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Noun. Parts of speech. Noun Test “Noun”

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Russian language lesson on the topic “Noun as a part of speech” from the teacher of Russian language and literature Natalya Vladimirovna Potapushkina

A noun as a part of speech A name is given to everything - both the beast and the object. There are plenty of things around, but there are no nameless ones! And everything that the eye can see is above us and below us, and everything that is in our memory is signified by words. A. Shibaev

K. “The noun is the bread of the language” L. Uspensky “There is nothing in life and in our consciousness that could not be conveyed in a Russian word: the sound of music, the brilliance of colors, the play of light, the noise and shadow of gardens, the vagueness of sleep, heavy rumbling thunderstorms, children’s whispers, the rustle of sea gravel” K.G. Paustovsky

The noun answers the questions WHO? WHAT? animate inanimate

Proper nouns common nouns river Moscow-river

Nouns masculine gender house feminine gender book neuter gender window

Declension of nouns 1st cl. 3 cl. 2 cl. Male gender - A (-Z) Female gender - A (-Z) Winter Male gender - Middle gender - O (-E) Snow Female. Rod - Blizzard

Nouns change according to number of cases singular plural Nominative Genitive Dative Accusative Instrumental Prepositional pencil pencils

Syntactic role of the noun The stars fade and go out. Man is the smith of his own happiness. You can't get bread by lying down He was awakened by the howling of a blizzard The snow is still white in the fields

Winter In the picture of winter, everything is white with snow: Field, distant hills, Hedge, cart. But sometimes sunspots will flash on it Among the clearings of cotton wool Red-breasted bullfinches. Victor Lunin

Wonderful, How dear you are to me: White, Full, tall, And brilliant, And distant, Lonely. A. Fet painting plain moon Light of heaven snow sleigh running

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Noun as part of speech

During the lesson, in a playful way, you can generalize your knowledge about the noun. Various forms of group, individual and frontal work are used. ...

Repetition and generalization lesson of the Russian language in grade 5 on the topic "Noun as a part of speech." An open lesson was held for American students who came to Tatarstan to study Russian...

Summary of a Russian language lesson in 5th grade. Topic "Noun as a part of speech"

A detailed summary of the introductory lesson on the topic “Noun” is presented. All stages of the lesson, actions and phrases of the teacher and students are indicated, the lesson material is presented using vocabulary...

  • February 10
  • Classwork
Work with text. Find nouns and determine their role in the sentence.
  • Work with text. Find nouns and determine their role in the sentence.
  • I caught a lizard in the forest near a tree stump and brought it home. She lived in a large wide bank , where I poured sand and pebbles. Every day I changed the turf and water in the jar and let flies, bugs, larvae, worms, and snails in there. The lizard ate them greedily and grabbed them with its wide mouth. She especially liked the white cabbage butterflies. (V. Bianchi).
Check yourself!
  • Check yourself!
  • I caught In the woods at hemp lizard and brought her home . She lived in a big wide bank, where did I pour sand and pebbles. Every day I changed the turf and water in the jar and let it in flies, bugs, larvae, worms, snails. Lizard She ate them greedily, snatching them with her wide mouth. She especially liked white cabbage butterflies. (V. Bianchi).
Check yourself!
  • In a sentence, nouns have their own function: they play the role of the subject and secondary members.
Difference between nouns
  • Difference between nouns
  • Sky, pine, oak, sun, thunderstorm, autumn, poplar. Aspen, ash, wood.
  • Kitten, gift, magazine, toy, baby, journalist, doll, pencil case, diary, student, parrot, cage, old lady.
  • Leaves, books, pen, notes, program, verb, lessons, exercises, classes, look, story, notebook. Them. own
  • Murka, Artyom, girl, Vanyushka, Volga, Moscow, city, bird, Earth, grandmother.
Check yourself!
  • Check yourself!
  • ROD Sky, pine, oak, sun, thunderstorm, autumn, poplar. Aspen, ash, tree
  • ORIGINAL (living object) Kitten, gift, magazine, toy, baby, journalist, doll, pencil case, diary, student, parrot, cage, old lady.
  • NUMBER. Leaves, books, pen, notes, program, verb, lessons, exercises, classes, look, story, notebook.
  • Them. own names: Murka, Artyom, girl, Vanyushka, Volga, Moscow, city, bird, Earth, grandmother.
Check yourself!
  • We distinguish nouns by gender and number. They can name objects of living and inanimate nature. They call objects by their own name.
During your first listen, think about the content of the song.
  • During your first listen, think about the content of the song.
  • During the second, write down the nouns you heard.
  • after the third reading, orally reconstruct the lyrics from the written words
There was one soldier in the world,
  • There was one soldier in the world,
  • Handsome and brave
  • But he was a child's toy
  • . After all, he was a paper soldier.
  • He wanted to remake the world
  • So that everyone is happy. And why? Yes because
  • That he was a paper soldier.
  • And he, cursing his fate,
  • I didn’t crave a quiet life
  • And he kept asking; “Fire! Fire!
  • Forgetting that it was paper. You didn't trust him
  • Your important secrets.
  • Into the fire? Well! Go! Are you coming?
  • And he stepped one day.
  • And there he disappeared for nothing,
  • After all, he was a paper soldier.
Did the soldier die stupidly?
  • Did the soldier die stupidly?
  • Or maybe there was a greater meaning in his death?
  • Or is it better to choose a “quiet life”?
  • Courage, kindness, bravery, valor, fearlessness, indifference, selfishness, cunning, stupidity, greed, courage, malice, tenderness, coldness.
Selfishness is selfishness, preference for one’s own, personal interests over the interests of others, public interests.
  • Selfishness is selfishness, preference for one’s own, personal interests over the interests of others, public interests.
  • Let us once again look at the words we used to describe the paper soldier.
  • Let's return to morphology. What part of speech do the words on the screen represent?
  • "Noun".
  • Let us once again look at the words we used to describe the paper soldier.
  • Let's return to morphology.
  • What part of speech do the words on the screen represent?
  • "Noun".
  • But the noun has one secret. And it is connected with meaning. What's the secret? And let's try to solve it.
  • The noun should denote an object, and the words courage, bravery, kindness, etc. indicate the characteristics of a hero.
  • There are nouns that denote a characteristic as an object.
Evaluate your activities in class by completing the following sentences:
  • It was difficult
  • It was interesting
  • Now I can


