home · Networks · The roof is covered with tar paper or tar paper. How to fasten roofing felt to a wooden roof: let’s look at the methods of how and what is the best way to fasten roofing felt when arranging a roof. Marking of roofing materials

The roof is covered with tar paper or tar paper. How to fasten roofing felt to a wooden roof: let’s look at the methods of how and what is the best way to fasten roofing felt when arranging a roof. Marking of roofing materials

Extensive range of roofing and waterproofing products roll materials contains many titles. One of the oldest and most famous is roofing felt.

This is a material that is a special type of cardboard, twice treated with coal tar or tar impregnation. Available in several variations. Different brands and varieties have their own purposes. Some are used for arranging roofs, others are used for protection building structures from moisture penetration.

Tar impregnation, which contains a significant amount of carbolic acid, helps prevent putrefactive processes. Prevents the growth of bacteria and the development of dampness.

Main technical characteristics of the material

When purchasing roofing material in this category, you should pay attention to the labeling. Its quality must meet the requirements of GOST 10999-76 “Roofing felt. Technical requirements". It is not easy to determine any special advantages of roofing felt. The only thing we can note is the low cost, the absence of shortages on the market, and unpretentiousness in work. Developers are especially attracted by the low cost of the material. Since it often has to be used for temporary work.

Technical characteristics of roofing felt by brand are presented in the following table:

Brand Name Availability of top layer Purpose Weight of 1 sq.m of cardboard, g

Only leather (without powder)

Roofing, vapor barrier

Waterproofing roofing felt


Roofing felt with sand topping

On both sides the canvas has a surface film of impregnating substance, protected by a layer quartz sand

Roofing for temporary buildings and structures or the first layer for roll roofing from other materials

Roofing felt with coarse grain material

On both sides there are layers of refractory tar with coarse-grained toppings

Roofing for temporary buildings and structures or the first layer for roll roofing

There are also brands of roofing felt with coarse-grained toppings with front side canvas - TG 300 and TKK 400. The reverse part is treated with fine-grained or dusty powder. The topping should not contain clay impurities.

Among the disadvantages of the material, one can note its poor resistance to fire and poor tolerance to sub-zero temperatures. In the cold, the roofing felt cracks and bursts. It also cannot please us with its durability.

How to make a roof

The decision to cover a roof with tar paper is usually made as a temporary measure. In order for a tar paper roof to last for at least three years, all stages of the work must be completed correctly. Laying can be done on any base - wooden, concrete, slag concrete. However, the material is only applicable for flat roofs, with a slope of no more than 12 degrees. To work, you need to choose a warm, dry time of year.

  1. If the coating is repeated, then the old one must be completely removed, and the base must be cleaned and leveled. When truss structure roofs make a new sheathing or fix the existing one. If there is a basis from reinforced concrete slabs- leveling screed is performed using cement-sand mortar.
  2. For the lower layers of the roof, only TK 350 leather or TP 350 grade with fine powder is used. The top covering is made with roofing felt TVK 420 with a coarse-grained front surface.
  3. Fastening to the base and the sheets to each other is carried out with tar mastic or special tar paper.
  4. The roofing felt roll must be unrolled and cut into pieces required length with the expectation that installation will be carried out along the roof slope.
  5. If you use roofing felt with a fine coating for the first layer, it is better to remove the coating from the wrong side with a stiff brush or wooden spatula. From the front side it is removed only to the width of the overlap - 8-10 cm.
  6. The mastic should be heated and applied to the canvas. The average consumption is 2 kg per 1 m2 of area.
  7. A sheet of roofing felt is placed on the sheathing and pressed tightly against it, trying to smooth it out thoroughly. The next sheet is placed on the previous one with an overlap of 10 cm.
  8. The edges of the canvases must be additionally treated with mastic and carefully pressed against the sheathing to prevent the appearance of bubbles.
  9. Then they nail it on top of the roofing felt wooden blocks square or triangular section measuring 50*50 mm. The gap between the bars is made less than the width of the roofing felt by 100 mm.
  10. Next layer roofing laid in such a way that the edges of the canvases lie on the bars. Fastening to them is carried out with roofing nails.
  11. On each block there is a junction of two canvases. It is additionally covered with strips of roofing felt, folded in half, and nailed with the same nails at a distance of 50-60 mm.
  12. On eaves and slopes, the roofing felt must be tucked under the sheathing and secured with nails. The ridge is decorated with boards treated with antiseptic and fire retardant.

