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Why do you dream about theft - interpretation in various dream books. Interpretation of sleep


If you dream of theft or robbers committing theft, then the cause of future failures will be your lack of character.

A dream in which you are accused of committing theft means that an annoying misunderstanding will prevent you from doing something. Of course, you will worry, but in the end you will unexpectedly win. Perhaps you will quarrel with your loved one due to a misunderstanding.

If someone else is accused of theft- you will condemn the innocent with reckless haste.

If you dream that something minor was stolen from you,- know that God loves you and will help you.

Stealing someone else's property in a dream promises grief. Sometimes such a dream foretells traders a fall in prices for foreign goods

To be caught- luck.

If you steal- to troubles at work.

See how another person steals- to a shameful act for which you will repent.

Steal- loss, tears.

The image of a thief in your dream encourages you to be more careful and conduct your affairs with increased caution.

In women's dreams, unfamiliar men and their occupations, As a rule, they indicate different relationships in reality.

For a married woman to see an unfamiliar man-thief in a dream may mean the appearance of a new admirer or entering into a dubious relationship.

Seeing a sneaking thief in a dream- You will be fine at work. Such a dream is associated primarily with your professional activities. You will, as it were, get a second wind, although the so-called critical moment will come, when it will seem that just a little more, and you will simply die from tension and fatigue. The thing is that you are going through a difficult period at work. Once you put in the effort, you will reap the fruits of your efforts with pride and pleasure.

Seeing a pickpocket in a dream means that you need to obtain information and this is given to you with great difficulty.

Crime in a dream- symbolizes loss, experience, attempt.

Become the target of a crime- to deprive yourself of something vitally important, to experience fear of people.

Seeing an attempt on one's life- experience unbearable anxiety.

A dream in which you saw a thief sneaking into your house:

· that in reality you made an unforgivable mistake that will cost you dearly;

· there is deception in the house.

If your house was robbed in a dream- soon you will need all your courage and firmness in defending your convictions.

To see in a dream how a thief stole something personal and valuable to you,- means that in reality you are being deceived and your personal well-being is at risk.

A dream in which you are a hostage to a man who lives by stealing, usually to troubles and worries.

If you are being chased by night robbers in a dream- this also portends in reality a complication of relations with your opponents. Such a dream warns you of the necessary caution, especially in relationships with strangers.

If in your dream you yourself were a thief:

·you will finally be able to solve a problem that you have been struggling with for a long time. The way out of a difficult situation will be unexpected; one of your friends will offer you the right solution. You are required to have patience and attention to other people’s opinions, because it is “from the outside” that you will receive valuable information;

· in the near future you will experience some difficulties with money;

· you are driven by a passion that does not find its fulfillment; something is stopping you. Perhaps you are single and have long dreamed of starting a close relationship with someone. Unfortunately, no changes in my personal life are expected in the near future;

· problems and emotional experiences.

If you are going to steal something- to illness. However, rest assured: you are destined to get better!

Stealing in a public place- to bankruptcy and poverty.

At a friend's place- union.

Steal from yourself- to loss or decline in business.

Participate in the attempt- to aimlessly sacrifice oneself.

Commit embezzlement- your good nature will be misused.

To be in a den of villains- misfortune.

Getting caught stealing

A fleeing thief, whom you help escape for some reason,- a sign that you are a very gentle person and tend to find, first of all, something good in everything. This is a very good quality, but sometimes it can hurt you. It’s worth taking off your rose-colored glasses and not being so naive. It will be much better if you look at the world more realistically and balancedly, learn to see things as they are.

buy stolen goods- to achieve someone's favor.

To see in a dream how you are offered to buy a stolen item,- a bad sign. Someone will try to take advantage of your personal and intimate.

To suffer from robbers, to be robbed:

· an invitation to participate in something;

· you have already suffered, although you still don’t see why.


loss, dissatisfaction;

· for woman seducers, suitors.

Dreams in which you encounter bandits, robbers or robbers They openly talk about your fears for your physical and material well-being and your distrust of the people around you.

