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Hadiths to read in Russian. Hadiths about children. about the family and the treatment of women

The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “ Whoever preserves forty hadiths for my ummah will be told on the Day of Judgment: “Enter paradise from whichever gate you wish.”" May Allah Almighty grant us paradise and the intercession of His Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him)! Amine.

Therefore, we have collected these hadiths with the permission of Allah and with His help.

We hope you will learn them.

We also hope for your prayers for us, for our teachers, for the sheikhs, for our fathers and mothers. Your prayers for us are actually received for you, because the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “When a Muslim prays for his brother, the angels say to him in response: “And for you the same as you ask for him.” " May Allah Almighty grant us His pleasure in both worlds! Amine.

1. Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “Fear Allah, pray five times a day, fast in the month of Ramadan, pay zakat on property and obey the rulers; you will enter heaven." The hadith was narrated by Imam at-Tirmidhi and said that the hadith is authentic.

2. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “Every good deed is charity.” The hadith was reported by Imam Bukhari.

3. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “Whoever of you sees an atrocity, let him stop it with his hand; if you are not able to do this, then with your tongue; and if he is not capable of this, even if he does not agree with his heart, this is the weakest degree of faith.” Narrated by Imam Muslim.

4. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “A hypocrite has three signs: when he speaks, he lies; when he promises, he does not fulfill; when they trust him, he does not justify the trust.” The Hadith was reported by Imams Bukhari and Muslim.

5. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “The faith of one of you will not be perfect until he wishes for his brother the same as for himself.” The Hadith was reported by Imams Bukhari and Muslim.

6. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “He is not a liar who reconciles people by wishing good or saying good.” The Hadith was reported by Imams Bukhari and Muslim.

7. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “The one of you who has the best character has the most complete faith, and the best of you is the one who treats his wife well.” The hadith was narrated by Imam at-Tirmidhi and said that it is authentic.

9. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “Every day two angels descend, and one of them says: “O Allah, enrich those who give alms.” And another says: “O Allah, destroy the property of those who abstain from charity.”

10. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “Whoever believes in Allah and the Day of Judgment should not harm his neighbor; whoever believes in Allah and the Day of Judgment, let him honor the guest; whoever believes in Allah and the Day of Judgment, let him speak good or remain silent.”

11. Abdullah ibn Masud said: “I once asked the Messenger of Allah: “What is the best deed?” He replied: “Performed prayer on time.” I asked: “And then what?” He replied: “A good attitude towards parents.” I asked the question again: “And then?” He replied: “Jihad in the path of Allah.”

12. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “The major sins include associating a partner with Allah Almighty, disobeying parents, killing a person and taking a false oath.” Narrated by Imam Bukhari.

13. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “The best of good deeds is to have contact with your father’s friends.”

14. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “A man is in the religion of his friend; let each of you look at who he is friends with.” The hadith was narrated by Imam Abu Dawud.

15. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “A person will be with the one he loves.” The hadith is authentic.

16. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “Seven will be in the shadow of Arsh on the Day when there will be no other shadow: 1) a just ruler; 2) a young man who grew up in the worship of Allah Almighty; 3) a person whose heart is connected to the mosque; 4) two people who love each other for the sake of Allah meet for his sake and separate for his sake; 5) a man who was called to her by a rich and beautiful woman, and he replied that he feared Allah; 6) a person who gives alms in such a way that his left hand does not know what his right hand is giving; 7) a person who mentioned Allah in solitude and shed tears.” The hadith is authentic.

17. Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) says that once the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him), while making a khutbah, said: “If you knew what I know, you would laugh less and cry more.” And the companions, covering their faces, began to sob.

18. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “The example of praying five times a day is like the example of a river of water that flows near your house, and you bathe there five times every day.”

19. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “Allah is pleased with a slave when he praises Him after eating and drinking.” Narrated by Imam Muslim.

20. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “If those who believed knew the punishment of Allah, no one would strive for paradise; and if the infidels knew the mercy of Allah, not one of them would lose hope of paradise.” Narrated by Imam Muslim.

21. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “The poor will enter heaven five hundred years earlier than the rich.” The hadith was reported by Imam at-Tirmidhi.

22. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “Wealth does not mean having a lot of property, wealth is having a rich heart.” The hadith is authentic.

23. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “Repeat often what spoils pleasure.” That is, death. The hadith was reported by Imam at-Tirmidhi.

24. From Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) it is narrated: “The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) was the best of people in character.” The hadith is authentic.

25. Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) reports that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “Truly Allah is the Most Merciful and loves mercy in all matters.” The hadith is authentic.

26. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “Whoever obeys me, obeys Allah, whoever disobeys me, disobeys Allah, whoever obeys the ruler, obeys me, and whoever disobeys the ruler, disobeys me.” The hadith is authentic.

27. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “...a good word, alms.” The hadith is authentic.

28. It is narrated from Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her): “The speech of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) was legible, he was understood by everyone who listened to him.”

29. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “When you dress and wash, start from the right.” The hadith is reliable, reported by Imam Abu Dawud.

30. Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) reports that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “When one of you begins to eat, let him mention Allah, and if he forgets to mention it at the beginning, let him say: in the name of Allah at the beginning and at the end."

31. From Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) it is narrated: “The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) never blamed food - if he liked it, he ate it, and if he didn’t, he didn’t eat it.”

32. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “Grace is sent down to the middle of food, so you eat starting from the edge.” They do this so that there is more grace.

33. Ka'b (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: "I saw the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) eating with three fingers, and when he finished, he licked them."

34. Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) drank water in three sips.”

35. Ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated: “I gave the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) Zamzam water to drink, and he drank while standing.”

36. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “The most truthful of you in sleep is the one who is truthful in speech.”

37. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “Whoever rides greets a person on foot, a person on foot greets someone sitting, a small group of people greets a large group, and a younger person greets an elder.”

38. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “When a person dies, his deeds cease except three: endless charity (for example, if you build a road, a bridge, draw water), knowledge from which people benefit, and righteous children, who pray for their parents.”

39. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “You set off at night, truly night shortens the path.”

40. Ka'b (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated: “ The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him), when returning from the journey, first of all went to the mosque and performed two rak'ahs ».

41. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “By Allah, he will not believe, by Allah, he will not believe, by Allah, he will not believe!” He was asked: “Who, O Messenger of Allah?” He said: “He whose neighbor is not saved from his evil.” The Hadith was reported by Imams Bukhari and Muslim.

Muslim narrated this hadith in the following words: “...he whose neighbor is not saved from his evil will not enter paradise.”

Saipula Mukhamadov

(ﷺ) in hadith predicted a number of events that happened in the past and will happen in the future. He knew all the answers to the questions and when you start reading the reliable hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad, you are surprised at how clearly and clearly the Prophet spoke. But you shouldn’t be surprised by this, because Muhammad (ﷺ) is the messenger of the Almighty, to whom the Creator gave knowledge to convey to us. The Prophet said:

“Whoever preserves forty hadiths for my ummah will be told on the Day of Judgment: “Enter paradise from whichever gate you wish.”

The Prophet (ﷺ) is the second authentic and indisputable source of Islamic doctrine. The first is the Koran. The main difference between hadith and the Koran is that hadith is just an element of Divine revelation, while the Koran is the Eternal Word of God. In the hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) we find great knowledge that puts us on the right path and helps us understand many life situations.

Hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) about women, family, mother, prayer, death and life

“To the husband who puts up with the difficult character of his wife, Allah will give the same reward as Ayyub, peace be upon him, received for his resistance to passion. And the wife who puts up with the difficult character of her husband will be rewarded in the same way as Asiya, who was present at the wedding of Pharaoh (Firaun).”

“If you eat yourself, then feed her, if you buy clothes for yourself, then buy her too! Don’t hit her in the face, don’t call her names, and after a quarrel don’t leave her alone in the house.”

“Women dressed and at the same time naked, swaying while walking and thus seducing men will not enter Paradise, and will not even inhale its fragrance.”

“Under the mercy of Allah, the woman who gets up to pray at night will wake up her husband, and they will read it together, and the woman who, when her husband does not wake up, will splash water on his face.”

“The debauchery of one debauched woman is like the debauchery of a thousand debauched men. The righteousness and piety of one woman is like the piety of seventy righteous people.”

“Women who are pregnant, giving birth, and merciful to children, if they obey their husbands and perform prayers, will certainly enter Paradise.”

“A righteous wife to a righteous husband is like a crown adorned with gold on the head of a king. A sinful wife to a righteous husband is like a heavy burden on the back of an old man.”

“The blessed wife is the one who asks for a small dowry and gives birth to a daughter first.”

“Truly Allah Almighty loves a father who is patient with his daughters and knows the reward for this.”

“Whoever is given 4 things will be the best blessing of this world and the eternal world: a noble heart; a tongue occupied with the remembrance of Allah; a body patient in adversity; a wife who does not betray her husband either with her body or with his property.”

"Heaven is under the feet of your mothers."

“The joy of parents is the joy of Allah. The wrath of parents is the wrath of Allah!”

“Allah has forbidden you disobedience, disrespect and callousness towards your mothers.”

“The woman who dies while pregnant will be among the martyrs.”

“If spouses look at each other with love, then Allah looks at them with mercy.”

“Eat, drink, wear clothes and give alms on one condition only: do not spend money unnecessarily and do not be wasteful.”

“Whoever has in his heart a feeling of superiority over people even the size of a seed will never enter heaven!”

“Do not miss 2 rak’ahs of the sunnah of morning prayer, even under particularly extreme circumstances.”

“Allah will forbid Hellfire for one who regularly performs 4 rak’ahs of sunnah before and after the obligatory Zuhr (day) prayer.”

“O soul that has found peace! Return to your Lord satisfied and contented! Enter the circle of my slaves! Enter my paradise!

“Let no man and woman (boy and girl) remain alone except in the presence of her relative.”

A man “...has no right of engagement against the [already existing] engagement of his brother [that is, another man, a young man], except after [his] refusal or with his permission.”


“This mortal world (everything in it) is something that can be acquired (what a person uses and enjoys). The best thing that can be acquired is a pious (good, kind, correct) spouse [for a boy, and for a girl - pious; a good, kind and correct spouse].”

“Whoever the Almighty will give the opportunity to find a pious (good, kind, correct) life partner [for a girl - a good life partner], will help him with half of his religiosity [it will make a person’s life 50% easier, including in its spiritual, religious component] . But let him (she) fear God in the second half [circumstances and situations where the family cannot help, but the person will be obliged to show willpower and piety so as not to sin, not to sink, not to break].”

“Do not marry a girl (woman) [only] because of her beauty, for this may destroy her; and do not marry [only] for her wealth, for this will make her rebellious. Marry a girl (woman) because of her religiosity [pay attention to this quality first]!” .

“Choose a spouse according to four criteria: material security, good manners [primarily in relation to the spouse and his relatives], beauty and religiosity. But pay special attention to religiosity."

“The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was asked: “Which woman is the best [most suitable for marriage]?” He replied: “She, when looking at whom the husband rejoices, who is submissive to him in his request (order). And if he has a negative attitude towards something, then she also disapproves of it.”

“Marry [women] who are devoted [to their husband, those who will love and respect their husband] and who give birth often [fertile]! Verily, I [said the Prophet Muhammad] will be proud of your numbers on the Day of Judgment.”

“Whoever has two wives, and he does not clearly treat them equally (gives preference to one of them in this or that), then on the Day of Judgment such a person will go [to the Judgment Square] with half [of his body dragging behind him, which will indicate for the presence of a very serious sin in his personal file].”


“When the Prophet Muhammad congratulated the newlyweds, he said: “Baarakyal-laahu lak, wa baarakyal-laahu ‘alaik, wa jama’a beinekumaa fii khair” (“May the Lord send you Divine grace in everything and unite you in good”).

“The dividing line between what is permitted and prohibited [intimate relationships] in marriage [the line between a valid marriage and an invalid one] is a tambourine and a voice [a loud announcement of marriage, that the couple have become husband and wife].”

Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) emphasized: “Announce marriage!” ; “Make the marriage demonstrative (explicit) and beat the tambourine [that is, bring solemnity and attract the attention of others].”

Those invited to the wedding should not forget the hadith:

“There will be no [full-fledged] marriage except with clear evidence of [seriousness of intentions].” I note that two random witnesses “from the street” cannot in any way be considered “proof of the seriousness of intention” of the couple getting married.

“Whores are those [women] who give themselves away in marriage without announcing it [that is, secretly, without the consent of a guardian and without the participation of witnesses, without the appropriate forms of marriage announcement established in a given society].”

"There is no marriage except with a guardian".

“No marriage will be [concluded] except in the presence of the guardian [or with his oral or written consent].”

“A woman does not marry a woman and does not marry herself.”

“When a widow gets married, she has more rights than her guardian, and consent to the marriage is obtained from a virgin [when married]. The consent of a virgin can be expressed by her silence."

Family life

“The one who is the best in his upbringing (morality) will have the most complete faith. And the best of you [o men] are those who are best to their spouses."

“Each of you is responsible for his own governance: the imam governs those behind him, and will be asked about them; the husband is the head of the family and [he] is responsible for it; the wife is responsible for the home, for which she will be asked... Each of you is a manager, and will be asked for what he manages.”

“The best of you are those who do not leave the eternal for the sake of the worldly, as well as the worldly for the eternal [they are able to grasp and build harmony between them in accordance with existing circumstances and a careful analysis of them in the context of worldly and eternal perspectives]. [The best are] those who do not become a burden for others.”

When he had time free from public affairs and worries, the Prophet Muhammad (may the Almighty bless him and welcome him) helped with the housework: “he could milk milk, sew up clothes, mend shoes and did everything that men do around the house.”

Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of God be upon him) in his sermon during the farewell pilgrimage, having mentioned several socially important aspects, addressed the believers with the words: “Listen! I encourage you to be good to your wives. Be like that! Wives are under the complete direction of their husbands, and you (husbands) have no right to be harsh unless they do something clearly and unequivocally bad. If they (the wives) do something like this, then sleep with them separately. [If it doesn’t help], then (as another educational maneuver, a method of influence) hit them lightly (as if waking them up), not cruelly. If they are obedient, then absolutely do not offend them!

Listen! They (wives) have responsibilities to you (husbands), and you have responsibilities to them. Their duty [one of the main ones] is not to invite those whom you would not want to see in your home. Your duty [one of the main ones] is to be supportive of them in food and clothing [to the extent possible, support and clothe them].”

One of the most learned companions of the Prophet Muhammad Ibn 'Abbas said: “In front of my wife, I try to look as beautiful and be as neat as she does in front of me,” while quoting the verse: “They [your wives] have certain responsibilities [ before you], just as they [your wives] have rights [which lie as a responsibility on your shoulders, the shoulders of their husbands], and all this is bil-ma'ruf [that is, in accordance with local traditions, moral standards and ethics]” (see Holy Quran, 2:228).

“A believer will not hate a believer (a believing husband will not hate a believing wife). [Let him not have a feeling of hatred towards her!] Even if something in her displeases him [for example, bad character], then he is satisfied with other qualities [her religiosity, beauty, chastity].”

“Any woman who left this world, and her husband was pleased with her [as his wife], will enter [by the grace of the Lord of the worlds] into Paradise.”

“The most majestic wife in terms of her grace (baracity) is the one who does not burden her husband in matters of her material support.”

“Truly, a woman is like a rib! If you want to straighten it out, you will break it, but leaving it as it is, you can enjoy family life, taking into account its curvature.”

“There will be more women [than men] in Hell.” "And why?" - the companions asked in bewilderment. “For ingratitude,” replied the Prophet. “Ingratitude to the Almighty?” - they specified. “No, to my husband. Ingratitude for all the good that is done for them. A husband can take care of his wife for a century [that is, many years], after which, noticing something about him that she doesn’t like, she can easily say: “I haven’t seen anything good from you!”

The Prophet Muhammad emphasized in an imperative mood: “...And do not hit (your wife) in the face! Don't insult her! [And if you sleep separately from her as an educational measure] then do not leave her except by staying at home!”

“The best of you (Muslims) do not beat their wives!”

“The Lord is kind to people [wishes them relief and ease, does not impose on people more than their capabilities and strength]. And He loves it when people show the same to each other. For the manifestation of such a quality as rifq (kindness, benevolence, gentleness), Allah gives people that [in the worldly - success, efficiency of affairs, etc., and in eternity - indescribable heavenly blessings] that does not give them when manifesting 'unfa (severity, severity, harshness; brute force, violence)."

“There are three categories of people whose prayer-namaz will not rise above their heads: (1) the imam-primate who is unloved by the parishioners praying behind him, (2) the wife who angered her husband and did not correct this state of affairs until the morning, and (3) two brothers who broke off relations with each other."

“Do not have intercourse with your wife like an animal [mechanically satisfying the flesh]! Let there be an introductory part between you.” The Companions asked for clarification: “What is this ‘introductory part’?” Prophet Muhammad replied: “Kisses and communication.”

There is also a hadith, transmitted by the companion Jabir ibn ‘Abdullah, that the Messenger of God forbade beginning with animal intercourse.

One day, poor and financially disadvantaged companions came to the Prophet Muhammad with a complaint: “[Unfair!] Rich Muslims pray and fast just like us. At the same time, they [have the opportunity] to give alms from the material goods that remain with them [after family and personal expenses]!” The Messenger of the Almighty replied: “Didn’t God give you something that you could spend as alms?! Truly, every praise of Allah (subhanallah) is alms (sadaqa), exaltation (Allahu akbar) - alms, thanksgiving to the Lord (al-hamdu lil-lah) - alms, confirmation of His uniqueness (la ilahe illal-lah) - alms, call for good - alms, warning from sinners - alms, and intimate relationships with your spouse are also alms.” The Companions asked in bewilderment: “A person satisfies his carnal desires and receives a reward for this before God?!” The Prophet replied: “Don’t you understand that if he had an affair on the side, he would be sinful!? And having intimate relationships within the family, he will be rewarded!”

The Prophet Muhammad warned: “Cursed is the one who has intimacy with his wife through the anus.”

“The worst position on the Day of Judgment before the Almighty will be those husband or wife who divulged intra-family secrets, secrets passed on or revealed by one of them to the other.”

“If before anyone, besides the Almighty Creator, it would be allowed to bow to the ground, then a wife before her husband.”

“Paradise is under the feet of your mothers,” said the prophet Muhammad.

“One man asked the Prophet (peace and blessings of God be upon him): “O Messenger of God, which of the people is most deserving of my support and good attitude?” “Mother,” answered the Prophet. “Who’s next?” “Mother,” said the messenger of God again. “Who else [after her]?” “Mother,” the Prophet repeated for the third time. “What about after?” - "Father" .

“Whoever believes in the Almighty and in the Day of Judgment is especially generous to his guest on the first day of his arrival. Anyone who comes can stay for three days. What is more than three is alms from the hosts [that is, the hosts are not obliged to support the guest for more than three days].” Another hadith says: “It is unacceptable for a Muslim to stay with another, plunging him into sin [that is, when it becomes expensive for the owner to look after and care for the guest].”

“Whoever believes in the Almighty and the [inevitability of] the Day of Judgment, let him be generous to the guest. Whoever believes in the Almighty and the [inevitability of] the Day of Judgment, let him restore [broken, interrupted] family ties and strengthen them. Whoever believes in the Almighty and [the inevitability of] the Day of Judgment, let him speak good or remain silent [one of the two],” called the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of God be upon him).

“For whom worldly life will become his [main] worry [vanity will begin to eat away at him; fears, worries and anxieties will not allow him to sleep and eat peacefully], the Almighty will make him torn (his affairs will be torn to shreds and scattered everywhere) [he will try hard to put them together and at least get something done], and [in the end, not achieving anything serious, losing hope and confidence in his own strengths and capabilities, he will come to the point that the Lord] will put [the seal of] poverty [right] between his eyes: in the worldly monastery he will receive only what is already [minimally] ] determined for him [and will deprive himself of God's mercy and generosity].

Whose aspiration (the end point of aspiration, the result of his intentions) [will be] eternity [how worldly affairs will return to him on the Day of Judgment in the form of irreversible punishments or Divine rewards], (1) the Almighty will gather his affairs together [necessary circumstances, opportunities , people will appear on his life path in time, unexpectedly they will be nearby; The Creator will bless him with concentration, composure, a clear vision of worldly and eternal goals, tasks, as well as the optimal solution to them]; (2) and also fill his heart with happiness (all-round self-sufficiency); (3) worldly life, whether willing it or not, will fall at his feet [the gates of worldly abundance and all-round well-being will, as necessary, open unhindered to him].”


“If any of you, before intercourse with his wife, says: “Bismil-layah, Allahumma jannibnash-shaytoone, wa jannibish-shaytoona maa razaktanaa” (In the name of the Lord. O Almighty, remove us from Satan and remove Satan from what You have bestowed us), then if the birth of a child is prescribed by the Lord as a result of this, he (the child) will be protected from the Devil.”

“Truly, each of you is formed in the womb of his mother for forty days from a drop, then he remains there for the same amount of time in the form of a blood clot and the same amount of time in the form of a piece of flesh, and then the Creator sends an angel to him, who breathes into his soul."

“Every baby is born with a natural faith in the Creator [inherent in him initially], and this is until the moment he begins to express (express) his thoughts in language (independently). Parents either raise him in the spirit of the Jewish tradition, or Christian, or pagan [that is, parental education makes a significant contribution to the formation of the religious foundations and norms of the new person].”

“From a child - “al-‘akyka.” So slaughter a sacrificial animal for him, [thereby] remove harm from him (pain, suffering, trouble)." The following words of the Prophet Muhammad are transmitted from Samur: “[The birth of] every child is an occasion for sacrificing an animal (every child is a hostage to a sacrificial animal). The animal is slaughtered on the seventh day. On the same day, the child is given a name and his head is shaved.” ‘Aisha reported that the Prophet said: “For a boy [must be sacrificed] two identical rams, and for a girl - one ram.”

“The best thing a parent can give to their child free of charge is good upbringing.”

“Be generous to your children and raise them in the best possible way.”

“The fact that the Almighty will direct someone to the right path through you [O man, and first of all, O parent (!), who pays due attention to the upbringing of his child], is better than all [of all wealth and values], over which he rises and the sun sets [that is, it is higher in importance before God than all worldly wealth and treasures].”

“Be pious and show fairness between children (show equal care and attention to them)!” .

“For a father, raising a child is more significant and valuable than the daily payment of significant alms.”

“Whoever raises his daughters, doing it nobly and patiently, for him they will become protection from hellish punishment.”

“He is not one of us who does not show pity for children, does not forgive them, is unmerciful towards them [that is, they are not carriers of Muslim culture].”

“The Messenger of the Almighty often happened to pray while holding [his granddaughter] Umama, daughter of Zainab, in his arms, and when the Prophet bowed to the ground, he lowered himself [with the girl and sat her next to him], and when he rose, he [again] took her in his arms.”

It is reported how the Prophet Muhammad once turned to Ibn 'Abbas [who was still a child at that time], who was sitting behind him on the street, with the words: “Guard the Almighty [faith in Him, your obligation to fulfill His instructions and edifications], and He will protect you [from everything bad and nasty, adversity and sadness, both in the worldly and in the eternal].

Protect Him [always remember the Creator, praising Him or thanking Him], and you will feel Him next to you [you will always feel the mercy of God and His blessing in your deeds].

If you ask, then ask God. If you need help, then ask Him for it. [Try, if possible, not to resort to the help of people. To achieve what you want, apply all your strength and skills, while trusting in the boundless mercy of the Lord of the worlds].

Know that even if all people at once wish to do something good to you, they will not be able to do anything except with the blessing of the Almighty (except for what is prescribed by Him). Also, if all people gather to harm you, they will not be able to do anything except with the blessing of the Lord (except what is prescribed by Him). And no one can change what the Almighty wished.”

“Remember Allah (God) in times of prosperity and abundance, and He will not forget about you in difficult and difficult times [for you]. Know that in patiently doing this or that [righteous, necessary], which you are already quite tired of, you don’t want to do [tired, you are tired, you don’t see the result], [there is] a lot of good, benefit for you.

Know that the help [of the Lord, both direct at the level of the soul and through something] goes in parallel with patience [which you show in achieving your goals], relief and consolation - along with sadness and grief, and difficulty - with ease. [When difficulty appears somewhere, then at the same time (or after this) relief and lightness appear very close by or in other affairs and concerns of this person].”

“Whoever buries his three children [that is, survives them], will not go to Hell [if he dies in faith].” One of the reliable hadiths also speaks of two children. There is also mention of the loss of one. Also, the Prophet Muhammad conveyed the words of the Lord of the worlds, the meaning of which is as follows: “If My pious servant, having lost a very dear person to himself, turns to Me without reproach, with patience and expectation of reward in eternity for such a difficult worldly test, then only Paradise is prepared for him! » .

“The pen has been lifted (responsibility has been lifted) from three: the one who sleeps until he wakes up; a child until he reaches adulthood, and an insane person until his sanity returns to him.”

“I and the one who cares for the orphan will be close to each other in Paradise like this,” and raised his index and middle fingers, opening them a little.


“There are seven categories of people. They will be in the shadow [which the Almighty wishes to spread] on the Day when there will be no other shadow [that is, on the Day of Judgment].” And among them will be “a young man (or girl) who grew up in an atmosphere of piety [from his youth he was religiously practical and far from the obviously forbidden and sinful].”

“Truly, a person [can] lose his inheritance [of this or that good] as a result of committing sin! Nothing can stop the predetermined [for example, something bad that is nearby by the will of the Creator or coming straight towards us] except a prayer-du‘a. Nothing prolongs life [makes it more blessed] except good deeds.”

The Creator in the hadith-qudsi says: “Whoever does even one good thing will be rewarded tenfold, and possibly more! Whoever commits one sin will have it returned to him, or [if the person has repented and corrected himself] I will forgive him. The closer a person is to Me, the more close I will be to him. [Know this!] If he who believed in the One and Eternal and worshiped only Him alone leaves life in such a state of faith, then, even if his sins and mistakes could fill this entire Earth, I will forgive him [by My mercy and in the end what came from him in the worldly monastery from good aspirations, intentions, deeds and actions].”

“Satan said: “I swear by Your power, O Lord! I will not stop deceiving and spiritually blinding believing people until their souls leave their bodies.” The Almighty, Holy and Great, answered: “I swear by My power! I will forgive them [mistakes, misdeeds and sins] as long as they pray to Me for forgiveness."

“Righteousness and piety [manifest] in the high morals and upbringing of a person. Sin is something that causes anxiety in the soul, and something that you would not want to show to others.”

“Righteousness, piety - this is something in relation to which the soul feels calm, the heart - peace. Sin is something before which the soul and heart are restless, even if you have been given a conclusion [about its sinlessness].”

“A noble deed does not decay or disappear [before the Almighty]. The sin is unforgettable [clearly recorded and will be presented to the person who committed it on the Day of Judgment]. The Judge [Lord of the Day of Judgment, Lord, Allah, Great and Mighty] does not die! Do whatever you wish [O man]! As you do, so will you be rewarded."

