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State program for small business development. Government assistance to small businesses. How to get help from the government for small businesses

State support for small businesses is an important area of ​​economic policy: today there are more than 5.5 million small and medium-sized businesses operating in Russia, which account for 21% of the country's Gross Domestic Product. It is planned that by 2030 the share of small and medium-sized businesses in the Russian Federation’s GDP will reach 45%. That is why diverse government support for small businesses has entered its active phase. About what types of business assistance exist in our country, what subsidies entrepreneurs in Moscow and regions of Russia can count on - in our next material.

State small business support program 2016: financing issues

Let's start with the not so good news: federal subsidies for programs to support small and medium-sized businesses for 2016 are being significantly reduced. According to preliminary information from the Ministry of Economic Development of our country, only 11 billion rubles will be allocated for the entire program next year, while in 2014 this amount was more than 20 billion, and in 2015 – almost 17 billion rubles. These funds will be divided among all constituent entities of Russia on the basis of competitive procedures. Due to a noticeable reduction in support, the regions of the country will have to independently determine the priority areas of business activity for financing. In other words, public funds will go to truly important areas of the economy: agriculture, trade, provision of utilities and household services, social entrepreneurship, innovation activities and others.

But, meanwhile, in our country, every small and medium-sized business has the right to count on comprehensive support from the state - this is regulated by various regulations and, first of all, Federal Law No. 209-FZ. Different programs have their own validity period, terms of provision and budget. In each region of our country, the relevant authorized body is responsible for the implementation of state support measures for small businesses. You can find a complete list of them on the website of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation.

Small business development in 2016: subsidies, programs, grants

There are different forms of support for small businesses, in addition to financing, cash subsidies or grants. This, for example, provides training and internship programs for aspiring entrepreneurs, accounting and legal services for small and medium-sized businesses on free terms, preferential rental of premises and many others. Small businesses in our country are supported under certain programs by both government and non-government organizations. But every entrepreneur has the right to take advantage of free help. For example, the opening of a business in 2015 in the regions is helped by funds for supporting small and medium-sized businesses (state or municipal), employment services, investment and guarantee funds, business schools, technology parks and other institutions. Let's briefly look at some of the forms of support that these organizations provide.

  • Grants for small business development 2015-2016. This measure of state support is provided, as a rule, by regional authorities. Priority is given to aspiring businessmen from among the disabled, the unemployed, young people, large families and other social categories. The conditions for receiving grants in each region may be different; specially created commissions review applications, but there are conditions for receiving money. This is a sufficient number of jobs, the amount of revenue, mandatory registration of an enterprise, a certain field of activity of a small or medium-sized business and other aspects. Such support for small businesses 2015 is currently very popular among entrepreneurs: the amount of cash grants can reach 300 thousand rubles.
  • Guarantee funds to support small businesses. As part of small business support programs, Guarantee Funds help entrepreneurs obtain bank loans. They provide guarantees for various types of contracts. The guarantee fund funds, as a rule, are generated from the federal and regional budgets. In each subject of the country, guarantee funds are issued under certain conditions and if the borrower meets a number of requirements.
  • Regional Venture Funds support the most promising projects. The purpose of the work of regional venture funds this is the selection and financing of innovative or the most promising business projects in the scientific and technical field (startups). Funds for the development of venture funds are allocated from the federal and regional budgets, the rest of the money comes from investments from private investors. Often, financing from venture funds is carried out upon the transfer of a share of the authorized capital of your company, but there may be other conditions for providing this type of government support.
  • Help for entrepreneurs from multifunctional centers. This type of free government support for business will start in Russia next year. At the MFC you will be able to get advice on subsidies for business, prepare all the necessary documentation, and resolve legal, financial and other issues with competent specialists.
  • Opportunities of business incubators for businesses. The so-called “Business incubators” also support businesses, especially innovative projects. . Entrepreneurs, especially start-ups, can receive financial assistance here, find premises for work (on preferential terms), advice on various fields of activity and many other types of services.
  • Business schools to help small businesses. No less powerful support for new small businesses is provided by “Business Schools”, most of which are state-owned and free (for example, on the basis of Employment Centers). Here, those who want to start their own business are taught the basics of doing business, the secrets of marketing and promotion. Training takes place in the form of lectures and seminars, and at the end, students defend their business plans in front of experts. As a rule, the best projects are subsequently provided with government financial support or investments are made in them.
  • Subsidies are a popular type of government support. The most popular type of government support for small and medium-sized businesses in our country among beginning entrepreneurs is receiving subsidies. We will consider which enterprises and what types of subsidies can apply for in the next section.