If in a dream you try to resist or escape, and you succeed, then your supply of vitality has not yet been exhausted and big shocks do not threaten you in reality.

But if such dreams are repeated too often, this means that your fears have reached a critical level. In this state, you can unwittingly attract real robbers with your behavior. Try to trust fate more and not be afraid of losses, especially since most losses in this life are either reparable or inevitable anyway.

Women, especially young ones, such dreams may foreshadow a stormy love affair that will jeopardize their well-being.

If you defeated the robbers- expect a strong blow.


· disrespect, scandal, conflict with neighbors;

Punishment, losses, troubles.

Stealing different things in a dream means safety and success in the business you have started.

Getting caught stealing means that you will be hindered in your enterprise, and also means betrayal of our beloved object.

If you dream that you stole something and are being chased, this means that failures in business await you, and your relationships with others will worsen.

If in a dream you yourself are chasing a thief or caught him- this means that in reality you will cope with your enemies.

If you are being chased by robbers in a dream- in reality, expect complications in relations with your opponents. You should be especially careful in relationships with strangers.

They rob you- good deal.

Seeing a thief in a dream or being robbed- a sign of loss and conflict with others. Usually such dreams indicate that someone from your environment is abusing your trust and violating your interests. Perhaps someone is underpaying you or trying to impose an unprofitable contract.

At the same time, if dreams in which you are robbed become intrusive and occur too often, then this is a reflection of your excessive fears of losing your well-being. In this case, you need to learn to deal with losses more easily, otherwise constant fear will exhaust your nervous system, which can result in many mistakes and failures.

If the “criminal” is already known to you or is your real lover, then your existing connection may be severed or condemned by people close to you.

If you dreamed that you were robbed:

· in reality you will find out who your ill-wishers are and what their plans are; for a girl, such a dream can be a harbinger of someone’s anger and envy;

· often has a literal meaning, but rather than stealing money or things, they can steal ideas, copyrights, etc.;

·successful deal and relationship.

If you were robbed on a grand scale in a dream, leaving practically nothing, - a good dream, it promises you favorable deals, successful contracts.

If your home or place of work is robbed in a dream, then this means that fate will require courage and firmness from you in defending your convictions. Such a dream promises misfortune to careless people.

If you dream that you are a thief and the police are chasing you,- failure in business awaits you, and your relationships with others will worsen.

If you dream that you are a pickpocket,- then you can get information illegally.

If you dreamed that you stole something:

· such a dream can be a warning: you should not take risks in reality, as this can lead to loss or damages;


Getting caught stealing means that we will be hindered in our enterprise, and also means betrayal of our beloved object.

Catch a thief in a dream:

· a sign that you will be able to solve your problems and defend your interests;

·at this stage of life you are able to “move any mountains.” If you do not miss your opportunities, success will await you both in business and in your personal life.

Chase a thief:

family quarrels;

· for women- a fan who will bring a lot of disappointments;

· defeat your enemies.

Caught thief- you should beware of making too hasty decisions, because, although at first glance they seem correct, in fact they will only bring harm. In your position, you need to think about every step, then you will easily achieve success. The more seriously you take the problem you need to solve, the better. It is even possible that at the moment you should not be active, but wait: perhaps the situation will resolve itself.

Seeing a thief running away in a dream portends a search for ways out of confusing situations that you cannot find. The solution you just found will constantly elude you.

A dream in which you found an item stolen by a thief,- symbolizes well-being and prosperity created by your personal labor.

If in a dream you see yourself as a detective who finds an item stolen by a thief, this means that in real life you will find what you have been missing. The dream promises prosperity and well-being, which will reward your efforts.

The presence of this word in other interpretations:
* Bus station *

Very often, people who see some event or situation in a dream look for an explanation for this phenomenon, realizing that the subconscious is “speaking” to them in this way, trying to convey important information.

Psychologists believe that this is so, because it is in a dream that a person’s consciousness sleeps, while everything that was perceived during the day by the subconscious is subject to processing and often takes the form of dreams. This division of activities is very reminiscent of the game “Mafia”, and this article will consider situations when the “city is asleep” (consciousness) and the “mafia” (subconscious) wakes up. For example, why dream of theft, because such an unpleasant event does not happen to a person every day.

