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If you see a fire in a dream. Why do you dream about fire? What does it mean in a dream in which you see a fire? The importance of the rescuer role

Fire is one of the worst disasters that can befall people. After all, fire can carry away not only valuable things, but also deprive a person of home, health and even life. What if we saw such an emergency in a dream? We suggest asking the question what it means to several of the most popular and accurate dream books of our day.

Miller's Dream Book: I dreamed of a fire

According to information from this source, if you dreamed of a big fire without loss of life, then in the near future you will experience significant changes in your life for the better.

Ancient French dream book: why do you dream of a fire?

According to the compilers of this collection of dream interpretations, flames engulfing a house promise great grief and misfortune, which the dreamer must face while maintaining dignity and courage. If the fire did not hit the walls of your house, then a happy completion of the work you started awaits you, and your labors will be duly rewarded.

Russian collection of interpretations: a dream - a fire in the house

Such a vision is considered by this source as a good sign, foretelling that you will find new, faithful friends, whose help and support you can count on at any time and in any situation.

Dream Interpretation of the White Magician: why do you dream of a fire?

Tongues of flame destroying property promise the dreamer a streak of bad luck, which will be accompanied by major quarrels, losses and failure in business. If you observe, it is likely that you will greatly injure your loved ones with your unrestrained behavior. Try to change your attitude towards your loved ones and not needlessly spoil your relationship with them. A dream in which there are human sacrifices warns of the danger of participating in some kind of enterprise, which can result in numerous problems and troubles.

A collection of tips received in a dream: why do you dream of a fire?

A large fire, accompanied by a column of black acrid smoke and human casualties, symbolizes the probable collapse of plans and hopes.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z: why you dream of a fire

According to the compilers of this source, a dream in which you see a large fire engulfed in fire promises you the protection of influential people and quick success. If a large sum of money that belongs to you burns in a fire, then in reality you risk becoming a victim of deception on the part of a person whom you completely trust. A dream in which your own home was damaged by fire warns of some dangerous and risky business. Participation in it can result in complete financial ruin. If you dreamed of a huge flame that they are trying to knock out, then soon an unexpected joyful event will happen in your family. A dream where you watch a large forest fire promises success in all your business endeavors. If you heroically save a person from a fire, then in real life you should not doubt the fidelity of your spouse or lover.

Most people who see a fire in a dream associate it with negative events that are about to happen in the near future. To understand and understand what this or that dream is a harbinger of, you need to remember all the details of what you saw and familiarize yourself with the interpretation of the dream book.

Why does a woman dream of a fire?

In most cases, such a dream means dramatic changes in life, when everything old burns down, and something new begins to be built in its place. A woman dreams of a fire as a sign of something unexpected: an acquaintance, a change of partner, or her boss’s approval of her new project.

An old French dream book interprets a fire in a dream, tongues of flame consuming a house, as an omen of big troubles that you need to bravely endure. But if the flame does not touch your home, this is a lucky sign that promises that your merits will be highly appreciated.

In someone else's house

If you dream of a fire in a house located not far from her home, then the woman will soon receive important news. Whether they are good or bad depends on the color of the smoke. Future events will be joyful if the smoke from the fire in the dream is light, otherwise you have to wait for negative events. Therefore, you should not rush to implement your plan, since it will not be possible to fulfill what you planned in the near future.

If a dream about a fire in someone else’s house or apartment is not accompanied by an unpleasant smell and black smoke, then in reality the woman will experience unprecedented success and unexpected prospects, including the implementation of all endeavors in work, as well as in love affairs. In the case when smoke is visible but there is no fire, the dreamer will face financial losses, the cause of which will be her inattention. A bright glow over someone else’s house indicates a big conflict in which a woman will have to intervene in reality. If she fails, innocent people may suffer.

Seeing a fire in someone else's house in a dream with bright flames escaping, if the home is not damaged, means a cleansing process in which the woman will become a participant or witness. This event will become a new transitional stage in personal life, associated with an increase in status or improvement in financial situation.