When concrete base tar roofing is laid on tar mastic according to the principle of roofing material. By the way, what is the difference between roofing felt and roofing felt? The main difference is impregnation. In the production of roofing felt, bitumen is used, and roofing felt is made using tar. Roofing felt is more expensive and durable than roofing felt. However, the second is more resistant to rotting and moisture penetration. Therefore, what is better to purchase, roofing felt or roofing felt is decided in each specific case depending on the purpose of use.

Using roofing felt as waterproofing

In order for the insulated surface to be reliably protected from moisture penetration, it should be thoroughly cleaned of dirt, dust, and debris. Sludges of mortar must be knocked down, sinks and other irregularities must be sealed with mortar. For waterproofing, horizontal or adhesive, various types of roofing felt are used. But most often they give preference to roofing felt of the TG 350 brand, which does not have a topping.

When protected from moisture horizontal surfaces, a layer of tar mastic is applied to the prepared base, and roofing felt is spread over it. Then the first layer on top is smeared with hot mastic and glued next layer waterproofing.

Roofing felt is used for waterproofing not only horizontal, but also vertical surfaces. Cleaned structures (necessarily in a dry state) are covered with mastic, onto which roofing felt sheets are glued. The overlap of one sheet on another should be about 100-150 mm. The adhesive insulation must be tightly connected to the horizontal one and the top surface must be thoroughly coated with mastic so that moisture from the ground does not have the slightest opportunity to penetrate to the insulated structures.

“The top and bottom panels (panels?) of the cabinet provide space for installing cable entries.” How to correctly write the word “panels” in this context? Plural or singular? Or are both options possible? The cabinet has only two panels - at the top and bottom, this means the roof and floor. That is, one top and one bottom panel in the cabinet. Should we talk about them in the plural or singular? Thank you!

In this case you should use plural: The top and bottom panels of the cabinet provide space...

Question No. 296865

Hello, dear Certificate." Is it correct to say: cleaning the roofs from snowdrifts. (It’s embarrassing that there are snowdrifts on the roof).

Answer help desk Russian language

There can be snowdrifts on the roof, there is no contradiction. But more often they say: clearing roofs of snow.

Question No. 292985

Please help me with the punctuation in this sentence: “When building a dacha (-/,) at all stages (foundation, walls, floors, roof, ceiling) (-/,) do not forget about the insulating material.” And one more thing: instead of parentheses, is it possible to put a colon before the word “foundation”? Thank you very much in advance!

Russian help desk response

Correctly: When building a dacha at all stages (foundation, walls, floors, roof, ceiling), do not forget about the insulating material.

You can also write it with a colon: When building a dacha at all stages: foundation, walls, floors, roof, ceiling - do not forget about the insulating material.

Question No. 289129

Hello! Is there such a word as "movable", for example, sliding door? The point is that this door moves away from itself between two roofs.

Russian help desk response

A door that can slide is called a sliding door. The word exists.

Question No. 287719

In the phrase The river is not yet frozen - not together or separately

Russian help desk response

Correctly: not yet frozen river.

WITH full forms negation of participles is not written separately:

a) if they have dependent words, for example: a person who does not disdain any means; not knowing what he is doing; not caring about food; friends who haven't seen each other for many years; version not supported by facts; a genius not recognized by his contemporaries; an object not identified by ground services; not bound by obligations; not obliged to obey; unmoved by her tears; a dress that has not been washed for a long time; the roof has not been painted since spring;

b) as part of constructions with opposition or constructions that reinforce negation, for example:

This is not a finished work, but some sketches; not knowing, but only guessing; not warring, but peacefully neighboring countries; not respected - loved; not at all calmed down, not at all embarrassed, not at all overjoyed, not noticed by anyone, never despondent, not loved by anyone.