General meaning of dreams

Most people, even in childhood, are taught the simple truth that taking other people's property is not good. Some people present this to their children as an illustration of the commandment “thou shalt not steal,” while others patiently take someone else’s toy from the child’s hands, offering to play with their own.

Apparently, not all parents manage to cope with the task, because theft still exists in the world, scams are being improved, and the scale of thefts is changing. Be that as it may, it is not every day that people have to deal with thieves, but they hear about robberies quite often, which gives “food” for thought to their subconscious. So why dream of theft, especially for those who have never been robbed.

Many psychologists explain this by saying that on a subconscious level a person is afraid or does not want to feel like a victim. Intrenched fear can “work” both for the benefit of a person and against him. In the first case, people may not consciously notice any changes in those around them, omissions or events happening behind their backs, but the subconscious captures the smallest nuances in the behavior of relatives or colleagues and records this. In this case, the question of why theft is dreamed of disappears by itself. Through this situation, the subconscious warns its owner that he is either already in trouble, or some kind of intrigue is being prepared against him. In terms of emotional coloring, such a dream can be neutral or even upsetting, but, as a rule, it does not lead to depression.

When fear “plays” against a person, then phobias arise, for example, the fear of being betrayed, deceived or robbed. Dreams in this case have an extremely negative connotation, sometimes even causing depression or paranoia in the dreamer.

Let's consider and analyze several types of dreams related to theft.

Location of theft

As a rule, the place where the crime occurred is of utmost importance to the dreamer. After all, in this way the subconscious indicates exactly where danger awaits it.

For example, why dream of a bag with money being stolen at work? There may be several possible answers:

  • If a person is preparing some kind of project that should bring income to the business, then the dream warns of the treachery of competitors. They may have heard about current progress and are preparing to introduce a similar project first.
  • If a person has a high position or a large salary, then a dream about a bag with money being stolen means that someone is aiming for his place, so you should be careful with your colleagues and not give them a reason to compromise yourself.

Actions: in the first case, the subconscious may make it clear that you cannot delay the project, since competitors are “stepping on your heels.” Secondly, you should take a closer look at your work environment.

If you dream that a bag with money was stolen on the street, then there is a chance of being deceived, for example, by a seller. If the stolen property was returned, then such a successful outcome indicates that the dreamer will be able to avoid trouble or deception.

Car theft

Why do you dream about car theft? Such a dream is especially perplexing for those who do not have personal vehicles (unlike the hero A. Mironov in the film “Beware of the Car”). People began to dream of such visions only with the massive appearance of cars on the streets, so the interpretation of such situations is relatively new.

Most often, such a dream is associated with the business sector. Unfortunately, a dream where a car is stolen does not bode well for the poor fellow. It means that he may experience monetary losses due to the fault of competitors or his own rash actions. In reality, you should consider options for overcoming the crisis.

It’s another matter if the car was returned, which means that the intrigues of competitors will be exposed and the business saved.

What does a dream mean when the car itself is cleaned? Dream books say that someone may steal your idea or appropriate the fruits of your labors.

Actions: you should check the activities of competitors and find possible financial investment options to save the business. Also, you should not disclose your ideas and open developments until they reach the culmination stage, even to very close people.

If you dreamed about burglars

Why do you dream about theft in an apartment? If the dreamer himself has not conceived a scam, then such a dream may be a warning to him that he may become a victim of someone’s machinations. Of course, this dream has many interpretation options.

  • For example, if an apartment was robbed, and there was nothing valuable in it except for old things, the “New Family Dream Book” guarantees positive changes. Such a vision means getting rid of the old life, and if all things were stolen, then unprecedented profits await the dreamer.
  • In the event that valuables are taken out of the apartment, the “victim” will face material losses. They can be avoided if you find stolen property in a dream or find out who the culprit is and convict him of the crime.
  • If you dream that you are robbing the apartment of your friends, according to Loff’s dream book, this means that you subconsciously envy their greater wealth than yours.

