home · Lighting · Sealing joints of PVC sewer pipes, cast iron and plastic pipes without dismantling. How to seal if the joint of sewer pipes is leaking? Can it be sealed?

Sealing joints of PVC sewer pipes, cast iron and plastic pipes without dismantling. How to seal if the joint of sewer pipes is leaking? Can it be sealed?

Only if the installation of the sewer system is done reliably and efficiently, the possibility of leaks will be completely eliminated. To do this, it is necessary to correctly install and lay pipes.

All connections must be well sealed. After laying the sewer, builders must check its tightness. Even minimal leakage is not allowed.

The commission will accept the design and sign the certificate of suitability of the facility only if no sewage leaks are detected. Over time, the butt joints of sewer pipes begin to leak.

How to deal with this phenomenon, what measures need to be taken to avoid leakage, how to seal sewer pipes?

Sealing with self-adhesive tape

This material appeared on the construction market quite recently. The tape was specially designed for sealing sewer joints. The film is white and is wound on a spool. The width of the tape does not have a standard value. Each manufacturer sets this size independently.

Advantages of self-adhesive tape:


The tape does not withstand exposure to ultraviolet rays. It cannot be used for installation of open sewer systems.

If you need to create a sealed connection directly on the street, you need to cover the area where the self-adhesive film is being treated with any sun-protective material.

Professionals use this self-adhesive film for other purposes. It has become often used when it is necessary to create a hermetically sealed connection of fittings and other shaped parts.

Nuances of work

In order for the work to be done efficiently, the surface of the pipe must first be prepared. There should be no accumulation of dirt on it. After cleaning, the pipe is dried.

Then a primer layer is applied and the surface is dried again. Tape is glued to the prepared surface of the pipe. It is wrapped around the problem area in the form of a spiral.

To achieve good tightness, each new layer of tape should cover half of the previous layer. Usually several layers are wound. Such a pipe will be completely sealed.

Important! No folds should form when winding. Even very small wrinkles can cause leaks. Be careful, wind tightly and avoid wrinkles.

Silicone sealants

This material is based on rubber. In principle, such sealants consist of a mixture of a variety of substances. They create a high quality seal.

It must be said that the adhesion of silicone sealants is very high. Therefore, applying the sealant does not require additional surface treatment with special primers.

Depending on the type of hardener, such sealants have several varieties.


The cost of such silicone sealants is not very high. However, they can only be used on certain surfaces. They cannot be used to seal pipes if acid moves through them.


This type of material is considered universal. They can be used to seal plastic and metal sewer products. Silicone paste that undergoes a vulcanization process becomes a rubber-like substance.

Professional advice! To avoid complications when squeezing out the sealant, you can use a mounting gun. If you don’t have a gun, you can insert the handle of a hammer inside the tube and apply pressure. The handle will act as a piston.

Other types of sealants

Of course, in addition to silicone sealant, there are other substances for sealing sewer systems.

Epoxy resin.
This composition has long established itself as an excellent assistant in sealing pipes. It is often used in domestic conditions when sewer pipes are joined or repaired.

Portland cement. This component is included in many sealing mixtures. It is used when it is necessary to create an asbestos-cement mixture. Portland cement is used to caulk socket joints in cast iron sewer pipes.

Bitumen. A substance used to produce a mixture used to seal joints. It is used to process sockets on ceramic pipelines.

Hemp rope. Used in the technological process for processing sockets of cast iron and ceramic sewer pipes. The highest effect is achieved by combining resin impregnation with jute rope. Such sealing will never leak.

Technical sulfur. Most often used for processing butt joints on sockets of cast iron products. Before processing the butt joint, the sulfur is crushed and heated until it begins to melt.

What is cold welding used for?

This modern substance consists of several components. The basis is epoxy resin, to which special fillers are added. Thanks to their properties, a composition is obtained that gives the processed product the desired qualities and high surface adhesion.

Therefore, the surface roughness of the workpieces only contributes to more reliable adhesion.

In its appearance, “cold welding” is very similar to plasticine in which several colors are mixed.

Before you start using this “welding”, you need to knead the plasticine well until all the colors are mixed and you get the same shade.

After this, the prepared mixture is tightly pressed to the thoroughly cleaned, dried and degreased surface at the crack site. After complete hardening, it completely closes the crack.

A very important advantage of this material is its high adhesion. It fits perfectly on surfaces where moisture is constantly present. Thanks to its excellent adhesion, “cold welding” very quickly eliminates a leak formed at the joint of a sewer pipe. Complete drying of “cold welding” can take up to 24 hours. However, it is quite difficult to say exactly how long it takes to dry. It all depends on the temperature conditions and the amount of material from which the mixture was made.

Until the mixture is completely dry, use of the sewer is prohibited.

How to seal sewer pipes?

In addition to the materials listed above, professionals also use other well-known substances for sealing:

In everyday life, epoxy resin remains the most popular. To use it, a special polyethylene-polyamine hardener is used if cold hardening occurs.

If this process occurs under heat, maleic anhydride is used.

Sometimes the hardener is made from other materials that have similar properties. The preparation of epoxy sealant is done in a ratio (10:1 or 5:1).

Technical sulfur is used to treat sewage discharge. First it is crushed, then heated until it becomes plastic. Heated sulfur is poured directly into the outlet area.

When processing cast iron products, hemp rope coated with resin shows the greatest effect.

To treat existing joints of ceramic products, use asphalt mastic or petroleum bitumen.

How to seal cast iron pipes

To connect a riser made using a cast iron pipe, you need to insert one pipe into the socket at the end of the other. The resulting joint is sealed with a special sealant.

The entire process is carried out by experienced craftsmen in a certain technological sequence.

Ordinary linen tow closes the gap formed between the pipes. It is inserted to a depth of more than 2/3 of the gap and compacted well.

A little advice! If flax tow is not available, tarred hemp will perfectly replace it.

Then Portland cement is mixed with water (1:9) and the remaining free gap in the riser is closed with this mixture.

