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Soft sign in the middle of numerals examples. Soft sign in the middle and at the end of numerals

15. Rewrite the examples, underline the numerals and draw a conclusion about which numerals have a soft sign in the middle and which ones at the end.

1) More than nine hundred years ago, Muscovites dug a ditch to protect their fortress. It was fifteen to sixteen meters wide. Fifteen years after archaeologists found the remains of the 12th century Kremlin, they managed to find a ditch that was even larger. Its width was thirty-eight meters. 2) The Kremlin, which was built under Ivan III, has been decorating Moscow for more than five hundred years.

This rule is familiar to you, but let's repeat it anyway.

The following technique helps to remember the rule about the soft sign: if there is a soft sign at the end of the numeral, there is no need to write it in the middle, but if there is no soft sign at the end of the numeral, it is written in the middle. You only need to write the soft sign in numerals once.

16.1 . Rewrite the text, replacing numbers with words.

The clock on the Kremlin's Spasskaya Tower appeared in the 15th century. They weighed 60 pounds, that is, 960 kilograms. In the 18th century, a new clock was installed on the Spasskaya Tower, for which 13 bells were cast. They had a fixed clockwise and a rotating dial, on which there were not 12 divisions, but 17, because the ancient Russian clocks marked time completely differently than they do now. Peter I ordered to replace this clock with a new one - at 12 o'clock. In the middle of the 19th century, the clock played at 12, 15, 18 and 21 o'clock the march of the Preobrazhensky Regiment of Peter the Great's times. It was performed by 58 bells. 19 of them have survived. The numerals of this watch were 72 centimeters high.

16.2. Explain graphically the spelling of doubled consonants.

17. Write down the numbers 15, 50, 500 in words. Using their examples, tell the rule about spelling the soft sign in numerals.

18.1. You, of course, have heard about the great French writer of the Renaissance, Francois Rabelais. (We told you about him in the textbook for the 6th grade.) Let us remind you: in Rabelais’ novel “Gargantua and Pantagruel” there are giants who drink hundreds of barrels of wine, eat thousands of pounds of meat......
Now read an excerpt from the chapter called “How Gargantua Was Dressed.” Pay attention to how many numerals there are in this text.

900 cubits of Chatelrode linen were used for his shirt and another 200 for the square patches under the arms. His jacket used 813 cubits of white satin, and 1509 and a half dog skins for the lacing. The trousers used 1105 and a third cubits of white woolen material. And they were built in the form of columns. Gargantua's shoes were made from 406 cubits of bright blue velvet. 1,100 brown cow hides were used for the soles, and the toes of the shoes were made sharp.
The camisole was made from 1800 cubits of bright blue velvet with lovely branches of grapes embroidered in a circle. His cloak used 9,599 and two-thirds of a cubit of blue velvet, on which golden figures were woven diagonally, so that one had only to choose the proper angle of view - and the result was an indescribable shimmer of colors, like on the neck of a turtle dove, and this was extremely pleasing to the eye... (Translated by N. Lyubimova)

18.2. Rewrite any of the paragraphs, writing the numerals in words. Underline the spelling “soft sign in the middle and at the end of numerals.”

18.3. Find outdated words in the text.

19.1. Read the receipt one student wrote. He wrote down the numeral in digits, and according to the rules in business documents, numerals are usually written in words. This is done so that dishonest people cannot falsify the document.


I, Yuri Barankin, a student of the 7th “A” grade, received 270 rubles to buy prizes for the sports festival.

19.2. What else is missing from this text? Rewrite the receipt, following the rules for drawing up business documents.

20. You have been asked to buy books worth 380 rubles for the school library. Write a receipt.

To the collection of words

two hundred
three hundred
four hundred

7. Why words thousand, million, billion not numerals?

You probably noticed: simple and complex numerals take part in the formation of compound numerals. And also the words thousand, million, billion. Are these numbers? Let's figure it out.
Read passages from books you know.

1. From the book “A Million and One Days of Vacation” by E. Veltistov:

We are all cosmically lucky! Only one day is the day of the school holidays, and it’s as if we have lived millions of bright days, seen the past and future of humanity, and now, at seventeen fifteen according to the ship’s and earth’s clocks, we are approaching the Earth.

2. From the book “A Wizard Walked Through the City” by Yu. Tomin:

“Don’t interfere,” said the boy. “You see, I just started a new thousand.”
– I don’t care – a new thousand or a new million! - said Tolik. And suddenly he stopped, seeing how, at the word million, the boy’s eyes lit up with blue fire.
Name all the words that are numerals.
(One, seventeen, fifteen.)

