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Fortune telling for the future spouse. Fortune telling about your own husband using cards

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Fortune telling for future marriage is a common magical rite that has been used by women and girls for many centuries. With the help of such a ritual, you can predict at what age you will get married, and even who your chosen one will be.

Fortune telling about the future husband

There are a huge number of marriage fortune telling methods, some of them may seem ineffective and even funny, but you must respect each of these methods, because our ancestors believed in them and trusted the information received with their help.

Ritual with a ring

Many young girls ask themselves the question: “When will I get married?” If this question is relevant for you, you can use this fortune telling technique. To do this, you will need a clean transparent glass without drawings or inscriptions.

Fill the glass three-quarters full with water and slowly lower the wedding ring into it so that it is in the very center of the bottom. Any wedding ring will do, the main thing is that you clean it thoroughly before the ritual (you can leave it in running water for a while or just under running tap water).

Together with the glass and the ring, sit alone in a dark room; no one should disturb you; moreover, even sharp sounds from the street or from neighbors’ apartments can knock you off at the most inopportune moment. Therefore, this ritual is best performed at night, when most people are already asleep.

Light a candle in the room and place a glass on the table. Sit next to the glass and get ready to wait. You will need to concentrate and look at the very center of the ring lying at the bottom of the glass. This may take quite a lot of time, so make yourself comfortable, do not cross your legs and arms so that they do not become numb and distract you. According to ancient beliefs, if you concentrate and look at the ring long enough, you can really see the face of your betrothed.

Fortune telling with a mirror

“What age will I get married?” - this is a question that very little girls ask; they are very interested in when, like their mothers, they will have a husband. Girls in their teens are already seriously asking this question.

This method of fortune telling was very popular on Christmas night. To carry it out you will need: 2 church candles, two small mirrors and a quiet dark place in your own home. When midnight comes, place the larger mirror in front of you, at arm's length, and position the second one so that it reflects the image from the larger mirror.

Place lighted candles on the sides of the mirrors; they should be located approximately halfway between you and the installed mirrors. After this, repeat the phrase 5 times:

“My betrothed, mummer, show yourself to me in the mirror, be reflected in it. Let it be so. Amen".

At this time, try to peer into the mirrors as closely as possible. At this time, one of the mirrors should become covered with a light haze and then the image of the future husband usually appears on it.

Use only personal or new mirrors

At the same time, you must remember that any magical work with mirrors is a difficult task even for an experienced esotericist; there is always the possibility that something may go wrong. In the case of fortune telling, if you make certain mistakes, you can call not the appearance of your betrothed, but some otherworldly entities that can bring you a lot of trouble.

When you see the image in the mirror, look at it carefully, memorize the facial features to recognize it if you meet it in life, and then say “Forget me.” With this ancient phrase you should drive away the obsession.

Fortune telling with a stocking

Many girls ask themselves: “Will I get married?” Usually this question arises after a failed relationship, or when a woman reaches a certain age and begins to doubt that she is destined to meet her destiny. If you are really interested in the possibility of marriage, this method of predicting the future will suit you well.

Late in the evening, put on one new stocking and go to bed. When you lie down in bed, close your eyes, think about how you would like your future husband to be, then open your eyes, peer into the darkness for a while, and say the words:

“My betrothed, my mummer, come to me quickly, take off my shoes, and live. Amen. Amen. Amen".

If in a dream you see a person who will try to take off your stocking, it means that you will definitely get married, moreover, the person in the dream is your betrothed.

Young single women often resort to fortune telling in the hope of getting an answer - who will be her husband and how soon the wedding will take place. Even a girl who does not have magical abilities can perform fortune telling in the name of her betrothed.

Popular methods of fortune telling for love

Since ancient times, women have had the custom of telling fortunes. The most common question is who their betrothed is. This concerned young girls who were not yet married. With the help of fortune telling, you can predict the type of activity of your future lover, the time of the meeting and the name.

There are fortune telling for a lover for those who are already in a relationship. In this case, you can tell fortunes about the success of the relationship, how it will end, and whether the thoughts of the person next to you are pure. Whatever the results of fortune telling, you should not rely on their absolute reliability and ruin good relationships.

To get the most accurate and truthful result, you should not guess on church holidays.

  • 12, 14, 18 lunar days;
  • 1st of January;
  • day ;
  • Halloween.