Good to know! To obtain the mixture, you can use cement by mixing it with asbestos fiber (2:1). Before you start pouring this mixture into the pipe, you need to add a small portion of water.

The materials described above can be replaced with modern silicone sealant. It is already poured into the existing gap in its finished form. To prevent it from drying out instantly, you need to first cover the area where it is applied with plastic wrap.

How to seal a joint between cast iron and plastic

When renovations begin on an old home, one serious problem arises. It is necessary to connect modern plastic pipes with old cast iron products. This situation requires a competent approach.

The work is performed in the following sequence:

  1. To connect pipes made of different materials, you need to prepare special adapters.
  2. The cast iron pipe must be thoroughly cleaned and degreased.
  3. The pipe is carefully sealed inside and outside with sealant.
  4. The prepared adapter is inserted into the socket.
  5. Wait several hours until the sealant hardens.
  6. A plastic pipe is connected and the joint is sealed.
  7. The connection is checked for leaks.

This technology, if carried out strictly point by point, will allow you to obtain a reliable connection, characterized by great strength and good tightness.

This connection will not create any problems in the future; leaks in such places are completely excluded.

In the presented video you can see how work on sealing and self-waterproofing sewer pipes is carried out.


Features of the sealant

General information

Sealing the joints of sewer pipes requires the most responsible approach, since depressurization of the system entails dire consequences. If this happens to an internal open system, for example, in an apartment, then an unpleasant odor will appear in the home or even wastewater will begin to seep out, flooding the room.

Depressurization of the external system leads to contamination of the soil, groundwater, etc. In addition, groundwater and soil can leak into the pipe, causing the system to stop functioning.

Sealant is capable of providing reliable and high-quality sealing. This product is sold in tubes in the form of a paste. It is based on silicone rubber, as well as a rather complex mixture of various synthetic substances.

The sealing process with this product is as follows:

  • after application to the surface, the liquid composition fills all cracks and cavities;
  • after this, the vulcanization process begins, as a result of which the silicone paste acquires a consistency similar in properties to rubber. Vulcanization is carried out as a result of exposure to the composition of moisture in the air.

Thus, the joints of all parts are sealed.

In private homes, it is necessary to seal not only the sewer system itself, but also the place where the pipes enter.
As a rule, the sealing of the inputs is carried out using rubber sealing bushings and sealing cuffs.

Basic properties

Among the features of the sealant, the following qualities can be distinguished:

  • good adhesion to any surfaces. Therefore, you can use sealant for PVC sewer pipes, as well as cast iron systems. Moreover, before applying the composition, the surface does not need to be treated with a primer, as is the case with the use of many other means;

  • good elasticity, due to which the seal is not broken even as a result of vibrations and other mechanical influences;
  • does not lose its performance over time;
  • dries quickly - the sewer can be used just a few hours after assembling the system;
  • tolerates high temperatures well and is also resistant to aggressive environments;
  • retains elasticity at low temperatures.

It is thanks to these qualities that sealant for sewer pipes is very popular.


First of all, it should be said that only silicone sealant should be used for sewer systems. There are two types of it on sale:

  • acid- is cheaper, but is not suitable for surfaces that cannot withstand acids. In addition, such compositions react with acids and alkalis. Therefore, they are not the best choice for plumbing and sewer systems.
  • neutral- is more expensive, but at the same time more versatile.


So, we figured out how to seal the sewer system. Now let's look at how to use this tool correctly.

It should be noted that the instructions for assembling a pipeline using sealant are extremely simple:

  1. if necessary, part of the pipe is cut to obtain the required length. It should be noted that the pipe can only be cut from the smooth side;
  2. then a chamfer is cut from the cut side and the burrs are removed. To do this, you can use a sharp mounting knife;
  3. After this, a cuff is inserted into the socket. First, it and the bell itself must be cleaned of possible debris;
  1. then all adjacent surfaces are treated with sealant;
  2. then the smooth part of the pipe is inserted into the socket until it stops;
  3. all elements of the system are connected according to this principle;
  4. After a few hours, when the sealant has hardened, you can check the operation of the system to make sure it is tight.

During the curing process, the sealant should not be exposed to moisture so that it acquires the necessary properties within the time specified by the manufacturer.

As we can see, this process is extremely simple, so even an inexperienced person can handle it with their own hands. However, it should be noted that only a plastic pipeline is assembled using this scheme. If the pipes are cast iron, the work is performed somewhat differently:

  1. after connecting the pipes, the socket is filled 2/3 with linen tow and compacted with a wooden spatula;
  2. then the remaining part of the socket space is filled with sealant.

If you need to connect cast iron pipes to plastic ones, you should use special rubber adapters.
Before connecting, they also need to be treated with sealant.

This is, perhaps, all the information that will allow you to independently ensure the tightness of sewer pipe joints without much difficulty.


Sealing materials

It is known from construction practice that re-sealing joints of sewerage pipes and deformed seams is comparable in scope of work to installing a system from scratch. Therefore, this process should be approached with the utmost seriousness.

Important! When installing external sewerage, it is necessary to exclude the presence of leaks not only from inside the pipeline, but also inside it. This way you will avoid overflowing the drainage system, which can arise from the penetration of groundwater into it.

Today, the most popular materials are:

  • silicone sealants;
  • cement mortar and resin rope;
  • tapes for sealing.

The most popular are silicone based products.

In addition, modern industry produces special products. So, if you are looking for how to seal sewer pipes made of ceramics, pay attention to petroleum bitumen and asphalt mastic. This will be the best choice. You can reliably seal socket joints of cast iron pipes using technical sulfur.

The most common methods of sealing

Silicone sealants. This material is a mastic that can harden when exposed to air. One of the advantages of silicone sealant is that there is no need to pre-treat the pipe surface with primers. For its manufacture, silicone rubber is used, into which special additives are added that enhance the degree of adhesion and, accordingly, the strength of the sealing layer.