Have you named all the words? Probably many of you have named a million and a thousand (in different forms).
Words thousand, million, billion could cause you problems. And not only for you. Linguistic scientists also argue about what part of speech it is. Some classify them as numerals because these words denote number in the same way as “real” numerals. Other scientists believe that the words thousand, million, billion are nouns.
Who is right? Just don’t think that this is a dispute about which side to break boiled egg, with dull or sharp. (Remember where this expression came from?) We are talking about very important things concerning the principles of classification of words by parts of speech.
Those linguists who believe that thousand, million, billion nouns, take into account first of all lexical meaning of these words. But parts of speech are grammatical classes.
Let's look at the grammatical features of words like thousand, million.
Do these words have a gender category?
(Yes. Thousand- female, million And billion- male.)
Do they change by case?
(Thousand declined like 1st declension nouns, million And billion– as nouns of the 2nd declension.)
What about the category of numbers?
(You are right, these words - and this is the most important violation in their grammatical behavior - change according to numbers ( thousands of stars, millions of bright days). But numerals do not change according to numbers! They represent the number themselves.)
Finally, these strange words, unlike numerals, can have adjectives attached to them.
Find such phrases in an excerpt from the story by Yu. Tomin.
(A new thousand or a new million.)
All these digressions allow us to agree with those scientists who consider words thousand, million, billion nouns.

21.1. Rewrite the titles of the works. Underline the numerals without confusing them with number nouns.

“A Thousand and One Nights”, “A Million and One Days of Vacation”, “The Three Musketeers”, “The Sign of Four”, “Fahrenheit 451”, “Eighty Days Around the World”, “The Twelve Chairs”.

22. Write down in words what they are called: 1 000 000, 1 000 000 000, 1 000 000 000 000.
What about a one followed by fifteen zeros? With eighteen zeros?

23.1. Read the text and title it.

Quite a lot in various ways records of numbers were created by people. IN Ancient Rus' numbers were designated by letters with a special sign (titlo), which was written above the letter. Like this: A – 1, B – 2.
The first nine letters of the alphabet represent units, the next nine letters represent tens, and the last nine letters represent hundreds. The number ten thousand was called darkness. The ancient Slavs used the same word to call any multitude that they could not count. The following expressions have survived to this day: darkness to the people or darkness to the people. But the darkness is just one hundred million - 10,000 per 10,000.

(According to A. Svechnikov)

23.2. Retell the text in writing.

To the collection of words



The word million appeared in Italy in 1500. It was invented by the Italian merchant and traveler Marco Polo. Returning from long wanderings in southeast Asia, he talked about the countless treasures of India and China. Trying to express in words the very great wealth of these countries, he did not say mille, which in Italian means “a thousand,” but million, that is, “a large thousand.” The particle added by Marco Polo to the word mille in Italian means the same as in ours the augmentative suffix -ish(e), when, for example, they say not a nose, but a nose. Since the time of Marco Polo, a thousand thousand began to be called a million. This word is written with two letters l, just like in the Italian word mille.

8. Places of numerals by value

Numerals are divided into three categories according to their meaning.
One(basket), two hundred and fifty(boxes) – these numerals stand for integers.
« Five from one pod", " Seven brave", " Three in a boat, not counting the dog" - the titles of these works contain collective numerals. They represent the number of objects that came together.
Now remember ordinary and decimal fractions in mathematics, and you will immediately understand what they are fractional numerals. Here they are: two sixths, zero point five.
We will talk about these groups (categories) of numerals further.

24.1 . Read the story.


At the last lesson, instead of the geography teacher, unknown girl and asked:
– How many subjects are studied in your class?
Someone randomly blurted out: “Ten!” Another said uncertainly: “It seems like eleven,” and Borya Savelyev asked in a malicious voice: “Do we count physical education? Is this also an object?
The unexpected guest did not answer anything and asked a second question:
– What year were you in Moscow? Olympic Games?
Many knew this and answered in unison, albeit discordantly:
- In one thousand nine hundred and eighty.
Then she asked a third question:
– How can a person become dexterous and courageous?
At this point all twenty-eight students began to shrug their shoulders and look at each other in bewilderment: what was going on and who was she? And she again does her thing. And again - twenty-five.
– Who are a sprinter and a stayer and how do they differ from each other?
Borya Savelyev spoke again and still with malice in his voice:
- Who doesn’t know this! Both the sprinter and the stayer are both runners. The first is for a short distance, the second is for a long distance.
And then the incredible happened.
“Don’t be smart, Borka,” said the strange guest, “to know something is not everything, you also need to be able to.” But you don’t know how to run at all, you even walk, waddling like a duck.
The class fell silent: does she really know everything about everyone? And she began to talk about herself. She is not a teacher yet, she is just graduating from the Institute of Physical Education. Their class is focused on practice. It will take a month and a half to introduce them to sports, so that they not only know something about it, but also train, become strong, dexterous, and courageous. And she also explained why no one—neither the head teacher nor the principal—introduced her to the class. She asked them about it herself. I wanted to get to know my future team one-on-one.
And Borka explained the rest. No, the intern did not offend him, because......

