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Football dribbles feints. Teaching football feints: simple tricks for beginners. How to learn football feints

For those who have difficulty performing football feints. A special selection of feints. These simple movements are leg feints. Which are often used in any football and indoor and futsal. And in real football at an official match.

Even at the international level, football feints of this level can be seen constantly. Check out the selection of feints and start your career as a football player. Perform football feints for beginners at the highest level.

Repeat after these guys. They will show you a high class of performance, and in the replays you can peek and see all the secrets of the skill. The main thing is to study.

The best football feints - you can download and watch this video at home and show it to your friends, or you can watch the video directly from the site.

Be sure to download this video.

How can you feint with your feet?

A little more complicated and more effective.
Great football tricks for you.

A selection of feints when the enemy is behind and controls your movements. You can easily turn around with a simple trick to bypass the enemy. And there are a lot of such simple movements. Just choose any one and use it. The main thing is to shake up the opponent so that he spreads his legs and everything can go through him to the goal.

Football feints and tricks - how you can take advantage of the situation and beat your opponent - everything is in the video with examples. Study.

Beautiful football feints in two videos.

Great selections. Get ready for some awesome tricks. Various European clubs and their stars are first-class with the ball. They circle one enemy after another. Very impressive and most importantly effective.

Football feints for beginners

Two cool and beautiful videos about football feints. The video is captivating with its dynamism. Just football stars showing their class.

Video selection - the easiest feints for you. Some of the simplest feints performed by football players are shown. It seems nothing special and looks very aesthetically pleasing and correct. Study, try to repeat, you will definitely be able to perform these cool and easiest feints.

Football feints

The easiest feints in football - usually the simplest tricks require a lot of training, they just look simple, in fact you need to learn how to perform them at any second.

On the eve of the resumption of the RPL season, Match TV recalls famous tricks in football. Only the most technical will be able to repeat them on the spring fields.

Marseille roulette


In the 80s, this feat was performed best by Maradona, and in the next generation, Zinedine Zidane mastered it perfectly. That is why many call this movement “Zidane’s feint.” The player seems to stand with one foot on the ball, while making a 360-degree rotational movement and placing the other foot on the ball. The opponent's back is first exposed, and then the opportunity arises to go into open space. Agility and speed are decisive here, and the slightest mistake threatens to lose the ball.


It is not known for certain who was the first to use this technique. In Spanish, "rabona" ​​means "to skip school." Now almost every kid in the yard uses it. In professional football, only the most technical players dare to play rabona. Sometimes this happens even in the RPL.

With the help of a rabona, you can make an unexpected pass or confuse the goalkeeper with an unconventional shot: to do this, you need to cross your legs and kick the ball behind your supporting foot.



A popular feint that makes any opponent feel awkward. The supporting leg is placed on the ball, then it makes a false movement, and then the ball is thrown between the opponent’s legs with the inside of the foot of the other leg. Very impressive, and also effective! You can perform this feint easier by simply throwing the ball to the side. In English, the technique is called nutmeg (literally, “nutmeg”), but in the Russian version, a proper name has not yet been invented for it.

Dribbling the ball

A very popular technique that is used by everyone: from beginner players to world stars. At one time, this element was used as a reference by the “nibbler” Ronaldo; now Ronaldo often uses it. By moving his feet around the ball at speed, he swings the defender and cuts away when the opponent is least ready for it. It is possible to use the technique on the spot, the principle remains the same: as soon as the opponent is caught by the feint, the player rushes in the opposite direction.


There are two variations of dribbling the ball: clockwise and counterclockwise. In the second case, the feint can be performed with your back to your opponent.

Panenka's blow

A method of taking penalties for the most cunning and daring. It was first used by Czechoslovakia midfielder Antonin Panenka, who thus converted the decisive penalty in the Euro 1976 final. During the run-up, the player pretends that he is going to shoot with force, and at the last moment he hooks the ball, which slowly falls into the net. Fedor Smolov tried to perform “Panenka” in the 2018 World Cup quarterfinals in the post-match series with Croatia. Alas, it was unsuccessful.



One of the most difficult technical elements, not every football player can master. Its creator is considered to be the Brazilian Revelino, and the best performer is his compatriot Ronaldinho, who had an incredibly elastic foot. When performing a feint, you need to tilt your body to one side and push the ball with the outside of your foot in the same direction, and then immediately shift your center of gravity to the opposite side and move away from your opponent. The work of the body and foot in this element is decisive.