“He who has repented of a sin [and done everything in his power not to repeat it in the future] is like one who does not have this sin [sincere repentance can, by the grace of the Creator, erase the heavy and aggravating trace of sin].”

The Prophet was asked: “What is the sign of repentance?” He replied: “Regret [in heart and soul].”

“The best among you are those who have the best moral qualities”; “Be pious wherever you are [try never to forget the full awareness of the Creator regarding your affairs and actions]. If you have committed a sin [stumbled], then follow this with a good deed that will erase the first. And always be highly moral (well-mannered) with people.”

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was asked: “What most contributes to a person falling into [the category of] the inhabitants of Hell?” The Messenger of the Almighty replied: “Two parts of the body: the mouth (tongue) and what is between the legs.” On another occasion, he said: “Whoever guarantees me what is between the jaws and what is between the legs [that is, who guarantees the protection of the tongue and mouth from the forbidden and the preservation of his chastity], I will guarantee Paradise.”

“An adulterer does not commit adultery while remaining a believer; the drinker does not drink alcohol while maintaining faith; A thief does not steal while remaining a believer; A robber does not rob or kidnap, keeping his faith. [That is, faith leaves a person during such actions]. However, they [such people] have the opportunity to repent.”

“If a person commits adultery, faith comes out of him and rises above his head like a small cloud.”

“Oh people! Fear adultery, because it [along with many other nasty and harmful] has six characteristic features[-consequences] - three in the worldly abode and three in the eternal: it deprives a person of splendor [beauty, purity of human nature], creates poverty and shortens life [number happy, prosperous hours and days]; arouses the wrath of the Almighty, will make the report on the Day of Judgment extremely unbearable and will lead to torment in Hell.”

The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was asked: “What most contributes to a person falling [into the category of] the inhabitants of Hell?” The Messenger of the Almighty replied: “Two parts of the body: the mouth (tongue) and what is between the legs.”

“Avoid the seven most destructive sins: 1) elevating anyone or anything other than the One and Only Creator to the level of God; 2) witchcraft; 3) killing a person; 4) usury; 5) appropriating the property of orphans; 6) escape from the battlefield; 7) slander, insults against chaste religious women who were inattentive [in behavior or any other that causes doubts about their chastity].”

“The Almighty will not ask my followers about what their souls say (whisper) [a person cannot answer for fleeting thoughts, short-term reflections], but this is until the moment he begins to talk about it (say it) or commit [to something bad is based on this].”

The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) strongly recommended refraining from three things: (1) unreliable facts, amateurish (for example, in theological matters), as well as useless, aimless conversations, (2) wasteful attitude towards material values, (3 ) excessive questioning (curiosity).

“Avoid intoxicants! There is no doubt that it is the key to all evil”; “Beware of anything that intoxicates [alcohol, drugs]!”

Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of the Almighty be upon him) “regarded as forbidden (haram) everything that intoxicates and makes sluggish, weakens the mind.”


“The most hateful thing before the Lord, but permitted [if the relationship has become unbearable and there is no other way out] is divorce,” said the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him).


“Make it easier, and do not create difficulties, please and do not cause hostility [especially to Islam].”

“Those who show excessive scrupulousness and excessive severity will perish [destroy themselves].”

“Truly, you stand before your brothers! Let your means of transportation be good, let your clothing be good [appropriate to the place and time], so that you may be an example to others. Truly, the Lord does not like obscenity, indecency, sloppiness."

“The Prophet Muhammad always, whether it was day or night, when he woke up, brushed his teeth before performing ablution.”

“Ultimate purity (not just purity, but cleanliness, the desire to be pure) is part of faith.”

“A strong believer (mu'min) [in terms of will, physical, intellectual, spiritual] is better and more loved by the Almighty than a weak one, although both of them have good [in each of them there is the most important thing - faith]. Strive for what is good for you [in terms of worldly and eternal well-being]. Ask for help from the Lord and [never] weaken (don’t give in) [in your aspiration, effort and in asking the Almighty for help]! If something befalls you [something that is irreversible and cannot be changed], then do not say: “if I had acted this way, it would have turned out differently” [do not regret the past and do not waste energy on worries]! However, say [not so much in words, but with your inner mood and state]: “This is how the Almighty has determined. He did as he wished."

“Fear the forbidden [do not commit sinful things and be constant in the obligatory], then you will become the most pious. Be content with what the Creator has given you and you will gain significant wealth (independence). Treat your neighbors well [even if they treat you badly], thereby demonstrating the truth of your faith. Love for people what you love (wish for others what you wish for yourself), thereby becoming truly Muslims (submissive to God). Don't laugh a lot. Excessive laughter kills the heart [that is, affects the feeling of piety and awe in it. A person who jokes inappropriately and inappropriately loses his seriousness in the eyes of people, you cannot talk to him or consult him on important issues, the same applies to his personal attitude towards faith, towards God. But it is important to note that the Prophet smiled very often, his face was almost always radiant, clear, kind and open].”

“A believer (mu'min) who lives among people and patiently endures [mental] pain [caused by the bad manners of individual people or their bad deeds] is more rewarded before the Almighty (more majestic before Him) than the one who [to maintain peace of mind] avoids them or does not show patience and restraint [towards their behavior and actions].”

“A believer (mu’min) is one with whom people [regardless of nation or religion] do not fear for themselves and their property.”

“[In Islam] there is no harm, loss or sabotage.”

“The best of you [believers, religious] are those from whom you expect only good things and do not expect bad things, and the worst ones are those from whom you can always expect something bad, but you never expect good things.”

“Wisdom [a wise word, a wise expression] for a Muslim is like something he has lost [that is, he seeks, strives for wisdom as if he had lost something very valuable]. When he finds it, he has every right to acquire and take possession of it."

“The best of you [precisely] as a Muslim (submissive to the Creator) is the one who is the best in moral qualities, if he has acquired understanding [knows how to think, analyze, apply correctly. That is, not only educated, but also smart and wise].

“Truly, the Almighty does not look at the outward manifestations [of obedience to Him] and your wealth, but looks at your hearts and deeds.”

“Do not be angry with each other... do not be at enmity and, O people, be brothers. [If you have already quarreled] then let the quarrel (state of enmity) not continue for more than three days.”

“A believer cannot be (1) defamatory (blasphemous, discrediting), (2) cursing, (3) rude (indecent, indecent), (4) swearing and obscene,” emphasized the final messenger of God.

“When a person curses something, the curse rises into the heavens, but their gates close, preventing him from passing through. Then the curse descends on Earth, but the earthly gates also close, not letting him in. It begins to rush now to the right, then to the left. Having never found a way out for itself, it goes to the one who was cursed, if he deserves it. If not (does not deserve it), the curse returns to the one who said (voiced) it.”

“A person who is truthful [before God in matters of faith and piety] cannot be a curser.”

“Whoever eases the situation of someone who finds himself in a difficult situation, the Almighty will give relief both in the worldly and in the eternal.”

“If you vowed to do something, but then saw that there is something better, then do what is better and atone for the broken oath.”

The companion of God's Messenger Huzaifa reported: “The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) forbade us [both men and women] to drink and eat from gold and silver utensils, and also forbade [men to wear clothes made of natural] silk and sit on something that is covered with [natural] silk.”

“There are two blessings [priceless Divine gifts] in which many people are deceived [carelessly neglect them, causing themselves great damage; do not derive the proper benefit and benefit], this is health [preserving it and developing it] and free time [which people generally do not fill with something useful, whether in an earthly or eternal perspective].”

“A person will not take a single step [will not receive a final decision regarding himself] on the Day of Judgment until he is asked on four points: life - how he realized its possibilities, knowledge - where and how he applied it, wealth (income) - how he earned and on what he spent, as well as his own bodily shell (body) - for which it was worn out and used by him.”

“You will not be deprived of Divine grace, His mercy until you “agree” with the feeling of boredom, mental anguish, and do not follow its lead.”

The Prophet Muhammad (may the Almighty bless him and welcome him) often said a prayer-du'a, the special value of which is felt to a greater extent by those who are constantly in an inexorable striving for the high, correct, better and at the same time able to change a lot in themselves and their lives: “Lord , remove me [with Your blessing and by Your mercy] from worries and worries; from sadness and sadness; from weakness (loss of strength, infirmity, impotence, illness, disability); from laziness (laziness, negligence, boredom); from cowardice, cowardice; from stinginess and greed; from debts that “bend”, bend, break a person with their weight, and [most importantly] from a state of defeat (from defeat).”

“The Creator will reward the believer for his good deeds both in the worldly abode and in the eternal. As for the atheist, for everything good and good that he does in this life, he will be rewarded with good here, on the Day of Judgment there will be nothing left [after all, he did not believe in God, nor in the Day of Judgment, nor in eternity. His entire consciousness was limited to the worldly. And if he did something good here for other people, for example, he was generous to the poor and supported the weak, then he will be rewarded for this with many forms of good, but only earthly, perishable].”

Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “[Paying] alms is the duty of every Muslim.” They asked him: “O Prophet, what if there is no [money, material resources]?” - “Then let him do something with his own hands, benefiting himself and giving alms from it to others.” - “And if there is no such possibility?” - “Then let him help someone in need who is in trouble.” - “And if there is no such possibility?” - “In this case, let him do generally accepted good [the goodness of which is understandable to every person and corresponds to common sense] or remove (protect) [himself or someone else] from evil (harmful, sinful, criminal). And this will turn out to be alms for him."


The wife of the Prophet Muhammad ‘Aisha reports: “One day my niece came to see me. Seeing her, the Prophet turned away. I said, “This is my niece!” The Prophet replied: “If a girl reaches adulthood and begins to menstruate, it is unacceptable for her to expose any part of her body except her face and this (here the Prophet wrapped his hand around his second hand so that there was a distance of one grip between the grip and the wrist).” .

“Gold and silk are permitted for women among my followers and prohibited for men.”

“Two groups of people will be among the inhabitants of Hell: (1) tyrant rulers oppressing their people, and (2) clothed, but at the same time naked, swaying and swaying [while walking to attract the attention of men] women. These people will not enter Paradise and will not even breathe in the [indescribable] heavenly aroma."

“The Lord has cursed those who (1) add hair that is not theirs to their existing hair [for example, adding hair extensions to give additional volume], both those who do it for themselves and those who do it for others; (2) who makes tattoos, tattoos on their body or the bodies of other people; (3) who plucks his eyebrows, whether he does it for himself, or asks another, or helps others in this, as well as those who (4) make artificial clefts between the teeth, thereby preening themselves and changing God's creation."

Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:

– “Do not forbid women from visiting the houses of the Lord [mosques]”;

– “Do not forbid women to go to mosques, but their homes are the best [place of prayer] for them”;

- “If your wife wants to go to the mosque, then do not forbid her”;

– “Do not forbid women from visiting the houses of the Lord [mosques]! But let them go out without using incense [that is, without attracting the attention of strange men with their excessive femininity and its manifestations]”;

– Ibn Mus’ud’s wife said: “If any of you women goes to the mosque, then let him not use perfume (incense).”

“The best woman [at the time of Jesus’ mission] was Maryam (Mary), the daughter of ‘Imran [that is, the mother of Jesus]. And the best woman [of the time of my mission] is Khadija, daughter of Khuwaylid”;

The Prophet’s wife ‘Aisha reported: “I was jealous of the Prophet only for Khadija, whom I did not find. When the Prophet, for example, cut a sheep for meat, he [sometimes] said: “Send this to Khadija’s friends!” One day I couldn’t stand it and exclaimed: “Khadijah again?!” The Prophet did not like this very much, and he said: “The Almighty has endowed me with strong love for her”;

It is also narrated by ‘Aishey: “Almost always the Messenger of the Almighty, leaving the house, uttered words of admiration for Khadija and praised her. One day I was overcome by a feeling of jealousy, and I exclaimed: “She was just an old woman, in return for whom the Lord gave you the best!” The Prophet's face showed signs of anger and dissatisfaction with what was said. He replied: “No! I swear to the Almighty, He did not give me better than her. She believed in the veracity and truth of my mission when others denied; she believed in the sincerity of my words when others accused me of lying; she supported me when others turned away, and the Lord gave me children only from her.”

Hadith from Sawban; St. X. Ahmad, an-Nasai, Ibn Majah, Ibn Habban and al-Hakim. See, for example: As-Suyuty J. Al-jami' as-sagyr. P. 122, Hadith No. 1975, “Hasan”; Ibn Majah M. Sunan. P. 27, Hadith No. 90, “Hasan”; Ahmad ibn Hanbal. Musnad. P. 1640, Hadith No. 22745 (22386), “sahih, hasan.”

The meaning of an authentic hadith-qudsi, reported by the prophet Muhammad and transmitted by Abu Dharr. Given in the collection of hadiths of Imam Muslim and others. See, for example: An-Nawawi Ya. Sahih Muslim bi sharkh an-Nawawi. T. 9. Part 17. P. 12, Hadith No. 22 (2687).

Hadith from Abu Said; St. X. Ahmad, al-Hakim and others. See, for example: al-Suyuty J. Al-jami‘ al-saghir. P. 124, Hadith No. 2025, “sahih”; al-Qari ‘A. Mirkat al-mafatih sharkh miskyat al-masabih. T. 4. P. 1624, Hadith No. 2344.

Hadith from an-Nawwas ibn Sam'an; St. X. al-Bukhari, Muslim and at-Tirmidhi. See, for example: As-Suyuty J. Al-jami' as-sagyr. P. 192, Hadith No. 3197, “sahih”.

Hadith from Abu Sa'lab; St. X. Ahmad. See, for example: As-Suyuty J. Al-jami' as-sagyr. P. 192, Hadith No. 3198, “Hasan”.

