home · Measurements · Palmistry for beginners in pictures, marriage line and its meaning. Short, faintly visible life line. What is fate

Palmistry for beginners in pictures, marriage line and its meaning. Short, faintly visible life line. What is fate

Palmistry training and palmistry lessons

Before we begin studying the lessons on palmistry, let's try to understand the question of how the lines on the palm appeared and why we need them. Before studying the lessons on palmistry, first of all, we will try to find the answer to the question - how did the lines on the hands appear?

There are several theories about the appearance of lines on the hands, some say that it is magic, others claim that it is science, and from others you can hear that the lines and signs on the hand are drawn by the Gods, and they serve as a hint.

Scientists from all over the world claim that reading lines on hands is not fortune telling, but a science that needs to be continued to be studied. They claim that this is the science of chirology, not palmistry.

History of Palmistry

How is the Greek word for palmistry “chiromantia” deciphered?

"cheir" – hand
“mantia” – magic

Translated from Greek, the word “chiromantia” means prophecy. If you divide the word into two parts, the second part of the word “mantia” means fortune telling. Therefore, scientists replaced the second part of the word with “logia”, and in this way the word chirology appeared.

How did lines appear on your hands?
Scientists have several theories about how the lines on the hands appeared. Some believe that the lines on the palm are a physical map of life. These are nerve endings that are transmitted from the human brain, our character, thoughts, speech, actions, etc. All information is transmitted to the palms, by which the character of a person can be determined.

In this way, there is a two-way exchange of nerve impulses in the human body.

There are a lot of facts where things could be read along the lines and . Today, scientists are trying to solve this rather complex mystery, but everyone claims that thanks to the drawings on the palm, you can prevent misfortune and change your destiny for the better.

A little history...
Palmistry originated in India in 2000 BC. Hindus believe that before a person is born, each God endows him with his spiritual power, and he, in the form of a physical body, must fulfill his destiny. All religious books say that the soul must be strengthened by physical action.

Therefore, on the left hand, the path of life that we must go through or what is given to us by the Gods is indicated. On the right hand you can read how we carry out the tasks of the Gods. We can both improve and degrade; a person’s fate is in his hands.

The main purpose of man is to evolve and continue the human race. In palmistry, every hill is named after God. If a line extends from a hill, it means that God, who belongs to this hill, influences your life. On the website you can study the algorithm for reading lines and signs.

Each person’s hand is unique in its own way, and the shape of the hand indicates the character and physical abilities that are given by nature. It’s the same with the fate of a person. Even twins have their own ideal destiny and purpose in life. Therefore, there are no identical destinies and lines on the palm.

Lines and hills on the hand



How to tell fortunes by hand? This question interests many of our readers. We have prepared for you a simple step-by-step guide for beginners. Palmistry, or, as people say, reading or fortune telling by hand, is a fascinating and creative activity, but it requires the necessary preparation and training.

The human palm is unique and inimitable. It has about 200 lines, grooves, dashes, circles, most of which influence our life and destiny. If you decide to master palmistry or fortune telling by hand, then our article will be useful for reading and will teach you how to tell fortunes by hand.

What questions can a fortune telling palm answer?

By looking at a person’s hand, you can find answers to many questions:

  • determine character and temperament;
  • understand how inclined a person is to communicate;
  • in what area can he build a career?
  • how often will he change jobs;
  • how his personal and family life will develop;
  • how his health will progress throughout his life, whether serious injuries await him;
  • whether he is capable of divination, fortune-telling or healing;
  • is the person susceptible to stress and psychological influence from the outside;
  • Is he a materialist or an incorrigible romantic?

How to tell fortunes by hand - Choosing a hand for fortune telling

Among experienced palmists, the practice of fortune telling using the active hand is common. That is, for a right-hander it is the right hand, for a left-hander it is the left. But you can predict fate with both hands.

The right hand answers for the present, for actions that somehow affect our future.

The lines of the left hand will tell about a person’s past, about what happened and what was destined for him by fate.

Therefore, the choice of hand depends not on its activity, but on the answers to what questions need to be found.

In addition, there is an opinion that for women, the left hand is responsible for what you were born with, the right hand is responsible for what you have acquired during your life (life experience). For men it’s the opposite.

Basic lines for fortune telling by hand

On each palm you can find four main lines of fate:

  1. Heart line.
  2. Line of the mind.
  3. Life line.
  4. Line of fate (not found in everyone).

How to tell fortunes by hand:

Heart line

Heart line crosses the palm horizontally and runs from the little finger to the index finger. She is responsible for matters of the heart, feelings, loves, novels. It can be interpreted when fortune telling by hand depending on its length and location on the palm:

The heart line starts below the index finger

Means: you are satisfied with everything in life.

The heart line starts under the middle finger

Means: you are selfish in relationships.

The heart line begins under the ring finger

Means: you are amorous.

Short and straight heart line

Means: you are not prone to romance.

The heart line intersects with the life line

Means: You are easily offended and have your heart broken.

Long, clearly visible heart line running across the entire palm

Means: you are an extremely emotional person.

The line of the heart runs parallel to the line of the mind

Means: you think soberly, your feelings are calm.

Wavy line of heart

Means: There are many non-serious romances and relationships in your life.

Island located on the heart line

Means: you are depressed and often feel sad.

Broken heart line

Means: emotional trauma awaits you.

Many small strokes on the heart line

Means: you are unfaithful to your partner, betrayal is possible.

How to tell fortunes by hand:

Mind line (head line)

Mind line is responsible for the mind, shows a tendency to learn, communicate and thirst for knowledge. It runs horizontally from the index finger to the outer edge of the palm. What will the line of the mind tell us?
Short line - you like physical labor, weeks of thought.

Short line of mind

Means: you like physical labor, weeks of thought.

Head line going down to the wrist

Means: you are creative.

The line of the mind, located at a considerable distance from the line of life

Means: you crave adventure.

Wavy, zigzag head line

Means: you are a creative person.

Long and deep line of mind

Means: you like to think about, weigh, and analyze events.

Straight line of the head

Means: you approach life realistically and don’t build castles in the air.

Islands and strokes on the line of the mind

Means: you are prone to emotional crises.

Broken head line

Means: your thinking is not consistent.

Line of the mind dotted with crosses

Means: fateful decisions are possible throughout life.