Question No. 286458

Hello, help me resolve a dispute with my colleagues by adding punctuation marks in the following sentence. The current requirement for the maximum number of floors is “4 floors; additional placement is allowed attic floor in pitched roofs, subject to the maximum height of buildings and structures in accordance with the Rules of Land Use and Development” has been replaced by a new “4 floors including the attic.” All punctuation marks have been removed on purpose, in quotes - an excerpt from the law.

Russian help desk response

Preferred punctuation: The current requirement for the maximum number of floors: “Four floors, while it is allowed to place an additional attic floor in pitched roofs, subject to the maximum height of buildings, structures, structures in accordance with the Land Use and Development Rules”- replaced by a new one: “Four floors, including the attic."

If you bring exact quotes from the laws, it is better to place punctuation marks in these quotes in the same way as in the original.

Question No. 284401

Tibet - "Roof of the World". Are quotation marks necessary?

Russian help desk response

It should be written in quotation marks with a small letter: Tibet is the "roof of the world".

Question No. 281276
Good afternoon.

My daughter found in her dictation “the roof is starting to smoke” without soft sign in the verb. Shouldn't it smoke? The teacher says - what does the roof do? - it starts to smoke, which means there is no soft stuff.

Russian help desk response

Right: roof(what is he doing?) smoking, But: the roof starts(what to do?) smoke.

Question No. 265663
“To roof” (from the word roof) means to climb onto the roof. So where there is no roof, you cannot roof it. Those. a spire, tree or star cannot be rooted or can it?

Russian help desk response

Based on the etymology of this slang word, root really means "to climb onto the roof." But words, when used in a language, can change their meaning (it can expand or narrow), words can develop figurative meaning. At the word root a figurative meaning may well develop (or maybe is already developing): “to climb onto the roof” - “to climb onto any surface of a high structure” - “to climb, to climb onto any high object, structure.” In this sense, it is quite possible (will be) root both the spire and the tree (that is, even the one where there is no roof). Wed. history of the word Xerox: Initially, this was the name given only to a Xerox copier, and then, regardless of the etymology of the word, this was the name given to any copier, even one that had nothing to do with this company.

Question No. 264425
Is it necessary to put the word “roof”, used in a criminal sense, in quotation marks?
Such and such a police department is the “roof” of such and such a criminal group.
Thank you!

Russian help desk response

Quotes are appropriate.

Question No. 248776
How to say it correctly? The roof is covered with tar paper or the roof is covered with tar paper. If possible, then explain why it is so and not otherwise.

Russian help desk response

Correct: roofing felt (roofing is a noun belonging to the 2nd declension according to the school curriculum).

Question No. 243703
please tell me how to write correctly: gable roof or gable roof and a three-story building

Russian help desk response

Options gable And gable equal rights.

Three-storey building - Right.

Question No. 241944
Can you write it like this: “Roof surface repair” or is it still “Roof repair”? Thank you!

Russian help desk response

Option roof surface repair possible if it is necessary to emphasize that not the entire roof (rafters, trusses, etc.) is being repaired, but only the surface covering. In this sense one can also say: roof repair.

In other cases it is appropriate: roof repair.

Question No. 240569
Is there a word for ice caps? This means equipment.

Russian help desk response

Roofers- from the word roof? We think that such a word is not used.

Question No. 228821
A little more (?) and the roof will fall. Thank you.

Russian help desk response

It’s better to put a dash: _A little more and the roof will fall_.

Good afternoon, dear “Gramota.ru”! Please tell me how to correctly place punctuation marks in a sentence: 1. The Rainbow leisure center is primarily a “home” for young people. or 2. The Rainbow leisure center is primarily a “home” for young people. And is it necessary to quote the word “home”?

Correctly: The Rainbow leisure center is primarily a home for young people.

Question No. 297791

Hello! Is the sentence "O" true? country house dream of many city dwellers"? If yes, then how to explain the use of the word "house" in the singular, because they dream not of one thing, but of different houses- each about his own.

Russian help desk response

The proposal is correct. This is normal usage singular in the plural sense.

Question No. 290070

How do you spell Pushkin's house? "Home" - with a small letter?