Actions: being deprived of an apartment or things from it in a dream can cause negative emotions that you should listen to. Perhaps some rash actions will lead to financial loss or property litigation.

Stealing money

Financial issues, as scientists have found, most often occupy the minds of people (if they are not in love), and it does not matter whether they are related to the loss, increase or saving of money. Therefore, it is not surprising that they are present in human dreams from time to time. So how do dream books answer the question of why you dream about stealing money?

  • Miller's dream book warns that this is a bad sign, indicating possible losses and deprivation of well-being. The larger the amount, the greater the financial losses in reality. If small change is stolen, then the dreamer will expect squabbles with relatives or minor troubles. Paper bills lead to health problems or business problems.
  • The universal dream book warns that if your money is stolen, then difficult times are just around the corner. In this case, you should pay attention to the emotional coloring of the dream. If he only caused annoyance, then everything will end in a minor quarrel, but negative feelings entail serious consequences - from loss of business to serious illness.

Actions: you need to analyze the dream and think about whether you were careless in financial matters or, perhaps, what you saw was just a warning.

Bag stolen

Oddly enough, even a seemingly bad dream can turn into a pleasant surprise. So, if you believe Tsvetkov’s dream book, if you were robbed in a dream, then it is time for the man to prepare for the wedding, and the woman will face changes in her personal life.

Then why dream of a bag being stolen? The women's dream book, for example, says that such a dream indicates the lady's spinelessness. In this case, we mean an old relationship, which is like a suitcase without a handle: it’s a shame to leave and hard to carry.

The French, as true optimists, say in their dream book that if the theft was minor, it means that God remembers you, loves and cares.

But what does it mean to dream about the theft of a wallet? Dream books say that this is a warning, and someone from your environment, whom you trust unconditionally, will let you down, perhaps without even meaning to.

See a thief

If in a dream you had to witness a robbery, then dream books consider several interpretations of such events.

  • Tsvetkov's dream book interprets that to suffer from robbers in a dream means that you should soon expect an invitation to participate in some event, perhaps even illegal.
  • A thief (according to the same dream book) means deception in the house, and if there are several of them, this means disappointment.
  • According to Miller’s dream book, if in a dream a person is pursued by night robbers, then in reality expect intrigues from your enemies.

Actions: You should not panic after dreaming about a thief. Perhaps the subconscious is in this way trying to “reach out” to the owner, who is missing obvious signals from the Universe.

You are a thief

Why do you dream about theft, in which the dreamer sees himself as a robber? It turns out that this also happens: an honest person, but he suddenly dreams that he is stealing. Dream books have an answer to this question as well.

  • If the dreamer sees that he is accused of theft, of which he was only an eyewitness, but not a participant, then it means that in reality he undeservedly thinks or speaks poorly of someone (Home Dream Book).
  • When a person sees in a dream that he is stealing, it means that in reality the business on which he had high hopes will disappoint him, as it will fail (Home Dream Book).
  • If the dreamer sees himself stealing bread or other food in a dream, then in reality he is afraid of poverty or ruin (Loff’s Dream Book), and the subconscious opens his eyes to his fears.

Actions: you should sort out your affairs and work through your fears. This must be done, since everyone knows that what a person fears, he attracts to himself.

Phone theft

Do dreams about theft have positive interpretations? As practice shows, yes. According to Tsvetkova's Dream Book, being robbed in a dream means a wedding, and being caught means good luck. Although there are dreams that “hint” that a person needs changes.

For example, one of the interpretations of why a phone is stolen in a dream is a soft hint that the dreamer is losing some connections with the environment or has difficulties with communication. Sometimes such a dream warns of possible disappointment in a person. In any case, you should think about those who are not nearby and call these people in reality, or what steps should be taken to improve communication.


You should not ignore the clues of the subconscious. It is wise and notices much more than a person is consciously able to absorb. Everything that a person dreams is a wonderful reason to understand what is wrong in his life, or to correct mistakes in time.

Big dream book of Natalia Stepanova

Why does a woman dream about theft?

