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Casual dress code. What is “casual” style? History of casual style

What exactly is “casual” style?? we often hear these words and often see them in magazines

Let's figure it out

convenience, practicality - that’s what casual is!

But as usual, where the style itself came from is always debatable! There are several versions:

  • Britannia. In the post-war 1950s, the Teddy-boys (Tedds) youth culture began to actively form in England. Such young people did not have the opportunity to get into the highest aristocratic circles; they were not accepted in secular society; they did not have a good pedigree or higher education. But considerable amounts of money were spinning in their hands. They had the opportunity to wear expensive clothes, but with their entire appearance they sought to demonstrate their disdain for high society. This position was emphasized in clothing: expensive, but extremely careless, branded, but as comfortable and simplified as possible. This is how a new fashion was born on the English streets. The casual style of clothing later came under the influence of other movements and subcultures - skinheads, punks and even sports fans.
  • Scandinavia. There is also an assumption about the origin of the style. After all, Scandinavian clothing is characterized by layers, simplicity, and the overlay of various substyles.

Casual is varied and has many faces! But you can’t mix it with home clothes! After all, casual clothing is not appropriate in the workplace, and at the same time, no one sits in a smart casual look on the sofa in front of the TV.

from English “Casual” is translated as “everyday”, “casual” and “free informal”. “casual clothing” is, first of all, relaxed and comfortable wardrobe items that can be worn in your free time: these can be T-shirts, sweatshirts, jeans, pullovers, kangaroo jackets, etc.

During working hours, adjustments are made to Fridays in a casual style, when employees are allowed to come in a more relaxed look, in jeans and checkered shirts, for example.

Karl Lagerfeld described the image in this style as the appearance of everyday life in all its diverse incarnations. The word casual means “a casual way of dressing.” Therefore, women who follow it can safely discard fashion stereotypes and concepts and experiment freely.


What are the types of casual style?


- This is a street style, and its use in business circles is not approved, but it will be an excellent option for relaxing with friends.

The rather eccentric look of this trend is precisely due to its extreme negligence and stands out from the style. The wardrobe's appeal in certain fashion circles lends itself to streetwear options. However, it is not welcome in the business world. But a stylish, memorable holiday with friends or a walk in the lap of nature would be quite appropriate.

This is an aristocratic version of the casual style, which unimaginably combines the strict silhouette of the outfit with cheeky simplicity.

As for the Smart casual style, it is distinguished by its emphasized aristocracy, which includes moments of deliberate simplicity and aristocratic severity of the silhouette of the outfit. Similar images are found among students - proper girls, because there are elements of representativeness in it. Such outfits are comfortable during various walks, including romantic ones. The famous brand Redgreen used this style in its fashion show.

Smart casual for women means trousers, jeans or a skirt, a blouse or turtleneck, a fashionable belt, a jacket, a vest or a sweater that matches the outfit, ballet shoes made of leather, suede or fabric, or low-heeled shoes. Earrings or a bracelet, as well as a fashionable but not too flashy bag will help complement the outfit. Smart casual is a combination of elegance and everyday life, harmony of colors, fabrics, shoes and accessories, making any weekday comfortable.

For men, this style involves dress pants or jeans, long-sleeved shirts, a tie (although you can easily replace it with a scarf), leather moccasins or fashionable slip-ons, patterned or plain dress socks, and a sports jacket. A balanced combination of formal and informal clothing elements creates an aristocratic smart casual look.


- a style similar to the previous one, the distinctive additions of which are romantic folds and flounces on skirts and dresses, expensive accessories, small glamorous handbags, and refined silhouette lines.-

What seemed too free for a dressy casual style will allow you to wear casual glamour. This style will help you create a sensual, mysterious and exciting image that combines femininity and independence. Do you want to look like a real woman, but not look like a dressed-up doll? Are you a little ironic about fashion, but can’t resist high-heeled shoes and flowing thin fabrics? Choose casual glamour.



Dressy casual translates as “casual elegance.” This is the most suitable clothing for evening outings. Of course, if you are famous and are going to the Oscar ceremony, then you better refuse dressy casual and choose a luxurious dress from a famous designer. But if you're visiting the local art gallery, having lunch with friends at a country restaurant, or celebrating your favorite aunt's birthday at a café, dressy casual is your best bet. This style is similar to smart casual, but excludes jeans. Shoes should be chosen more elegantly, a dress should be made from fabric of a richer texture.

For women, dressy casual involves a trouser suit, dress, or separate “top” and “bottom” made of elegant fabric. Dressy casual requires perfectly matched toiletries and well-chosen accessories. No one will be able to say that you are “dressed up,” but you certainly won’t go unnoticed.

