home · Appliances · Even before the. Some bacteria lived in the human intestines even before we became human. Kushchenko strongly interfered in coaching work

Even before the. Some bacteria lived in the human intestines even before we became human. Kushchenko strongly interfered in coaching work

Thirteen years ago, before he began specializing in

grain crops, his coursework on cucumbers was published in the collection

best student works. Thirteen years ago he knew perfectly well (and even

I don’t seem to have forgotten this day) the signs and characteristics of all varieties, but

I was unable to identify the radios Tamantsev found at the site of the broadcast.

Early in the morning he stopped at the market, where buckets, bags and weight

a lot of cucumbers were sold; all of them, without exception, were one, okay

variety type known to him - "debtor" ("Western Russian subgroup... Zelenets

elongated ellipsoidal with a strong slope to the base, with a narrowed and

pointed apex... coarsely tuberculate, black-thorned... triangular in

cross section... The length of the greens is 10 - 14 cm, diameter 4 - 5 cm, weight 100 -

150 grams... The color of the fruit is green with large oblong calico

spots and light stripes...").

The cucumbers found in the clearing differed from the “debtor” in shape, in

in particular, the roundness of the edges, the color, and the thickness of the foliage.

a local old-timer, in the long past - a lieutenant in the Russian army, a certain

Shorokhov Ivan Semenovich.

About five minutes later, having left the car around the corner, Alekhine approached his

Shorokhov could be found on this street even without an exact address. His

the plot stood out among other palisades with its well-kept garden beds and

abundance fruit trees. The owner himself - Alekhine saw him from afar -

a small frail old man with gray transparent fluff around the top of his head, whittling

lath on a workbench under a canopy.

Ivan Semenovich?

Ivan Semenovich! - the old man cheerfully confirmed.

I would like some advice about cucumbers.

For a snack? - the old man joked.

Not without it. - Alekhine laid out five cucumbers on the workbench, including

two with bitten ends. - What can you say about them?

The old man quickly sorted the cucumbers into two piles.

Debt, truck, debt, debt, truck...

Local varieties?

The debtor is local, and the truck is the Baltic states, beyond Vilna... Trakaisky

county... They don't grow it here.

That's for sure?

Yes sir. With guarantee.

You identify them by the shape and color of the greens... by running to


Yes. Are you a vegetable gardener? - the old man perked up.

Amateur,” Alekhine smiled and pointed to the cucumbers: “What do you think,

when are they picked?

Debt - fresh, yesterday, and maybe even today. Did you buy it at the market?.. And

truck... - He looked at the cucumbers with the ends bitten off. - It all depends on

storage conditions... Three days at least, if not four. What for do you need it

Thank you, Ivan Semenovich. - Alekhine collected cucumbers and joked: - On

Let's pay a debt for the snack...

In the office of the city chief, flooded with morning rainbow light

department of state security, besides the major himself, there was also a dark-skinned

long-haired lieutenant.

“You were interested in Pavlovsky,” said the major, picking up a small

a salted piece of paper and handed it to Alekhine. - This note baked in

They tried to give the pie to the old man’s cell.

His sister... Here's the translation.

Alekhine took a piece of paper, then a piece of paper with Russian text and read:

“Józef! God help you. Julia returned yesterday. The girl is healthy.

We are praying for you.

Your sister Zofia."

Who is this - Julia? - asked Alekhine.

We don’t know yet... Take care and report,” the major ordered the lieutenant. -

The lieutenant took both pieces of paper and put them in his folder.

Listen, if you go from Shilovychi to Kamenka, the first farm on the left, at

forests - who lives there? - Alekhine asked the major.

From Shilovychi to Kamenka... the first farm on the left... - remembering,

repeated the major and said to the lieutenant who had already approached the door: “We were at

him. Do you remember he treated us to moonshine?

Okulich,” the lieutenant called, turning around, and asked Alekhine: “

Why do you need it?

“He was connected with the partisans,” the major recalled, opening a folder with

papers, and ordered: - Share what we know about him with the captain...

Some bacteria in our intestines have been carrying their heavy burden for millions of years, since before we were actually human. Evolution plays a more important role in the internal microbial composition of humans than previously thought, according to a study recently published in the journal Science. The bacteria the scientists studied directed the early development of our gut, trained our immune systems to fight pathogens, and may even influence our behavior and mood.

The study, conducted by an international team of scientists, was led by Howard Ohman, a professor of integrative biology at the University of Texas at Austin, and Andrew Moeller, a former UT graduate student now at the University of California, Berkeley.