Hadith from Abu Kulyab; St. X. ‘Abdur-Razzaq. See, for example: As-Suyuty J. Al-jami' as-sagyr. P. 192, Hadith No. 3199, “Hasan”.

Hadith from Ibn Mas'ud; St. X. Ibn Majah. See, for example: As-Suyuty J. Al-jami' as-sagyr. P. 203, Hadith No. 3385, “Hasan”.

Hadith from Ibn Mas'ud; St. X. Ibn Majah, and also from Anas; St. X. Ibn Naddar. See, for example: Al-Muttaqi A. (885–975 AH). Kyanz al-'ummal [Pantry of the workers]. In 18 vol. T. 4. P. 261, hadith No. 10428; at-Tabarani S. Al-mu'jam al-kabir. In 25 volumes. T. 10. P. 150, hadith No. 10281; al-Bayhaqi. Kitab al-sunan al-kubra. At 11 t. [b. G.]. T. 10. P. 259, hadiths No. 20560–20562; as-Suyuty J. Al-jami' as-saghir. P. 203, hadiths No. 3385 and 3386, both “hassan”.

Hadith from Ibn ‘Amr, St. X. Ahmad, al-Bukhari, Muslim and at-Tirmidhi. See, for example: As-Suyuty J. Al-jami' as-sagyr. P. 243, Hadith No. 3984, “sahih”; al-Khatib al-Baghdadi A. Tarikh Baghdad [History of Baghdad]. In 19 vol. Beirut: al-Kutub al-‘ilmiya, [b. G.]. T. 2. P. 316.

What is meant here is precisely that sin that remained secret between man and the Almighty. The same sins that damage the honor, health or property of other people are not forgiven by God, except after compensation for the damage caused and appropriate apologies.

Hadith from Abu Dharr; St. X. Ahmad, at-Tirmidhi, al-Hakim and others; from Mu'az; St. X. Ahmad, at-Tirmizi and others. See, for example: As-Suyuty J. Al-jami‘ as-sagyr. P. 14, Hadith No. 115; al-Benna A. (known as al-Sa'ati). Al-Fath al-Rabbani li tartib musnad al-Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal al-Shaybani. T. 10. Part 19. P. 77, hadiths No. 14, 15; al-Baga M. Mukhtasar sunan at-tirmidhi. P. 272, Hadith No. 1988, “hasan, sahih”; Janan I. Hadith ancyclopedis. Qutub sitte. T. 16. P. 265, Hadith No. 5851.

St. x. al-Bukhari. See, for example: As-Suyuty J. Al-jami' as-sagyr. P. 546, Hadith No. 9109, “sahih”.

See: Al-Dhahabi Sh. Kitab al-kabair. P. 78, Hadith No. 94; al-Bukhari M. Sahih al-Bukhari. T. 2. P. 743, Hadith No. 2475; at-Tirmidhi M. Sunan at-Tirmidhi. P. 743, Hadith No. 2630, “Hasan Sahih.”

See, for example: As-Suyuty J. Al-jami' as-sagyr. P. 46, Hadith No. 660, “sahih”.

See, for example: Zaglyul M. Mavsu'a atrf al-hadith an-nabawi al-sharif. T. 11. P. 244; al-Zuhayli V. At-tafsir al-munir. T. 9. P. 460.

Hadith from Abu Hurayrah; St. X. Ahmad, at-Tirmizi, al-Hakim, Ibn Majah, al-Bagawi and others. See, for example: Al-Amir ‘Alaud-din al-Farisi. Al-ihsan fi takrib sahih ibn habban. T. 2. P. 224, Hadith No. 476, “Hasan Sahih.”

In Islam, the death penalty for a criminal can only be imposed by an authorized court. Any, even the most “justified”, lynching is regarded as a crime and entails appropriate punishment.

Hadith from Abu Hurayrah; St. X. al-Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Dawud and an-Nasai. See, for example: As-Suyuty J. Al-jami' as-sagyr. P. 17, Hadith No. 171, “sahih”.

Hadith from Abu Hurayrah; St. X. Al-Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Dawud, an-Nasai, at-Tirmidhi and Ibn Majah. See, for example: As-Suyuty J. Al-jami' as-sagyr. P. 106, Hadith No. 1704, “sahih”.

For more details, see, for example: As-Sabuni M. Mukhtasar tafsir ibn kasir [Abbreviated tafsir of Ibn Kasir]. In 3 volumes. T. 1. P. 105; al-Bukhari M. Sahih al-Bukhari. T. 4. P. 2031, Hadith No. 6473; al-‘Askalyani A. Fath al-bari bi sharh sahih al-bukhari. In 18 t. 2000. T. 14. P. 370, hadith No. 6473 and an explanation to it.

See, for example: As-Suyuty J. Al-jami' as-sagyr. P. 17, Hadith No. 172, “sahih,” and p. 18, Hadith No. 179, “sahih” and No. 180, “sahih”.

Hadith from Ummah Salama; St. X. Ahmad and Abu Dawud. See, for example: Abu Daoud S. Sunan abi Daoud. P. 407, Hadith No. 3686; as-Suyuty J. Al-jami' as-saghir. P. 565, Hadith No. 9498, “sahih.”

Hadith from Ibn ‘Umar; St. X. Abu Dawud, Ibn Majah and al-Hakim. See, for example: As-Suyuty J. Al-jami' as-sagyr. P. 10, Hadith No. 53, “sahih.”

Hadith from Anas ibn Malik; St. X. Ahmad, al-Bukhari, Muslim and an-Nasai. See, for example: As-Suyuty J. Al-jami' as-sagyr. P. 590, Hadith No. 10010, “sahih”.

Hadith from Ibn Mas'ud; St. X. Ahmad, Muslim and Abu Dawud. See: As-Suyuty J. Al-jami' as-sagyr. P. 569, Hadith No. 9594, “sahih”.

Brotherhood can be blood, religious or universal.

When translated interlinearly: “like a mole,” that is, be an adornment, an important addition to any society.

See, for example: As-Suyuty J. Al-jami' as-sagyr. P. 152, Hadith No. 2539, “sahih”; Zaglyul M. Mavsu'a atraf al-hadith an-nabawi al-sharif. T. 3. P. 503; at-Tabarani S. Al-mu'jam al-kabir. T. 6. P. 95, Hadith No. 5617; Ibn Abu Sheiba A. Al-musannaf fi al-ahadith wa al-asar [Code of hadiths and narrations]. In 8 vols. T. 4. P. 595, chapter No. 13, hadith No. 220.

Hadith from ‘Aisha and others; St. X. Ahmad, Abu Daud and others. See, for example: Az-Zuhayli V. Al-fiqh al-Islami wa adillatuh. In 8 volumes. T. 1. pp. 300–302; al-Shavkyani M. Neil al-avtar. T. 1. pp. 118, 119, hadiths No. 122, 123.

Clean - keeping oneself clean, neat, tidy. See: Large explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. St. Petersburg: Norint, 2000. P. 1481.

The hadith uses the word in the superlative degree.

Hadith from Abu Malik al-Ash'ari; St. X. Ahmad, Muslim and at-Tirmidhi. See, for example: As-Suyuty J. Al-jami' as-sagyr. P. 329, Hadith No. 5343, “sahih”.

Hadith from Abu Hurayrah; St. X. Muslim, an-Nasai, Ibn Majah, at-Tahawi, al-Bayhaki, etc. See, for example: An-Nawawi Ya. Sahih Muslim bi sharkh an-Nawawi [Code of Hadiths of Imam Muslim with comments by Imam an-Nawawi]. In 10 vols. T. 8. P. 455, Hadith No. 34–(2664); al-Qari 'A. Mirkat al-mafatih sharkh miskyat al-masabih. T. 9. pp. 153–156, hadith No. 5298; al-Amir ‘Alayud-din al-Farisi. Al-ihsan fi takrib sahih ibn habban. In 18 volumes. T. 13. pp. 28, 29, hadiths No. 5721, 5722, “Hasan”.

See: Al-Baga M. Mukhtasar sunan at-tirmidhi. P. 331, Hadith No. 2306; Janan I. Hadith ancyclopedis. Qutub sitte. T. 16. P. 251, Hadith No. 5837; al-Qari 'A. Mirkat al-mafatih sharkh miskyat al-masabih. T. 9. pp. 24-26, hadith No. 5171.

There are different opinions on the reliability of this hadith, but the opinion of scholars is unanimous that it is confirmed in verses and reliable hadiths.

See: Al-Benna A. (known as al-Sa'ati). Al-Fath al-Rabbani li tartib musnad al-Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal al-Shaybani. T. 10. Part 19. P. 170, 171, hadith No. 37, “Hasan”; al-Qari 'A. Mirkat al-mafatih sharkh miskyat al-masabih. T. 9. P. 153.

See, for example: As-Suyuty J. Al-jami' as-sagyr. P. 548, Hadith No. 9144, “Hasan”; al-Amir ‘Alayud-din al-Farisi. Al-ihsan fi takrib sahih ibn habban. In 18 vol. T. 2. P. 264, hadith No. 510.

Hadith from Ibn ‘Abbas; St. X. Ahmad and Ibn Majah. See, for example: As-Suyuty J. Al-jami' as-sagyr. P. 585, Hadith No. 9899, ​​“Hasan”.

Hadith from Abu Hurayrah; St. X. Ahmad and at-Tirmidhi. See, for example: As-Suyuty J. Al-jami' as-sagyr. P. 250, Hadith No. 4113, “sahih”.

Hadith from Abu Hurayrah; St. X. at-Tirmidhi and Ibn Majah; from ‘Ali; St. X. Ibn ‘Asakir, as well as from Ibn ‘Abbas and others. See: As-Suyuty J. Al-jami’ as-saghir. P. 402, Hadith No. 6462, “Hasan”; Zaglyul M. Mavsu'a atraf al-hadith an-nabawi al-sharif. T. 4. P. 661; al-Qari ‘A. Mirkat al-mafatih sharkh miskyat al-masabih. T. 1. P. 475, Hadith No. 216; al-Muttaqi A. Kyanz al-‘ummal. T. 10. P. 171, 172, hadiths No. 28890-28892, and also t. 16. P. 112, hadiths No. 44088–44090; al-‘Ajluni I. (died 1162 AH). Kashf al-khafa' wa muzil al-ilbas. In 2 parts. Part 1. pp. 363, 364, hadith No. 1159.

In the isnad (chain of transmitters) of several rivayat of this hadith, there is some doubt regarding the characteristics of one of the transmitters, which affects the completeness of the authenticity of the hadith, but this is not so significant as to cancel the possibility of practical application of these rivayat of this hadith in everyday life. Moreover, the rest of the narrations of the same hadith (with some differences in words, but with the same meaning) are reliable.

Hadith from Abu Hurayrah. See, for example: As-Suyuty J. Al-jami' as-sagyr. P. 250, Hadith No. 4115, “Hasan”; Zaglyul M. Mavsu'a atraf al-hadith an-nabawi al-sharif. T. 4. P. 571.

Hadith from Abu Hurayrah; St. X. Muslim and Ibn Majah. See, for example: As-Suyuty J. Al-jami' as-sagyr. P. 114, Hadith No. 1832, “sahih”.

Hadith from Anas and Abu Huraira; St. X. al-Bukhari and others. See, for example: Al-‘Askalani A. Fath al-bari bi sharh sahih al-bukhari. In 18 vol. 1996. T. 12. P. 102, hadiths No. 6064 and 6065.

Hadith from Ibn Mas'ud; St. X. at-Tirmidhi and others. See, for example: As-Suyuty J. Al-jami' as-sagyr. P. 464, Hadith No. 7584, “sahih”; at-Tirmidhi M. Sunan at-Tirmidhi. P. 580, Hadith No. 1982, “Hasan”.

Hadith from Abu Darda'; St. X. Abu Daoud and others. See, for example: Abu Daoud S. Sunan abi Daoud. P. 532, Hadith No. 4905, “Hasan”; al-Qaradawi Y. Al-muntaka min kitab “at-targyb wat-tarhib” lil-munziri. T. 2. P. 240, Hadith No. 1682.

Hadith from Abu Hurayrah; St. X. Muslima and others. See, for example: Al-Qaradawi Y. Al-muntaka min kitab “at-targyb wat-tarhib” lil-munziri. T. 2. P. 239, Hadith No. 1677; an-Nawawi Ya. Sahih Muslim bi Sharh an-Nawawi. T. 8. Part 16. P. 148, Hadith No. 84 (2597).

I note that this does not contradict isolated cases of the Prophet voicing curses, because the insight and awareness of the prophets and God’s messengers, guided by Divine Revelation, are in no way comparable to the analysis, opinions and emotions of ordinary people who are ready to curse all their enemies and “send them” to Hell, not noticing the logs of sin in its eye.

Hadith from Abu Hurayrah; St. X. Ibn Majah. See, for example: As-Suyuty J. Al-jami' as-sagyr. P. 546, Hadith No. 9108, “Hasan”.

Hadith from Abu Hurayrah; St. X. Muslim, Ahmad, at-Tirmizi and others. See, for example: As-Suyuty J. Al-jami' as-sagyr. P. 524, Hadith No. 8641, “sahih”.

Nazr is a vow, a solemn promise that a believer pronounces, obliging himself to do something canonically permissible, while exalting (praising, thanking) the Almighty Creator. See: Mu'jamu lugati al-fuqaha' [Dictionary of theological terms]. Beirut: an-Nafais, 1988. P. 477.