The men's version of dressy casual is trousers, a turtleneck or long-sleeved shirt, a tie, and a jacket or straight-cut jacket.


Sports elements occupy an active place in this style. Such clothes are comfortable, emphasize the elegance of the figure and at the same time do not belong to purely sports outfits.

Clothing of this style, contrary to the name, does not imply direct sports activities. Rather, it is relevant for a lazy and relaxed pastime on a weekend. You can watch the sunrise, go for a morning jog along the city embankment, or do meditation in the park. Or you can be sweetly lazy all day, just enjoying the rest and silence. And a frivolous home outfit is best suited for this: cotton wide pants, shorts or jeans, a loose T-shirt, hoodie, bomber jacket, tennis shoes.


If you love sports and cannot imagine your life without morning jogging, tennis and the gym, then you need clothes in the active casual style. This is an excellent solution for those who prefer active recreation, but at the same time do not forget to admire themselves in the locker room mirror or the reflection of a shop window. Suitable clothing for urban sports does not restrict movement, allowing the body to improve and the soul to rejoice.


– everyday street style, emphasizing the beauty and naturalness of a woman and giving complete freedom of imagination and movement.

If you like to stroll along the crowded streets of the city in the evening or prefer to relax, combining active shopping with lunch in a cafe, street casual style is a great opportunity to show everyone your excellent taste. The street crowd, dressed mostly in anonymous black and gray, provides the perfect backdrop for an unusual, unconventionally dressed man. Fans of this style know how to make their image noticeable with a couple of original accessories and unusual combinations of familiar things.

Brave fashionistas love to experiment with leg warmers and knee socks - stripes, checks, geometric patterns. Another advantage of street casual is the opportunity to play with hats. A flirty knitted hat or an extravagant green hat, an intricately knitted scarf or scarf, hooligan caps - the choice is endless, and everyone will find a stylish solution to their taste.

Two concepts are very close: business casual and smart casual. But in business casual fashion we are talking about a higher style. For men, for example, if it is believed that smart casual allows for high-quality jeans and a polo shirt, then business casual involves choosing a more luxurious classic suit, but without a tie, for example.

Business casual combines smart casual and dressy casual, but at the same time differs from them in the specific office clothing code. This style gives comfort and freedom to those who are burdened and tired by a strict dress code and who want to make their office wardrobe more relaxed.

This style has another popular name - “Friday office fashion.” The distinctive feature is elegance, but in a more simplified form than regular business casual wear.

This is a unique embodiment of Friday office fashion, characterized by gentle elegance. Quite often this image is used during tense negotiations and meetings. This wardrobe is characterized by a lesser degree of formality than in a simple business, office style. Its outfits are more simplified, which is why the style is widely popular among famous business women. Redgreen brand shows are filled with such outfits.


Rugged casual is warm and durable clothing, including military style, suitable for physical work and outdoor activities. Helping your friends move an antique sideboard from an antique store? Have you decided to help your friend tidy up her garden and flower garden? Are you going to have a snack by the fire and roast sausages, but it’s windy and chilly outside? Then it's time to find woolen socks, heavy hiking boots, a flannel shirt and jeans, a Hemingway sweater and a parka with a hood. Voila! Rugged casual is a range of sports, fishing and hiking stores: windproof, waterproof and heat-retaining equipment for hunters, fishermen and those who like to wander through the valleys and mountains with a backpack

Street style is characterized by a similar layering of outfits. If previously it was customary to avoid layers of clothing, today girls are tempted by an irresistible desire to dress up in a variety of outfits that differ in texture and purpose. The city streets are full of options for combining short-sleeve dresses and thin turtleneck socks. And as a result of combining short summer dresses with straight jeans, you get a great outfit. You should pair it with a blouson with cheerful polka dots or stripes. At first glance, women's clothing in this style seems to be characterized by a certain absurdity. However, if you take a closer look, you will notice the detailed thought and clear completeness of the entire image. Such an unexpected ensemble helps a woman show her originality and subtle sense of style.

What happens on Casual Friday?

The concept of “free Friday” arose already in the 50s in the United States, when many entrepreneurs and banks with strict dress code rules allowed people to appear in the office on Fridays in more casual clothes, thereby setting the mood for the upcoming weekend. “Informal Friday” really took off in the 80s and then became widespread in Europe. Today, “Casual Friday” has lost much of its meaning, as casual dress codes such as business casual or smart casual have gained acceptance on the rest of the week.

In fact, some creative entrepreneurs and companies where a more casual style of dress prevails, on the contrary, introduce “Formal Friday”, when employees deliberately dress more elegantly.

