home · Lighting · Where are the show participants behind the glass now? An oligarch husband, work on a collective farm and prison: what happened to the participants in Russia’s first reality show. TV project "Big Brother"

Where are the show participants behind the glass now? An oligarch husband, work on a collective farm and prison: what happened to the participants in Russia’s first reality show. TV project "Big Brother"

In 2005, the reality show “Big Brother” started on the TNT channel, and Nastya Yagailova won it.

The show was hosted by Ingeborga Dapkunaite, I wonder if she would agree to be the host of such a program now? I don't think so.

I don’t really remember the show itself, but the girl was bright, beautiful and very young. She managed to turn the heads of most of the guys on the project.

Nastya was born in Khabarovsk in 1986. She was a model, managed to work in Asia, studied to become a psychologist, and at the age of 19 she decided to take part in another reality show, which was gaining great popularity. By the way, remember “Hunger” on TNT, I am so pleasantly surprised that the winner Alexander Komov and reality participant Karina got married and are still together))

At the show itself, Nastya acquired an army of fans. A beautiful brunette with a teddy bear in her hands manipulated the boys on the project, started a love affair with the simpleton Vasya, feigned pregnancy, and did not communicate with the participants of the show, the latter constantly gossiped about Nastya behind her back and were intensely jealous of her popularity and rating.

After the victory, the finalists of Big Brother got into House 2. I didn’t watch it, and I didn’t see the final of the Big Brother itself. In general, if she won now, she would obviously have a bunch of subscribers on Instagram, Twitter, etc. But at a time when social networks were not yet so developed, such fleeting stars lit up very quickly and went out no less quickly.

For almost 10 years nothing was heard about Nastya, and recently on NTV she was invited as a guest in a program about reality stars. It turned out that the girl got married, gave birth to two children and is quite happy as a housewife, her husband is not an oligarch, but a simple guy, a couple of years younger than her. I gave the proceeds 10 million to my mother to buy an apartment.

By the way, it looks good. The hair is gorgeous, there is no enhancement, but she doesn’t need it. I dug into the group of her admirers on VKontakte, and took the photo from there. Now Nastya practically doesn’t wear makeup and has changed in general, but apparently the quick fame hasn’t gone to the girl’s head, and that’s already good.

Updated 26/07/14 11:24:

This is my first post, before that I silently read the gossip for eight years and didn’t even comment)

It was not Komov who wrote the name of the winner of the “Hunger” correctly, but Alexander Konstantinov

I watch TV less and less, so I literally accidentally came across another hellish talk show on NTV called “DNA”. I think how the presenter is so familiar and remembered where I saw him. This is a participant in the very first reality show in the vastness of the ex-USSR. Sinful, they watched it at one time with the whole family, and even worried about the participants. But there they also had sincere emotions. Why don’t we remember how DOM-2, hated by most normal people, began?

On NTV there is a new highly social talk show “DNA”. The heroes of the program will be ordinary families for whom a DNA test is the only way to end bitter disputes between relatives. Thanks to genetic testing, guests of the program will be able to establish paternity and demand payment of alimony, confirm kinship and reunite with relatives, identify legal heirs and learn more about their ancestry. Presenter: Alexander Koltovoy.

“Behind the Glass” is the first Russian reality show and one of the highest-rated projects in the history of Russian television, aired on TV-6, TNT and TVS channels. An analogue of the famous international reality show “Big Brother”. The show began on the night of October 27-28, 2001 and lasted 35 days, gathering a fantastic audience in front of television screens (the show was watched by up to 40% of viewers in the country and near abroad) and directly at the scene of the events: the Rossiya Hotel in the center of Moscow, causing a great resonance in society. The winners, Zhanna Agagisheva and Denis Fedyanin, received 15 thousand dollars in ruble equivalent, although they were initially promised an apartment in Moscow. All seven participants also received a week-long New Year's trip to Finland.

“Peeking is not prohibited! It's impossible not to watch! Live video. 30 cameras! This is not a synopsis for a porn film. This is how the project “Behind the Glass” was advertised.