24.2. How do you think this story ends? Write the ending and then read the author's version.

24.3. Fill in the table with examples of numerals from this text.

Places of numerals by meaning

(Answer: ...he really waddles. And in general, he is not used to being offended by his older sister, the city champion in long-distance running.)


During recess, play a game called “Eye Meter.”
Answer the questions:
1. What is the distance from you to the wall (window, closet) in your room or classroom? Choose a wall or something else yourself.
2. How many steps to the end of the corridor?
3. What is the thickness of the book you are reading in centimeters? Or the length of a pencil or pen?
4. On which page of the book is the bookmark located?
After that, test yourself by measuring the distance with a ruler or something else.

9. Learning to decline numerals

Unfortunately, many people do not know how to decline numerals. But we simply need this skill. Solving examples and problems, finding physical quantities, indicating the coordinates to geographical map When drawing up business papers, we are constantly faced with the need to use numerals in one case or another, in other words, we have to decline them.
Simple numbers are declined very simply. Anyone who has learned from childhood native language, knows how the numerals two, or eight, or eleven change by case.
Still, let's practice.

25. Decline the numbers two, three, four. Pay attention to unusual endings. Highlight them.

26. Decline any two numerals from 5 to 20. What feature did you notice in their declension?

27. Rewrite the sentences, replacing numbers with words. Indicate the case of the numerals.

Memory works best between 8 and 12 noon. Then comes a decline that lasts until about 17 hours. Then memory improves again and by 19 hours it becomes most effective.

Difficulty in declension is presented by numerals fourty, ninety And one hundred.

28. Test yourself to see if you can decline them without making mistakes.

29. Choose one of the phrases.

40 servings of ice cream, 90 white mice, 100 volumes of World Literature.

30.1. Read the text, pronouncing the numerals correctly.


It turns out that there are a lot of falling towers. There are in Italy, there are also in Germany, Spain, Turkey. But the most famous leaning tower is, of course, in the Italian city of Pisa. It is also the oldest - it has been falling for more than 800 years!
The Leaning Tower of Pisa tilted even during construction: already then, in 1174, its top deviated from the vertical by 4 centimeters. After 75 years, the slope was already more than 90 centimeters. Centuries passed, the tower fell, the deviation grew. By the mid-60s of the last century, the deviation was already 5 meters 52 centimeters.
And then they announced a worldwide competition for a project to save the tower. Its conditions were simple: it was required that the tower fall, but not fall. The whole point is that the tower of Pisans fed. The small town had about 100 thousand inhabitants, and millions of tourists came to look at the tower and take pictures against its background.
The jury reviewed about one and a half thousand projects. Finally, they chose a fairly simple project: inside the tower (its height is 54 meters, diameter is 18 meters) to lay a counterweight made of lead ingots weighing about one and a half hundred tons. It was he who was supposed to keep the Leaning Tower of Pisa from falling. The builders began work.
In 2000, sensational news spread around the world: the fall of the Leaning Tower of Pisa was stopped! And today anyone can again go to upper tier, having climbed 294 steps on foot spiral staircase. The only limitation: tourists are allowed in small groups of 30–40 people.

(According to Ya. Golovanov)

30.2. Rewrite sentences with numerals, writing the numbers in words. Indicate the case of the numerals.

To the collection of words


10. Collective numbers

31.1. Read the story.


Some people have one friend, but Kolya, Gena, Misha and Anton are four friends. The first three study well, Anton is also not the last student, but he has trouble with Russian. In the dictation there is an error upon an error, and he speaks as he writes. Recently he said: “I was in the store yesterday and bought myself two socks.” They corrected him: “a pair of socks.” Anton waved it off: “I'm tired of it! Why don’t all four of us have anything else to talk about?” His friends, of course, were not very pleased to correct him. But what to do? “Finally, remember,” they admonished him, “not “all four,” but “all four.” And he responded: “What’s the difference?” Misha then waved his hand: all this talk was in vain - and left. “That’s what he is,” Anton said after him, “but you are still wallpaper, you are real friends.” Here Kolya could not stand it and shouted: “We’re not wallpaper! They cover the walls with wallpaper!” To this Anton shrugged: what difference does it make?
But there was a difference. And what a one! And Anton soon felt this difference. The fact is that he had long liked a girl named Nastya from a parallel class. She liked her so much that at every break he was always not far from her. But he could not approach or speak to her. She was always surrounded by friends. And then he walks along the corridor, and Nastya meets him. And also alone. She caught up with him and asked: “Why are you alone? You are always four lovebirds, aren’t you?” Anton did not expect that she would talk to him, he was embarrassed, but answered rather bravely: “You are also alone, but there are always five of you.” But what is it? Nastya suddenly frowned and clearly said: “Be smart! Five, not five! And she moved on.
Anton remained perplexed. Why be perplexed? It was not the first time, nor even the eighth or tenth time, that he got into trouble with these numerals. But before, neither bad grades nor constant attacks from friends bothered him. He couldn’t even imagine how it was possible to suffer because of an incorrectly written or spoken word. And then suddenly I feel both ashamed and offended. I even wanted to write a note to Nastya, saying that I accidentally misspoke. I thought so and sighed: I’ll write and make at least ten mistakes.
No, here I had to save myself somehow differently.

