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Sotnikov's interview. Amazing harmony. Adeline. There was no moral devastation after the victory

The main thing is that we, R-Sport correspondents Maria Vorobyova and Andrei Simonenko, did NOT want to ask Adelina Sotnikova how she changed after the Olympics. We wanted to see it for ourselves. So, Adeline has matured. Very. Another man. But we decided to start the interview, which took place in one of the Moscow cafes, with the most frivolous question asked in the most serious tone.

Andrey Simonenko: Adelina, Masha and I, and the fans can't wait to clarify one important point. What is the Lyublinochka dance that you skaters take turns doing and posting videos on Instagram?

- (Laughs) Yes. This is what our guys came up with - Maxim Kovtun with Ivan Rigini. They and Ksyusha Stolbova went to Balashikha for a show and along the way they came up with a dance. They arrived and began to dance it to the music that Ksyusha turned on. And so "Lublinochka" was born.

Yes, I have always been against these social networks. I understand that it is modern, people meet and communicate there. But for me, dating in social networks seems to be some kind of nonsense. Here, fans write to me that they love me, that they want to meet with me, how good and wonderful I am. They write how good and kind they are. How can I understand through the Internet whether they are good or evil? I even had to block one here - he was too stubborn. In general, dating in social networks is very strange for me.

AS: Then what kind of communication with the fans do you enjoy the most?

When they get together after the performance. I understand that there are a lot of them, but at least I see them all. Or a meeting with fans when they suit. And because of these social networks, it sometimes even seems to me as if someone is following me. It becomes scary.

MW: How do you try to protect yourself from it?

I don't take the subway at all. Either dad comes for me, or I call a taxi.

MV: By the way, before our interview, Andrey just said this out loud: I wonder if she calmly walks the streets? The place is crowded ... It happens that someone finds out, is it suitable?

No, thank God (smiles)! As long as I'm calm.

MV: To be honest, I did not take this topic so seriously, but now after your words I remembered the film "The Bodyguard" with Whitney Houston in the title role. Threatening letters, everything else… Did you expect it to come to this?

Well, after all, it didn’t come to this, I have my own bodyguard - my dad. I know he won't hurt me! Therefore, in principle, I am calm. So, on May 9, I went with a friend to a shopping center. On the subway, yes, as I said, I'm scared, but it was fine by taxi. They walked there. First, dark glasses. Then she took them off carefully, looked around - everything seems to be calm (laughs).

AS: By the way, what kind of Russian fans with a negative attitude did you mean - fans of Yulia Lipnitskaya?

Yeah, I don't know who they are. In fact, I understand everything - everyone has their own fans, everyone supports their athlete. But just at the Olympics, it seems to me, one could root for the whole country, and not for someone alone.

MV: In general, when we were preparing for the interview, we came to the conclusion that your confrontation with Lipnitskaya was something fictitious, artificial. Each of you had your own path, both of you have achieved well-deserved success, but in fact they are trying to push your foreheads together.

Yes, this is the same thing that we had with Liza Tuktamysheva. We were constantly bumped into. It so happened that Lisa was not at the Olympics, she had an unsuccessful season, but if she were, they would have been pushed against her. And in general, it feels like as soon as one of the new ones appears - that's how they push us together.

MW: Do you have the feeling that this is something artificial and, so to speak, far-fetched?

Certainly. I don't understand what people have in mind when they do this. On purpose, or something, to somehow bring down? I don't even want to think about it, it's annoying.

AS: Are you even friends with Lisa?

Yes, everything is fine with Lisa and me. It's a little different with Yulia, but that's because she's different. Everywhere with mom, for example, travels. If I went everywhere with my mother, I would also communicate less with everyone.

Leaving now would be ugly

MV: Now let's get back to what you did after the Olympics - that is, to the show. More precisely, not even to the shows themselves, but to the demonstration programs that you have prepared for them. They are very unusual for you, and we want to know - how did they come into being?

The first exhibition number, Come Together, was my initiative, I wanted something that I didn't have yet. I've never had this kind of music before. That's what she suggested. Began to look for specific music. Found. I immediately liked the rhythm - an interesting one, and a voice. It seems to me that it turned out to be a rather unusual, incendiary number. And the idea of ​​the second issue was proposed by Tatyana Anatolyevna Tarasova - "Swan Lake". She said that in Japan, where I went to perform, they love this music. I agreed and thought again - with this music in 2009 I won my first Russian championship, then, as a continuation, I had a demonstration number in a real ballet tutu. And here is a slightly different story - I am a girl who struggles with her feelings, experiences ...

AS: In general, it seems to me that this number should turn out differently for you every time, because it depends very much on your mood.


AS: How do you feel more often in this program - doubtful, maybe somewhere rushing about, dramatic ...

In my opinion, this number is more dramatic. But also happy at the same time. When I tear off my “shawl” at the end and throw it on the ice, it’s as if I take off all the negativity, the whole burden of experiences. Freed from everything. And as for the mood, by the way - somehow I didn’t want to ride at one show at all. But I went out on the ice, this music began - and I came to life! I forgot about what I had outside the rink. I got off the ice, and thought to myself - how gorgeous it turned out to skate (laughs)!

AS: In terms of intensity, this "Swan Lake" can be compared with a competitive program, and could you perform a number of the same level of drama with jumps, spins and other elements?

It seems to me that yes. When I ride, the feelings are obtained by themselves, they come from the heart. But when you get used to the image, you want to jump above your head. And you can't do that (laughs). But it just seems to me that this lively and sincere feeling can help to concentrate on the elements.

MV: As far as I know, you have already started setting up new programs. According to the new rules, you can just experiment - for example, take music with words. Will you risk doing something like that?

