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Fallout 4 wasteland workshop quests

Wasteland DLC Workshop is the second addition to Fallout game 4. In this Wasteland Workshop add-on, you can design and create cages to capture living creatures, from raiders to Deathclaws. Tame animals and set all captured creatures against each other or against settlers. In addition, you will now be able to install neon indicators, sets of letters, stuffed animals, new structures for building buildings (ceilings, floors, walls with windows, stairs) in settlements. street poles with lighting and Appliances for lighting, radiation removal arch and much more!

and higher (I haven’t tested it on version or lower, everything works on game

— There will/may be conflicts with the Settlement Keywords mod and maybe with similar mods that change categories in the Workshop.

Installation:(manually or via NMM manager)
— Everything will install itself, if you install it manually then
1. Add the following lines to your “Fallout4Custom.ini” file (create a file if you don’t have one), which is located in “Documents\My Games\Fallout4”:
sResourceDataDirsFinal= (there should be nothing after the = sign)
2. Save and close the document
3. Open the Fallout4Prefs.ini file, look for the line, directly below it, add the following line: bEnableFileSelection = 1
4. Save and close the document
5. Download the archive with the DLC, copy the files DLCworkshop01.esm, DLCworkshop01.cdx, DLCworkshop01 - Textures.ba2, DLCworkshop01 - Main.ba2, DLCworkshop01 - Geometry.csg to the Data folder in the game.
6. Open the plugins.txt file along the path “C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\Fallout4\plugins.txt” and add the line DLCworkshop01.esm directly below the line Fallout4.esm and DLCRobot.esm (the first DLC )
7. DLC Wasteland Workshop is automatically activated after entering the game, all innovations will be added to the Workshop in different categories.

Certainly one of the most distinctive featuresFallout 4 compared to its predecessors is the ability to equip its own settlements. Such an apocalyptic version The Sims. You can unnoticed spend more time doing this than actually exploring the radioactive wastelands themselves. It was this aspect that I relied on Bethesda Softworks in the new, second addition called Wasteland Workshop. And I made a mistake...

Unlike previous DLC , the new add-on does not introduce a new chain of quests into the game and this, in my opinion, is its main drawback. The developers limited themselves to only expanding the existing capabilities for arranging settlements. New decorative elements were added: for example, neon signs, new scarecrows and even a plot of land for growing vegetables and fruits indoors. It seems good, but the moderators have already managed to create much more content, cooler and more diverse. And free...

The main feature Fallout 4: Wasteland Workshop is the construction of cage traps for local fauna and more. We install such a cell, connect it to the generator, and after some time (from 2 to 7 game days) an animal or a person wanders into it. There are cages to capture Brahmins, Mutant Hounds, Raiders, and even Deathclaws. The cells can be surrounded by walls, traps can be placed around them, and in this way a kind of arena can be built. We send one of the settlers there, open the cages and observe what is happening. To be honest, this is not an acquired taste.

By the way, wild animals can not only be used as meat in such battles, but also tamed by installing a special beta wave emitter within the population. So the same death claw, for example, can become a faithful guardian of your locality.

All in all, Wasteland Workshop Doesn't qualify as a full-fledged DLC. It's more like a patch that inexplicably sells for $5. Add Bethesda at least a small chain of quests, everything would not be so sad. And the theme is great: hunting wild animals, battles in arenas. Was it really difficult to come up with a little story under this all? Add a new set of armor in the hunting style, in the end. Eh... Now all hope is for Far Harbor, coming out in May.

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What is referred to as Wasteland Workshop didn't bring much new to the game in terms of gameplay. However, its volume is also not calculated in gigabytes, as in the case Automatron or future Far Harbor. However, this addition will significantly diversify the game for those who loves to do construction and still enjoys it improving the life of the residents of the Commonwealth.

Multiple guides (as was the case with the Automatron DLC) in this case will be replaced with a review innovations and useful features th.

Peculiarity Wasteland add-ons Workshop The point is that if PC gamers have been able to diversify construction with the help of mods since the release, then the owners of the console versions were left “overboard.” For them, Wasteland Workshop really became a real find.

New in the construction of Fallout 4 Wasteland Workshop


Concrete structures– have now appeared on a par with wood and metal. Moreover, concrete structures got angular shapes and curves, which allows you to create buildings of more interesting shapes and previously unavailable.

Concrete railingsnew element to add aesthetics to the design. Almost all of them can be placed in horizontal plane, but there is also a curved version that can be attached to floor panels.

Concrete doors– in this category are doors with power drive. Such doors can only be opened if a power source is connected. If the power source is turned off, the door will be closed. If you place a switch between the power source and the door, you can control closing and opening remotely. And yes, such doors can also be attached to wooden structures, and not just to concrete ones.