(R. Kovalenko)

31.2. What mistakes did Anton make in using numerals? Is there a difference between the words four and four, four and four?

31.3. What part of speech are the highlighted words?

In order not to get into the situation in which the hero of the story found himself, let's get acquainted with a new category of numerals - collective numerals.

There are few collective numbers. Here they are all: both (both), two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. True, the last three words are used very rarely.
Take a closer look at these numbers and tell me: how were they formed? ( Two And three formed using the suffix -Ouch- . You, of course, guessed that the phoneme j hidden in the letter e . The rest - using the suffix -er- .)

32.1. Copy only those examples from V. Dahl’s book “Proverbs of the Russian People” that contain collective numerals.

1. The horse has four legs, and even he stumbles.
2. Three went, they found five rubles - five will go, how many will they find?
3. Two are plowing, and seven are waving their hands.
4. Seven nannies have a child without an eye.
5. One son is not a son, two sons are half a son, three sons are a son.
6. On your own.
7. He bowed to the four winds.
8. One will condemn, and three will judge; three will condemn, ten will judge.
9. They go into the forest, and for three they take one ax with them.

32.2. Can you remember other proverbs with collective numbers?

Is it possible to say: five girls? After all, they say: five boys. It turns out not. And the point is not that girls are worse than boys, but that you need to keep your eyes open with collective numbers (and five– this is exactly such a numeral).
Collective numerals have their own special rules for combining with nouns. A story by writer Rimma Kovalenko will help you get to know them.

33.1. Read the story by R. Kovalenko. Explain how you understand its title.


We stayed with friends at their dacha all Sunday. We returned home at twenty minutes to twelve. So far this and that – it’s already half past twelve. Mom approached Lesha’s bed.
-Are you still awake? Close your eyes quickly – it’s already two o’clock in the morning.
It would be better if she didn't say that. It’s an impossible task to fall asleep when ordered. Another minute and a half - and he would have fallen asleep without any reminders. And now he’s tossing and turning—no sleep in either eye. They say that in such cases it is necessary to count the elephants. Lesha tried: “Here comes an elephant, followed by two more elephants, then three, four......” Come on! I’ll also dream of such giants with tusks. He'd better count the balls. Not children's balls, but large, soccer balls. “Here comes the ball, followed by two more balls, followed by three, four more......” Stop! Something is not right here. Is that what they say: two balls? Why then are there two elephants? Got confused and fell asleep.
In the morning, getting ready for school, Lesha asked his mother:
- There’s a chair here. And here are two more - how many are there in total?
“Three,” my mother answered, shrugging her shoulders.
– What if there are the same number of balls, what do you say?
Mom waved her hand, saying don’t fool me.
Walking to school, Lesha looked around. Here are the familiar poplars along the road. How many are there? I counted. It turned out to be nine. But two buses passed one after another. And now he, Lesha, will overtake those four girls. And again the same question: why are there nine trees, two buses, and not four girls, but four? Something is not right here again. And suddenly he realized: if something is inanimate - then two, three, four and so on. And if, on the contrary, it is animate, for example, a person or an animal, then two, three, four......
Numerals have not yet been covered in their class. He came up with this himself.
Joyful, radiant, he appeared in class that morning. The guys even asked: “What’s wrong with you?” They did not know, and Lesha himself did not suspect that he had made a discovery.
It's a great thing to discover something yourself. Even already open. The rule can be learned, but if you yourself got to the bottom of its essence, you yourself solved its riddle, it will never get out of your head.

33.2. What rule do you think Lesha came up with? Correct Lesha's mistakes in the use of collective numerals.

However, Lesha did not discover the entire rule. Read and remember the rules for using collective numerals with nouns.

Collective numbers are “friends”:
1) with animate nouns male: two friends, five military;
2) with nouns denoting children and young animals: three guys, four cubs;
3) with nouns that have only plural forms. h.: two days, three scissors.

Collective numerals are prohibited from being “friends” with nouns naming female persons (combination five girls wrong).

