home · Installation · Why do you dream about bees, a bee sting or a swarm of bees? The main interpretations of different dream books are why bees dream. Bees sting

Why do you dream about bees, a bee sting or a swarm of bees? The main interpretations of different dream books are why bees dream. Bees sting

This dream is very interesting. When interpreting it, you need to pay attention to the details and behavior of insects. The correctness of interpretation depends on them.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

When a person sees bees in a dream, unpleasant news awaits him in reality. Catching them means putting things in order. An insect bite means monetary profit. If a person hears the buzzing of bees while working in a dream, he will have great hopes in reality. For farmers and peasants they foretell a good year, and for other people - losses. Killing insects means losses and misfortunes.

Miller's dream book: why bees dreamed

This dream foreshadows profit and successful deals. For officers, this image portends a healthy environment, as well as disciplined personnel. For businessmen, it promises an increase in turnover. For parents, bees foretell joy for their children. If an insect stings a sleeping person, one of his friends will cause him harm or insult. When a person dreaming in a dream is haunted in reality, he will have good health. A very favorable dream is one in which a swarm is chasing the dreamer’s child.

Tsvetkov's dream book: why do you dream about a bee sting?

This dream, as a rule, symbolizes some important news and a quick resolution of problems. If the bees just dream and don’t bite, it’s a win. Killing them is bad luck. A swarm of bees means losses.

French dream book: why bees dreamed

This dream foretells good luck and success in the financial sphere. If bees land on a sleeping person - to happy love. Killing them means trouble.

Family dream book

Working bees, in reality prosperity and profit await him. Hearing a buzzing sound in a dream means grievances or obstacles in business. in a dream means that the dreamer’s enemies will harm him and cause him severe pain. When insects sit on the head of a sleeping person, this means success in business. If they buzz at the same time, this is a warning dream. A person should avoid crowds as he or she may be injured by or in a crowd.

Sometimes such dreams foreshadow death in a crowded place. Killing or putting insects into the hive is detrimental to the condition. If they brought honey to a sleeping person’s house, then in reality he will experience prosperity, great success and authority among others. Why do you dream about a lot of bees? This dream foretells prosperity and well-being if a person is not afraid of a swarm of bees. If the sleeper is frightened, then he is in danger. Enemies want to undermine his well-being and deal with him himself.

English dream book: why do you dream about bees?

This dream is a good sign. For a person, it portends good luck, success and changes for the better. It promises respect and honor to rich people, and prosperity and prosperity to poor people. For lovers and lonely people, this dream speaks of a happy marriage and a large, friendly family in which children will always take care of the elderly.

Indian dream book

For villagers, bees in a dream portend profit. For rich people, this dream means a loss. If insects bring honey to a sleeping person’s house, this is a sign of greatness, talent for eloquence and success in business.

Dream Interpretation Bee - Bees hovering over your head in a dream mean victory, triumph, triumph. Anyone who sees in a dream that he is keeping bees will receive satisfaction from his wife and earn a living by honest work. Seeing bees attacking means an epidemic, pestilence, destroying a bee means feeling obstacles, hindrances. A hive with bees - dreams of wealth, an empty hive - means receiving punishment without guilt. If bees swarm in a dream, it means that the matter will not end in success; bees sting in the leg - to the fun associated with benefit, acquisition. Bees still dream about bad weather. Seeing a swarm of bees in a dream means accepting an orphan into a home; this dream can also mean the destruction of a family. A young lady being stung by a bee means pregnancy. Creating a beehive in a dream means huge profits, an increase in income or an increase in wages. An apiary filled with bees buzzing and working hard in a dream means that your work can be more useful for others than for yourself. Creating an apiary in a dream or being on it means receiving good news in the mail.

Why do you dream about Bees - Bees in a dream foreshadow successful and profitable deals and agreements. For a business person, such a dream promises an increase in trade turnover, and for parents - a lot of fun from their own children. In the event that a bee stings you, there may be harm or insult inflicted on you by one of your friends. If a swarm of bees chases you in a dream, this portends health. Moreover, the dream is considered more suitable, the bees are chasing your child.