The work takes a minimum of time and does not require professional skills. A mounting gun is used for extrusion. If you don’t have one at hand, and the sewer pipe is leaking at the joints, you can use a simple hammer, the handle of which will serve as a piston. Upon completion of the vulcanization process, the silicone mastic will turn into a certain substance similar in its properties to rubber.

Table No. 1. Silicone sealant consumption

Meters per cartridge 110 milliliters.
Depth of sealant layer, mm 25 20 15 12 10 7 5
5 ˗˗˗ ˗˗˗ ˗˗˗ ˗˗˗ 6,0 8,0 12,0
7 ˗˗˗ ˗˗˗ ˗˗˗ 3,0 4,0 6,0 ˗˗˗
10 ˗˗˗ 1,5 2,0 2,5 3,0 ˗˗˗ ˗˗˗
12 1,0 1,2 1,7 2,1 ˗˗˗ ˗˗˗ ˗˗˗
15 0,8 1,0 1,3 ˗˗˗ ˗˗˗ ˗˗˗ ˗˗˗
Meters per file package 600 milliliters.
Width of the sealing layer, millimeters.
Depth of sealant layer, mm 25 20 15 12 10 7 5
5 ˗˗˗ ˗˗˗ ˗˗˗ ˗˗˗ 11,0 15,0 23
7 ˗˗˗ ˗˗˗ ˗˗˗ 6,0 7,0 11,0 ˗˗˗
10 ˗˗˗ 3,0 4,0 5,0 6,0 ˗˗˗ ˗˗˗
12 2,0 2,4 3,0 4,0 ˗˗˗ ˗˗˗ ˗˗˗
15 1,4 1,9 2,5 ˗˗˗ ˗˗˗ ˗˗˗ ˗˗˗

Cement mortar and resin rope. Sealing sewer pipes with these materials is a classic way to fix leaks. It is carried out by caulking 2/3 of the depth of the socket with a resin rope, followed by pouring into the remaining 1/3 a cement mortar made on the basis of M300 cement. The cement mortar is prepared in a ratio of 1:9.

Those homeowners who are looking for how to seal sewer pipe joints with the least amount of labor are recommended to use special expanding waterproof cement. In this case, they will be able to seal the problem area without a resin band. This is due to the fact that such cement quickly hardens and at the same time expands. The solution must be prepared immediately before use by mixing cement with water in a ratio of 1:2.5.

Important! The socket joint should be centered, secured, and only then thoroughly filled with the prepared mixture.

Self-adhesive tape. This material is rightfully considered a highly effective sealant. In addition, the tape has dielectric and anti-corrosion properties. Ease of use plays a significant role in its high popularity.

Self-adhesive tape, or FUM tape, is used to seal bends, taps, plugs, turning corners and, of course, when a sewer pipe is leaking at the junction. In the latter case, it is necessary to perform a certain sequence of actions. The first stage is preparing the surfaces of the joined pipes for the upcoming procedure by cleaning them from dirt and dust. After allowing the surfaces to dry, if necessary, treat them with a primer.

Next, the tape is carefully wound in a spiral around the connected pipes with good constant tension. In this case, it is necessary to prevent the formation of any, even small, folds. To reliably seal, wrap the pipes with a 50% overlap. Then the surfaces and the joint itself will be covered with two layers of self-adhesive tape.

Cold welding

Cold welding is a mixture of epoxy resin with special fillers. They give the created product the required qualities, including strong surface adhesion. Thus, the roughness present on the attached surfaces only contributes to their more reliable adhesion to each other.

In appearance, cold welding resembles two-color plasticine. Before use, you need to knead it and mix both colors until you get a uniform shade. Then this mixture should be pressed as quickly as possible onto the leak area that has been cleaned to a shine, dried and thoroughly degreased.

One of the significant advantages of this material is its excellent adhesion to surfaces on which moisture is present. Thus, if a sewer pipe is leaking at a joint, the use of cold welding allows you to quickly seal the existing leak.

A connection created in this way will become reliable after 1 ˗ 24 hours. The exact time depends on the amount of material used and temperature conditions. But in any case, for this period you will have to stop using the sewer system.

How to seal the joint between plastic and cast iron pipes

If a cast iron sewer pipeline is leaking, the home owner can replace the damaged segment with a piece of pipe made of the same material. But there is an alternative option in the form of a plastic product. However, in this case, it is necessary to know the nuances of how to seal a sewer pipe consisting of components that differ in their characteristics.

To achieve a good result, first of all, you should purchase rubber or polymer adapters. Having done this, you can start working. First you need to clean the cast iron bell from rust and dirt. To improve the level of tightness, it is recommended to then degrease it. Next, a layer of silicone sealant is applied to the inner surface of the socket. The same operation must be performed on the outer surface of the adapter pipe. Then this structural element is carefully inserted into the socket. Upon completion of the polymerization process, the pipe, together with the plastic part, is connected to the pipeline. If there is no spare pipe, the best solution to fix the leak is to use a metal clamp.

You can purchase such a mount already with a rubber seal, or you can cut a piece of suitable size yourself. A clamp is generally a universal solution to many problems associated with pipe repair.

Helpful advice! For a better result, rubber gaskets are applied to the problem area in one or even two layers, after which this structure is tightened with screws.

Don't discount the easiest way to seal sewer pipe joints: sealing them with paint. Although this method is rarely used, it also gives good results. And on all types of sewer pipes. It is carried out in two stages: first, the socket must be filled with cloth and filled with paint. Then, using a screwdriver, the contents of the socket are compacted well. After the resulting mass has hardened, you can begin to operate the repaired drainage system.

The choice of a suitable option for sealing sewer pipes is influenced by the following factors: the location of the pipeline and the material from which it is made. But know: you can do this work with your own hands. To do this, you just need to clearly set yourself a task, carefully study the instructions for using this or that material and follow the tips of common sense.


The purpose of sealing system elements

The sewerage system is reliably sealed during the installation stage. During operation, the internal system is regularly inspected in order to detect and eliminate leaks in time. Wastewater should not flow out, and nothing should get into the sewer system from the outside, because... this can disrupt its operation and lead to serious damage.