You can deviate from the rules and tell your fortune another day. A strong desire can compensate for the inopportune time, as a result of which a powerful energetic connection with otherworldly forces appears in the fortuneteller.

If you take fortune telling lightly, it will not come true.

Numeric table

Fortune telling in the name of the future husband using a table with numbers has several options. Each of them should have a grid drawn with numbers; it is best to print the prepared one.

In the first fortune-telling, the table should contain numbers from 1 to 100, they can go out of order. To find out, just close your eyes and randomly point your finger at a number; it will show which name it corresponds to. Each number will indicate the serial number of a letter in the alphabet.

Another way to find out the name of your future husband is using a table. For this fortune telling you will need:

  • paper;
  • pen;
  • table;
  • corn.

The table should consist of 2 parts, one containing numbers corresponding to the serial number of the vowel letter, the other - the consonant letter. Light a candle and say to yourself:

“My betrothed, identify yourself.”

Take a few grains in your hand and throw them on the table. After this, write down the numbers on a separate piece of paper and match them with the letters. The name, which will be made up of the maximum number of numbers drawn, will be the name of the betrothed.

Card layout

Fortune telling in the name of the husband can be done or. You can tell fortunes for both a stranger and someone you already know in order to understand the prospects for the development of a relationship.

You need to tell fortunes with cards during the day, being in a good mood, so that it can be transferred to the cards.

There should be no one in the room at the time of the ceremony. The cards must be clean, new, and have not been used for gambling. It is strictly forbidden to guess during church holidays, on Sundays, etc.

For fortune telling, you need a deck of 36 cards, they should be shuffled. Then they think of a number in their mind and count it off. If the card turns out to be red, the name of the future husband begins with a vowel. If a red ace appears, this means that the husband will have a non-Russian name.

Meaning of red cards:

  • six corresponds to the letter A;
  • 7 - E;
  • 8 - E;
  • 9 - I;
  • 10 - Yu;
  • Jack - U;
  • Queen of Hearts or Diamond - I;
  • King - O.

Black cards represent consonant letters.

  • Spades: 6 - B, 7 - G, 8 - D, 9 - F, 10 - G, Jack - K, Queen - L, King - M, Ace - N.
  • Clubs: 6 - P, 7 - R, 8 - S, 9 - T, 10 - X, Jack - C, Queen - H, King - W, Ace - F.

On paper

Fortune telling on papers for your betrothed is best done on Christmastide after sunset. Only those who are not currently in a relationship can guess. The energy of the betrothed, destined by fate, is connected with the energy of the girl throughout her life until the moment of their meeting.

For fortune telling, you need to take a basin, pour water into it, an A4 sheet of paper, a pen that will not blur when in contact with water, and a sheet to cover the container with water.

Fortune telling from papers includes several actions.

  1. Write 25 male names on paper that you like the most. This needs to be done on one side of the paper with a small gap between each other.
  2. Cut them with scissors so that each piece of paper contains one name.
  3. Place the pieces of paper in the water.
  4. Cover with a sheet. It is advisable that the sheet be white - this represents purity and innocence and does not create energetic interference.
  5. Close all windows, turn off the lights.
  6. Stand next to the water and say the spell three times:

“Blue-faced water, show the red maiden a good fellow. Show it as it is - don’t hide the name of my betrothed.”

The betrothed's name will be on the piece of paper that comes up. If she is not alone, then there will be several marriages.

Complex prediction techniques

Fortune telling is a sacrament that a person can touch. The effectiveness of each of them depends on how much the individual believes in what he is doing.

Based on the book

You can take a book of names, say a spell and, opening it, point your finger at the name. The words you need to say are:

“Letters, lines and words, show me my betrothed, I want to know what his name will be.”

There is another method, more complicated. To do this, you need to take the book and open it on the page that corresponds to your birthday. The first letter that appears on the page will be the first letter of the betrothed's name.

The second letter will correspond to the month of birth, the third - the page corresponding to the father's birthday.

By hand

It is difficult to find out the name of your betrothed by looking at your hand, but there are ways that will help you get closer to what you want. To do this, you need the help of an outsider, a friend or girlfriend. It is necessary for him to take the palm with both hands and begin to twist the skin in different directions.

At this moment you need to pay attention to the type of folds that form on the hand. The one that looks like the letter is the beginning of the name of the future husband.