Why do you dream about a Bee? If a lady creates a swarm of bees in a dream - in reality you will be determined to meet a person who at first will see you only as a sex partner. This event will greatly depress you, so you will not experience the pleasure of communicating with this person.

Why do you dream about a Bee? It symbolizes teamwork and hereditary traditions. A beehive (swarm) is a symbol of prosperity due to one’s own and joint efforts. Being stung by a bee is a well-deserved punishment, cleansing from sin.

Bee - Bees hovering over your head in a dream mean victory, triumph, success. Anyone who sees in a dream that he is holding bees will receive joy from his wife and earn a living by honest work. To see bees attacking - to an epidemic, pestilence, to kill a bee - means to experience obstacles, interference. A hive with bees - dreams of wealth, an empty hive - means receiving punishment without guilt. If bees swarm in a dream, it means that the matter will not end in success; bees sting in the leg - to the joy associated with benefit, acquisition. Bees also dream of bad weather. Seeing a swarm of bees in a dream means accepting an orphan into a home; this dream could also mean the destruction of a family. A young woman being stung by a bee means pregnancy. Seeing a beehive in a dream means big profits, an increase in income or an increase in wages. In a dream, an apiary filled with buzzing and working hard with bees means that your work is more useful for others than for yourself. Seeing an apiary in a dream or being on it means receiving good news by mail; the next dream book can give you a different interpretation.

Bees - Bees in a dream foreshadow successful and profitable deals and agreements. For a businessman, such a dream promises an increase in trade turnover, and for parents - a lot of joy from their children. If a bee stings you - possible damage or insult caused to you by one of your friends. If you are chased by a swarm of bees in a dream, this portends good health. A dream in which bees are chasing your child is considered especially favorable.

Bee - If a woman sees a swarm of bees in a dream, in reality you are destined to meet a person who at first will see you only as a sex partner. This circumstance will greatly depress you, so you will not experience pleasure from communicating with this person.

Bee - Symbolizes teamwork, hereditary traditions. A hive (swarm) is a sign of prosperity as a result of the combination of personal and common efforts. Being stung by a bee is a well-deserved punishment, cleansing from sin.

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Hello! From Thursday to Friday I saw in a dream that a queen with her swarm flew into the window of my room where I was with my son, felt fear and hid with the child with a knitted blanket. One bee separated from the swarm and sat on my shoulder, pleasantly tickling me with its paws, the fear went away later she joined the swarm and they flew out the window. I have never dreamed of anything like this, please tell me what this is for?

Why do you dream about bees biting? Such a dream has many meanings in the dream book, one of the main criteria for interpretation is the location of the bite. If a bee stings on the lip, it means that a person should watch his speech. You should not tell or reveal personal (and other people’s) secrets even to those people who are considered the most reliable.

Why do you dream about dead bees? Dead insects in a dream threaten loss of money, theft, deception, or signing a dubious deal. During this period, you should not make new acquaintances and postpone signing lucrative contracts for a while. Killing bees in a dream means, according to the dream book, being abandoned, betrayed.

Bees and honey, according to the dream book, are a symbol of peace in the home and family prosperity. If insects bring honey to your dream house in a dream, it means that there will soon be a new addition to the family (a child will be born or there will be an opportunity to update the furnishings in the house).

A swarm of bees in a dream, according to the dream book, is a symbol of profit and grace, but in different interpretations the meaning of the dream can differ significantly, and you can find out why these insects are dreamed of after a detailed analysis of your vision.

Since ancient times, people have appreciated the role of the bee - it was believed that honey is the heavenly food of the gods, and the bee itself was personified with the soul and was a symbol of the sun; the ancients also compared bees with the gift of prophecy. In Christian symbolism, bees were compared with the figure of Christ.

