home · Measurements · The main retardants (chlorocholine chloride, alar, etrel). The wonderful world of plants Alar fertilizer when to start using on flowers

The main retardants (chlorocholine chloride, alar, etrel). The wonderful world of plants Alar fertilizer when to start using on flowers

Bouquet of taxes
In order not to ruin a beautiful business, VAT on our flowers should be reduced, and duties on imported flowers should be raised, according to the Federation Council. The main share of flowers on the Russian market comes from Holland
Photo: Mikhail FROLOV A dialogue worthy of the pen of a courtly novelist took place in the Federation Council during a meeting of senators with Russian Minister of Economic Development Maxim Oreshkin.
- Do you like flowers? - Speaker of the Upper House Valentina Matvienko asked the minister.
“I like to give them,” he answered gallantly.
Then came the harsh economy. The minister was asked to help domestic flower growers. Reduce VAT on Russian products from 20% to 10%; on imported products, on the contrary, raise import duties from 5% to 15%.
Interestingly, this summer a decision was made to reduce VAT on fruit and berry products. To this, Matvienko soberly noted that “there is a stronger lobby for fruits than for flowers.” Indeed, the National Association of Flower Growers (NAC) was created only this year.
The main share of flowers on the Russian market comes from Holland. But there is only a transshipment point where products from South America and Africa are delivered. For example, beautiful roses are almost entirely from Ecuador and Morocco. Our flowers make up 16-18% of the total volume - this is data from the National Center.
“Roses of those varieties that are common in Russia are not as large as imported ones,” Alexey, the owner of an online flower shop, told KP. - But they bloom beautifully, smell charmingly, cost less - and customers like them. Roses are grown in the Moscow region, Kuban, Mordovia, Penza, Kaluga, Tula and several other regions. Creating a modern flower production is an expensive business. Seedlings must be purchased abroad for foreign currency. But our climate is not the same as in Ecuador. About 40% of the cost of greenhouse flower production is electricity required for heating and lighting. Costs rise especially sharply in winter. In the Moscow region in February, flowers are under artificial light 19 hours a day.
Russian economist Mikhail Delyagin noted that tax issues are the responsibility of the Ministry of Finance, not the Ministry of Economy, so Oreshkin's opinion on these issues may not be taken into account.
“The truth is there is a nuance,” Delyagin made a reservation. - The fact is that Minister Oreshkin is responsible for the macroeconomic situation and for the policy of state stimulation of the development of various industries. And taxation of various sectors of the economy, including floriculture, is a tool for stimulating or, conversely, suppressing certain industries. But the final decision in the government is made by the prime minister, and if we are talking about taxes, then it will coincide with the opinion of Finance Minister Siluanov.

© Press service of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Moscow Region In the Moscow region, flower greenhouses receive up to 7 rubles from one flower, and in Holland I earn 70 kopecks from one flower, Andrei Razin, Minister of Agriculture and Food of the Moscow Region, said on Wednesday.
“In the Moscow region there are also several greenhouses (with flowers - ed.), there are several tens of hectares there, but I know how much our flower growers earn from one flower and how they assess their position in the market. In Holland, they earn 1 euro cent per flower, that is, 70 kopecks.<…>We have around 5-7 rubles,” Razin said at the forum “Greenhouse complexes of Russia and the CIS 2019” in Moscow.
He noted that the flower bush in the Moscow region is renewed once every five years, while in Holland once every eight years.
The 4th annual international investment forum and exhibition “Greenhouse complexes of Russia and the CIS 2019” is a prestigious professional international platform for attracting investment in the Russian greenhouse industry, discussing industry development strategies, exchanging experience between key market players and concluding new mutually beneficial contracts.

Lovers in 30 countries around the world give their loved ones the most beautiful roses, which are grown by a Tajik entrepreneur in distant Ecuador. It would seem that Tajikistan has little in common with Ecuador, literally and figuratively. The distance from Tajikistan to this country on the American continent is about 15 thousand kilometers, and to find Ecuador on the globe, you need to scroll the “globe” 180 degrees.
34-year-old Tajikistani Sayid Noseh Tolibov moved to Ecuador two years ago, and first visited this country in 2014.
The “path” to this country on the other side of the world was first paved by his elder brother, who founded a small flower plantation there. But in 2014, his brother died in an accident, and Sayyid went to Ecuador to collect his body. He saw his brother’s “brainchild” with his own eyes and decided to continue his work.
Sayyid Noseh Tolibov “What I really like about Ecuador is the warm climate. Spring reigns here throughout all four seasons. Secondly, I feel free and safe here, you can leave the house even in the middle of the night, and no one will care about you. There is no fear here that people experience in some countries, including Tajikistan. If you haven’t done anything wrong, then you have nothing to be afraid of,” the interlocutor says.
Sayyid Noseh lives in Cayamba, a small town 50 km from the capital of Ecuador. A new page in his life began with learning Spanish, now the Tajikistani is already fluent in this language. Over the course of several years, he managed to expand the area of ​​rose plantations from 10 to 40 hectares.
According to the interlocutor, the climate of Ecuador is very favorable for floriculture. The delicate and fragile goods grown in greenhouses are supplied to 30 countries, including Kazakhstan and Russia. Ecuador also has a good climate for doing business, the Tajik admits.