By date of birth

It is enough to know the date of birth of your boyfriend to tell fortunes in this way. This option is suitable only for those who are already in a relationship and want to know what to expect from them in the future. With the help of numbers you can learn a lot; a whole science is devoted to this -. Decoding the date of birth is its basis.

You need to add up all the numbers of the man’s date of birth one by one. This must be done until the number becomes single digit. Your boyfriend's date of birth is 09/15/1993. You need to add 1+5+0+9+1+9+9+3=37, add 3+7=9. Now you need to determine which name the number is compatible with:

  • a, c, i - Anna, Sofia, Inna, etc.;
  • b,c,t - Bogdana, Victoria, Tatyana;
  • u,k,s - Ulyana, Karina, Svetlana;
  • e, g, n - Ella, Galina, Nadezhda;
  • I, e, m - Yana, Elena, Marina;
  • r, h, l - Rita, Zina, Lyubov;
  • o, k, s - Olga, Christina, Sofia;
  • l,f,p - Lika, Zhanna, Polina;
  • y, m, d - Julia, Maria, Diana.

The names may be different, but the first letter will remain the same. Fortune telling by date of birth also works in the opposite direction. You can select your date of birth and compare it with the same letters, only of a male name.

Around the ring

For this fortune telling you need to take a ring, it is better if it is a wedding ring. You can borrow it from your grandmother or mother. The most accurate prediction can be given by a ring that has undergone a wedding ceremony.

The ring must be tied with a thread and placed in a half-full glass of water. The ring in the water will begin to move and hit the walls of the glass, at this moment you need to remain vigilant and count each of its blows. One hit + 1 letter of the alphabet. That is, if the ring is struck 5 times, the betrothed’s name begins with D, etc.

In a dream

To find out the name of your betrothed in a dream, you need to take a glass of water, honey, or a wooden spoon. Going to bed, drink this mixture, adding more honey and say the spell:

“There’s a tall house outside the city, in that house there’s an ancient old woman, she’s making a honey brew, she’s feeding me with it, she’s dooming me to torment, you, my betrothed, come to me, appear in a dream, save me from the old woman and tell me your name, I’ll thank you, my name forever.” I’ll remember yours.”

After that, go to bed and don’t get up again until the morning. A person or creature should appear in a dream and pronounce the name of the betrothed. Only it can be forgotten very quickly, so you need to keep a pen and a notepad next to your bed so that you can write it down after sleep.

Future events are always hidden behind the curtain. The outcome of the unknown can only be known during the action. But is it possible to know everything in advance?

In the modern world, people do not think about the possibilities of the world. Some will be skeptical about the predictions, while others, on the contrary, will be attracted to these activities. Each person has his own character and course of action.

Let's imagine a situation where a person is given an envelope with the date of his death. Some people come to live in ignorance, but anyone, especially girls, will be tormented by curiosity. On the one hand, knowledge can cross out all ideas and desires if the written date is very close. On the other hand, even in the case of bad news, you can live either quickly and healthy, or slowly but calmly.

Everyone makes their own choice. And it is the person who decides to open the envelope with the expected date of death. But if you forget about such global predictions, then it’s worth thinking about the name option for your future spouse.

Consequences of the wrong choice

People always choose their soul mate, regardless of gender and character. Every person wants to spend his life with strong support nearby.

First love, kisses, hugs, intimate relationships - all these are components of happy couples. But, in addition to joys and pleasant moments, love can also hurt a person.

Betrayal, tyranny, betrayal - no one is immune from this. When choosing a partner for life, a person chooses him based on his character, appearance, and attitude towards himself. But the choice is not always correct in every sense.

Some people can hide their true colors behind a mask of lies. And now, after a long time, new personality traits of the partner are revealed. And after the betrayal and unpleasant consequences of the relationship, I want to change everything dramatically. And timely fortune-telling in the name of a future partner could perhaps save one from thoughtlessly made fateful decisions and subsequent disappointments.

Let's get to know our betrothed

A person's name influences his life and destiny. It is very important for a girl to know the name of her betrothed in order to avoid wrong actions regarding the choice of a partner for a happy marriage.

Ritual on the cards

With the help of cards you can find out your future destiny, as well as the name of your beloved partner. There is no need to go to various fortune tellers if the ritual can be performed independently.

To perform a ritual on playing cards, you need to remember a few rules:

  1. Cards must be clean (preferably recently purchased).
  2. You need to guess during daylight hours.
  3. For girls, you can't guess during menstruation.
  4. The ritual is performed only in a good mood, since negative energy interferes with the ritual and the results obtained will be distorted.
  5. There should be no one in the room except the fortuneteller.