How to master the art of casual style?

Although it seems simple, it is deceiving! There must be a sense of style! Style obliges its wearer to have a sense of ideal taste, the ability to see in ordinary everyday things the very basis for creating a unique image. What needs to be done?

  • This is not grunge, and sloppiness does not fit here! add accents, avoid sloppiness and laxity in your image. Learn to layer, combine incongruous things and see what happens, the main thing is not to overdo it!
  • Think about where you will wear the look: lunch with friends??? or evening dinner??? Your appearance should be strikingly different in each incompatible case: for example, an outfit for work or for going to the movies is unlikely to overlap in any way.
  • Casual style is not characterized by excessive elements of glamor or chic: jeans with rhinestones, a huge amount of shiny jewelry, and similar elements do not fit into the restrained casual image. The same goes for shoes: high stilettos and heels, leave platforms in the past, convenience and comfort are at stake, which means moccasins, ballet flats, low-top sandals, sleepers, sneakers, uggs and other types that are easy to wear on the go.

Casual style in women's clothing is one of the most popular in today's fashion. He enjoys well-deserved love not only among young people, but also among adults, and even older women. And this is understandable, because no other style can boast of such democracy, comfort and the ability to combine very different wardrobe elements.

What's happened?

The word "casual" in English means "everyday, careless." This is exactly how one can characterize the wardrobe of this style. Rapidly developing street fashion and the busy pace of life are forcing more and more women to prefer convenience and comfort to sophisticated classics. This is why you need a casual style, ready to offer interesting and, most importantly, comfortable everyday outfits that are suitable for any life situations.

Skirts, sweaters, dresses, jackets, jeans, semi-sportswear - all this is welcome in the casual direction. The interesting thing is that women of absolutely all ages, as well as a wide variety of professions, can choose this way of dressing.

Casual is the ideal space for self-expression. You can choose a wardrobe that suits work, a walk, a picnic outside the city - and still look stylish.

The absence of strict canons also provides a huge selection of accessories and jewelry that suit the look.


Speaking about the casual trend, it is impossible to say exactly where this style first appeared. It is believed that his homeland was Scotland, which was captured by a real football “epidemic” in the 60s. Gathering in fan clubs, fans supported their teams by writing songs and poems and drawing banners. They dressed in simple and comfortable clothes and shoes that did not restrict movement. This style was called casual, which subsequently stuck and remains so to this day.

When the football fever came to an end, the direction by no means lost its popularity. Italian designer Nino Cerruti was one of the first to see the zest in this style. He started working with him, and introduced the world to the concept of “casual elegance.” Quality and simplicity, as well as an incredible combination of sophistication and ease, have become the real strong point of this designer’s collections.

Subsequently, other brands paid attention to casual, in particular Giorgio Armani. He tried his best to refresh and make boring office outfits more interesting. Thanks to him, the office wardrobe has become more versatile, practical and comfortable. Today, many girls and women choose this particular business style, and only a few prefer strict classics.

Features and rules of style

In recent decades, the popularity of casual has only increased, covering more and more age groups. Beauty and comfort are the best motto that you can come up with when talking about this direction.

In casual, there are no strict rules about what and how to combine; sometimes things may seem completely incompatible, however, by putting them on, you can form an interesting and extraordinary ensemble. The absence of restrictions provides the female half of the population with enormous freedom in choosing their own bow.

Ease, relaxedness and nothing that would restrict movement - these are the characteristics that this style can also boast of. What’s great about it is that you can easily alternate outfits with each other, even if you only have a few wardrobe items.

For example, having purchased a top or shirt, you can wear them with jeans or a skirt, and it will be a completely different look. Also, the same jeans will allow you to look different every day if you just change the top. Thanks to such a variety of looks that the style offers, you will forever forget about your boring appearance.

Despite this extensive freedom of action, there are still moments in casual that need to be avoided. Types of clothing such as uniforms, evening dresses, formal dress codes, or gym workouts should not be worn casually.

Also inappropriate is a combination with other trends, such as ethno, boho, grunge. For ladies who have chosen casual, designers recommend not to indulge in endless pursuit of fashion or to apply classical knowledge in color combinations. Casual is a real platform for fantasy, and only you decide how to look, what things to wear and what financial expenses to prefer.

Who is it suitable for?

The versatility of the style allows it to be chosen by absolutely everyone, from schoolgirls to elderly ladies. In modern fashion, not constrained by boundaries, it will look great on every woman, even if she is a pop star or politician.

The main thing is to choose the right basic wardrobe, from which you can later create dozens of fashionable looks.

