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First and patronymic combination. What name suits the patronymic Kirillovich? Boy's name by patronymic Antonovich

The time comes to choose a name for a newborn, and many parents find themselves confused - which name to choose? There are a huge number of them - and exotic ones (unusual, but so beautiful!). Moreover, the names of beloved relatives and screen “idols”. There is a lot to be confused about. But there is a simple and proven rule - to name a child after compatibility of first name and patronymic.

Choosing a first name- this is the key to ensuring that the child develops harmoniously, does not experience discomfort from an absurd combination, and, moreover, does not become an object of ridicule. If the “inappropriate” name can be changed, then we inherit the patronymic. Therefore, when choosing a name for your baby, it is logical to start from the middle name.

The name must match the sound of the patronymic and be pronounced easily and freely. Agree that Valery Dmitrievich is much easier to pronounce than Gennady Dmitrievich. And Irina Arkadyevna makes a better impression than Irina Ivanovna. Experts in the field of names advise paying attention to “hard” and “soft” patronymics. Soft or neutral names go better with a solid patronymic - Olga Eduardovna will most likely have a complex, almost masculine character, and Alexey Mikhailovich may grow up to be overly flexible. Name researchers advise against giving a child the name of a deceased relative. Thus, you seem to allow a repetition of his fate in the life of your child.

Why is numerological analysis of first and middle names necessary?

When choosing a name for your child, remember that by doing so you are creating the “core” of the future personality. And here numerological testing of the intended name is very useful. The sum of the numerical values ​​of the vowels of a name will tell you what true desires a person will have, which will become the main motivation for his actions. The number of the middle name shows what quality traits your baby received from his ancestors. And the full name (first name, patronymic, last name) or Expression Number will determine the general direction of a person’s life. Taking into account all these factors, you will be able to develop certain abilities of your daughter or son, adjust the upbringing process and balance your character.

What to consider when choosing a name for a boy.

For those parents who stand before choosing a boy's name by patronymic, it is not recommended to dwell on the father's name. Not only is Lev Lvovich or Kirill Kirillovich quite difficult to pronounce when paired with a middle name, such children usually inherit not the most positive character traits of their dad. And, choosing a male name by patronymic, make sure that at the junction of the name and patronymic there is no accumulation of consonants or vowels (few people can pronounce Mark Dmitrievich without hesitation).

Tips for choosing a name for a girl.

At choosing a girl's name by patronymic It should be remembered that fashionable names that are analogues of male names (Alexandra, Evgeniya) are recommended to be combined with soft middle names (Mikhailovna, Ilyinichna). Otherwise, your daughter may develop a too quarrelsome, firm character. Think carefully if choosing a female name falls in the name of the child's mother. Even with differences patronymic, it will be difficult for mother and daughter with the same names to find a common language. And if you want to give your daughter an “overseas” name, see if it will sound as ridiculous in combination with a middle name as Cleopatra Konstantinovna or Snezhana Ivanovna.

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Consider the characteristics of the patronymic Dmitrievich. Men with the specified patronymic have a complex character. They are generally persistent, stubborn, courageous, and hardworking. They rely on themselves and rarely trust people. The owner of the patronymic Dmitrievich does not recognize other people's advice, can behave rudely among colleagues, and sometimes in the family. As a result, their family life may not go well. At the same time, the Dmitrievichs are considered good owners.

In order for the negative character traits with the patronymic Dmitrievich to be less pronounced, it is necessary to choose a name for him that sounds as soft as possible. For example, you can choose from the following names: Evgeny, Alexey, Vasily, Sergey.

Pay attention to the month of birth. Let’s say that the “December Dmitrievichs” have strength, developed imagination, and lightning-fast reactions. They enjoy driving and playing sports. In the future they can become good entrepreneurs. Therefore, in order to maintain balance, those born in winter are recommended to choose “soft” names: Ilya, Mikhail, Victor. “Martovsky Dmitrievichs” love to look in the mirror, play cards, dance, and talk on the phone. For them, more “solid” names should be preferred: Igor, Stanislav, Nikolai.

Take a list of male names in combination with the patronymic Dmitrievich and read it out loud. Choose your favorite from this list. Harmoniously combined with the patronymic Dmitrievich: Boris, Gerasim, Savely, Zakhar, Andrey, Valery, Valentin, Yaroslav, Fedor.