"It's amazing that our gut microbes, which we could have gotten from many sources in the environment, actually evolved with us over such a long time," says Ochman, noting that the microbes have been with us for hundreds of thousands of generations.

As humans and African primates evolved into different species from a common ancestor, bacteria present in their common ancestor also evolved into different strains associated with each host, scientists found.

Next, the scientists found genetic evidence that the bacteria were splitting into distinct strains around the same time their hosts were splitting into individual species. One such bacterial split occurred about 15.6 million years ago, when the gorilla genus diverged from other hominids. Another bacterial split occurred about 5.3 million years ago, when the human species split from the lineage leading to chimpanzees and bonobos.

“We have known for a long time that people and our closest relatives, apes, feed these bacteria in their intestines, says Moeller. “And the big question we wanted to answer: where did these bacteria come from?” We got them from environment or in the process of evolutionary history? How long have they been present in our ancestry?

Before this study, scientists were divided on whether strains of gut microbes continued to exist in individual hominid genera for long periods of time, long enough to lead to cospeciation, where two species evolved in parallel. The persistence of some microbes may have been threatened by changes in diet, geography or the use of antibiotics.

The researchers studied stool samples collected from wild African great apes - chimpanzees, bonobos and gorillas - and from people living in Connecticut. Fossil and genetic evidence has shown that all four hominid species descended from a common ancestor that lived more than 10 million years ago.

Stool samples contain microbes from the host's gut. Scientists used gene sequencing to analyze different versions one specific bacterial gene present in every fecal sample. From these data, trees were reconstructed for three groups of gut bacteria that make up more than 20% of the human gut microbiome.

For two of these groups, Bacteridaceae and Bifidobacteriaceae, bacterial evolutionary trees closely resemble the hominid evolutionary tree. However, there are subtle differences, such as the disappearance of a particular strain of bacteria in one of the four host species.

The third bacterial family tree, the group Lachnospiraceae, was more complex. Apparently, at least four times these bacteria were transmitted between various types owners. Researchers believe that because these bacteria form spores and can survive outside of hosts for long periods, they are easily transmitted from species to species.

Scientists aren't sure exactly how these three ancient strains of microbes were passed from one generation of hosts to the next over millions of years. Previous research has shown that we receive our first inoculation of gut microbes from our mothers when we pass through the birth canal. Throughout our lives, we also acquire germs through social interaction. Scientists suspect that both modes of transmission are responsible for maintaining our long-term relationship with our gut bacterial backgrounds.

We may be able to trace our gut microbes back to a common ancestor with all mammals, reptiles, amphibians, or even all vertebrates. If so, it will be amazing.

Vyacheslav Sambur and Pavel Kopachev talked with the man whom Prokhorov fired during the relay at the 2011 World Cup.

In the new RBU under the leadership of Vladimir Drachev, the key figure will be Anatoly Khovantsev, who will be entrusted with the entire Russian team. The position of head coach will no longer be empty.

He will turn 69 this summer; Khovantsev has a brilliant resume: he coached back in the USSR, but achieved his main successes in the Russian men's national team of the 90s - under his leadership, Chepikov, Tarasov, Maigurov and Drachev constantly won top tournaments. After the 1998 Olympics, they said goodbye to the coach - it seemed like they fired him due to an unimportant performance; There is another version - Khovantsev left on his own, refusing to get involved with doping.

Until 2010, the coach worked in Europe, for the longest time at the Kontiolahti club (Finland). Then the boss of the SBR, Mikhail Prokhorov, remembered about him; Khovantsev was persuaded to accept the problematic female cast, although he had strong doubts. And I doubted it in vain.

In the 2010/11 season, the team led by Khovantsev did not succeed. There were almost no victories or podiums; at the home World Championships in Khanty-Mansiysk, the girls did not take a single medal (the men brought three silvers). Prokhorov fired Khovantsev in a grand manner: during the disastrous relay race - 8th place. For the great coach, this was a powerful blow - that same evening he stammered about problems in the team and complained about an arrhythmia that had arisen during the year of work.

After returning to Finland, he advised Kaisa Mäkäräinen, three years ago Ekaterina Yurlova became a world champion, and in the past he brought Dmitry Malyshko back to the base.

Khovantsev's resume is as short as possible: an excellent methodologist, very soft and timid, a foreigner in mentality, fundamentally against doping.

This interview was first published on the site in December 2014. And the details that the coach told over lunch on Pyatnitskaya are still more interesting than fresh, completely empty conversations. It’s too early to ask Khovantsev about the future. He is not yet ready to make loud statements.

It seemed that Russian biathlon had reached rock bottom. Now everything is seen differently: it was just a difficult, transitional moment.