How to tell fortunes by hand:

Life line

Life line located on the palm in a vertical semicircle, framing the pad of the thumb. It must be read from top to wrist.

Life line starting from the thumb

Means: you are prone to frequent fatigue.

Deep life line

Means: you don't miss opportunities and know the value of life.

Long life line

Means: you have vitality.

Short, faintly visible life line

Means: you don't know ambition.

Distinct bend in the life line framing the pad of the thumb

Means: you are a person with iron willpower.

Straight (not curved) life line

Means: you are careful in communicating with people.

Several life lines

Means: you have high vitality.

Broken line of life

Means: There have been sudden changes in your life.

Circles or curls on the life line

Means: you were seriously injured and went to the hospital.

How to tell fortunes by hand:

Line of fate

The line of fate shows How dependent are you on external circumstances? It runs vertically across the palm from the middle finger to the middle of the wrist. The line of fate is read from bottom to top. If the fate line branches at the end, this is a good sign.

Clear, smooth and deep line of fate

Means: you are a careerist.

Many branches from the line of fate

Means:you are subject to frequent job changes.

The fate line connects with the life line at the beginning

Means:you have family support.

The fate line connects with the life line in the middle

Means: you will have to sacrifice your interests.

Fate line crossing the life line

Means: you have a lot of support from friends and family.

Let's summarize how to tell fortunes by hand:

With the help of the main lines on the hand, you can learn a lot about a person’s character, temperament, inclinations, see how his past life proceeded and what awaits him in the future.

Additional lines on the hand

Additional lines that can be used to tell fortunes by hand include:

Line of intuition

If this line on the hand intersects or is directed towards the line of fate, the person has divination abilities. If she strives for the line of the mind - to heal the sick.

Line of affection

It is located on the edge of the palm. By the number of these lines, you can determine how many times a person will get married.

Travel line

Located on the edge of the palm. Its presence suggests that a person is inclined to travel and learn something new, to discover unknown horizons.

money line

Crosses the palm vertically from the life line to any of the five hills. A line moving toward the hill of Jupiter speaks of career growth, toward the hill of Saturn it means hard physical labor, and toward the hill of Mercury it means mental and intellectual activity.

Health line

It starts at the life line and rushes to the base of the little finger. The length of the life line directly indicates the number of years of life of a person. Its intermittency means frequent illnesses, visits to medical institutions, surgical interventions in the body, anesthesia. The absence of this line on the hand indicates that the person does not care about spiritual benefits, he is rather a materialist.

Children's lines

Located under the little finger. Their number indicates the number of children. A weakly expressed, barely noticeable line in children may indicate an abortion or miscarriage.

Mystical cross

Located between the line of the mind and the line of the heart. Its presence on a person’s hand speaks of his inclinations towards the mystical and unknown. Holders of the mystical cross often become psychics, soothsayers, psychologists, hypnotists and psychiatrists.

Hand type

To determine the type of hand, we will turn to the natural elements. The palm is measured vertically from the wrist to the base (beginning) of the fingers.

Earth– a wide, almost square palm with rough dark skin.

Thus, people with an earth palm are stubborn and have strong convictions. They are practical, look for material meaning in everything, respect physical labor, and are rarely engaged in intellectual work.

Fire– a rectangular palm with pink skin. The length of the palm is longer than the length of the fingers.

The fiery palm speaks of spontaneity and optimism. The owner of such a palm is impulsive, selfish, and often relies on instincts.

Air– square or rectangular palm with low thumb and dry skin.

An airy palm indicates a sociable and witty person. He is capable of becoming a leader in any company, but at the same time, he can be petty and irritable in communication.

Water– a long oval palm of a pale color with long flexible fingers.

The element of water symbolizes creative and insightful people. They are subject to frequent mood swings and are often capricious. A water palm indicates melancholic and eccentric people.

Palm Hills

The raised areas on the palm are called palmar hills or cusps. Using them, like the lines and type of palm, you can easily characterize a person and guess by hand.

There are five hills:

Hill of Venus.

Speaks of promiscuity and thirst for satisfaction of one's desires. His absence symbolizes
lack of interest in family life.

Hill of Jupiter

The convexity of this hill indicates aggression and dominance in relationships.
Smoothness – lack of confidence.

Mount of Saturn

Those with a convex Mount of Saturn are stubborn and prone to depression. The absence of a hill indicates a frivolous person who looks at life superficially.

Hill of the Sun

The developed hill of the Sun symbolizes a hot-tempered and proud person. faint hill
indicates a weak imagination, lack of creativity.

Hill of Mercury

A person with a convex Mount of Mercury loves to talk and should not be trusted with your secrets. Co
smoothed hill - shy and modest.

In addition, hand size can tell a lot about a person. Those with small hands do not think about their actions and consequences. They tend to be impulsive. Large hands belong to people who are slow and prone to contemplation.

Man with long fingers is concerned about his appearance, has good manners. Professionally, those with long fingers often pursue careers in medicine, teaching, painting, or music. Short fingers indicate an impatient and creative person. Such people often become office workers, salespeople, and middle managers.

Having mastered this material, you will be able to tell fortunes by the hand of any person. Start by studying your own palms, and then move on to practice and offer fortune telling to your family and friends. By becoming a professional palm reader, you will gain clients and be able to predict the future just by looking at your palm.

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Palmistry for Beginners- at first it may seem like something irresistible and too confusing. Hand reading for beginner in palmistry will not be an easy task, which requires perseverance and patience, and subsequently, beginner knowledge must be supported by practical palmistry, without practice there will be no luck. Before starting to compile an analysis, a palm reader must know that he is responsible for his words. He must be confident in his analysis before providing a person with information, since words have irreversible consequences and are a kind of personality coding, which can subsequently greatly affect a person’s life. Also, a palm reader must be able to correctly present various types of information, and have a good understanding of chirology and other esoteric sciences, that is, as people say, not to be a “dummy.”

All professionalism palmistry for beginners lies only in starting correctly and evaluating the set of facts that we receive in different parts of the palm, and in the ability to combine them correctly. You should always start examining both hands of a person. Before starting the analysis, we only need to have at our disposal information about the person’s age and which hand is active, that is, find out whether the person is right-handed or left-handed. Subsequently, even a novice palmist will be able to determine for himself which hand is active by comparing just both hands, or two thumbs, and practically even for a novice researcher in palmistry, if he is attentive, it will become noticeable that the hand, fingers, and even the nail are active on the thumb, a little larger and still different.