Hadith from 'Aisha, St. X. al-Bukhari, Ahmad, Abu Daud, an-Nasai, at-Tirmizi, Ibn Majah and others. See, for example: As-Suyuty J. Al-jami' as-sagyr. P. 544, Hadith No. 9056, “sahih”; al-‘Askalyani A. Fath al-bari bi sharh sahih al-bukhari. In 18 t. 2000. T. 14. P. 712, hadith No. 6696; al-‘Aini B. ‘Umda al-qari sharh sahih al-bukhari. In 25 t. 2001. T. 23. P. 322, hadith No. 6696; al-Shavkyani M. Neil al-avtar. T. 8. P. 251, Hadith No. 3832.

St. x. Ibn Majah. See, for example: Al-Ghazali M. (our contemporary). Khulyuk al-Muslim [Morality of a Muslim]. Damascus: al-Kalam, 1998. P. 131.

Hadith from Anas; St. X. Ahmad and Muslim. See, for example: As-Suyuty J. Al-jami' as-sagyr. P. 113, Hadith No. 1823, “sahih”.

See, for example: As-Suyuty J. Al-jami' as-sagyr. P. 338, Hadith No. 5464, “sahih”; al-‘Askalyani A. Fath al-bari bi sharh sahih al-bukhari. In 18 vol. 2000. T. 4. P. 392, hadith No. 1445, and also vol. 13. P. 549, hadith No. 6022.

See: Al-Qurtubi M. Al-jami' li ahkyam al-qur'an. T. 12. P. 152.

Hadith from Abu Musa; St. X. Ahmad, an-Nasai, at-Tirmizi and others. See: As-Suyuty J. Al-jami' as-sagyr. P. 266, Hadith No. 4357, “sahih”.

That is, their clothes are either transparent or very tight-fitting.

Hadith from Abu Hurayrah; St. X. Ahmad and Muslim. See: As-Suyuty J. Al-jami' as-sagyr. P. 311, Hadith No. 5045, “sahih”.

The hadith uses a word that specifically implies damage to the skin and the introduction of special paints and inks, which, after the skin has healed, are preserved for almost the rest of one’s life, thereby changing the skin of the human body.

Dental treatment or bite correction have nothing to do with this prohibition. See, for example: An-Nawawi Ya. Sahih Muslim bi Sharh an-Nawawi. In 10 volumes, 18 hours. Volume 7. Part 14. P. 107. It is necessary and important to be treated and to be healthy, as is strongly stated in other reliable hadiths.

In ancient times, among some nations, women performed such procedures on themselves in their old age, pursuing the goal of some kind of rejuvenation of appearance.

See, for example: Al-‘Askalani A. Fath al-bari bi sharh sahih al-bukhari. In 18 vols. T. 13. P. 461, 462, hadith No. 5939 and an explanation to it; an-Nawawi Ya. Sahih Muslim bi Sharh an-Nawawi. T. 7. Part 14. pp. 102-107, hadiths No. 115 (2122) –120 (2125); as-Suyuty J. Al-jami' as-saghir. P. 446, hadiths No. 7272, 7273, both “sahih”; al-Zuhayli V. Al-fiqh al-Islami wa adillatuh. In 11 volumes. T. 1. P. 467.

Hadith from Ibn ‘Umar; St. X. Muslim and Ahmad. See, for example: As-Suyuty J. Al-jami' as-sagyr. P. 583, Hadith No. 9869, “sahih”.

Hadith from 'Ali; St. X. al-Bukhari and Muslim. See, for example: Al-Bukhari M. Sahih al-Bukhari. T. 2. P. 1068, Hadith No. 3432, and also T. 3. P. 1167, Hadith No. 3815.

Hadith from ‘Aisha; St. X. al-Bukhari and Muslim. See, for example: Al-Bukhari M. Sahih al-Bukhari. T. 3. P. 1168, Hadith No. 3818.

Hadith from ‘Aisha; St. X. al-Bukhari. See, for example: Al-Bukhari M. Sahih al-Bukhari. T. 3. P. 1168, Hadith No. 3821.

Hadith from ‘Aisha; St. X. Ahmad and at-Tabarani. See, for example: Al-‘Askalani A. Fath al-bari bi sharh sahih al-bukhari. In 18 volumes. T. 9. P. 176.

Hadith - sacred legends about the life, miracles and teachings of the Prophet Muhammad, are one of the main cultural values ​​of the Islamic world. These are not only commandments for Muslims who want to live according to the Sunnah, they are wisdom addressed to all humanity. In our collection, hadiths are presented in literary form, without isnads and ritual phrases, in order to make it easier for the reader to perceive ancient texts. The compiler saw his main task as being to attract the attention of his contemporaries to the divinely inspired, brilliant personality of the Prophet Muhammad, to amaze them with the breadth of his horizons, the clarity of the ethical principles he preached, and thereby bring them closer to understanding the true spirit of Islam.

A series: Religions of the World (Olma)

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The given introductory fragment of the book Hadiths about the Prophet Muhammad (I. I. Burova, 2013) provided by our book partner - the company liters.

Hadiths about worthy behavior

About true faith

2.1. The believer is simple-minded and generous.

2.2. A believer should neither slander nor curse, nor should he be rude or behave indecently.

2.3. Faith has been absorbed by those who have the following three qualities: justice, friendliness and generosity.

2.4. Fear of Allah, the Lord of the Worlds, is the natural state of a believer. Therefore, the prophet Muhammad said:

– Wherever you are, fear Allah. Return good for evil in order to dry up the root of evil. And adhere to good moral principles!

2.5. Prophet Muhammad said: “The same stone cannot harm a believer twice.”

2.6. Once the Messenger of Allah was asked what righteousness is. The Prophet was silent for a while and then answered:

– If you want to understand what righteousness is, look to your heart. Righteousness is that which does not burden the soul and heart, and sin is that which stirs unkindly in the soul and tosses heavily in the chest.

About goodness and kindness

2.7. Another time the prophet was asked: “O Messenger of Allah, tell us what is the best of what can be sent down to man?”

“Good disposition,” he answered without hesitation.

2.8. The Messenger of Allah was asked which of the believers are the best, he replied:

“The best in my community are those who have the best character.”

2.9. The best of people is the one you can rely on, who does good and does not do evil.

2.10. The Messenger of Allah constantly reminded that a person should be assessed not by his appearance, but by his spiritual aspirations and deeds.

“Allah Almighty does not look at your appearance and condition, but judges you by looking into your hearts and observing your actions,” he often reminded. “Truly, the best of you is the best in virtue.”

2.11. The Prophet said: “Everyone who has been given a piece of decency has received his share of goodness.” Everyone who has been deprived of his share of decency is deprived of that share of goodness. Good character will be the most important thing in the scales of a believer on the Day of Resurrection. Allah hates rude people with a foul tongue.

2.12. Hell is forbidden to anyone who is attentive to others, condescending, gentle and easy to communicate with.

2.13. The reward for the one who calls to do good is equal to the reward that the one who does it will receive.

2.14. Every part of a human being must purify itself by giving sadaqah (alms) from dawn to dusk; to judge two people fairly is sadaqah; a spoken kind word is sadaqah; Every step towards the mosque is also sadaqa.

2.15. The Messenger of Allah taught Muslims to be selfless in the path of Allah.

– Why do you do good only to those who do good to you, and treat well only those who treat you well? Why do you only talk to those who talk to you? Why do you honor only those who honor you? - he asked. “Neither of you is given an advantage over the other.” Verily, the believers are those who believe in Allah and His Messenger, those who do good even to those who did them harm, those who forgive even those who deprived them and denied them, those who trust even those who they were betrayed by those who show respect even to the one who humiliated them.

2.16. The Prophet Muhammad taught that every good deed done by a Muslim brings him closer to entering Heaven, and every unworthy deed brings him closer to Hell. Life is complex and constantly presents people with a choice between good and evil. Wanting to guide Muslims on the path of righteousness, the Messenger of Allah said:

– Paradise is closer to each of you than the straps of his sandals, and Fire is just as close to each of you.

2.17. For someone who wanted to do a good deed but did not do it, Allah will count it as a completed good deed. And if he had a good intention and carried it out, Allah will count this good deed tenfold. If a person intended to commit evil, but refrained from doing so, Allah will count it to him as a good deed done by him.

2.18. When the Messenger of Allah, who was persecuted in Mecca, had to move to Medina, many followed him. However, not everyone moved to Medina for religious reasons. The Prophet knew this and once said:

– Every human action is preceded by an intention, and everyone is rewarded according to his intentions. The one who wanted to migrate in the name of Allah and His prophet, migrated in the name of Allah and His prophet, and the one who wanted to gain some benefit or migrated because he wanted to get married, migrated in order to gain benefit or to get married.

2.19. Forgive the righteous if they make small mistakes.

2.20. The Messenger of Allah always emphasized the importance of good relations among people.

“Settle differences between Muslims,” he urged his followers, “since anger between them is destructive.” For in relation to each other, believers are like a building in which the individual parts support each other.

About the duty of a Muslim

2.21. When one of the followers turned to the Messenger of Allah with a request to teach him the behavior worthy of a Muslim, the prophet gave him nine pieces of advice:

– Do not put anyone on a level with Allah, even if they cut you into pieces or roast you in the fire. Do not voluntarily refuse the prescribed prayer. Anyone who refuses it will lose the protection of Allah. Don't drink wine - it's the key to all evil. Obey your parents. If they order you to give up all the property you have, give it up. Don't resist those in power, even if you think you're right. Do not flee from the army when it advances, even if you are killed because your comrades are fleeing. Support your wife according to your means. Don't swing a stick at her. Teach your household to be in awe of Almighty Allah.

2.22. The Prophet considered it obligatory to unconditionally obey the ruler even if he did not like this ruler.

“Obey your ruler, even if he is an Ethiopian slave with a head like a raisin.”

2.23. The Prophet was once asked whether Muslims have special obligations towards their fellow believers. The Prophet answered without hesitation:

– A true believer has six special obligations towards his fellow believers: he visits them when they are sick, attends their funerals, accepts invitations to visit, greets them when they meet, wishes them well, and is always sincere towards them. Every Muslim is a brother to a Muslim and therefore he should not oppress him. Allah helps everyone who helps his brother when he needs help. And on the Day of Judgment He will protect from hardships everyone who in earthly life protected Muslims from troubles and misfortunes.

Another time, speaking about the duties of believers, the Messenger of Allah called on them to feed the hungry, visit the sick and free their slaves.

2.24. The Messenger of Allah instructed his followers to be grateful:

- Anyone to whom a service has been rendered must repay it. If he does not know how to repay her, then he should praise the person who did him the favor. Such praise will be an expression of his gratitude. Silence in such a situation will be a sign of ingratitude, and Almighty Allah does not thank the ungrateful.

2.25. The Prophet Muhammad taught that one of the duties of Muslims is to give sadaqa. However, not all Muslims were wealthy enough to be able to give alms to the needy. Therefore, those who themselves were barely making ends meet asked the prophet:

- O Messenger of Allah, you teach us that every Muslim should give sadaqa, but what should one do who has nothing?

“Work, get rich, and then give sadaka,” he answered. – But what if a person is unable to work or fails to get rich? - the Muslims asked him.

“Then we need to help those who are in dire need of help,” the prophet explained.

– What if you don’t do this? - they continued their questions. “Then we need to demand that people do good and live righteously.” And do not do anything evil or unrighteous yourself. This will be their sadaka.

2.26. The Messenger of Allah taught his followers to meet each other with a smile on their faces and to say kind words to each other, for this protects them from falling into the Fire, because a kind word in itself is a form of sadaqah.

2.27. Prophet Muhammad said that a Muslim is one who will never harm another Muslim, either by word or deed.

2.28. The Messenger of Allah said: “After death, all his earthly deeds are cut off from a person, but he is credited with the sadaqah that is given on his behalf, the knowledge he has acquired that benefits people, and a child who prays for him and is brought up in righteousness.”

About what is permitted and what is not allowed

2.29. Once the Messenger of Allah said: “What is legal is understandable, and what is illegal is understandable, but between both there are many doubtful things.” He who avoids dubious matters purifies himself in relation to his religion and honor. And he who succumbs to what is dubious succumbs to what is unlawful, becoming like a shepherd who tends his sheep around the sanctuary, not allowing them to graze the grass in the sanctuary itself. Indeed, the prohibitions of Allah are His sanctuary.

2.30. The one who makes what is permitted by Almighty Allah a law for himself will receive a well-deserved reward.

2.31. The Messenger of Allah taught that one should not hit a person in the face, even if he is a sworn enemy. He also forbade reproaching people for having ugly faces. For by these actions an insult is caused to Allah, whose most perfect creation is man.

2.32. In those days, when alcohol had not yet become forbidden, the inhabitants of Medina were very fond of an intoxicating drink, which was prepared from dried dates and unripe dates. One day, the prophet’s companions gathered at one of them, and this drink was brought to them.

Just at that time a certain man passed by the house and, seeing what these people were doing, said:

– Do not drink, for the Messenger of Allah forbade drinking alcohol.

They were very surprised, but immediately stopped drinking, and the remains of their favorite drink were poured onto the ground. After waiting until the heat of the day began to subside and washing, they went to the Prophet Muhammad to find out if a passerby had deceived them. And when they arrived, they found out that everything was exactly as that good Muslim had told them. And since then they have never touched this drink.

2.33. Once, people gathered at the prophet’s house and began to ask him about what should be done so as not to fall into the Fire after death.

- So you want to know who, under no circumstances, will fall into the Fire? - asked the Messenger of Allah and immediately answered: -

Those who care about others, are condescending towards them, and are also soft and easy to communicate will never go into Fire.