“The Ecuadorian authorities support new companies during the first 5-6 years of operation. There is no tax dominance or unreasonable inspections; there are equal conditions for doing business for both local and foreign entrepreneurs. You just need to work in accordance with the law, submit tax returns on time, and no one will come to you with an audit. Everything is done online, even paying taxes online. Once every two years they may come with an inspection, but you receive notification of this in advance,” said Sayyid Noseh.
Today, about 300 Ecuadorians work on Sayida's plantations. The minimum wage in this country is about $400, and it increases by $10 every year.
Eight Tajik citizens also work at Irouse. In general, there are few Tajiks in Ecuador. Only three Tajik families live here, along with mine,” says Sayid Noseh.
“The Muslim diaspora in Ecuador is large, although most of the country's inhabitants are Catholics. Ecuadorians congratulate us on Muslim holidays. My children study at a local school, where they respect foreign culture and clothing, there are no restrictions,” the interlocutor says.
Now Sayyid Noseh is thinking about expanding the territory of the plantation and dreams that his roses will appear in Tajikistan. According to him, the climate of Tajikistan is not suitable for growing Ecuadorian roses.
“The distance from Ecuador to Tajikistan is serious, which will affect the cost of flowers. Roses are imported to Tajikistan mainly from Uzbekistan. But in any case, I’m looking for a business partner to sell my roses in at least one flower shop in Dushanbe,” he says.
On average, the cost of one rose is 35-36 cents when leaving the plantation. While the flowers reach flower shops in different countries, the cost of each flower increases significantly.
A Tajik entrepreneur who runs a successful business in distant Ecuador admits that he misses his homeland. “I have relatives there, I try to come to Tajikistan every two years,” says Sayid Noseh Tolibov.

Growth regulators are organic compounds of a different type than nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, etc.) that cause an increase (stimulation) or weakening (inhibition) of the processes of growth and development. These include both natural substances - phytohormones formed inside plants, and synthesized preparations. Growth regulators are used to treat plants to change their vital processes or structure to improve quality, increase yield, and facilitate harvesting.

Natural growth regulators isolated from plants are represented by five groups of substances: auxins, gibberellins, cytokinins, abscisic acid and ethylene. The first three groups refer to compounds that primarily stimulate growth, while the last two groups inhibit it.

In addition to natural phytohormones, a large number of chemical preparations have been created that have an effect similar to natural growth regulators.

All growth regulators, such as natural phytohormones, as well as synthesized substances that activate individual phases of growth and development (organogenesis) of plants, are combined into the group of growth stimulants.

Growth regulators that suppress or inhibit physiological or biochemical processes in plants, growth, seed germination and bud breaking, are combined into the group of growth inhibitors.

Growth stimulants include the following substances:

auxins- phytohormones of predominantly indole nature (indoleacetic acid and its derivatives), causing cell stretching, activating the growth of coleoptile segments, stems, roots, causing trophic bends, stimulating the formation of roots in cuttings. Auxins are synthesized in the apical meristem and growing tissues. Synthetic analogs of auxins are a-naphthylacetic acid (a-NAA), p-indolylbutyric acid f-IAA), potassium salt of indolylacetic acid (K-R-IAA), or heteroauxin, etc.;

gibberellins - phytohormones that stimulate cell division or elongation, activate the growth of stems, seed germination, the formation of parthenocarpic fruits, break the dormant period and induce flowering of long-day plant species. Gibberellins are synthesized in young leaves, young seeds, and fruits. More than 50 gibberellins are known;

Cytokinins- phytohormones, mainly derivatives of purines, stimulating cell division, seed germination, promoting bud formation in whole plants and isolated tissues. Sources of cytokinins are fruits and endosperm tissues. The site of cytokinin synthesis is the apical meristem of the root. Synthetic analogues of cytokinins - kinetin, 6-benzylamiopurine (6-BAP).

In addition to the above substances, some natural substances of a non-hormonal nature - vitamins, etc. - also have the ability to stimulate the growth and development of plants. These substances, like phytohormones, are formed in plants in very small quantities. Not all of them move easily throughout the plant (for example, vitamins), while they have a growth effect only in combination with phytohormones. In practice, they are used to enhance the effect together with growth regulators.

Growth inhibitors include substances of the phenolic and terpenoid groups, hormonal and non-hormonal in nature.

Abscisic acid(ABA) is a hormonal substance of the terpenoid group. It differs from natural inhibitors of the phenolic group (coumarin, salicylic acid) in that it inhibits growth in very small concentrations 100-500 times lower than substances of the phenolic group. ABA inhibits growth, causes aging of organs, and inhibits the action of growth stimulants.

Ethylene- a gaseous substance of hormonal nature, has an inhibitory effect on growth processes: it causes leaf abscission, bending of petioles, inhibits the growth of seedlings, as well as the action of auxins, cytokinins, gibberellins.

Synthetic growth inhibitors comprise several groups that have a specific function: retardants that suppress stem growth: antiauxins that inhibit the movement of p-indolylacetic acid (P-IAA) and its analogues throughout the plant; morphactins - disrupting the normal course of morphogenesis processes in the apexes of plants; paralyzers - sharply stopping the growth of all organs.

Among the inhibitors used in floriculture, primarily synthetic retardants are used, which have the ability to limit the growth of shoots without reducing the number of leaves or significantly reducing the leaf surface, due to which a compact plant habit is created and the stability of peduncles is observed. Retardants cause an effect similar to the effect of high-intensity lighting at low temperatures: plants have a flat stem, short internodes, intensely colored leaves. They are selected separately for each type of plant, since these substances act specifically. Their concentration in each specific case is determined by an experienced way.

Substances with the action of auxins are used in the vegetative propagation of chrysanthemums, carnations, roses and other crops to treat cuttings in order to improve their root formation. The most widely used for this purpose are heteroauxin, p-indolylbutyric and a-naphthylacetic acids, as well as vitamins B1 and C.