The active hand determines the present and future of a person, the hand shows how a person is trying to change events and life, how he is improving, and also on the hand, in addition to the future, one can consider the nature and desire of instincts, behavior in society. As a rule, in most cases, the passive hand is the left hand, from it you can see what is inherent at birth, all internal experiences and emotions, the passive hand reflects, while the active hand reflects the outer shell of the individual, that is, that side of the personality that visible to everyone, which a person presents for everyone to see. To better understand the location of the specified palm features on the hand, let’s look at the photo example in the picture below.

For the beginner palmist, you should remember the basic rule, the sequence of how to examine the hand, where to start. First, we look carefully at the example photo, at the appearance of the hand, determine for ourselves the size of the palm and the type to which the hand belongs. If you do not yet know what the types of hands mean, then you should go back and familiarize yourself with the section. Next, we pay attention to the length and shape of the fingers; the fingers are a huge storehouse of information about a person’s character. When examining the fingers, we pay attention to their fit, the length of the phalanges, the ability to bend in one direction or another, that is, we check the flexibility, structure and nodularity of the joints, pay attention to the card, the Apollo finger - the phalanges of which have their own obvious differences in length, the lower phalanx ( A) - very short, nail phalanx (B) dominates, which indicates character properties and the expressed world in this direction. A long index finger (C) on the hand speaks of a desire to manage people and a person’s pride.

After which we begin to examine the hills and tubercles on the hand for displacement and elevation, as well as negative development - if there are no special expressions, or, more simply put, there are no convexities of the tubercles on the hand, then we move on, but if any of them stands out in size, then it’s worth put the note down in memory, as it indicates a particularly developed strength of a person’s certain aspirations, which can later suggest or be the key to unraveling a person’s problems or successes, and provide additional information when concluding an analysis. In this example, in the photo of the right hand, there is a very pronounced Mount of Venus, one might even say huge for a woman’s hand, which shows an excellent built-in reserve of vitality and strength. Next, we study the structure of the skin, pay attention to its color, and also try it by touch, you need to determine whether the palm is soft or hard, experienced palmists also study fingernails, but for a person new to palmistry, it will be a bit much for the first time, and we Let's let it go for now.

Particular attention should always be paid to the thumb on the hand, since it is the commander of the rest; willpower and logic are concentrated in the thumb, holding back the aspirations of the instincts expressed by the other four fingers of the hand; the size of the finger is important. After examining the appearance of the hand, we draw conclusions about the character of the person, his abilities and aspirations, as well as the inherent life potential, which the fullness of the Mount of Venus will indicate to us. Now, after all the above steps, you can look at the lines of the hand, you need to start the analysis with the main lines in the palm, and based on the integrity and shape of the lines of the hand, the novice palmist learns by practicing to draw conclusions. First, the general map of the hand is determined, the main lines are compared in length and severity; if one of the lines is noticeably shorter or too long, you should pay close attention to it - the line indicates a flaw or bad meaning.

Life line- is an indicator of health, vitality and endurance. With its help, we can find the most important events that relate to a person’s personal life; here we can see everything that concerns our health and well-being. Additional information for beginners about the meaning of the life line on the hand can be found in the presented section. Even when you see a fatal life line on your hand, never assign a person the time of his death, because it is likely that you will be mistaken, do not forget that you are only a beginner in palmistry, only beginning a practicing palmist, even a professional palmist, should not allow himself to do this. After all, chirology has its own canons and unwritten rules that should be adhered to, you cannot code a person for death, even if he is destined to “leave”, you cannot tell the mother about the death of a child, there are many things you cannot do in palmistry, and even more so, an erroneous forecast, a novice palmist should remember this. Many people with a short life line live happily ever after, since the line can germinate later, if the person is prompted in time, and perhaps one of the bad habits abandoned by the subject can have a positive effect on poor health and improve the situation.

We look at the life line in the example photo (G). Having carefully examined the life line in the picture, you can see a displacement of the line, similar to a break; in this case, the life line indicates a move; at about 20 years old, a person changes his place of residence, which is reflected in the life line, since it is a significant event in fate. Remember all the events and move on to the next line.

You can continue to explore the heart line (C) - the line indicates the strength of the subject’s emotional state, speaks of the personality’s abilities, how she can love and express her feelings, the end of the Heart line between the fingers (0k) speaks of the balance of feelings and mind. We can also see islands on the heart line - these are problems relating to the heart as an “organ”. But the line mainly expresses feelings, and shows the quality with which all a person’s attachments are associated, that is, relationships and various kinds of experiences. Near the heart line in the neighborhood you can often find the Ring of Venus; this is a line that enhances the meaning of the heart line on the hand, and also deserves special attention. Having remembered the events that were found on the heart line, we compare them with the already studied life line, and move on to studying the head line.