Particular attention should be paid to sealing pipes located underground, as they are much more difficult to repair if leaks occur. If the operation of the system is disrupted due to groundwater entering it, a lot of effort will have to be made to determine this.

Careful sealing during the construction phase of the sewer system prevents problems such as:

  1. Leaks to the outside. Once in the soil, wastewater can contaminate water in drinking wells and cause serious illnesses. The smell of sewage in the premises is also dangerous, because... rotting organic matter releases gases harmful to humans: hydrogen sulfide, ammonia, methane.
  2. Flooding of buildings and structures. In case of severe leaks, soil erosion may occur. Sewage water floods foundations, cellars, cellars, and basement floors. Due to the high content of chemically active substances, they accelerate the destruction of building materials and provoke corrosion.
  3. Leaks into the system. If atmospheric or groundwater enters the system, the pressure in the pipeline increases. Due to the strong pressure of wastewater, the operation of pipes is disrupted, and treatment or storage facilities may not be able to cope with the additional load and fail.
  4. Leaks at joints due to temperature changes. If the system is initially installed efficiently, the joints are reliable and do not leak even without additional sealing. However, processing is still necessary, because Temperature changes over time lead to a decrease in tightness.

For the installation of sewerage systems, pipes made of different materials are used, and a suitable sealant should be selected for each type of pipe. The choice also depends on the installation technology and the intended purpose of each individual element of the system.

Main types of sealing materials

Many different materials are used to seal sewer pipe connections:

  • sealing tapes;
  • polymer sealants;
  • technical sulfur;
  • jute and hemp ropes;
  • epoxy resin;
  • Portland cement;
  • mastics based on petroleum products.

Each sealing material has its own varieties, features, purpose and scope of application.

Option #1: Sealing tapes

There are regular and foil self-adhesive tapes. They are designed for sealing connections of water and sewer pipes and have unique properties. The tapes contain bitumen-polymer materials, making them absolutely waterproof.

Depending on the operating temperature range, there are three main types of tapes:

  • Summer (in the marking it is indicated by the letter L). The tape can be used at temperatures up to +300˚С. It is suitable for insulating pipelines through which hot liquids are pumped.
  • Winter (marked with the letter Z). The temperature range at which the material does not lose its sealing properties is from -200˚ to +100˚С.
  • Heat-resistant (the properties are indicated by the letter T in the marking). This tape is used to insulate pipelines through which liquids with temperatures up to +1500˚C are pumped. In this case, the ambient temperature can fluctuate from -100 to +300˚С.

For insulating sewer pipes indoors, summer or winter sealing tape is suitable, but for outdoor work it is better to choose winter tape.

The advantages of the material include the following properties:

  • No deformation. If the tape is applied correctly, no bubbles will appear underneath it during use.
  • Dielectric properties. The tape protects against electrical voltage, which often becomes one of the causes of corrosion of metal pipelines.
  • Resistance to all types of influences. The material does not delaminate, is characterized by mechanical strength, resistance to chemicals, and soil corrosion. It is so reliable that it can even be used when laying oil pipelines, so you can definitely rest assured about the sewerage system.

The unique characteristics and strength of sealing tapes allow them to be used at any temperature and in almost any conditions. The service life of the adhesive coating is at least 30 years. During this time, the tape does not lose its properties and remains 100% tight.

To ensure that the material does not lose its properties for a long time, it must be applied correctly. The surface preparation stage is very important. They are thoroughly cleaned of old coatings, degreased and dried.

It is necessary to monitor the uniformity and tension of the tape while wrapping the pipe and make wide overlaps equal to half the width of the material. If the tape is applied correctly, the surface will be covered with two protective layers.

Option #2: polymer sealants

Silicone sealants are most often used to treat the joints of sewer systems. Another option is polyurethane compounds. They are universal, suitable for sealing and gluing a wide variety of structures and elements. The optimal solution is to buy a special silicone-based plumbing compound, selecting it taking into account the material and operating conditions of the system.

Silicone contains rubber, which makes the finished material highly elastic and adhesion to any substrate. When using silicone sealants, it is not necessary to prime the surfaces to improve adhesion.

Depending on the composition of the hardener, there are two main types of silicone sealants:

  • Acidic. The main advantage of acid compositions is reasonable price with good quality. The disadvantages include a limited scope of application: sealants are not suitable for all surfaces and can enter into chemical reactions.
  • Neutral. These sealants do not contain acids, so they do not destroy pipes. This significantly expands the scope of application and makes the materials universal. The downside is the higher cost than acid formulations.

Silicone sealants are usually used to seal joints between plastic and metal sewer pipes. After polymerization, they form dense elastic coatings resembling rubber. Due to their high elasticity, they tolerate loads well and do not crack.

Sealants are applied using mounting guns that squeeze out the contents of the package. The joints are processed along the entire circumference. The line should be continuous so that there are no gaps. After applying the composition, the seam is carefully leveled with a special soft spatula or a wet gloved finger.

Option #3: technical sulfur

Technical sulfur is produced by processing petroleum products. It can be powdery or lumpy and is sold in hardware stores. This is a good option for sealing joints in cast iron pipes. An additional plus is the low price.

The sulfur is crushed (if lumpy sulfur is purchased), heated to the melting temperature (about 130-150˚C), and then poured into the bell space. When the material hardens, it will turn into a dense, waterproof mass. Its only drawback is low elasticity.

Option #4: Portland cement

Portland cement is indispensable for many types of work. The material contains clinker, gypsum, and calcium silicates. The dry mixture is diluted with water until a thick solution is obtained. It hardens quickly, forming a high-strength, frost-resistant and water-repellent monolith.

Special additives are added to the cement mixture to increase its elasticity. This allows you to reliably seal the joints of cast iron pipes. The material is resistant to temperatures, tolerates freezing and unfreezing well, so it is successfully used in the construction of external sewage systems.

Option #5: epoxy resin

Epoxy resin is a universal adhesive that can also help out when installing sewer systems. To prepare a sealing compound, epoxy resin is mixed with a hardener. The proportions depend on the brand of material and are indicated in the instructions for use.