Control over the degree of assimilation of basic knowledge, skills and abilities studied and developed using this educational material.


    Educational .
    Consolidate acquired skills and abilities in solving exercises, working with visual and didactic materials, improving reading and writing skills, spelling and punctuation vigilance.

    Developmental .
    To teach to highlight the main thing in texts and educational material.
    Ensure the development of students' oral speech (the ability to talk about a noun; the ability to prove that a word belongs to a given part of speech in the form of independent reasoning; the ability to distinguish a noun from other parts of speech; the ability to determine the morphological and grammatical features of the part of speech being studied).

    Educational .
    To carry out moral education of students, will ensure during the lesson an understanding of the words: humanism, patriotism, camaraderie, ethical standards of behavior.

During the classes

    Organizational moment

    Teacher's opening speech.
    A. Shibaev’s poem “Words, words, words...” is read:

Everything has a name -
Both the beast and the object.
There are plenty of things around,
But there are no nameless ones.

And all that the eye can see is
Above us and below us, -
And all that is in our memory is
Signified by words.

What part of speech belongs to the words that give names to animals, objects, things?

Remember the definition of this part of speech

    Work with text. The text is written on the board. Read, insert and explain the missing letters. Determine the general meaning of nouns in the text. Find words that do not denote specific objects, but answer the question What? and have the meaning of objectivity.


Are erasedfaces Anddates ,

But still until the lastday

I need to remember those that once

At least they warmed me up with something.

Warmed yourscloak - p...patch ,

Or quiet playfulsl...vtsom ,

Iltea ontable... shaky,

Or simply a kind face.

Howholiday , Howhappiness , Howmiracle

GoingKindness Byh...ml .

And I won't forget about her

How do I forget aboutevil (Yu. Drunina)

    Mini-study “Does a noun only denote an object?”

    Purpose of the study - find out: does a noun denote only an object?

The noun said this about itself:

“I have been living in this world for a long time.

Do I give names to objects???”


We assume that the name is a noun denotes not only objects.

    Progress of the study

    Analyze noun definitions

    Make observations in the outside world .

    Summarize the data obtained, draw conclusions, give your definition of a noun as a part of speech

    Analysis of noun definitions

    Noun - part of speech denoting an object and answering a question "who what" . One of the main lexical categories; in sentences, the noun usually acts as the subject or object (Definition from Wikipedia)

    A noun names objects in the broad sense of the word; these are the names of things (table, wall, window, scissors, sleigh), persons (child, girl, youth, woman, man), substances (cereals, flour, sugar, cream), living beings and organisms (cat, dog, crow , woodpecker, snake, perch, pike; bacteria, virus, microbe), facts, events, phenomena (fire, performance, conversation, vacation, sadness, fear), as well as qualities, properties, actions, states (kindness, stupidity, blue , running, decision, hustle).

