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The ideal man according to your zodiac sign! What are the husbands' zodiac signs? Horoscope compatibility

There is an expression “marriages are made in heaven,” which probably means that the Stars have a relationship with marriages. Perhaps, but then where do hasty and short-lived marriages come from? Most likely, sometimes we ourselves choose an unsuitable life partner. Not suitable, this does not mean a bad person, he is simply not suitable for family life or his character does not suit this particular woman.

Earlier I talked about how different men are in sex according to their zodiac signs, but today is a more serious topic)

Unhappy marriage - bad choices before marriage

Most often, successful, strong and happy marriages happen when they are concluded with calculation. No, not by calculation, but by calculation. That is, a woman, although she loves her future husband, soberly evaluates all the traits of his character, his advantages, disadvantages, his characteristics, his ability for family life.

This is not always the case. Quite often it happens that marriages concluded for passionate love, when hormones play, love (usually falling in love) overshadows everything around and it seems that this is the man of your dreams, quickly fall apart. When the first frenzy of feelings passes, the spouses begin to understand that, essentially, they are different people, they have very few points of contact on any issues and, in general, each imagined family life completely differently.

How can the Stars help?

Therefore, before getting married, it would be a good idea to find out what your future husband is like. And not only his character traits, visible to the naked eye, especially since every man, trying to conquer his beloved, tries to show himself from the best side.

To find out what the deep essence of a man is, what he is capable of, and whether he is generally capable of family life as you imagine it, the characteristics of the zodiac sign of your chosen one will help. No matter how different people of the same zodiac sign may be, the basic character traits inherent in a given sign are the same.

In this article we will try to figure out which men of the zodiac signs can become excellent husbands, and family life with them will be long and happy. And men of which signs are completely unsuited to family life, in its traditional sense, but they can be good husbands in a family, not with a conservative way of life.

The most suitable signs for choosing a husband

Taurus is one of the most suitable signs for starting a family

If you want to create a traditional strong family, with strong family foundations, then Taurus is the most suitable sign as a husband. The distinctive features of this sign are peacefulness and patience, which are very important in family life.

Taurus will not get irritated and hysterical over trifles, he will calmly endure all his wife’s emotional outbursts, and will try to resolve any family conflicts peacefully. In addition, Taurus are very persistent in achieving their goals, therefore, most often, they are successful in the professional sphere. Their character very successfully combines softness and tenderness, with self-confidence and self-confidence.

In addition, Taurus are faithful and constant; they are attracted to stability in marriage. But the future wife needs to take into account that the patience of Taurus is not limitless; when the cup of his patience is full, a man of this sign can turn from an affectionate “calf” into an angry “bull”, sweeping away everything in his path.

Emotional Cancer - caring husband and father

A man born under the sign of Cancer is a very suitable candidate for a husband. Cancer is a very family sign, he will not only be a good, attentive husband, but also a wonderful father; parental instincts are very developed in this sign. Cancers are very emotional people, but they do not pour out their emotions on others, but hide them deep inside (especially negative ones), because Cancers know how to rejoice like no one else and generously share their joy with loved ones.

So, having connected her life with a man of this sign, a woman can be sure that he will try to achieve high results in his career, and not only for self-affirmation, but also in order to provide the best living conditions for his family. There is one nuance in the character of Cancers that the future wife needs to take into account; men of this sign are very vulnerable, especially they have a hard time dealing with wounds inflicted by a loved one.

Balanced Libras make wonderful husbands

Men born under the sign of Libra are pleasant and friendly people. They are consistent in their actions, do not like to conflict, much less swear and make trouble, and they try to resolve any conflict peacefully, which is very important in family life. They have a very developed intellect, but in some matters they can be slightly naive.

To make a decision, Libra needs more time than other signs, but once they have made it, they will not change it; the future wife needs to take this into account. In work, men of this sign are very active and consistent, but sometimes they can slow down their activity. This is not laziness, this is how Libra restores their strength so that after a short rest they can get back to work.

Libras have a very developed sense of aesthetic and spiritual values; friendship, and especially love, are very important in their lives. If Libra, sometimes after a long period of courtship, chooses a life partner, then you can be sure that this is forever.