When mixing resin and hardener, it is important to strictly follow the manufacturer's recommendations, otherwise the hardening time of the composition and the performance properties of the finished coating may change.

Option #6: bitumen mastics

The sockets of ceramic pipes are often filled with bituminous materials. Bitumen-rubber and bitumen-polymer mastics have proven themselves to be excellent. Based on the type of application, they are divided into cold and hot.

To seal pipes, it is better to use cold-applied compounds, because... they are much easier to use, and the work itself is safer. The only disadvantage of such sealants for sewer pipes is that they are somewhat more expensive.

Option #7: jute and hemp ropes

To seal the joints of cast iron and ceramic sewer pipes, hemp and jute ropes and resin strands are traditionally used. These are cheap and easy-to-use materials, but in terms of their technical and operational properties they are significantly inferior to modern sealants.

For sewer pipes, it is better to use sanitary silicone or polyurethane sealants. Their quality and durability can vary greatly depending on the manufacturer, so pay attention to brands and choose the most reliable ones.

8 best sealant manufacturers

Brand Sealants Ceresit And Moment out of competition. They are reliable, durable, highly elastic and adhere to any surface. If you have the opportunity to purchase formulations from these brands, do not hesitate, because... you will pay not just “for the name”, but for real quality.

There are 6 more brands that produce decent products:

  • Ciki Fix. This brand produces high-quality transparent sealants that are perfect for metal and ceramic pipes. The finished coating is resistant to detergents and solvents.
  • Belinka. These are popular one-component compositions for sealing seams and joints. They are resistant to negative influences, durable and elastic.
  • Tytan. The Tytan brand produces high-quality sanitary sealants based on silicone. If you need a high-strength seam, you should give preference to the Tytan Professional polyurethane composition.
  • Krass. The Krass brand produces fast-curing, one-component sealants, which, after hardening, form tight joints that do not shrink.
  • S 400. A distinctive feature of sealants of this brand is increased biological stability. The composition includes a large number of fungicides that prevent the appearance of fungus and mold on the seams.
  • Dow Corning. The sealants of this brand hold surfaces together so firmly that they are used as glue. They are thicker than compounds of other brands and penetrate deeply into seams and joints.

Sometimes sealants are subject to increased requirements for certain performance characteristics. In such cases, it makes sense to carefully study the manufacturers' descriptions and consult with sellers.

For example, the best sealant for rooms with increased fire hazard is the universal Krass compound; for complex connections - “Moment Germent”; for ceramic pipes – Belinka Belsil Sanitary Acetate; and for rooms with constant high humidity - Ceresit CS 25 or S 400.

Useful video on the topic

During the process of sealing a sewer system, many questions arise. We offer video materials that will help you cope with difficulties and complete all the work yourself.

Instructions for sealing sewer pipes using silicone sealant:

We offer video instructions on how to properly mix epoxy resin and hardener:

Do-it-yourself video tutorial on sealing the socket of a cast-iron external sewer:

Detailed instructions for sealing the socket of sewer pipes when switching from cast iron to plastic:

Whatever type of sealant for sewer pipes you choose, you need to carefully prepare the surfaces and perform the work efficiently. There should be no cracks or fistulas on the pipes. Before sealing, they are cleaned, repaired, and degreased. When working, you should strictly adhere to the technology, and after finishing it, wait the allotted time until the composition hardens. Only after this the system can be operated normally.


Sealing of sewer pipes is necessary for the components of sewer systems, especially at their joints. To carry it out, you will, of course, need to use some kind of sealant designed directly for sewer pipes. Our article will tell you how to choose the right sealant and how to properly seal it.

The Importance of Sealing

The sealing process should be taken quite seriously right away, since the work is carried out with pipes, unlike exterior finishing, for example, the defects of which are quite easy to correct. To reseal seams that have undergone deformation, the same amount of work will be required as to build the system from scratch.

When installing a sewerage system, it is unacceptable for the following to occur:

  • leaks from inside sewer pipes;
  • leaks inside sewer pipes. For example, when laying an external sewerage pipeline, groundwater is not allowed to enter.

Materials intended for sealing

Sealing tapes

Self-adhesive tapes, which have anti-corrosion properties and are specifically designed for sealing pipe joints, are one of the newest modern means of sealing. They have many positive properties:

  • Self-adhesive anti-corrosion tapes are quite highly effective and easy to use.
  • Sealing films, thanks to their high-strength polyethylene base, are characterized by good operating properties.
  • They are used to provide protection for various types of pipelines as a whole, as they have dielectric and anti-corrosion properties. In addition, sealing films are used to seal linear elements of sewer pipes.
  • Sealing using tape is possible not only when sealing the joints of sewer pipes, but also when sealing plugs, taps, turning corners, bends, etc.

Before sealing a sewer pipe using sealing tapes, remember that sealing is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. To apply the tape, surface preparation is necessary: ​​it must be dry, dust-free and clean;
  2. it is necessary to ensure constant tension of the tape that is wrapped around the pipe, and also to prevent the appearance of folds and wrinkles;
  3. the tape must be applied, providing an overlap of 50%, in a spiral, as a result of which the entire surface to be insulated will necessarily be under two layers of film.

Pro tip:

Such films are not resistant to UV radiation. That is why, when placing sewerage pipes in an area that is exposed to the sun, an additional protective layer must be provided over the film.

Silicone sealants

Silicone rubber forms the basis of silicone sealants. Silicone sealants in general are a composition of different substances that provide high sealing qualities. Silicone sealants have good adhesion to surfaces, without requiring them to be pre-treated with primers.

Based on the type of hardener in its composition, sealant for sewer pipes made of silicone is divided into:

  • Acid. Acidic silicone sealants are quite inexpensive, although they cannot be applied to some surfaces that can interact with acids.
  • Neutral. In this regard, neutral silicone sealants are considered more universal.

Using silicone sealants, it is possible to seal the joints of sewer pipes:

  • made of metal;
  • made of plastic.