To treat cuttings, prepare aqueous solutions of drugs, powders and powder-based pastes. Concentrations vary among different crops.

The stimulating effect of gibberellins (the drug gibbersib) on the growth of shoots in length, increasing doubleness and color, increasing the size of inflorescences and changing the timing of flowering was detected on roses, cineraria, carnations, hydrangea, chrysanthemum, phlox, salvia, petunia, etc. In addition, the treatment of bulbs and corms, gibberellin increases their reproduction rate, accelerates the flowering of bulbous and corm crops. To obtain these effects, it is important to take into account the growth and development phase of the plant, since gibberellin stimulates the growth of those structures that have formed at the time of treatment. So, to increase the size of the inflorescences, enhance their color and doubleness, the treatment is carried out at the moment of complete formation of all elements of the flower, and to change the timing of flowering - when all parts of the flower are formed, but the buds are still green, and the longer the period from the formation of flowers to flowering, the greater the acceleration of flowering.

The most common way to use gibbersib is to spray individual parts or the whole plant, apply drops of the suspension to buds and buds, for bulbs and seeds - soak them in the suspension for 4-12 hours.

Cytokinins (kinins) are used mainly in tissue culture to enhance cell division and tissue differentiation and induce active shoot formation in test tubes.

Synthetic growth inhibitors comprise several groups that have a specific function: retardants, suppress stem growth; antiauxins inhibit the movement of p-indoleacetic acid ((3-IAA) and its analogues throughout the plant; morphactins disrupt the normal course of formative processes in the apexes of plants; paralyzers sharply stop the growth of all organs.

Substances with the action of auxins are used in the vegetative propagation of chrysanthemums, carnations, roses and other crops to treat cuttings in order to improve their root formation. The most widely used for this purpose are heteroauxin, rootin (a preparation based on (3-IAA), (i-indolylbutyric and a-naphthylacetic acids, as well as vitamins B and C.

To treat cuttings, prepare aqueous solutions of preparations, as well as powders and powder-based pastes. The concentrations of various substances are not the same for different crops.

When using vitamins, the exposure of cuttings to treatment depends on the exposure of the rooting stimulant used.

Cuttings that cannot tolerate pre-planting soaking (leaves, herbaceous cuttings) are treated with powders and pastes. Such cuttings are immersed with the wet basal end in the powder or paste and immediately planted in the substrate.

Powders are prepared at the rate (1 mg per 1 g of talc or crushed charcoal): heteroauxin, IBA or NAA - 1 - 30, vitamin C - 50-100, vitamin B2 - 5-10. A paste is prepared based on powder or an aqueous solution at the rate of 300 g of talc (or coal) per 1 liter of water.

In addition to aqueous solutions, alcohol solutions are also used, which contain in 1 ml of 50% alcohol (mg): heteroauxin - 8-10; indolylbutyric acid - 8 - 10; naphthylacetic acid - 4-6.

Treatment of cuttings with an alcohol solution is carried out for 10-15 s.

Cytokinins (kinins) are used mainly in tissue culture to enhance cell division (cytokinesis) and tissue differentiation, and to induce active shoot formation in test tubes.

Succinic acid. Before sowing, flower seeds are sprayed with an aqueous solution containing 45 mg/l of acid in two doses with an interval of 4-5 hours. Consumption: 15 liters of solution per 1 centner of seeds. Treatment significantly increases seed germination.

Ethylene chlorohydrin. The drug brings gladioli out of dormancy. The corms are kept for 1-4 days in a chamber in which a 40% preparation is sprayed at the rate of 3-4 ml per 1 liter. chamber volume.

Gibberellin. At a concentration of 10-100 mg/l, it significantly accelerates the germination of peony seeds, and at a concentration of 200 mg/l, belladonna seeds. The material is kept in solutions for 24 hours, then planted, and the belladonna is first subjected to four-week stratification.

Heteroauxin (IAA). Brings gladioli out of dormancy. The bulbs are kept for 24 hours in an aqueous solution containing 100 mg/l IAA, then planted.

Crocus and tulip tubers are also responsive to treatment with heteroauxin at a concentration of 100 mg/l for 4 hours.

When lilac seeds are soaked for 20 hours in a 0.01% heteroauxin solution, the soil germination of the seeds reaches 40%.

Indolylbutyric acid (IBA). At a concentration of 25 mg/l it is used to stimulate the germination of gladiolus bulbs. It is recommended to keep the corms for 3-6 weeks at a temperature of 50° before treating with the regulator.

Thiourea. In the form of a 0.25 aqueous solution, it is used for soaking before sowing fresh yellow acacia seeds. The treatment promotes 100% seed germination in 8 days. Thiourea also has a strong effect on the germination of seeds of some Asteraceae.

2,4-Dichlorophenoxybutyric acid (2,4-DM). At a concentration of 3 mg/l it is used to activate the germination of cut crocus and tulip corms. Soaking time of the material is 5 hours. The treatment halves the rooting period and promotes the formation of roots and young corms.