  • Head line(D) this is an indicator that shows us the composition of a person’s mind, and tells us how a person can apply his intelligence in life, and get the greatest benefit from it. The end of the line is important, in the photo the line of the head is straight and strong, quite long, and goes out to a clearly defined tubercle of Mars, in the example of the photo picture it is highlighted in a circle - which indicates a person’s ability to intensively defend his point of view and opinion, as they say until the last. It is worth noting the fact that a person with a line of Mind located at a great distance from the line of Life (P) tends to make mistakes - this is also a sign of the individual’s impulsiveness. The “head” line displays events related to a person’s mental achievements, which are displayed in the form of upward branches, as well as psychological problems expressed by branches of the opposite meaning, which will make it possible to warn a person about the consequences that may be harmful to a person’s health. Having remembered these events, we compare them with other events and move on to the next line.
  • Saturn Fate Line(C) - in palmistry, especially for beginner in the researcher’s chirology, is quite complex, since there can be several lines of Saturn, but for someone, the line of life-Fate can begin from different parts of the hand, in this case example in the photo, the line of fate of Saturn is depicted, which originates from the hill of the Moon (L), the example shows a good line of Fate, which is easy to find, but a beginner may find it difficult to determine if there are several of them, for example, two lines of Fate or three. This is the main line that reflects a person’s career, indicates the very beginning and how he will follow through life, here we will see all the main events, all the changes and directions in life. The line exactly characterizes what happens in a person’s life, all achievements and failures. We pay attention to the breaks in the line, breaks and intersections, look where the line ends, remember the events, date them and move on.
  • Apollo Line— the line of talent is generally accepted as the line of happiness; it is an indicator of a person’s ability to be satisfied with himself, to feel happy, and the line also indicates a person’s successes and achievements with the help of developed talents. The line appears on the hand when a person feels happy and satisfied with his life, in which he was able to realize himself. Sometimes the line can appear even after a successful marriage; after all, having a good life is also great happiness. We enter the obtained information from all lines and move on.
  • Mercury line- this is a line with many names, it is both a line of health and a line of the liver, but from all this it follows that, first of all, it is responsible for the condition of the internal organs, one of the most difficult lines to understand and interpret, and one of those that is faster than others changes on the hand. This line shows a predisposition to diseases, the body is like a perfect computer, it quite quickly calculates changes in the body, and produces information in its “language” in the form of a deformed line, which can be translated into a language understandable to a person using the knowledge of palmistry. Information collected on the health line, especially if there are violations, needs to be confirmed on other parts of the hand. In general, the issue of health is quite complex and important in analysis, but along this line it is impossible to satisfy the client’s desire in the matter of life expectancy; many people want to know how long they will live. A professional palmist should not set life spans, he should only find the causes of a health problem that is only in its infancy, since the Mercury line informs the owner of the hand long before the manifestation of the disease.

The main criteria that must be adhered to beginner palm reader when analyzing the main lines, this is to pay attention to the beginning and end, find out the value of the quality of the lines on the hand, look at the direction and location of the lines, take into account the branches extending from the lines, breaks, and various kinds of intersections, and the placement of signs on them. Now let's look at it in a little more detail.

The main lines are the line of Life and the line of the Head, Heart, each of them has its own constant point of departure, therefore, according to them, a person practicing palmistry must look at what the initial conditions were in the early period of a person’s life. The Life Line has one direction and should usually go around the base of the Thumb, the so-called Mount of Venus. The main placement of the Life line is when the line smoothly bends around the Mount of Venus. If there is a shift towards the Thumb, this is evidence of a deterioration in the health of the owner of the hand, and a shift of the line towards the middle of the palm indicates an increase in vital energy reserves and an improvement in the properties of the body.

Vertical lines of Saturn (Fate) and Apollo (Sun) and Mercury (Health) - these lines can start anywhere in the palm, and beginner It is sometimes difficult for a palm reader to determine such lines, but they always have a direction towards their tubercles. Lines always change in the course of life, and each direction characterizes a separate stage of a person’s life. The main direction of the line of Fate is to the center of the base of the Middle finger. Deviation of the direction of the line of Fate from the axis of the finger drawn through the center of the palm indicates dramatic changes in a person’s career.

The Line of Health or Mercury is basically always directed to the base of the Little Finger and can rarely change its direction towards the Mount of the Sun or the Mount of Mars. If the direction of the vertical lines is towards the finger of Jupiter, then it shows the time when a person seeks to improve his financial situation and improve his position in society. If any vertical line breaks into the area of ​​the Apollo tubercle, this means that the fruits of creativity and joy bring a person satisfaction from the work done. A tilt towards the Mercury finger indicates the individual’s desire to prove himself in commerce and trade, and as a rule means an improvement in his financial situation.

Each Main line has, as they say, its standard position on the palm relative to the tubercles of the hand and fingers. A shift away from the intended place, as mentioned above, indicates changes in a person’s life, character, direction of his activity, or state of health.

Having examined all the main lines, we turn to the secondary ones, which can confirm or refute the previously read information, and compare all the lines together. You should also pay attention to the lines of the hand, which in palmistry are called Rosetta and, taking into account possible signs on the hand, which, as practice shows, determine most of the events displayed on the hand. When describing the analysis of the lines on the hand, you should start with the person’s past events, and by recording all the mistakes and achievements in the past, you will be able to analyze the situation and help the person by pointing out possible repetitions of the problem, both from the point of view of psychology and health.

Next, we analyze the present and only after we move on to events in the future, all of the above facts should be taken into account, since a palmistry specialist, for a correct forecast, must carefully examine the tubercles, lines and all other elements on both hands, compare them and only on the basis of the analysis make what - conclusions. It must be remembered that in addition to clearly visible bumps and lines, there are many subtle, minor lines and elements that play an important role. One of these lines on the hand is considered to be the line VIA LASCIVA, this is a line of excessive desire and debauchery, which we advise you to familiarize yourself with. Beginning palm readers with no experience should not rush to conclusions. The presence of symbols that foreshadow the worst events does not mean that events are inevitable.

You need to carefully study the lines on your palms in search of softening or neutralizing signs. It must be borne in mind that the only symbol that carries a threat is not in itself interpreted as a sign of impending trouble. As a rule, its effect is neutralized by the less noticeable, but more numerous signs on the hands. A novice Palmist should warn a person with caution if he sees a fatal sign on his palm; it may not help to completely avoid misfortune, but the negative impact will undoubtedly be mitigated by paying attention not only to the lines on the hand, but also to the structural features of the hand and signs, palmistry for beginners It will become much clearer, having mastered the art, you will receive the key to unraveling the events prepared by fate.

Palmistry for Beginners is to know how to correctly evaluate a set of hand attributes and put them together. Let's take a quick look - ask yourself: what do you know about the hand? and about the sequence of combining the received information? If you are like most enthusiastic minds, and you think that you will immediately learn palmistry and palm reading, then you are sadly mistaken. For the beginning palmist it is necessary to show patience and perseverance to achieve certain successes.

The first mistake novice palmist there is a desire to surprise the people around you with the knowledge gained, but at first a novice palmist will naturally make mistakes due to inexperience and little practice. To compile a correct analysis, all auxiliary sciences about the hand should be used. Maybe you already know that fingernails can reveal a person's character traits and several physical ailments. Did you know that fingerprints can be used to detect genetic defects?

There are literally thousands of methods for studying hand interpretation, and each of these systems has one common point, predefined by markings or signs. In order to be able to easily see on your hand all possible combinations of markings and their consequences, you must first know how to combine and put the information received (into a sentence, so to speak) - in order to complete a complete interpretation. For most professional hand analysts, “palmists,” there are their own established methods that come with years of chirological practice, and as a rule, this will take at least 10 years.