Andres Iniesta's favorite trick: the ball is located next to the supporting foot, when an opponent rushing at speed approaches, you need to show a move in one direction, and rush in the opposite direction. The opponent rushes past, and the player has the opportunity to strike or continue moving towards the goal.



You don't see this feat very often in professional football. It is usually used by the most technical guys in the backyard, in amateur leagues and in computer simulators. However, in the 90s, Nigerian national team player Jay-Jay Okocha was not afraid to perform it not only in training, but also in official matches. Now Neymar sometimes indulges in this. The player must leave the ball behind his back, holding it with his feet, and then throw it over the oncoming defender or goalkeeper.



A trick that looks like a rainbow. It is performed with the back to the opponent: the ball is sharply kicked to a level just below the knee, then the player throws it over himself and the opponent, going around him in an arc.

Scorpion Strike


This technique is almost impossible to find at a high level. It is performed by the goalkeeper, and the first goalkeeper who dared to take such a shot was its inventor, the Colombian Rene Higuita. In the 1995 match against England, this madman, instead of calmly taking the ball flying into his hands, deflected it in a jump with his legs upside down. If Higuita had missed the goal, he would have been called an idiot, but the successful execution of the move forever inscribed the name of the Colombian goalkeeper in football history.

We all love football for its entertainment, and only then for its results, although some may swap these two concepts, but to each his own. A spectacular game depends to a large extent on whether it uses football feints, which absolutely everyone loves, when they are used appropriately and give the desired effect.

Amateurs often try to repeat such tricks at home, but has anyone ever wondered who was the founder of the most popular tricks today? If anyone is interested in this question, then let's look at six of the simplest but most spectacular tricks that are still used by top players.


This trick was first performed back in 1975 by the Brazilian Roberto Rivelino, who, with the help of Elastico, left two defenders out of work and scored an important goal against his opponent. Today, many football players love to perform this trick, as it is very simple to perform and has a special effect that removes the opponent in front of them.

However, Elastico, like other football feints, became popular thanks to Ronaldinho, who in PSG and Barcelona loved to surprise not only his fans with it, but also the opponents’ defense.


The Rabona was first demonstrated on the football field by Giovanni Rocotelli in 1978, and the name of the feint itself came from one element of the famous Argentine dance. Nowadays, this trick is readily used by Ibrahimovic and Ronaldo, who love to cleverly perform a pass or cross, misleading their opponents in the game.

Cruyff feint

As the name suggests, this feint was first performed by Johan Cruyff in 1974, when his burst into the penalty area surprised everyone with a spectacular trick that baffled both the defender and the dumbfounded crowd. Today this feint is almost basic, and it is taught even in football schools, where more complex football feints are also taught.


The first author of this trick is still unknown, but due to its frequent use in his game, the author was given to Jay Jay Okocha, who loved to use it to develop his attacking actions. Today, the Rainbow is performed very rarely, except at demonstration football shows, since in the game this trick is of little use, although it looks very spectacular.

Forwarding by crossing

This trick was invented by Cristiano Ronaldo himself, who in 2007 used it to remove the Dynamo Kyiv defender from his path, after which the 4th goal was scored against the Ukrainian club. A sharp feint in execution can be easily learned if you train a couple of its basic elements, so everyone can use it in their game.

Maradona turnover

Maradona himself once used it to beat everyone, and his trick received many interpretations. The same famous feint of Zidane originates precisely from Maradona’s turn, which even novice football players can easily perform. The trick is not so much effective as it is effective in the game when facing a defensive player.

These kinds of football tricks have been in great demand for many years, so they are worth studying first, since among them there are no complex tricks that would be beyond the capabilities of football fans.

“I Live by Sports” talks about how to become a football master.

Previously, our portal published an article about the main football grounds of the capital region. Ahead of you awaits similar material about the Moscow region.

Football fields are good, but it’s still better to come and play football, knowing how to handle the ball. Football feints gained great popularity after the 2018 World Cup, given that we watched football stars with our own eyes. In our new material we will tell you what the most famous feints exist and how to repeat them. We will also indicate those who can teach. Go!

5 football feints

1. Elastico

One of the most popular football tricks, born in 1975 in Brazil. Then, in a local championship match, the famous Roberto Rivelino surprised his opponents by scoring a very beautiful goal. Nobody knew how to stop the football player. The legendary Ronaldinho gave the feint its second birth. In Barcelona, ​​the Brazilian was on fire in such a way that the feint received worldwide recognition.