For some professions related to agricultural activities, tourism, or for women involved in business, a fire in someone else's house means a rapid increase in monetary income and quick success. If you dream of firefighters putting out a fire, then this indicates the help of friends on whom a woman can count in a difficult situation. A blow of fate awaits her if in a dream a fireman is running from a fire. Most likely, separation from a loved one or loss of a relative is ahead.

If you dream of a burnt house, walking through the ashes in a dream and receiving pleasure from this process, it speaks of career advancement or an imminent unexpected inheritance. If the sensations are unpleasant, then in reality the dreamer will be disappointed, the collapse of all hopes and plans.

In my apartment

If a woman dreams of a fire in her house or apartment, which she puts out on her own, then defeating the fire means the successful resolution of a difficult situation that arose in reality and the cessation of attempts by ill-wishers trying to stop her. A woman who does not even try to take part in the fire extinguishing faces consequences that will be quite difficult to deal with.

A fire that flares up strongly, despite all the dreamer’s attempts to put it out, means that it is impossible to cope with problems alone. Therefore, in reality it is worth turning to your best friends or relatives for help. If in a dream all property burns, but there are no dead or injured, then happy changes in family and personal life are coming soon.

An open flame in an apartment symbolizes in reality family conflicts that arise due to the dreamer’s inability to restrain outbursts of anger. An attempt to escape from such fire means a desire to avoid responsibility for one’s actions, at the cost of which may be family well-being.

At work

Seeing a fire engulfing a high-rise building where an office is located in a dream means the successful completion of an important task and the patronage of a powerful person. A large sum burned in this case indicates intrigue, envy and deception of colleagues whom the dreamer completely trusts. If a woman takes part in extinguishing the fire and helps the victims, then in reality she will change her mind in connection with the circumstances that have emerged.

In an unfamiliar place

A dream where a woman walks through ashes in an unfamiliar place on the street, where she has never been before, foreshadows an imminent change of residence. If there were no casualties in the fire, then everything will work out both in your personal life and in business. If you dream of a burning house in a dream and the dreamer takes part in putting out the fire, then new unexpected hard work awaits her. Her rescue of a person foreshadows the tragic outcome of an event that haunted the sleeping woman for a long time.

Without fire

Such a dream will depend on the nuances. Black smoke without fire symbolizes material losses and troubles, as well as emotional unrest.

There was a lot of smoke

If thick clouds are pouring out of the windows, then in reality the woman will face difficult trials, and in order to survive this period, she should accept the help of loved ones. There is no need to be afraid to turn to them for support, they will be happy to provide it. A dense cloud of white smoke means success in the professional field, some kind of achievement and recognition, encouragement and monetary reward for a valuable offer.

Black smoke rising above the house foreshadows conflict in the family and is a warning to the dreamer so that she can prevent discord between loved ones. Such smoke without fire also speaks of a woman’s fear of changing anything in her life. Interpretations assure that fears are in vain and you need to implement your plans, change your place of work, residence and not be afraid to move forward.

Dreaming of smoke in someone else's home means good news. If the dreamer feels suffocated at the same time, this indicates a disease of the heart, lungs or bronchi and she needs to take care of her health. The smoke that clouded a woman’s room in a dream warns that in reality she has enemies in her closest circle. Acquaintances or old friends deliberately mislead her, which can harm the dreamer, leading to undesirable consequences.

What does fire mean in a dream?

When interpreting what smoke means in a dream, it is important to take into account the woman’s status.

For an unmarried girl

For a lonely young girl, such a dream is an omen of a new relationship that can develop into a long lasting connection. If in a fire a girl is also burned or is burning in the flames, then in reality she will have a strong passion for a man. Their romance will be vibrant and may subsequently lead to marriage.

For a married woman

For a married woman, the dream has the opposite meaning and indicates that a long relationship with a life partner has exhausted itself. The woman will have to accept everything as it is and try to speed up the development of events herself. This should be done if the dreamer takes part in putting out a fire.

