home · Appliances · Rider Waite tarot reading for beginners. How to tell fortunes using Tarot cards: choosing a deck, rules of fortune-telling, layouts for the situation, love, the future. Past present Future

Rider Waite tarot reading for beginners. How to tell fortunes using Tarot cards: choosing a deck, rules of fortune-telling, layouts for the situation, love, the future. Past present Future

Fortune telling, turning to otherworldly forces for help and advice, people have long had a weakness for this. It is Tarot cards that attract everyone's attention and for good reason. The colorfulness and brightness of the episodes is captivating; artists and art critics worked on this. As soon as a person, even the farthest from esotericism, opens and sees the cards themselves, he wants to understand and use them. Perhaps you have just begun your acquaintance with the world of fortune telling; you need to receive information step by step.

How to learn to tell fortunes using Tarot cards

Well, of course you need to buy them, moreover, they are easy to buy in modern stores. In general, the Tarot is a set of symbolisms, the deck consists of seventy-eight images, and the images on them have a complex interpretation, so these cards are considered to be a secret sign and a riddle. Like everything mysterious, they appeared in the Middle Ages, around the sixteenth century, in the Italian province. Modern gaming decks originate precisely from the Tarot of that time, and this is evidenced by the remaining Joker. And the name of the Tarot was originally “Cards of Triumphs”, then, for simplicity, they began to call it the Italian dialect Torocho. In addition to fortune-telling processes, they are also intended as games, but I use them in this way extremely rarely.
So, looking at the Tarot, let's divide it into two parts:
Trump cards of twenty-two cards, all of them with a special image and name. Their sequence and names vary in a variety of ways. Most often used in modern times.
The minor arcana come in four varieties, fifty-six or fourteen. These sets include: Wands, Swords, Cups, Denarii, all of the suits are Ace, Two, Three, up to Ten, then Court, Face Cards, Page, Knight, Queen, King.
More recently, new deck designs have appeared, and now there are a wide variety of them. But there is a classic deck that is most often preferred, it is called the Rider-Waite Tarot.

How to learn to tell fortunes using Tarot cards yourself

Due to the increasing popularity of this method of fortune telling, a lot of textbooks, courses, and training have appeared.
So, having bought the simplest deck of cards, start with basic layouts. As you develop your abilities, once a day, turn to the cards, ask a question and pull out one card. This will help you become familiar with the meanings, remember their interpretation and, as a result, guess. Then move on to layouts of several cards, this is to make it easier for a beginner. Choose a place where no one will distract you, relax, breathe deeply, have a straight posture, and keep your feet firmly pressed to the floor. The fortune-telling pose is quite important, since you will spend a lot of time in it and there will be no discomfort. Take the deck in your hands, lay it out individually, one at a time, look at the colorful images, listen to the sensations. Then, read the interpretation of the meanings, listen to your intuition again. Record thoughts, images that arise, return the card. Take a breath and return to the layout again. The main difference between Tarot and other fortune telling is the likelihood of a more accurate answer. For those with little experience, before spending money on fortune-telling guides, you can first turn to the Internet, meet like-minded people on forums, and receive valuable advice and recommendations.

How to learn Tarot fortune telling for beginners

If you have firmly decided to start learning fortune telling, decide for yourself what exactly you want to get as a result. Take a comfortable position, retire, you can light candles to set the mood. You need to shuffle the deck slowly, using simple habitual actions. Ask the cards a question, to get an answer, separate the Major Arcana from the Minor Arcana. Remove the small ones and leave only the first ones. Finish shuffling, take a random card from the deck, look at it carefully, try to find a connection with your topic, then interpret the Tarot. To get a more accurate answer, take a good look at the name of the card, the drawn image, and try to understand its meaning.
For example, an image of a young girl with a bouquet of flowers indicates pleasure or simply a gift. Draw a parallel between the interpretation, symbolism, words of clues, and the spoken question. Sometimes the answer is obvious, but sometimes it takes some time to figure it out.