Feeling a bee's sting is resistance to circumstances. Bees are swarming - for people working on the land - the year will be successful, for other professions - losses. Killing a bee or a dead bee means misfortune and shortages.

Bees - the dream of bees portends successful and profitable deals. For a military man, this dream promises obedient, disciplined subordinates. For a business person - increased prosperity. Parents enjoy their children. If you are stung by a bee in a dream, then one of your friends may insult you. A dream in which a whole swarm of bees chases you portends health. A woman who saw a swarm of bees in a dream will in reality meet with a man who at first will see her only as a sex partner. This circumstance will greatly suppress her, so she is unlikely to experience the pleasure of communicating with this person.

Freud's dream book has a very interesting explanation of what a bee sting means in a dream. Freud wrote that the bee symbolizes the male genitals. Therefore, if a bee bites your husband in a dream, this indicates his homosexual inclinations. If a girl dreams of a bee sting, this means that she is afraid of casual sex and constant change of partners.

According to Miller's dream book, bees in a dream promise profitable and successful deals. For a businessman, such a dream foretells an increase in profits. For parents, it is a great joy that their children will bring them with their diligent behavior. A bee sting portends an insult that relatives and friends can inflict on a person.

In Aesop's dream book, a bee sting indicates that a person is very unsure of himself and very gullible. This will negatively affect his future life. At work, problems may arise with your superiors. Therefore, you need to be more attentive and collected.

A bee is a very hardworking and focused insect, and everything associated with it in a dream generally has a positive meaning. Therefore, if a person dreams of a bee sting, in most cases this is a good sign. The main thing is to pay attention to the details of the dream.

In general, a dream about bees promises pleasant and profitable activities. For military men, such a dream promises executive subordinates and good health, for preachers it promises a larger number of parishioners, for business people it foretells greater profits, for parents it predicts obedient children. If in a dream bees bite you, then be ready for losses and other troubles.

Miller's dream book interprets the appearance of these insects in a dream for a business person as a sign of success in business and a profitable deal. But for the military, there is another explanation - executive subordinates. For parents, bees foretell the success of their children. Moreover, it’s especially good if they... sting children.

According to the witchcraft dream book, a swarm of bees in a dream is a symbol of prosperity in the area in which you are engaged. If a bee stings your leg, says the films of Prince Zhou Gong, you will feel the joy that will be associated with a profitable material acquisition.

As you know, among many peoples the bee has always been a symbol of hard work, diligence, economy and frugality. They even say about hardworking people that they “work like a bee.” But what should we think if we saw this insect in a dream? In this article we will try to understand what interpretation of dreams about bees is given by various popular dream books.

Why do you dream about bees?: Miller's dream book

This dream book assures that bees in a dream are harbingers of successful and profitable deals. If a leader or commander dreams of these hardworking insects, then his subordinates will be very obedient and disciplined during work or service. If a business person saw such a dream, then success in business and confident growth in profits await him. If parents dreamed about bees, then their children will delight them with their diligence, obedience and good studies. If you are stung, then in real life quarrels or even losses are possible. If during sleep you are trying to escape from a whole swarm of bees, then in the near future you will not experience health problems.

Why do you dream about bees?: esoteric dream book

According to this, as in real life, it is a symbol of daily measured hard work. If you dreamed that an insect stung you, then there is a risk of losing your job or entering into a deal that is unfavorable for you. If you dreamed of a whole beehive or even an apiary, then your honest work will bring you joy, satisfaction and stability.

Why do you dream about bees?Freud's dream book

This dream book claims that if a girl or woman had a dream, then she is destined to meet a man who will see her only as a sex partner. A woman will most likely not be satisfied with such a role and will be oppressed, so such a relationship will not bring her joy.

