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Gleb Savchenko dancer. Gleb Savchenko on Instagram. It must have had an impact on high school.

Elena Samodanova, whose biography began to interest the viewer immediately after the broadcast of the Russia-1 TV channel of the Dancing with the Stars project, is a professional dancer and judge of the international category. How did Elena's career begin and what facts from the life of a star might be of interest to her fans?

Curriculum vitae

Elena Samodanova was born in the Rostov region, in the city of Volgodonsk. Her father and mother were both professional dancers.

The girl from an early age began to practice ballroom dancing. Thanks to her dedication and diligence, at the age of sixteen, Samodanova was considered one of the youngest professional Latin American dancers in the world.

Samodanova performed at dance championships held in China, Australia, Japan and England. Repeatedly Elena was awarded the champion title. Once a young athlete even got into the world's top ten performers of a pair of Latin American dance.

In between dance championships, Samodanova managed to get a higher education - she graduated from the Moscow State University of Culture and Arts with a degree in Choreography. A little later, Elena received a diploma from the Sydney Theater School and passed international certification as a ballroom dance teacher. This allowed the choreographer to work in England, Australia, Hong Kong and Russia.

Participation in television projects

Elena Samodanova began participating in television projects in 2010. Then the choreographer was invited as a judge to the Chinese show "Mr. Hong Kong".

In 2012, Elena appeared as a dancer on the Australian shows - AACTA and Everyone is dancing now. And when in the same year the Dancing with the Stars project was launched on one of the Australian channels, she paired up with a local celebrity.

After that, Elena worked as a director and dancer on the Sydney TV shows The Voice of Australia and SYTYCD. In 2014, Samodanova participated in the Indian "Dancing with the Stars", and in 2015 she took an honorary place on the jury of a similar Russian competition.

In Russia, the choreographer proved herself to be the most strict judge. Each time, she rated the performing couple 2-3 points lower than her colleagues. Elena explained such strictness by her objectivity, because she practically does not know Russian stars, therefore she has the opportunity to evaluate only their choreographic data.

Celebrity work

Elena Samodanova is not familiar with the Russian beau monde, because she has been living abroad for the last ten years. According to the choreographer, she is invited to perform at the world championships for different countries - China, Australia, etc.

Foreign TV projects played a big role in the dancer's career, which allowed her to make acquaintances with world show business stars: Ricky Martin, Rihanna, Sheryl Crow and many others.

As a result, as a choreographer in 2009, Samodanova worked on a concert in Hong Kong, in 2012 she collaborated with a rapper named Akon, in 2013 with Seal and American star Ricky Martin.

Personal life

Elena Samodanova and her husband Gleb Savchenko are both dancers. They met when they were eighteen: during this period, both choreographers were engaged in the same dance studio. Then the young people began to communicate, but the romantic relationship between them did not happen - Gleb soon left for America. A few years later, Elena had a downtime in her work, and Gleb invited her to the States to dance with him in a pair. Thus began their love story.

Elena Samodanova began to interest the public immediately after the release of Dancing with the Stars. And all because in this project Samodanova sat in the judge's chair, and her husband Gleb Savchenko danced in tandem with Olympic champion Adelina Sotnikova. The yellow press, after the very first release of the TV show, began to invent stories about the romance of Gleb and Adeline, which were not confirmed. Journalists also asked what it was like to evaluate your own husband? But Elena reasonably answered that the organizers of the show did not ask her to evaluate Gleb: the main task of Samodanova is to evaluate the dancing star, and not her professional partner.

In her free time, Elena enjoys Bikram yoga, surfing and horseback riding. Of the desserts, Samodanova loves ice cream the most.

Daughter upbringing

Elena Samodanova, whose daughter bears the foreign name Olivia, admits that she and her husband have different views on raising children. But they always find a way to negotiate.

Both spouses are actively working, so they constantly have to make a schedule with whom and when their daughter will spend her time. For eight years, Gleb and Elena learned how to maneuver in the conditions of a terrible lack of time.

Since the age of two, Olivia has been attending a dance studio, and it is quite possible that the girl will continue the choreographic dynasty. Despite the fact that Samodanova's daughter is growing up abroad, Elena tries to instill in her the basics of Russian culture and learns Russian with her.

Included in the top ten professional Latin American dancers in the world. This couple delighted viewers throughout the entire season of Dancing with the Stars - 2015, and it is not surprising that they won the audience award.

Vokrug TV has no questions for Gleb Savchenko as a professional: he is a dancer of the highest class. We decided to find out what kind of person he is outside the parquet, what he dreams of, how he raises his daughter and when was the last time he had a chance to invite his wife to dance Elena Samodanova.

How do two professionals get along in one family (Gleb Savchenko's wife Elena Samodanova is a choreographer and judge of the international category. - Approx. ed.)?