Sensitive and non-conflict Pisces are reliable life partners

Pisces cannot be called overly sociable people, but they are not gloomy melancholic people, they just do not like too wide a circle of friends. Men of this sign feel very comfortable in the company of close people; here they are like “fish in water.”

In some character traits that are very important for family life, they resemble Libra. They, like Libra, are non-conflict people and always try to smooth out rough edges in relationships. Like Libra, they can hesitate for a long time before making a decision. But unlike Libra, who makes all decisions entirely on their own, Pisces can be pushed to a final decision by a loved one.

That is, a wife can always direct the thoughts of the husband of this sign to make the decision she needs. Pisces are very ambitious and try to achieve heights in the professional field, but, as very loving and spiritually sensitive natures, they are always ready to sacrifice their ambitions for a loved one. A natural desire to help loved ones in everything is a distinctive feature of this sign.

Two types of Capricorns, both suitable husbands

There are two varieties of this sign: mountain and house Capricorns. The first are very ambitious, strive to reach the “mountain” peaks in their careers, the second are content with what they have, but very carefully and jealously guard everything they own, and by the way, this is not all that little. Where mountain Capricorns achieve something with their swiftness and pressure, domestic Capricorns will get the same results by showing perseverance and perseverance.

Both types of Capricorns are good husbands, since they have qualities that are useful not only for family life; they are, in general, calm and pleasant people to talk to. Capricorns are practical, attentive to details, and really value family and home comfort. It is very difficult to persuade Capricorns to cheat, since they value everything they have achieved in life, including a strong marriage, more than unclear future prospects.

Men of this sign completely lack a sense of adventure. But it cannot be said that Capricorns are boring, predictable people. They are sincere, have a very original sense of humor, and can be the life of the party, but not just anyone, but only the company of family and friends.

There is one flaw in the character of Capricorns, if it can only be called a flaw; many representatives of this sign are workaholics, which sometimes prevents them from paying due attention to their family. And the wife needs to try to help her husband find a balance between work and family life. By the way, Capricorns are easily influenced, but only by a loved one, dear to them, or by someone who commands their respect.

Which zodiac signs are unsuitable candidates for husbands?

Warlike and hot-tempered Aries

The patron of this zodiac sign, the god of war, Mars, endowed men, representatives of this sign, with an energetic and warlike nature. Aries has the natural inclinations of a leader and leader, but these are not the most suitable qualities for family life. Aries are quick-tempered, very quickly fly into a rage over reasons that do not require such strong emotions, and they are also jealous.

The bouquet of these negative character traits for family life will not be complete without mentioning the extraordinary stubbornness of men of this sign. They have two opinions on any things and events, one is their own, the other is incorrect. And it is absolutely impossible to convince Aries of something, even if in some situation he is wrong, and in the depths of his soul he is aware of this. “Stubborn as a ram” - just about this zodiac sign. It will be very difficult for a modern, business-minded and independent woman to build good family relationships with Aries.

Under certain conditions, even such a frantic and unbending Aries can become an excellent husband. A smart wife will never argue with a stubborn Aries. She will either outwardly agree with her husband on everything, imperceptibly turning everything in her direction, or she will be able to instill her thoughts and intentions in her companion so that he will accept them as his own.

That is, in this case the principle “husband is the head, wife is the neck” works, where I want, I will turn there. Without encountering objections or disagreement on any occasion from his wife, Aries will become a good husband. Moreover, it should be taken into account that the passionate nature of Aries is also manifested in love; they love as passionately as they do everything in their life.

Fickle and selfish Gemini

In communication, men of this sign are pleasant people, and it is very easy to get carried away by Geminis, they are sociable and charming. But some of their character traits can become an unpleasant discovery for the wife during family life. Geminis change their minds very often, and while this can be ignored in minor issues or situations, inconstancy in important decisions can seriously strain the wife.