Appearance, physique, life principles - all this does not matter for casual style. Both slender and plump girls, blondes and brunettes - anyone can choose clothes for themselves from a chic variety of outfits that are appropriate in this direction.

However, it is still worth adhering to some nuances. For example, slender ladies should not overuse oversized robes, but overweight ladies, on the contrary, should buy clothes that are too fitted. However, the choice of accessories, basic wardrobe, and individual elements is entirely your freedom; there are no strict recommendations here.

Practicality and casual comfort attracted the attention of even such demanding customers as brides. The idea that an expensive and magnificent dress can be worn after the wedding is attracting more and more newlyweds.

Casual dresses for wedding ceremonies can already be seen in many fashion designer collections, and the demand for them is only growing. Comfortable dresses in traditional and brighter colors will be indispensable for brides on a happy, but also very busy day of their lives.


Business casual

Unlike the recent past, where the business image was restrained and perfectly strict, today's business women are more inclined to be democratic.

However, this does not mean at all that you should take into account only your own comfort. What you can wear is a skirt, trousers, jacket, fitted dresses and, of course, stylish but discreet accessories.

Italian casual

Italians, like the French, have their own sophisticated and extremely elegant style of clothing.

Convenience and comfort come first, and preference is given to natural, high-quality fabrics and brand new products. Trousers, skirts, jeans, knitted dresses - Italian women wear all this with dignity, however, they say, clothes are not the main thing. Much more attention should be paid to bright and unusual accessories that will allow each to look individual.

Italian casual is also famous for the love of beautiful ladies for expensive handbags, which they skillfully combine even with sneakers.

Casual Chic

This is another interesting style invented by the Italians. The main goal here is to combine luxury and comfort. The combination of simple and complex gave excellent results, and the direction began to gain popularity. In casual chic, you can easily wear fairly simple clothes and choose a non-standard and even slightly pretentious accessory to go with it, thus forming a contrasting but harmonious ensemble.


This style is very much loved by women of all ages for its practicality and bold color schemes. Each is able to choose their own personal image, emphasizing their character, temperament and individuality. The most popular fabrics here are cotton, denim, knitwear, and leather. Fans of this trend can afford the most striking and unusual combinations, as well as interesting accessories.

Street, or so-called street casual, is one of the branches of urban style. There are no boundaries in it; you can combine even completely incompatible things. The main principle is self-expression, so street is suitable for creative, active and cheerful women who love openness and positivity.


Casual for a wedding is the ideal solution for practical brides. First of all, it is attractive because not only the newlyweds, but also the guests do not have to choose classic outfits, which will create a more relaxed and free atmosphere.

Brides in casual style can go two ways - choose complete casualness or combine it with classics. The first option is suitable for those who do not want to worry too much about the dress and plan to wear it later. The second way is to choose a traditional outfit and combine it with bright accessories - a belt, headband, ribbons, flowers.


Casual style involves wearing what is primarily comfortable and practical. It could be jeans, T-shirts, shirts. Oversized items are very popular for everyday use, because they do not restrict movement and allow the skin to breathe in hot weather. With this style you can completely combine urban casual, which is also appropriate for a walk and in many types of professional activities.


This style is preferred mainly by young people rather than older people. Casual Glamor is a direction whose goal is to combine discreet everyday life and bright glamorous accessories. All colors of clothing are popular and must be comfortable. Style fans love to emphasize their individuality with unusual and extravagant shoes, massive sunglasses, exquisite handbags and clutches.

Fashion trends spring-autumn 2019

Those who love casual prefer it not only because of its comfort and convenience, but also because clothing of this type does not require large financial expenses. This year, designers are offering to wear knitwear that is both pleasant to the body and easy to care for.

Woolen items - dresses, skirts - will also be very popular. Something that will never go out of fashion is denim and cotton, which combine perfectly with each other. Denim shirts, skirts, jackets, and, of course, jeans themselves are great for both cool and warm weather.

Among the color solutions, fashion designers cannot come to a consensus on which color is the best. You can choose any shade to wear, the main thing is that the items combine beautifully with each other.

For a business woman, calm pastel, beige, brown, gray and white tones, diluted with interesting accessories in the form of a handbag, scarf or sunglasses, are suitable. For an urban look, you can choose bright, sometimes even flashy colors and discreet accessories. Checkered and striped items will look stylish, but bright prints are not welcome.

As for accessories and shoes that match clothes, the most fashionable will be branded leather backpacks, unusual clutches and large bags.

It’s better to abandon the classics here and give free rein to your imagination.