The new television fashion - reality shows - has long captivated us. Russia has already started setting records with its Dom-2. Reality heroes become real stars. But the show ends and the former idols are left alone with reality. It turns out that fame fades quickly. So what happened to them, the heroes of the main reality shows of the past?

In the dystopia “We” by Evgeny Zamyatin (1920 - Ed.), cheerful people covered with fur copulate behind the glass walls of their “rooms”.
In 2001, the writer’s fantasies came true. Crowds of young people at the Rossiya Hotel, Ernest Matskevichyus shouting down them with a microphone. A glass aquarium, behind which young people eat and sleep. This is how the TV-6 channel filmed the show “Behind the Glass”.
The rules of the game are simple: three boys and three girls live in a large pseudo-apartment built in the western wing of “Russia”. Their every step is recorded by dozens of cameras and microphones. Outside, a crowd is watching them, but the participants see only mirrored walls in front of them. Each week one resident is eliminated - at the choice of viewers. The remaining two will receive an apartment in Moscow. It is prohibited to leave the perimeter of the home, and smoking is also prohibited. No mobile phones, no Internet, any connection with the outside world is excluded. Even in prison there is no such isolation. But this is the whole point of the project. Submarine effect.

Show winners

The project ended exactly 10 years ago - December 1, 2001. He gave fantastic ratings - in Moscow alone, “Behind the Glass” was watched by 45% of all television viewers.

Creating a “glazing”

The author of the idea and executive producer of the project was Ivan Usachev, whom viewers remember very well from the program “You are an Eyewitness.” It was he, together with Andrei Praslov (now the general producer of REN TV - Ed.), director Grigory Lyubomirov and producer Alexander Levin, who decided to organize the first reality show in Russia.

Then most of the employees left for NTV, but I stayed. In order to prove that he was capable of something, he decided to propose a new project. The original idea was to put young people behind a store window and film their lives. That is, for this life to take place both on the screen and in front of passers-by. As a result, producer Alexander Levin liked the idea, but he supplemented it with his own vision, recalls Usachev.

We've decided on the concept, but where to shoot? The owners of all the stores that were offered such free advertising refused to cooperate. Out of desperation, the creators of “Behind the Glass” began to explore the most incredible options.

So Usachev came with his idea to the Rossiya Hotel, straight to its owner, Isa Dzhabrailov. The businessman agreed to give up the premises for a dubious project. And just two weeks later, work began on the construction of a television apartment in the lobby of the giant hotel.

I did the casting myself; we needed bright people, even if not the most developed ones. They had to contrast against each other,” admits Ivan Usachev. Six such characters were selected - three girls, three boys.

The project was launched live on TV-6 on the night of October 27-28, 2001 for 35 days. The presenter was Kirill Nabutov, and Ernest Matskevichyus helped him - he reported “from the scene.” From there, where crowds of people stood under the supervision of the police in order to at least a little lively look at the people behind the glass.

It would seem, what’s wrong? Boring conversations of uninteresting people... But the burning desire to look into the next window blew up the TV space. The creators hit a painful point. A fantastic audience gathered in the evenings in front of television screens, discussions took place in society, and the church sharply criticized the project.

At the same time, there were broadcasts on the Internet, but the founding fathers did not earn anything from this; the concept of “paid subscription” did not exist then. But during the show of “glazed glass” on the Internet, Internet traffic throughout the country soared by 40%!

What special was shown there?

The first reality show in Russia was radically different from the subsequent ones. There weren’t even fights, like in the current “House-2”, or hair pulling. The organizers did not want to show the whole “truth of life”. And the guys themselves, placed under camera lenses, could not give the inhabitants of the country’s main television set a light. For the first three days, the glazing workers couldn’t even take a shower. They were simply shy!

Their everyday life resembled the chronicles of a hostel - arguing over turns to wash dishes, clean up and cook. All the intrigue, envy, display of talent and drama were the achievement of the director's team. Grigory Lyubomirov, whose voice the viewer heard behind the scenes, literally lived on the project 24 hours a day. He gave tasks, provoked those under observation and pitted them against each other.