The sound of the name with the patronymic Dmitrievich may be difficult in the following case. The patronymic begins with the consonant sound that the given name ends with. Moreover, the very combination of a name and a patronymic contains many consonants. Here are some examples: Eduard Dmitrievich, Alexander Dmitrievich.

Helpful advice

You shouldn't call your son after your dad. This can have a negative impact on the boy's character. Your child may become irritable and overly emotional.

Avoid exotic male names, since it is unlikely that a harmonious combination will result with the patronymic Dmitrievich. In addition, your baby's exotic name may be ridiculed by classmates. They sound funny: Giorgios Dmitrievich, Hilarion Dmitrievich.

Choosing a name for your son is a serious and responsible matter. He, the future man, should be named so that the name suits him and emphasizes the qualities that loving parents would like to see in their child.


You can spend all 9 in agony because you can’t decide what to call it. But choosing a name for a child is only half the story; remember that sooner or later this name will become a middle name for your future grandchildren. Therefore, try to make it euphonious and in the form of a patronymic.

Don't call boy a rare and atypical name for our country, for example, the name of a hero from a TV series. The child will most likely have to suffer a lot if he gets the name Rafael or Luis Alberto.

Don't rush to name your baby after his father. Psychologists say that their fathers grow up unbalanced and nervous. In addition, in the future, incidental situations will arise when you call your father, and your son will come to your call, and vice versa.

If you are superstitious, then don't complain boy the name of your deceased relative. It is believed that when using the names of the deceased, children named in their honor inherit the fate and character of their ancestors.

It is important to consider many things when choosing a name for your baby. In particular, one cannot ignore such a factor as its compatibility with patronymic. The name and patronymic can influence a person’s fate, and if they suit each other, their owner will have good luck.


Picking up with " Alexeyevich", it is necessary to take into account that this middle name is soft. You can either enhance the softness by giving the baby a similar name (Mikhail, Ilya), or choose a hard name (Igor, Peter). In the second case, the rigidity is slightly neutralized, as a result the person will be more harmonious and will not be prone to extremes.

Make a list of names that you like. Cross off the list of deceased and unlucky relatives. Say each name from the list in turn, adding the middle name " Alexeyevich" Mark those options that seemed successful to you.

Find out the meanings of the chosen names, and decide which one you would like to give your son. If you want to see him kind and sincere, call him Stepan. If it is important for you that he is an optimist by nature, take a closer look at the name “Denis”. If you want your son to grow up wise and humane, choose the name “Fedor”.

Try not to choose a name that is too long. WITH patronymic, consisting of five syllables, it will sound cumbersome. For example, listen to how the combinations “Konstantin Alexeyevich", "Stanislav Alexeyevich" Not very nice, is it? Better pay attention to short and sonorous names: Victor, Pavel, Ivan.

Don't choose a name ending in "th". These names don't go well together patronymic starting with a vowel.


  • what names are suitable for the patronymic alekseevich

When choosing a name for a child, you should focus not only on its beautiful sound, but also on its combination with the middle name. A correctly selected combination will ensure not only harmonious consonance, but also a beneficial effect on the child’s fate.

When choosing a name for your baby, you should not forget that the middle name also has no less influence on the fate and character of the child. A person’s patronymic is a kind of repository of genetic information that indicates membership in a particular clan.
Possessing corrective capabilities, the patronymic can complement, clarify or soften those traits that manifest themselves in a person under the influence of his name. For this reason, when choosing a child’s name, it is very important to check the result of its combination with the patronymic.

The sound of the middle name

Patronymic names, the pronunciation of which requires rigid articulation, are classified as “hard”: Fedorovich, Igorevich, Nikolaevich, etc.; more easily pronounced patronymics are soft: Ilyich, Mikhailovich, Efimovich. So, for example, when choosing a name for Ilyich with a soft patronymic, first of all it is worth remembering the balance of the combination of name and patronymic: an excess of soft syllables can leave a corresponding imprint on the baby’s character.