All 5 rules must be strictly followed. If you do not perform the necessary actions, then fortune telling will not bring the correct result. Properly followed rules are the key to success in fortune telling.

Name layout

The ceremony is performed by a girl in a good mood. Take a deck of 36 cards. The girl must guess a number from 1 to 36. After the named number, you need to take out cards one by one, starting from the top. When the fortuneteller reaches the desired number, she puts the card aside.

Look at the selected card. If the card is red, then the man's name begins with a vowel. The selected black card indicates that the partner's name begins with a consonant. In this way, you can find out the first letter of your partner.

If the red suit is drawn, then all the hearts are chosen from the deck. Each card is associated with a specific letter:

  • 6 - A.
  • 7- E.
  • 8 - E.
  • 9 - I.
  • 10 - Yu.
  • Jack - U.
  • Lady - I.
  • King - O.
  • Ace - b.

If a red ace appears, then the name will not be Russian and the future husband will be a foreigner.

After the black suit is dropped, all red cards are taken from the deck of cards, leaving only black ones.

They shuffle in exactly the same way as in the first case, but the meaning of the cards will be different.



With the help of this fortune telling on cards, you can find out the first letter of the name of your future boyfriend.

By date of birth

It is not only with the help of cards that the future fate of the fortuneteller is determined. The numbers in the date of birth are used to search for the name of the future husband. By date of birth, they search for a number, which is then substituted into the alphabet and the required letter is selected.

Initially, the date of the fortuneteller is taken (approx. 10/12/1991). You need to add all the numbers together

1+2+1+0+1+9+9+1= 24 - C

We have determined that the 24th letter in the alphabet will be the beginning of the name of the future husband.

If the number is much larger than the alphabet, then you need to continue counting until the required number, repeating the circle. When we hit a soft and hard sign, we assume that the husband will be a foreigner.

On paper

Not just maps and numbers play an important role in fortune telling. There are Christmas fortune tellings when a girl can find out the name of her future boyfriend.

It is possible that it will be someone from her circle. To tell fortunes for love by name you must have:

  • handle.
  • paper.

We select several small pieces of paper and write any name on each. There may be names of acquaintances, friends, and colleagues. The number of pieces of paper is 7. Exactly 6 pieces of paper are filled out, and nothing is written on the last one.

The last piece of paper is needed to indicate a young man who is still unfamiliar with the girl.

Before going to bed, you need to collect all the pieces of paper and put them under your pillow. After sleep, they choose one piece of paper that will tell and show how to call their betrothed.

By thread

They not only use fortune telling for love by name, but also use threads. To do this, you need to take a complete set of needlewomen:

  • thread.
  • scissors.

You need to cut a small piece of thread and then wrap it around your finger. Each time the thread makes a circle around your finger, you need to choose a letter from the alphabet. They do everything as in fortune telling by date of birth, but instead of numbers they use threads.

These fortune tellings are used for small clues in events that may happen in life. Any fortune telling does not give a 100% chance; there is always the possibility of doing some details incorrectly, which will subsequently lead to an incorrect result.

If a woman wants to turn to a fortune teller, then she should immediately take off her rose-colored glasses. There are very few honest fortune tellers in the modern world. Behind the mask of a “fortune teller” there is often an ordinary charlatan hiding. Life is unusual and interesting, maybe you shouldn’t look ahead?

Attention, TODAY only!

Fortune telling about your husband using cards will allow you, first of all, to find out whether your spouse is faithful to you. In addition, such layouts allow you to get answers to other questions of interest. You will be able to understand your own feelings and your subconscious attitude towards your spouse. You will also understand the reasons why you have doubts in your soul about your husband’s fidelity.

A simple fortune-telling ritual for a husband

The simplest layout involves using a deck consisting of 36 cards. Fortune telling about your husband using cards should be done in a secluded place with lit candles. It is better to choose late evening for this, but definitely before midnight. You shouldn’t guess when you feel angry in your soul or when you are overwhelmed by negative emotions. First you need to calm down, only by being in a positive mood can you expect that the cards will provide you with truthful information.

The deck is first carefully shuffled, and then three cards are laid out in three rows.