Geminis are prone to changeable moods, sometimes they are overwhelmed with unbridled joy, sometimes they, for some unknown reason, fall into melancholy, such “playfulness” of the husband’s mood can be annoying. Men of this sign do not consider it impossible to cheat, including in love relationships, that is, to cheat. If Geminis set their mind to something, they will try to achieve their goal, no matter what, for them the expression “the end justifies the means” is almost the motto of their life.

And yet, for women of a certain type, Geminis can become quite suitable husbands. If the wife does not pay special attention to the changeability of her husband’s mood and suggest what decisions need to be made in certain situations (and Gemini, unlike Aries, are not at all stubborn), then family life with Gemini can become quite acceptable. Deceptions and betrayals of a spouse are, of course, more difficult, but a wife who knows how to forgive can turn everything to her advantage; repentant Geminis are very obedient and manageable.

Freedom-loving and resistant to training, Sagittarius

Sagittarius may become an unsuitable husband for a woman who values ​​traditional family values ​​and is conservative in terms of family principles, that is, a very domestic cat-wife. The Sagittarius man is the most freedom-loving and eager to experience everything in life Zodiac sign. He has his own philosophy in life, and travel and adventure play an important role in this philosophy.

Sagittarians do not like to sit in one place, acquiring material values ​​and gradually increasing their financial well-being. This doesn't mean that Sagittarians are losers and don't appreciate life's pleasures. They can achieve anything, an interesting job, luxurious housing, any blessings in life, if they want and strive for it.

But they are restless in life and it is difficult to keep them in the home family circle; the love of the unknown and the unknown will always push them to some kind of adventurous adventures. And it is absolutely impossible to change Sagittarius in his thirst for adventure; everything traditional and conservative repels them. It will be difficult for a calm and homely woman to coexist with an energetic Sagittarius.

Sagittarius can become a wonderful husband for a woman who is as restless as her husband, and she doesn’t even have to be of the same zodiac sign as him. A mobile, energetic woman who also loves adventures and adventures will get along well with the freedom-loving Sagittarius. They will travel together and enjoy everything new and each other. And having temporarily quenched their thirst for new experiences, they will just as energetically build their daily lives and, most likely, will achieve good career and material results in everyday life. The main thing is not to tie Sagittarius’s wings and, together with him, enjoy a joint, but somewhat unusual for many other couples, life.

Controversial and complex Scorpio

Scorpio is the most powerful and, at the same time, the most complex sign of the Zodiac, powerful and complex in its spiritual essence. Living with Scorpio is almost the same as living on a volcano; you don’t know when he will wake up, and what troubles he can do when he wakes up. All Scorpio’s feelings are hidden deep inside, and even a close wife who has lived with this man for many years will never fully understand Scorpio.

In the soul of Scorpio, two powerful forces are constantly fighting, the love of power and the power of love. Scorpios are most often very smart, talented in many areas, very ambitious and always try to achieve great heights in the professional field, very often forgetting about their family and wife. They are very reserved and always hide their emotions; even a loved one most often does not know what lies beneath the restraint of this sign.

But if Scorpio’s negative emotions burst out, it won’t seem like much to anyone, it will be a storm and a squall. Living with such a man, although in everyday life he is a calm and imperturbable person, is extremely difficult, since you get tired of constantly expecting some kind of negative emotions on his part.

And yet, Scorpio can be a wonderful husband, but not for any wife. A woman who feels Scorpio on an intuitive level, is tuned in to the same wavelength as him, and knows how to calm the storm of his emotions that sometimes breaks through, will get along well with Scorpio. Moreover, when Scorpios find their true love, they are the most ardent, passionate lovers and devoted husbands. But proud Scorpio will never forgive betrayal and betrayal, no matter how great his love.

The rest of the zodiac signs can be both good husbands and very mediocre ones

It all depends on how strong the negative and positive character traits inherent in a given sign are in them. But much in family relationships depends on the woman. A man of any zodiac sign can show his best or worst qualities under the influence of his wife (positive or negative).

Dear ladies, take into account the zodiac character traits of your beloved husbands and, in accordance with them, build your family policy.

In this material you can find only the information that will help you find answers to questions about husbands of different zodiac signs. Leave your wishes and additions on this issue in the comments.