Elastico is not the easiest trick. It is best to start with the basics and repeat the movements at low speed. The defender must peck at your display in one direction and at the same time not have time to return to where you are going. To perform a feint, tilt your body to the right and lightly push the ball in the same direction with your outer foot, but then sharply go to the left and move the ball to the inside. Your opponent will be a fool if you do everything right. Almost like in this video.

2. Rabona

Rabona is not quite a feint, but rather a deceptive pass or strike. Young people often indulge in such tricks. In the RPL last season, Russian fans were shocked by SKA striker Juan Lescano, who almost scored against Zenit. Rabona can be performed the first time - it's a question of quality. In order for the ball to reach the recipient, to achieve a beautiful serve or even a goal, you need to train for years and watch football feints performed by masters for hours.

3. Zidane's Feint

The famous “Marseille roulette” or “Zidane’s feint”. The great French football player performed this trick perfectly, although previously it was often used even in the USSR championship. Anatoly Byshovets loved this trick. The Zidane Feint will be effective, not just spectacular, if performed at high speed. Otherwise, the defender will easily read your intentions. During a feint, the attacker spins the defending player 360 degrees like a top. For more information on how to do the Zidane Feint, watch the video.

4. Cruyff's feint or "false swing"

One of the most popular feints in modern football. Even central defenders and players who cannot be called masters of dribbling can perform it for a long time. The trick is named after the famous Dutch football player Johan Cruyff. This was his first time performing such a stunt. Now the “false swing” can be seen several times in every match. The perfect way to get rid of a protector. The main thing is not to be too predictable. To put it simply, the defender must believe that now there should be a shot and a serve - at this moment the attacker removes the ball under himself and goes the other way.

5. Hokus-Pocus

A famous football feint that Neymar often performs. The essence of the technique is that the player sharply shifts the ball from the inside to the outside. In addition, the trick is performed behind the supporting leg. If you feint with your right foot, you must have room to turn to the right. Please note that at speed you need to keep your supporting foot at a decent distance, otherwise the ball will simply crash into your foot and you will make a turnover instead of a feint. Watch the video carefully.

How to learn to feint

We do not recommend focusing only on feints. If an adult wants to learn how to perform football feints, then you still need to start with the basics. The most prosaic trick, although not very spectacular, but very useful, is chasing. During the first training sessions, try to simply hit the ball as much as possible. You will feel the “shell” on your leg, improve control and be able to perform simple feints. We do not recommend starting right away with complex feints. It's worth learning the basic technique and then chasing Messi and Ronaldo.

After chasing, it will be a good idea to learn how to keep the ball on your foot. Try to press the ball against the boot with weight. You can’t really use this trick in the game, but it will help a lot to control the ball.

The simplest football feints

After mastering basic football techniques, you should not immediately rush to repeat the tricks of your idols. Start with simple football tricks. Two techniques that you will most likely succeed on the very first day. However, we recommend training not alone, but with a partner. This way the training will be more effective.

The simplest backyard trick is to throw the ball between your opponent’s legs. Beginning soccer players often make the mistake of placing their feet too wide in a defensive stance. Throw the ball between your legs and run into the attack.

Another simple football trick is a trick named after the legendary Briton. The feint is done in two touches. With the first touch, the ball is transferred to the opposite side with a slow movement, and then the ball is sent away from you at high speed with the outside of the foot. Everything is clearly visible in the video; the trick is not very difficult.

Who can teach you how to make football feints?

There are enough football schools in Moscow, including for adults, which we wrote about in our large material. However, they will not specifically teach feints there. There are a few exceptions in the metropolitan area. IFreestyle school is recruiting children from eight years old. Classes take place in the hall.

The second unique section is Street Madness. We are ready to welcome players of any age here. Trainings are held in street football and freestyle football.

If you prefer the passing game, and you consider feints as entertainment for young people, then.

A football feint is a deceptive movement aimed at beating an opponent. He helps to bypass him in one-on-one combat, change the speed and direction of the team’s attack. The ability to feint is a prerequisite for being a master of the game of football.

In the modern game, not only attackers and midfielders have them, but also defenders and even great goalkeepers have such weapons in their arsenal.