For pregnant women

If after dreaming about a fire a pregnant woman does not have any unpleasant sensations, then she will safely give birth to a healthy baby. A fire truck seen in a dream, rushing to the scene of a disaster, means worries and anxieties in connection with problems that have arisen at work, where the pregnant woman will be urgently called by her superiors. Those killed in a fire mean unexpected consequences and the fact that you will have to pay dearly for your happiness.


If a woman extinguishes a fire in someone else’s barn or house in a dream, then she can have no doubt about the successful completion of the work begun. Taking things out of the fire and saving property means that the dreamer will soon expect major acquisitions and interesting events in her personal life or professional activities. In a dream, putting out a fire foretells troubles, and people burned in a flame foreshadow the loss of a loved one or acquaintance in reality, and the possible appearance of irreconcilable enemies in a woman’s life.

The meaning of sleep by day of the week

  • a dream about a fire on Monday means grief and tears for a woman;
  • such a dream on Tuesday night foreshadows the betrayal of a close friend;
  • a dream about a fire on Wednesday promises a long separation from a loved one;
  • a dream from Thursday to Friday promises relief and receiving a gift;
  • a dream about a fire on Saturday warns that someone is plotting evil against the sleeping woman;
  • a dream of a burning house on Sunday night promises sadness.

Interpretation according to 9 dream books

Various dream books interpret dreams depending on the circumstances that accompanied them:

  1. For example, according to Freud, if you dreamed of fire in a dream, and a woman suffocates and loses consciousness or a burning beam falls on her, then in reality the dreamer may become a victim of an accident or other accident. If the flame spreads onto a woman’s clothes, this indicates passionate love, which will bring suffering to her loved ones. You have to pay a big price for happiness if a person dies in a fire.
  2. Miller's dream book interprets the dream of a house engulfed in flames as attempts by envious people to bring discord and conflict into a woman's family idyll. If she manages to get out of the burning house safely, then the actions of ill-wishers will not cause much damage. The absence of people in a burning house promises an improvement in the financial situation, but if there are dead people in it, then the dreamer will face obstacles on the way to achieving her goal. To catch fire yourself means misfortune or illness.
  3. Nostradamus associates a dream about a fire with human weaknesses, obsessions, carnal pleasures and desires for change. For a woman, a sudden fire promises imminent betrayal. But if the dreamer herself is the initiator of the arson, then her life will change for the better. Lightning causing a fire in a dream foreshadows an important meeting.
  4. According to Tsvetkov’s dream book, such a dream portends grief and devastation. If a woman receives burns, then her reputation in reality will be undermined by intrigue and gossip. A bright, strong flame and black smoke mean major troubles in all areas of activity and in your personal life. The entrance doors that burned down in the dreamer’s house warn of mortal danger.
  5. According to Loff, a large-scale fire means for a woman an unforeseen situation where she will show self-control and resourcefulness. Feeling like a victim of fire in a dream, but not feeling pain and fear is a sign of renewal and cleansing in reality, leaving negative events and experiences in the past.
  6. Hasse's dream book foretells fun and joyful news for a woman who dreamed of a bright, bewitching fire. Watching him and the pleasure he receives foreshadows big changes in life. Dancing around the fire is a sign of fulfillment of cherished desires.
  7. Vanga's dream book symbolizes a dream about a fire, as a deterioration in the state of affairs in the personal and business spheres of life, as well as the coming times of famine. The presence of puffs of acrid smoke in a dream indicates the appearance of gossipers in a woman’s life, slandering her and weaving intrigues.
  8. Longo, interpreting fire in a dream, assured that after waking up it is important to pay attention to your feelings, since most dreams where the element of fire is present depend on personal experiences. If a woman saw smoke and strong fire in a dream, then she should think about her behavior. It is possible that close people are offended by her cowardice, selfishness, strong emotional outbursts or immaturity.
  9. According to Meneghetti's dream book, a fire in a dream for a woman means losses, health problems and financial instability. If a woman, as if in reality, saw a fire truck in a dream, then she is in danger of an accident, especially when a loud howl of a siren is heard. A city engulfed in flames symbolizes a natural disaster, a strong fire in a building - slanderers and enemies who wish the dreamer harm. If you dreamed of a fire in the forest, you can say about the dream that it promises significant monetary profit.