After vulcanization, the silicone paste turns into a substance that is similar in properties to rubber. The vulcanization process of silicone sealant involves moisture in the air.

Pro tip:

Squeezing out the sealant is quite simple - using a mounting gun. If it is not available, you can use an ordinary hammer by inserting its handle into the tube and pressing as if on a piston.

Sealing sewer pipes with other sealants

In addition to the above means, sealing sewer pipes is also done using other means:

  1. Epoxy resin- at home, like glue based on it, it serves as the most common means used when connecting sewer pipes.
  2. Portland cement is a fairly common component of most sealing mixtures - it is used in the preparation of asbestos-cement mixtures and when caulking the socket joints of cast iron sewer pipes.
  3. Petroleum bitumen and asphalt mastic– will be required for preparing the fill, which is intended for sealing joints and filling sockets of ceramic pipelines.
  4. Hemp or jute rope, resin strand– used for sealing sockets of sewerage pipes made of cast iron and ceramics. Using a combination of rope and resin impregnation would be preferable.
  5. Technical sulfur– used to ensure tightness, mainly at the joints of sockets of cast iron sewerage pipes. Before pouring it into the joint gap, it should be crushed and then heated until melting.

With such an abundance of materials, the question is unlikely to arise: “How to cover a sewer pipe?”

Classic socket sealing

Traditionally, sealing of sewer pipe joints is carried out by caulking 2/3 of the socket depth with a resin tow and then pouring cement mortar into the remaining 1/3. In this case, the mass proportion of 300K grade cement to water will be 9:1.

The cement mixture can be replaced with a mixture of asbestos cement, and the grade of cement should be 400 or higher with the content of asbestos fiber, the proportion of which is 2:1. This mixture is prepared in advance, and immediately before use it is diluted with water.

The laborious and tedious caulking of the seal can be replaced by sealing the socket with cement, which has expansion and waterproof properties, which is also capable of fairly rapid hardening, in parallel with self-sealing and expansion.

The joining of sewer pipes, that is, the connection of the sockets, is centered and filled completely with a solution that is made of expanding cement and water in a proportion that looks like this: 1: 2.5.

The choice of sealing method itself is, in fact, of little importance, since all of the above means have a fairly high level of reliability. The main thing in this process will be a competent approach to the sealing process itself. After all, it is the sealing process that is the determining factor subsequently for the absence of leaks when the joints of sewer pipes are sealed.

The main problem when operating pipelines made of various materials is the possibility of leaks at the junctions of individual pipeline elements. The question of how and with what should be used to seal sewer pipes, which usually have a socket design, is especially acute.

Separately, it is worth noting the need to join elements of sewer mains from dissimilar mains, and to insert individual branches in which it is impossible to use standard fittings. These sections of the pipeline are considered the most problematic, and the solution to the problem may differ in both cost and labor intensity of the process.

First of all, it is worth considering the need for high-quality insulation of the connection of elements of external sewer lines.

Whatever sealant you choose for sewer pipes (we are talking only about high-quality materials), it will solve two main problems:

  • Preventing sewage leakage into the ground. The main task is not only to comply with environmental safety standards, but also to eliminate the possibility of flooding of underground parts of buildings (basements, basements).

  • Equally important is the elimination of leaks and the entry of groundwater or parts of the soil into the sewer system. Soil water can seriously damage the movement of wastewater through the pipeline, in addition, there is the possibility of silting of the sewer system.

Eliminating the consequences of any of these problems will require a considerable amount of work. At the same time, the costs of excavation work associated with opening the main line are practically no different from the costs of laying a new line. Therefore, it is economically feasible to purchase materials for sealing sewer pipes, rather than spending money on emergency response work.

Main types of sealants

It must be taken into account that most types of polymer pipes do not require additional insulation due to the use of rubber butt seals. Basically, means of sealing sewer pipes are necessary when laying cast iron or ceramic lines. Installation of elements of such pipelines requires the mandatory presence of a so-called expansion joint, which allows maintaining the integrity of the pipes during certain ground movements.

Whatever sealant for sewer pipes is chosen, it is necessary to follow the technology for its application, otherwise the use of even expensive materials may have zero effect. In practice, various types of materials are used that can provide high-quality sealing of joints, while most pipe sealants were known and effectively used by craftsmen several centuries ago. Recently, polymeric substances and various resins, including epoxy, have been added to the list of sealing compounds.

All existing sealants can be divided into two main classes:

  • Products applied in the form of a paste (glue).
  • Self-adhesive sealant tape.

Both types of materials allow you to reliably seal and ensure the safety of fitting connections and individual sections of the pipeline. They are used not only when installing sewer systems, but also when making connections into pipelines, carrying out emergency restoration work, and eliminating emergency leaks.

Paste-like materials based on various silicone rubber. They are characterized by high sealing ability and are able to provide resistance to possible deformations. During the polymerization process, silicone sealants turn into a rubber-like substance that is highly resistant to various influences.

Can be used for laying and repairing sewer lines made of metal (steel, cast iron), ceramic and polymer pipes.

There are two main types of silicone:

  • Neutral, which is used in most cases, ensures reliable sealing of the elements.
  • Acidic silicone is necessary for the installation of pipelines working with aggressive media.

Sealing sewer pipe connections with silicone is affordable, while ensuring guaranteed quality and durable operation of the joint. Today, this material is most popular both among professionals and when solving various everyday issues.

This type of sealant is a metallized tape on a bitumen-rubber base. An aluminum or copper layer provides sufficient strength and reliable sealing.

To achieve the required quality of connection using such a tape, you must remember the basic rules for its installation:

  • Before use, it is necessary to carefully prepare the pipes or fitting; the tape simply will not stick to a dusty or damp surface.
  • Winding should be carried out in a spiral, with an overlap of approximately 50%, this will ensure that the entire surface can be covered with two layers of tape.
  • The winding should be carried out with a significant stretch of the self-adhesive, this will prevent the possibility of its spontaneous sticking after removing the protective layer and ensure uniformity of the coating (no wrinkles or other defects).