Theft or robbers in a dream is an alarming signal. She warns you that your spinelessness, which you show or will show in some matters, will lead you to a series of failures in business. And you will have no one to blame for this - you cannot be so soft-hearted. If you dreamed that someone was accusing you of committing theft, this symbolizes some kind of annoying misunderstanding that will prevent you from achieving what you want. Because of this, you will experience many sad moments, however, in the end, you will be able to get out of a difficult situation with honor. To accuse someone of theft yourself - be fair in reality, otherwise you may groundlessly and extremely recklessly condemn an ​​innocent person, and subsequently you will bitterly regret your hasty judgment.

Ukrainian dream book Dmitrienko

Why do you dream about Theft in a dream?

If a person dreams of theft, this person should be very careful in his decisions and actions, weigh literally every step he takes. The theft you see warns that your failures are only to blame for your behavior. And if you continue in the same spirit, it will lead you to final bankruptcy. Seeing theft means committing some rash and frivolous act, the consequences of which will be disastrous for the dreamer.

Ancient French dream book

Theft - interpretation of a dream

If you saw a theft in a dream, if something insignificant was stolen from you, do not rush to get upset. The dream indicates that although you will have to suffer some losses, perhaps of a material nature, God still loves you, and with his help you will be able to find a way out of your difficult situation. When the theft that you saw caused you great damage, it means that you should reconsider your own behavior, otherwise it could cause serious trouble for you.

The Dream Guide by David Loff

Psychological analysis of a dream where the Robbery was dreamed

Ask anyone who has ever been a victim of theft, and they will undoubtedly tell you how the person who has gone through it feels: insulted, humiliated. In early childhood, we learn that taking a toy from another is TABOO; moreover, if a toy is taken from us, it offends our feelings. However, meanness and acts of theft are common dream images. Depending on whether you are a thief or a victim, there are several interpretations offered for consideration. As a thief, you may sense a lack of resources or an injustice in the distribution of goods. For example, if in a dream you dream that you are stealing basic necessities - bread, food, things necessary to survive in the environment that exists in the dream - then you see yourself as a beggar. In real life, this may manifest as behavior that isolates you from others or leaves you feeling like you have no choice. However, dreaming about stealing from people you know may reflect your perception that they are better off than you, even though you don't think they deserve it. If you are playing the role of a victim, a possible theme is fear or loss. The list of suspects will help further clarify the situation. If you are a victim and the stolen items are of fundamental importance, then the material loss creates ANXIETY. However, if the lost items are of secondary importance and the suspect is more valuable to you than these items, then you feel like someone you know is trampling on your rights or deceiving you. However, it is also important to take into account the items themselves and their significance to you. Their symbolism may indicate an area of ​​life in which BOUNDARIES are being violated, which will help you find a solution to the problem associated with restoring your position.

If you saw yourself committing a theft, stealing someone else’s property, or taking possession of it through deception, this is a sad dream that predicts grief for you in reality. Try to accept with humility and dignity everything that fate has in store for you. In some cases, when a person engaged in trade dreams of theft, it is a sign warning of an imminent fall in prices for imported goods.

Dictionary of Dreams / Stern Robinson and Tom Corbett (Russian translation)

Dream about theft

A dream about theft is good only for those who are planning to commit fraud. For the rest, the dream predicts failure in business and the danger associated with this business. The more expensive the stolen item, the greater the danger you face. Being caught stealing in a dream is a sign of annoying interference in business. Convicting others of stealing in a dream means that you should be more careful in your judgments so as not to lose friends. If you dream about theft - bankruptcy, in a friend - failure through your own fault. Theft - you will find loss. If a large sum of money was stolen from you outside your home, it means that danger is looming over you, and you must monitor your actions more carefully.

Seeing Theft, how to unravel the symbolism of a dream (according to the Family Dream Book)

You yourself steal something, which means that you will have a hard time experiencing failure in a business on which you had high hopes. If you were caught at the scene of a crime, where you happened to be an unwitting witness, but were mistaken for an accomplice in the theft, such a dream foretells that you will rush to make an unfair judgment against a person who is not guilty of anything. If you are trying to steal some letter or an important document that could shed light on the adventurous affairs of your husband or lover, you will have suspicions about his secret love.

Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream about Theft in a dream?

Stealing money in a dream is a negative sign indicating loss and deprivation. The scale of the tragedy depends on the size of the stolen amount. Stole small change - in reality this threatens you with quarrels, omissions, minor troubles and disappointments. Lost paper bills - the dream indicates either health problems or failures in business. Get examined, you will be diagnosed with a serious illness that requires immediate intervention. Having money stolen in some cases signals problems in the business sphere; you may be deceived on a grand scale.

You stole money from someone - you lack drive in life, you are trying to satisfy some passions, and this pushes you to commit rash acts. Why do you dream about jewelry theft? This is a bad dream that foreshadows major losses. You should expect trouble if the money is stolen along with your bag.

Theft or robbers in a dream is an alarming signal. She warns you that your spinelessness, which you show or will show in some matters, will lead you to a series of failures in business. And you will have no one to blame for this - you cannot be so soft-hearted. If you dreamed that someone was accusing you of committing theft, this symbolizes some kind of annoying misunderstanding that will prevent you from achieving what you want. Because of this, you will experience many sad moments, however, in the end, you will be able to get out of a difficult situation with honor. To accuse someone of theft yourself - be fair in reality, otherwise you may groundlessly and extremely recklessly condemn an ​​innocent person, and subsequently you will bitterly regret your hasty judgment.

The meaning of the dream that it was stolen (Universal dream book)

Interpretation of the dream book: Money stolen indicates the approach of a difficult period in your life. Depending on the general plot of the dream and your emotions, troubles can be of varying sizes, from minor troubles and minor conflicts to loss of business or serious illness.

To see theft - there will be losses, but they are insignificant and will not cause much harm. But still, do not lose your vigilance, because even a small spark can ignite a big fire; the slightest disagreement can further develop into a scandal. Watch your speech, otherwise you risk being left alone, this is how you decipher what you are dreaming about.

Dream Book of Arnold Mindell

Student of the Dream Maker: interpreting Theft in a dream

Dreamed of Theft - You saw in a dream that someone was committing theft - you think that you are a gentle and kind person, but they call you spineless and thereby offend you; you don’t know what is the reason for your failures, but they tell you - in spinelessness, in softness, as if you yourself are committing theft - in reality they are waiting for you; your seemingly original solutions will not lead to the desired results; Small troubles, when there are too many of them, can bring a person to tears. You did not commit theft, but you are accused of theft - in reality, some kind of misunderstanding will happen to you; it will, of course, be resolved successfully, but will lead to some delay in business. You dream that a person is accused of theft - be careful in your statements; one thoughtless phrase of yours can harm not only the suspect, but also you; Judge not lest ye be judged. It’s as if you are chasing a person who committed a theft and overtake him - your enemies will be defeated by you; they will be fully rewarded for their evil. You see as if a theft has been committed in your home; it’s as if you have lost an expensive thing - the dream suggests that you are a carefree person; If you don’t come to your senses, then misfortune awaits you. You dream of many people committing thefts - this dream is a disappointment; you would like there to be more honest and decent people around.

Psychological dream book

What does it mean to see Theft in a dream (Psychoanalytic dream book)

Theft - see also Theft. 1. Dreaming of theft suggests that we are taking something without permission. If something is stolen from us, expect deception. If we know a thief in reality, we should realize how much we trust this person. A thief is a stranger - most likely we don’t trust ourselves. If in a dream we suddenly find ourselves in a gang of thieves, then we need to look at the morality of the society around us. 2. Theft for most people is an exciting moment, and it depends only on the dreamer what he means by indecent behavior. Theft is associated with emotions. For example, a needy person will feel like he is stealing pity. 3. From a spiritual point of view, stealing is a misuse of energy. At each level of awareness, we have a certain power that must be used wisely. Thus, black magic is interpreted as theft. Energy vampirism is another form of theft.

It is unlikely that a normal person will steal in real life, but stealing in a dream is a completely different matter. According to dream books, such an act, if dreamed, can predict completely different events, both favorable and joyful, and not entirely. Before deciphering what theft means in dreams, it is worth remembering what exactly you appropriated and how it all ended, then you will know what fate has in store for you.