I think the free program, which we have already staged, will be very unexpected for everyone.

AS: When it comes to staging, I immediately remember Carolina Kostner, who in recent years has followed an exclusively artistic direction in skating. When she leaves, there is no desire to take her place and also engage in pure creativity? After all, you, unlike her, already have the title of Olympic champion. Maybe you will even feel better.

It will be a pity when Carolina leaves the sport. And as for the fact that it will be easier for me - I really hope so. I will do everything so that nothing is put off in my head. By the way, many people tell me - I have become very liberated lately, my skating has become more feminine. Hope I'm on the right track.

MV: The conflicting moods of your Swan Lake suggest that after the Olympics you had doubts about whether to continue your career. This is true?

There was such a thought. Not immediately after the end of the Olympics, but about a month later. I began to think that I had achieved my goal, asked questions about where to move on. But I realized that it would be ugly to leave now. I am only 17 years old, I have just started my journey. And this path is very interesting! For me the most interesting. I will have new sensations, maybe I can create something new on the ice. Taking it now and leaving would be completely wrong.

AS: It turns out that now the process itself becomes the motivation for skating for you?

Now I think yes. I want to ride, I want to show something new. And do not forget that I am an Olympic champion, and children will look up to me.

MV: If you look at the biographies of Olympic champions in women's singles, most of them left immediately after winning the title. Take, for example, Oksana Baiul, Tara Lipinski... For you, it turns out, there is a certain challenge - to be one of the few Olympic champions who remains and continues to please us. Not scary?

This is life and I'm interested in it. Life doesn't have to be boring.

AS: Although it is fair to mention Kim here: although she took a long break, she also did not leave. Doesn't the thought that in four years you may not win the Olympics also scare you?

Absolutely. Even if I don't win, if I have some breakdowns, I won't get upset. I already have the title of Olympic champion.

MV: At the Olympics, you were also asked if you would continue, and you said: "Well, of course, I will, but I don't have European and world champion titles!" At that moment, the closest was the World Cup in Japan. Is that what you wanted to win?

I wanted to win, yes. There was a desire to go to Japan, but soon after the Olympics, I felt some kind of devastation in myself. It seems that I have strength, I am in good shape, even the coach was shocked when she saw how I started training after returning from the show. But, really, it was empty inside. And I thought: I'm not finishing with the sport, I continue. I will have world championships - next year, in a year, in two years ...

AS: It must have been a shame when some of our own fans began to reproach you for not going to the World Cup...

Sure, but what can I do about it? I said my opinion: I was tired, I had a lot of nerves spent this year, and I had the right not to go. This is my decision.

Throwing everything at the most crucial moment is a complete setup

AS: When you started your adult skating career two or three years ago, a lot of things didn't work out as well as everyone expected. The pre-Olympic season was very difficult. Yes, and in the Olympic were disruptions. Was it difficult to go through periods of crisis? Surely there were moments when I wanted to send everything.

I wanted to. And I already sent almost everything. At the beginning of this season, for example, when I arrived after the Japan Open. There I just skated a terrible free program. I talked with Elena Germanovna later, she said: if you want to achieve something, then you need to do something. If you don't want to, then don't do anything. Of course, in my heart I felt that she was going through, and that she was speaking in such a way that my head turned on. But I thought - maybe I really quit everything, why is it necessary if I can’t get ready for a rental? The thought has already flashed to call the coach and say: I'm sorry, but I'm finishing.

MW: Did you call?

No, then I went to training, started skating ... I decided to give myself another chance at the Grand Prix. I went to China, skated a great short program there. I thought - well, thank God, it means that the free program will also be good. Yeah, now ... But still I took second place, after which I thought - if I get to the Grand Prix finals, then I will continue. Went to France. And she gave out such horror in the short program! I remember the morning before the free program. In training, I just rode. Then I went for a walk alone, talked to my mother, the general mood was - I don’t care how I skate, it doesn’t matter already. And I went out for a warm-up before the rental - I suddenly felt such a state that I was calm, like a tank. It happens - against the general background of indifference, you ride very well. I remember hearing the screams of Russian fans, I thought - wow, we got to Paris. I got into the starting position, I think, okay, I'll ride a little more. Still somewhere four minutes ten seconds (laughs). And in the end, when everything worked out, I think like this: so, and what was it? As a result, I got to the Grand Prix finals, I think, further, or what to continue skating? In the final, she skated a really chic short program. I remembered that in Paris the free skate was great. I began to think that I should skate just as well - and I got worried. This bothered me a lot. But after that breakdown, I had no doubts. I immediately thought: I have the Russian Championship ahead of me.

AS: What advice would you give to other athletes, I'm not even just about skaters - how to get through moments of crisis? Dig into yourself, switch off from everything, something else?

If an athlete is one of those on whom the bet is made, and he feels responsible, then, of course, you need to switch off for a couple of days. Do not go anywhere, after training just lie down. Think not about sports, but about something else. Just about the future - if not sports, what would I do. Crying, of course, helps a lot. Great outlet for emotions.

MV: Does the athlete who is betting on have the right to give up everything at a crucial moment?

No, of course not. The base would be complete! It is necessary to wait until the same Olympics take place, and then make a decision. And, of course, you can’t quit before a responsible start.

AS: Do you remember the moment when they started betting on you as an Olympic hope?

In 2009 they started.

AS: And then there were posters hung around Moscow, you are the face of the Grand Prix final. Was it hard to bear?

It was hard, yes, to look at yourself on the posters.

MV: But these are different moments - what happened in the Olympic season, and what happened then? And which is harder?

Then it was harder.