It is important to interpret such dreams, taking into account your state after waking up. Many girls and women pay attention to dreams, expecting big changes in their lives in the future. Therefore, in order not to make a mistake when interpreting, you should remember all the smallest details of the dream.

Fire in a dream- It is of great importance where the fire happened, if it was a forest, then losses are close.
A big fire in which no people die is a dream of renewal, cleansing, significant happy changes, and improvement of both the financial and personal situation.
Significant changes await you, and you will play a big role in their implementation.
Seeing a fire in a dream in which animals die- to the loss of someone close.
Seeing yourself in a dream trying to put out a fire in a house means constant conflicts with others due to your temper, which is taken as disrespect for them. In order to avoid the final loss of trust of others in you, the dream warns: be careful and attentive to those around you.
Seeing a bright flame in a dream, a big fire without people injured in it - fortunately, good changes in life, good luck.
Dreaming of firefighters fighting a fire- to support loved ones.
Seeing a fire from afar, from the outside, predicts minor failures, a bad mood for the whole day, receiving a fine or reprimand.
See a burnt building, ashes- illness, grief, death.
Seeing a house burning in a dream means danger is approaching you, especially if it is your home.
A house that bursts into flames foreshadows the discovery of true friends. Unlike a fire, a fire in a dream does not bode well; it is accumulated negative emotions that threaten to break out and spill onto your surroundings.
Rescuing a person from a fire in a dream can mean an unpleasant ending to events that have occupied a large place in your life recently.
If you dreamed of a fire in which people died, then you need to be careful when entering into new transactions.
Putting out a fire in a dream- you will have the strength to overcome any obstacles.
A house burning in a dream promises unexpected luck.
If you dreamed that as a result of a fire you were left without a roof over your head, then in reality big changes await you. This could be a move or a job change.
If you dreamed that after extinguishing the fire no one was hurt, and even the buildings remained undamaged, it means that you will be able to achieve your goal.
If you dreamed that there was a fire at your work, then soon you will have to account for your gaps.
If you dreamed of a burning house, expect a major quarrel, a disagreement, a series of failures in all areas of life.
If you dreamed of a forest fire, it means that in reality you are experiencing great discomfort, which does not allow you to pull yourself together.
If you dreamed of a fire- as a rule, this is a good sign.
If there was also a lot of smoke in the dream- one of your friends will become your enemy.
If in a dream you were injured or even burned as a result of a fire at home, be more attentive to your health, you may face a dangerous illness and even death.
If you see ashes in a dream, then in reality you will be overcome by unpleasant memories that cause pangs of conscience or mental suffering.
If in a dream you are trying to call firefighters to extinguish a burning house, then in reality you have such important knowledge that can destroy your competitor in business or your rival in personal life.
If in a dream you were burned in a fire- You may be at risk of serious illness or even death, so you need to be especially careful about yourself and your health. It is also important where the fire was and what was burning.
If in a dream you put out a fire- this is good news.
If in a dream you saw a burning forest, then expect losses that will be difficult for you to survive.
If in a dream you saw a fire in which there were no casualties, then pleasant changes will soon occur in your life.
If in a dream you saw people calling for help during a fire, but no one could help them, then in reality a great danger awaits you.
If in a dream the fire occurred through your fault, then great difficulties await you on the way to achieving your goal.
If the firefighters did arrive in a dream, you can be sure that you will emerge victorious in the fight.
If possible, take a short vacation and relax; the ideal option would be to travel to a country with a different climate. Such a dream can also warn you about quarrels with close friends, whom you may lose as a result.
If you saw a burning tree- boldly take on the most daring undertakings: success awaits you in all matters.
If you see a fire in a dream that does not entail destruction at all, this means that soon you will come across an idea, project or person, thoughts about which will completely captivate you.
If you yourself take part in setting something on fire, then expect changes that will radically change your life.
If the house was on fire- soon you will find loyal and reliable friends.
If a separate tree is burning, then good luck will soon occur.
If you personally fought the flames at the fire, this means someone’s strong desire to leave you a blessing. According to legend, in this case, you should divide the bandage into four equal parts and drip blood onto them.
If your hand burns business papers- it means you are not satisfied with your job; if you set fire to a house, you are oppressed by the situation within its walls.