Origin of name and patronymic

The best combination is provided by names and patronymics taken from the same language: ancient Greek, Hebrew, Latin or Slavic - they provide the most harmonious sound. The patronymic Ilyich, which is of Hebrew origin, will go well with names of the same language: Mikhail, Yakov, Daniil, Semyon, Ivan, Matvey, Zakhar.

Combination by number of syllables

The best combination of first name and patronymic gives a smooth distribution of sounds and letters in different numbers of syllables: long names work well with short patronymics, and vice versa: Konstantin Ilyich, Grigory Ilyich.
However, a combination of the same number of syllables also gives good results: Pyotr Ilyich, Ivan Ilyich, Yuri Ilyich.
When choosing a name with a patronymic Ilyich, it is worth remembering that duplicating the name is not recommended: you should not name the child by the name of his biological father, thereby introducing part of his father’s programs into his destiny.

The same applies to celebrities: a certain combination of first name and patronymic, which is well known to everyone, will have its own energy, which may not have the best impact on the child’s fate.
A boy with the patronymic Ilyich, who received the name Vladimir or Leonid, will be perceived through the prism of the names of the corresponding famous people, partially losing his own individuality.

Combination by name meaning

The patronymic Ilyich leaves a certain imprint on the child’s character: as a rule. All Ilyichs are patient, gentle, fairly calm, friendly people. Therefore, in order to give the character some traits of firmness, you can choose the appropriate name: Alexander, Yuri, Sergey, Roman, Boris, Taras.

The name Christina has Greek roots. Translated, it means “dedicated to Christ” or “Christian.” This is not the most common name in Russia; it has a number of difficult properties.

Special Traits of Christina

Christina is often characterized by slow reactions, inhibition of emotions and movements. She never does anything in a hurry, does not get stressed or panic. Christina is a completely unromantic and non-dreamy person, she thinks a lot, constantly analyzes the surrounding space. Many people mistake her thoughtfulness for sadness and depression.

It should be noted that Christina can give the impression of an insecure, lazy and constrained person. However, this is just an impression. Christina has a very strong will and hides very great inner potential. She takes a little time to understand a problem, but she is characterized by uncompromising, final and wise decisions.

Christina stands very firmly on her feet, she does not count on miracles and accidents, she always thinks realistically. She shows herself remarkably well in scientific activities and, as a rule, achieves significant success. Her habit of thinking through and planning all actions in advance, as well as an analytical way of thinking, make her life easier, but sometimes Christina lacks spontaneity.

Owners of this name easily join the team and can communicate equally with both men and women. She is capable of friendship with a man thanks to her rationality and control over emotions.

Impact on the child's character

Christina’s immediate circle must constantly surround her with care and warmth; in such conditions she “thaws out”, begins to show more spontaneous reactions, and opens up emotionally. Christina with a “well-developed sphere of emotions” is much more active, it is easier for her to find a suitable partner and establish friendships.

It is very important to monitor Christina’s health from childhood; it is necessary to convince her to go in for sports and spend more time in the fresh air. Unfortunately, Christina is quite often overly susceptible to viral and colds, in particular due to her very weak lungs.

The following patronymics add lightness, airiness and spontaneity to Christina: Artemovna, Anatolyevna, Arturovna, Viktorovna, Vladimirovna, Vitalievna, Vladislavovna, Georgievna, Gennadievna, Germanovna, Glebovna, Denisovna, Davidovna, Lvovna, Olegovna, Mikhailovna, Petrovna, Ruslanovna, Rubenovna, Sergeevna, Feliksovna, Yanovna, Eduardovna, Yaroslavovna, Karenovna, Danilovna. So, if you are the owner of one of the names from which these middle names are formed, you can safely call your daughter Christina.

The triune name of a person is not a feature of Russians. Many nations have the father's name in their surname.

This is done using a special prefix or ending. Among the eastern peoples it is “ogly” or “-zade” (Bul-Bul Ogly, Rakhmat-zade). The Irish have “Mac-” (Mc-Cormick). The Scandinavians use “-sen” (Andersen). All of these affixes stand for the word "son" and indicate whose son the person is. But only Russians have a patronymic - an obligatory element of a triune name, framed in the form of an adjective. Only the combination of a first name with a patronymic and a surname is the official and full name of a Russian person. Usually the middle name is assigned according to the father, but in some cases it can be chosen arbitrarily.