AS: And Elena Germanovna then, I remember, said: of course, this is too much - such crazy attention, but these tests can also temper.

I didn't think about it at all. Temper, teach ... I wanted to move away from this, but it didn’t work out - all this constantly pressed on me. And it was really hard. And, by the way, what is interesting: as soon as a new person appears, everyone immediately forgets about you. You are trying to somehow raise the bar again, at least to the same level that it was before, but nothing works out for you. And this is the most offensive (smiles). The same Julia appeared, and they begin to love her more. She is younger than me. He does his stunning stretch, and everyone admires (smiles). Now Anya Pogorilaya has appeared. But it will always be so. There used to be Alena Leonova, then Liza and I appeared, now other girls are coming. In general, Irina Slutskaya was even earlier (laughs)! And we weren't there at the time.

MV: It is clear that this process is inevitable, but can you change your attitude to the situation?

Can. I did change. I'm much more relaxed about it.

Life is a game and it's never perfect

AS: Adeline, have you ever wanted to send pushy journalists?

Well, how ... You have to control yourself. This is part of my job. Although, when it’s completely unbearable, I try to dodge it somehow. "Maybe next time" ... But in general I try to give interviews to everyone.

MV: And when nothing worked out in the program, and you enter the mixed zone, does it not become easier from the fact that you start telling something?

No, I personally just want to go somewhere. In France, after a short one, I remember, they began to bombard me with questions - and I stood there, almost crying. She said "I can't talk, I'm sorry" and left. But all athletes are very different. For example, I cannot show my tears in public. It's like showing my weakness for me. Some people think it's normal. Someone else in Kiss and Edge starts to roar. I still have to leave. And it's hard for me to talk.

AS: Do you immediately begin to communicate with the coach at such moments, or do you pause?

No, well, she will immediately ask: "What is happening, what happened to you again?" And then I understand that you need to turn on your head (smiles).

MV: By the way, Elena Germanovna went through a similar path - she won the Russian Championship very early, she switched to adult skating early. There were situations when she said: the same thing happened to me, is it necessary to do this here?

She always told me: it will be very difficult. There are no easy ways, so Elena Germanovna warned that everything depends on me, I have to try. And I liked what she told me. I understood: it would really be hard, but I allowed myself the thought - what if I still manage to get around some difficulties?

MW: Probably, I will ask a banal question, but still. The path to Olympic gold is really not easy for you. But if you now take a look at what is behind - would you like it to be easy? So that everything works out at every start?

It wouldn't be interesting. And it doesn’t happen that everything is perfect all the time. This is life, this is a game. I prepared myself from childhood in this way: we must try to understand ourselves, try to understand what is happening. It didn't work out for a long time. I'm doing something, but I don't know what. But now I seem to understand, I begin to consciously approach the process, I distinguish for myself what I want and what I don’t want. Growing up, I guess (laughs).

We have fun at the camps!

MV: Almost three months have passed since the Olympics. Can you remember what was the happiest moment during this period?

When the car was handed over (laughs). That was happiness! I was jumping for joy, but I was filmed as I ran to my car. I run and think, I wouldn’t fall ... They are also all the same, they differ only in names on the numbers. I see - Katsalapov, Bobrova, Solovyov, I think, where is mine?! I ran here, I ran there, I look - well, finally, Sotnikova.

AS: Have you already managed to ride normally in your car?

Well, I rode, yes ... At first, of course, my dad drove me, I'm still an illiterate person in this matter. And then I started to ride on the site, where there is no one. Rights in July will already receive. Although there was a pause now, I didn’t drive for two months, I got behind the wheel - and suddenly something shook me. A long time ago, when my dad taught me how to drive a "mechanics", there was such a moment: I revved hard, and in front of us stood, you know, such orange cones? And he jerked the handbrake up to slow down the car. I was so freaked out! I didn't drive for a year and a half. Now I didn’t want to either - but dad said: don’t be afraid, I’m with you. And I ride, I study.

AS: Is driving a pleasure to experience?

Dad once asked me recently: what are you gasping for? And I answered, squeezing the gas pedal: "I like it" (smiles).

AS: Did you think about going into car racing after figure skating?

No, that kind of speed is definitely not my thing. Once I rode with friends, sat in the back, and we accelerated so much that I just screamed - please be quiet! When I drive the car myself, I will choose the speed that is comfortable for me. Dad, by the way, also sometimes likes to gasp - but I'm not scared with him, I'm sure of him.

MV: In conclusion, tell us a little about your immediate plans - for holidays, for training camps ...

On May 22 I will perform in St. Petersburg at the show. On the 23rd I'm leaving for a week's vacation in Paris with my mother and sister. Then I have events planned again at the end of May, I will have to ride. June 7 to Turkey again to rest, at sea. And then from June 15 training camp in Italy.

MW: Do you want to plunge into this routine already?

- (After a pause). Yes. After all, fees are interesting. We communicate with friends from the group. Of course, you get tired after training, but in the evening we always come up with something, as if some kind of batteries turn on. Here we often play cards for desires. Last year it was funny in Latvia - Seryozha Borodulin lost, and we told him: go to the administrator, fall on the floor and start shaking: "call me an ambulance, call me an ambulance" (laughs). And I filmed it all. I myself also went to the administrator and said this: "hello-a-row-a" (laughs). In general, we have fun at the training camp.

AS: And now the last question for today. You are an Olympic champion, you were applauded by the stands of Sochi, Moscow, Japan, anything. What are you dreaming about now, Adeline?

I dream of starting a family in the future. But any ordinary girl dreams about this, this is normal, this is right. I dream of having a good job. And just to be okay.

MV: That is, not sports, not transcendental, but earthly dreams?