If there were no casualties in the fire- in the near future you will experience happy changes that will affect both your business and your personal life.
If you dreamed of a fire in the summer, then most likely your relatives will have a joyful event such as a wedding or the birth of a child, and if you dreamed of a fire in the winter, then in reality a villain will appear in your house, and money will appear extremely rarely, and sadness will settle in your heart with anxiety.
If there was a fire in the forest- you are waiting for losses that can affect all areas of your life.
If the fire is located inside the house in a dream, then expect troubles around the house with inevitable losses of money. Well, if in a dream you saw a fireman putting out a flame, then in the near future all doubts about your friends will disappear.
If the dream showed you the sight of a large fire, as a result of which no one was injured, then this is a promise of favorable changes that will certainly happen in the near future. Personal life will improve, business will go uphill, and life will shine with new colors.
If it is your house that is on fire, expect trouble, strife and losses.
If a bright flame comes to your defense, then this is to great joy; if instead of red tongues there is black smoke, then you should expect favorable news.
When a fire broke out inside the house- be careful, a conflict is brewing in your family, quarrels and a showdown with relatives are possible.
Deliberately burning unnecessary things in a dream- deliberately tells you that old people who are of little interest to you will leave your life.
The fact that you are burned in a fire does not bode well; this is a harbinger of mortal danger; beware and be vigilant in every possible way.
One of them must be burned, the second must be lowered into water, the third must be buried, and the last one must be tied to a tree. Then this person will certainly make his desire come true.
A lonely tree standing in the forest, blazing with fire, shows that you are the only one out of a huge number of people who can achieve great success in their business.
A particularly good dream is one in which the fire did not result in loss of life. In this case, incredible changes will occur in your life very soon, affecting both your career and your personal life. As a result, you will be very happy and you will find that you yourself have changed for the better.
A fire in a dream also means a desire to run away from responsibility, since it is impossible to cope with emotions.
A fire in a dream is interpreted as a harbinger of big changes, good or bad - depending on the general content and mood of the dream.
A fire in a dream that started from lightning can mean a meeting with a person who will play an important role in your life.
A fire in a warehouse, store or place of work promises an increase in income, production volumes and rapid growth of the enterprise. This dream is favorable for businessmen and managers.
A fire in which people die (including you)- promises a major misfortune when all circumstances suddenly turn against you.
Get hurt in a fire in a dream, get burns- you will be demoted or fired from your job, a young man will leave you, a stranger will offend you. In general, this dream indicates that in reality you will experience an unpleasant and annoying feeling.
On the contrary, dreaming of smoke from a fire promises a quarrel with relatives or friends.
A dream about a house fire is a good sign, saying that everything in your life will go like clockwork, you will not need to make much effort to achieve what you want.
Did you dream about a house fire? Be prepared for quarrels, scandals, lies in your family. Relations between household members will deteriorate greatly, the situation will become tense.
Trying to get out of a house on fire in a dream means that you are a very vulnerable person, sensitive to resentment, unable to get rid of unpleasant memories.
Self-immolation only means that you blame yourself for something in life, but for what exactly you cannot yet understand or explain.
Burn something, set it on fire yourself- means getting rid of something unnecessary and interfering.
Watching a fire from the outside, being in a large crowd of people, foreshadows conspiracies against you, gossip and intrigues of ill-wishers.
A dream in which you saw a serious fire without loss of life foreshadows pleasant changes in life. Everything will work out well in your personal life, in work, and in creativity.
Putting out a fire in a dream foretells you solving problems and conflict situations in the best possible way.
Putting out a fire in a dream- to difficulties.
Putting out a house fire in a dream- to an upcoming joyful event.
Putting out a fire in the house seems to tell you that your friends will always help you and help you out in any situation.
Putting out a fire in a dream- you will be asked for help or advice in resolving a dispute between two people. Try to objectively assess the situation and express your opinion, despite personal preferences.
Putting out a fire while in the arms of Morpheus means that nothing good will happen in your life, and the current situation may worsen.
To see a city burning in a dream means war or a long illness of the person who dreamed about it.