About the path to Paradise

2.34. The Messenger of Allah was asked what action would open the gates of Paradise to a Muslim. The Prophet answered this question like this:

“One man was walking along the road and saw a sharp thorn lying in the dust. And he threw it aside so that it would not harm either people or animals. Follow this worthy example, remove evil from the path that people follow, and you will go to Heaven.

2.35. The Prophet Muhammad was once asked what a woman needs to do to get to Paradise.

“If she says the five prescribed prayers every day, fasts during the month of Ramadan, does not allow strange men near her and obeys her husband, then after death she will be told: “Enter Paradise through the gate that you like.”

2.36. According to the Messenger of Allah, women who will be allowed to enter Paradise for the good deeds they have done in earthly life will be better and more beautiful than the houris.

About worthy names

2.37. When Muslims asked the Prophet Muhammad what were the best names, he said:

-Call yourself by the names of the prophets. Allah loves names like Abdullah and Abdur-Rahman most of all. The most righteous names -

Haris ("plowman") and Humam ("brave"). People should have good and beautiful names. Therefore, he named the woman whose name was Asiyya (“sinful”) Jamila (“beautiful”), a young man named Ghurab (“crow”) Muslim (“Muslim”), and one man from the Quraish tribe, whose name was Al- As (“sinful”), by the will of the prophet turned into Muti (“obedient”).

The Messenger of Allah did not approve of the use of names such as Baraka ("blessing"), Nafi ("beneficiary"), Aflakh ("the most successful") and explained why.

“Imagine,” he said, “that someone asks: “Is Baraka (blessing) here?”, and they answer him: “He is not here”!

However, he never imposed a ban on these names. And when he was asked which of the human names is most hated by Allah, he replied:

“Allah hates it most when a person is given the name “King of Kings.”

About softness

2.38. The Messenger of Allah often preached against rudeness. “By being rude, a person disgraces himself,” he taught. “Verily, Allah is full of gentleness and loves gentleness.”

About making life easier

2.39. The Prophet Muhammad sought to ensure that Muslims led a righteous lifestyle. But at the same time, it was important to him that their life was not so difficult. After all, sometimes it took very little.

“Try to make life easier, not make it more difficult,” he advised. – Avoid upsetting people with bad news, but be sure to tell them good news. Behave in such a way that others have no reason to avoid you.

About spiritual intimacy

2.40. The Messenger of Allah said that the souls of two believers should meet daily, even when these people do not see each other.

About tips

2.41. The one who is advised must believe the adviser.

About thoughtfulness of actions

2.42. The Prophet always taught to take deliberate actions and not take on obviously impossible tasks.

“Take on things that are within your power, for then you will not tire of doing good deeds, and Allah will not tire of rewarding you for your actions,” he told his followers.

2.43. Muslims revered the Prophet Muhammad so much that they tried to imitate him in everything. One day, several companions of the Messenger of Allah came to his wives and began to ask them what and how Muhammad did at home when strangers did not see him. However, the wives could not satisfy their curiosity, because, according to them, at home the prophet behaved as always, and did not do anything that other worthy people did not do.

But the companions could not believe that in private life their beloved prophet behaved like an ordinary person. It seemed to them that he must be different from others in the severity of his behavior and impose all sorts of restrictions on himself. And they decided that they, too, should give up some of the joys of life.

“I won’t get married,” said the first.

“I won’t eat meat,” the second one decided.

“I won’t sleep on the bed,” said the third.

Soon the prophet became aware of this. The words of his companions surprised him beyond words, and he exclaimed:

– What came over them if they said such things?! After all, at night I not only pray, but also sleep, abstain from food when I observe obligatory or voluntary fasts, and eat when it is permissible, and I have wives. Anyone who wants to behave differently has nothing to do with me!

How to respond to accusations

2.44. One man came to the Prophet Muhammad and asked how he should respond to accusations.

“If a person accuses you of what he knows about you, do not be like him and do not accuse him of anything that you know about him,” the prophet advised him. “Leave him to his own evil and you will be rewarded.” Never get into an argument.

The man thanked the Messenger of Allah for his wise advice, and after that no one ever heard him scold people or even animals.

How to get rid of envy and what should be envied

2.45. Once Muslims asked the Messenger of Allah if he knew of any remedy that would help them refrain from the sin of envy. The Prophet thought for a moment and said:

- O true believers, if you see a person superior to you in wealth, in position, in appearance, then take your eyes off him and look at the one who is poorer than you, who occupies a lower position than you, and who is much less beautiful, than you.

2.46. Condemning envy in everyday life, the Prophet Muhammad allowed two cases when a Muslim can experience feelings of envy. One can envy someone who reads the Koran perfectly and devotes all his time to this sublime activity, as well as someone who has been blessed with great wealth and who constantly spends it on deeds pleasing to Allah.

One day the Messenger of Allah exclaimed: “O believers!” Truly, these are the ones who are worthy of envy! Allah gave the Qur'an to one man, and he lived in accordance with its instructions. He accepted what was permitted as permissible and what was forbidden as forbidden. The other was such that when Allah gave him wealth, he divided part of it among his relatives, and spent the other part in the path of serving Allah.

About good lies

2.47. The Messenger of Allah always taught that one of the main virtues of a Muslim is sincerity. However, there was one situation in which he considered lying a good thing - when, thanks to a lie, discord could be ended.

“He who restores peace between people by resorting to well-intentioned fiction,” he said, “is not a liar.”

On the attitude towards soothsayers

2.48. In the ummah of the Prophet Muhammad, most Muslims were former polytheists, and it was sometimes very difficult for them to give up old habits. For example, many turned to soothsayers, asking them to predict the future.

One day one of his followers approached the prophet and said:

“O Messenger of Allah, there are those among us who go to seers like polytheists!”

“Don’t go,” came the answer. In these words, the prophet put the most important principle he preached: Muslims should set a good example for each other.

– But the words of soothsayers sometimes come true! – he remarked.

“Know, O true believers, that those words of prophecy that turn out to be true are whispered into the ear of the soothsayer by a genie, who at the same time mixes with them a hundred false conjectures.

About a busy place

2.49. The Prophet Muhammad forbade forcing a sitting person to get up from his seat in the mosque in order to give it to someone else.

- No one dares to lift a person from his seat in order to sit on it himself, and it is unacceptable to sit in this place even if the person sitting on it himself tried to give it up.

About clothes

2.50. In his sermons and advice, the Messenger of Allah paid great attention to what kind of clothing is appropriate for Muslims, so that they look decent and at the same time do not pay too much attention to their appearance. According to the Prophet, the best of clothing is white, and one of the main reasons for his preference for white clothing is its purity. He also advised wrapping the dead in white funeral shrouds.

However, he also allowed the wearing of clothes of other colors. Many contemporaries recalled seeing the Messenger of Allah in red clothes, which set off the whiteness of his legs, indicating his attention to the cleanliness of the body. Others saw him dressed in green robes, and on the day of the conquest of Mecca his head was crowned with a black turban as he rode into the conquered city.

2.51. The Prophet Muhammad forbade sewing clothes from the skins of wild animals, as well as throwing them on saddles and covering beds with them.

About the advantage of the one on the right

2.52. One day the Messenger of Allah was sitting with Muslims. To his left sat his friend Abu Bakr, and to his right was an unfamiliar Bedouin. And at this time a jug of milk diluted with water was brought to the prophet.

The Prophet took one sip from the jug and handed it to the Bedouin, saying that the one who sits to his right has an advantage over the one who sits to his left.

2.53. One day, when the prophet was sitting with people who had come to him, they brought him a cup of drink. He took one sip and wanted to pass the cup to others so that they too could wet their throats. But here there was a slight hitch. To the left of Muhammad sat venerable elders, and to the right was a young Muslim, just a boy. Because the Messenger of Allah always taught Muslims that in such situations they should pass the cup to the one sitting on the right, that is, the young man, but this would be impolite towards the elderly.

Then the prophet turned to the young man and said: “Do you mind if I first give the cup to those respectable people who are sitting to my left?”

- In the name of Allah, I object! - the young man exclaimed. It was so unexpected that everyone stared at him with surprise and condemnation: after all, the young man openly showed disrespect for his elders. But everyone softened when the young man passionately said: “I will never give up to anyone what I get from you, O Messenger of Allah!”

The Prophet smiled, and behind him everyone else smiled knowingly. The young man was the first to accept the cup from his hands.

About Holy Mecca

2.54. After the conquest of Mecca, the Messenger of Allah addressed the Muslims and said:

“Until this day, no one was allowed to fight in Mecca, but from now on all fighting in the city is prohibited. You cannot hunt on its sacred land, you cannot break off thorns, and if someone finds something lost here by others, then they are allowed to pick it up only to talk about the find. And if a person is killed here, then his relatives will be given the right to either demand the execution of the killer or force him to pay a ransom for the murdered person.

After listening carefully to the words of the prophet, one of his companions asked:

- O Messenger of Allah! Let this ban not affect the reeds that we need to build houses and arrange burials!

And the Messenger of Allah allowed the reeds to be cut in Mecca.

About death

2.55. The Prophet taught to treat death with reverence. He demanded that, when they saw a funeral procession, Muslims stood up and stood until it passed on. On the other hand, he suppressed any noisy manifestations of grief for the deceased.

“By lamenting for the deceased,” he said, “the living subject him to torment beyond the grave.”

2.56. The Messenger of Allah taught that a person who was killed while defending his property should be considered a martyr.

2.57. Having learned about the delights of heavenly life, one of the virtuous Muslims exclaimed:

“If the Messenger of Allah had not taught us not to wish for death, I would have wished for it!”

2.58. Once the Messenger of Allah said: “The more a person ages, the more two feelings in him become younger: the thirst for wealth and the thirst for life.”

The Prophet taught to fight these temptations and said that people should imitate the sages who, understanding the inevitability of death, prepare for it in advance so that it does not take them by surprise.

About the funeral

2.59. One day a funeral procession passed by the prophet. People who came to the funeral said a lot of kind words about the deceased. Hearing this, the Messenger of Allah said:

– It has become mandatory! No sooner had the first procession disappeared from sight than the second appeared. But the people in this procession did not speak well of the deceased, and some even remembered him with an unkind word. Hearing what they said, the Messenger of Allah said:

– It has become mandatory! The people next to the prophet asked him to explain what these two words meant. And then he said:

– When people remembered the deceased with kindness, Paradise became obligatory for him. And when the second deceased was remembered with an unkind word, Hell became obligatory for him.

After a short silence, the Messenger of Allah added: “O believers, never slander the dead, because they have already received what they earned!”

2.60. The messenger had a neighbor who tried to be a good Muslim, but sometimes deviated from the duty that every believer has.

Seeing the prophet early in the morning, a neighbor greeted him and asked: “How are you feeling, O Messenger of Allah?”

“Great,” he replied. - Incomparably better than those who do not go to funerals and do not visit the sick.

The neighbor took the hint and blushed deeply. After this incident, he began to strictly fulfill the duties that the Prophet Muhammad had hinted to him about.

About food

2.61. Before starting a meal, the Messenger of Allah always remembered the name of the Lord of the Worlds and demanded that other Muslims do the same as him. In the same way, he demanded to remember the name of Allah at the end of the meal, for food is a blessing sent down to people by His will.

2.62. It is said that when people had a chance to eat with the Prophet Muhammad, they never took the food first, waiting until he remembered the name of Allah and began to eat.

One day it happened that a little girl ran up to those dining with the prophet and reached for a flatbread. But the prophet stopped her, grabbed her hand, and forced her to remember the name of Allah, after which he allowed her to touch the food.

Before the girl had time to run away, a Bedouin appeared, rushing as if he were being pursued by wild animals or robbers, and also made an attempt to grab a piece of meat. But the Messenger of Allah stopped him, as he had stopped the child before, and said:

“Truly, the Shaitan considers food lawful when the name of Allah is not remembered, and he sent here the girl and this Bedouin to make our food lawful for himself, but I grabbed his hand, as I grabbed both of them by the hand, and put him to shame.

2.63. The Prophet Muhammad said: “Almighty Allah will forgive previous sins to the one who, after eating, will say: “Praise be to Allah, who fed me with this and endowed me with this, while I myself did not resort to either tricks or force!”

2.64. The Messenger of Allah forbade diners to choose the most delicious morsels first.

“You need to take the piece that lies closer to you,” he said and forbade snatching food from the middle of the dish, because this deprives the remaining food of grace, concentrated in the center and radiating from it to the edges.

2.65. When a son was born to one of the Ansars, he brought him to show the prophet. The Messenger of Allah looked tenderly at the child, and then turned to the happy father and asked:

- Do you have any dates with you? “Yes,” he answered and handed several pieces to the prophet.

The Prophet chewed the berries thoroughly and then applied some date pulp to the child's lips. The baby immediately licked his lips and smacked contentedly.

“All Ansars love dates,” the Messenger of Allah joked and named the boy Abdullah.

About wealth

2.66. One day, his faithful companions gathered around the Messenger of Allah, and he asked if there were anyone among them who would prefer their own wealth to the wealth of their descendants.

“O Messenger of Allah,” the Muslims replied, “there is not one among us who would prefer his own wealth to the wealth of his descendants.”

The Prophet was very pleased with their answer and said: “Truly, there is not one among you who would not prefer the wealth of their descendants to their own wealth.” Your wealth is what you spent in the way of Allah, and the wealth of your descendants is what you did not spend.

About poetry and eloquence

2.67. There is sorcery in eloquence, and wisdom in poetry.

2.68. The Prophet was selective about poetry. – Poetry is in the same position as speech. The good in it is like good words, and the bad in it is like bad words,” he said.

He loved good poetry and listened with pleasure to how poets read them. The prophet especially emphasized verses praising Allah. But the Messenger of Allah called those poets who ridiculed their people the greatest criminals and compared them with blasphemers who renounce their fathers.