Today, self-adhesive tapes for sewer pipes are considered the easiest material to use, while they provide a high degree of sealing of various types of connections. Allows you to significantly simplify the elimination of emergency leaks.

Any threaded connection in heating or water supply requires the use of various sealing means. Without them, the threaded connection simply begins to leak, which causes various unpleasant consequences. In this article, I will tell you about the different thread sealing methods and their applicability in different working conditions. Let's start from simple to complex.

Seal the thread using flax and paste.

This method is perhaps the oldest of all. Here, flax strands are used as a sealing material, which are lubricated with a special paste for ease of subsequent disassembly. This is quite a labor-intensive and difficult method for a plumbing novice, but if you want, you can try it. In order to understand how to properly wind flax strands onto a thread, I suggest you watch the following video:

This method is suitable for water supply and, to a limited extent, for heating (the operating temperature should not exceed 90º C), but it cannot be used to seal plastic threads (like HDPE fittings). When wet, linen becomes wet and expands, and the plastic fitting may burst. Also, not recommended Use flax seals in heating systems filled with low-freezing liquid.

Seal the thread using FUM tape.

The abbreviation FUM stands for fluoroplastic sealing material. FUM can withstand temperatures from -200º C to 240º C and pressure up to 30 atmospheres. Therefore, it can be used both in heating systems and water supply networks. FUM is suitable for non-freezing coolants and other aggressive environments. To seal the threads on gas pipes, a special gas FUM tape is used (it is thicker than water tape). This method of sealing is very simple; personally, I prefer to seal the thread with FUM tape, but this is a matter of skill and taste. I bring to your attention the following video on this issue:

Sealing threads with thread.

For those who are too lazy to twist flax into strands and then smear it with paste, they came up with a sealing thread. The thread can be made from different materials:

  • Polyamide - designed for a pressure of 16 atmospheres on water and 8 atmospheres on gas, has an upper temperature threshold of 130° C.
  • Fluoroplastic - has characteristics identical to FUM tape, but usually costs more.

Manufacturers lubricate the thread with a special lubricant, the composition of which they do not disclose. In my opinion, fluoroplastic thread is better in quality and I recommend it to you, despite the fact that it is more expensive than polyamide thread. If you want to learn how to wind thread correctly, watch the following video:

Application of anaerobic sealant.

This option is the simplest - coat the thread with sealant, tighten it and wait until the sealant hardens. But it can only be used on dry threads. In addition, the manufacturer recommends degreasing the threads with gasoline or solvent. There are various types of sealants available on the market. They are usually divided by color (green, blue, red, purple, white, etc.), but when buying you need to look not at the color of the tube, but at the characteristics that are written on it:
  • The operating temperature for which the sealant is intended.
  • The maximum thread diameter that can be sealed with this sealant.
  • Force is required for disassembly - there are sealants with light, medium and high disassembly force. Sealants with high dismantling force are used for large thread diameters (2.5 inches or larger). Before disassembling, such a connection must be heated.

Instructions for using anaerobic sealants are given in the video below:

Anaerobic sealants are used in water supply, heating and gas pipelines. The operating temperature range usually ranges from -60º to 150° C. Sealants are resistant to aggressive environments and can be used together with non-freezing coolants.


In this article, I told you as briefly as possible about the different methods of sealing threaded connections. Remember that the choice of sealing material depends on operating conditions (temperature, pressure, etc.), so read the instructions before using anything. This will protect you from any misunderstandings. That's all, write questions in the comments, use the social network buttons.

The tightness of the sewer system is one of the main conditions for the normal operation of this type of communications. The possibility of leakage must be completely eliminated so as not to pose a threat to nearby networks, structures and the environment.

Sealant for sewer pipes will prevent leaks - the product is used for both internal and external work. How does it work and which one is better to choose? Agree, it's worth finding out.

So that you can find and purchase a suitable sealant, we will identify the popular options and describe their specific use.

The article discusses in detail the technologies for using sealing materials. There is a rating of manufacturers of the best products produced for this area of ​​construction. Photo applications and video reviews will help you get comfortable with the topic.

The sewerage system is reliably sealed during the installation stage. During operation, the internal system is regularly inspected in order to detect and eliminate leaks in time.

Wastewater should not flow out, and nothing should get into the sewer system from the outside, because... this can disrupt its operation and lead to serious damage.

Particular attention should be paid to sealing pipes as they are much more difficult to repair if leaks occur. If the operation of the system is disrupted due to groundwater entering it, a lot of effort will have to be made to determine this.

Repairing the underground part of the sewer system is almost as labor-intensive and expensive as installing a new section of pipeline. It involves a large volume of excavation work, replacement of damaged system elements

Careful sealing during the construction phase of the sewer system prevents a number of problems:

  1. Leaks to the outside. Once in the soil, wastewater can contaminate water in drinking wells and cause serious illnesses. Unpleasant indoors is also dangerous, because... rotting organic matter releases gases harmful to humans: hydrogen sulfide, ammonia, methane.
  2. Flooding of buildings and structures. In case of severe leaks, soil erosion may occur. Sewage water floods foundations, cellars, cellars, and basement floors. Due to the high content of chemically active substances, they accelerate the destruction of building materials and provoke corrosion.
  3. Leaks into the system. If atmospheric or groundwater enters the system, the pressure in the pipeline increases. Due to the strong pressure of wastewater, the operation of pipes is disrupted, and treatment or storage facilities may not be able to cope with the additional load and fail.
  4. Leaks at joints due to temperature changes. If the system is initially installed efficiently, the joints are reliable and do not leak even without additional sealing. However, processing is still necessary, because Temperature changes over time lead to a decrease in tightness.

They are used for installation of sewerage systems. A suitable sealant should be selected for each pipe material. The choice also depends on the installation technology and the intended purpose of each individual element of the system.

Main types of sealing materials

Many different materials are used to seal sewer pipe connections:

  • sealing tapes;
  • polymer sealants;
  • technical sulfur;
  • jute and hemp ropes;
  • epoxy resin;
  • Portland cement;
  • mastics based on petroleum products;
  • rubber cuffs.