The main retardants (chlorocholine chloride, alar, etrel)
About 20 retardants belonging to various groups of chemical compounds are used in global agricultural production. But the main attention is drawn to three: chlorocholine chloride (2-chloroethyltrimethylammonium chloride), alar (N-dimethylhydrazide of succinic acid) and etrel (a derivative of 2-chloroethylphosphonic acid).
Chlorocholine chloride (in our country produced under the name TUR, abroad CCC) is widely used in agriculture in many countries. This is an extremely effective and universal means of combating lodging of cereals. It also helps to increase the drought and frost resistance of grain crops. The use of chlorocholine chloride is necessary for long-stemmed, lodging wheat varieties growing in wet weather, when using high doses of nitrogen fertilizers. Spring wheat is sprayed with retardant in the summer at the beginning of the booting phase, and winter wheat in the spring at the end of the tillering phase. Only 4-6 kilograms of chlorocholine chloride are consumed per hectare. With mechanized spraying, the water consumption per hectare is 100 liters, and with the help of aviation - only 25.
As numerous tests have shown, chlorocholine chloride has found reliable use in vegetable growing, especially when growing tomato seedlings. Typically, the preparation of seedlings in greenhouses is carried out with a high seeding density and a lack of light. Because of this, elongated and weakened plants often grow. Spraying tomato seedlings at the moment when they have only formed two or three true leaves with a solution of chlorocholine chloride reduces the height of the stem by 1.5-2 times due to the formation of a short, thickened stem, which is very convenient for mechanized planting. At the same time, the number of true leaves increases and the root system becomes more powerful. Tomatoes treated with retardant produce more buds, flowers and ovaries. Maturation is thus accelerated by almost a week.
Today, when cultivating high-intensity varieties of apple, pear, cherry, sweet cherry and many other fruit crops, they try to limit their crowns. This can be done by pruning and bending the branches. But such operations require skilled manual labor. The search prompted chemists to create new regulators that inhibit plant growth. Based on N-dimethylhydrazide of succinic acid, a group of drugs was created under the trade name Alar.
Alar can work wonders. By treating apple or pear trees with it in the spring, you can slow down the growth of shoots and at the same time speed up the formation of flower buds and thus increase the yield next year. Fruit trees treated in the fall can delay flowering next year and avoid spring frosts. With the help of alar, they prevent the undesirable phenomenon of fruit falling before harvesting, and also accelerate ripening and even improve the color of fruits. Treatment of raspberry bushes reduces the length of the shoots by two to three times and thereby increases the frost resistance of the plants. Alar is superior in its effectiveness to many similar drugs.
But this substance also has disadvantages. For example, repeated treatments, especially of mature trees, are dangerous. They are overloaded with the harvest, which leads to sudden and long breaks in fruiting. In some varieties of fruit trees, after treatment with alar, the yield is sometimes lost. A negative feature of alar is its high stability and the danger of accumulation in the environment. Alar is harmless to humans and warm-blooded animals, but dangerous to fish. In this regard, in our country, alar is not used in industrial gardening. Our scientists are conducting research to create drugs similar to alar, but easily decomposed and less toxic.
Everyone knows how important it is not only to grow a crop, but also to harvest it, and then save it. Half of the total costs in gardening, or even more, are spent on manual labor for picking fruits and berries. While grains, potatoes and some vegetables are harvested from the fields using machinery, fruit collection still remains a challenge for agricultural machine design engineers. In recent years, mechanized harvesting of fruits and berries has been making its way into global industrial horticulture. So far, all modern fruit harvesting machines are based on the principle of shaking the harvest from trees and bushes. For the successful operation of such machines, it is necessary to simultaneously ripen the fruits and weaken their connection with the stalks or fruiting branches. But it turned out that not all valuable industrial varieties of fruit trees and berry bushes meet this requirement.
Plant physiologists knew about an unusual gaseous regulator of growth and development - ethylene. We have already talked about it in previous chapters. Let us remember: the action is expressed in the acceleration of maturation. But using gas in gardens is not very convenient. And here chemists came to the rescue - they created ethylene “generators” - powerful, easily soluble substances in water that facilitate mechanized harvesting.
An effective drug, etrel, was created based on 2-chloroethylphosphonic acid. In plant tissues, it decomposes into hydrochloric and phosphoric acids and ethylene, which has such a desirable physiological effect on the plant.
Spraying cherries, cherries, and plums with etrel in a concentration of 0.1 percent 10-15 days before harvesting accelerates ripening and the formation of a separating layer between the fruit and the stalk. Thanks to this, the harvesting machine manages to shake off almost all the fruit. From untreated trees, only one third of the fruit can be harvested by machine.
So, the creation of modern high-intensity and low-labor technologies for cultivating fruit and berry crops is a requirement of today. This is possible only with the close cooperation of design engineers, chemists creating synthetic regulators, and physiologists studying the processes of plant growth and fruiting.

Alar (2,2-dimethylhydrazide of succinic acid), the effect of which is manifested mainly in inhibition of growth and the reverse effect of gibberellin, has a versatile effect. As a growth retardant, it can be used on tomatoes to obtain more compact seedlings and increase the uniformity of fruit ripening by reducing early harvests. Many more aspects of the effect of chemicals on plants can be revealed in further research.[...]

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The genus Alaria is characterized by a plate with a longitudinal edge running from the trunk to the apex. Sporophylls are located on thin stalks on the sides of the trunk (Fig. 144). All species of the genus Alaria are common in the northern hemisphere and prefer places with constant movement of water.[...]

The genus Alaria is characterized by a plate with a longitudinal edge running from the trunk to the apex. Sporophylls are located on thin stalks on the sides of the trunk (Fig. 144). All species of the genus Alaria are common in the northern hemisphere and prefer places with constant movement of water.[...]