Yes. It's time to start thinking about what will happen next in life. Not all the time I will be in sports, I will have to finish sometime. (After a pause). But as long as I keep riding, don't worry (laughs)!

At the end of August, 19-year-old Olympic figure skating champion Yulia Lipnitskaya announced her retirement. The girl was never able to recover from a serious illness - anorexia. In September, it became known that another figure skater, 21-year-old Adelina Sotnikova, would miss the current season due to an injury. Why did Yulia Lipnitskaya leave the sport so early and what awaits Adelina Sotnikova - in the material "360".

Photo: RIA Novosti / Vladimir Pesnya

At the end of August, unexpected news came to Russia: 19-year-old Yulia Lipnitskaya was leaving the sport. The winner of the gold medal in figure skating, who won the love of the audience after the Olympics in Sochi, could not recover from a serious illness.

Yulia announced her plans to end her career to the leadership of the Russian Figure Skating Federation back in April of this year. Then she returned from Europe, where she underwent a three-month treatment for anorexia, the mother of the athlete said. After the Olympic Games in Sochi, Lipnitskaya began to recover rapidly, which hindered her career, figure skating coach Alexander Zhigulin told Komsomolskaya Pravda.

The girl desperately struggled with being overweight, which led to a terrible disease - anorexia. Lipnitskaya was treated in Germany for a long time, but after a full recovery, she began to recover again. The girl's treatment was paid for by her lover, Eugene. He persuaded the girl to end her career.

Some experts attribute Lipnitskaya's failures to the fact that she is from her coach Eteri Tutberidze. She kept the skater "in tight rein", which was necessary to continue her sports career.

“Lipnitskaya considered herself a star”

Lipnitskaya worthily took advantage of her chance of success, says figure skating coach Maria Butyrskaya. “At the age of 15, a rather serious burden was placed on her and she could not give up. She showed everything she could, ”she said in an interview with 360. In adolescence, figure skaters have a more fragile physique and all kinds of jumps and pirouettes are much easier for them. After a while, the girls begin to grow up and their weight increases markedly. At this stage, many athletes end their careers.

She fought it. She went to the World Cup after the Olympic Games. But nature took over. It is easy for someone to lose weight, while someone suffers from it all their lives. In any case, she left a mark in figure skating. She will find herself in life and will delight us in other activities.

Maria Butyrskaya.

Lipnitskaya, not only on a psychological, but also on a physical level, it was hard to cope with the glory that fell upon her. “When an athlete does not sleep, does not eat, constantly plows, he sees some kind of goal before his eyes,” Butyrskaya explained. Lipnitskaya reached the pinnacle of her career back in 2014, becoming an Olympic champion. Getting a gold medal is hard, but staying at a high level is even harder.

Lipnitskaya's technique has always been far from ideal. When a person recovers, he should come out with good technique. After all, figure skating is physics. When you have the right technique and you get better, it has nothing to do with quality. But Julia has never been ideal in this regard. It was necessary to relearn and bring the technique to mind

Maria Butyrskaya.

Lipnitskaya gained popularity too early, sports columnist Sergei Dadygin told 360. The 15-year-old figure skater got into the Russian national team before the Olympics in Sochi only thanks to a happy coincidence. “Adelina Sotnikova, who won the individual tournament of the Olympics in Sochi, could perform. If it were not for this combination of circumstances, no one in the world would have known about it at all, ”said Dadygin.

It so happened that a girl at the age of 15 psychologically failed to cope with the amount of fame that fell upon her. A child at this age simply cannot mentally or physically survive this.

Sergey Dadygin.

In 2014, Yulia managed to take a silver medal at the World Championships. After that, a real decline began in her career - in particular, due to a conflict with the coach. “Julia behaved incorrectly in relation to Tetberidze. I think that it’s unacceptable to behave this way with the person who made you an Olympic champion, ”Dadygin said. Tetberidze accused Lipnitskaya of an unprofessional approach to business - the Olympic champion left training and refused to do the exercises. “She considered herself a star”, - the interlocutor of “360” emphasized.

In figure skating, athletes often leave their coaches.<...>The skaters who became famous, thanks to the coaches, humanly acted very badly. Not like scoundrels, but very dishonest. For people who do not remember who did good to them, this is how life develops. Someone from above then punishes them. This is exactly what happened to Lipnitskaya

Sergey Dadygin.

All that Lipnitskaya has won throughout her career is material wealth, Dadygin believes. “As a figure skater, Yulia ended back in 2015. The fact that she left professional sports in 2017 is not a big loss for Russian figure skating,” he stressed.

“Sotnikova has already finished performing in big sports”

On September 1, it became known that another young figure skater, 21-year-old Adelina Sotnikova, will miss the current season. Due to an ankle injury, which she received back in April, the girl will not be able to compete for participation in the 2018 Olympics. “We all hoped that we would heal the injury, but, unfortunately, it didn’t work out. The injury still worries, full-fledged training does not work out, and it’s wrong to enter competitions in such a situation, ”her coach Evgeni Plushenko told RIA Novosti. The athlete will undergo treatment in Germany.

Sergei Dadygin believes that Sotnikova would not have been able to get to the 2018 Olympics anyway. "If Sotnikova had competed in the Russian Championship, she would have finished fifth or sixth," he said. Adelina is missing the second season and it becomes too difficult to reach the level of her rivals.

In any sport, when you miss two or three seasons, you are far behind. Tarasova (coach Tatyana Tarasova - approx.) believes that Sotnikova has already finished performing in big-time sports. She could also, like Lipnitskaya, declare that she had left. But in order to receive money from the Sports Training Center every month, Sotnikova did not do this. I think, on the advice of Evgeni Plushenko

Sergey Dadygin.