- To put it mildly, the situation was stressful - we dropped it heavily, we had to digest it, survive it. Now I can think objectively, and it seems to me that this would happen to anyone who was unlucky enough to be in my place.

Why? The time was like this - after the doping scandal - In 2009, a certain breakdown was created, so an explosion was inevitable.

Do you remember how you were rejected from the Biathlon Union? By that time, you had spent many years in Finland and had forgotten yourself.

– The first time the conversation took place was back in 2009. I met with Prokhorov, we discussed the position of the head coach. There was an option that it could be me, taking the team to the Games in Vancouver. After the meeting there was no call - I realized that my candidacy was no longer necessary, Barnashov was chosen. But Prokhorov, apparently, remembered that I had a contract with the Kontiolahti club until 2010, so a year later they called me back.

- Sergei Kushchenko said that then no one wanted to join the women’s team at all. Why did you go?

– Honestly, I have long wanted to return to Russia - this was a good opportunity. Barnashov called me, the second persuader was Zakharov from Khanty-Mansiysk.

In 1998, I had to leave against my own will - the verdict was based on the results of Nagano, I trained men. From the Olympics we only brought bronze in the relay. I don’t want to go deep into the reasons, but then the team was naked - Polkhovsky and I were coaches, and lubricants, and everyone else.

I wanted to work in normal conditions. In 2010, when I returned, there was a shock: the way the six athletes at the base trained remained the same. But the number of servants has increased significantly. The only pity is that almost all the staff were far from biathlon.

- What surprised you most when you started working?

– First of all, depersonalizing the role of the coach. If you remember, we actually started the pre-season without a senior manager - there were simply several coaches with seemingly equal rights. It was as if we had been released from the pen: everyone was eager to see who would offer what better. As a result, a search for compromises began, which immediately affected the atmosphere.

- Depersonalization of coaches is one of the features of Prokhorov’s era, isn’t it?

“It didn’t start with the arrival of Prokhorov and Kushchenko. Everything has been going on since the time of Tikhonov - I caught the very beginning, then just left. They always said from above: athletes are their own coaches. This also happens - there are people who are able to train separately, but this cannot be the whole team.

- What else was unpleasant?

– The existence of a coordination council: Barnashov, Mamatov, Privalov – plans were brought to them for approval. Well, why? I went through this during Soviet Union– then there was an educational and methodological department. Nothing has changed since then, only the name.

I know that Pichler had the same problem - he was not given freedom. In the end, it turned out like this: the method of work is collective, the responsibility seems to be shared - but only the senior coach receives it. I received it and was made senior in November.

- Is it right to think that the 2010/2011 season is a timid attempt to make Russian biathlon clean?

- Yes. No one said anything from above, but it was clear. The doctors were given the task of stopping the use of any drugs without prior approval from the trainer. This applied to everything, even approved medications. I can safely say: over the years of work I have not been interested in this side of the sport at all.

- The post-Olympic season – probably there was no point in taking anything?

– There is always a meaning – at least money. In the 90s, even with great success at the World Cup, it was impossible to make money. After Lillehammer, Sergei Tarasov received 8 thousand dollars for Olympic gold - a ridiculous amount. Now there is motivation, there is a big temptation, starting from junior age.

- When you found out about the next doping – Yuryeva, Starykh, and now Loginova, what did you think?

- “Lord, what idiots?” Yuryev in general... the same drug as in 2009. Basically, when I found out that famous doctors had returned to the team, everything became clear. You just had to wait. Of course, this is not an initiative. I think everything was done with the permission of management at the very top.

- The coaches gossip about this, right?

– If you are talking about doctors, then almost everyone knows them by sight and knows what to expect. The sport is like this - everyone nods at each other: look at the Austrians, look at the Germans... Biathlon is thoroughly infected. I used to doubt it, but now I don’t.

Remember the question that arose around athletes who used the services of a German laboratory. If this information were untrue, that TV channel would be judged. But no one judged anyone, the story was simply hushed up.

- Was there less doping in the 90s?

- Don't know. It seems to me that at the Nagano Olympics, 70 percent of those who ran were doped. I think this: not all Russian biathletes who used prohibited drugs in 2008 and 2009 were disqualified.

Anatoly Khovantsev (left) and Vladimir Barnashov

- What did you generally see as your task when you started training Russian women?

We began to improve our equipment - the Norwegian specialist Knut Tore Berland was working with us at that time. Everyone still remembers him positively. Under Pichler, they brought in an Austrian, I don’t remember his last name, but Berland’s work was more effective. Although his stays at the training camp were not as long as I wanted - it all came down to finances.