Each sealing material has its own varieties, features, purpose and scope of application.

Option #1: Sealing tapes

There are regular and foil self-adhesive tapes. They are designed for sealing connections of water and sewer pipes and have unique properties. The tapes contain bitumen-polymer materials, making them absolutely waterproof.

Option #3: technical sulfur

Technical sulfur is produced by processing petroleum products. It can be powdery or lumpy and is sold in hardware stores. This is a good option for sealing joints in cast iron pipes. An additional plus is the low price.

Sulfur is a hard and brittle sealant. To make it more elastic, do not overheat the material. You can also add ground kaolin to the sealing composition (in a ratio of 1:10)

The sulfur is crushed (if lumpy sulfur is purchased), heated to the melting temperature (about 130-150˚C), and then poured into the bell space.

When the material hardens, it will turn into a dense, waterproof mass. Its only drawback is low elasticity.

Option #4: Portland cement

Portland cement is indispensable for many types of work. The material contains clinker, gypsum, and calcium silicates. The dry mixture is diluted with water until a thick solution is obtained. It hardens quickly, forming a high-strength, frost-resistant and water-repellent monolith.

Portland cement begins to harden within 5-10 minutes, so the solution should be prepared immediately before use, and work should be carried out as quickly as possible

Special additives are added to the cement mixture to increase its elasticity - this allows you to reliably seal pipeline joints. The material is resistant to temperatures, tolerates freezing and unfreezing well, so it is successfully used in outdoor installations.

Option #5: epoxy resin

Epoxy resin is a universal adhesive that can also help out when installing sewer systems. To prepare a sealing compound, epoxy resin is mixed with a hardener. The proportions depend on the brand of material and are indicated in the instructions for use.

Be careful when preparing the sealing compound. If there is too much hardener, the finished mixture may become hot or even boil

When mixing resin and hardener, it is important to strictly follow the manufacturer's recommendations, otherwise the hardening time of the composition and the performance properties of the finished coating may change.

Option #6: bitumen mastics

The sockets of ceramic pipes are often filled with bituminous materials. Bitumen-rubber and bitumen-polymer mastics have proven themselves to be excellent. Based on the type of application, they are divided into cold and hot.

Cold and hot mastics are an inexpensive sealing material, freely sold in construction supermarkets. They are elastic, durable, resistant to chemicals

To seal pipes, it is better to use cold-applied compounds, because... they are much easier to use, and the work itself is safer. The only disadvantage of such sealants for sewer pipes is that they are somewhat more expensive.

Option #7: jute and hemp ropes

To seal the joints of cast iron and ceramic sewer pipes, hemp and jute ropes and resin strands are traditionally used. These are cheap and easy-to-use materials, but in terms of their technical and operational properties they are significantly inferior to modern sealants.

Jute ropes look more attractive than hemp ropes, but the materials differ little in their performance properties. It is better to give preference to hemp, because... it's cheaper

For sewer pipes, it is better to use sanitary silicone or polyurethane sealants. Their quality and durability can vary greatly depending on the manufacturer, so pay attention to brands and choose the most reliable ones.

Option #8: sealing cuffs

Durable cuffs made of thick technical rubber are used to protect the joints between the casing and the working pipe. They are applicable for pipelines of various types - technological, sewer, drainage. The diameter of the products is from 2.5 cm to 2 m.

There are different types of cuffs. The most common are TM, that is, heat-shrinkable, coated on the inside with an adhesive layer. To make the transition airtight, the rubber is heated. It shrinks and tightly grips the pipes, while simultaneously sticking to them.

8 best sealant manufacturers

Brand Sealants Ceresit And Moment out of competition. They are reliable, durable, highly elastic and adhere to any surface. If you have the opportunity to purchase formulations from these brands, do not hesitate, because... you will pay not just “for the name”, but for real quality.

There are 6 more brands that produce decent products:

  • Ciki Fix. This brand produces high-quality transparent sealants that are perfect for metal and ceramic pipes. The finished coating is resistant to detergents and solvents.
  • Belinka. These are popular one-component compositions for sealing seams and joints. They are resistant to negative influences, durable and elastic.
  • Tytan. The Tytan brand produces high-quality sanitary sealants based on silicone. If you need a high-strength seam, you should give preference to the Tytan Professional polyurethane composition.
  • Krass. The Krass brand produces fast-curing, one-component sealants, which, after hardening, form tight joints that do not shrink.
  • S 400. A distinctive feature of sealants of this brand is increased biological stability. The composition includes a large number of fungicides that prevent the appearance of fungus and mold on the seams.
  • Dow Corning. The sealants of this brand hold surfaces together so firmly that they are used as glue. They are thicker than compounds of other brands and penetrate deeply into seams and joints.

Sometimes sealants are subject to increased requirements for certain performance characteristics. In such cases, it makes sense to carefully study the manufacturers' descriptions and consult with sellers.

When purchasing, pay attention to the presence of antifungal additives in the sealant. Microorganisms grow particularly well at the joints of sewer pipes, and a high concentration of fungicides is needed to prevent this

For example, the best sealant for rooms with increased fire hazard is a universal composition Krass; for complex connections – "Moment Germent"; for ceramic pipes – Belinka Belsil Sanitary Acetate; and for rooms with constant high humidity - Ceresit CS 25 or S 400.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

During the process of sealing a sewer system, many questions arise. We offer video materials that will help you cope with difficulties and complete all the work yourself.

Instructions for sealing sewer pipes using silicone sealant:

Whatever type of sealant for sewer pipes you choose, you need to carefully prepare the surfaces and perform the work efficiently. There should be no cracks or fistulas on the pipes. Before sealing, they are cleaned, repaired, and degreased.

When working, you should strictly adhere to the technology, and after finishing it, wait the allotted time until the composition hardens. Only after this the system can be operated normally.

Do you have experience sealing sewer pipes? Please share information with our readers and suggest your method of solving the issue. You can leave comments in the form below.