Interpretations by Gustav Miller

You are too weak-willed, weak-willed and easily controlled, Miller’s dream book assures, explaining why you dream about a plot in which you happened to steal someone’s bag or wallet. Pull yourself together, educate yourself and broaden your horizons - this will help you feel more confident and calm.

Hard times ahead

Did you dream that you were stealing food? Remember what kind of products you stole, popular dream books advise. So, for example, stealing eggs is a symbol of the fact that you do not finish the things you start - you quickly get bored with them. Stealing raw meat in a dream means an illness that you will develop due to a negligent attitude towards your own health.

Dreaming of stealing fish means the inability to keep your mouth shut, says the Eastern Dream Book. But the Islamic interpreter is sure that such a vision can mean problems in relationships due to understatement.

Why do you dream about a plot in which you stole food from a store to feed homeless animals? Vanga's dream book believes that this means the dreamer has no friends. Stealing sausage or cheese in a dream is a sign of reluctance to make contact with anyone.

Don't be discouraged

More optimistic interpretations of the dream are offered by dream books, deciphering the meaning of a dream plot in which you steal fruits, berries and vegetables from a market or store. Compare:

  • grapes - to a cheerful feast;
  • strawberries - you will be carried away by an unfree person;
  • apricots - don’t be offended over trifles;
  • plums - you will be invited to visit a stranger;
  • pears - you are behaving selfishly - reconsider your behavior;
  • watermelon, melon - to great luck;
  • red tomatoes - you will be offered a risky but financially profitable adventure;
  • cabbage - don’t waste money on nonsense;
  • potatoes - wait for guests;
  • onions, garlic - you will make a mistake that you will laugh at later;
  • corn - don’t refuse help;
  • cucumbers - you will help yourself.

Dreams in which you stole something directly from the garden or vegetable garden have slightly different meanings. For example, stealing apples from a neighbor is a symbol of your curiosity, which will help you cope with problematic issues. Were the apples sweet? You don't have to strain for this. But stealing sour apples means trouble.

You'll hit the jackpot

If you dreamed that you stole nuts, it means that you will soon be very lucky. Don’t be afraid to take risks: play, invest, borrow - everything you spend will come back to you a hundredfold, Tsvetkov’s dream book assures.

Why do you dream that you robbed an apartment? You can agree to move or change jobs - good luck awaits you in the new place. And stealing books in a dream will “tell you” how to act in a difficult situation: remember what genre of books predominated in the dream, and act according to this genre.

Your talents will be appreciated

Explaining why you dream of stealing sweets, dream books claim that this is a hint of your excessive modesty. Look at yourself objectively and you will realize that you are underestimating your abilities.

If you stole chocolates or chocolate in a dream - expect an invitation to an interesting company. Were the candies you dreamed of caramel? You will dare to show others what you are capable of. But stealing lollipops is a sign of surprise at how much others value you.

Did you dream that you stole sugar? Boast, but in moderation, dream books advise. And if you stole cookies, cake, pie or sweet bread, then you can flaunt your achievements - even if not everyone appreciates them, you will amuse your own pride.

Return to childhood

Did you dream about how you stole children's toys? According to Pastor Loff's dream book, such a vision denotes an unconscious desire to return to a time when you had no worries.

Do you see how you steal a bike? Go to the place where you spent your childhood, this trip or short outing will help you put your thoughts in order.

Are you wondering why you have a dream where, as a child, you tried to rob a poultry yard and took away chickens and geese, but then returned everything to its place? The dream book of Nostradamus assures that with such images, consciousness tells you the need to abandon obligations taken on in a hurry.

Don't underestimate your strengths

If you dreamed of flowers that you picked from someone else’s flowerbed, think about whether you are doing everything to be “noticed.” And if in a dream you picked flowers from other people’s graves, then rest assured that by your actions you are burying your own efforts in the ground.

Humiliation and melancholy await the dreamer who stole soap or soap in a dream. Moreover, the smaller the soap bar you have in your dream, the more sad you will be. And all because you do not want to recognize your personality.