The culmination of the project can be called live sex. Margo, after leaving the project of “her boyfriend” Alexander, decided to give herself to another participant - Maxim. Nobody saw the explicit video. Having covered themselves with a blanket, the young people depicted something very similar to the act of intercourse, after which they fell asleep together. It was a very powerful scene for TV at the time. The spectators were shocked! The next day everyone was talking about it.

There was also a scene in the shower that became legendary with the participation of the same Margot... And again everyone excitedly discussed what they had seen. But in today's times - nothing scandalous!

What happened to the participants?

During the entire month the composition changed only once. For “personal reasons,” Alexander Koltovoy left the project. Anatoly Patlan came instead. The final took place on December 1st. There were two winners: on the last day of filming, they were determined live by the viewer. The winners, Zhanna and Denis, did not see the promised apartment - they were given 15 thousand dollars in rubles.

In addition, all seven who lived in the TV apartment were given a week-long New Year's trip to Finland and... sent home.

Margo (Margarita Semenyakina)

Growing up in a military family, the girl dreamed of serving in the army; she still loves the movie “GI Jane.” However, Margot did not follow in her father’s footsteps, but into a glass box with cameras.

Now Margarita Volkova (alternately - Author) runs a children's folklore studio in Moscow. And after emerging from behind the glass, I wanted to “continue the banquet.” And at first it seemed to work out: there were photo shoots, interviews, the titles of vice-miss “Playboy” and “Miss Playmate”, a magnificent wedding with project participant Max Kasymov. But it all ended in divorce, job searches, unsuccessful attempts to enter GITIS, get a job in newspapers, on television channels... The only memory of the project that remained in memory of the project was the child he shared with Maxim - Marat.

“I categorically refuse all comments! - Margot told us. - Why do I need it? I still can’t get rid of this “fame.” You will make money from this, but what about me? What will I get from this? Problems with my students' parents. They will come and ask: “Are you the one?”

Max (Maxim Kasymov)

The young man, who dyed his hair “like Prodigy” (a British electronic group that was fashionable at the time - Ed.), was distinguished during the project by his penchant for playing music. The guy was confident that he would be able to record albums and sell out audiences. I even wrote a script for a movie about love and friendship. However, everything turned out to be much more prosaic, interest in “glass” quickly subsided, and Maxim, already the father of a small child, first “bombed” the city and then sold advertising. The AMATOL team, in which Kasymov played electronic music, did not last long. Max is still sure that he failed to get promoted because of the notoriety of the project.

You don’t have to call Maxim at all. He immediately sends everyone very far away. I'm still offended by the press. We were taken for a ride so many times with these materials about “Behind the Glass” that he won’t even remember anything,” his ex-wife Margot told us about Maxim.

Zhanna (Agagisheva)

Zhanna was considered the most spectacular girl of the project. All participants immediately noticed that she stood out from the team, not only with her bright appearance, but also with her “background.” Agagisheva studied at a prestigious university, her dad was a serious, wealthy man. Zhanna often visited the most pretentious clubs in Moscow; she was repeatedly seen with the grandson of the first President of the Russian Federation, Boris Yeltsin. After the project, Agagisheva debunked rumors about her wedding with a rich young man. However, on air, she once let slip to a friend that she had a lover, “whose last name is so well known that I have no chance with him.”

At first, Zhanna was going to get married to journalist Alim Yusupov, but something went wrong. A little later, Agagisheva got married, now she lives on Rublyovka and does not communicate with the press.

Dan (Denis Fedyanin)

On the project, Dan had the fame... "not homely." It seemed like the guy was willing to communicate, but nothing more. He sincerely tried to “build relationships” with all the girls on the project, but always failed. Maybe that's why the audience chose him as the winner. The cash prize became for him “compensation” for the lack of success among the participants in the show.

After the project, Denis began writing a book called “Reality” and for a long time could not understand whether the project had ended or not.

Before participating in the project, I sold advertising in all its forms. In the 90s, everyone watched Brazilian TV series; ten years of experience showed that the most interesting thing was conflict and tears. I liked the model of the game and the participants of “Behind the Glass” - we lived without a script. For me personally, there was only one motivation to participate - curiosity,” Fedyanin told us.