The feint itself has little meaning. It is most effective as part of the dribble. Dribbling is the individual dribbling of the ball, which must be done at speed while maintaining control over it. And when meeting an opponent, with the help of a feint, you can free yourself from guarding and continue dribbling or pass.

By and large, a feint is a trick. But in the game, the trick itself doesn't matter. It is simply a means of gaining an advantage in a particular episode of the game. The feint must be linked to the general idea of ​​attack development. For example, when there is a fast attack, feints are appropriate only those that speed up the advance, or change the direction of its development, unexpected for the opponent.

In such a situation, even one extra or too long feint in terms of execution time can slow down and devalue a quick attack.

How to practice feints

A feint is only effective when its execution is brought to the point of automaticity. Moreover, the decision to use it is brought to automaticity.

Decision and execution must happen simultaneously. Such automaticity is achieved through long training. It must be said that if you try to do it right away or master the final phase, nothing will work.

Practicing feints, like other football skills, consists of several stages:

  • Remembering the order of actions. Since for high-quality execution, you need to understand everything well in order to bring everything to automation.
  • Mastering the elements. This is, first of all, the position of the body's legs. From which stance should you start performing a feint, which leg is the supporting leg, how do your arms and legs work, how does your body bend and turn. At first, you learn all this without a ball. And only after the arms, legs and body remember the mechanics of movement, it is worth moving on to the third stage
  • Working with the ball. The most important thing here is to learn to control the ball when performing a feint. Control is needed throughout the entire process – before, during and after execution.

Feint practice

Work without the ball and with the ball should be started slowly, highlighting the phases of movement. First, the approach to the ball, then the beginning of the feint, the feint itself and subsequent actions.

Then all phases are linked together and executed as a single unit at the lowest speed and without enemy resistance. When it starts to work out, you can increase the speed, gradually bringing it up to what will be needed in the game.

After mastering speed execution, you can move on to using obstacles. At first, these may be stationary objects: a stand, a peg or a box.

Then, having learned to “circumvent” obstacles, work with active opposition begins. Typically, such training is usually alternated, changing the execution of a feint to counteraction. As a result, visual muscle memory is supplemented, which occurs when practicing movements.

Examples of feints

Change of directions. This is the simplest and, at the same time, the most frequently used feint. When moving with the ball, the player abruptly changes direction, and the opposing team player skips past the ball, thereby opening the way for the development of the attack. But the simplicity of implementation here is apparent. To perform it well you need to be able to:

  • maintain balance;
  • do not lose speed;
  • do not hit the opponent with the ball.

It is important to monitor the position of the body. Changing direction, the football player tilts his body in the direction of movement. And the sharper this change occurs, the steeper the turn turns out. At the same time, the speed is maintained thanks to automation. The higher it is, the faster the execution.

To eliminate the possibility of interception, you need to throw the ball under the opponent’s supporting leg. Lionel Messi performs this feint most competently and effectively.

He always keeps the ball close to his foot, instantly changing direction. The low center of gravity allows him to do this at a small amplitude, and his high speed and automaticity are brought to perfection. He acts simply, without flashy or showy poses, leaving defenders far behind.

In this case, Messi makes good use of his natural abilities - short stature, low center of gravity, short legs. A tall football player with long legs would not be able to work with a short amplitude. He would sooner become entangled in his own feet.

And therefore feints need to be selected according to the individual characteristics of the football player. It is easier for a small person to work with an explosive jerk and a sharp change in movement, for a tall person to work at distance speed and a wide amplitude.

The most striking example of using the features of your body is Manoda Francisco Dos Santos, better known as Garrincha. His different leg lengths, short body and explosive speed gave him the ability to make sudden changes in movement that would surprise a defender. The feint was quite simple, and everyone knew it, but Garrincha always found a moment when the defender was not ready and chose the direction towards the opponent’s supporting leg, doing everything quickly and sharply.

Even simple, deceptive movements can help overcome resistance. To do this, it is very important to perform the feint at speed when the player and the ball are in motion. The defender may have time to react to the player with the ball, but due to the laws of mechanics, he is forced to take additional actions. The player, at the time of performing the feint, must take into account the position and action of the opponent. In addition, you need to take into account his build and individual qualities.

And most importantly, feints should not be an end in themselves. They serve to enhance team play, and their use must be justified by the development of the attack. Very often, a one-touch game is much more dangerous and looks brighter than a cascade of various feints.