Sotnikova's situation is similar to what happened with Lipnitskaya - the girl could not cope with such close attention to her person. “She is not very good at sports. Offended Buyanova (Honored Coach of Russia Olga Buyanova - approx.). She left her for another coach, notifying her via SMS. This is unacceptable for an athlete, ”concluded Dadygin.

Figure skater Adelina Sotnikova became famous by winning the gold medal of the Sochi Olympics and becoming the first champion in women's singles in Russian history.

Photo: DR

After this victory, her life changed a lot. Adeline talked to OK! about her dreams, disappointments, growing up, and also about her role in the ice show The Nutcracker and the Mouse King.

Adelina Sotnikova is an incredibly sweet and fragile girl. And although she herself assures that fragility has nothing to do with her, it is difficult to agree with this. “My parents tend to be overweight, of course, I also need to take care of myself,” says Adeline. - If a person wants, he will do everything to please himself and others. If it requires not eating, he won't eat." And this self-discipline is felt in Sotnikova all the time. For example, she is never late and calls herself a "man-time". And Adeline really doesn’t like it when they take offense at her. “I am the kind of person that I always need to be nice to everyone. I always try to help everyone, suggest ... But in our world this is not appreciated, ”says Sotnikova.

And how do you react to negativity?

I used to pay attention, I was very worried. Now - apparently, having matured - I began to understand that there will always be negativity. I'm probably getting thick skin. ( Smiling.) After the Olympics, they wrote both good and bad, but I didn’t care anymore - I had Olympic gold in my hands, I achieved my goal.

Was there moral devastation after the victory?

It definitely was. And I wanted to leave the sport. But these are momentary impulses. There was such an episode in the Olympic season: at one of the competitions of the Grand Prix series, I flunked the free program due to absent-mindedness. After that, I came home, sat down and told my parents: “Maybe that's it? Not the fact that I will get to Sochi for the Olympics. After all, the Russian Championship and the European Championship, all of a sudden I can’t stand it?

My parents never persuade me. And then they said: “If you feel that way, then what can we say? Don't show up." I'm sitting with tears in my eyes, I don't know what to do. In the end, I decided I would give myself another chance. And then everything got better.

A year ago, you were seriously injured, but you still continued to go to the skating rink in a cast. For what?

I missed the ice and the usual way of life. Literally a week before the Grand Prix stage in training, I tore my ankle ligament in my right leg. Naturally, they put me in plaster. I needed complete rest. But I understood: if I want to go in for sports further, I must keep fit, train under any circumstances. Moreover, I had an example to follow: before we had a boy who broke his leg and every day came to the skating rink in a cast. Just two months later, he went to the competition. Therefore, when they put a cast on me, I also continued to come to the rink, trained small children and terribly missed those times when I skated on my own. Despite this, it was still hard to return to the big ice. There has been no competition for too long. For me it was a very serious injury.

Adeline, who instilled in you a love for figure skating?

I don't know. There were no athletes in our family. Only my paternal grandfather was a master of sports in freestyle wrestling. Probably, all the strong-willed qualities of character were transferred to me from him. ( Laughs.) My parents didn't even think of sending me to sports. They wanted their daughter to get a musical education, but figure skating dragged on earlier.

How did you first get on the rink?

At the age of four, my parents took me to the Penguins skating rink, which was located not far from our house in Biryulyovo. Of course, I don’t remember my first time on the ice, but they told me that I got on my skates and walked. The coach was very surprised that the child falls, rises and continues to go on, and said that it was necessary to practice. I really liked it there.

It so happened that I went to the same kindergarten with the child of the CSKA coach, who was friends with my mother. She somehow saw me skating and recommended taking me to a more serious sports school. And that's how she lured us to her. I studied with her for a year, and then I came to my coach Vodorezova-Buyanova. Elena Germanovna liked me, she took me to her group. The first years I did not set high goals for myself, but all the time I tried to please her.

And did you succeed?

Not right away. She was hooked by my tenacity. She saw that I always did everything I was told and never argued.

They say that children who are professionally involved in sports have no childhood. This is true?

I will not say that we do not have a childhood. It exists, but we spend it with those children who, like us, go in for sports. In the breaks between training sessions, we were furious, played tag, catch-up, Cossack robbers, jumped with the girls in rubber bands. You fall, you break - your problems.

Did your parents keep a close eye on you?

Yes, until the age of fourteen, my mom and dad took me to training. The whole family was involved in my sports life. My parents devoted their whole lives to me and my younger sister Masha. She is a childhood invalid, in medical language her condition is called "Treacher Collins Syndrome" ... A terrible disease! Tatyana Anatolyevna Tarasova helped us. If not for her, probably, they would not have dared to take radical steps. Tatyana Anatolyevna went to Chulpan Khamatova, and thanks to this actress, we were given money for treatment. A few years ago, Masha underwent three operations, and now she is a completely different, cheerful person. She wants to see everything, to know... Masha is my angel, and I want to help her more than anything in the world.

Adeline, you mentioned that the coach drew attention to you because you worked so hard. Do you think it takes talent or enough practice to be successful?

Talent is born with perseverance. If a person is stubborn, he will move mountains. I just know for myself: if I want, I will do anything. When I won the adult championship of Russia at the age of twelve, I felt that I wanted something more. If I had not won then in Kazan, maybe I would have already left the sport.

How were you, just a child, allowed to compete with adult athletes?

An exception was made. They saw that the girl was small, but she did complex elements, so they were allowed to participate in the Russian championship. I won it and repeated the achievement of my coach Elena Vodorezova-Buyanova, who at the same age became the champion of the USSR.

Adeline, do you consider yourself strong?