We are both leaders, both of us have character. Naturally, everyone has their own opinion. But we already know each other so well that we can easily overcome the disagreements that happen in any family. Our secret is that we have learned to work in a team. A family is a kind of business where partners do one thing together. In addition, we have learned to separate personal life, family relationships and raising a child from work and career. Therefore, our union really works.

Elena Samodanova

- And who still helps the other more in career development and personal growth in your tandem?

Probably Lena helps me more. She sets me up, advises something, generates some crazy ideas, which we then implement together. She has an idea, and I take it and do it (laughs). This is a double collaboration: without my participation, her ideas would not have come true, and without her ideas, I would have been sitting somewhere in Bali and drinking beer in peace.

- Gleb, how do you raise your daughter? What dances do you dance with her?

Oh, she loves to dance! She has a lot of energy and emotions. Since we live in different countries and constantly move between them, in each country it does something different. Here, in Moscow, she goes to gymnastics, ballet and dancing, in Australia she swims and surfs, in America she also dances and gymnastics.

Elena Samodanova and Vadim Lyubushkin

- Do you want a son? Are you going to teach him how to dance too?

Yes, I want a son. I actually want three children. I will teach dance to a certain level. In my opinion, children need to develop what they really like, but it’s not worth putting pressure and imposing your opinion in terms of choice. Who knows, maybe he will like to grow tomatoes? So, be an agronomist. Why not?!

- How to deal with the stereotype “dancing is not for boys”, another thing is boxing, football ...

I think that every dancer has inevitably come across this. And this opinion exists not only in Russia - this situation is everywhere. Especially goes to those who are engaged in ballroom dancing. Although now in Russia they are very popular. There is a ballroom dancing section in almost every school. Yes, at first they laugh at you, but then, when you go out and show your skills, they say: “Wow, that's cool!”.

Gleb Savchenko and Adelina Sotnikova

- "Wow that's cool!" TV viewers also spoke. No wonder you and Adelina Sotnikova won the Audience Choice Award. By the way, how did you work together with the Olympic champion?

I was sick and worried about Adeline when I watched the Olympics in Sochi. But we didn’t know her personally before the project. When I learned that I would dance in the show with Adeline, I was wildly delighted. Everything coincided so coolly with her: the weight category, the characters, and the age. Adeline, and I'm not afraid to say this, is a partner you can only dream of. I think that any professional partner in the project, having learned that he did not get it, envied me to some extent.

- Did Adeline surpass the other participants in everything, and did she have no vulnerabilities?

Adeline is the youngest participant in the project. She is only 18 years old, therefore she has less life experience compared to the rest. In addition, she is only an athlete - she does not have an acting base, unlike other participants. Therefore, I faced difficult tasks. It was necessary to tune it to each of the numbers and explain the nature of each dance. It took quite a lot of time and for me personally it was a kind of challenge. I was excited for Adeline, because she had never danced before. This is something new for her. Therefore, in each number I thought not only about myself and how I could dance, but also about her: out of the corner of my eye I always watched Adeline. This was my share of responsibility for her.

Gleb Savchenko, Adelina Sotnikova and Daria Zlatopolskaya

The main thing for me in a partner is desire: the desire to dance, the desire to learn, the desire to do better, the desire to stay on the project, the desire to create, understand, live. After all, if you really want something, you will definitely succeed. Here, for example, Valeria Gai Germanika ... At the beginning of the project, no one thought that she would succeed. And she came out in the quarterfinals and danced like half of those who remained in the final now did not dance. She had this desire! Plus, of course, endurance is important, because in the project professionals dance with stars who, as you know, all have different personalities: someone is capricious, someone is lazy, someone is quick-tempered, someone is just crazy. Patience must be ironclad.

The star of "Dancing with the Stars" Gleb Savchenko and Elena Samodanova became parents for the second time

The star of the Russian show "Dancing with the Stars" and the British analogue of Strictly Come Dancing Gleb Savchenko and his wife, choreographer Elena Samodanova, became parents for the second time. Gleb announced the good news the day before on his Twitter page. The star spouses have not yet shown a photo of the child, but they revealed the name and gender.

I am so happy to welcome my baby! This is a girl - Zlata, she was born on August 1 at 22:26, ​​weight - 3.6 kg, - Gleb wrote.

Shortly before Elena's birth, Gleb was in the United States, where he took part in a dance tour. However, having learned that his wife was about to give birth to a child, the organizers allowed Gleb to leave the tour and join the family. Gleb immediately flew to Sydney, where the star family currently lives.

I think my family is more important than fame, ”Gleb said then to The Sun.

Gleb and Elena met in one of the dance studios in Moscow, when both were 18 years old, they immediately became friends. After some time, friendship grew into love. In 2006, Gleb and Elena officially formalized the relationship, in the same year the couple had a daughter, Olivia.