When using Alar (BAON), the onset of the climacteric minimum is delayed, the fruits are better colored, denser and more resistant to fungal diseases. The cleaning period can be extended. According to Stoll, naphthylacetic acid and gibberellins also slow down ripening. Experimentally, they are trying to slow down the ripening of the fruits of the Golden Delicious variety by spraying with maleic acid hydroxide.[...]

Retardants SSS, Alar, phosphop and others have found wide application in decorative floriculture, as they shorten and make flower stalks of plants stronger: carnations treated with SSS, etc. chrysanthemums treated with alar become compact and retain their decorative shape for a long time [Hamburg et al., 1979].[...]

In 410, the Visigoth leader Alaric took the “eternal city” and subjected it to a three-day defeat. Soon the Western Roman Empire finally fell, and the center of Roman statehood and culture moved east - to Byzantium. The empire of the “Romans,” as the Byzantines called themselves, lasted a thousand years. At first it was a slave state, but feudalism quickly formed in it. Communal peasants worked on the land and were dependent on the landowners or the state. From the 7th century feudalism prevailed here. Agriculture played the main role in the economy of the empire, and the source of income for the state and feudal lords was the rent collected from the peasants. This stimulated a certain interest in agronomy and soils.[...]

The largest thallus is found in Alaria hollow (A. fistulosa). It is characterized by the presence of a hollow rib in the plate. In some places, the cavity in the rib is intersected by transverse partitions, resulting in long chambers filled with gas. Thanks to this, the thallus has positive buoyancy, and it is preserved even if the rib is damaged, for example, when the apex is destroyed. Floating fragments of Alaria hollow plates are found far beyond the boundaries of its growth. Typically, Alaria hollow grows so that the tops of its plates reach the surface of the water and spread under it. The maximum depth at which this species was observed is 35 m. According to some data, near the middle Kuril Islands there are thickets of Alaria hollow, consisting of plants 41 m long. [...]

In the Atlantic Ocean, the most widespread species is the edible alaria (A. esculenta). Its thalli reach a length of 2-3 m. Equally widespread in the Pacific Ocean is the fringed alaria (A. marginata), which has the same dimensions.[...]

In trellis gardens, to suppress the growth of shoots and simultaneously stimulate the formation of flower buds, a mixture of Alar 85 (85% daminozide, 1.5 kg/ha) and roll fruit (40% ethephon, 0.5 l/ha) can be recommended. The first spraying is recommended approximately 40 days after full flowering (mid-June), the second - two months before harvesting (mid-July).[...]

In addition, SSS is used to slow down the length growth of ornamental plants such as poinsettias and azaleas. For the same purpose, you can use alar, which suppresses the growth of Kalanchoe, Petunia and many other ornamental plants. Treatment with SSS and Alar also gives a positive effect in terms of increasing resistance to cold, heat and lack of moisture.[...]

Berry setting can be activated by treatment with SSS (200-300 mg/l) or ethephon (250-500 mg/l), carried out two weeks before flowering. The drug Alar should be used at the beginning of flowering at a concentration of 1500 mg/l.[...]

The most famous among us is the so-called seaweed. The collected seaweed is dried on the shore, then cut into ribbons and put into bundles. A wide variety of dishes are prepared from seaweed and kombu, most often used instead of ordinary cabbage in soups, with meat, fish, rice, etc. It is also used in confectionery - candied, in marshmallows, sweets, etc.[. ..]

To reduce the length of the stems, plants are treated with etrel when they reach a height of 15 cm. This is especially advisable for potted chrysanthemums. By reducing the length of internodes by 0.2-0.3 cm, the length of the stems decreases by 25-28%. Treatment with alar, in addition, improves the appearance of plants, making them more compact and aligned.[...]

Legumes (lupine, beans, soybeans, peas, alfalfa). To stimulate bean setting during the period of full flowering, spray with nevirol for 20 s. p. at the rate of 0.25-0.3 kg/ha. On alfalfa during the flowering period of the second growth, treatment with Alar 85 s is recommended. p. (1.5-2 kg/ha).[...]

As Fig. 7.7, the total curve A+B has a single minimum, which corresponds to the optimal values ​​of the cost of health and the cost of radiation protection (risk reduction). The establishment of this minimum is the algorithm for the practical application of the ALARA principle. It is easy to see that shown in Fig. 7.7 the minimum corresponds to the results of the cost-benefit analysis discussed above, according to which the purely economic effect reaches a maximum when minimizing the generalized reduced costs.[...]

Growth regulators slow down or enhance shoot growth and stimulate fruiting. In recent years, much attention has been paid to the study of retardants that retard shoot growth and induce the formation of flower buds. Plants in the phase of intensive shoot growth are sprayed with solutions of tur (0.4-1%), alara (0.1-0.2%), TIBA (chloralton), AMO-1618, phosphate, etc.[...]

The content of polysaccharides in algae varies widely depending on the time of year. With complete hydrolysis of easily hydrolyzed algae polysaccharides, the following are formed: glucose, galactose, pentoses and mannuronic acid. The highest yield of sugars from easily hydrolyzed polysaccharides is produced by red algae, and from brown algae by alaria and fucus.[...]

A. Humboldt formulated the first ideas about the biosphere as a union of all living organisms on the planet and environmental conditions. Lavoisier, in addition, gave a description of the carbon cycle, Lamarck - adaptations of organisms to environmental conditions, Humboldt - geographical zoning. Lamarck was the author of the first cautionary forecasts of the possible harmful consequences of human influence on nature (see Alarmism). T. Malthus formulated ideas about exponential population growth and the danger of overpopulation. A huge contribution to ecology was made by Charles Darwin’s ideas about natural and artificial selection, which explained the adaptability of wild species to various habitats and the loss of these characteristics by cultivated plants and domestic animals. [...]