- You weren’t happy with the coaching team that had formed: you, Medvedtsev, Konovalov. What was wrong?

– I know that Medvedtsev actively influenced Sleptsova, since she is friends with Olga. If you read Medvedtsev’s statements about me, then perhaps you will understand something. He is fixated on the fact that in 1994 I did not put him in the relay in Lillehammer. Although he did not go there on a sporting basis.

I put him in individual competition - the whole of Izhevsk, led by Tkachenko, asked for him, and Valera ran frankly weakly there. He didn’t make it into the relay – this situation has haunted him for almost 20 years.

– In the team of coaches, we discuss each athlete. For example, Bogaliy - she can count on a medal here and there. But there it can’t. The coaches who worked with me began to convey this to Bogali. And not only her - so the team started talking behind their backs, the girls’ mood deteriorated: they say, Khovantsev doesn’t believe in us, and so on.

- What is the story with Vladimir Drachev? He started the pre-season as a consultant, but then disappeared.

– When Vova’s candidacy arose, I was all for it. We are on excellent terms with him, Barnashov proposed him. Vova was needed to work on the equipment. I arrived for the second training camp in Otepää - and there was nowhere to even put him up, so I took him to my room.

But okay, the work went well - the team perceived him well, there was an effect. And Drachev has such a character - he speaks out on any occasion. In the end, Barnashov realized that Vova could cross his path in terms of authority.

- What then?

- Nothing, just one day Barnashov gave an order: We don’t invite Drachev anymore - it’s inappropriate.

- Did the athletes also try to steer the process?

- One example. We held meetings almost every day at training camps. For what? Discussing work, problems, nuances is a common practice. Sleptsova approaches: Anatoly Nikolaevich, why do we hold meetings every day? Well, Light, so that you learn from each other, share opinions, listen.

The next day, Barnashov announces: we are no longer holding meetings - Kushchenko’s order. The format has changed to individual conversations: this means that in the evening you need to conduct 8 conversations, go through the women's rooms. There won't be enough time until midnight.

- The moment when you realized that the relationship with Kushchenko was ruined?

– In December, when the starts began. I realized that something was going on when they stopped allowing the press to see me. Although I don't have a problem with this, I'm always ready to answer. There was such a signal that something was happening. There were no conflicts, claims or clashes as such.

- Kushchenko interfered heavily in coaching work?

– We sent him the biochemistry results. I'm used to working with lactate, which is how trainers generally work. And thanks to Kushchenko, we had such a sheet, a bunch of parameters - Zagursky did nothing but write. Moreover, there was no return from these parameters. It is clear that Kushchenko showed them to someone - and further adjustments followed.

- Is it true that after his dismissal, Kushchenko apologized to you for Prokhorov?

- Yes, it was already in the evening. They came with Barnashov, Kushchenko began to apologize: I didn’t know that a decision was being prepared. Although I think I knew.

The PR that biathlon had under Prokhorov did not help the team. There was an opinion that we have many strong athletes who should achieve success. But this is not entirely true. It is enough that for many years we have not found an equivalent replacement for Zaitseva.

- How do you consider that season in terms of results?

- Definitely not lost. Guseva, Yurlova finished in the top ten, Bogaliy and Sleptsova were on the podium. There were a lot of ideas, but there was not enough time to implement them. We have to be realistic - the composition was very average. I think the results of Pichler’s work confirmed this.

I trained Chepikov, Drachev, Tarasov. Amazing generation, but this doesn't happen all the time. Look, Tarasov and Kiriyenko were born in the 65th year. 66th – Drachev. 67th – Chepikov. 68th – no one. 69th – Maygurov. 70th – Redkin, with an Olympic medal, but in terms of function he is average. 71st – Kobelev.

- 71st – Rostovtsev.

– When I worked in the men’s team, Rostovtsev was sixth or seventh there. I left, and suddenly the person started winning - this was a call. I wouldn't consider him a super athlete. For me, a strong personality and a super athlete is Drachev.

- You understood even before the start of the 2011 World Cup that you had very little work left to do?

- I understood. Even before the championship there was a moment when I could have left. At the airport, before leaving for the training camp in Ridnau, I was informed that the athletes themselves decided how to move and train. I almost left the airport, but where can I get from there - the weapon is registered in my name.

Sergey Kushchenko and Svetlana Sleptsova

- Do you mean the situation with traveling to the USA for the World Cup?

- Including. For example, Sleptsova definitely shouldn’t have gone there, and Zakharov was against it - he was still influencing her then. We decided that four were going to Ridnau: Zaitseva, Sleptsova, Yurlova, Bogaliy - without America. This was the last meeting in Ruhpolding.