Collective numbers both , both in the masculine and neuter gender in indirect cases they have a vowel as their base O , and in the feminine gender – a vowel e : both friends, But both friends; both friends, But both friends.

Collective numerals are declined in the same way as plural adjectives. h. And their endings are the same: three, three, three, about three; both, both, both, both.

34. Cross out the words with which the collective numeral “to be friends” is prohibited. Make up correct phrases with the rest of the numerals.

1. Two (singers, kittens, jeans, guys).
2. Four (cats, sleighs, seventh-graders, watches).
3. Seven (days, kids, girlfriends, children).
4. Both (girls, boys, hands, walls).
5. Both (ears, eyes, walls, houses).

35. Read the sentences said by the announcer of one of the children's television shows. Indicate the numbers of sentences for which he may be reprimanded.

1. Six girls ran away from class.
2. Two horses galloped at full speed.
3. And two foals barely kept up with them.
4. There were four glasses on the table.
5. Three kittens climbed into daddy's hat.
6. “Gentlemen, I haven’t eaten for six days,” Kisa Vorobyaninov repeated barely audibly after Ostap. (According to I. Ilf and E. Petrov)


Teacher: The number 28,017 is written in five digits and is therefore called five-digit. Here is the first important sign of an integer.
Student: Whole? So, there are also broken ones?
Teacher: If you like, call them broken. Although it is better to call these numbers fractional.

11. Fractional numbers

There is no student who does not know that a fraction consists of a numerator and a denominator. What are fractional numbers? Look carefully at the examples: one second, five sixths.
What part of speech is the numerator of a fraction?
(This is a numeral.)
What about the denominator?
(Ordinal adjective.)
Please note: when declension of fractional numerals, both parts change. For example: one third is equal to four twelfths.

36. Decline the numeral two-fifths.

37.1. Read, clearly pronouncing the endings of words, expressions and equations containing fractions.

Like this: 4/7 + 2/7 = 6/7 – the sum of four sevenths and two sevenths is equal to six sevenths. Or: adding two sevenths to four sevenths equals six sevenths.

x + 12/19 = 15/19
5, 7 – x = 1.8
3 t 40 kg = 3.04 t
0,025 + 1,725 =1,750

37.2. Write any two examples as shown in the example.

38. Rewrite, replacing numerals with words and highlighting dangerous places. Make up sentences using the two or three phrases that are most difficult for you.

2/3 of the territory, 1/5 of the basin, 7.5 billion, 1/3 of the collective, 0.5 centner, 7/8 of a kilometer.



The ancient Greeks came up with problems in which seemingly correct reasoning led to obviously absurd results. One of these problems is the famous problem about Achilles and the tortoise.
The hero of Greek legends, Achilles, was the fastest runner in the world. And the turtle - can you imagine how fast it crawls?
The conditions of the task were as follows. Achilles and the tortoise are standing on the same road, the tortoise one measure of the way ahead of Achilles. They set off at the same time in the same direction. Let Achilles move ten times faster than a tortoise. Will Achilles catch up with the tortoise and when?
The Greeks believed that the hero would never catch up with the turtle.

Try to solve this problem too. And maybe you will be able to find a mistake in the reasoning of the ancient Greeks.

39.1. Read the sentences, putting the numerals in the correct case.

1. The Egyptians invented one of the most successful ancient calendars. They already understood that a year cannot be divided into an integer number of lunar months. In the Egyptian year there were 365? days. This is close to what it really is.
2. Archimedes determined that the volume of a ball inscribed in a cylinder is equal to 2/3 of the volume of the cylinder, and ordered that after his death this drawing be cut out on the gravestone: a ball in a cylinder.
3. In the famous ancient Greek problem about Achilles and the tortoise, the answer is this: in order to catch up with the tortoise, Achilles must run 1 1/9 of the distance that was between them at the beginning.

(According to I. Depman)

39.2. Rewrite the sentences, highlighting the dangerous parts. Indicate the case of fractional numbers.

40.1. Copy the text, adding the missing punctuation marks.

Most scientists believe that the Universe has not always existed, but came into being at a certain moment. Astronomers have proven that the Universe is expanding. Huge star islands called galaxies are moving away from each other. The further away two galaxies are from each other, the faster their mutual separation occurs. The picture of our Universe vaguely resembles an exploding grenade, the fragments of which fly in different directions. If galaxies are moving away from each other, it means that the distance between them was once small. If you know the distance between them and their speeds, you can approximately find out when the galaxies began to disperse. Scientists have calculated that the age of the Universe is 10–20 billion years. One thing is clear: the Universe once had a beginning. Due to its resemblance to a grenade explosion, this event is called the "Big Bang".
What is important for us now is the fact that the longest period of time that is possible is 20 billion years. On the other hand, physicists have learned to measure minimal periods of time. Electronic measurements make it possible to detect one billionth of a during observation elementary particles one trillionth of a second. The shortest moment that nuclear physicists have been able to calculate is equal to ten to the minus 22nd power of a second, this is
1/10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 of a second.