The modern historical stage of development and implementation of environmental science and practice is marked by the acceleration of coordination, parity between ecocentrism and anthropocentrism, as well as the comparison and selection of basic concepts that interpret the forms of relationships between nature and society: environmental concept; concepts of technocratic optimism; concepts of environmental alarmism; concept of parity between nature and society.

Based on practice, standard soils have been developed for various greenhouse and indoor plants.

Aroids and arrowroots require turf soil with a coarse lumpy structure. Wood (birch) charcoal is added to the soil mixture for these plants. Orchids need pure white sphagnum, half-rotten moss, lumps of peat and turf, charcoal, white river sand, shards or small broken bricks. Cacti - a mixture consisting of three parts of old heather soil, two parts of heavy turf soil, one part of river sand, shards and coal. There must be good drainage. These mixtures can be modified to suit the needs of individual plants and provide them with the nutrients they need.

The composition of the soil for open ground plants is not subject to such stringent requirements. This land is an open system, independent as much from the human factor as closed soil. On the other hand, this system is much more inert, therefore, the introduction of various substances requires, for example, a greater number of repetitions.

Each plant has its own requirements for soil acidity and lime content.

Acidic soils are quite widespread in nature, mainly in those areas where the amount of precipitation exceeds the amount of moisture evaporated by the soil. Excess water seeps into the lower layers of the soil, leaching it, and accumulates in low-lying areas where waterlogging occurs. Acidic soils are poor in nutrients, contain little air (oxygen), and the vital activity of microorganisms that contribute to the decomposition of plant residues and their transformation into a form accessible to plants ceases. In an acidic environment, the absorption of nutrients by most plants decreases. Typical representatives of acidic soils are peaty and marshy.

In very acidic soils pH is 3-4.5, in acidic soils - 4.6-5.5, in slightly acidic soils - 5.6-6.4, in neutral soils - 6.5-7.2, in alkaline soils pH>7, 2.

A sure sign of increased soil acidity is the growth of horsetail, sorrel, moss, wild radish, oregano, reeds, sundews, heather, armeria and some other plants. Gardeners usually deal with neutral or slightly acidic soils, and most of the floral and ornamental plants they cultivate grow, develop, and bloom best in such conditions. There is a relatively small group of plants that prefer acidic soils, such as heather, rhododendron (azalea), hydrangea, etc.

Excessive acidity of the soil can be neutralized with lime, chalk, wood ash or with the help of such agrotechnical techniques as loosening, land reclamation, etc. Therefore, before purchasing plants for a flower garden, you should study the garden territory in detail, identify areas on it that differ in the degree of humidity, mechanical composition, acidity of the soil, as well as exposure and degree of shading of individual places, etc. Knowing the ecological situation of the garden, it is not difficult to select appropriate plants for it.

Plant nutrition and fertilizers. For normal growth and development, plants must be provided with all the necessary macroelements (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, magnesium, calcium and microelements (zinc, manganese, boron, molybdenum, cobalt, etc.). The deficiency of one of the mineral nutrition elements cannot be compensated for by an excess other. All of them must be in the substrate in sufficient quantities and in the correct ratio. Most often, plants lack nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, the lack of magnesium, sulfur, calcium, boron, copper, molybdenum appears much less frequently.

Localization of signs of deficiency of mineral nutrition elements depends on the possibility of their reuse. Nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and magnesium can be reused in plants, so external signs of their deficiency appear primarily on older leaves, and calcium, sulfur, iron, manganese, boron, copper are not reutilized, so signs of their deficiency are first found on younger leaves.

With nitrogen starvation, the leaves acquire a pale green color and turn yellow prematurely, growth slows down, the stems become thin and weakly branch, the newly formed leaves become smaller, the flowers, without opening, dry out and fall off. With prolonged nitrogen starvation, the pale green color of the leaves becomes yellow, orange or red.

Nitrogen fertilizers, depending on the form of nitrogen they contain, are divided into ammonium fertilizers (ammonium sulfate, ammonium chloride, liquid ammonia), nitrate fertilizers (sodium, calcium and potassium nitrate), ammonium nitrate (ammonium nitrate) and amide (urea, calcium cyanamide). Almost all nitrogen fertilizers are highly soluble in water. Nitrate forms are very poorly absorbed by the soil and can be easily washed out from the upper layers of the soil by precipitation and irrigation water. Ammonia fertilizers are more firmly held by the soil and are well absorbed by plants. Ammonia and nitrate forms of fertilizers have different effects on soil acidity: ammonia increases it, and nitrate forms decrease it. Ammonia fertilizers are the most widely used; they are more concentrated and cheaper, and the increase in soil acidity they cause can be eliminated by liming.

The following are widely known.

Sodium nitrate (NaNO 3). It contains 16-16.5% nitrogen, is highly soluble in water and is easily washed into the lower layers of the soil. Apply only during the growing season or at the beginning of the growing season superficially and finely cover with a rake, in two doses with an 8-10-day break to avoid leaching deep into the soil.

Ammonium sulfate, or ammonium sulfate [(NH) 2 NO 4 ] contains 20-21.5% nitrogen. Compared to sodium nitrate, it is a slower-acting fertilizer.

Ammonium nitrate, or ammonium nitrate (NH 4 NO 3). Contains 34-35% nitrogen, is easily soluble in water and is well absorbed by plants. In greenhouse conditions it is used as a fertilizing watering for potted and tub plants.