Subsidizing small businesses in Moscow and the regions in 2016

Municipal and state funds for supporting small and medium-sized businesses currently operate in almost all Russian regions of the country. Their goal is to conduct an examination of entrepreneurial projects, finance and support the most promising of them. Let's consider the options and conditions for providing subsidies using the example of the Russian capital. Of course, Moscow entrepreneurs can count on financial assistance from a number of organizations - support for small businesses in Moscow is implemented to the maximum. For these purposes, in 2012, the State Budgetary Institution “Moscow Small Business” was created here, providing businesses with a number of subsidies. Moscow entrepreneurs can apply for funds in the amount of up to 5 million rubles. To do this, you need to contact the institution for advice, then fill out a number of documents. A prerequisite for receiving subsidies from the state to start a business is that all entrepreneurs must report on the use of the funds received within the prescribed period.

Dear readers! For representatives of small and medium-sized businesses in the field of trade and services, we have developed a special program "Business.Ru", which allows you to maintain full warehouse accounting, trade accounting, financial accounting, and also has a built-in CRM system. There are both free and paid plans.

In general, it should be noted that support for small businesses in Moscow in 2015 is especially relevant: we all know that business is now going through difficult times. The consumer market in both Moscow and the regions is significantly narrowing, and the planning of company activities is complicated by the instability of the economic situation in the country. The presence of a large number of types of subsidies for opening small businesses in Moscow in 2015 does not mean that developing a business in the capital is the easiest. This is also increasing competition, especially since each type of subsidy for small businesses is provided under different conditions. Let's look at some of them.

Subsidies for starting a small business 2016

The amount is up to 500 thousand rubles, provided from the capital’s budget. Funds can be used to equip company premises and workplaces, purchase software or other fixed assets for the operation of the enterprise. Also, according to the conditions for issuing funds, the money can be used to rent an office in Moscow, purchase raw materials or materials, but the purchase amount should not exceed 20% of the total amount of the requested subsidy. A prerequisite for receiving this type of state support for small businesses in Moscow is that no more than two years must have passed since the registration of the enterprise, no more than 250 people must work in the company, and the legal entity must be registered with the tax authorities and have no tax arrears, fees and other obligatory payments.

Subsidies for loan interest reimbursement

Subsidy to reimburse part of the costs of leasing payments

This support for small businesses in Moscow is certainly in demand: the amount of this type of subsidy reaches 5 million rubles, and funds are issued subject to a financial lease agreement valid no earlier than 2013–2014. The targeted use of funds for the development of small businesses in Moscow must also be confirmed by the entrepreneur in a few months. To do this, you will need to provide the appropriate documentation.

You can learn more about the procedure for receiving subsidies for opening a small business in the capital in 2016 on the website of the State Budgetary Institution “Small Business of Moscow” or by personally contacting this organization. Relevant authorized bodies operate in every region of our country - they also provide various types of subsidies for starting small businesses.

If you are just planning to start your own business, state support for small businesses in 2016 will be a good opportunity to receive the funds necessary for the development of the project.

The state helps beginning businessmen by providing comprehensive support and offering many programs. Most often these are subsidies for small businesses. Free training for entrepreneurs is also provided. In addition, the state provides assistance in obtaining loans and invites entrepreneurs to take part in exhibitions. Such programs operate in all regions.

In 2016, the government allocated about 17 billion rubles for business development. These funds were allocated to the regions. Today, many events are held specifically to help entrepreneurs.

How to get help

There are businessmen who still have not received help from the state. But many entrepreneurs simply do not know that such an opportunity exists. State support for small businesses in 2016 will allow entrepreneurs to start their own business. You can find out about all current programs from organizations and departments that are responsible for the development of this area. In addition, you will find information about programs in regional and municipal administrations.

Support for entrepreneurs is provided in various areas. Most often it is expressed in the issuance of cash grants and subsidies to entrepreneurs. In addition, businessmen are trained. It is carried out absolutely free of charge, or with minimal costs on their part.