If you dreamed fire, then more often this means positive changes in your life. Sometimes such a dream can even prophesy a wedding, a relationship or a new job; some dream books also have a negative interpretation. In this article you will find useful information about dreams related to seeing fire and fire.

What does Veles’s dream book say about fire? If you dreamed of a fire, then this is a sign of new love relationships, material success, or achieving any goals. If an entire city is on fire, this can lead to a long illness, quarrels, and scandals. If you stand and see others putting out a fire, then this is a good sign; most likely there are good people among your surroundings, and success awaits you in business. If a building is on fire in clear weather, then you may soon have more money.

According to the dream book of Nostradamus. Fire is a symbol of the new, passionate, desired. Sometimes this can lead to new love adventures, another option is that you will have fresh ideas, you will be able to create something new and unique. If in a dream you put out a fire, then all your experiences that you are now experiencing will soon turn into effective actions. Taking part in arson means experiencing the result of changes in life that can lead to serious problems.

If you are saving someone from a fire, then in reality this may lead to a not-so-favorable outcome of events that have long taken a lot of time and effort. In a dream, you see a fire starting due to a lightning strike - you will meet one of the most important people in your life, but this will happen in an unexpected environment.

Miller's Dream Book about Fire. A fairly positive sign for you if you do not experience strong fear from seeing a fire. If in a dream there were no casualties during a fire, then this may mean positive changes for you in the future. Soon you may receive a lucrative offer that you should never refuse. Also, a fire without death is a symbol of happiness and success. If you have your own business and you see your building burning, then this is a good sign. Most likely, success and profit await you in the future.

If creative people dream of a fire, then this means fame and recognition, and if business people dream of a fire, then success in all their endeavors and rapid career growth.

Fire according to Freud's dream book. If you are an observer and look at the blazing flames, then this is a sign that you will soon fall in love, and this will also lead to mutual love. With such a person you will quickly find a common language and find harmony. If we talk about the sexual component, then you will have perfect compatibility with this person. The beginning of a new life, the beginning of love, the beginning of a new stage for you and your soulmate.

Fire according to Vanga's dream book. If you see fire from a candle, then such a dream will bring you a lot of good things, and if in a dream you warm yourself by the fire, then in life you are a happy person who has close and dear people who are ready to help and support. If you smell an unpleasant smell from a fire, then soon you will become aware of the unpleasant gossip and malicious intentions of your enemies. Be prepared to refute slander about you in order to preserve your name, honor and dignity.

What type of fire do you dream about? Events that may soon happen in your life largely depend on the details of the dream, so pay attention to the bottom.

1. Firefighters extinguish the flames. If you see a car approaching a burning house and rescuers begin to put out the fire, then this may be a sign that you are doing something wrong in your life, reconsider your actions and try to change something. In this case, it doesn’t matter whose house is on fire: yours, your neighbors’, or complete strangers. Often such a dream indicates that the observer should be less selfish and show more attention to his family and friends.

2. You dial the fire department to call a car.. Such a dream may indicate that you have certain knowledge about your enemy or rival, which you can use for your own selfish purposes. It's up to you to decide whether to use them or not. If in a dream you are simply waiting for firefighters, then in reality you are standing still and doing nothing to change anything. Waiting for firefighters and seeing how the fire flares up is a waste of opportunity. Most likely, it’s time for you to make an important decision, otherwise big problems may appear in your life.

3. Fire in your apartment or house. If the fire occurs through your fault, then you made some mistake in life, it led to problems, and now you need to take everything into your own hands in order to fix something. If you are putting out a fire in your house by pouring water on the flames, then this is a good sign that you are now at the stage of overcoming difficulties and problems. Feeling the invisible forces that help you cope with a fire in your home means victory in life’s problems, success, strength to deal with difficulties.