How to understand the interpretation of Tarot cards

After you have strengthened and expanded your knowledge through practice, you will be able to explain the cards you have drawn. But since, while you are a beginner, there are suggested options for the answer.
If the Fool card comes up, then he says you need to be simpler, look with naive eyes, open your heart, show a desire for adventure and joy.
The Magician card means that you must develop abilities that you don’t even know about yet.
The High Priestess card recommends thinking about the hidden meaning of your life and recognizing objects.
The Empress indicates the realization of one's goals, increasing the ability to create.
The Emperor means that you need to control your emotional level in order to be more confident.
Lovers show how to find a person with whom you want to share joy.
The Chariot card shows how to achieve the desired results with the help of new, unusual ideas.
The Wheel of Fortune guides you to find your place, intended for you by higher powers.
The scary picture of the Hanged Man does not mean death at all, but says that you need faith in your intuition, a look at the world from different positions.
The devil says that there is a place for the need to accept one’s shortcomings, and advises one to survive the feeling of guilt.

Help in how to dispel taboo boundaries will help define the Tower.
Believe in the possibility of everything, do not lose heart, says the Star card.
Moon - you need to give yourself the opportunity to express yourself, not to submit to outside opinions.
The Sun guides you on how to use your energy.
Peace says that you have the strength to change your future life.
Your interpretation may well be different, but having this place, differing from the given interpretations by these esotericists, fortune-telling is not limited to them. The main recommendation for beginners is to listen to your inner voice, look for your personal consciousness, not limiting yourself to templates.

Here is one of the best Tarot manuals from a real Master! Alla Bobrova has been seriously studying the Tarot for more than 15 years; she is the founder of her own Tarot school, the author of hundreds of publications. This book is not just a reference book of card meanings and layouts! You will receive the main thing without which it is impossible to learn to tell fortunes and receive truthful answers: an understanding of the symbolism of the Tarot. Tarot has nothing to do with clairvoyance and does not require a special gift. The answer to any of our questions is already in our subconscious; we just need to “catch” it. This is precisely what the images and symbols that fill the cards are for. But the deck speaks its own “language” to everyone who asks questions, so generally accepted interpretations often mislead even an experienced predictor. Alla Bobrova's technique reveals a person's creative and intuitive channel. Therefore, by studying from the book, you will properly tune in to one of the most popular Tarot decks - the Rider-Waite. As a result, you will be able to quickly predict events and receive Knowledge that will help you.

How to learn to read Tarot on your own?

I often receive letters in the mail asking me to analyze a layout that a person has made himself. Here is an example of such a letter:

“Dear Alla! I have a very difficult family situation. My husband and I are on the verge of divorce. He left and I don't know what will happen next. I have a tarot deck and I laid out the cards. I got: 2 of Wands, Hermit, Empress, 3 Denarii, Ace of Swords and Lovers. What do you think this all means? Thanks in advance, Katerina."

Most often I respond to such letters as follows:

“Dear, Ekaterina! Unfortunately, I won't be able to help you. Because you made the arrangement yourself. The information has come for you, and only you can decipher it. But it is not a fact that the cards drawn objectively reflect your situation. Firstly, you are nervous, worried and thereby confuse the information. Secondly, it is unknown how close you are to the Tarot, whether you have a connection with this mantic system, whether you are connected to the Tarot egregor.”

In the process of communication, it turns out that the person is interested in Tarot, bought a deck and a book and is trying to tell fortunes and interpret the cards from the book. This, of course, is an interesting activity, you can have fun with it for years, but you will never learn to read cards. “What should we do?” – the confused reader will ask. I'm telling you!

So, you bought tarot cards. Or perhaps you are still in the process of searching for a suitable deck. You have an interest in this system, you have heard about the wonderful possibilities of the Tarot and are eager to learn it quickly. Where to start?

Interpret the images of the cards

The Tarot deck is based on symbols. You know the meaning of all these symbols, even if it seems to you that this is not so. If some tricky signs on the cards seem unfamiliar to you, don’t pay attention to them for now. Focus on what you know and understand. Symbols are such an interesting thing that we absorb throughout our lives, and maybe even before birth. We may not be aware of this, we may not try to interpret what a full glass, cross, rose or skull means to us. But within us there is this understanding. We know for sure that a rose is associated with love, a skull with death, a cross with trials, and a full glass with something very good, pleasant and joyful. When you look at any symbol, images will pop up in your head and a chain of associations will form. The image of a rose on a map will evoke a different set of associations for each person. Someone will remember the rose bush in the park, the beauty of nature, the aromas of summer. Someone - a first date and a bouquet of roses. And someone - your pink blouse, in which you looked like a beautiful flower.