Why do you dream about bees?: dream bookXXIcentury

According to this dream book, if bees hover over your head in a dream, then in real life you will experience success, victory or triumph in the near future. If a man dreams that he is the owner of an apiary, then in life he will earn only by honest labor, and family life will always be harmonious. If in a dream you see an attack by a swarm of bees, then this can serve as a harbinger of illness. If you dreamed that you killed a bee, then get ready for obstacles and obstacles on your way. Seeing a beehive with insects is a symbol of success in business and prosperity. If the hive is empty, then perhaps you will be punished for some act that you did not commit. If you dream of swarming and restless bees, then you are in danger of failure in your planned business. If a young woman is stung by an insect in a dream, then it is likely that she will become pregnant in the near future.

Why do bees dream: Hasse’s dream book

If you saw a bee in a dream, expect unpleasant news. A caught bee symbolizes putting things in order. If you are an insect, then you may receive unexpected profits. Bees buzzing as they work is a symbol of hopes that are destined to come true in the near future.

Bees in a dream are not such a rare phenomenon. You shouldn’t be afraid of this right away, because the interpretation of a dream depends on many conditions. If you have recently been to an apiary or want honey, then this is due to the fact that you saw these insects. In other cases, they turn to the help of dream books. And they will tell you why bees dream.


  • Gypsy dream book. For people living in rural areas, a large bee promises profit. City residents face troubles and many small matters. If you suddenly kill a bee, this means that you will have to suffer a loss. Catching these insects can also indicate victory over the enemy.
  • Freud's Dream Book. The psychoanalyst associated the appearance of these insects in a dream with bed. If a woman dreams of a swarm, then she will meet a partner who will be interested in her only in an intimate way. Emotional closeness and strong contact cannot be expected, which will lead to frustration and sadness. Seeing a dead bee in a dream means problems with potency in men and frigidity in girls.
  • Dream Interpretation of Medea. A bee is. It is also connected with heredity and family. Swarm - prosperity that is achieved through common efforts. A bee that bites speaks of cleansing from sin and forgiveness.
  • Miller's Dream Book. This psychologist interpreted a dream with an insect as favorable. For military personnel - disciplined subordinates. Businessmen are predicted to have profitable deals and successful trading. A swarm of bees that pursues indicates health. However, if an insect stings, you should take a closer look at your friends - they may insult you, which will lead to disagreements, or contribute to some kind of loss.
  • Dream Book of the Wanderer. Bees promise profit or activity that will bring tangible results. A hive with honey brings happiness, but you have to work hard for it. Seeing a bee on a flower speaks of a good sign, but a swarm of menacing buzzing speaks of a warning. If a bee stings according to this dream book, it means health.
  • Dream Interpretation of Hasse. This author, on the contrary, carries negative meanings. If you see a lot of bees in a dream, this means unpleasant news. Killing an insect promises misfortune. There is also a favorable meaning - to be bitten - to make a small profit. Roy gives gifts only to farmers, and predicts losses for the rest.

Why dream about her bite?

A dream with this insect can be interpreted depending on which part of the body it bit:

  • On the nose and cheeks- you are making the wrong decision.
  • Get bitten on the lip or face- to betrayal, your partner’s or yours, depends on the rest of the theme of the dream.
  • If a bee stings your legs- to mistakes. Also, such a bite says that you should not trust a person who takes advantage of you.
  • Bite on the hand- someone will act dishonestly towards the dreamer, deception is possible. Such a dream may indicate betrayal of a friend or a setup by competitors.
  • If a bee stings your eye– you don’t see the actions of your competitors, you should pay attention to them. If she bites another person, then you will definitely beat your opponent.
  • In the presence of disease, the sting of a swarm of bees speaks of a speedy recovery. In this case, the patient will have to work hard, and not let everything take its course.

One thing to note is how threatening the bee sound was, especially if it was a swarm. A strong, dangerous buzzing sound is a warning.

Beehive with honey in a dream

A hive with bees promises wealth, especially if there is honey there. But well-being is achieved through long-term work, since these insects are a symbol of labor. If a person sees in a dream that he is building beehives, this speaks of imminent changes in life, and he will have to take care not only of himself, but also of other people.