4. Seeing a fire in the forest. If you see trees burning, then this is a sign that your health will be even better, you will be able to restore lost strength, and a new happy stage will begin in life. Putting out burning trees means helping a loved one recover after a serious illness.

5. Get burnt. Often young people have dreams about fire, in which they themselves get burned. This is a great sign, because, most likely, a new dizzying novel awaits you soon. If in a fire you burn completely, then very soon you will be carried away by a storm of love, and you will lose your head from emotions.

Dream Interpretation: Mayan Dream Interpretation

Seeing Fire in a dream

  • Good value
    If you dreamed that you were putting out a fire, the gods want to bless you. So that they decide to help you, make a sacrifice to them: take 4 bandages, drop some blood on them. Burn one bandage, let another go in the water, bury the third, tie the fourth to a tree.
  • Bad value
    If you dreamed that you were burned in a fire, you are in mortal danger. To make death recede, light a fire and urinate on it.

Dream Interpretation: Russian Dream Interpretation

Seeing Fire in a dream

  • In the forest - losses;
  • the house is on fire - true friends;
  • smoke from a fire - someone will become eternity;
  • burning tree - good luck in business

Dream Interpretation: Noble Dream Book by N. Grishina

Seeing Fire in a dream

  • Seeing a fire or a burnt house is a great misfortune.
  • Seeing a firebrand is a surprise.
  • Ashes, ash - difficult time, disappointment.
  • A vessel with ash is a lot of money that will bring misfortune.
  • Seeing soot is hard and unpleasant, but well-paid work.
  • Seeing a lot of soot means trouble.
  • Burning coals - money, happiness, wealth.
  • Smoldering embers are feelings that will not return.
  • Extinguished coals - unsuccessful efforts / punishment.
  • Seeing matches is a difficulty.
  • Light up - unhappiness / falling in love.
  • Chips are a nuisance, gossip.
  • Plucking a splinter or lighting it is a failure.
  • Dry brushwood – upcoming worries/news.
  • The brushwood is burning - peace.
  • Firewood means family troubles.
  • Putting them in the oven is a quarrel between all family members.
  • Burning wood is harmful.
  • Carrying firewood is a surprise.
  • Holding in an armful is a quarrel among some family members.
  • Scattered logs are minor troubles.
  • Chopping wood is a joy.
  • Buying is gossip.
  • Selling is a quarrel.
  • Seeing oil is a great, hopeless melancholy.
  • Gasoline, kerosene - you are one step away from disaster.
  • But if they flare up, it means a happy escape from danger.
  • Getting burned by a flash means falling in love.
  • Watering something with them means ruining relationships with people.

Dream Interpretation: New Family Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation Fire

  • A big fire without casualties means happy changes in the future. Everything will work out for you both in business and in your personal life.

Dream Interpretation: Gypsy Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation Fire

  • Burn something - get rid of something unwanted, unnecessary. Self-immolation is to scold yourself for something that you know for sure you did wrong.

Dream book: Ancient French dream book

Dream Interpretation Fire

  • A fire in a dream, tongues of flame consuming a house, is a prediction of a great misfortune that you must face courageously and with dignity. The raging flames of a fire, which, however, do not touch the walls of your house, are a very happy omen, a sign that your merits will be highly appreciated.

Dream Interpretation: Miller's Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation Fire

  • Seeing this as a big fire, which happily ends without casualties, means changes in the future - to happiness and benefit for you.

Dream Interpretation: Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Why do you dream about Fire?

  • joy.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

Why do you dream about Fire?

  • A burning city is a disease.

Why do you dream about Fire?

  • Fire - loss; with a large flame - profit.