New decorations and utilities for the interior

Among the new elements of decor and interior in general, such as lighting, trophies, flags, paintings, etc., a very useful and original innovation should be noted.

IN Fallout 4 Wasteland Workshop cages for wild animals, gamma wave emitters so that captured animals could be tamed, arenas and much more were also added.

. Wasteland Workshop received different ratings from players, opinions were divided almost in half, some considered this addition good, and some considered it a failure. Let's try to figure out which of them is right.

For convenience, we beg you to use summary :

Description of dlc Wasteland Workshop

The developers announced the first three additions to Fallout 4 almost simultaneously and players were a little wary of the description Wasteland Workshop. The addition, which was released on April 12, 2016, was described incredibly sparingly. One of the reasons for the wariness of players was that many of the innovations that were announced by players with PC versions had been done a long time ago with the help of free mods. And other innovations, such as capturing living creatures and new construction features, were not yet entirely clear.

A huge minus was the lack of a storyline in the Wasteland Workshop DLC, the presence of crafting, new buildings and arenas makes this DLC an ordinary construction addition, but I want more mysteries and stories, new characters and mutants, new cool guns and a new power armor, the soul requires these elements, but they are not in Wasteland Workshop.

What does Wasteland Workshop add to the game?

But you can walk around and around for a very long time, so let’s still try to find bright moments in this DLC for Fallout 4 and consider what it added to the game, maybe not everything is so bad.

New in construction

If players who have the PC version of the game installed have long been saturated with new features in construction, with the help of free mods, then players who use consoles simply do not have such mods, so they were waiting for this addition much more than the players of the PC versions. With this addition, the following construction innovations have been introduced into the game:

  • Firstly, you can now build buildings from concrete;
  • Secondly, this addition introduced many elements that use electricity, so it is logical that with the help of this addition you can install a nuclear generator;
  • Thirdly, the player can place a neon sign on any building. PC players are very happy about this, console players are the same, but this innovation may lead to slight system slowdowns.

Ability to catch mutants and raiders

In addition to innovations in construction, another interesting opportunity has appeared, now main character can set traps that can catch anyone, from a raider to a deathclaw. The traps are powered by generators, after all, these are mutants of Fallout 4, there are no living creatures that simple bars could hold.

Naturally, different creatures need different cages and even bait. From the fact that they are powered by electricity, it becomes clear that they are placed next to any settlement of the main character. After the creature is caught, the main character is free to decide its fate.

Arena battles in Fallout 4

You can build a kind of coliseum around the cells and pit mutants against each other on it, or even punish one of your residents by sending him to the arena.

Help for settlements

It is much better to use captured mutants and other creatures for the benefit of the protagonist’s settlements. Captured creatures can serve as guards for your settlements, this applies to mutants who have mutated themselves, super mutants, raiders, shooters, are not suitable for such work. In order for the creatures to become guards, you need to “marinate” them using a special emitter. This emitter is built from 4 parts of a crystal, which is not easy to find in Fallout 4 locations, and you also need to learn 2 perks, these are the “Animal Friend” and the “Wasteland Whisperer” perk.

Fallout 4 - Wasteland Workshop

Wasteland Workshop is the second expansion for Fallout 4. which allows you to spend even more time in the bleak post-apocalyptic spaces and again plunge headlong into the Wasteland that is being reborn under our leadership. But this time we are not offered to participate in robot showdowns and in general they are not trying to seriously deepen the plot component of the game. Instead, as expected, Fallout 4 has brought even more opportunities so that those who like to create their own settlement can have fun.

For me, if anyone remembers our full review Fallout 4. The opportunity to build your own fortified villages out of trash was not particularly attractive. There was something to do besides this, and exploring the radioactive expanses seemed to me a much more interesting activity than arranging homes for incomprehensible NPCs. But over time, especially after the bug with endless quests to protect settlements was corrected, this mechanic was still able to captivate me for some time. Without fanaticism, like some gamers who are still making something in the starting settlement, but have not gone beyond its borders, but also without the former hostility. And therefore, with the addon, which was supposed to deepen precisely this, not the most favorite part of the game, I met with some skepticism.

The addition consists of two interconnected parts, each of which brings something new to our settlements.

One part is, of course, a significant expansion of building capabilities, which many players really lacked (especially on consoles; on PC, a lot of content has already been added through modifications). You could spend half the material just listing everything added, so I won’t focus on all the functionality in general and will only talk about the most, in my opinion, interesting innovations.

A “concrete” tab has appeared and the ability to build concrete structures along with metal and wood ones. Look concrete structures much more impressive and besides, we are allowed to build all sorts of semicircular and corner modules, creating buildings of much more remarkable shapes than before. That is, it is now possible to realize such an idea - to build concrete base, and attach to it metal balconies And wooden roof. And all in all it will look very cool.