Businessmen are provided with assistance in signing a leasing agreement. Participation in a business incubator is possible. This will be of interest to those businessmen who want to find office space.

Help is also provided in the following cases:

  1. When providing services on an outsourcing basis. We are talking about accounting and legal services. Specialists provide assistance free of charge, or significantly reduce the cost of services.
  2. Entrepreneurs receive discounts and can take part in fairs and exhibitions on preferential terms.
  3. Businessmen are provided with assistance in purchasing or renting production sites that are municipally owned.

If you want to participate in the program, you must first check whether it is available in your area.
Almost every municipality has its own activities.

Various non-profit organizations support small businesses. Commercial companies are actively participating. They are the link between the state and business structures. Such organizations are engaged in the implementation of the activities provided for in the program.

These are many venture funds, the largest investment companies. Banks and public organizations became partners of the state. The system includes business schools and other educational institutions.

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State aid instruments

Tools for providing assistance to businessmen are divided into direct and indirect. The latter may include tax breaks on payments to the local budget. They are introduced at the initiative of regional authorities. But it must be said that such benefits do not exist everywhere.

Tools include organizing infrastructure for doing business and creating business incubators.
If you decide to start your own business, take funds for business development from the state. This can be done in different ways.

Subsidies. If you have just completed registration, received the status of an individual entrepreneur, or became the founder of an LLC, then you have the right to receive a subsidy. Please note that only those entrepreneurs who have been in business for no more than 2 years can receive assistance.

Remember that each region has its own rules for receiving subsidies. Choose those programs that operate in the region where the business is registered.

In addition, there are several basic conditions that must be met. These include the following points:

  • An entrepreneur can spend funds only in accordance with established rules;
  • all expenses must be clearly documented.

When the reporting period ends, you must submit receipts, invoices and other documents to the regulatory authority. Any improper use of funds or their insufficient utilization may lead to a demand for the return of money to the budget. This rule applies to situations where a businessman cannot document expenses.

It should be taken into account that it is unlikely that it will be possible to open a business entirely with state money. But you can get funds, because the state provides co-financing.

A businessman can receive one-time financial assistance. You can get money to start your own project from the Federal Employment Service. This is possible within the framework of a special program that was developed to enable citizens who have become unemployed to start their own business.

The program provides for the entrepreneur to fulfill the following points:

  1. A citizen must obtain unemployed status by registering. If all the offers made by the employment service are not suitable for the person, then you can move on to the next stage.
  2. You need to declare that you want to open a small business. You may be offered free training and assistance in preparing a business development plan. When it is approved, you will register, receive the status of an individual entrepreneur, or become the founder of an LLC.
  3. When the employment center receives documents from the Federal Tax Service, you need to sign an agreement. A very important point when receiving the amount is reporting.

Often there is not enough money to open a medium or small business. This is precisely what prevents people from bringing their newest ideas and plans to life, and, accordingly, from moving the economy. That is why the state came up with a subsidy for small businesses in 2016. With its help, even the most daring ideas can be brought to life, taking into account the fact that for small entrepreneurs gentle tax burdens have been thought out, for example, the simplified tax system. Next, we’ll look at how to get a subsidy for small business development, as well as what its advantages are.

Main advantages

Supporting medium and small businesses is very important for the state, because they are the main engine of the economy, creating healthy competition and, accordingly, constantly improving the quality of the products offered. Thanks to this, the end buyer has the opportunity to buy quality goods at optimally low prices. Small business subsidies from the government in 2016 are payments that do not need to be repaid, unlike funds that are obtained through borrowing or lending. The money can be used either to open or develop a business.

The amount of the subsidy will depend on the region of residence of the entrepreneur, as well as the needs for which it will be used:

  • purchase of equipment;
  • purchase of raw materials;
  • intangible assets;
  • purchase of consumables;
  • repair work, etc.

However, the subsidy cannot be used for the production of alcohol or tobacco products. After receiving funds, a businessman must submit a report on their use (see photo). Indicate income minus expenses. You need to manage your finances very wisely. If, after purchasing the necessary materials or work, they still remain, they will have to be returned to the state. In case of misuse of money, the state will have to return the entire amount.

Types of payments

There are various types of government support for medium and small businesses in 2016:

  • business development (about 25 thousand rubles);
  • opening a business with the possibility of creating new jobs (approximately 60 thousand rubles);
  • opening a business if the entrepreneur is the only parent of a disabled child (about 300 thousand rubles).