Urea, or carbamide (NH 2) 2 CO]. Contains 46% nitrogen. Most often used to feed plants. They are also widely used for foliar feeding, which is effective even against the background of a full supply of nitrogen during root nutrition.

Calcium nitrate, or calcium nitrate [Ca(MO 3) 2]. Contains 17% nitrogen. Used for feeding.

With a lack of phosphorus, the pigment anthocyanin accumulates. Against the background of the green color of chlorophyll, the red and purple colors of the pigment give the leaves a bluish tint, and with a strong predominance of the pigment, they become purple. In addition, all parts of the plant that contain little chlorophyll - stems, petioles, veins, the lower surface of leaves - are painted reddish and purple.

According to the degree of solubility and availability for plants, phosphorus fertilizers are divided into water-soluble (simple and double superphosphate), citrate-soluble, i.e. in an ammonia solution of ammonium citrate (precipitate), lemon-soluble, i.e. in a 2% solution citric acid (Thomas slag), and sparingly soluble in mineral acids (phosphate rock). Water-soluble phosphates are the most universal form, suitable for all soils.

Superphosphate. Its value lies in the presence of water-soluble phosphoric acid, which is well absorbed by plant roots and is difficult to wash out deep into the soil. Simple and double superphosphates are gray powders, the content of soluble phosphoric acid in them is 14-20 and 45-48%, respectively.

Potassium starvation manifests itself primarily in the premature yellowing of old leaves. It starts at the top and spreads down the edges and then between the veins. Subsequently, the yellowed areas acquire a brown color and die off.

All potash fertilizers are water-soluble and easily absorbed by plants.

Potassium salts. Potassium salt containing 30 and 40% potassium oxide is used.

Potassium sulfate, or potassium sulfate (K 2 SO 4), contains 45-52% potassium; potassium chloride (KCl) – 52.5-56.9% potassium oxide; potassium nitrate (KMO 3) – 44% K 2 O and 13% N. All these salts are quite soluble in water.

During magnesium starvation, the leaves (most often the lower ones) become marbled: they turn pale between the veins, but remain green along the veins. The tissues between the veins can acquire different colors - yellow, orange, red, purple, then they die, starting from the edges of the leaves. The leaves curl and gradually fall off.

To eliminate magnesium starvation, plants are fed with potassium magnesium, magnesium sulfate, calcined dolomite flour, and ash.

With calcium starvation, the tops of plants and young leaves turn white. The newly formed leaves are small, curved, with irregularly shaped edges, light yellow spots appear on the blade, and the edges of the leaves are bent down. With severe calcium deficiency, the shoot tip dies.

Measures to combat calcium starvation: for acidic soils - liming, for others - adding calcium nitrate, gypsum, phosphorogypsum, simple superphosphate, spraying plants with a solution of calcium nitrate or calcium chloride.

The first signs of boron starvation appear in the apical part of the shoot and on the youngest leaves. First of all, disease and death of growth points occurs. The apical leaves are dark green, their edges curve down. Side shoots are intensively formed, they are very brittle, the leaves are hard, thicker than normal.

During manganese starvation, small chlorotic spots (spotted chlorosis) appear on the surface of the leaves between the veins, and the veins themselves (even the smallest ones) remain green. Signs of deficiency first appear on middle-aged leaves.

Manganese fertilizers include manganese superphosphate, manganese sulfate, manganese sludge (industrial waste), and potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate).

With molybdenum starvation, spots form on old and middle-aged leaves, and their edges curl upward. Small veins lose their green color. Bright yellow spots form between the veins.

Molybdenum is found in manure and wood ash. Ammonium molybdate is used for foliar feeding. Leguminous plants especially need molybdenum for the fixation of air nitrogen, which is carried out by nodule bacteria living on their roots.

During zinc starvation, plants develop narrow, spiral-twisted leaves. The tissue between the veins becomes discolored, and they stand out as a clear green mesh. Zinc fertilizers in the form of zinc sulfate are applied to the soil or used for foliar feeding.

The need of plants for certain nutrients depends on the phase of their growth and development. At the beginning of active growth and during the formation of vegetative organs, nitrogen is consumed mainly; there is little of it in the soil in spring, since it is easily washed away by melt water. During the budding period, it is necessary to apply complete fertilizer with a predominance of phosphorus and potassium components. In the second half of summer (until August 20), during the formation of replacement buds, ground perennials are fed with phosphorus and potassium fertilizers with a reduced nitrogen rate, which accelerates ripening and increases the frost resistance of plants.

Fertilizers are given dry and liquid, organic and mineral. Dry fertilizers are usually applied superficially after rain or watering, at a distance of 6-10 cm from the plants, into furrows or holes, which are filled in after watering. Application of granular fertilizers is more effective, as they are more fully used by plants. After August 20, feeding is stopped.

Feeding perennials. In early spring, overwintered perennial plants are fed with nitrogen. It is introduced during the snow melting period. It is recommended to apply potassium fertilizers and slowly soluble phosphorus fertilizers in the fall, and if this has not been done, in the spring, when the soil in flower beds is first loosened. The second fertilizing with nitrogen is carried out 3 weeks after the first. In the spring, it is advisable to feed the plants with diluted mullein or an infusion of bird droppings.

The third feeding is usually given during the period of budding or flowering with complete mineral fertilizer - in the ratio 1N: 3P: 2K g/m 2. During this period, it is better to apply fertilizers in liquid form, since in dry weather they can lie in the top layer of soil for a long time without reaching the root zone. In all cases, when dry fertilizers are applied, they are embedded into the soil to a depth of 5-8 cm. This is especially important for bulbous plants with a deep root system. In order for fertilizers to reach the root zone, after each application, the areas are watered abundantly with water at the rate of 20-30 l/m2. Autumn feeding (in September, and in the south in October) is mandatory for all perennials.