A hive can also mean a lot of small troubles, constant busyness, lack of rest. Perhaps it is time for the dreamer to rest, but he cannot choose the time for this. The dream suggests that it is time to withdraw from society, be alone, enjoy peace and take care of your health.

  • If you dreamed of hostile bees, but not attackers - the likelihood of meeting an envious person.
  • If in a dream you walk through an apiary, then in life you cannot trust people whom you consider friends; they can let you down at the most crucial moment.
  • Stick your hand into the hive– pay attention to savings in real life, financial problems will probably begin soon or will be urgently needed, so you need to set aside a certain amount.
  • If bees sit on honeycombs where there is honey, this suggests that a bonus and recognition of merit awaits you at work.
  • Killing bees in a dream does not bode well in reality; it means interference, failure, obstacles.

Dream Interpretation: swarm attacks

Usually attacks in dreams are warnings. It is quite possible that people around you will judge you for some action. Attacking bees often mean an envious person who is preparing treacherous plans. You should especially pay attention to the buzzing sound, which causes an unpleasant sensation.

Stinging and attacking bees indicate problems in business. You should pay attention to the size of the swarm.

Bees that attack are linked to health. If a sick person dreams of them, it means recovery. If there are no health problems, then you should pay attention to your body in order to begin treatment on time.

If you saw a swarm of bees in your apartment, this portends a lot of work and worries around the house.

Winged insects in hair

Sleep where these insects sit on is not very good. They are dangerous and predict illnesses, sometimes very serious ones. You should especially pay attention if the bee gets entangled in the hair and cannot get out - this predicts trouble.

If bees fly overhead but do not land on your hair, this portends success, triumph and victory.

What does it mean to run away from them?

Running in a dream from something means that you want to get rid of, hide from certain problems. Bees represent some kind of hassle that you want to avoid. It is likely that in reality you are being pestered by a strict boss, and you want to get rid of his influence. This dream also means that the dreamer feels hostile and envious on the part of some people and wants to avoid contact with them.

If the swarm flew past, then troubles will be avoided. To be frightened by a swarm flying towards you means that you are in danger, which the dreamer is still only unconsciously suggesting.

Dream interpretation is the ability to see not only an individual symbol, but also to look at the picture as a whole. In addition to the bees, you will have to remember what else was in the dream, what emotions it carried, in order to decide whether what you saw has a negative or positive meaning.

People always associate the bee with diligence and hard work. This is a very interesting symbol that carries many meanings. What does a hardworking bee seen in a dream mean? Why do you dream about bees?

People always associate the bee with diligence and hard work.

How is such a vision interpreted in different dream books:

  1. Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation tells that a bee in a dream is a sign of an imminent win. Bees are very hardworking insects. Seeing them in a dream can mean making profit and prosperity. It is possible that the dreamer will be able to receive a reward or promotion in the near future, but this will cost him a lot of work.
  2. Islamic dream book interprets such a dream as an imminent meeting with medical workers and doctors. Insects collect honey, and honey is always associated with healing. If a bee stings you, in real life you may be caught in a serious quarrel in which you will be the victim. Taking honey from insects is a warning that you may commit theft.
  3. Vanga in his interpretations he says that bees reveal the unpleasant qualities of a person. They may reflect his greed, stupid character. If an insect stings you, it means you need to be grateful for what you have. If an insect attacks you in a dream, you need to think about whether there are unnecessary people next to you who are interfering with the implementation of your plans. If you dreamed of a bee making honey, this is a sign of success in your work or career. And to see a bee on a flower means there is a person nearby who will never leave you, who will always be there in difficult times. If you dreamed of a bee with honey, you need to be careful in life: perhaps a person will encounter envious people. Killing such an insect may indicate that you are not very sincere with your partner.
  4. Miller's Dream Book interprets such a dream as a good sign. A bee in a dream foretells benefits in all transactions, good luck in concluding contracts. If a military man has such a dream, he will have disciplined subordinates. A bee sting may indicate that one of your friends may offend you in the near future. Seeing bees chasing you or your child is a very successful dream that indicates excellent health.
  5. A symbol of hard work and honesty in dreams is a bee. according to Aesop's dream book. The bee never sleeps, it is always at work, and in its sleep it only bites a sinful person. The bee calls the dreamer to be careful. A bee sting may indicate that management is dissatisfied with you and may result in a reprimand or deprivation of a bonus. If in a dream a bee dies after being stung, this means that in real life you may meet a person who is very unpleasant for you.
  6. Nostradamus interprets such a dream as a harbinger of a big win. The more insects there are, the bigger the winnings will be. Biting wasps warn of great danger, for example, fire, death loved one.