Dream Interpretation: Longo's Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation Fire

  • A fire symbolizes a major quarrel, loss, or failure in business. To escape from a fire - you are a very sensitive and vulnerable person, you are touchy and cannot forget what you experienced for a long time. Every little thing has a note for you; it is filled with some secret meaning. Seeing a fire being put out means you are constantly in conflict with others because of your lack of restraint, and you cause a lot of suffering to your family and friends because, in their opinion, your behavior serves as proof of your disrespect for them. In order not to lose their goodwill, you should behave as carefully, attentive and tolerant as possible. If you dream that people die in a fire, the dream warns you of participation in a dubious enterprise. You will have high hopes for the results it can bring you. But in reality, everything will not be at all what you expect. This means that the efforts you have expended will be in vain; this matter will affect the interests of many people, in whom you will have enemies.

Dream Interpretation: Italian psychoanalytic dream book by A. Roberti

Dream Interpretation Fire

  • Fire - the desire to hide, as well as the fear of not being able to cope with one’s emotions.

Dream Interpretation: Numerological Dream Book of Pythagoras

Dream Interpretation Fire

  • Fire - dialing 01 in a dream and waiting for the fire brigade to arrive means that you have some kind of knowledge that can ruin the career of your competitor or take your main rival in love out of the game. If in a dream you see how firefighters who arrived at your call are extinguishing a fire, then you will make public your incriminating evidence and emerge victorious from the fight, but if the fire is not extinguished, then you will not use secret information, since your opponent will be faster than you and will compromise you in the next month.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of the Yellow Emperor

Why do you dream about Fire?

  • The primary elements are fire.
  • Elements - destructive heat.
  • Emotions - joy, turning into hysteria and then into depression.
  • Organs - the small intestine, three heaters and the heart. Planets - Mars. A fire in a dream is fire in the maximum manifestation of all its negative qualities, not heat, but heat and destruction. From the point of view of compliance with human psychology, this is a state when, due to incontinence of emotions, the desire to fight does not agree with the real danger and the activity required by the situation. The fear of struggle is higher than them, that is, the defensive forces are so active that it leads to self-destruction and the destruction of everything around. How in the fight against a virus, a rise in high temperature can lead to the death of a person. A fire of emotions reflected in a dream without control is destructive chaos. Fiery excessive joy, hope and the like. They may lead to an inadequate assessment of events in two directions that are physically equally dangerous. The hope for the self-destruction of the situation (it burns out - we’ll see there), when specific actions are needed, here the external yang of the situation will burn the inactive person, causing a response internal fire of the yin organs: the yin organ is the heart that is affected first, which cannot free itself in the ring of fire from its excess. Excessively aggressive external actions of the dreamer, spoiling everything - burning; the physical basis for such behavior is the unhealthy yang organ of the small intestine. It is overflowing with physical waste and pathogenic energy and sets the heart on fire and the like. The whole body follows a bad chain. In this case, bowel cleansing can be recommended as a means to calm the situation: for example, an enema and a diet (the dreamer probably abuses meat products). Fires in a dream are a sign of a complete lack of control over the external and internal situation: an all-destructive process around the dreamer and a lack of understanding of this. The dream demonstrates the lack of strength and desire to resist the state in which the dreamer is (there is no ford in fire). When emotions and physical states are uncontrolled, anything can happen on any level. This condition is especially dangerous in summer, during hot periods.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

Dream Interpretation Fire

  • Fire is a symbol of passion, carnal desires, sudden capture by an idea, desire for change.
  • Putting out a fire means that unrest will develop into an organized movement that will not be easy to stop and simply impossible to prevent.
  • Taking part in arson is a symbol of decisive changes that will be provoked by unfair treatment; the dream promises problems and instability.
  • Saving a person from a fire is a symbol of the tragic outcome of an event that haunted for a long time, kept one in suspense and required a lot of strength.
  • Seeing a fire in a room is a symbol of betrayal, which will happen with the consent of both parties, but will subsequently bring problems that will turn into the most unexpected adventures and disasters.
  • Seeing horses rushing about in a fire means that in 2038 there will be the largest number of marriages in the entire century and this year will be the beginning of solving the demographic problem for many countries.
  • Seeing the ashes left after a fire is a symbol of the invention of a new housing project that will provide everyone with a decent place to live.
  • Seeing a fire ignited by lightning means meeting the main person in your life under unusual circumstances.