Russian help desk response

If we mean the house in which Pushkin lived, then the small one is correct: Pushkin's house.

Question No. 283817

Hello! Please tell me, in expressions like “house of Chanel”, “house of Cartier” and so on, is “house” written with a small letter or a capital letter? Thank you in advance.

Russian help desk response

Word house in meaning It is better to write “fashion house” or “jewelry house” with a small letter.

Question No. 231409
And one more question. Our lawyers register company names without following the rules of the Russian language, and all this goes through government agencies without correction. How is it correct (the quotation marks are a paired sign): LLC Real Estate Agency "Dom" LLC "Real Estate Agency "Dom" LLC "Real Estate Agency "Dom""?

Russian help desk response

Correct: _LLC "Real Estate Agency "Dom"" and _LLC "Real Estate Agency "Dom"_.
Question No. 220405
Is it necessary to put a comma between the street name and the numbers indicating the house number if the word “house” (or “d.” for short) is missing? For example, it would be more correct: st. Lenina 125 or st. Lenina, 125?

Russian help desk response

The comma is still needed.
Question No. 219065
How to write the address correctly: st. Moskovskaya, 14 or st. Moskovskaya, 14? My colleagues assure that the option with the abbreviated (or unabridged) word “house” is incorrect, it is necessary without this word at all. Is it so? Thank you.

Russian help desk response

Both options are correct.
Question No. 215692
Minsk, st. Nemiga, 40 (house of everyday life) Is the word “house” written with a small or capital letter? Thank you.

Russian help desk response

That's right: service house (with a lowercase letter).
Question No. 202028
In theory, it’s correct to say “miss someone/what?”, that is, the prepositional case, right? (download for you) Why then in the phrase, for example, “to miss home”, the word “home” is in the dative case?

Russian help desk response

This rule only applies to pronouns. See http://spravka.gramota.ru/hardwords.html?no=294&_sf=120 [“Difficult words”].

The beginning of the rains brought me great trouble. The roof of the barn, in which firewood for the summer house and bathhouse is stored for the winter, began to leak. Apparently over the summer the roofing felt cracked and began to leak water. And many of the firewood got wet. And this is a very big inconvenience. Tell me how you can quickly cover a leaking roof with roofing felt, so as not to deal with tar. Because the weather is cloudy and I won’t have time.

If you want to quickly cover your roof with roofing felt,
Then first of all, take an interest in the weather forecast for the day.
A day will be enough for you to cover the roof with new roofing felt.
To prevent bad weather from taking you by surprise, plan to block it first
one roof slope, and only then the second.
I hope that your roofing felt formwork is made along the roof slope.
First, remove all the old roofing felt, pull out all the nails and slats.
Then start covering the slope with regular double film.
Lay the first strip of film from the side of the roof eaves across the formwork,
but so that its edge hangs over the cornice by 3 - 4 centimeters.
Tack the strip to the formwork with tar paper nails (nails with a large flat head).
Lay the next layer of film overlapping the first layer by 20 cm.
And so on. Lay the last strip 30 centimeters across the ridge.
Lay strips of felting felt in the same way.
Don’t forget to make it overlap with the cornice and bend it over the ridge.
Then secure everything with slats along the slope, nailing them to the formwork.
Don't miss, otherwise you'll make a hole yourself.
In this case, you don’t have to tar the roofing felt. And if the roof slope is at least 30 degrees,
then everything will be fine.
But it is advisable to do this work together, otherwise it will be difficult to cope with the wind.

Of course, it’s better not to put a new layer on wet roofing felt - it will peel off anyway, but if you dry it thoroughly blowtorch or gas burner, then it is quite possible to cover. When laying new roofing felt, it is advisable to heat it up a little old layer, this will create good adhesion between the old and new coating. You can also use euroroofing felt, it has best characteristics in relation to the air temperature, but to lay it you need a gas burner to heat the surface on which it is laid.