Then they inevitably suddenly begin to understand how the marks, lines, and small details on the palm interact with each other. They begin to understand and interpret markings and marks on the hand that they have never seen before. Almost overnight, their ability and accuracy in interpretation increases exponentially. The fact is that the secret of an experienced palmist is that he began to use a reference as the basis of the technique - instead of detailing the basis.

Fortunately, you may not have to study in detail many interpretation systems and other esoteric areas that a real palmist must master, but you need to know the basics at the initial stages, and then all that remains is to develop your abilities as a novice palmist. We discussed how to begin interpreting a hand on the previous page Palmistry for Beginners with photo examples - but here you will learn how to understand the language of a hand, and you only need to start with a general overview, which is called dactylology.

Appearance of hands

The analysis should begin from the appearance of the hand and not from the lines, as novice palmists usually do. Some characteristics on the hands will stand out more than others. These are precisely those features of the hand that become a reference to analysis, that is, after the fingers, we pay attention to the tubercles under them. Then we look at both hands and determine the dependence of one on the other attribute that stands out more than the others. We determine what color the dominant parts of the palm and the tubercles themselves are, remember to take into account the displacement of the tubercle and another very important point is the texture of the Skin of the hand. We establish whether this condition of the hand is temporary (in case of damage and swelling) or permanent. We always remember - if we want to learn to read the hand and lines correctly, that any characteristics of the hand can be interpreted only on the basis of an analysis of the root causes, this is the basis for conducting the basics of analysis.

Color on hands - color meaning

You will need to remember this list of colors and their meanings:

  • Pink color: - Healthy, Optimistic.
  • Red Color: Anger, huge temperament, sharp, instantly inflamed.
  • Yellow: Bitter, harmful, may mean jaundice.
  • Brown: Depression, unrelenting, chronic.
  • Black or dark: Pride, arrogant and vindictive.
  • White: lifeless, mentality, apathy, lack of motivation.
  • Blue: Coldness, Self-destructiveness, isolation.

Dominant sides give complete information about your current living conditions, aspirations, and options that can be imagined. The dominance of a certain area of ​​the hand provides a background for other details when studying the hand. You should never forget to compare the size of the two hands being examined for disproportion. If one is slightly larger than the other, this means that the hand that is Larger reflects your activity, or is considered the dominant hand in palmistry. The smaller hand is considered recessive, or, more simply put, passive.


Each finger reveals different aspects of personality as follows:

  • Index finger - Ambition / Career - Ego
  • Middle finger - Mind / Money - Super Ego
  • Ring finger – Emotions – Personna
  • Little Finger - Communication / Spirituality - Id / Libido
  • Thumb - Willpower and control

Finger length

Finger length demonstrates a person's patience and ability to perform time-consuming tasks. Short fingers are found on the hands of people with grandiose plans and dreams, but they do not have the patience to complete these tasks. Long fingers show a love of detail, but often to their detriment. It is also important to note the length of the fingers in relation to each other. The first comparison is to compare fingers, you need to start from the size of the ring finger. If the index finger is noticeably longer than the ring finger, this means that the subject considers for himself “I am first” - and this applies to all spheres and relationships, and is a sign of a natural leader.

When it exceeds the ring finger by at least half a centimeter in relation to the index finger, then this is a sign of a specialist capable of understanding people and technology, but these objects may not play a leading role in life, and usually, as practice shows, the big ring finger on the hand , is a sign of boasting and a great desire to show off in front of other people.

Based on the length and location of the little finger, we will look at the strength of a person’s connection with the outside world. Normal placement is about half a centimeter below the level of the other fingers. In this case, it indicates a normal degree of expression of thoughts and self-confidence. When the little finger is lower by approximately the same parameters, it shows a weak external connection and suppressed since childhood, with a lack of trust in the environment, internal constraint in life.

Straightness of fingers

Straightness of all fingers shows the same views and actions related to aspects of the meaning of the finger. Any twisting or bending of the fingers to the side indicates that the views and actions of this aspect have been consciously changed by the individual himself. When only one finger has a slope, this means that the aspects of the bent finger are a consequence of the person’s abnormal course in this direction.

Space and distance between fingers hands. The distance between the fingers tells us a lot about a person. The large space between the Thumb and the hand shows that this is a strong-willed person. When the thumb gets inside the side, it says that the personality will be broken under a certain pressure. Compare the left and right hands to see in which area this can happen - in the sensual or external everyday.

Between the index and middle fingers, a large space tells of a person whose actions will be different from others. Their egos and ambitions don't need to rely on facts. The space between the middle and ring fingers shows logic, common sense, and plans for the future. A wide space indicates carelessness about the future and monetary issues, while a narrow space shows concern with financial and logical actions. When the Mercury finger is far away, the subject thinks unambiguously. A narrow space shows thoughts that consistently follow logic and are considered normal.

The fingers of the hand in palmistry reveal the sense of self, and how we control ourselves and our environment. The main finger on the hand is the Thumb - it is responsible for “Control” of all processes. The nail phalanx in the thumb segment shows the willpower of a person and how it is used. The longer and wider it is, the more powerful this person is. (Control of others).

The middle segment of the thumb, or more simply the second phalanx, reveals logic and cognitive abilities. This segment is considered developed when it is burdened with a “waist”, narrow in the middle, then it shows a well-developed nimble mind.

The third segment is located inside the Mount of Venus. This is not considered the Phalanx, but is actually the first metacarpal bone. This segment shows how a person uses (or in some cases denies) their lusts and passions. (Control of desire). Smooth knuckles (when there are no knots) show that the person's mind is highly receptive and mobile, and very quickly moves from one topic to another without paying attention to details. While knobby fingers are quite the opposite - they can’t just stop thinking about any unfinished projects or ideas, and the love for analyzing and adding details to their work haunts them.

We hope you are already familiar with the main areas of the hand, the tubercles and hills of the palm, but still, to refresh your memory for a beginner palmist, here will be a brief description of the meaning of these areas of the palm.

Lumps of the hand

Here we give the simplest description of the divisions of the hand for beginners, areas called “Tubercles” in palmistry.