Yes, sure. When my mother and I talk about relationships with boys, she always says: “A girl should be weak.” But how can you be weak when you do everything yourself all your life?

They scold me all the time for not behaving like a girl. For example, my Ice Age partner Alexander Sokolovsky tries to open the door for me every time we go to the skating rink, but I keep forgetting about it. Then he is indignant: “You got me already! Stop being a girl." I say: “Well, I can’t. I don't know what it's like to be a girl.

But what about your confession that after the Olympics you became feminine, started wearing dresses and high heels?

This is true. I used to wear jeans, hooded sweatshirts, jackets, now I wear dresses and coats. The style has appeared. I associate it with the victory. Without her, this might have happened, but much later. Well, it probably has something to do with age. ( Smiling.) It feels like I'm not twenty years old, but already under forty. ( Laughs.) So much has happened in my life ...

And how many more will be! I read that you are going to be an actress. This is true?

Yes, since the ninth grade I have dreamed of entering GITIS. At some point, I even began to prepare, but then I realized that it was either a theater university or the Olympics, and, of course, I chose sports. GITIS will not run away - I can become an actress at any time, but sport is not eternal for me. Therefore, you first need to finish your sports career beautifully, and then think about the next step in your life.

And what about your participation in the ice show "The Nutcracker and the Mouse King"?

After the Ice Age, Ilya Averbukh invited me to play the role of Queen Myshilda in his ice show, and I agreed. First of all, this is a performance, and in it the bet is placed on the game. But there will definitely be complex elements! Of course, this is interesting to me, but I plan to return to big sport, to get to the Olympic Games in 2018. These shows are just temporary pleasure. They are needed to cool down, come to your senses and return to the sport with a cold head and delight everyone with your performances.

Text: Julia Krasnovskaya. Photo: Anya Kozlenko. Style: Polina Shabelnikova

Makeup: Elizaveta Ilyina. Hairstyles: Danila Mileev/Kérastase

1) Ray girl

Dear friends of figure skating, I am very glad to welcome you back to our blog. I have no doubt that you remember the post.

Today I am pleased to give your attention to the continuation. I dedicate this selection to one figure skater, the first Olympic champion in figure skating in the history of Russia - Adeline Sotnikova. I think she deserves a separate post. These photos are a real treat for the eyes! Let's plunge into the world of sports, beauty, grace and magnificence!

Adelina Sotnikova - started skating at the age of 4, at the Yuzhny skating rink near her house, in the usual district figure skating section.

Every child has a dream...

Will she be fulfilled? - There are reasons for that.

Become the best skater on earth

It was the desire of young Adeline.

Putting your goal above all tasks,

Using perseverance and zeal,

Bypassing the sequence of failures,

The athlete deserves respect!

She took an unthinkable milestone,

The whole audience, captivated by their charisma

And it was not a girl's rebellion,

And skill for the glorification of the Fatherland

Riding "clean", self-confidence,

Elegance, grace and superfluous - not an ounce.

Calculation with a combination of steps ...

The program is well thought out!

Let Sotnikova's name "shine" for a long time,

Decorating the figure skating formula.

To Russian athletes, like a magnet,

"Attract gold" as a reward for diligence!

(Saprykina Natalia)

Skates melting the perfection of lines,

Interrupting them only for flight,

She rode just like a goddess

Descended by chance on the ice!

7) Adele and the sea

Not afraid of complexity on the verge -

In harmony of tracks and jumps!

Delight of the soul - the same as from Tanya!

In addition, Trankov commented!

And everything came together for Adele's gold!

Russia exhaled with her: "Yes!"

The Olympic weeks have passed

But the champion has become forever!

(Vladimir Kostarev)

Adeline is a real prodigy. At just 12 years old, she already won her first adult Championship of Russia 2009. By the way, her coach Elena Buyanova (Vodorezova) did the same at the time.

10) Flower-semitsvetik

Despite the sport that takes all the time and effort, the young champion of Russia still had to go to school. Adeline's favorite subjects were algebra and physics: "Figure skating is physics, so it's a very useful science for me."

On February 14, 2012, Adeline was awarded the title of "International Master of Sports of Russia" - after her third (out of four) victory at the Russian Championship and a silver medal at the Winter Youth Olympic Games in Innsbruck, Austria.

The figure skater does not have to worry too much about her figure, as she is practically indifferent to sweets and prefers vegetables, especially boiled carrots. This love, which is extremely atypical for children, has been with Adeline since kindergarten.

The choice of Adeline's idols in figure skating is quite unusual - these are French figure skaters Brian Joubert and Stephane Lambiel, and Japanese skaters Miki Ando and Mao Asada, who also competed in Sochi, but took only 6th place.

Adelina loves to surf the Internet, communicates on Vkontakte and leads Instagram. In addition, among the champion's hobbies is visiting cinemas and theaters.

And the first Olympic champion in the history of Russia in women's figure skating prefers to perform under the last number, considers her mother her best friend and plans to become a coach.

18) Hard road ahead

- How easy is it for you to succeed in life?

Maybe from the outside it seems that they are easy, but in fact it is not. I really envy people who work little, but get everything they need. I have to put in a lot of effort for this. You constantly have to sweat, overdo yourself, cry. Victories are given only thanks to the love for my work and the work that I put in.

19) Wind girl... wild field

I always want to work, improve and make people happy with my successes.

20) Bright, enthusiastic bird in winter

21) Adeline Bouquet

" After I started participating in Dancing with the Stars, many people advise me to take up pair figure skating"

- What did you like to do the most from what you have already tried?

While I like everything, I can’t single out any one activity. Like I said, I think I could even sing. True, this takes time - you need to take vocal lessons in order to achieve the necessary skill.