About precautions

2.69. During the time of the prophet, fires often occurred in cities. One night a house burned down in Medina, and during this fire everyone who was in it died. Upon learning of this, the Messenger of Allah said:

– You can’t leave a burning fire in your house overnight. He is your enemy. When you go to bed, turn off the lamps.

About hospitality

2.70. Preaching hospitality, the Prophet Muhammad said that hospitality should be provided for three days, and if the guests stay for a longer period, then everything that the owner does for them already becomes his sadaka.

He also insisted that Muslims should not stay longer than three days as guests, as they could put the host in a difficult situation when he would have nothing to treat them with.

2.71. Muslim rules of hospitality require that guests be given food and drink. But one day people came to the Prophet Muhammad and complained:

“O Messenger of Allah,” the offended ones said, “at your order, we visited the people, but they did not show us due hospitality, leaving us without food and drink!”

The Muslims present began to shake their heads and whisper condemningly: each of them knew that helping a guest, invited or uninvited, was the duty of a Muslim. But then the prophet raised his hand, and everyone immediately fell silent to listen to what he would say to the complainers.

– If you stay with those who do not treat you as guests should be treated, then take it for granted, but remember that in this case you yourself can take from them what the guest is entitled to.

2.72. Once the Messenger of Allah was asked what a person who is fasting should do if he was invited to visit where he would be treated to various dishes. After all, by refusing an invitation, he could offend those who invite him, and it is very difficult to go to a feast and not eat anything.

“If you are invited to visit, accept the invitation,” said the prophet, “if someone does not fast, let him eat what he is treated to, and if he fasts, let him pray while others eat.”

2.73. One day it happened that the Messenger of Allah and four other people were invited to visit one of the companions of the prophet. While waiting for their arrival, the owner prepared a special treat for them.

However, another person, who was not invited, followed the five invitees and walked with them to the very doors of the Ansar’s house.

When the host came out to meet his guests, the prophet explained the situation to him:

- This man followed us. It is in your power to invite him into the house or tell him to leave.

But the good owner exclaimed: “Let him also enter the house, O Messenger of Allah!”

2.74. One day a man knocked on the door of the prophet's house and asked permission to see the Messenger of Allah.

“Let him into the house,” he ordered his wife Aisha. “He is the black sheep of his tribe.”

Aisha was very surprised that the prophet decided to host such a bad man, but she obeyed the order of her husband.

When the guest entered the house, the Messenger of Allah received him very kindly and talked with him for a long time. When the guest finally left, Aisha asked in surprise why the prophet was so kind to someone whom he considered a bad person.

“You see, Aisha,” he replied, “this man has many shortcomings, but the fact is that the worst of people is the one whom people leave alone, fearing his rudeness.”

2.75. The Prophet Muhammad taught that an invitation to visit is tantamount to permission to enter the house of the one who invites.

“If a person sends a messenger for another, then this is tantamount to permission to enter his house,” he said about invited guests.

2.76. Do not give the guest honor that may be burdensome for him.

About good neighborly relations

2.77. Prophet Muhammad, who served as an example for all Muslims, once said:

- Jabrail, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, so instilled in me the need to treat my neighbors well that I decided that then he would order me to appoint them as my heirs.

2.78. A true Muslim, the Messenger of Allah taught, cannot be indifferent to the troubles of his neighbors. He called for helping those who have nothing to eat.

“He who eats his fill when his neighbor is starving has no faith,” he said.

And one day, when one person from his ummah, whose name was Abu Zarr, was cooking meat, the prophet advised him to pour more water into the cauldron in order to treat as many neighbors as possible with the broth.

2.79. The Messenger of Allah ruled that if the owner sells his house, his neighbors have more rights to buy it than others. In this case, the neighbor on the right receives an advantage over the neighbor on the left. The prophet compared ignoring pre-emptive rights to purchase to untying the reins.

“The neighbor has a pre-emptive right to purchase,” he said, “and the seller must wait for his decision, even if this neighbor is away.”

2.80. Dreaming of peace in his ummah, the Prophet Muhammad constantly instructed Muslims on the need to maintain good relations with each other. He once gave this advice:

- Don't peek at each other. Don't fight against each other. Do not try to deceive each other when buying and selling. Don't hate each other. Be righteous slaves of Allah and brothers.

2.81. Calling on Muslims to be good neighbors, the prophet warned them against the destructive effect of hatred on moral feelings:

“Beware of hatred, for it is like a razor,” he said. “I don’t want to say that she’s shaving off her hair, but she’s shaving off her spirituality.”

2.82. The Prophet Muhammad was upset when he observed quarrels and discord among his followers. Wanting to accustom them to friendliness and put an end to strife within the ummah, he said:

– The law prohibits a Muslim from not talking to another Muslim for more than three days, so that when they meet, one goes his way and the other goes his way.

The better of the two is the one who greets the other first. If the other does not respond to this greeting, then on the one who greeted him.

2.83. For a person to be happy, he needs a spacious home, a good neighbor and a good means of transportation.

About greetings

2.84. Speaking about the importance of greetings, the prophet taught: “A younger person should greet an older person, a walking person should greet a sitting person, a smaller group of people should greet a larger group, and a person riding a horse should greet a person on foot.”

2.85. The Prophet Muhammad forbade greeting those drinking wine, for this is a great sin.

2.86. One day, when the Prophet Muhammad left his house to the people gathered in front of him, he was asked:

“O Messenger of Allah, you have already taught us how to greet you, so teach us now how to bless you!”

And then the prophet said that they should ask Allah Almighty to bless him and his family as he blessed the family of Ibrahim.

2.87. Prophet Muhammad did not allow people to stand up to greet him if they were sitting.

“He who likes that the servants of Allah stand up out of respect for him,” he said, “will take his place in the Fire.”

2.88. One day, when the Messenger of Allah was sitting in a meeting with other Muslims, a man passed by him and said:

- Peace to you! “Ten good deeds,” the prophet responded to his greeting.

Then another man passed by him and said: “Peace be upon you and the mercy of Allah!” “Twenty good deeds,” the prophet responded to his greeting.

Then a third one passed by and said: “Peace be upon you and the mercy of Allah and His blessing!” To this the prophet said: “Thirty good deeds.” And then another person approached them, who passed by without saying any greeting.

– What a bad memory this brother of ours has! - exclaimed the Prophet Muhammad. “When he entered the meeting, he forgot to greet those present. When a person enters a meeting, he should greet those gathered. When he sits down and then decides that he should leave before the meeting ends, he should also greet those remaining. This is his responsibility.

2.89. Some greeted the Messenger of Allah by kissing his hands or feet. By this they expressed their deep respect to him. However, the prophet taught that part of a full Muslim greeting is a handshake.

One day people from distant Yemen came to the prophet. He met them surrounded by a group of companions. Having dismounted, the Yemenis immediately headed towards the prophet and his friends, stretching out their hands as they went to greet them with a handshake.

This made a great impression on the Messenger of Allah and he said:

“Truly, their hearts are more tender than yours.” They are the first to offer to shake hands.

About gifts

2.90. When the Prophet Muhammad was asked how to improve relationships with people, he gave very simple advice:

– Give each other gifts, and then affection and love for each other will grow between you.

2.91. Calling on Muslims to give each other gifts, the Messenger of Allah taught them to show gratitude for what they are given, even if they received something of little value and unnecessary, because the gift is valuable in itself, as an expression of the affection of the one who gives it. Once, while instructing women, he said:

“O women, always remember that a Muslim woman should not disdain her neighbor’s gift, even if it is just a sheep’s hoof.” Give gifts to each other, but do not forget that the wife has no right to give gifts without her husband's permission.

2.92. When the Prophet Muhammad was given a gift, he immediately returned the gift, giving the giver something in return. One day someone gave him a she-camel. Very pleased with such a gift, the Messenger of Allah gave the man a return gift, and then asked:

-Are you satisfied?

But the one who gave the camel suddenly said:

Then the Messenger of Allah gave him another gift and asked again:

-Are you satisfied?

And again the man answered him:

The Messenger of Allah gave him a third gift and asked again:

- Well, are you satisfied now?

“Yes,” came the long-awaited answer.

About slaves

2.93. The Messenger of Allah insisted that Muslims treat their slaves well because they are their brothers. The duty of the owners is to feed and clothe their slaves, not to overload them with work, because it must be feasible.

- Treat them well. Ask them for help with things that are too difficult for you, and help them with things that are too difficult for them.

2.94. The Messenger of Allah taught that if there is a servant in the house and this servant serves food to the owners, he should be seated next to him for a meal or at least treated to him, as this will help him restore the energy spent on preparing food for the owners.

2.95. The Prophet Muhammad taught: “When a slave serves you food, make him sit down to eat with you.”

If it disgusts you, you should give him this food.

2.96. Demanding a kind, humane attitude towards slaves, the Prophet Muhammad at the same time preached unquestioning obedience of slaves to their masters. However, diligent slaves deserved gratitude for their zeal.

– By submitting to the master, the slave submits to Almighty Allah. If he rebels against his master, then he rebels against Almighty Allah, said the Messenger of Allah. “But if a slave gives good advice to his master and strictly worships Almighty Allah, then he deserves a double reward.

About love, mercy and compassion

2.97. The Prophet Muhammad constantly called on his followers to show mercy. One day he said:

– Show mercy, and mercy will be shown to you. Forgive and Allah will forgive you. Woe to those who persist and deliberately continue to do what they do.

2.98. Almighty Allah will not show mercy to a person who does not show mercy to other people.

2.99. Once the Messenger of Allah said:

– Almighty Allah divided mercy into a hundred parts and sent one of them down to earth. Thanks to this small amount of mercy, all of Allah's creations are merciful towards each other, for even a mare raises her hooves over her foal so as not to trample him.

2.100. One of the lessons of the Prophet Muhammad was that people should support each other, rejoice for those who are happy and sympathize with those who are suffering. Encouraging Muslims to be compassionate towards each other, he said:

“The one who does not shun people and readily shares their misfortunes with them will be rewarded by Allah Almighty more generously than the one who shuns people and does not share with them the troubles that befall them.

2.101. One of the most important provisions of the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad was the call for mercy. Encouraging people to sympathize and help those who found themselves in difficult situations, he reminded them that Allah will never have mercy on someone who did not show mercy to others in earthly life.

2.102. The Messenger of Allah got two young slaves, two brothers, just boys, and he ordered them to be sold. The one to whom this instruction was given fulfilled it on the very first day and came to the prophet with a report. When the prophet learned that the slaves had been sold, he was happy, but when he was told that they had gone to different owners, he was upset that the brothers were separated.

“The law does not allow a person to separate two people except by mutual consent,” said the Prophet Muhammad and, turning to the one who carried out his instructions, ordered: “Find them and cancel the deal, and do not sell them one by one.”

2.103. The concept of mercy, which the Messenger of Allah tirelessly introduced into the consciousness of his followers, also included caring attitude towards those who are weaker, including women. The prophet himself strictly adhered to this principle.

Once, while setting off on a journey, the Prophet Muhammad met a small caravan. It consisted of only a few camels, on which women rode. The cheerful caravan leader sang songs and forced the camels to walk too fast, not thinking that such a ride caused great inconvenience to the women.

Having caught up with the caravan driver, the Messenger of Allah greeted him and gently reminded him:

– You are carrying crystal vessels, so be careful with them!

The caravan driver smiled shyly and let the camels go at a calmer pace.

2.104. Once, in the presence of the Prophet Muhammad, Muslims started talking about love and wondered whether people love each other equally or differently and whose love is more pleasing to Allah.

“When two people love each other,” the Messenger of Allah told them, “the best of them is the one who loves more.”

2.105. The Prophet Muhammad, himself an exceptionally gentle and compassionate man, sought to develop these qualities in the people of his ummah.

“Allah is full of compassion and loves when compassion is shown,” he said. – If a person shows gentleness, He gives him what he never gives for severity.

2.106. Make life easier, don't complicate it. Calm people down and don't make them angry.

About modesty

2.107. Passing by one of the courtyards, the Prophet Muhammad heard one of his followers reproaching his younger brother for immodesty and persuading him to be bashful, referring to the words of the prophet that modesty leads to nothing but good.

Then the Messenger of Allah intervened in their conversation and said: “Leave him, for he will not understand this until he believes, because modesty is generated by faith and is one of its best manifestations.”

2.108. The Prophet Muhammad strongly condemned those who discussed details of their intimate lives with others. One day he said:

- A husband who spends the night with his wife and then begins to tell others about what happened between them will regret it, because when he appears before Allah on the Day of Judgment, he will be in an unenviable position.

About modesty

2.109. Modesty always adorns the one who shows it. And demonstrated insolence and rudeness always humiliate.

2.110. Prophet Muhammad said: “Modesty is part of faith.” Modesty brings nothing but good to a person.

2.111. One day, the Prophet Muhammad was lying in Aisha's room, and since it was hot, his thigh was uncovered. Just at this time, Aisha's father, Abu Bakr, came to him and asked permission to enter. The Prophet allowed him to enter, remaining as he was. Then his faithful companion Umar came to him, and he also allowed him to enter, remaining as he was. Then Uthman came to him and also asked permission to enter. Then the prophet sat down, put his clothes in order and invited Uthman to enter the room.

When the guests left, Aisha asked:

“O Messenger of Allah, Abu Bakr came to you, and you were not worried or disturbed in what form you were in his presence. Then Umar came, and you did not care or worry in what form you were in front of him. Then Uthman came and you sat down and tidied up your clothes. Tell me why?

“I could not help but show modesty in front of him, for angels show modesty in front of him.”