First name and patronymic compatibility

Mystics, numerologists, and other representatives of unofficial sciences argue about how to choose the right middle name for a child. Perhaps they are right. However, the proverb that one meets people by their clothes (in this case, by name) is still relevant today. I had an excellent teacher. His name was Rostislav Voldemarovich Nekuryaka. A very good person, an excellent teacher, smart, he was constantly at the center of ridicule because of his pretentious name. But there are plenty of such strange combinations in Russia. Parents, when naming their child, often forget that the combination of first and middle names can ruin their child’s life. I have been collecting a collection of incompatible first names and patronymics for a long time. It includes Roerich Nikolaevich, Alena Shamilyevna, Irina Grachikovna, Ariadna Robertovna, Ippolit Ippolitovich. Hearing such a strange or unpronounceable combination of first name and patronymic, you inevitably begin to sympathize with a person whose name is very difficult to remember and pronounce. But it’s so unpleasant when your name is distorted. That is why, when choosing a name for a child, parents should first of all take care of its euphony. Scientists have even come up with a number of rules, the observance of which will help parents find a combination of first and middle names that will not only sound beautiful, but also attract people to their bearer. It has been proven that people with sonorous and beautiful first names/patronymic/surnames move up the career ladder faster and are more successful in life. One of the proofs of this is the stage names of the artists.

Combination of first name and patronymic: learning to choose consonance

  • Short names go better with very long middle names (Stanislavovich, Rostislavovich, Illarionovich). Patronymic names that are too long are difficult to remember and difficult to pronounce.
  • It is important to maintain the sound balance of the first name and patronymic. If the patronymic begins with a vowel (Ivanovich, Aleksandrovich), then the name must end with a consonant, and vice versa. Otherwise, Maria Ivanovna will instantly turn into Marivanna, and Igor Rodionovich into Igoronych. It is clear that this rule does not apply to female names: almost all Russian female names end in a vowel.
  • It is necessary to ensure that the combination of first name and patronymic does not contain repeated consonants. Try to say Grigory Richardovich or Bartholomew Varfolomeevich right away without hesitation. It's difficult, isn't it?
  • It’s good if the emphasis in the name and patronymic falls on one syllable: it’s easier to remember and pronounce. Compare: Inna Innokentievna and Andrey Ivanovich. Which is easier to pronounce?

Combination of first name and patronymic: do not follow traditions

It is customary for us to give the child the father's patronymic and surname. But while observing traditions, it is worth remembering how ridiculous the combination of names and patronymics belonging to different nationalities sometimes sounds. In my collection of ridiculous names there is Snezhana Borisovna Kozel, Dilyara Vladimirovna Nechiporenko, etc. In addition, you should not make your child the full namesake of a famous person: he is unlikely to be able to avoid ridicule.

Perhaps choosing a child’s name by patronymic is one of the easiest ways choose the right name to your baby. For the simple reason that like it or not, it’s impossible to get away from the middle name and we have a minimal “starting” set for analysis.

In order to choose a name for the child patronymic Several methods can be used. In this article we will talk about one of them, which is called the Law of Sweetness (or the Law of Harmony): “The first name and patronymic together should sound harmonious, sweet.” This means that when pronouncing your name and patronymic out loud, you, or more precisely, your speech should not be interrupted, stumble over complex phrases, letters should not be “lost.” Figuratively speaking: the first name and patronymic should flow like a transparent stream on a hot summer afternoon :) Those who know how to feel this sweetness are unlikely to need our help. Others can read the rules about what to pay attention to when choosing a child’s name by patronymic:


1. try to choose a name so that the last letter of the name did not match the first letter of the middle name: for example, Suzanna Aleksandrovna or Pavel Lvovich “lose” part of their name, the final letter “a”, which is, as it were, “eaten up” by the patronymic. This is especially true for women's names and girls' names and fathers whose name begins with A. In this case, the person may be more connected with the energy of the father (after all, the patronymic is the father's name). And it’s good if the father is a successful, successful and happy person, and his energy is a blessing. What if the father has a difficult character and a difficult fate? In addition to this rule, it can be noted that combinations of those names that end with the same syllable (or combination of letters/sounds) with which the middle name begins are undesirable. An example of not very successful combinations from the point of view of sweetness Alina Naumovna, Anna Anatolyevna, Egor Igorevich, Rimma Matveevna, Bogdan Antonovich, etc.