And also, for example, in one of my performances in "Dancing with the Stars" I read Pushkin's poems. It was quite difficult to make it beautiful. But thanks to one person, I managed to read the poems in such a way that even the producers of the show were surprised ...

22) Refined Larina

I want to create and produce clothes not only for athletes, but also for ordinary people

23) Fresh Spicy Chrysanthemum

- Do you adhere to any particular style of clothing?

Everything depends on the mood. Usually I like to walk around in ripped jeans, loose sweaters, a leather jacket and a backpack. There are times when you want to be an office lady. Then I put on a blouse with a skirt or trousers. It also happens that I go to some events in dresses.

If we talk about clothing brands, then I prefer the mass market. Even abroad, I usually buy things in chain stores, because they always have something that we don’t have in Russia. In general, I think that only bags and shoes should be expensive and branded, because often this implies quality and convenience.


August 28, 2017, 14:27

Sochi 2014 Olympic champion in women's singles, Russian figure skater Adelina Sotnikova will miss the 2017/18 season due to injury, the athlete's coach Evgeni Plushenko told the R-Sport agency.

Immediately after the victory in Sochi, Sotnikova refused to go to the 2014 World Cup. Adelina was going to perform at the stages of the Grand Prix series in figure skating, but again she could not. The athlete missed the next season 2014/15 due to a leg injury. In February 2015, Adelina took part in "Dancing on Ice" with Gleb Savchenko, and there the couple took 2nd place, winning the audience award.

Their best numbers (in my opinion):

In the 2015/16 season, after a break of a year and a half, Sotnikova announced her triumphant return. She appeared at the "Mordovian Ornament" competition, where she took 2nd place, losing to her compatriot Anya Pogorilaya. Sotnikova was also third at the only stage of the Grand Prix series in which she took part - in Moscow. Her skating really filled and blossomed - it became more fluid, artistic and feminine.

Then many, including myself, believed that Sotnikova was ready to fight. Her gaze spoke for itself.

Adelina's programs were excellent, and she improved even more in gliding and artistry.

Her latina is one of my favorites. It was at this tournament, without visible blots, with a twinkle, drive:

But at the 2015 Russian Championship in Yekaterinburg, she takes 6th place and does not get into the Russian team along with Yulia Lipnitskaya and Liza Tuktamysheva.

Having put on new programs and announced her intentions to win competitions, Sotnikova unexpectedly missed the 2016/17 season, while taking part in the Ice Age TV show from October to December 2016, in which she won in a pair with actor Alexander Sokolovsky.

I didn’t follow their dances, but one number still sunk into my soul:

In April 2017, Sotnikova's collaboration with Buyanova was announced to end and her move to two-time Olympic champion Evgeni Plushenko, who began his coaching career. Sotnikova also worked with Canadian choreographer Emanuel Sandyu on the programs for the new season. The athlete intended to perform at the test skates of the Russian national team skaters, which will be held on September 9-10, 2017.

On August 23, 2017, it became known that Sotnikova, who had gotten into shape, as well as her "colleague in the shop" Yulia Lipnitskaya, would not take part in the test skates.

A little later, it became known that Sotnikova was missing the entire 2017/18 season.

“Adelina Sotnikova will not compete this season due to injury. We all hoped that we would heal this injury, but, unfortunately, it did not work out. The injury still worries, full-fledged training is not possible, and it is wrong to enter competitions in such a situation, ”- said the coach of the athlete Evgeni Plushenko.

After a storm on the net, Plushenko said that the athlete was not going to end her career, despite missing the current season due to an injury.

“Missing a season does not mean the end of a career. Now we need to heal the injury, which is still taking place due to the fact that, unfortunately, the diagnosis was incorrectly made. Adeline has not recovered, and this damage worries her. She had a ligament tear in her ankle and a broken bone in her foot. Initially, they thought that Adeline would quickly recover from this injury. Initially, they did not put a cast, and in general a completely different diagnosis was made. ”

Best comment in my opinion Tatyana Anatolyevna Tarasova:
“I love Adeline very much. She rides very nicely. But now women's single skating is completely different. It will never come out, I don't believe it. I wish I was wrong, but unfortunately I am always right about this. I would like to see Adeline, but, unfortunately, the reality is that she will not come out.

I don't play these games anymore. It's Plushenko and Sotnikova who play them, but I don't. I'm not interested. I am a serious person, I understand what sports, training, competitions are. And I don't understand why they play. They are outstanding athletes, Olympic champions. Why, if she skates well, if she has her own show, if they have their own school? What to expect when now they ride in a completely different way?

We are looking forward to the future. And I don't see Adeline there. It's just kind of funny. I can't talk about this anymore, it's funny to me. How many years have we been waiting for Zhenya, now wait for Adeline? This is not serious"

By the way, from the very beginning Tarasova was very skeptical about the new Plushenko-Sotnikov collaboration:

"Wait and see"- said Tarasova.

“I am very glad that Evgeny started working as a coach. Who better than the Olympic champions to pass on the accumulated experience to the next generation. As for Adelina and their joint work, if this is not a PR campaign, but a serious decision, then, in my opinion, they are too late with it. The fact is that Adeline will have to go through a lot of pre-season competitions, return from the very bottom to the leading positions, because now she is not in the rankings. And in order to be in it, you need to devote at least a year to it.

From an interview with a former coach Elena Buyanova(May 2017):

“All last season I practically did not see Adeline. I found out where she is from the Internet. It's a shame that she announced her decision by phone, sending SMS. Knowing her, I understand - yes, it's easier for her. But in life you need to be able to overpower yourself.