(According to the encyclopedia “What is what?”)

40.2. Write down words with unstressed vowels in the root, dividing them into three groups: 1) vowels, which can be checked by placing them in strong position, 2) unchecked unstressed vowels, 3) alternating vowels.

40.3. Are there any fractional numbers in this text? If there are, write them down.

12. Numerals one and a half, one and a half hundred

Among fractional numbers there is something very strange - one and a half . You know, of course, that it means “one and half past one.” This, by the way, is indicated by its origin from the numeral half past one(we are still talking half past one when the clock shows 1 1/2).
The numeral one and a half has only two forms: one and a half(in i. - v. p.), one and a half(in all other cases). Besides, one and a half, just like two, both, changes by gender: one and a half(in m. and average r.) and one and a half(in female form)

41.1 .Decline the phrases verbally.

One and a half apples, one and a half pears, one and a half oranges.

41.2. Compose short sentences with some of these phrases so that the numerals one and a half and one and a half are in different cases.

42. Write down all the words that have numeric value 11/2. Write the part of speech above each of these words.

Close to numeral one and a half and the word one and a half hundred . It refers to numerals denoting whole numbers ( one and a half hundred= 150). This numeral is declined in the same way as one and a half.

I. – v. one and a half hundred
R., d., t., p. gender at toast

43. Return to the text about the Leaning Tower of Pisa (task 30) and write out sentences with numerals from it one and a half And one and a half hundred. Indicate the case of the numerals.

44.1. Rewrite the text. Find the numeral that represents the number 150. What case is it in?

In 1877, American astronomer Hall discovered two satellites of Mars: Deimos (Horror) and Phobos (Fear). And the Laputans discovered them, although not without the participation of Swift, one hundred and fifty years earlier than Hall! After all, Gulliver's Travels appeared on bookshelves in 1727.

(V. Kreps, K. Mints)

44.2. Can you remember who the Laputans were and what they were famous for?

45. Replace numeral phrases with adjective phrases, and then make sentences with them.

Break of 1.5 hours; 1.5 years old child; kettlebell weighing 1.5 kg.

The textbook contains a section that has an unusual title - “In the Land of Memories” (the image is taken from M. Maeterlinck’s play “The Blue Bird”). It repeats material previously studied. Numerals in the course “Russian Philology” were studied propaedeutically in the 4th grade.

Exercise 1.

Write it down in words.

8, 11, 17, 60, 80, 365, 413, 515, 699, 719, 79, 800, 988.

Exercise 2.

Form ordinal numbers from numbers and write them down.

11, 23, 378, 500, 1000, 1256, 8000, 8663, 37 000, 9 000 000, 77 000 000.

Exercise 3.

Form from phrases compound adjectives. Write them down.

Anniversary of 90 years, frost of 40 degrees, heat of 38 degrees, altitude of 900 meters, a building with 450 apartments, a team of 1.5 thousand people, a distance of 340 kilometers, a tank of 200 liters, a city with a population of 1, 5 million people.

Exercise 4.

Write the numbers in words.

In 1981, 8,302,000 people lived in Moscow, about 1,360,000 people lived in Novosibirsk. In the Middle Volga region, frosts may increase to 18-22 degrees during the day, and up to 25-27 degrees at night. The fighting continued until May 12, 1945. 252,661 enemy soldiers were captured, about 650 tanks, 3,069 guns, 790 aircraft, and 41,131 vehicles were captured.

Exercise 5.

Replace the numbers with words, combine numerals with nouns in the appropriate case form. In cases where it is impossible to form some combinations, select options that express given value.

At an altitude of 900,000 meters..., up to 500 established..., about 44 barges..., available 100 rubles..., travel within 23 days..., 34 nurseries... and more than 52 kindergartens. .., out of 301 candidates... for the championship, more than 43 candidates... for prizes, last 5.3 seconds..., observe 3 or more cases of... diseases, about 90 kilometers..., for rubles ... a piece. On (both, both) sides of the road there were slender spruce trees. The slopes (both, both) of the ravines are washed away by rain. (Both, both) cheerful friends parted for a long time.

Exercise 6.

Form compound adjectives from the following combinations.

5 years, 40 minutes, 21 hours, 8 meters, 500 liters, 1000 years, 555 days, 29 kilometers, million votes, 61 billion.

Exercise 7.

Rewrite the text, replacing numbers with words. Determine the case of numerals.


Carat is a unit of weight for precious stones.

Once upon a time, grains, buds or beans were used when weighing jewelry. A carat is the weight of a bean. It is equal to 0.2 grams.