This is our property - the ability to receive impressions, images from the symbols we see - and is the basis for working with cards.

Develop your intuition

The second, very important point when working with Tarot is the development of intuition. You can’t go anywhere without this! You can know all the meanings of the symbols. You can understand what all the signs mean in all the mantic systems of the world, but you will never be able to make a forecast if you do not develop your intuition. Well, imagine, you get a card that shows a rose. You know that it is love, beauty, nature, art, romance, pain of love (thorns), sex (red color), holiday, gift, etc. Which of these meanings will you choose at the moment? What does this rose mean? Now? It is in order to determine the correct meaning that intuition is needed!

In my opinion, it is better to have a finely tuned intuition than to know the meaning of all the symbols perfectly. Because a good intuition, even without knowing all the symbols, will give you an exact answer; intuition will tell him what this rose means at the moment. The esoteric polymath will never be able to decide on the answer. He will read you a treatise on the topic “What does a rose mean in the life of each of us” and invite you to understand for yourself what this symbol will bring to you. Actually, this is also the right way. You will be given food for thought, and the erudite will be given the opportunity to avoid an exact answer, hiding behind the multivariate symbols.

But our goal is to learn how to make accurate forecasts. Therefore, it is necessary to move in parallel in two directions - to study the symbols of the Tarot and to develop intuition.

Where to begin?

Tarot is an esoteric science. And you need to approach the study of Tarot in the same way as you would approach the study of any science - starting with small things, gradually moving forward to more complex ones. If you decided to become a doctor and entered medical school, it doesn’t mean that tomorrow you will take a book, read how to perform an operation to remove appendicitis, and start “cutting” one of your loved ones? So why is it that as soon as people buy a tarot deck, they find a tarot spread on the Internet, pull out the cards, and use the book to try to figure out what the cards are predicting for them? Yes, I understand - interesting! What if they take the cards now and tell you the whole truth?! They won't tell you anything. They will only discourage further study of the Tarot. And the conclusion you will come to in the end is “all this is nonsense” or “Tarot is not my thing.”

There is no need to force the Tarot and demand answers from it. It’s like in love - first get to know each other, communicate, get to know and love each other, and then the Tarot itself will reveal all the secrets to you.

So where to start? From looking at the pictures! Yes, I'm not kidding. Each card shows everything you need.

So just pick up the card and look at it. It's better to start with the Major Arcana. They are the core of the deck. There are opinions that previously the deck consisted only of the Major Arcana. The younger ones were added to the deck much later.

Each Major Arcana has its own serial number. It is not accidental. The number itself, as well as the name of the card, also contains meaning. If you are not strong in numerology, don't worry. Even the most primitive knowledge of numbers will be enough for you for now. You can start with the Magician, who has the serial number I, or with the Jester, who is completely outside of any numbers. More precisely, in some decks it is marked with number XXII, in others 0. Does the fact that a card can be both the first and the last tell you something?

So, you take the card and see what it shows. Usually in the Major Arcana there is a certain plot, a hero of this plot and a general setting. It’s useful to look at all this the way children look at pictures. They imagine in their heads what is happening there, fill in the missing details, imagine themselves in this picture. Try to do the same.

Try to describe what you see on the map. Feel your personal attitude towards the card - whether you like it or not. Look at the symbols shown on the map. What are they telling you? Remember: everything matters - image, color, position of figures, name, number. Write down everything you think about the card in your journal.

It is very good to try to choose music that, in your opinion, would correspond to this card. Or remember which movie or book character the character on the card resembles. If you can draw, draw this map. Or come up with a fairy tale based on the theme of the card.

A good way to get to know a map is to meditate on it or, as they also say, to enter the map. In a relaxed, calm state, look at the map and imagine that you are inside. It may feel like a dream. You can walk, talk, and ask questions in the map. Also write down all your meditation experiences in your diary.

This way you will collect your personal information about the card, your impressions, your meanings. And only after that you can look for information about characters you don’t know. In this case, symbol dictionaries, of which there are plenty on the Internet, are very helpful.

And now you have collected enough information on the map. Be prepared for the fact that information on each card will be added and added. Leave a couple of blank pages in your journal for her and move on to the next card.

A prerequisite for studying the Major Arcana is no more than two cards per day. Or better yet, one card per day. Then you will fully study each card and there will be no accumulation of information and energy.