Shoes should be low-top, you can buy loafers, slip-ons, interesting sneakers, sneakers, ballet flats, which street fashion allows you to combine with jeans and dresses. Choose bright accessories - large multi-colored beads, original scarves, unusual earrings and rings - this year designers are focusing on accessories.

How to create a wardrobe?

When choosing things for your own wardrobe, you should rely not only on fashion trends, but also on your own taste, as well as the characteristics of your figure and type of professional activity. First of all, you need to buy jeans - the basis of the casual style.

Slender and tall girls will not have problems choosing clothes; different types of clothes suit them - both fitted and oversized.

Plus-size ladies know how difficult it can sometimes be to buy not only comfortable, but also stylish modern clothes, so for plus-size girls, casual is the optimal style with which you can correct your figure and hide its flaws. It is better to choose simple things, not overloaded with rhinestones, scuffs, or small details. These can be straight or slightly rolled trousers and jeans, a tailored skirt or a trouser suit.

Shirts that can be tucked in or worn untucked with jeans are especially popular. It is recommended to maintain a certain color scheme - black or dark blue bottom and light top.

For women 30-35 years old, casual will be an excellent alternative to strict classics. Discreet but stylish items and original accessories are an excellent solution for both the official dress code and everyday wear. Pastel, sand and beige tones are welcome, which can be combined with dark blue, black and light blue shades. In a business setting, stylish trousers or jeans in combination with a shirt, sweater or blouse would be an excellent choice. For a city walk, a knitted dress, loose jeans, a knitted sweater or sweatshirt are suitable.

Women aged 40 and 50 will have to choose their wardrobe more carefully than those aged twenty. The color palette should be discreet - beige, gray, blue, light blue, green, marsh, brown, mustard tones, as well as khaki and milky.

However, occasionally you need to deviate from generally accepted rules, so a coat or sweater in Marsala, bronze, bright crimson and orange shades is only welcome among ladies of this age. When it comes to fabrics, it is preferable to choose knitwear, cotton and denim. Choose a loose style of clothing; trousers, midi skirts, jeans, dresses and overalls will look interesting.

As for older fans of casual style, the designers’ recommendations are no different from those they give to 40- and 50-year-old women. No “granny” clothes, only stylish and interesting things. The only thing is that things should not be too loose or too fitted; you will have to look for a middle ground.

Casual (casual, Russian pronunciation “kezhl”, translation “accidental, unintentional, everyday”) - a style whose main features are practicality, convenience, simplicity of silhouettes, ease of combinations, and layering. The main thing when putting together a casual style set is to combine elements with informal ones, creating a feeling of elegant freedom. Casual appeared in Great Britain in the second half of the 70s of the twentieth century, and was initially considered the style of football fans and participants in fan movements.

Subspecies casual

Business-casual , characterized by a combination of classics and democracy. The suit can use a variety of fabrics, such as jersey, loose combinations and bold colors. Business casual allows for an unbuttoned top, no tie, and non-classical details (patch pockets, double stitching). In business-casual style, sweaters worn underneath are also allowed.

Smart-casual – a more relaxed office style compared to business-casual, elegant everyday life. In a suit, it is allowed to use more, combining with a jacket, or wearing a shirt or without a jacket. Smart-casual means variety in colors, materials and styles.

All-out-casual (all-out-casual) is a relaxed style characterized by a combination of sports and basic wardrobe items. When creating an image, T-shirts, T-shirts, and loose-fitting sweaters are used. There is an effect of wear and some carelessness in things. You can dress this way when comfort is put above compliance, for example, when going to a meeting with friends, a walk or a trip out of town.

Street-casual - a bright style in which individuality is most manifested. Characterized by complete freedom of choice of wardrobe items, their combinations and colors. The image, composed in the street-casual style, involves a bold cut of clothing and eye-catching accessories.

Sport-casual - This is a look in a sporty casual style, complemented by denim. It is characterized by puffy, straight jeans, T-shirts, and sneakers with thin soles, caps and sportswear.


The prerequisites for the emergence of the casual style were first noted in the 50s of the last century, when the youth movement (Tedds) arose in England. Members of street gangs and groups distinguished themselves with fashionable, expensive suits. They dressed like the aristocrats of the era of King Edward VII, for which they were called "Teds" (a short form of the name Edward - Ted). Typical clothing sets for representatives of this movement consisted of long drape jackets, pipe trousers and shirts with a white collar. The slogan of the Teds was: “Good appearance does not guarantee exemplary behavior.”