You can get money for development not only if you start your own business, but also when working as a franchise. They are also issued to entrepreneurs working under the simplified tax system.

What do we have to do?

How to get subsidies for small businesses 2016? In fact, every unemployed person can do this, but not everyone will succeed. To do this you need:

  • register with the Employment Center at your place of registration;
  • obtain a certificate of unemployed status;
  • create a business project;
  • submit the project for consideration to the department for promoting self-employment of citizens;
  • if the business plan is approved, register with the Tax Service;
  • come to the Employment Center to open an individual account to receive assistance;
  • obtain an entrepreneur certificate from the Tax Service;
  • contact the Employment Center again with a passport, an application of the appropriate form and a ready-made business project.

Based on the latest documents, a cooperation agreement is concluded between the state and the entrepreneur. Subsidies for small businesses will be transferred to the individual account within a month.

In order to be sure to receive a subsidy for opening a small business, you need to very competently draw up a business plan. It must indicate the following:

  • Kind of activity;
  • product production technology;
  • equipment used;
  • proposed suppliers;
  • total cost of the project;
  • estimated income minus expenses;
  • payback and profitability of the business.

Features of receiving help

Once you have managed to receive a subsidy, you will not need to return it to the state. But from 2016 onwards it will be necessary to maintain reporting. 3 months after receiving the money, you need to contact the Employment Center and provide information about the use of the money. To do this, you can provide a receipt, check or any other similar document. The submitted reports and business plan must be identical. If this is not the case, the entrepreneur must return the issued funds to the state in full.

To receive money, a new enterprise must be registered for at least 1 year. This is how the state protects itself from issuing finances to fictitious companies. Most often, subsidies are issued for the development of agriculture, tourism business, as well as the education and healthcare systems. Although obtaining them is fraught with some difficulties, they still allow you to open your own business and bring interesting ideas to life.

It is difficult to obtain funds to implement a business idea, since there are no guarantees of the success of the project and, accordingly, repayment of the loan. Help for small businesses in the form of preferential lending mechanisms the state proposes. The terms of such support programs are presented in the article.*

Loan for small businesses from the state guaranteed by the Support Fund

State assistance consists of providing guarantees from the Fund for Support of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). It enters into agreements with banks that have applied to participate in the business support program and meet certain requirements. When an entrepreneur applies for a loan, the Fund acts as a guarantor. To apply for a loan under this program, a businessman should:

  1. Find out from the territorial Support Fund which banks are participating in the project.
  2. Study the requirements and conditions of banks and choose a suitable lender for yourself.
  3. Collect the necessary package and submit an application for a loan to a financial institution.
  4. After approval of the application, contact the Support Fund to provide surety guarantees.

Preferential loans under the program for small businesses – microfinance

The state project to support small businesses is being implemented by the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation. Loans are issued by territorial SME Support Funds on the basis of a loan agreement. The program provides the following conditions:

  • the amount depends on the region and ranges from 50 thousand rubles. up to 1 million rubles;
  • period – from 3 months. up to a year;
  • rate – approximately 10% per annum;
  • it is necessary to provide security in the form of collateral or bank loans;
  • The amount of collateral must cover the loan amount and interest charges.

Free loan from the state to help small businesses

The state issues subsidies to firms and individual enterprises that have been registered for less than a year. The program is aimed at reducing unemployment and operates through employment centers. You have the right to apply for a non-repayable loan provided that you are registered as unemployment. To receive financial assistance you need:

You have the right to count on the following amounts:

  • for opening a business - 60 thousand rubles. in the regions and 300 thousand rubles. - in Moscow;
  • for each created job - 60 thousand rubles;
  • to support the business - 25 thousand rubles.

Adviсe. Nuances of preferential loans to small businesses from the state 2016

  1. Before contacting the Support Fund, study the provisions on its guarantee in a particular region. You may be provided with a guarantee not for the whole, but only for a part, the amount of which is specified in this document.
  2. The likelihood of receiving a preferential loan for a small business in 2016 under the microfinance program will be high if you correctly fill out all the documents and provide reliable collateral.
  3. When receiving a subsidy from the Employment Fund, remember that you need to account for the funds. You have the right to use them only in accordance with the business plan, and the target direction should be confirmed with checks, receipts, invoices, etc.