As for the resumption of a sports career, so far this is a pointless conversation. As far as I know, according to the athlete herself, she is now injured, and I think that she has not started training on ice yet.

I don’t presume to say, but they say that Zhenya’s ice rink is non-standard, and this is bad for an athlete of this level. I can’t say anything about Zhenya as a coach, because for this you need to educate at least one athlete. It is too early to talk about what his school is, because the school is the coaches and the results of the students, and here everything is just beginning.

Adeline wants to return. But he wants to for three years. Zhenya wants to try. But for now, it's all in words. God forbid, if they succeed, I will be glad. Peter Chernyshev, Irina Tagaeva, and I did our job, gave the girl a profession, and taught her a lot. And how Adeline will manage this, time will tell.

left a comment and Alexander Zhulin:

“I don’t know yet how Evgeny will prove himself in terms of coaching, because this is not an easy task. And immediately take the Olympic champion ... I don’t even know how to comment.

I'm very interested to see how they all turn out. The only thing is that breaking technology can lead to both good and sad consequences. If Evgeny has the wisdom not to break it much, but only to make amendments, then everything can work out, ” Zhulin said.

And here Plushenko was optimistic:

“Adelina started training after her injury and is ready to move on. Our plans include test skates of the Russian national team, where we must show up so that our work is appreciated by the federation and specialists. It is necessary. We really want to do everything, fully recover and come to Sochi in September to demonstrate a full short and free program. This is both my plan and Adeline's plan. She had a small fracture in her foot, unfortunately, at the beginning of our work, her ankle ligaments were damaged. We had barely started training when it happened. Now we are ready and believe in ourselves. She will return to the national team and will perform at the highest level. Adelina is a great fellow, a great athlete and a great smart girl.

Adeline is not in the ratings, but I also went through this. Let's try together, the main thing is not to rush. Life goes by very quickly. The athlete must have good conditions. Adeline, we will create them.
She's been riding with us for two weeks now. Due to the fact that Adelina won the Olympics early, she will be able to skate after 2018. She is ready to plow, train, only working moments remain. I see her anger, excitement,
Plushenko said.

“Many wrote that this is a PR move. I don't need to PR, Adeline too. It's her decision, I didn't poach anyone."

Was an optimist Ilya Averbukh:

“We are now working a lot together with Adeline. She performed in the television project "Ice Age", played in my play "The Nutcracker". Now she is going to show. And of course, I asked her more than once about whether she would return to big sport or not.

And this is what Adeline recently told me: “Now I will untie all my affairs and start preparing for the next season. I want to get back into the sport for real. Not just to unfoundedly announce the return, but to return.

Adeline wants to confirm the title of Olympic champion, and the athlete plans to fight for getting into the Olympics in South Korea. Adelina intends to take part in the Russian championship, which will determine who will go to the 2018 Games.

Adelina is well aware of what is ahead of her, but Sotnikova still has a hunger for victories, despite the gold in the Olympics. And then, Adeline is only 20 years old, she is very young, and her break was not so big. What's so difficult? Everything depends on her!” Averbukh said.

Ari Zakarian, the manager of the Olympic champion Adelina Sotnikova, said that the figure skater would be preparing for the Olympic season.

“She started summer training as in previous years, but there were some health problems, and therefore it was decided not to force further technical training.

She skates a short program at various events, performs in the Ice Age project and then starts preparing for the 2017/18 season to get into the national team for the 2018 Games. Zakarian said.

herself Sotnikova said that she was taking part in a children's modeling competition: “We are filming a new children's project“ top mini models ”. Such beauties here, such clever ones! You look, and the eye rejoices that the kids have been looking for themselves since childhood, they are developing. Thanks to Yana Rudkovskaya for participating in this project as a jury"

At the same time, she gave an interview on the air of the Good Morning program on Channel One, which was perceived as a mockery:

“I will strive for new heights, I want to become not a single, but a multiple Olympic champion, to be an example. Sport and sporting achievements are happiness for me. I'll start my birthday with a regular workout and see my friends in the evening."

In the summer, Adele took part in the MUZ-TV award ceremony and in the show of the Italian designer STELLA CASTELLO:

Prior to this, her name was mostly mentioned in gossip columns in connection with the hacking scandal of her account, where she did not pay her page PR man, and he published an appeal to her fans with the intention of exposing her; with Alexander Molochko and a new relationship with Valeria's son.

She also won in the nomination "The most stylish according to HELLO.RU":
“I was chosen as the most stylish woman of the year according to Hello. It’s crazy nice, ”Sotnikova wrote on Twitter.

Adelina was a judge in the "Children on Ice" project:

"Children on the ice. Stars is a wonderful project! It is difficult to judge such, but what to do? My favorites appeared, for whom I will follow and cheer. Your love is unreal! It was so nice to see your shining eyes that spoke for you! Move on! Our country will need new heroes!”

She starred in the video of the "Degrees" group along with Rudkovskaya, starred in "Alone with Everyone", took part in many programs and ceremonies, including "Blue Light" on the First.

She recently posted this post on Instagram:
If I ever decide on a song .I already have a cover. left to write a song and sing. well, to realize what was written, to turn it into reality, so to speak.
What do you think, is it possible to have time to do something different in different disciplines? Leave your name

Adeline is my personal pain. I fell in love with her artistry, skating, charisma, dedication after Sochi, and what a disappointment it was later. Her long-awaited medal fades because of this circus with show-offs, idle talk, eternal promises. It would have been more honest to end my career back then, in Sochi, or to fight to the end. Her story proves how short a sports life can be. And that while you are distracted, doubtful or weak, there will always be someone younger and angrier, who needs the cherished place at the top.

The winners will be different. And thank God.