In 1958, the Tedds movement was replaced by the next generation of urban mods called modos. The mods' style was much like Tedds, but was minimalist. The motto was the words “moderation and accuracy.” The fashion suit consisted of narrow trousers with creases, an impeccably tailored fitted jacket, a nylon shirt with a narrow collar, a thin tie, boots with narrow toes, a windbreaker or a faux leather jacket with a zipper. Fashionists valued expensive branded clothing. Representatives of the movement can be considered members of the group “The Beatles”. The music of the mods was rock and roll, and the main means of transportation was a vintage scooter.

In the mid-60s, the mod style disappeared from the streets. It was supplanted by such subcultures as and, whose clothes had nothing in common with the elegant suits of the mods.

In the second half of the 70s, there was another shift in street style. Then football came into the spotlight and became the most popular sports game. Being a fan was fashionable and prestigious; young people regularly attended matches and championships. This is how a subculture of fans appeared: entire clubs were formed from fans, they learned chants, songs and anthems of their favorite teams. Among representatives of football clubs, a certain style emerged, which became the final impetus for the formation of a new trend in fashion - casual. A distinctive feature now was the clothing of certain people and the absence of football club paraphernalia. This trend very soon resulted in a separate movement of fans who called themselves “Casuals”. It is not known for certain where the movement originated, but it is generally accepted that it was either Liverpool or Manchester.

The 70s and 80s of the twentieth century became a kind of football boom throughout Europe. English fans began to attend championships in France, Italy and Germany, from where they brought with them branded clothing, which quickly became iconic for the fans. Brands such as , Merc, and many others made up a large part of the fan's wardrobe at the time. The typical uniform of an exemplary fan was tennis shirts and semi-sports jumpers, sports shoes, and pale blue jeans. In winter, fans preferred ski jackets and the same jeans and sneakers. Later, fans from other countries adopted this fashion. Thus, the style of fans became uniform throughout Europe.

The development of men's casual was largely influenced by the American television series Miami Vice, broadcast from 1984 to 1990. A universally recognized style icon was a character named James Crockett, played by Don Johnson. In everyday life, the hero of the series wore plain T-shirts under club jackets from, linen trousers, on bare legs, etc. James Crockett preferred things in pastel colors. The fashion consultants for the series were Werner Baldessarini, and. Costume designer Bambi Breakstone stated that "the concept of the series is to be on top of all the latest fashion trends in Europe."

Free style finally established itself in fashion in the late 90s of the twentieth century. Giorgio Armani was the first to suggest combining jeans, a classic jacket and a T-shirt. Street fashion soon drew attention, who honed it and brought it to the ideal, making it more mass-produced. This is how the “Casuals” style of fans spread outside the stadiums, becoming a popular everyday destination for city residents. (Nino Cerruti) created a whole fashion trend, which he called “Casual Chic”. Its distinctive features were minimalistic collections with clothes made from expensive fabrics in simple styles, characterized by clear lines and simple silhouettes. The main feature was the skillful combination of incompatible, as it seemed then, wardrobe items. Every season, T-shirts with images of celebrities began to appear in collections and D&G. and Stefano Gabbana suggested combining them with “artistically” torn jeans.

Thus, things for every day have become even more versatile and functional, for example, collarless shirts have appeared. Clothing became characterized by soft lines, which became the main distinguishing feature of casual style.

In 1999, Pierfrancesco Gigliotti and Maurizio Modica founded the brand, under whose name they began to produce collections in various styles of casual style. The designers used elements of the jazz era of the 20-30s and borrowed features of the disco movement of the 70-80s. In their interviews, fashion designers noted that the aesthetics of Frankie Morello is based on the play of contrasts and colors, deliberately emphasizing the shortcomings that manifest themselves in the asymmetrical cut, uneven edges of clothes, etc. Classic shirts created by Gigliotti and Modica were complemented by sports hoods, formal shirts with voluminous ones pockets.

XXI Century

In the 21st century, casual style is one of the most popular fashion trends. In each season, designers present in their collections functional, versatile items from which you can create a wardrobe for every day.

How to create a casual look?

  • Think about the purpose: if you are just going to have breakfast with friends or going to the cinema, then your appearance will be different from if you intended to attend an evening event or work.
  • When creating a casual look, make sure it is appropriate for the occasion. For example, if you can wear regular jeans for lunch, then for dinner it is better to choose trousers.
  • Complete your outfit with jewelry or jewelry. Bracelets and pendants will look good on women; it is recommended to complement the men's casual style with watches and non-metallic bracelets.
  • Try to avoid negligence. For some people, casual style means wearing sweatpants and shirts. Sometimes this is acceptable, but in most cases such outfits are best avoided.
  • The predominant palette of casual style are shades of ivory, light blue, sand, pale pink,. A combination with products of brighter colors is possible, for example, yellow, blue, orange, etc. Combinations of several black clothing items in one set should be avoided.
  • Casual does not welcome deep, short dresses and skirts.