The best husbands according to zodiac signs

The most reliable and loving husbands turned out to be Aries, Cancer and Leo. These zodiac signs may show different attitudes towards their partner before marriage, but after the family has already been created, they become one of the most loving and devoted husbands.

Husbands' zodiac signs: Aries, Taurus, Gemini

— Aries
Aries always show their feelings in interesting ways, so much so that it is almost impossible to forget. They can be ranked among the top four best husbands for their affectionate and accepting attitude towards their wives.

- Calf
Taurus people are not the same heroic lovers found in soap novels. No. They don’t know how to show their feelings at all, which makes it difficult for them to get attention, but they are very persistent. Their persistence does not stop even after marriage, which develops into tenacity.

- Twins
Geminis are very contradictory and fickle, which, of course, not all women like. Their marriages are often short but filled with love. They are the ones who can burn out in a couple of months and this will in no way affect the other half.

Husband: Cancer, Leo, Virgo

- Cancer
Cancers are the most romantic signs of the Zodiac, but, of course, such husbands are not suitable for everyone. Sometimes they are simply preferred, rather as lovers. They find an approach to any girl and go straight into their hearts.

- A lion
Tenacious and diligent husbands who prefer the comfort of home more than travel. For their perseverance, they can be given the laurels of a winner, but not all women like such a quiet life.

— Virgo
It is very difficult to get along with Virgo. They set their own rules and want everyone to live that way. They are difficult to break and adjust to your own way, but they also have positive features. Virgos are ready to break apart, but only to do the best for the family, they try and very often get offended by what their other half did not notice.

Husbands zodiac signs: Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius

- Scales
Libras are good and positive husbands and can be compared to cartoon bears that can be both cute and dangerous. They show their threatening side only in case of danger, which adds another small plus to them.

- Scorpion
Unstable husbands who demand a lot and rarely give in return. Strong personalities often push their partner out of their lives and simply allow themselves to be loved, which is why they are not the best partners and husbands.

— Sagittarius
Sagittarius has a hard time making a choice between work and wife, between friends and family. They are always torn by many offers and sometimes make the wrong choice, which really hurts their partner.

Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces husband

- Capricorn
It is very difficult to find a common language with Capricorn husbands, but usually after marriage they open up so much that their passion desires the same communication. If Capricorns begin to open up, they mostly give love rather than negative aftertaste.

- Aquarius
Aquarians are wonderful lovers and husbands. They tend to understand female psychology at a glance and infiltrate their thoughts. They often become objects of admiration among the fairer sex, but in a long marriage such an illusion tends to dissipate.

- Fish
Pisces are surrounded by constant attention from the female sex and this cannot but anger their passion. They are not somewhat weak-willed and indecisive, which often affects marriage. Once under influence, they may even agree to a wedding, and only then think about how to escape.

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Not all people are created for family life, and astrology helps us understand how a person relates to family life, whether he is able to make compromises, which is necessary to create a strong and happy marriage. While the definition of an "ideal husband" is personal, some men have the most qualities needed to be the best husbands.

Here is the ranking of husbands by zodiac sign, starting from the worst to the best candidates for life partners.

The worst and best husbands by zodiac sign

12. Gemini husband (May 21 - June 20)

Men of this sign are considered the worst husbands. If you are looking for a permanent, family man, a family breadwinner with traditional foundations, then you need to avoid Gemini men at all costs.

Life with him can be beautiful, interesting and exciting, but only if you don't burden him too much.

The problem is that with a Gemini, you never know where you stand in your relationship. Either they feel great and can't wait to be with you, or they act as if you barely know them.

Geminis also often enjoy gambling and are prone to flirting, which can make family life difficult.

11. Husband Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)

Aquarius is like raw material from which a wonderful husband can be made. He will not bother you or cause you any inconvenience. He will support you financially.

However, the rest of the time he will live in his own world, dreaming of all the possible things that he could bring to life.

His chosen one should be honest and kind, but always ready for new experiences and surprises in family life.

Aquarius is very unpredictable and does not care much about the institution of marriage, and therefore he can quickly get married and get divorced just as quickly.