Gleb Savchenko with his daughter and wife

Gleb Savchenko ranks 10th in the world among professional Latino performers.
American dances. In 2015, Gleb became a participant in the ninth season of the show "Dancing with the Stars" on the Russia-1 TV channel, where he took to the floor in a pair with figure skater Adelina Sotnikova. His wife Elena also participated in the show, but was on the jury. In one of the interviews, Elena admitted that she was not jealous of Sotnikova, on the contrary, she was glad that Gleb got such a wonderful dance partner. Adelina Sotnikova and Gleb Savchenko took 2nd place at the Russian show.

After that, Gleb took part in the 13th season of the British television project Strictly Come Dancing, where he unconditionally won, striking the viewers on the spot. Since the first releases of the Strictly Come Dancing program, a good half of English women have fallen in love with a 31-year-old dancer from Russia, writes Radio Times. Today Gleb Savchenko is known all over the world, he performs in Europe and the USA.

This talented choreographer is also an actor. It is reported that in the ranking of professional Latin dancers around the world, he is ranked 10th. For the first time the guy started dancing at the age of seven. He made a firm decision to connect his own life with ballroom dancing after 7 years. Like all professional dancers, Gleb Savchenko fills Instagram with photos taken during the performance of the next number. He is often invited to television programs not only in Russia, but also abroad.

Among the new photos you can see the dancer surrounded by family: wife and child. He also often flashes in photographs in the company of his colleagues in the dance workshop. On Instagram, Gleb Savchenko publishes pictures where he had to perform with world-famous stars. The dancer is now incredibly in demand.

At one time, the choreographer studied theatrical art at Moscow University. He also has several movie roles in his arsenal. If you look closely at Gleb Savchenko's Instagram, you will notice that he is photogenic and knows how to take beautiful poses. In fact, everything is explained by his modeling past. In this area, he managed to realize himself before he left Russia.

Instagram Gleb Savchenko has a large number of foreign subscribers. The dancer managed to gain popularity in many countries of the world. He took part in a large number of Latin American dance championships and won them an unconditional victory. While in the US, the talented dancer also managed to model for a while and even walked the runway for several fashion houses. The career continues successfully to this day.

The personal page of an incredibly charming and handsome man is loved by his many fans, and this is not surprising, because in many photos you can see what a beautiful and inflated body Gleb has. He carefully monitors his appearance: goes in for sports, organizes proper nutrition. More precisely, a celebrity is spoiled with tasty and healthy food by his beloved wife, joint pictures with which often appear on the official Instagram of Gleb Savchenko. On them, the couple looks in love and incredibly happy, which greatly pleases and delights the large army of fans of Gleb's work.

Account: glebsavchenko official

Occupation: dancer

Gleb Savchenko Instagram leads not so long ago, but has already managed to gain immense popularity. The famous dancer won such fame because of his photogenicity.

This most beautiful and intelligent choreographer, in addition to his career in Latin American dances, also starred in many Russian films. Gleb Savchenko often adds photos from Instagram. Basically, these are photographs taken during the filming of a new issue. Gleb is often given invitations to foreign TV shows. That is why his Instagram has a large number of foreign subscribers. Among the heaps of new photos on his page, you can see a photo with his beloved wife and child, in which they look like the happiest people, which inspires joy and admiration for all Gleb fans. And also personal photos of Gleb surrounded by colleagues in the dance hall may catch your eye. At the moment, Gleb Savchenko is a very popular dancer.

In the Instagram feed itself, Savchenko communicates with his foreign subscribers and publishes new photos. Gleb hardly comments on his photos. In a word, Gleb Savchenko's Instagram is a blog of an incredibly attractive man who lures all women. He looks after his physique very well, often goes to classes in the gym, eats right. Simply put, tasty and healthy food is prepared for him by his charming wife.

Biography of Gleb Savchenko

Such an interesting and fascinating biography of Gleb Savchenko began in the capital of Russia. Famous dancer and actor, born September 16, 1983. From early childhood, he was engaged in dancing and already at the age of 14 he realized that in the future he would become a great dancer. Therefore, after school, Gleb entered the Moscow Theater Institute, which he graduated with honors and received a diploma in choreography. Since then, Gleb Savchenko, whose biography is of interest to many fans, began to cross the first step on the career ladder:

  • After graduation, he moved to New York, but before that he became famous in a modeling career in Russia and repeatedly starred in several Russian films.
  • In 2007, he became the winner of the Latin American dance championships among experienced dancers six times.
  • In America, he continued his modeling career, where he can often be seen at various fashion shows of the most popular fashion companies.
  • At the same time, he works as a TV presenter of the legendary Time Out program on the NTV-America channel.
  • In 2015, he participated in the show "Dancing with the Stars" on the Russian TV channel, paired with Adelina Sotnikova.
  • In 2016, ranked tenth in professional Latin American dance worldwide.