They added a nuclear generator, and it really needs to be built, because you will have to “power” a lot of new electrical appliances. Starting from locks on a new type of door and ending different light bulbs and others lighting fixtures. Why, you can even assemble a lamp sign for yourself that will show the number you need - and thereby measure out incident-free days for yourself in your shelter.

The developers also added the ability to “sign” buildings or rooms, as well as put neon displays. Thanks to this, a bunch of photographs immediately appeared on the game forums, where players compete with each other to see who makes the settlements “cooler.”

Traps also appeared in the game, but somehow it’s impossible to appreciate them. Machine guns protect settlements better, so traps remain the lot of those who decided to build long-distance lines of defense or are going to use them in a built gladiator arena.

The creation of such entertainment became possible with the introduction of cages for capturing opponents into the game. I specifically do not use the word “animals”, because in addition to Death Claws or mole rats, we can catch both Super Mutants and ordinary raiders, who will be at our complete disposal. We install a cage, wait a couple of days until someone appears there, and then we can release the character into the wild and do with him everything that the game mechanics allow.

We create cages for future experimental subjects.

After 48 hours, there is a captured animal in one of the cages.

Death is walking around the city. And all because they forgot to connect the emitter in time.

Many players immediately decided to set up an arena, that is, to build a special enclosure where cages are placed, electricity is supplied to switches and... we open the cages with a click and watch how opponents destroy each other. The fun is specific, but with the help of such mechanisms, gamers will probably figure out how to implement something really cool.

Or, if you want to see a peaceful Deathclaw walking the streets of your settlement, you can install a new tower that emits waves that make your opponents no threat to your settlement. So exotic lovers who want to see all sorts of creatures on the streets of the city, which in another situation they would like to kill immediately and mercilessly, will be pleased with this opportunity. The rest will limit themselves to creating a wall of trophies in their own home.

By the way, you won’t be able to make yourself a “zoo” out of such creatures. If you place them in some room or a manually created cage, and then remove the trap, leaving only the monster, after a while it will still roam the streets. Despite the lack of doors in the "prison". This is such a flaw.

The greatest benefit from the add-on was received by players from consoles, who do not yet have the opportunity to fully use modifications from fans, but want better tools. PC gamers just received a nice bonus for the settlement development simulator, and if this is exactly what you want from the game, then you should like it.

A big fly in the ointment also falls on the console audience - the creation of all the neon signs and lighting systems in the city is, of course, a good idea, only the console versions from fully built-up cities begin to noticeably falter. Not so much that it is uncomfortable to play, but visually it is visible. The forums are already asking for a patch. Computers “chew” all these light bulbs without noticeable drops in performance.

Wasteland Workshop for Fallout 4 turned out to be a controversial DLC, which seems to add a lot of interesting things to the game, but does it exclusively for those gamers who like to tinker with settlements. If you are not one of those people, then this addon is unlikely to interest you. For lovers of new things for the hero and additional storylines you'll have to wait for the next addon, but construction fans are already firmly and forever entrenched in their own shelters and now in the next couple of weeks it will be impossible to get them out of there into the inhospitable wasteland. Unless for new resources for crafting.

Or, if you want to see a peaceful Deathclaw walking the streets of your settlement, you can install a new tower that emits waves that make your opponents no threat to your settlement. So exotic lovers who want to see all sorts of creatures on the streets of the city, which in another situation they would like to kill immediately and mercilessly, will be pleased with this opportunity. The rest will limit themselves to creating a wall of trophies in their own home.

And who should I show it to? They would rather make the arrangement system itself more convenient and not glitchy with hefty structures hanging in the air on 4 logs.

It would be nice to have a story about how you need to get all these new things, what tasks you will have to complete for this and how they are linked in the plot with the main line, but... unfortunately, everything is given out at once, and if you have enough resources, then more and more you don't need to do anything. Build for your own pleasure.

Okay, craft an automatic turret out of electrical tape and two batteries - well, okay. craft a Psionic emitter from shit and sticks, being a homeless ex-military man/lawyer - that's five. Since everyone is so capable, why hasn’t the world been revived yet?

viluchinsk.club - young Forum of the City of Viluchinsk

Yeah, for perfectionists, Fallout 4 is hell. You open a bunch of settlements, but there is no desire to build - they remain poor and crooked, but you don’t like it.

It would be better to create a set of templates for the lazy: sets that are built in certain places (pre-conceived by the level and art designers), where you simply select the number of beds, required power networks etc. It’s the same with grade. Well, or at least modify the mode with a top-down view - ala economic strategy.

And for all Minecraft survivalists, leave the free building mode.

By the way, I’m frantically upvoting it - it’s too lazy and uninteresting to build yourself, but I also don’t want to leave settlements empty. and so I saved up required quantity resov - automatically built a standard settlement or fort or something else.