The mountains of the hand can be raised or lowered, and their meaning characterizes the positive or negative aspects of a person. It means calm or depression. Elevated tubercles mount a show of the mental and physical sides of an individual, and accordingly a direct approach to a certain aspect represented by this tubercle. Flat-looking tubercles with negative development do not indicate any real influence on the subject’s life, and only emphasize the negative qualities inherent in these zones. In the section Hills of the hand there is a detailed description of the qualities of these elevations in the palm, and this knowledge beginners in palmistry researchers need to know.

Mount of Jupiter

Expresses ambition, one’s own “Ego”, it is a reservoir for feeding one’s own “I” - leadership.

Mount of Saturn

Expresses seriousness of approach, intellectuality or gloominess, research.

Mount Apollo

Expresses, first of all, creativity (Brilliance) talent, artistry, beauty, attractiveness of emotional performance.

Mount of Mercury

An indicator of external communication is a receiver (antenna), and above all it is the ability to express oneself, commerce, spirituality.

Mount of Venus

Expresses the inner essence hidden from others, the desire for lust, the passion of sex, desire, and other serious material emotions.

Mount of Mars Positive

Physical courage, fighting spirit, aggression.

Mount of Mars negative

Mental courage, a reserve of inner strength, the power of resistance, a unique character.

Hill of the Moon

An indicator of the power of captivating imagination, reproduction, the level of absence of fear, the sexuality of fantasies.

Practice of combining indicators

Case Study 1

If a large dominant Mount of Jupiter is found on the hand, it is dark red in color.

Mount of Jupiter = Ambition, Ego, leadership, power.

Elevated = External action and projections of influence.

Dark Red = Anger, Temper.

Now you just need to transfer and overlay the values...

((Mount of Jupiter)) is ((elevated)) ((dark red)).

((Ego/Ambition)) is ((acting on)) ((anger)).

So, we know that the large mount of Jupiter indicates that the measures taken for further ambitions are based on anger and strong temperament.

Case Study 2

The Mount of Saturn is black.

Reproduction of the Interpretation Procedure

Mount of Saturn = Serious, Moody, intellectual.

depression = mental, indirect.

Black = proud, arrogant, unforgiving, vindictive.

Again you just need to transfer and overlay the values...

((Mountain of Saturn)) is ((depression)) ((black)).

((Intelligence)) is ((think about)) ((Pride / Revenge)).

So, we know that the black mountains of Saturn express depression - that a person’s thoughts have turned and are directed towards pride and revenge. A similar technique can be used for each tubercle on the arms being examined.

Hand line color

The optimal structure for the appearance of the hand lines and their color is that any of the main lines should be clean, deeply drawn, flesh or light reddish in color, and without visible breaks or other marks. Any deviation from this optimal appearance indicates certain obstacles and difficulties in the area of ​​life represented by this particular line. Brief description of the main lines for beginning palmists.

1) Line of Mind

The head line shows the main parameters: mentality, cognitive abilities, and various types of insanity. The disturbances in this line show periods of mental stress in living conditions.

This line shows emotional strength and the state of the heart, and is also the basis for marriage relationships. Violations on this line are a sign of emotional difficulties and love affairs.

3) Life Line

The life line indicates the level (Vitality) or “life force” of a person. Disturbances show a weakening of this vital force - a change in existence.

4) Line of Mars

Also called the Inner Life Line, the Mars line does not appear in all trades. If present, it adds strength to the Life Line, allowing the subject to overcome seemingly insurmountable difficulties.

Sometimes also called the “Career Line” or “Fate Line”, it reveals not only the main events and occupations in the life of an individual, but also influences the strength of their faith at (or refusal at) a pre-appointed time.

6) Mercury line

The health line on the hand reveals a dual meaning, however, like other main lines, it indicates various illnesses and suffering of a person, and possible bankruptcy.

7) Apollo Line

Called the Apollo line, this line speaks of worldwide brilliance through talent. If the line is present, which is not the case in every hand, then creativity and skill will help significantly in promoting your ambitions.

8) Marriage Line

Marriage lines do not primarily show the actual marriage ceremony - but the number of lines indicates a very strong emotional connection with another person. Most people have within 1-3 lines of marriage on their hands.

Now, having examined the color of each line on the hand, you just need to transfer and apply the received information, as given above.

Example: ((Pale white)) ((heart line)) = ((apathetic/lifeless)) ((Emotions))

Human destiny is encrypted in the palm of each of us. And this is not mysticism at all, but real science, which in the 15th century was even taught in the best universities in Europe. At the same time, the first book was published in Germany, which described in detail what palmistry and how to read your hand. In this article we will briefly describe the system fortune telling with photos.

To this day, there is debate as to what palmistry is. Some believe that this is another way of charlatans who promise to predict a person’s future and defraud people of money. Others are deeply convinced that palmistry is a real science, albeit unrecognized.

Aristotle can be considered the first palmist. It was he who began to investigate why different patterns and cobwebs are chaotically scattered on human palms. The scientist came to the conclusion that there is a clear hidden meaning in all this. They contain the individual characteristics of each person, which can be known if you understand the meaning of the lines on the palms.

This theory was proven by William John Warner, who studied palmistry from an Indian sage. Already at the age of 13, he was able to predict his fate, as well as the future of France, England and Russia. Historians testify that Varner warned that the Romanov royal family would fall.

The basics of palmistry are not something incomprehensible. Each person, if desired, can learn to predict some events in his life. Perhaps knowledge about palmistry can help people quickly understand themselves, their hidden abilities and talents. If you are a person accustomed to self-improvement and constant development, then you better familiarize yourself with the meanings of the lines on the hand to learn to guess yourself and your loved ones.

Which hand should you use to tell fortunes?

According to the laws of palmistry, in order to get a complete picture of a person’s past, present and future life, you need to read fortunes on both palms at the same time. However, there are a couple of small nuances here:

  1. If you have an active the hand is the right one, then you need to guess across her palm. The right hand will tell you what awaits you in the future. Your left hand will tell the palmist what your past was like.
  2. If you are left-handed, then, accordingly, you need to guess using your left hand to learn about events to expect in the near future. The right hand of a left-handed person will tell the palmist about the path that a person had to go through in the recent past.

Fortune telling by the palm of the hand: how to determine a person’s character?