In parallel with studying the cards, start communicating with them. From the Major Arcana, pull out a card of the day every day. Don't look for what other tarot readers write about this card. Look at the card and immediately write down how you feel about it. And at the end of the day, compare these feelings with the past day. With this simple exercise you will tune in to the Tarot deck and learn to talk to it. She will tell you something, and you will try to understand her language.


Get a notebook to study the Tarot. In it you will record all your impressions on the cards. For each card (there are 78 in total), allocate 1 sheet. On this sheet you will write not the book meanings of the cards, but those meanings that come to you while contemplating the card, while thinking about the symbols, figures, people, numbers depicted on the card.

You should work with no more than one card per day and you need to start with the Major Arcana.

In the second part of the book we will go through all the Arcana of the Tarot, I will ask leading questions and point in the direction for your attention. Write down the answers that come to your mind in your notebook.

How to develop intuition

First of all, I want to say that everyone has intuition. Just as most people have arms and legs, they also have intuition. Lack of intuition is the exception rather than the rule.

I assume that intuition is one of the components of the instinct of self-preservation.

The ability to foresee the future gave ancient people the opportunity to save their lives and survive in difficult circumstances. But since no one was able to scientifically prove the presence of intuition, it remained on the sidelines.

It is clear that each person has different opportunities for developing intuition, as does the development of other abilities.

Some people have a penchant for music and will become great pianists, while others just know how to play the piano well. But everyone can develop intuition, and everyone will achieve some success.

It is impossible to read Tarot without intuition. Knowing maps, studying books and symbols will not help you in any way if you do not use and develop your intuition.

How to check your intuition and make sure you have it? Has this ever happened to you - the phone rings, and without looking at it you already know who is calling? Has it ever happened that you remembered some person whom you had not seen for a very long time, and suddenly received news from him or accidentally met him on the street? Do you sometimes have dreams that later come true? Have you ever acted illogically, but later turned out to be right? If any of the above happened to you, know that it was intuition at work.

Intuition can and should be developed, even if you are not going to work with Tarot. It will always be useful in life. Well, if you have a Tarot deck, God himself ordered you to develop these abilities.

Exercises to develop intuition

I will give you some very simple and effective exercises.

1. Cut out squares of the same size but different colors from colored paper. Lay them out on the table, color side down. Take one of them at random and try to guess which color you took. A color may appear before your eyes, a thought may come to you as to what color it is, or an object of exactly that color may come to mind. Signals from intuition can be very different. For example, you will smell a cucumber and know that the color is green.

2. Make the same cards, but all of the same color and on one side draw geometric shapes - circle, square, triangle, cross, star. Without looking at the drawing, try to guess what kind of figure it is.

3. Go to the grocery store. Stand near the shelf and try to determine by sight whether the cake is tasty, what its taste and smell are, whether it is fresh or has already dried out. Try to do the same with other products - cottage cheese, buns, yogurt, or whatever. Then buy this product and compare reality with your feelings.

4. Ask someone in the household to hide an object in the room, and then mentally ask yourself where it is. Hints may come or your legs will go in the right direction on their own. If you cannot find it during the day, go to bed with the thought that in a dream you will see where this object is - this also happens.

5. Know that everyone’s signs and omens are individual. For some people a black cat means bad luck, but for me it means good luck. Look for your own signs and clues. These are also ways of intuition to show you the right path. For example, I noticed: if I meet twins, it’s a profit. If I see a license plate on a passing car whose numbers are in the same order as on my phone, it means happy changes.

6. Gradually make your tasks more difficult. Without looking, pull out one card from the Major Arcana and try to guess what is depicted there. The number of the card, the figure of this card or the predominant color may come.

There are other ways to develop intuition. I listed those that first came to mind and that are easiest to apply. Even if you do one of these exercises every day, your intuition will develop. And over time, it will become not an empty phrase for you, but a tool that you will use for its intended purpose.


Do at least one of the exercises to develop your intuition every day. The most important thing for your intuition to manifest itself is to calm your emotions. Your excitement, a burning desire to hear the voice of intuition, tension during exercises - all this will interfere with you. Therefore, start the exercises in a calm and balanced state. Don't be upset if it doesn't work out, and don't be happy if everything goes well. Excessive joy, as well as worries about failures, disrupts your intuitive channel. As Carlson said, calm, only calm...