A week later in Antholz I find out that Sveta is going to America. I go to Barnashov: Mikhalych, what’s going on? He: the management has clearly decided, and she herself wants to accelerate, run away.

- And you?

– I tried to reason with her: you need to rest before the World Cup and run – and you will be normal. But she went to the USA. At the second race it was already falling apart. I called Efimov and Konovalov there: take her down, she can’t run any further, otherwise she’ll just bury herself. She gave up.

- Did she listen to anyone at all?

– Sveta, in general, is uncontrollable. She shoots well - even in bad condition. She has an excellent function - even taking into account the fact that she could have had something in 2008-2009. But working with her is difficult. Ten days before the World Cup, Zakharov calls me: come up with something! But I can’t think of anything anymore, it’s too late.

- Why then did they put her in mixed doubles, where she immediately killed the team?

– I didn’t decide. The championship in Khanty was a management decision, almost at the regional level. Do you think my team was included in the regular relay? Do you remember who fled then?

- Yurlova, Bogaliy, Sleptsova, Zaitseva.

- Here you go. Five minutes before the application deadline, I took the paper to the competition office: Yurlova, Gusev, Sleptsov, Zaitsev. The composition was chosen collectively: me, Efimov, Konovalov, Zagursky, Barnashov.

- How did the replacement happen?

– Our waxing booth is the closest to the competency office, 50 meters. I went there, talked with the service, and left. And the stadium announcer announces the lineup with Bogaliy, but without Guseva. E-my, it was my imagination, or what? I’m running to the competition office: who applied? Barnashov.

- Were you arguing?

– We talked on the mats. The girls said that they would run from Bogaliy - then Gusev. When Barnashov had time to discuss this with them, I don’t know. In my opinion, this is despicable.

- How was the entrance to the sprint arranged for Anastasia Tokareva, who had never run at the World Cup before?

- This is completely nonsense. Everything came from the region - Tyumen lobbied. She was a good shot, but her legs were no good. They started discussing the lineup, Kushchenko and Barnashov spoke: Tokareva is running, decide for yourself about the rest. After the pursuit, when Nastya was a lap behind, I told them everything, but what can I change?

Wolfgang Pichler – still in the Rossbiathlon T-shirt

- How is Pichler perceived in world biathlon?

– If Pichler had been a gifted coach, the Germans would have taken him away long ago. They have enough money for any coach. The Norwegians also have no problems - but no one called him.

Forsberg and Zidek came to him already strong skiers. Yes, Jonsson has grown up, but no one else has. Look, Forsberg is almost the same build as Mäkäräinen. Zidek is the same, only shorter. Jonsson is tall and thin. It is impossible to build muscle mass on them. It was clear that he could not do anything in Russia with the composition that was then.

- Why?

– Pichler’s work is suitable for girls with low muscle mass. Do you remember the euphoria at the beginning of his work with Russia? We focused on strength work. And who died in the first year? Bogaliy, Guseva, Yurlova are large girls who have a big muscle mass. He strengthened them, the mass began to increase, although it was necessary to stretch the muscles. Strength would increase, but the muscles themselves would not increase in volume - this is short work.

- What did you do with Yurlova, who didn’t really run either before or after you?

“She was never very good at moving.” But speed consists of many components: technique, volume, special strength work. On roller skates these are long stretches only on the arms, only with the legs. Yurlova reacted faster than anyone on the team. She and her father went to Kontiolahti for a long time, since the juniors - then they had to suggest something.

Everyone is talking about Yurlova, although almost everyone had a positive change: Denisova was on the team, Guseva was in the top ten, Bogaliy and Sleptsova were on the podium.

- Who from that team can you call your support?

– Zaitsev, although, it would seem, at her level, problems should have arisen. It’s a pity that this happened at the 2011 World Cup - she got sick, and she wasn’t in in better shape. Although very close to medals in the sprint and mass start.

Few people remember, but she started the preseason only in July. In the fall, at a training camp in Murmansk, she came up to me: I probably won’t go to the World Cup, I’m not ready. And this is before all the tests. I slowly gained momentum in the winter, but before the championship everything broke down a little.

- If - well, suddenly - the new leadership of the SBR called you to work again, would you agree?

- Ooh... I would be very puzzled by this proposal. I got burned once, badly burned... My daughter in 2011 did not understand my action - she said: Dad, you will regret it very much. And she was right. I lost more nerves in one season than in all the years of work.

But I love Russia, this is my homeland. Therefore, I will not say anything categorically - if I returned, it would only be on clear conditions. Are there now these clear standards in the new SBR? Not sure...