The easiest way is to clean the roof of unnecessary bumps, nails, etc.
Then lay the roofing felt from top to bottom, attach the joints with regular shingles or any thin planks. If you, of course, had time and weather, then it would be advisable to lay it in several layers and with mastic.
And I can’t understand why you can’t do it once and normally. If you don't want to cover with slate or metal profile, then lay the roofing material using a hot method. It is much stronger than felting felt.

Is it worth using such ancient materials as roofing felt and roofing felt?
Roofing felt is roofing cardboard impregnated with bitumen.
Roofing felt is roofing cardboard impregnated with tar.
Gidrostekloizol P - lining Top and bottom covered with a protective fusible film intended for the installation of lower layers of roofing carpet, waterproofing of buildings and structures (including bridges, tunnels, viaducts, etc.).
Gidrostekloizol K - roofing Upper layer covered with coarse powder. There is a film on the bottom that can easily melt when using a burner. The main use of Gidrostekloizol grade K is intended for the top layer of roofing carpet.
The basis:
One of two bases is used:
fiberglass, fiberglass
Structure of Gidrostekloizol
When producing Gidrostekloizol materials, one of two bases (depending on the brand of material) - fiberglass or fiberglass, is applied in an even layer of bitumen binder, which, in addition to bitumen, necessarily includes special additives that will ensure frost resistance, heat resistance and durability of the material. Then the lining type Hydrostekloizol is covered on both sides with a film, and roofing type on one side with film, and on the other with mineral chips. Thus, thanks to the film, the material quickly fuses and does not stick together during storage, and, thanks to the mineral chips, soft roof protected from ultraviolet rays and minor mechanical damage.
You can lay hydroglass insulation with a blowtorch, gas burner or construction hairdryer(if there is 220 volts).
Lay the lining waterproofing layer with an overlap along the slope.
After this, across from bottom to top - roofing waterproofing.
If the roof is gable - there is a double layer on the ridge - the bottom lining,
and the top one is roofing.

The roofs of the bathhouse are made of single-pitched and gable roofs. Rafter - main load-bearing element pitched roofs. Pitched roofs There are two types: hanging from the ceiling and inclined. The type of rafters depends on the number of spans and their size. The type of roof covering depends on the climate, roof slope and economic costs.

All elements of hanging rafters must be rigidly reinforced with each other, since this structure rests on two outer supports. For rafters, beams made of well-dried coniferous wood without knots and cracks are used. Plank rafters are more convenient and easier to fasten with nails.

Roofless roofs:

a - single-pitched panel roof
b - gable panel roof:
1 - floor panel frame
2 - bottom paneling made of boards
3 - vapor barrier
4 - upper trim
5 - waterproofing
6 - insulation
7 - heat-insulating gasket
8 - wall panel
9 - connecting boards
10 - cornice
11 - intermediate frame beam
12 - stand13 - ridge beam
14 - ridge beam 15 - roofing steel (tin)

Roof covering materials. The following materials are used to cover the roof: roofing steel, roofing felt and roofing felt, asbestos-cement tiles, slate.

Steel roof covering technology. Metal roofing is made of sheet steel 0.5–1 mm thick with or without zinc coating (black steel).

A roof made of black steel lasts 20–25 years, and a roof made of galvanized steel lasts 25–30 years. The minimum tilt angle is 20°. This is the most expensive and complex roofing that requires constant maintenance. Positive properties metal roofing- lightness, non-combustibility and the ability to create any complex configuration.

Before laying a black (neo-galvanized) bathtub roofing steel it is wiped dry from grease, cleaned of rust and coated on both sides twice with hot drying oil. The grease is removed with a rag soaked in gasoline, and drying oil is applied with the addition of dye so that the gaps are noticeable.

The basis for a steel roof is a lathing made of bars with a cross-section of 50×50 mm or boards with a thickness of at least 25 mm. The distance between bars or boards should not exceed 200 mm. Under the lying (horizontal) folds, boards with a width of at least 100 - 120 mm are laid. The distance between the lying folds (with a sheet length of 1420 mm) is from 1370 to 1400 mm.

Sometimes they install under a steel roof continuous sheathing with roofing felt, which absorbs water vapor penetrating through attic floor, protects roofing sheets from corrosion.