* * *

The given introductory fragment of the book All the mysteries and secrets of the Tarot: layouts, subtleties of interpretation, the most important nuances. Lessons from the Master (A. E. Bobrova, 2017) provided by our book partner -

Tarot for beginners. You have decided to learn how to read Tarot. Where to begin? And, most likely, the first thing you did was to passionately interrogate the all-knowing Yandex or Google about

  • what tarot cards to buy for beginners,
  • where to start learning Tarot,
  • Tarot deck for beginners,
  • Tarot began,
  • Tarot cards for beginners,
  • Tarot interpretation for beginners,
  • Books about Tart cards for beginners

etc. About tutorials on Tarot, about how to learn how to read Tarot readings on your own, what you need to do for this and what you don’t need to do -.

The best tarot cards for beginners are the Rider-Waite deck with drawings by Pamella Colman Smith. Proven by more than 100 years of practice. In addition, it is with this deck that Tarot masters recommend that beginners learn the basics of Tarot, and it is also with this deck that most of the really good self-help books on Tarot have been written.

In this article, let's touch on topics related to layouts.

  • Tarot spreads for beginners with interpretation,
  • Simple Tarot spreads for beginners,
  • Interpretation of Tarot cards for beginners, etc.

Let’s bring some clarity to the terms “Tarot card meaning” and “Tarot card interpretation.” It is appropriate to talk about the meaning when we simply mean a particular card (this is for a fortuneteller). We talk about interpreting a card when this card is already in some layout. Otherwise, we can say this: the fortuneteller uses the meanings of the cards (for himself) in order to interpret (for the questioner) them in the layout.

Tarot for beginners

For those who better assimilate information from videos, there are 3 videos with a fairly detailed interpretation just below. The simplest Tarot layouts for beginners are Tarot triplets. A triplet Tarot spread is simply 3 cards laid out in a row. You can set the names of the positions yourself. The most popular options for naming positions in triplets:

If you are interested in the schedule for three cards for the future then it might look like this

  • The next 5 years - The next 5 years - And another 5 years.

Those. you determine for yourself the time period that interests you and divide it into three parts. Accordingly, if you are interested in what will happen in the next 30 years, then instead of 5 years you say 10 years. BUT, you must admit, it is quite difficult to describe 5 years of life (and even longer periods of time) with one card.

Let me explain with an example. There are many literary works that tell about the life of travelers who found themselves on a desert island and lived there for a long time. Throughout the novel, the life of a person on this island is described. For example, the famous Robinson Crusoe. And so you make a three-card layout for the life of Robinson Crusoe.

And, for example, the Knight of Pentacles (trade) - HERMIT - 10 of Pentacles (family, inheritance, clan, material well-being) falls out. All those years that he spent on the island, everything that he had to overcome, everything that he had to learn, that he had to endure - the tribes of cannibals, the meeting with Friday, the attack of pirates and much more will be described by the HERMIT card. Loneliness, isolation, withdrawal from the world. Will this map reflect the whole picture???

Conventionally, we can say that when you make a layout on Tarot cards for the future on three cards, you determine the “average temperature in the ward” (someone has already died and cooled down, someone has a fever of 40 * C, but the card does not say about this, she only says that the average temperature in the ward is 36.6*).

Tarot spread for the near future with three cards

Will give you a more detailed picture. For example:

  • The next 2 weeks (2 months) – The next 2 weeks (2 months) – And the next 2 weeks (2 months).

You will get even more detailed information if you narrow the scope of the question even further. For example,

  • What will happen At work c The next 2 weeks (2 months) – The next 2 weeks (2 months) – And the next 2 weeks (2 months).

There are three cards for the situation - you want to determine the trend in the development of the situation. In this case, the positions can be named as follows:

  • Past-present-future (your income / your relationships / your job, etc.)

And then you can see

How cloudless is your future (Is there something in the present that you don’t even suspect that will cause you a lot of trouble in the future. Although now it seems to you that nothing foretells deterioration.)

If you find something in the layout that worries you, you can get additional cards and find out in more detail what exactly the problem will be.