10. Pisces husband (February 19 - March 20)

The Pisces man is prone to extremes when it comes to marriage. He is very idealistic and has incredible faith in love, being ready to fulfill all the dreams of his partner.

However, if he becomes disillusioned, he discovers that he has made a bad choice and begins to get lost, shut down, cheat, or lie with amazing ease. Sometimes it seems that he is doing everything possible to be abandoned.

The Pisces man needs a practical and down-to-earth partner who will constantly keep him in a state of balance.

9. Husband Sagittarius (November 22 -December 21)

The Sagittarius man is romantic, but quite practical, courageous, but gentle, a wonderful lover and a caring father.

All you need to do is believe in him with all your heart and trust him completely. However, he quickly loses his sense of reality and tends to idealize his partner, which inevitably leads to disappointment and dissatisfaction.

If he finds a partner who is willing to give him a little freedom, sharing his ideals and beliefs, he can stay married for a long time.

However, if Sagittarius gets tired of a relationship, he immediately begins looking for new love.

8. Scorpio husband (October 23 - November 21)

Scorpio men are often described as jealous and possessive. In fact, they become this way because of their strong sensitivity and fear of being hurt.

When he chooses a life partner, Scorpio will do everything in his power to justify his choice, even if it is not the best.

He may become moody and emotionally dependent, obsessive and complex, but few men are capable of such devotion when it comes to love.

To find happiness with him, you must constantly prove your love to him, and leave aside the habits of leadership and falsehood.

7. Husband Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

A man born under the sign of Cancer considers family life to be one of the most important things in life. He has traditional values, is gentle, loyal and caring.

However, he is not inclined to take the initiative and is not always the defender he would like to be.

Although he may seem like the perfect partner, life with him is not that easy. He can be passive and sometimes overly sensitive, and also tends to resort to verbal aggression due to his fragile insides.

He needs a partner who will give him strength and show him how strong and confident he can be.

6. Aries husband (March 21 - April 19)

A man born under the sign of Aries quickly decides to get married. He likes to be in charge, and he never runs away from responsibility or from possible conflicts with his partner.

His energy level is very high and often unattainable for his partner, but this will only pose a problem if he imposes his opinions and his lifestyle on his wife.

However, if you deprive him of a way to express his personality, of confidence in his sexuality, he will very quickly begin to look for pleasure outside the home.

The best husbands by zodiac sign

5. Virgo husband (August 23 - September 22)

A man born under the sign of Virgo is considered one of the most devoted husbands in the zodiac sign. He is very rational and clean and loves to work hard and provide for his family.

He is not possessive, not very passionate, being conservative, and not very romantic.

However, this is a reliable husband who will never betray you. He will serve his partner faithfully as long as the relationship is meaningful to him and filled with trust.

4. Husband Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

When a Taurus gets married and starts a family, he is usually very devoted to his wife and children, and he will try to create the best conditions for his "nest". He is gentle and kind and pays attention to the physical pleasures in life.

As a rule, these men know how to cook, and also help their wives and take care of family members, but only if this does not go against his traditional views and needs.

Taurus people can truly commit themselves to one partner for life and remain happily married for years.

3. Husband Libra (September 23 - October 22)

Libra is the zodiac sign that symbolizes marriage and relationships in general. A man born under this sign feels a strong desire for marriage, always in search of love and someone with whom to share his life.

However, his confidence is easily shaken, and his self-image is often based on other people's opinions.

This man chooses confident partners who suit their overall image. The Libra man is quite passionate, and the one who thinks about others is often a wonderful lover.

He will constantly prove his love to his wife by giving her gifts, breakfasts in bed and bouquets of roses for no reason. However, you should not expect him to take out the trash, as this is not for him.

2. Husband Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

A man born under the sign of Capricorn usually devotes his life to his career and often gets married later than other signs of the Zodiac, when he is sure that it fits into his life plans.

This man can be relied upon in every sense of the word, and he will do anything to protect his family. His wife will feel completely safe in this union. However, she should not expect violent displays of emotions from him. Somewhere deep inside Capricorn is sensitive and kind, but in everyday life he seems cold and unemotional.