Technology of covering the roof with roofing felt and roofing felt. One of the inexpensive and simplest manufacturing technologies is roofing made from rolled materials - roofing felts and roofing felt. It is better to use roofing felt as a temporary covering. If the technology is properly followed, a three- to five-layer roofing felt coating can last no less than a metal roof made of galvanized steel, while the costs are much lower. Roofing material made of roofing material is used for any roof slope. Its disadvantage is its easy flammability. The roof slope can be less than 15° (up to 0° for a flat roof).

Number of layers of roofing felt. For a reliable and durable coating (service life of at least 30 years), careful adherence to the technology of its construction is required. The number of layers of roofing material depends on the slope of the roof. On steep slopes (45° and more) two layers are enough, on medium slopes (20–40°) - three, on small slopes (5–15°) - four layers.

Base for roll roofing. Roll roofing requires a flat and rigid base. It is better to make it two-layer. A load-bearing working flooring made of boards 25 mm thick is laid along the rafters with a gap of 1-5 cm, along which a continuous layer of narrow dry boards 15–20 mm thick is laid at an angle of 30–45°.

Laying roofing felt. The work is carried out in dry, warm and windless times. Roofing material Before laying, they are rewound into rolls with the reverse side. For the inner layers, glassine, roofing felt or roofing felt with a fine coating is usually used; for the outer layers, material with a coarse-grained or scaly coating (armored roofing felt) is used.

Mastics. For gluing roll materials to the base, gluing panels and the top covering of rolled carpets, hot and cold mastics are used: roofing felt or bitumen for materials of the 1st group, tar paper or tar (hot only) - for the 2nd group. Ruberoid lasts 2–3 times longer than roofing felt. When using roofing felt, you can use both hot and cold mastics, and when using roofing felt, only hot ones.

Slate roof covering technology. Slate roofing has characteristics similar to tile roofing with a slightly shorter service life (30–40 years). It is lighter and less labor intensive. Roofing made of asbestos-cement corrugated sheets (slate) is the most common and technologically advanced in individual construction. It is durable, lightweight and requires almost no maintenance, and is 2–3 times cheaper than metal. To give it architectural expressiveness, asbestos-cement sheets can be painted. The optimal roof pitch is 20–45°.

Asbestos-cement roofs made from corrugated sheets of ordinary profile are installed on roofs with a slope of more than 27° wooden sheathing. The first sheet is laid along the cord along the slope, starting from the cornice, without trimming the corners. Then on the crest of the second wave with right side li-hundred hand drill(the diameter of the drill is 1-2 mm larger than the diameter of the nail) drill a hole at a distance of 80–100 mm from the bottom edge and nail the sheet to the eaves overhang with a slate nail with a gasket made of rubber, roofing felt, roofing felt, without finishing the nail 2– 3 mm. Next, place the second sheet of the longitudinal row (from the first to the end), precisely adjust it in place, drill a hole on the second wave on the right in the middle of the overlap of the second sheet onto the first (at a distance of 60 mm from the bottom edge of the second sheet) and nail it to sheathing with a slate nail with roofing felt gasket, not finishing by 3–4 mm. The next sheets of the first longitudinal row are processed in the same way and nailed to the sheathing.

Laying sheets. In coverage corrugated sheets laid in the transverse direction - from right to left (facing the ridge) with one sheet overlapping another by one wave in the longitudinal direction - from bottom to top with the overlap of the row below laid 140 mm higher for a slope of up to 58° and 120 mm for more steep slope. It is more convenient to lay sheets in a row from right to left, and take into account the direction of the prevailing winds in a given area, so that the open edges of the longitudinal joints are facing the leeward side.

Roof covering methods. The roof can be covered in two ways: with the longitudinal edges of the sheets shifted by one wave in relation to the same edges of the sheets of the previously laid row, with the longitudinal edges of the sheets aligned in all rows laid above.

For installation according to the first method, prepare required amount sheets cut into one, two, three and four waves. In this case, the joining line of the sheets on the slope in the longitudinal direction will be stepped. According to the second method, only the corners of the sheets are cut off, then the line of joints of the sheets on the slope along the longitudinal edges will be straight.