Most diamonds are light in weight. Stones of 1-2 carats are considered large. A diamond over 20 carats is given a name like a person. Such stones are known all over the world.

The largest diamond is the Cullinan, found at the beginning of the 20th century in South Africa. It weighed 3106 carats. No one in the world could buy it. It had to be split into pieces. The result was 105 diamonds of different weights. The largest of them: “Star of Africa” - weighs 530.2 carats, “Cullinan II” - 317.4 carats. They now adorn the crown and scepter of the kings of England.

(According to S. Kordyukova)

Exercise 8.

Everyone knows the Ostankino TV Tower - the tallest building in Europe. Its height together with the antenna is about 539 meters. It was built in 1967.

But the first television tower in Moscow was built in 1922 by the famous Russian engineer Vladimir Grigorievich Shukhov, which is why it is called Shukhovskaya. This openwork steel structure 160 meters high was intended for a radio station antenna. It was from here that the first regular experimental television broadcasts in our country began in 1937.

Exercise 9.

Rewrite the text, replacing numbers with words. Determine the case form of the numerals.

Moscow skyscrapers

High-rise buildings in Moscow are 7 buildings that were built in the late 40s and early 50s according to a single urban plan. They have from 26 to 36 floors. This different houses: ministries, hotels, residential buildings and university.

For example, the main building of Moscow State University on Vorobyovy Gory is a 36-story building, the height of which is 235.7 meters, the height of the spire is 60 meters, and the weight of the star on the spire is 12 tons.

High-rise buildings had fans and detractors, but now these Soviet-era half-skyscrapers are part of Moscow's skyline.

(According to Ya. Brodsky)

Test on the topic “Spelling numerals”

1. Find an example with an error in the formation of the word form.

1) four hundred lines;

2) six hundred students;

3) over five hundred and sixty thousand kilometers;

4) in two thousand and eight.

2. In which numeral is b written in the middle of a word?

1) 18; 2) 60; 3) 15; 4) 19.

3. What words do not have b in the middle of the word?

1)seven...ten; 2) thirty...tsat; 3) five...hundreds; 4) four... me.

4. Which numeral b is not written in the middle of the word?

1) 16; 2) 60; 3) 600; 4) 80.

5. Which complex numeral from 11 to 19 is written with nn?

1) 15; 2) 13; 3) 11; 4) 16; 5) 18.

6. In which numeral is the letter a written at the end?

1) ninety...; 2) three hundred... ; 3) st...

7. Indicate the numeral in whose declension there is an error:

1) fifty;

2) sixty;

3) eighty.

8. Indicate the numeral in whose declension there is an error:

1) nine hundred;

2) six hundred;

3) seven hundred.

9. Indicate the numeral in whose declension there is an error:

1) two hundred;

2) two hundred;

3) two hundred.

10. What numeral was misspelled?

1) year two thousand;

2) until the year two thousand;

3) by the year two thousand;

4) two thousand and seven.

11. Indicate the correct spelling of the compound cardinal number in V.p.:

1) one thousand eight hundred fifty three;

2) one thousand eight hundred fifty three.

12. Indicate the correct spelling of the compound cardinal number in T.P.:

1) one thousand eight hundred fifty three;

2) one thousand eight hundred fifty three;

3) one thousand eight hundred fifty three.

13. Indicate the correct spelling of the numeral:

1) with eight hundred and ninety-six;

2) with eight hundred and ninety-six;

3) with eight hundred and ninety-six;

4) with eight hundred and ninety-six.

14. Indicate the correct spelling of the numeral one and a half:

1) one and a half meters;

2) one and a half meters;

3) one and a half meters.

15. Indicate the correct spelling of numerals in R.p.:

1) one hundred and forty rubles;

Not putting a soft sign in the required numeral or putting it in the wrong place is a rather serious but common mistake. However, it is not difficult to eliminate it - only a few simple rules govern the placement of a soft sign.

In numerals, the soft sign can appear in two places - at the end of the word or in the middle. There are cases when in some words there are as many as two soft signs. Let's figure out what rules you need to remember if you doubt whether a soft sign is needed or not.

When should you put “b” at the end of a word, and when should you not?

Remember this rule easiest.

  • Firstly, all numbers from five to ten, written in the words “five”, “six”, seven”, “eight”, “nine” and “ten” end with a soft sign.
  • Secondly, the letter “b” must be placed at the end of numerals ending in “twenty”. For example - “thirty”, “twenty”, “seventeen” and so on.

It is also important to note that a soft sign should not be used when declensing some numerals. plural. For example, the word “thousand” in the plural and in the genitive case will be written as “thousand”, and not “thousand” with “b” at the end.