( Dictionary of linguistic terms D.E. Rosenthal )

    Conclusion: In dictionary D.E. Rosenthal's definition is more accurate than in the textbook and on the Internet.

    Answer questions, give examples

    Nouns can refer to people and animals ?

    Nouns can denote place names ?

    Nouns can denote natural phenomena ?

    Nouns can denote events ?

    Nouns can denote qualities of a person ?

    Nouns can denote the subject of an action ?

    Nouns can denote a person's condition ?

    Nouns can denote the subject of a characteristic ?

    Conclusion: Noun denotes more than just an object.

The hypothesis was confirmed. Nouns –not just objects.

Nouns mean people and animals,

geographical names (Moscow),

natural phenomena (rainbow, rain),

events (holiday, war),

human condition (sadness, excitement),

human qualities (courage, kindness)

subject of action (running, walking),

subject of attribute (yellowness, beauty).

    Determine the meaning of the noun. Exercise No. 441. Work in pairs. Find in the exercise nouns that mean

    Earth, its depths, water surface

    Cosmic bodies and phenomena



    Natural phenomena


    Facts, events

    Justify your answer. Distribution letter.

Ex. No. 440 (write the words in 3 columns: 1 – noun, 2 – adj., 3 – verb).

When checking, words from the first column are accompanied by a comment.

Sample: wordrun denotes an action, but answers the question what? and has the following morphological characteristics: gender (masculine), number (singular), case (nominative), changes according to cases (running, running, running etc.), refers to the 2nd declension. Based on the listed characteristics, we can conclude that this is a noun, the action is designated as an object.

    Choose a name, identify the characteristics. Teamwork

Choose proper nouns for the given common nouns. Write it down in two columns. Identify all the features of a noun

City, river, village, lake, magazine, dog, poet, cat, writer, storyteller, book, first name, last name, cartoon, patronymic, ocean, state, newspaper, program.

Which nouns are common nouns and which are proper nouns?

How are they written?

    Summing up

What new did you learn about nouns today?


Compose a story of 7-10 sentences using nouns: holiday, victory, memory, feat, courage, patriotism

Patriotism - Devotion and love for one's fatherland, for one's people.

Noun as part of speech

Russian language lesson in 5th grade

Test yourself!

Vocabulary dictation

Bagnerol, sandwich, noodles, vermicelli, yogurt, breakfast, basket, gooseberries, carrots, cutlet, broth, pasta, dumplings , beef steak, pretzel, ham, grapes, ingredient, potatoes, smokedness

Lesson topic

"Noun as part of speech"

Significant parts of speech





Functional parts of speech

In Russian, for every 100 words, there are 40 nouns

Morphology(from Greek “morphe form”,

logos "teaching, science")

Morphology is a branch of the science of language,

in which a word is studied as a part of speech


Animated Inanimate

check yourself

Noun -

Denotes –

In a sentence it happens -

Changes according to -

Part of speech


addition and circumstance

cases, genders, numbers

Animate nouns

Names of chess pieces

Fantastic creatures:

mermaid, goblin, brownie, dead man

Proper and common nouns

Proper names can turn into common nouns:

Plombier town – ice cream sundae

engineer R. Diesel - diesel

architect F. Mansara – attic

inventor of wind instruments A. Sax - saxophone

city ​​Tulle - Tulle

Types of Declension of Nouns

Declension type


1 m.r. - A , - I

and. R. - A , - I

grandfather A , uncle I

grandmother A , seven I , army I

2 m.r. -

Wed R. - O , - e

class, reeds, herbarium

windows O , suns e , surprise e

3 and. R. - b

night b , ten b

Declension of nouns

Nouns have only plural or singular form:

This is interesting

Estonian schoolchildren must memorize the names of 14 cases, and in Finland - 15. There are as many as 22 cases in the Hungarian grammar. But in some languages ​​of the peoples of Dagestan there are over 50 cases. There are no cases in Chinese grammar.

Let's check ourselves


Unit h.

Mn. h.










(about) Foliage


(about) Sleigh

Practical research work

Analyze each sentence and see what role the noun tree plays.

The tree rose higher than the house.

On the slope we saw a tree with a snow-white trunk and a bright green crown.

Pine is a coniferous tree.

The white buildings of houses loomed from behind the sparse trees.

A noun can act as any part of a sentence

Our lesson is coming to an end

Don't forget to write down your homework