The nine cards are conventionally numbered from left to right and deciphered as follows:

  • The first card describes your own thoughts and experiences, as well as how important your spouse is to you.
  • The second card characterizes the personality of your partner.
  • The third card highlights your spouse's overall attitude towards infidelity, meaning this information shows how much you can trust him.
  • The fourth card indicates whether there has been physical betrayal or whether it is only planned in your spouse’s thoughts.
  • The fifth card symbolizes the presence of emotional betrayal, that is, it focuses on the fact that your husband has feelings for another woman in his soul.
  • The sixth card indicates intellectual betrayal, that is, your spouse prefers communicating with another woman to communicating with you.
  • The seventh card indicates the reasons for betrayal, if its presence was confirmed by previous cards.
  • The eighth card describes the prospects for relationships.
  • The ninth card provides information about whether you can expect cheating from your husband in the future.

When deciphering, you should take into account that all queens and kings of any stripe are interpreted as people from your environment. These can be friends and enemies, lovers and rivals. Jacks always mean that there are serious feelings in the soul of the fortuneteller or the person on whom fortune telling is being carried out.

Cards of the heart suit always focus on feelings and their basic meanings are as follows:

  • Ace - serious intentions and a desire to build harmonious relationships.
  • Ten - the desire is always with your loved one.
  • Nine is love that completely excludes betrayal.
  • Eight - common interests of partners, complete satisfaction from communicating with each other.
  • Seven - sexual attraction and respect, but without sincere love feelings.
  • Six is ​​always waiting for a meeting.

Cards of the diamond suit often focus attention on fans on the side.

Their basic values, which can be used when deciphering the layout, are as follows:

  • Ace - relationships are built on calculation, with the financial side playing an important role. Love may be present, but not always.
  • Ten is not a sincere relationship when the partner tries to disguise the lack of love with gifts.
  • Nine - strong love, reliable relationships based on complete trust.
  • Eight - a community of interests associated with work or material wealth. The relationship is more business than love.
  • Seven - selfish interests.
  • Six - the emergence of a desire to spend as much time together as possible.

Crosses is a suit that characterizes mutual relationships from the point of view of material dependence on each other.

To decipher the layout, the following card values ​​can become basic:

  • Ace - relationships based on friendship and honesty. Even without strong love, such a union can be strong and reliable.
  • Ten is a strong family based on mutual understanding and common interests. As a rule, partners in such an alliance, first of all, value stability in relationships.
  • Nine - sincere and devoted love.
  • Eight - keeps the partner together with pleasant communication and the same level of intelligence.
  • Eight - friendships that are unlikely to keep partners together for a long time.
  • Seven - trust based on friendship, but not on love.
  • Six - interest in a person.

The suit of spades is always warning in nature; cards can be interpreted as follows:

  • Ace - betrayal and possible breakup.
  • Ten - the end of a relationship for a variety of reasons and not necessarily due to betrayal.
  • Nine - selfishness and hostility, which can kill feelings.
  • Eight - constant quarrels and unwillingness to find compromises.
  • Seven - grievances that can push you to the most unpredictable actions.
  • Six - lack of desire to be in each other's company.

In the old days, in Russian villages, almost all girls told fortunes about the name of their future husband, determined whether they would be together, etc. All these passed from generation to generation and now they have reached our time.

Fortune telling on cards by name

To carry out this fortune telling, you need to know the full name of the guy you like. Mix the cards thoroughly and place them in piles, the number of which is equal to the number of letters in the name. You need to lay out one card at a time. As soon as you run out of cards, take the pile you stopped on and lay it out again. Do this until you have 2 stacks left. Now you need to open a card from each pile at the same time, and if you get the same ones, look at their value:

  • six - the guy wants to see you;
  • sevens - he wants to talk to you;
  • eights - the young man is bored;
  • nines - he loves you;
  • tens - he likes your character;
  • volts - he is jealous of you;
  • ladies - he likes you externally;
  • kings - the guy dreams of kissing you;
  • aces - he thinks about sex.
Other fortune telling for the husband

This version of fortune telling for the groom will help you find out whether something awaits you and your boyfriend together. To carry out this ritual, you need to take a ring and a photograph with the image of your betrothed. The ring must be hung on a thread and held above the photo. It is very important that the hand does not twitch, in this case you can count on 100% results. Now it is important to observe the behavior of the ring. If it moves in a circle, it means you have a wonderful future together. If the ring moves from side to side, it means that soon you will separate and find someone else. Well, if the ring doesn’t move at all, then you will be lonely all your life.