  • What needs to be changed – What to keep/maintain as is – What you can ignore at all.
  • What can I change – What shouldn’t be changed – What can’t I change (accordingly, you must somehow adapt to this, or find a way to get around it)
  • This activity/direction/action will bring the greatest benefit/popularity – This activity will bring more harm than good – This activity is simply a waste of time and money. Or
  • Where to start – How to continue – How to finish.
  • Important – Urgent – ​​Useless/unnecessary
  • I have to do this myself - This can be entrusted to someone - This can be ignored.

Tarot spread for three cards for relationships, incl. for love

The simplest option for naming positions in a layout

  • What he thinks – What he feels – What it looks like in reality
  • What he says – What he thinks – What he does
  • What he/she likes about me – What he/she doesn’t like – What he/she doesn’t care about
  • What he likes – What he would like to change – What he is ready to put up with / What he is ready to accept as is
  • Why he wants me to appreciate him - What he wants me not to notice in him - What he doesn’t mind changing in himself with my help
  • What he wants to be responsible for in our relationship - What he will avoid responsibility for - What he will be responsible for as a routine, without enthusiasm, but also without the desire to throw off this burden.
  • What he would like for me to never change - what he wants me to constantly show diversity - What in terms of stability / variability is not important to him at all (But in this situation, you need to keep in mind that people change, and what a person wants diversity now may become completely unimportant for him in 3-5 years. Therefore, this arrangement needs to be repeated at some frequency. For example, once every six months or a year. In order to keep up with life)).

Let's pull out three cards at random, come up with some hypothetical Mr. X and read the same three cards in different triplets. This will give you a clear opportunity to see how to interpret the same cards in different layouts.

Past present Future

  • Knight of Pentacles (Profit/Trade/Deception);
  • 9 of Pentacles
  • 5 of Wands

What can we say about the next 15 years of the life of our Mr. X. For the next 10 years he will be busy making money, most likely through trading. At the same time, he will not disdain using not very honest methods (the Knight of Pentacles and the 9 of Pentacles tell us this) And judging by the 9 of Pentacles, these are his efforts in the first 5 years and in the next 5 years he will live a fairly prosperous and rather carefree life.

BUT 10 years from the moment of fortune telling, something will change in the rules of the activity that provided him with such income. And in order to maintain his income at the same level, it is better for him to study these new rules, and not try to act with the old methods, in which he has become very proficient over the previous 10 years. The meanings of the 5 of Wands tell us that he will have to relearn (learn new rules of the market). We are not talking about money here, we are talking about rules and false competence. Those. a person only thinks that he knows something, in fact, his knowledge was either initially incorrect, or (as in our case) it became false - outdated.

What else can we say about Mr. X from this arrangement? He did not limit us to the sphere of life in which he would like to know the future. This means we can assume that, apart from material security, there will be little that interests him in life in the next 15 years. Perhaps over the years he will get married and divorced 5 times, give birth to a bunch of children, but this side of his life will interest him little.

Past-present-future (your income / your relationships / your job, etc.)

“Three cards” layout for money:

Past. The Knight of Pentacles tells us that in the past a person actively created the basis for his current well-being. It is quite possible to work as a sales agent, sales manager, etc. Those. This was the period when the wolf’s legs feed him, as much as he worked, he ate as much.

The present. Now he is a quite wealthy person, his income allows him not to think about his daily bread every day, and not to stress too much about getting money. BUT

Future. Some unpleasant changes await him in the future, although in the present there are no signs of any deterioration. Therefore, Mr. X needs to keep his finger on the pulse of the activities that now provide him with a good, stable income. Don't rest on your laurels for too long. Already now, some changes are beginning to occur in his field of activity, due to which his stable good income may significantly decrease.

Three Cards Spread for Relationships

Knight of Pentacles (Profit/Trade/Deception);

9 of Pentacles (Profit/Security/Craving for the forbidden);

5 of Wands (Game/Fight/Rules of the Game/Problems of False Competence)

In the past and present, relationships have been and continue to be based on the financial component. But in the near future, our Mr. X may be presented with demands from his partner on the topic - why do you measure everything with money?! Do you think you can buy me? You don't pay enough attention to me, etc. Those. he will be faced with problems in relationships that he does not know how to solve, because he only knows how to solve these problems through money and gifts.

That's all for today. If the article was useful and interesting to you, I would be grateful if you would share it on social networks.

With respect to your views and your values,
Natalia Vammas.