2.112. The Messenger of Allah witnessed how the older brother scolded the younger brother for his modesty and went so far as to use his fists.

The Prophet demanded that he leave his brother alone immediately.

- Leave him alone. Modesty is part of faith.

2.113. Once the prophet praised a Muslim, saying that he had two qualities that were pleasing to Allah. The Muslim naturally asked what these qualities were.

“Patience and modesty,” answered the Messenger of Allah.

Then this worthy man asked:

“Tell me, O Messenger of Allah, have I had these qualities for a long time or have I acquired them recently?”

“You’ve had them for a long time,” the prophet told him.

The delighted Muslim exclaimed joyfully:

- Praise be to Allah, who sent me two qualities pleasing to Him!

2.114. Prophet Muhammad said that Muslim homes should be spacious. However, they should not be too tall or too decorated.

– The day of judgment will not come until people begin to build houses like colorful robes.

In the modest home of the Messenger of Allah himself, the walls were made of fiber-covered palm tree trunks. Small single doors were made of teak or cypress.

But this modest house and its owner inspired such awe in everyone that no one dared to knock loudly on its door, and people delicately knocked on it only with their fingertips.

2.115. Once in Medina, the Prophet Muhammad and his companion Umar walked through the market square. What did the merchants offer the townspeople? There were ripe dates, high-quality carpets, and elegant jugs decorated with embossing, but most of all, the colorful fabrics brought by caravan drivers from distant lands pleased the eye. And among all this wealth, Umar saw a beautiful silk robe. He was so bright and elegant that Umar, unable to bear it, suggested to his companion:

- O Messenger of Allah, should I buy you this robe? You could wear it to Friday prayers or greet people who come to you in it.

The Prophet looked at the amazing robe, but his gaze remained completely indifferent.

“Such clothes can only be worn by those who will not be given anything in the Next World,” he said.

Several months passed, and Muhammad's followers presented him with silk clothes, among which was a robe, no less beautiful than the one he and Umar had seen at the bazaar. The Prophet immediately sent this gift to his friend.

Having received the robe, Umar immediately came to the prophet and cried out:

- O Muhammad! How can I wear such a robe after what you said in the market square?

And the prophet answered him:

“And you don’t need to wear it.” You can sell it or give it to someone who likes it.

On the same day, Umar sent a robe to one of his brothers who lived in Mecca and had not yet become a Muslim.

2.116. On campaigns, the Messenger of Allah usually wore a jubba (a fur or woolen caftan; the Russian “fur coat” comes from this Arabic word) with narrow sleeves, but his favorite clothing was a shirt with long sleeves reaching to the wrists. However, he condemned those who wore clothes that were too long, the edges of which dragged on the ground.

“On the Day of Resurrection,” he said, “Allah will not even look at the one who, out of a desire to boast of his well-being, dragged his clothes behind him.”

When Abu Bakr heard these words, he was embarrassed and exclaimed: “O Messenger of Allah, what should I do?” After all, sometimes I catch myself with my isar (a piece of fabric that covers the body from the waist to the ankles) untied and dragging along the ground behind me.

“Truly, you are not one of those who do this out of arrogance!” But still, clothes should not fall below the ankles.

2.117. Having learned that the Messenger of Allah warned men that on the Day of Resurrection the Lord of the Worlds would not even look at those who, arrogantly, wore clothes that reached to the very ground, worried women turned to him and asked:

- O Messenger of Allah! We have heard you condemn men because their clothes are too long, but what should we women do with the hem of our clothes?

– Lower them by a span so that your ankles are covered. “But then the feet will remain uncovered,” the Muslim women continued to worry.

“Then lower them to an elbow, but no more,” the prophet stated firmly.

2.118. The Prophet Muhammad said that if those who, having the opportunity to wear expensive silk clothes in earthly life, refuse them, then on the Day of Resurrection Almighty Allah will invite him to choose for himself any of the clothes of faith.

2.119. The Prophet Muhammad condemned for immodesty not only those who wore clothes that dragged on the ground, but also those men who let their hair grow too long. They say that he once publicly said about one person that he could be called beautiful if he did not wear such long hair and tuck the hems of his clothes higher.

When these words of the prophet were conveyed to the one whom they concerned, this man immediately cut his hair to the level of his ears and shortened his clothes to the middle of his shins, as the Messenger of Allah demanded.

End of introductory fragment.

Prophet Muhammad peace and blessings be upon him said: “Whoever preserves forty hadiths for my ummah will be told on the Day of Judgment: “Enter paradise from whichever gate you wish.”

Hadiths about children

According to Abu Hurayrah, may Allah be pleased with him, the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: “All children are born in fitra (an innate state of faith in One God), and then their parents make them Christians, Jews or polytheists” (Al-Bukhari)

The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: “No father can give his child anything more valuable than a good upbringing” (At-Tirmidhi)

Also the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: “Honor your children and bring them up well” (Ibn Mad)

Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said: “The right education given to a child is better than one sa’a of charity” (At-Tirmidhi)

One day an old man came to the Prophet ﷺ and wanted to see Him. Those sitting around did not show diligence and promptness to offer the venerable old man a seat. Then the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said the following: “Those who are not merciful to the younger of us and disrespectful to the elders of us are not among us.” (At-Tirmidhi)

Noble Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her, said: “One Bedouin turned to the Prophet ﷺ with the question: “Do you kiss children? We don't kiss." The Prophet ﷺ said: “What can I do if Allah has deprived your heart of mercy?” (Bukhari, Muslim, Ibn Maajah)

The Prophet ﷺ said: “Whoever is kind to his three daughters or his three sisters will definitely go to Paradise” (At-Tirmidhi)

The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: “A father’s duty to his child is to give him a good name and instill in him piety and iman” (At-Tirmidhi)

“Be generous to your children and raise them to be worthy and pious” (Muslim)

It is reported that Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her, said: “Once a poor woman came to me with two daughters in her arms and I gave her three dates, she gave one date to each of the girls, and (the third) date she brought it to her mouth (to eat), but then the girls again began to ask her for food, and then she divided this date between them. I was delighted with her deed and I told about this to the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, who said: “Truly, for this Allah made paradise obligatory for her (or: ... freed her from fire)!” (Muslim)

It is reported from the words of Abu Hurayrah, may Allah be pleased with him, that the Prophet ﷺ said: “After a person dies, all his deeds cease, except for three deeds: sadaqa jariyah (alms, donations and other good deeds that a person has done, and which continue to benefit people, such as a tree he planted, a bridge he built, a mosque or other public building, a road he built, etc.); useful knowledge that people use; a righteous child who turns to Allah with prayers for him" (Muslim, an-Nasai, Abu Dawud)

The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: “Whoever is the father of three daughters to whom he provides shelter, shows mercy to them, and whom he supports and marries, then Paradise will become obligatory for him.” Then they asked him: “What if he has two daughters?” To which he replied: “Even if he has two daughters” (Imam Ahamad, Al-Bukhari)

The Prophet ﷺ said: “Teach your child prayer from the age of seven. At the age of ten you can punish him (for unwillingness to perform namaz)” (At-Tirmidhi)

The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: “Those who will raise daughters, let them take care of them, as they will become a barrier protecting them from the fire of Hell” (Al-Bukhari, Muslim, At-Tirmidhi)

Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said: “The person who took care of two daughters until they reached adulthood will be next to me on the Day of Judgment.” At the same time, the Prophet ﷺ connected the index fingers of both hands (Muslim)

“There is no doubt that the prayers of three people will be accepted by Allah: the prayer of the oppressed, the prayer of the traveler and the prayer of a parent for the child” (At-Tirmidhi, Ibn Maaja, Ahmad bin Hanbal)

Hadiths about parents

“The pleasure of Allah is in the pleasure of parents, the wrath of Allah is in the wrath of parents” (Bayhaqi)

One person asked the Prophet ﷺ: “To whom should I show the greatest respect, O Messenger of Allah?” The Prophet ﷺ replied: “To your mother.” The man asked: “And then to whom?” He answered again: “To your mother.” The man asked again: “And then to whom?” The Prophet ﷺ answered him again: “To your mother.” After this, the man asked again: “And then to whom?” And the Messenger of Allah ﷺ replied: “Then to your father, and then to your relatives as you are close” (Muslim)

Abu-d-Darda, may Allah be pleased with him, reported that (once) a man came to him and said: “I have a wife, and my mother tells me to divorce her!” (To this Abu-d-Darda) said: “I heard the Messenger of Allah ﷺ say: “The Parent is the middle gate of Paradise, and if you want, you (can) lose this gate or keep it.” (At-Tirmidhi)

It is reported that Asma bint Abu Bakr al-Siddiq, may Allah be pleased with them both, said: “(At one time) my mother came to me, who was a polytheist during the life of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ, and I turned to the Messenger of Allah ﷺ for advice. saying, “My mother came to me and wants something, so should I maintain a relationship with her?” He replied: “Yes, you should do this” (Al-Bukhari, Muslim). (Some) say that it was her natural mother, while others say that it was her milk mother, but the former is correct.

The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: “Allah has forbidden you disobedience, disrespect and callousness towards your mothers” (Al-Bukhari, Muslim)

“Cursed is the one who scolds his parents” (Muslim)

“Shame on anyone who leaves their parents in old age. He will not enter paradise" (Al-Bukhari)

One day Mu'awiyah ibn Jahima al-Sulami, may Allah be pleased with him, came to the Prophet ﷺ and said: “O Messenger of Allah, I wish to make a military campaign and have come to consult with you!” The Prophet ﷺ asked: “Do you have a mother?” He replied: “Yes.” Then the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: “Take care of her, truly Paradise is under her feet!” (An-Nasai). And in the version cited by Ibn Majah (2781) it is said that Mu’awiyah ibn Jahima came to the Prophet ﷺ three times and said: “O Messenger of Allah, I want to commit jihad, striving for the Face of Allah and desiring eternal life!” To which the Prophet ﷺ replied: “Woe to you! Is your mother alive?! Go and show piety towards her!” When Mu'awiyah ibn Jahima returned for the third time and said what he said, the Prophet ﷺ replied: “Woe to you! Stick to her feet, it’s Heaven!”

Hadiths about family and kinship ties

Abu Ayub al-Ansari, may Allah be pleased with him, reports that one man came to the Prophet ﷺ and asked: “Tell me about the deeds that will lead me to Paradise.” The Prophet ﷺ replied: “Worship Allah, do not associate partners with Him, perform prayer, pay zakat and strengthen family ties” (Bukhari)

The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: “The best of you is the one who treats his family best.” (At-Tirmidhi)

“Whoever believes in Allah and the Day of Judgment, let him maintain family relationships” (Al-Bukhari, Muslim)

Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said: “Whoever wants his life to be extended should maintain contact with his relatives” (Al-Bukhari)

Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said, addressing the believers: “O Muslims, maintain family ties, truly this lengthens life and increases food (rizq)” (Al-Bukhari, Muslim)

“Alms to a needy person is alms on one side, and (alms) to a relative is (alms) on two sides: alms (as such) and maintaining family ties” (At-Tirmidhi). Another version of this hadith: “Giving alms (sadaqah) to a needy person is only alms, while alms given to relatives is two things: alms and maintaining family ties.”

It is reported from the words of Ibn Umar, may Allah be pleased with both of them, that one man came to the Prophet ﷺ with the words: “Truly, I have committed a great sin, do I have the opportunity to repent?” The Prophet ﷺ asked: “Do you have a mother?” The man said, “No.” The Prophet ﷺ asked: “Do you have a maternal aunt (that is, your mother’s sister)?” The man said: “Yes,” then the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Do her good deeds.” (At-Tirmidhi, Hakim)

It was reported from Abu Hurayrah, may Allah be pleased with him, that one person said: “O Messenger of Allah, I have relatives with whom I maintain family ties, while they break them, I do good to them, and they do me harm, and I am meek with them, and they act towards me like ignoramuses! To which he said: “Truly, if it is as you say, then it is as if you are filling their mouths with hot ash, and until you stop doing this, a helper from Allah will be with you against them!” (Muslim)

From Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her, it is reported that the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: “Blood relationship is attached to Arsha. Whoever connects it, Allah Almighty will connect him, and whoever cuts it, Allah Almighty will cut him off." (Bukhari, Muslim)

The hadith of the Prophet ﷺ says: “A nation in which there are people who break family ties does not receive the mercy of Allah” (Ahmad, Abu Nuaim)

The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: “Maintain the relationship with at least a greeting” (Tabarani, Al-Bazzar)

Ibn Umar, may Allah be pleased with them both, reported that the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: “Whoever pays his relatives only polite visits does not fully fulfill his obligations regarding the inviolability of family ties. And whoever can close his eyes to the sins of his relatives, forgive them and visit them in order to strengthen family ties, will fulfill his family obligations to the fullest” (Al-Bukhari)

“Whoever is guilty of breaking blood ties will not enter Paradise” (hadith from Jubair bin Mutim)

Aswad, may Allah be pleased with him, asked Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her, what the Prophet ﷺ was doing while at home. She replied: “He did everything that was necessary for the family, and when the time for prayer came, he performed ablution and went to the mosque” (Al-Bukhari)

“The one who maintains the ties of kinship is not the one who reciprocates, but the one who maintains the ties of kinship when someone breaks with him” (Al-Bukhari, Muslim)

“Verily, the deeds of the sons of Adam appear (before Allah) every Thursday, on Friday night, and the deeds of those who break family ties are not accepted” (Ahmad)

“If we spend one dinar in the path of Allah, one dinar to free a slave, one dinar as alms (sadaqa) for the poor and one dinar for our family, then we will receive the greatest reward for the dinar spent on our family.” (Muslim)