He can be difficult to communicate with, as he is strict and adamant in his opinions, and he needs a partner with great love and tact to subtly balance his nature.

1. Husband Leo (July 23 - August 22)

A man born under the sign of Leo is confident, kind and always brings light around him thanks to his huge heart.

Being a child at heart, he becomes a good father, with whom you can laugh, who will support and is ready to communicate with children.

Despite the reputation of narcissistic men, these are very devoted partners. They are natural leaders, and if you feel comfortable with the idea of ​​your husband taking on the leading role, Leo is the perfect choice.

If you treat him with due respect and admiration, you can expect the same from him.

Very often, representatives of various Zodiac Signs fight for the right to be the best in any category. Men are most interested in who among them is the best husband.

The best husband is the one who knows how to support a howling lady in a difficult situation - some will say. The latter will foam at the mouth to prove that the best husband is capable of protecting this. In fact, everything is extremely simple, because ladies always call those who have the fewest flaws the best. Strengths are also important, but who needs them if it’s simply impossible to live with you.

Getting rid of shortcomings must be a joint effort. Men should not put everything on the shoulders of their chosen one. Love is swimming together in the open ocean, so in storms and calms you need to be able to support each other.


Aries men are helped to achieve success in love by their unsurpassed strength of character. Unfortunately, it can often be the cause of most of their problems. Aries are some of the best men for marriage, although they are a little uncontrollable. Among the obvious shortcomings, it is worth noting the lack of understanding of fidelity.

If a woman manages to immediately convey to Aries that he now belongs only to her, then there is a chance that he will understand everything correctly. They may be uncontrollable and not understand hints, but they are one of the best fathers among all the Zodiac Signs. And also, in intimate life they are great masters - this also cannot be ignored.


Taurus are very good husbands. Before the wedding, they are bad in all aspects, from fidelity to cleanliness. But as soon as they realize that everything is serious, they correct themselves radically. This doesn’t always happen, but in most cases, all the shortcomings of Taurus seem to evaporate somewhere. The negative energy of these men sometimes makes itself felt, but this will not affect the marriage too much.

The good thing about Taurus is that they don't make choices too quickly. Among all the Zodiac Signs, Taurus men wait the longest before proposing.


It would be hard to call Geminis the best husbands. Even if you ask a woman who is married to such a man, she will tell you that it is better not to choose Gemini to be the father and support of the family.

This does not mean that everything is so terrible - it’s just that men of this Sign do not understand how important it is to live not only for themselves, but also for their wife. Geminis are very selfish and love to be with friends. They will enjoy life alone with their wife for a maximum of six months - then they will again want to watch football, drink beer and chat with friends.

Choosing a Gemini as a husband is only worth it to those women who themselves do not mind being sometimes separated from their husband. In such a marriage, one should clearly understand and be aware of the danger of a banal loss of interest in each other due to poor love compatibility. But, as they say, those who don’t take risks don’t drink champagne.


Not all ladies can get along with Cancer men either, because these men have a special mentality and views on the world. Cancers constantly feel that the evil eye or damage may be put on them, that their happiness may be taken away from them. This indicates their anxiety. In love, this turns into jealousy, which, as we know, is not a strong building material for happiness.

If you can call yourself a strong woman, and are head over heels in love with Cancer, then you can safely get married. If you are too impressionable and are not ready to forgive some of your husband’s antics, then you will have to look for another life partner before deciding to get married. Summary: Cancers are good husbands, but for the most persistent.

a lion

Leos experience breakups very hard, despite the fact that they show the whole world that they supposedly don’t care. These men are pretty good husbands, despite the fact that it will be very difficult for any lady to be with them, especially later, a few years after the wedding. Leos are somewhat reminiscent of Cancers - they are just as jealous and uncontrollable. It is generally impossible to argue with them, just as it is impossible to conduct a dialogue on equal terms.