Celebrity Choice

Casual clothes are often chosen by Rihanna, Beyonce, Mary-Kate, Ashley Olsen, Johnny Depp, Victoria Beckham, Olivia Palermo, Drew Barrymore, Alexa Chung), Blake Lively, Brad Pitt, Kate Moss, Kim Kardashian, Eva Mendes, Jessica Alba, Milla Jovovich, Daniel Craig and others.

Celebrities dressed casually

Ca·su·al adj 1 a: not expected or foreseen b: not done purposefully: accidental 2 a: employed for irregular periods a casual worker b: engaging in an activity on an occasional basis … Law dictionary

casual- casual, al casual expr. con dissimulo. ❙ “...el portero de la casa de al lado, que es un tío cochino y rijoso, que se acerca y se deja caer, buscando el magreo como al casual.” Mariano Tudela, Ultimas noches del corazón. 2. por un casual expr. por... Diccionario del Argot "El Sohez"

casual- 1. En español significa ‘fortuito, que sucede por casualidad’: “El hombre no pudo realizar un descubrimiento casual de este proceso tan valioso” (Aguilar Hombre). Debe evitarse su uso con los sentidos de ‘informal’ y ‘esporádico u… … Diccionario panhispanico de dudas

casual- adj. 1. happening by chance; not planned; incidental 2. happening, active, etc. at irregular intervals; occasional 1. Happening or coming to pass without design, and without being foreseen or expected; accidental; fortunate; coming by chance.… …

casual- casual[b] (II) (izg. kȅžuāl) prid. DEFINICIJA koji ima osobine odjeće za neslužbene prilike ETIMOLOGIJA vidi casual[b] (I) … Hrvatski jezični portal

casual- ADJECTIVE 1) relaxed and unconcerned. 2) showing insufficient care or forthought: a casual remark. 3) not regular or firmly established; occasional or temporary: casual jobs. 4) happening by chance; accidental. 5) informal. NOUN 1) …English terms dictionary

casual- chance, random accidental, adventitious, by chance, contingent, erratic, extemporaneous, extempore, fluky, fortuitous, impromptu, improvised, impulsive, incidental, infrequent, irregular, occasional, odd, offhand, serendipitous,... ... New thesaurus

Casual- Cas u*al, n. One who receives relief for a night in a parish to which he does not belong; a vagrant. ... The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

casual- /kæʒjʊl/, it. /kɛʒwal/ agg. ingl. . ◀ formale, pratico, semplice, sportivo. dimesso, inelegante, sciatto, trasandato... ... Enciclopedia Italiana


  • Casual, Oksana Robski. Casual is the first novel by Oksana Robski. A journalist and screenwriter by training, a wealthy woman by position, Oksana Robski writes with slight irony about the inhabitants of respectable mansions.…
  • Casual. Everyday (audiobook MP3), Oksana Robski. Casual" is a story of pain, remorse, hard office work, a story of fantastic fun and success! The owner of a fashion gallery, journalist and screenwriter Oksana Robskis writes with slight irony...

The streets of modern cities are full of people whose clothes are difficult to accurately classify into traditional style groups. Sometimes it’s not even easy to understand which subspecies the image you see can be attributed to. When such doubts arise, then, most likely, we are faced with the so-called casual style of clothing. It owes its birth to the endless labyrinths of the concrete jungle, which is why it has other names - street, urban. Casual translated from English sounds like everyday, non-permanent, informal.

A little about the history of style

It is generally accepted that casual originated in Scotland about forty years ago. It was then that football became very popular in the late 70s. Its fans and loyal fans united in informal clubs that actively supported their favorite team, composed songs, and memorized chants.

Among these people, it was customary to wear simple and comfortable things from well-known brands: jeans, sneakers, polo shirts, T-shirts, sports jackets. The fan movement received the name Casual, which was later firmly assigned to the new stylistic group of clothing.

Over time, casual clothing moved away from football and began to be actively used by lovers of country walks and outdoor activities. And soon he completely moved to the metropolis. It has become most popular among young people and people who are not inclined to traditional types of clothing.

Casual style in clothing - features of the trend

Over the past decades, casual has gained worldwide fame. And all thanks to a unique combination of comfort, practicality and aesthetics. A mix of things that seem random at first glance is by no means so. In fact, all casual outfits are well thought out.

Urban style appeals to rich and poor, young and old alike. It allows you to create a complete wardrobe for people of any shape and height.