Olga (Orlova)

The only blonde in the “glazed area” really wanted to get on TV. The girl managed to appear in the film “Thieves and Prostitutes”, after which she got involved in the project. As soon as the show ended, she wrote a novel commissioned by a publishing house. And in the shortest possible time - within two weeks.

This was the condition of the publishers, because later this literary work could become irrelevant. I wrote the book together with the winner of the project, Dan. It was a standard diary of impressions, which many people diligently keep on the Internet to this day.

The project was amazing, and this is the merit of the director - Grigory Lyubomirov. I got a great life experience at the glass shop. And I’m glad that they chose me at the casting. Thanks to the project, yoga came into my life, which I have been practicing for 10 years. It became my way of life and profession - I opened a yoga club in Rostov-on-Don,” Olya told us.

Alexander (Koltovoy)

Alexander also wanted to get on the project, and his dream came true. Having seen the announcement of the project, he immediately began to storm the candidate selection service. Moreover, no one told him about the main prize for winning the show. Filming only strengthened his love for TV. Now he works for STS in the Galileo program.

Tolya (Anatoly Patlan)

Anatoly Patlan was considered the main physical educator of the “zastekolya”. After the project, he found a suitable job and installed home theaters. A little later, he fulfilled his dream: he became an aerialist in a circus. For some time he worked in Madrid. He did not have very pleasant impressions of the project. According to Tolya, apart from shame, he gained nothing.

There is such a concept in English - Type CASTING, that is, “type selection”. It's like a stamp, a mask. If you acted in such a role, you will be reminded of it all your life. If you have nothing for your soul except these random filming, then you are doomed...


It is curious that all over the world, participants in similar shows immediately after leaving the supervision of “big brother” become in demand. Regardless of intellectual and external data. In the UK, a retired writer received a lucrative offer from a publishing house. Many of them become advertising faces of large companies, some stop going to work altogether, some are called to host youth programs. One of the most scandalous participants in the reality, Nicholas Bateman, was expelled from the project for fraud. The hard worker managed to get money without leaving the project - he weaved intrigues, earned money, and even remained in a favorable light. And it was in him that The Sun newspaper saw a future columnist with an annual salary of 100 thousand dollars!

"GAME OVER" (documentary film directed by Anna Dranitsyna)

For those who want to get a little nosy - a small piece of this show:

And the complete final transmission:

Adios, Mexico!

Before the audience had time to get used to the new host of Holidays in Mexico, Alena Vodonaeva, it became known that the former well-known participant in the reality show Dom-2 was refusing the role of head of the villa....

The second season of “Vacation” starts!

Millions of viewers of the first season of “Vacation in Mexico” are looking forward to the new season of the sensational reality show, which will begin...

New participants of “Vacations in Mexico”

Watching “Holidays in Mexico” online

We have amazing news for you: in the new Video section you can watch online the popular reality show from MTV “Vacation in Mexico”!!!

New reality - “Holidays in Mexico”!!!

Today we are opening a section dedicated to the new reality show “Vacations in Mexico.” If you haven’t heard about this show yet, you can read more about the project and also get to know its participants. If you are already a fan of the show, then you will certainly be interested in seeing photos of your favorite characters, as well as downloading your already favorite theme song for the show “Mexican Mama”.

[Office] on Reality-show.ru

Friends, well, as we promised, another reality show has appeared on our website - [The Office]! Did you love this show? Then bring back the memories! Or, on the contrary, didn’t watch it at all? Well, now you have such an opportunity!!!

Hunger Update!!!

Dear visitors! We hasten to bring you wonderful news: the section of the reality show “Hunger 2” has been completely updated. So, what's new for the hungry...

New section “Reality Online”

Well, dear friends, as we promised, a new one has opened on the site, in which you can watch various videos from reality shows on Russian television without registration online.

Mega site update!

Friends! Finally, we can present to you an updated version of the Reality-show.ru website. The update consists of the appearance of a huge section called Reality blogs.
Reality blogs- this is a sea of ​​information on almost all existing reality shows. The information collected over the years and carefully selected is now posted on our website.