2.the number of syllables in the name and patronymic should be different: with long middle names (Konstantinovich, Stanislavovich, Aleksandrovich - of 5-6 syllables), short names sound better (Oleg, Ivan, Ian - 1-2 syllables). And for short patronymics (Ilyich, Lvovich - there are quite a few of them in the Russian language), it is worth choosing long names (three or more syllables: Alexey, Georgy, Vyacheslav). Compare, for example, combinations of names and patronymics: Oleg Ilyich and Oleg Konstantinovich, Alla Yanovna and Alla Nikolaevna. Due to a more harmonious distribution of sound (and letter) vibrations, combinations of first names and patronymics with different numbers of syllables sound better. However, middle names of average length (i.e., neither long nor short - 3-4 syllables) go well with names of the same average length (3-4 syllables): Evgeniy Olegovich, Alexey Olegovich, Yaroslav Olegovich.

3. You shouldn't call your son after your father, that is, essentially duplicating the same name - this applies, of course, to male names. Alexey Alekseevich, Nikolai Nikolaevich, Alexander Alexandrovich and similar combinations sound solid only at first glance. In fact, here again we are talking about exposure to paternal energy, which we wrote about in the first paragraph of our rules. By calling your son after your father, you limit his personal capabilities; you put too much emphasis on a small part of his personal energy. Globally speaking, you are almost depriving the child of his own destiny by putting his father’s programs into him. And it’s good (I repeat) if the father is a positive and successful person, but what if not?

4. When choosing a name for a child, taking into account the middle name, be sure to pay attention to the origin(or “nationality”) of both the first and second. From an everyday point of view, names and patronymics of similar origin are better combined, and combinations where the name, say, is familiar, Russian, and the patronymic (father’s name) is, for example, Arabic, cause a chuckle (at least). How might Ivan Abdulvakhabovich or Pyotr Manfredovich feel? What do you think of Malvina Sergeevna or Irina Josephovna? Try to choose a name from the same national “category” as your patronymic: if your dad is Ibrahim, pay attention to female Jewish names - there are many beautiful names among them. From the point of view of esotericism, a child (as having a patronymic) is already under the influence and protection of a certain “national” egregor. If you also take the name of the same nationality, you strengthen the already existing protection. If the name and patronymic are of different clans, different “lands” and different energies, then influence and protection are more dispersed.

5. try to choose a name for your baby in such a way that the combination of first name and patronymic did not duplicate the first and patronymic names of famous people, especially with an ambiguous fate. For the patronymic Ilyich, Vladimir would not be the best option, since this combination already has its own energy, as you understand, not the best. Plus, keep in mind that associatively your child will be perceived through the prism of this particular person - and new acquaintances will unconsciously hang the “Vladimir Ilyich” label on him. Do you need your child to be second, similar to someone else, or should he still be a unique personality?

6. if surname contains many sounds and combinations yang, active, aggressive energy(for example, a lot - a, i, p, dr, br, etc.), then it’s better choose a softer, Yin name for it. For example, the category of such Yan patronymics includes: Alexandrovich/Alexandrovna, Arturovich/Arturovna, Dmitrievich/Dmitrievna, Robertovich/Robertovna, Fedorovich/Fedorovna, Eduardovich/Eduardovna. For such middle names, “affectionate” names like Evgeny, Oleg, Lev, Vasily, etc. would be optimal. Compare the sound: Alexander Eduardovich and Lev Eduardovich, Arthur Dmitrievich and Evgeniy Dmitrievich, Andrey Fedorovich and Mikhail Fedorovich. It is obvious that more “aggressive” first combinations generate more aggressive energy and, as a result, more active and dynamic people. Is it bad to be an active person? This is another question;) But since we are talking about sweetness, about the harmony of the combination of first name and patronymic, it is better to keep this rule in mind.

I listed basic rules of sweetness, which can be taken into account when using patronymics. These rules are good because they are accessible. They do not require any additional knowledge or skills, just a little of your time.