Just by looking at the shape of a person's palm, one can determine his character. Fortune telling by hand, palm reader It is easy to determine what type of personality the person standing in front of him belongs to:

  1. If he has a wide square palm with the same fingers, rough skin of a reddish color, then he belongs to the element “Earth”. Such people have the following character traits:
  • stubbornness
  • practicality
  • responsibility

Representatives of the Earth element prefer to do manual work. They are ardent materialists. It is impossible to convince them of anything. They adhere only to their point of view, which they consider the only correct one.

  1. People with a palm shaped like a square or rectangle and short fingers belong to the Fire element. They act in everything, guided by instincts and emotions. People of “Fire” are characterized by:
  • spontaneity
  • enthusiasm
  • optimism
  • impulsiveness
  • selfishness
  • courage
  1. People with square or rectangular palms, long fingers with protruding knuckles, and dry skin belong to the “Air” element. They adhere to extreme radical views in everything. The main character traits of “Air” people include:
  • sociability
  • wit
  • pettiness
  • malice
  1. People whose palms have a long oblong shape with beautiful conical fingers belong to the element of “Water”. These are creative, calm individuals who have the following character traits:
  • insight
  • sympathy
  • emotionality

From the palm of your hand you can also determine some of a person’s inclinations and predispositions towards something. If you bend your palm a little, pressing all your fingers close to each other, then “hills” will form under them, each of which has its own designation:

  1. The presence of a “Venus” tubercle in the palm indicates a person’s desire, first of all, to always fulfill his desires, no matter what they are. If there is no “Venus” at all, this means that the person does not want to live a family life, since he is not fit for it.
  2. A pronounced tubercle of “Jupiter” in the palm means that a person loves himself too much, is used to being the first in everything. If this mound is not present at all, this indicates a lack of self-confidence in a person.
  3. A clearly formed mound of “Saturn” in the palm indicates a person’s tendency to be depressed. The absence of such a tubercle indicates that the personality is characterized by absent-mindedness and lack of concentration.
  4. People who have a very developed mount of the “Sun” on their palm are proud and hot-tempered. Those who do not have such a tubercle on their hand are considered people with poorly developed imagination.
  5. People with a pronounced Mercury mound on the palm talk too much in life, but do little. And those who do not have such a tubercle are characterized by excessive shyness.

Fortune telling by hand: what do the main lines on the palm mean?

Now we will tell for beginner palmists, how to read your hand using the main lines. In palmistry there are only 4 of them:

  1. Heart line– highlighted in red in the figure:
  • the beginning line under the index finger indicates a person’s satisfaction with what is happening on the love front;
  • a line starting below the base of the middle finger indicates a person’s tendency to be selfish in relationships;
  • a line starting in the middle of the palm indicates that a person does not have a soul mate, because he has a very amorous nature;
  • a short and wavy heart line indicates a person’s indifference to romantic feelings and relationships;
  • a heart line that intersects or is close to the life line indicates a person’s excessive vulnerability;
  • a straight line of the heart located parallel to the line of the head indicates a person’s ability to control his emotions;
  • a line breaking anywhere indicates that he has suffered a serious emotional shock.

  1. Head line– highlighted in blue in the figure:
  • a short line indicates a person’s love for physical exercise rather than mental exercise;
  • a slightly curved line indicates that the person’s personality is creative, he approaches everything in an extraordinary and very creative way;
  • the line of the head touching the line of life indicates a person’s tendency to constantly travel and wander;
  • a winding line of the head indicates an inability to concentrate on something;
  • a long and fairly deep head line means a very literate person, he has a clear mind and a clear idea of ​​life;
  • a straight, but not deep line of the head speaks of the straightforwardness of the individual, who approaches life in a purely realistic manner;
  • a head line crossed by another line speaks of an emotional crisis that a person has experienced;
  • a head line breaking anywhere indicates a person’s inconsistency in his thoughts.

  1. Life line– highlighted in green in the figure. Its length has nothing to do with the number of years allotted to a person. Fortune telling by hand along the life line explains at what quality level a person lives:
  • a line located very close to the thumb indicates a person’s fatigue from the circumstances in which he has to survive;
  • a wide or semicircular line indicates fullness of strength and vitality;
  • a long and clearly defined line means a person’s will to live, his ability to get out of any situation unharmed;
  • a short and barely noticeable line means that a person can be a “puppet” in the hands of people who are stronger in character;
  • a life line crossing the entire palm means a person’s caution in any relationship;
  • a line with a break means drastic changes have occurred in life.

  1. Line of fate– highlighted in orange in the figure. Note that fortune telling does not predict fortune, which cannot be changed. You can look at just a few trends that can guide a person in making decisions:
  • a pronounced and very deep line of fate means that a person is guided only by the will of fate, and does not do anything;
  • a line with breaks indicates a person’s tendency to change his life under the influence of external circumstances;
  • the line of fate, associated with the line of life initially, speaks of the originality of a person who manifests himself at an early age;
  • if the line touches another in the middle of the palm, this indicates a person’s ability to sacrifice his own interests for the sake of others;
  • a line starting at the base of the thumb, which also intersects the life line, means that a person is provided with broad support from his family and friends.

Fortune telling on the hand using additional lines

Human palms are cut up not only by the main lines. Palmists identify several more significant lines that answer questions that interest us most often:

  • What does fortune telling show about the how many marriages will there be
  • As shown on the palm, how many children will there be
  • Will a person become rich or is he doomed to poverty?

Here's how these lines are located on the palm:

  1. Line of affection, If fortune telling by hand, determines the number of possible marriages, in which a person can be a member. Above it there are small vertical lines - long and short. Their number determines the possible number of children a person can have. Palmists claim that short vertical lines mean that a daughter will be born, and long ones mean a boy.
  2. Travel line– not everyone has it, but only those who are constantly on the move, whose lives change quickly.
  3. Money line:
  • ending under the hill “Jupiter” means the opportunity to receive big money subject to career growth;
  • ending under the Saturn hill means that money is very difficult for a person, it will be extremely difficult for him to become rich;
  • ending on the hill “Apollo” speaks of a person’s luck; money falls into his hands easily (as a win or a find);
  • ending under the Mercury hill denotes a person’s ability to become wealthy, provided that he connects his life with mental activity.

  1. Line of intuition - its presence shows whether a person has a sixth sense or not.

Fortune telling by hand for love, luck, fate - this is a very exciting process. But do not forget that a person’s life depends entirely on his deliberate actions and decisions, and not on what is written in the palm of his hand. Live, relying not on fate, but on your own aspirations and desires.