Feeding summer residents. If the preliminary filling of the soil with fertilizer was insufficient and an agrochemical test of the soil showed that it is poor in nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, then during the period of intensive growth the summer plants are fed with nitrogen, and during the budding period a full fertilizer is applied. In all cases, it is important to remember that large doses of applied fertilizers should not be abused.

Potted plants are fed from February to September, young fast-growing ones - 2 times a decade, slow-growing ones - 1 time. The ratio depends on whether they are deciduous and ornamental, flowering or succulents. It is useful to feed all potted plants with an infusion of mullein and bird droppings.

During the period of growth and flowering, in addition to fertilizing irrigation, foliar feeding should also be used. Both macro- and microelements are applied in the form of a low concentration solution to the leaves and stems.

When fertilizing, the following rules must be observed: do not apply mineral fertilizers if the plants are sick, dormant, or just transplanted; the soil mixture must be moist before adding the nutrient solution; choose a cloudy day or evening hours for work; Fertilizer should not fall on plant leaves.

According to the duration of nutrition, i.e., the time during which plants absorb nutrients from the external environment, ornamental plants differ as follows. Crops with a short feeding period include bulbous plants (tulips, daffodils, hyacinths, lilies), the period of intensive feeding of which (45-50 days) does not coincide with the growing season (60-70 days), since during the first period of their development young plants take nutrients from the bulbs. In annuals (asters, gillyflowers and carnations), the period of absorption of nutrients from the external environment coincides with the growing season. The feeding period is even longer for perennials - peonies and phlox (160-180 days), somewhat shorter - for delphiniums (110-120 days). The extended period of nutrition in corm plants - gladioli, and it does not coincide with the length of the growing season, since the plants feed on the corm until the 3-4th leaf emerges. Polyanthus and climbing roses have the longest feeding period.

Of course, for crops with a short and a long period of nutrient consumption, the nutritional system should be different. Crops with a short feeding period are the most demanding in terms of the availability of nutrients in the soil. They consume nutrients more intensively per unit of time. Such crops should be provided with food at short intervals. For crops with a long feeding period, it is necessary to apply fertilizing over longer periods of time.

Various ornamental crops, as well as other agricultural plants, have a certain direction and pattern of consumption of each of the main nutrients from the soil in separate growth phases. The majority of ornamental crops place high demands primarily on nitrogen nutrition. Most of them consume nitrogen in the initial period of growth 2-3 times more than phosphorus, and 1.5 times more than potassium (Table 2).

Perennial plants (peonies, tulips, daffodils, gladioli and dahlias) have the highest nitrogen consumption throughout the growing season, while annuals (asters and gillyflowers) have the lowest consumption. Delphiniums and phlox occupy an intermediate position.

Starting from the budding phase, the need for potassium increases sharply in some crops. Gladioli, delphiniums and daffodils absorb the greatest amount of potassium, and consumption increases sharply with age. In gladioli, it increases even earlier - in the phase of the 5-6th leaf, when the formation of flower organs occurs, and until the end of flowering there is a high potassium consumption. Indoor soil crops - cyclamen and cineraria - are extremely demanding of potassium nutrition; they absorb K2O 2-2.5 times more than many ornamental plants. Roses have minimal potassium consumption.

Phosphorus absorption in all crops occurs more evenly throughout the growing season. Among perennial plants, phlox and roses have the highest consumption of phosphorus, and among bulbous plants, daffodils. Plants with a powerfully developed bush - peonies, dahlias and delphiniums, as a rule, have a low phosphorus consumption.

The positive effects of phosphorus and potassium begin to appear before flowering, when intensive formation of carbohydrates (monosaccharides and sucrose) occurs in the leaves. With potassium deficiency, the rate of photosynthesis decreases and the energy of respiration increases; the plant cannot maintain the carbohydrate content at the required level, and in this case they accumulate in the leaves of the plant in the form of hexoses. Potassium affects the relative distribution of sugars and increases the amount of sucrose, while nitrogen enhances the formation of reducing sugars. Phosphorus fertilizers enhance the movement of assimilates from leaves to organs of consumption (roots, seeds, tubers, flowers).

table 2

Consumption of nutrients by ornamental plants by phases of growth and development



Start of growth

Start of growth

Start of growth



Vegetative growth




End of growing season

End of growing season



Phloxes 3rd year of life

End of flowering

Start of growth

Start of growth


Beginning of flowering


Start of growth



Vegetative growth

End of growing season

End of growing season



Peons 3rd year of life

Beginning of flowering

Start of growth

Start of growth

End of flowering






Start of growth

End of growing season

End of growing season

Beginning of budding




Start of growth

Start of growth

Beginning of flowering

Vegetative growth





End of flowering

End of growing season

End of growing season

Irises 3rd year of life

Small-flowered chrysanthemums

Chrysanthemums grandiflora

Start of growth

Start of growth

Start of growth


Vegetative growth

Vegetative growth

End of flowering



20 days after flowering



Secondary growth of shoots

End of flowering

End of flowering

End of growing season

Polyanthus roses 2nd year of life

Climbing roses

Hybrid tea roses

Start of growth

Start of growth

Start of growth




1st flowering

1st flowering

1st flowering

2nd bloom

2nd bloom

2nd bloom




End of flowering

End of flowering

End of flowering