Also, the rule strictly prohibits putting two soft signs in simple numerals consisting of one root and ending in “twenty.” In other words, in the word “fifteen” there will be only one soft sign, and it must be written at the end of the word. Putting another letter “b” in the middle - “fifteen” - would be completely wrong.

How to determine whether a soft sign is needed in the middle part of a numeral?

It is mandatory to place a soft sign if we are considering a complex numeral - that is, a number written in one word with two bases. Of course, this does not apply to all words - obviously, in the word “four hundred” or “three hundred” there is simply no room for a soft sign.

But in the words “seven hundred” and “nine hundred”, as well as some others, the stems “seven” and “nine” appear - that is, simple numerals with a soft sign at the end. Accordingly, a soft sign is still needed in the middle of the words of which they are part. You cannot write “semsot” and “nine hundred” without omitting the soft sign.

Very interesting numerals are words where the stem “eight” appears. For example, as many as two letters “b” appear in the declination of the form “eight”, the same applies to the word “eighty”.

The name numeral denotes the quantity of an object (number) or its serial number (used when counting). This part of speech answers the questions how many? which one? Numerals are often written simply in numbers, but sometimes written in words are also used. When writing you need to know certain rules spelling regarding this group of words.

Writing a soft sign in numerals

One of the most important rules in relation to writing numerals, we can call it writing a soft sign. So, let's look at:

  • the soft sign is not written in numerals from 15 to 19 (fifteen, seventeen);
  • in the middle of complex numerals from 50 to 80 a soft sign is written (for example, fifty, sixty);
  • in the middle of complex numerals from 500 to 800, a soft sign is also written (seven hundred, eight hundred);
  • sometimes a soft sign appears in the middle of a word during declensions (eighth, four);
  • at the end of names of numerals from 5 to 20, a soft sign is written (five, seven, twelve);
  • There is no need to write a soft sign at the end of all other numerals (for example, very often they write a thousand - this is incorrect, remember, the correct one is thousands).

Common mistakes when writing numerals

Errors often occur when declension of numerals. For example, you need to write and say “three hundred grams are missing,” instead of “three hundred grams are missing.”

Also a common mistake is “a house with forty apartments.” That's right - "a house with forty apartments." The numerals “forty”, “ninety” and “one hundred” in all oblique cases have the same form - “forty”, “ninety” and “hundred”. No other way.

People often think about which is correct - zero or zero. The answer is that both forms are correct and can be used in parallel almost always.

The negative form of a numeral is two words. That is, the particle is not written separately. Not the first freshness, not the third day.

The words thousand, million, billion are declined in the same way as nouns. For example, a thousand rubles are missing (although many say “thousands” - this is wrong).

When declension of compound numerals, all words are declined - thirty-six apples (not thirty-six).

When writing numerals, students often have difficulty writing the soft sign. This article provides the basics of spelling soft signs in the middle of numerals and at the end of words. The most common mistakes and correct options with examples.

Many people have difficulties when writing numerals in words: almost every word in this part of speech has an orthogram. Many rules concern the writing of soft signs in numerals. They can be divided into several groups.

Soft sign at the end of numerals

On b ends with numbers from 5 to 10, as well as all numbers that end with -twenty. For example, it would be correct to write "seven", but not "sem", "eight", but not "eight", "fifteen", but not "fifteen".

The soft sign is not written at the end of other numerals. A common mistake, accepted by many, is to write ь at the end of the numeral thousand in the plural form. ch. R. p.: hundreds thousand.To write correctlythousand_.

Soft sign in the middle of numerals

A soft sign in the middle of a word is written in complex numerals like seventy, eight b ten, six hundred.

There is also a soft sign in the ordinal number sun b my.

This letter is written in the middle of the collective numeral sun b Mero.

Letter "b" may appear in the middle of some numerals during declension:

  • In the cardinal number four in T. p.: four b me;
  • In words eighty and eight hundred in T.p. it is written two b: sun b m b ten, seven b m b justas.

Spelling soft signs in numerals: common mistakes

Very often, confused about the rules, schoolchildren write ь in the middle of simple numbers: fifteen, sixteen, seventeen etc. To avoid such a mistake, you need to remember that in simple numbers there is only one soft sign, which is written at the end: heels b, eighteen b, thirty b .

Another common mistake in writing numerals is missing a soft sign in some difficult words this part of speech. For example: se md yes, yes ms from. The spelling of these numerals can be remembered by mentally dividing them into two parts: five-ten, nine-hundred, seven-hundred.

Sometimes b placed in the middle of complex numerals that are used without this letter: There were only two at the box office b ty rubles. The farm has prepared four b eleven tons of feed.

To remember all the nuances associated with b in numeral names, you can use the following table:

The spelling of the soft sign in numerals will be remembered faster if you do several exercises on this rule.

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