Where to start learning Tarot if you don’t even have the slightest idea how to choose the right deck? Everyone goes their own way: some tell fortunes, some meditate, there are a huge number of different ways for self-development. A deck of Tarot cards for beginners should be chosen slowly. There are many decks, and it’s worth listening to yourself and choosing the one that your hand reaches out to.

Main types of decks

Deciding on the most suitable option is not always easy. Some are good for beginners, others are too difficult for them. The following types of decks are distinguished:

  • universal;
  • classic (or traditional);
  • specialized;
  • copyright.

Among the classic ones are the Lenormand deck, the Marseille and Egyptian Tarot. Many traditional decks have existed since the 15th-17th centuries. Ekov. Some of them were used in monasteries. At that time, almost all representatives of the nobility knew how to make layouts. The artists were honored to paint a unique masterpiece for a wealthy family. Since those times, many images have been preserved unchanged. . Among the universal decks we can highlight:

  • Rider-Waite Tarot;
  • Golden Dawn;
  • Aleister Crowley.

They were created under similar circumstances, but in different countries and at different time periods. The Golden Dawn Tarot is the third most famous tarot in the world. The author is Samuel MacGregor Mathers and the artist is his wife Moina. Both held membership of the British Order of the Golden Dawn.

Crowley's cards take an honorable second place in their popularity. The deck is very beautiful and was created over five years: the English esotericist Aleister Crowley and the artist Frieda Harris worked on it. But the cards saw the light only after the will of the creators was made public. They are often used for magical rituals.

When wondering which tarot cards are best to buy for beginners, many are recommended to choose the Arthur Edward White deck. It is extremely popular due to its intuitiveness, ease of interpretation and, so to speak, safety. This is a good tool that allows you to get the right answers to all sorts of questions and helps beginners master the art of Tarot.

The specialized version is only good for working with a specific list of questions, and this is what distinguishes the cards from the universal ones. For example, Tarot of the gnomes will help resolve everyday conflicts, and Manara will answer questions about relationships and personal life.

How to make the right choice

It is best for a teapot to start with the Rider-White Tarot or take another universal type Tarot that you like. The variety of pictures makes it easier to memorize the cards, and the pictures help to interpret the layout. It is noteworthy that the arcana of Strength and Justice are designated by serial numbers eight and eleven, and not vice versa, as in other decks.

You can choose and buy a deck yourself, but it is preferable for someone close to you to pay for it. It is very good to accept cards as a gift, but it should be borne in mind that such a deck may refuse to answer questions from strangers. But they will be obedient in the hands of their owner.

It is better to avoid purchasing through an online store. After all, it is important to feel “your” deck. Visit an esoteric store and ask the salesperson to show you several different options. Open the box and view its contents. Listen carefully to your own feelings. If you feel a chill, then this is not your option. The sheets should fit well in the hand, exude warmth and evoke positivity. Do not try to find a rational explanation, rely only on your intuition.

You should choose a deck very seriously, as it will serve for a long time. When choosing, you need to take into account numerous factors. If you take into account every single nuance, you will be able to choose the ideal option.

First of all, you need to decide on the place of purchase. There is less risk of encountering a low-quality product in a bookstore; you can also go to a supermarket. The risk of purchasing defective cards at a kiosk is much higher.

Often esoteric stores offer books that teach fortune telling., and this is a great solution for dummies. Anyone can master simple fortune telling with Tarot cards for beginners.

It is worth choosing arcana with beautiful pictures and clear symbolism. Real Tarot should not leave paint marks on the palms, this is how it differs from a fake. The sheets should be counted to make sure that they are all in place - there should be seventy-eight in total. It is important to make sure that no two copies are identical in the box and that all images are different.

The advantage of open packaging is that it can be closely inspected. A closed one may reveal a defect. There is an opinion that the Tarot needs to be cleansed if the box has been opened. In fact, you will need to cleanse any Tarot, even those that were sold sealed.

Before you go shopping, you can look on the Internet to see what types of decks there are. This can be seen on special websites. After studying the pictures, it will become clear which option is needed, and you won’t have to spend a lot of time in the store.

However, many people prefer to make a choice relying on the advice of the seller. After all, along the way, a variety of questions may arise. The seller will tell you which Tarot cards are the strongest and help you decide.

Some people show a genuine interest in Tarot cards. For beginners, learning will not take much time, and if you set a goal, there will be no special problems.