Video: “Divination by hand”

Fortune telling by hand

Many people have such a science as “ palmistry"is associated primarily with gypsies and charlatans who prowl the markets in search of an easy and monetary victim. In a sense, this is a completely correct association, but in reality palmistry is based on physiognomy. Science, which tells not so much about the fate and future of a person, but about his innate qualities. For example: a high forehead speaks of a sharp mind and good memory, and a large mouth highlights a kind person, etc.

Forensic science has already been able to prove the uniqueness of the lines on the fingers of each of us. But for what purpose nature gave them to us, unfortunately, is silent. But the answers to these questions can be found in the sections of another equally interesting science - palsimetry. But this is not what we will be talking about. Our palms also have a set of unique lines by which we can learn about our earthly destiny, our destiny, and evil fate. One should not be so dismissive of what is written not only in the Bible (the Old Testament), but also to which the brightest minds of the past, including the famous Aristotle and Avicenna, devoted huge scientific treatises. We are no smarter than them. Palmistry also finds its explanation in modern medicine. On our hands (palms) there are thousands of nerve endings that stretch from the brain. Our experiences, life experiences, illnesses and inner world are reflected not only on our face, but also on our nervous system. On our palms, where every second the brain sends thousands of nerve impulses, which is why the lines on them may change slightly. Dramatic changes can only be seen over the years.

Before you start studying such an interesting science as palmistry, which allows you to read your hand, you need to learn a few simple things. You cannot make absolutely accurate forecasts and dates down to the minute or second using your hand, but you can approximately (by year) calculate the time of a particular event. None of the lines can give an accurate answer, without any errors, about the time and circumstances of a person’s death. The exact dates and circumstances can be told by a palmist who comprehends not only this teaching, but also other types of predictions, or the most ordinary charlatan. If a palmist really sees evil fate and indicates the date and circumstances of death, he will never talk about it.

The same applies to fortune tellers with cards, runes, and psychics. A person who comprehends predictions and clairvoyance should not set another person up for negativity or talk to him about such things. What is destined cannot be avoided, but you can try to correct it, correct it. Today you crossed the road in the wrong place, changing your usual rules, and your destiny has changed. Only at first glance our palms look the same as before. In fact, the lines on the hands also tend to change their position.

Very often you can hear questions like: “When will my son return from Germany?” “Is my husband cheating on me?” “Does guy so-and-so love me?” You can see divorce, marriage, serious illness and their circumstances. The lines on the hand can only tell about the person himself, and not about those around him. They carry information relating only to their bearer and his blood parents.

Hills and lines on the palm

Before reading lines and hills, you need to decide on which hand our innate qualities, talents and vices are displayed. This will be the passive palm. An active palm (left-handed, right-handed) will show our present, our manner of behavior in society, etc. In addition to lines, there are also bumps or “hills” on our palms. They are located under each of the fingers, speak about our character traits, inclinations, and they all have the names of planets. There are eight of them in total: the hill of Jupiter, the hill of Venus, Mars, Saturn, Apollo, Mercury, the Moon and Neptune.

The convex mount of Jupiter (index finger) is found only in very strong-willed and selfish natures; a well-developed mount of Venus (thumb) speaks of a person’s passion, sensuality, enthusiasm and optimism. The Hill of Mars is viewed from two sides - external and internal. A well-developed mount of Mars on the outside indicates a person’s ability to stand up for himself and a love of martial arts. If the hill is well developed on the inside, you are dealing with a very tolerant person. A well-defined Mount of Saturn speaks of a love of solitude, self-doubt; such people love to indulge in their own thoughts and do not let others into their world. People with a convex cusp under the little finger (Mercury) will achieve great success in business. If there is a noticeable mound of the Moon under the Mount of Mercury, at the very base of the palm, you are dealing not only with an enterprising, sociable, but also a creative person. If the Mount of the Moon stands out more than other hillocks in the palm, the person is a dreamer who is unlikely to ever realize his plans. Opposite the hill of the Moon there may be the hill of Neptune, which distinguishes psychics, clairvoyants, lovers of everything unidentified. The more pronounced the Mount of Apollo (ring finger), the more refined the owner of the hand has a taste and love for the arts.

You need to start analyzing the lines on your palm directly from the life line, which stretches from the index finger to the thumb. This line tells about the general health, life and endurance of the owner of the palm. Also, along this line you can find out about the approximate date of death and other main events in a person’s life. This line will tell about a person’s love for himself first of all, and the world around him second. Do not try to calculate its duration from the length of the life line! This gross mistake is just a myth. A long line indicates a person’s love for life and the world around him. If the life line is close to the Mount of Venus, the person is very nervous, anxious, and emotionally unstable.

The line of the head or mind (stretches from the index finger to the little finger) will help a person learn about the mental abilities of the owner of the palm, his inclinations, and mindset. If a person has doubts about the correct choice of his profession, he should contact a palmist to study the line of the head. As a rule, a real specialist can easily determine the inclinations, talents and mental abilities of his client, even with a cursory glance. A downward line of the mind speaks of the rich inner world in which a person lives. If there is a slight split at the end (the so-called fork), then the person brings his dreams to realization. If the line is directed upward, then the person will feel acute material need until the end of his days. If the line is straight, then a person trusts only his logic, which guides him through life.

The heart line, which starts from the little finger and extends to the index finger, speaks of a person’s emotionality, his humanity, ability to love, do good and material wealth. The further the line goes to the hump of Jupiter, the greater the role emotions play in a person’s life, the more a person improves not only himself, but also his environment. Small branches at the base of this line speak of love affairs and hobbies and sympathies that will be remembered for a lifetime. Diseases of the cardiovascular system can also be seen on this line.

The most mysterious line is considered to be the line of fate, which vertically crosses the palm from the middle finger to the base of the palm. It is on this line that you can see all the events destined from above that directly concern their bearer. It determines his karmic destiny and is clearly visible only among those people who are firmly confident in their destiny from above, the meaning of their existence. Ideally, the line of fate intersects with the line of life. If this is not the case, then the person is far from his blood relatives, perhaps not only spiritually, but also materially. Most often, such people had a lonely childhood or are orphans. The further the line is, the more independent a person is in his actions and decisions.