On the other hand, Leos will never betray you. Many consider men of this Zodiac Sign to be unfaithful and deceitful, but this can only be so if you yourself are the same. Essentially, dating a Leo of any gender is a test of who you really are. Leos will help you understand how much you yourself can become a good wife.


Virgos know how to make new acquaintances just once or twice. These men are very sociable, but also very touchy at the same time. They may tolerate your antics, but you should not offend them for no reason, because even their patience is not unlimited.

Virgo men can without a doubt be placed in third place in the ranking of the best husbands by zodiac sign, because Virgos are the very men who, although demanding, will do everything you ask. If you don't like cleaning the house. They will do it themselves. If you don’t know how to cook, that’s also not a problem, because you can always learn together. If you don’t demand from them, but ask peacefully and diplomatically, then you can get everything in the world. They are also wonderful and loving fathers, fair people.


After only a few years of marriage, Libras begin to question whether you are truly right for each other. Libra men are good husbands, but only for the first couple of years, because then it’s as if someone is replacing them. This does not happen to everyone and not always. In addition, this process is reversible, but Libra still cannot enter the top three.

They are not the best fathers because they cannot choose between being strict and being too gentle. In a marriage with Libra, you need to keep your ears open, because no one has canceled betrayal. Libras are very susceptible to emotions.


Scorpio men often experience a relationship crisis. They invent these crises for themselves, and then wonder why women leave them. Of course, Scorpios have unearthly charm, intuition, intelligence, and a sense of humor. They don't have to go out of their way to get the lady of their heart, but they are simply terrible in marriage.

Many men, if not most, change after marriage. As for Scorpios, something bachelor remains in them even after they have stamped their passport. This is terribly annoying for many women. On the one hand, this is not such a big problem, but Scorpios rarely want to solve it.


Second place for the best husbands by Zodiac Sign goes to Sagittarius. These men are very attractive, smart, visionary and loving. These qualities make them one of the best. It’s also always interesting to be with them, because they don’t like to sit still. Sagittarians are drawn to everything unknown, new, so in the intimate side of love you will have bright moments, and in financial matters, too, everything will work out year after year.

The main thing is not to be jealous of Sagittarius and not to force them to “slow down” their development. Develop with them and relax completely. These men can change your life and turn it into a pleasant adventure. If you are not a slave to stereotypes, then such a marriage will inspire and inspire you.


Capricorns are not particularly lucky in love, because they look at everything through the prism of logic. These are cautious people, but if they find love, it will most likely be forever. In marriage, such men are incredibly stable, although not emotional. They can be boring, but they are absolutely among the top four husbands according to their Zodiac Sign.

Capricorn men understand perfectly well that the basis for love and marriage is trust. Until you gain their trust, they will not open up to you and offer you to be their wife. The wait may be long, but it will be worth it. If your feelings are true, then everything will be fine. Even boredom will eventually seem like a happy equivalent to calm. Capricorns are devoid of negative energy, so only good comes from them.


Aquarians could become good husbands, if not for their endless jealousy and numerous oddities in behavior. These men are well aware that they are not fit to be called the best husbands, so they live alone. Don't try to walk them down the aisle because they will stop loving you as much. Give them more freedom and don't stress them out with your behavior.

If you are a reasonable woman, then the Aquarius man will become an excellent friend, lover, assistant and patron for you. Well, we can have a wedding later. Don't rush and don't push him, then everything will work out. Life for Aquarius is fleeting, because they are true realists and materialists.


The Pisces man will help you find a purpose in life, because he will be most interested in this. Pisces are made for marriage. They are the ones who get first place, because among their shortcomings they only have a desire for bad habits, which is easily treated. Some ladies also note that Pisces can cheat on their wives, but this is also quite correctable - you must always be interesting to them.

All women dream of a happy family life. But how can you avoid making a mistake and ending up with nothing?

Here's what you can expect from them:

12. Gemini.

This is a husband who seems to exist, but seems to not exist. Moreover, most often it disappears precisely when it is needed most.

The rest of the time, he is all yours (and along with him his debts, dirty socks, strange hobbies, binges and a pregnant mistress). Don’t be surprised if he also borrows money from you.