« Big Brother"(English) Big Brother listen)) - a television reality competition format created by a Dutch producer John de Mol. First appeared in 1999 on Dutch television. To date, shows in this format have been released in many countries around the world.

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  • Johnson-Woods Toni. Big Brother: Why Did That Reality TV Show Become Such a Phenomenon?. - Australia: University of Queensland Press, 2002. - ISBN 0-7022-3315-3.


  • on the Endemol website

Excerpt characterizing Big Brother (reality show)

The wolf stopped running, awkwardly, like a sick toad, turned his big forehead to the dogs, and also softly waddling, jumped once, twice and, shaking a log (tail), disappeared into the edge of the forest. At that same moment, from the opposite edge of the forest, with a roar similar to crying, one, another, a third hound jumped out in confusion, and the whole pack rushed across the field, through the very place where the wolf had crawled (ran) through. Following the hounds, the hazel bushes parted and Danila’s brown horse, blackened with sweat, appeared. On her long back, in a lump, lolling forward, sat Danila, without a hat, with gray, tousled hair over a red, sweaty face.
“Whoop, whoop!” he shouted. When he saw the count, lightning flashed in his eyes.
“F...” he shouted, threatening the count with his raised arapnik.
-About...the wolf!...hunters! - And as if not deigning to deign the embarrassed, frightened count with further conversation, he, with all the anger he had prepared for the count, hit the sunken wet sides of the brown gelding and rushed after the hounds. The Count, as if punished, stood looking around and trying with a smile to make Semyon regret his situation. But Semyon was no longer there: he, taking a detour through the bushes, jumped the wolf from the abatis. Greyhounds also jumped over the beast from both sides. But the wolf walked through the bushes and not a single hunter intercepted him.

Nikolai Rostov, meanwhile, stood in his place, waiting for the beast. By the approach and distance of the rut, by the sounds of the voices of dogs known to him, by the approach, distance and elevation of the voices of those arriving, he felt what was happening on the island. He knew that there were arrived (young) and seasoned (old) wolves on the island; he knew that the hounds had split into two packs, that they were poisoning somewhere, and that something untoward had happened. Every second he waited for the beast to come to his side. He made thousands of different assumptions about how and from which side the animal would run and how it would poison it. Hope gave way to despair. Several times he turned to God with a prayer that the wolf would come out to him; he prayed with that passionate and conscientious feeling with which people pray in moments of great excitement, depending on an insignificant reason. “Well, what does it cost you,” he said to God, “to do this for me! I know that You are great, and that it is a sin to ask You for this; but for the sake of God, make sure that the seasoned one comes out on me, and that Karai, in front of the “uncle” who is watching from there, slams into his throat with a death grip.” A thousand times during these half-hours, with a persistent, tense and restless gaze, Rostov looked around the edge of the forest with two sparse oak trees over an aspen underhang, and the ravine with a worn edge, and the uncle’s hat, barely visible from behind a bush to the right.

Could you become a contestant on the reality show Big Brother?

In recent years, more and more so-called reality shows have begun to appear on television, for example The Villa u Survival. The most famous and popular among them is the show “Big Brother”, which was held with great success in many countries around the world.

Under the Big Brother rules, 12 contestants (sometimes less) are locked in a house for several weeks, and are not allowed to read the newspaper, watch TV, or communicate with friends or family members. Living conditions are the simplest. Cameras are located throughout the house so that not a single movement of the participant goes unnoticed; filming continues non-stop 24 hours a day. Every day, participants receive new tasks from the show's producers, and their budget for the next week depends on how successfully they cope with it.

A lot of events happen in the show: participants argue, fight, fall in and out of love, compete, have fun naked in a jacuzzi, make love, make friends and form groups, experience a variety of emotions in front of the audience, from jubilation to deep disappointment.

Once a week, each contestant must name two other contestants who they think should leave the show and give reasons for their position. The contestants with the most votes against go into a viewer vote and the loser leaves the show.

