties arise with feeding and sleeping the baby. A runny nose occurs due to an inflammatory process occurring in the baby’s nasal mucosa. Due to anatomical features, the nasal passages in newborns are narrow, as a result of which even slight swelling of the mucous membrane leads to the baby’s breathing being impaired, he begins to breathe through his mouth. In the process of sucking (even with the slightest discharge from the nose), the access of air practically stops, therefore, the baby begins to worry, as a result of which he does not eat enough, which leads to other adverse consequences. The infant begins to sneeze very often, as this to some extent restores the patency of the nasal passages.

The causes of a runny nose can be infectious diseases, bacteria, and allergic reactions. In addition, dry air in the room in which the baby is located can cause a runny nose in a baby.

Optimal air humidity, which leads to dry air

The most favorable air humidity for humans is between 55 and 60%. When these indicators are below normal, this can lead to adverse consequences. The mucous membranes of the nose in any person (and especially in infants) must be constantly moistened; in cases where air humidity is low, they dry out, therefore, their ability to resist the external environment is significantly reduced. Dry air is especially dangerous for infants, since their metabolism is accelerated compared to adults, therefore, they lose more moisture. The mucous membranes of the nasal cavity are, relatively speaking, a barrier to microbes, a gateway leading into the body. Every day they come into contact with an incredibly large volume of various microbes and bacteria, including those of viral origin. The overwhelming majority of these bacteria and viruses cannot enter the body, since the secretion secreted by the nasal mucosa contains antibacterial substances that protect the body. This ability of the mucous membranes is called local immunity. Air whose humidity is below normal helps to dry out the secretions of the nasal mucous membranes, therefore reducing local immunity. If the nasal mucous membranes are dry, then sputum is an excellent environment for bacteria and microbes, which, when they enter the nose, begin to actively multiply. That is, if there is dry air, a runny nose in a baby can occur as a result of it. Dried mucus is a protein nutrient medium that is very favorable for pathogens. In addition, dry air contributes to an increase in the number of adenoiditis, which leads to chronic tonsillitis, and pathogenic bacteria and viruses that multiply in dry mucus very often lead to otitis media and bronchitis , sinusitis. When an allergic rhinitis occurs in a baby, air that is not sufficiently humidified can also be the cause. The thing is that dry indoor air is very dangerous for children prone to allergic reactions, as it increases the susceptibility of the nasal mucosa to various allergens, including dust. In rooms where air humidity is below normal levels, dust practically does not settle, therefore, there is always dust, animal hair, and plant pollen in the air, therefore, a child suffering from allergies inhales all this constantly. Dry indoor air can cause chronic allergic rhinitis and bronchial asthma.

How to protect your baby from a runny nose

The nose of a small child is very susceptible to various bacteria and viruses, so it is necessary to monitor its condition especially carefully. When a baby is breastfed, his immunity is strong enough to resist various infections, including those that his parents are infected with. Even if an infection has occurred, the baby’s runny nose will go away easily and quickly if the parents react to it in time with adequate actions. It is especially necessary to monitor the baby carefully during the autumn, spring and winter seasons, when climatic conditions are conducive to a runny nose. Before the child goes outside, especially to places where there are a large number of people, it is better to lubricate his nasal passages with oxolinic ointment, which can protect against infections and viruses. As soon as parents notice any changes in the baby’s body and behavior (for example, he begins to snore in his sleep), then not all of them indicate a runny nose. Very often they are caused by dry air, due to which the mucus in the baby’s nose becomes dry and it is difficult for him to breathe. In some cases, the baby's nasal mucosa even begins to produce large amounts of mucus due to dry air, which looks like a prolonged runny nose. Instilling saline or moisturizing drops into the nasal passages, as well as humidifying the air, will help eliminate this ailment. Drops that constrict blood vessels will not help in this situation, but can only worsen the baby’s condition. A runny nose in a baby and a humidifier are the best tandem that will help your baby.