In general, if you live with this, it will only be because:

  • He is the god of sex;
  • He is very smart and surprisingly witty;
  • He is the god of sex. Yes exactly!

11. Pisces.

The Pisces husband wants everything at once. Wild, crazy sex, borscht, hugs and mom. Actually, this arrangement works with Pisces: the wife needs to be a caring copy of his mother.

He needs care and severity at the same time! On the other hand, Pisces are very devoted to their partners, so even if you start kicking him out of the house, there’s no way he’ll leave you.

10. Sagittarius.

Romance, practicality, masculinity, tenderness, caring... Yes, all this is NOT about Sagittarius. Don't have any illusions.

If you protect yourself from the bad qualities of a Sagittarius, he will most likely decide that he is bored and will find someone else. So don't be surprised if you are his sixth or seventh wife.

9. Scorpio.

Scorpios are tyrants. If you don't think like him, you're thinking wrong. The only place for a wife with the wrong opinion, Scorpios believe, is in hell.

For a wife with the right opinion, such a husband will create a paradise in reality - with blackjack and, hmmm, cookies. For such men, the main thing is inspiration. Inspiration for sex, cleaning, washing and even cooking borscht.

And, of course, you should also treat it with love and inspiration!

8. Cancer.

This husband can be an example for everyone - but only in public. In front of strangers, he is an ideal husband, a wonderful father, and a smart entrepreneur.

At home, Cancer falls on the sofa, turns on the TV and drinks beer. By the way, if he doesn’t do this, then most likely he does it in some other woman’s house. This cannot be taken away from Cancers - they know how to cover their tracks.

7. Aries.

Pig, selfish, brawler and rude - typical "man"! In the apartment of hairy and brutal Aries you can find not only a pile of dirty socks, but also a piece of old pizza behind the sofa.

If he gets angry, run, and run away. If you plan to go away for a couple of days and leave your Aries husband with the children and pets, be prepared for the fact that you will have to prepare the entire refrigerator of food, because otherwise everyone will have to gnaw on dumplings. Frozen.

6. Aquarius.

Aquarius takes an honorable sixth place. Such a husband is unpretentious, cheerful and known for his easy character. He doesn't like worldly problems and standing in lines, so be prepared to do it for him.

On the other hand, he will always find something to keep you busy and it’s rarely boring with him!

5. Taurus.

Taurus are loyal and caring. They do not like traitors and try to provide their family with everything they need. They do not like excessive attention, and are quite calm and balanced.

Such a husband is kind, sincere and loves to give gifts. If boredom does not kill you next to him, then you will live happily and serenely.

4. Libra.

Libras love romance. Even if you have been living together for two hundred years, he will still tell you about his feelings and give you flowers on occasion.

He fulfills his marital duty even better than Gemini, but at the same time he doesn’t even think about cheating. He is very caring and gentle, but the dishes will most likely have to be washed for him.

3. Capricorn.

This is exactly the man you need to marry. But - only if you are not afraid of competitors. Capricorn is just a walking set of male virtues: honest, good-looking, smart, charming and sweet!

Moreover, Capricorns know how to retain their best qualities until old age, without turning into a bore.

The only negative is that he most likely does not want to get married. But if he does this, then the dream of many women is in your hands. Mister Stability.

2. Leo

Leo is a daddy lover's dream. Leos marry only rare beauties - or women who managed to convince them of this (and this is not difficult).

They will look after their beloved like a child, pamper her with millions of gifts, carry them in their arms and take her to the best places.

Marrying a Leo is like finding a new father, only with all the benefits due to a legal wife.

True, then you will have to admire Leo. Always and in everything. Without repeating yourself and without looking away. If you don't praise him in time, he will wither like an old bouquet.

1. Virgo.

Which Jane Austen fan hasn't dreamed of her own Mr. Darcy? Smart, good-looking and well-mannered - Virgo men are excellent cooks, earn good money and are not afraid of cleaning and dirty chores.

They are attentive to their wife and children, and cope well with problems and family responsibilities. However, due to their character, Virgos will only love "hopeless" cases. That's because “Well, he’ll be lost without me”. Oh…