The show "Big Brother" is interesting from a psychological point of view. The participants in the show, who have to live together, are completely different people, with different destinies and characters. Viewers watch how the participants - self-confident and cool, young, practical, vulnerable and very sensitive, charismatic or obsessed with something - change during their "imprisonment" in the house, how they react to the various situations they have to face on set, and how they communicate with each other. Meanwhile, the producers of the show always try to add fuel to the fire, as the management of the British project “Big Brother” managed, for example, in the summer of 2002, when relations between the participants were heated to the limit - to the delight of the audience and the press.

Even if you are not a fan of this type of show, the test will help you understand whether you could ever become a successful contestant on Big Brother or not. Each item makes a specific statement, you must determine how much each of them agrees with your opinion, and accordingly rate them on a scale from 1 to 5. Each of the 25 statements must be given one rating (from 1 to 5). Put 5 if you completely agree with the statement/it suits you, and 1 if it completely disagrees with you/you completely disagree with it.

I am a very sociable and open person

5 4 3 2 1

I would go on the Big Brother reality show mostly not for the money, but for the unusual life experience

5 4 3 2 1

The thought of living in isolation from the outside world for six weeks does not frighten me

5 4 3 2 1

I'm not worried about being seen naked by all the viewers of national television and Internet users around the world

5 4 3 2 1

I believe that being on the Big Brother reality show can help me become a stronger person both physically and mentally and will open up new opportunities for me

5 4 3 2 1

I accept the possibility that I may develop a close relationship with one of the participants

5 4 3 2 1

I am in reasonably good physical shape and can complete any task offered on the Big Brother show.

5 4 3 2 1

I'm emotionally strong enough to handle six weeks in the Big Brother house.

5 4 3 2 1

If necessary, I will stay on the show for a full six weeks and will not ask to be sent home after a couple of weeks

5 4 3 2 1


5 4 3 2 1


I will have no problems with discipline, routine and rules in the Big Brother house

5 4 3 2 1


I'm more of a leader than a follower

5 4 3 2 1


I make friends quickly and easily

5 4 3 2 1


I adapt easily and take on a variety of things

5 4 3 2 1


I have a good sense of humor

5 4 3 2 1


Although I will miss my family and friends, I will be able to cope

5 4 3 2 1


I am not embarrassed when people show me sexually suggestive attention.

5 4 3 2 1


I won't worry about what the newspapers will write about me and my time on the show.

5 4 3 2 1


I never bear a grudge against people

5 4 3 2 1


I'm not too sensitive and vulnerable

5 4 3 2 1


Sleeping in the same room with people I just met is an interesting life experience for me

5 4 3 2 1


I am interested in the experience of returning for six weeks to the living conditions of the past - without television, radio, my own room

5 4 3 2 1


I don't see a problem with returning to normal life after the end of Big Brother

5 4 3 2 1


I can accept that I will have little (or no) privacy while on Big Brother

5 4 3 2 1


I will be able to contribute to all the household chores in the Big Brother house, meaning cooking, cleaning, budgeting, etc.

5 4 3 2 1


Total points 90-125

You most likely have all the qualities needed to become a contestant on Big Brother. You are obviously an extrovert and therefore would love to be the center of attention and open your soul to the whole country.

If you become a participant in the show, you can achieve a lot, you just have to accept the fact that you will be the attention of many media outlets and both good and bad things will be written and said about you. The lives of many Big Brother contestants have changed for the better thanks to their participation in the show, and, having passed this test, they were able to become stronger psychologically than they were before.

Total points 65-89

There are concerns that you won't be able to get through Big Brother without harm and come out a stronger person than you were before. If you do decide, then the only way for you to become a successful participant in the show is to be yourself. The camera lens is constantly watching each participant, this is a lot of stress for them. If someone tries to play a role and seem different from who they really are, it will very soon become noticeable to everyone. And in the same way, those participants who try to play behind-the-scenes games quickly get caught.

Contestants can only survive on the show by showing themselves and their character honestly. Then other participants, and, most importantly, the audience of the show will accept them for who they are. The audience will either love the participant or not, and it depends on this whether he will become a candidate for victory or elimination from the show. In many ways, Big Brother reflects real life, albeit in a slightly twisted way.

Total points less than 65

It is obvious that you will not be able to become a successful contestant on Big Brother. Don't even think about it!