The absence of clear requirements and strict restrictions in the suit allows you to feel free in any environment. In addition, the sporty component of the style gives our image more youth, energy and freshness.

Basic principles of casual style

The main requirement for clothing is comfort. The concept of creating images in a casual style is built on individual characteristics and preferences, giving the opportunity for self-expression. A democratic approach to the formation of an ensemble allows a person to dress beautifully, freely and without large financial expenses.

Therefore, a street style wardrobe will always include jeans, shirts, pullovers, T-shirts, sweatshirts, and skirts. From these items you can easily create a large number of sets by combining things with each other. One shirt, worn alternately with trousers, a skirt and jeans, allows you to get three different looks. And if you complement each of them with a pullover, jacket or jacket, and decorate with a variety of accessories, then your wardrobe “menu” will be immediately formed for the whole week.

  • uniform, including military;
  • items intended for various celebrations and official receptions - tailcoat, tuxedo, cocktail dress, wedding dress;
  • business sets typical for strict dress codes;
  • items typical of other styles and subcultures such as grunge, hip-hop, punk and others;
  • clothing for sports training;
  • national/ethnic costumes.

Everything that remains uncovered in this list can be safely attributed to the casual style.

Typical signs of a trend

The description of the requirements imposed by the stylistic direction consists mainly of the negation of standard forms. So, in order to always be in trend, supporters of the popular trend should:

  • give up the constant pursuit of fashion;
  • reduce the cost of purchasing new products from well-known brands;
  • do not adhere to strict restrictions;
  • do not copy other people's images.

When studying photos of fashion collections, consider the styles you like as basic models for creating your own wardrobe. Do not try to combine colors in a suit according to compatibility rules. You should also not strive to combine things based on the principle of texture and other quality characteristics of fabrics.

Let your things be distinguished by excellent quality, good cut and attractiveness. If such clothes suit you, then your entire appearance will characterize you as a stylish person, dressed with taste.

Casual style in clothes for women

The basis for creating new images are three: basic things: jeans, skirt and dress. Choose clothes that best suit your taste and figure, and complement them with a variety of costume details. For this purpose, you will need T-shirts, tops, blouses, shirts, sweaters, cardigans and other things.

When choosing updates for yourself, give preference tissues of natural origin. Clothing made from cotton, wool, viscose, denim creates a comfortable feeling and looks decent.

Color palette has virtually no restrictions. Any combination of colors is allowed, even the most unexpected ones. It is not recommended to enhance the color scheme with sparkling elements such as sparkles or sequins.

Shoes for girls it is selected, first of all, comfortable, and secondly, fashionable. It goes without saying that it must be in full accordance with the surrounding situation. The range of products in casual style is offered very rich: ballet flats, moccasins, sneakers, boots, shoes, boots and much more. The main thing is to have a comfortable last and a stable heel. All this will not create tension in the legs, and the gait will become light and free.

Accessories It is advisable to choose ones that carry certain functions. Useful items include sunglasses, umbrellas, watches, belts, scarves, and bags.

Casual clothing for men

Basic wardrobe items do not have to be classic. Instead of formal trousers, opt for jeans or chinos. In winter, wool trousers or cargo pants are more suitable. The shirt does not have to be tucked in; it is even better to wear it untucked. This way it will look good even if you wear a pullover on top.

Most items, especially knitted items, do not need to be ironed at all. You can completely abandon trouser creases or ironed shirts. On the contrary, slight bruising will serve as further confirmation of environmentally friendly materials.

Another symbolic item of urban style costume is the jacket. It is advisable to acquire several items of different colors and quality, and then you will be provided with fashionable combinations for several months to come.

Mixing business style with informal items makes it easy to transform formal suits into practical and cozy sets. A variety of accessories help with this. To soften and “blur” the official image, use scarves, neckerchiefs, belts, belts, and hats. As for watches, it is advisable that they do not have a pronounced sporty or classic look. A model of good quality neutral shapes will be another successful component of a fashionable look.

The attributes of casual style also include certain shoe models. These can be loafers, brogues, deserts, and of course, sneakers. Socks can be chosen in any color; bright and printed items are allowed. Try to ensure that their shade is in harmony with any one item of the suit - a tie, a handkerchief. In the summer, you can skip socks altogether.

And finally

At first glance, it may seem to some people that casual clothing is an arbitrary combination of things. In fact, he has certain traits and characteristics that are easy to notice. To give a more precise definition of style, we can say that it is something between sports and business trends. The ability to achieve a balance between these fashion trends will serve as confirmation of grace and good taste.