Do you dream about stealing cosmetics or perfume? This is a sign of a desire to impersonate another person. Moreover, you do not always act for your own good, presenting yourself as worse than you are.

Be prepared for financial difficulties

Theft of jewelry in a dream - gold or diamonds - symbolizes the loss of money, dream books upset. The more gold jewelry you stole in a dream, the more difficult your situation will be in reality, the Gypsy interpreter enlightens.

Do you see that you stole gold from a rich man and gave it to a beggar? Such a dream is identified in dream books with the dreamer’s futile attempts to change something in his life.

But Longo’s dream book compares any jewelry you steal in a dream with the vices of the sleeping person. Thus, earrings speak of the inability to listen to the interlocutor, rings - of greed, a necklace - of envy, a tiara - of stupidity.

Have you ever stolen jewelry in a dream? You have invented non-existent benefits for yourself, and their absence in reality unsettles you.

Take care of your secrets

Protect your secrets from strangers, dream books advise, deciphering why you dream of stealing clothes or personal belongings.

Stealing socks means revealing secrets about the upcoming trip; stealing underwear means revealing intimate secrets (especially if they were someone else's panties). But stealing a fur coat or other outerwear in a dream is a sign of hiding something personal from everyone.

Among the things stolen in a dream, shoes occupy a special place according to interpretation. Stealing boots - you will be forced to change your place of residence due to the fact that some unpleasant circumstances of your past will be revealed. And if you steal shoes or house slippers, this means that an envious person will disturb the peace in the family by finding out your secrets and revealing them.

Luck is on the way

When understanding why you dream of theft, it is worth considering the options for dreams in which it is not you who is stealing, but someone else from you, dream books suggest.

If you dreamed that you were left without fuel for the stove, having taken chopped firewood from the yard, then this is a hint - do not chop rashly, be gentler and more reasonable.

Why do you dream that you have lost small change? Rejoice, this means that you will be able to eliminate everything unnecessary from your life. If you see in a dream that thieves dug up all the potatoes or other root vegetables from the garden - this means getting rid of modesty and a number of complexes.

A very popular question is: why do you dream about apartment theft? For its most accurate interpretation, it is recommended to try to remember various details of the dream that are associated with theft. For example, who robbed, whose apartment, what things were stolen, etc.

What if you dream about an apartment being stolen?

Usually any theft in a dream is a bad sign. Most often, a burglary seen in a dream symbolizes that the one who had this dream will show spinelessness. It will become the main reason for many failures that will happen to this person in the near future. Thus, if you see a burglary in a dream, you should try to show gentleness less often. If in a dream, during a burglary, for some reason only something minor was stolen from a person, it means that God is protecting him.

In a dream, becoming the target of a crime means that one will lose something vital or will experience fear of people. A dream in which a person commits a burglary symbolizes the approach of various troubles.

If a person dreams that he is accused of burglary, then such a dream foreshadows that the completion of some important task may be hindered by an annoying misunderstanding. But despite the circumstances, quite unexpectedly this person will win. If a person has a dream in which someone else, rather than him, is accused of burglary, then such a dream means that in the near future this person will condemn an ​​innocent person, and he will do it recklessly, without understanding the details. Any theft of someone else's property in a dream portends trouble.

What does it portend?

A dream in which someone else's property is stolen portends grief. For people involved in trade, such a dream may foretell a sharp drop in product prices and a decrease in income. If a person has a dream in which he robs his friend’s apartment, then this symbolizes a strong alliance with him. In a dream about any theft, it is very important to remember what things were stolen. In this regard, the following pattern can be traced: the higher the value of the stolen things, the greater the loss in life for this person.

Most dreams related to burglary foreshadow something bad. For example, a dream in which a person sees his money stolen from his apartment when he was not at home warns him of various upcoming troubles.

Most often, theft of an apartment in a dream is a bad sign. Such a dream may foretell the approach of troubles, the loss of something dear in life, fear, danger, or a strong alliance with a person. To correctly interpret a dream, it is very important to remember its details.