The interpretation will also depend on the smallest details that need to be kept in mind.

Bees in the dream book (video)

Seeing a swarm of bees in a dream

The interpretation of a swarm of insects in a dream depends on how the dreamer treats them and what sensations he experiences:

  • if in a dream a person is afraid of a swarm, such a vision does not bode well;
  • if the bees covered something, this is a sign of trouble, for example, a fire;
  • favorable sleep - if you work in an apiary, you feel comfortable, and the bees do not show aggression towards you;
  • swarming of bees may foreshadow a wedding or other festive event;
  • to see a swarm of bees in a dream means that you have committed an act that will become decisive in your life; the opinions of others about you will change;
  • some dream books interpret such a dream as hard, painstaking work that will bring joy;
  • if a swarm of bees flies past a person without touching him, this indicates that those around you positively evaluate your actions;
  • a swarm of wild wasps indicates possible unofficial income. If the surrounding atmosphere of sleep is pleasant, then the part-time job will be successful.

The interpretation of a swarm of insects in a dream depends on how the dreamer treats them and what sensations he experiences

Swarm of insects Vanga interpreted as the dreamer’s insincerity, this is a sign to think about how you behave with others. Perhaps you need to reconsider your point of view. If you change, your well-being will go uphill. A swarm may indicate big problems at work. But there is a person nearby who can help overcome everything.

Why do you dream about a bee sting?

If in a dream the dreamer is bitten by a whole swarm of insects, this is a sign that he will be condemned for his actions.

Miller's Dream Book interprets an insect bite as a loss or insult, and the culprit of all this will be a person close to you.

When interpreting a dream, it is important to consider which part of the body the bee sting was directed to:

  • if an insect bites your hand, someone will be dishonest towards you;
  • a bite in the legs indicates a mistake has been made;
  • on the lips - means betrayal;
  • on the cheeks and forehead - to incorrect decision-making;
  • if the dreamer is bitten in the back, he will have to put up with the inconvenience.

Seeing wasps in a dream that have bitten or stung a person

Miller interprets a dream in which wasps bit a person as a warning about the emergence of rivals in personal relationships. The dreamer may have ill-wishers who hate the dreamer and envy him. Such a dream may foretell a break in a friendship that has been going on since childhood.

If a person in a dream notices how a wasp bites someone, this is a sign that he will soon win victory over his enemies.

Miller interprets a dream in which wasps bit a person as a warning about the emergence of rivals in personal relationships

If the dreamer was stung by a wasp in a dream, and he felt severe pain, such a vision indicates that there is a traitor next to the person. Most likely, the dreamer is a successful person, and many envy him.

If your enemies were bitten in a dream, this may be a harbinger of a promotion in real life.

Why do you dream about bees in the house?

Seeing a swarm of insects in your home indicates that the dreamer will face unpleasant household chores. They are solvable, but will require a lot of effort.

Dreaming of bees in your own home foreshadows unpleasant household chores. They are solvable, but will require effort and time.

A swarm of wasps flying into your house can be a signal that unexpected guests will soon come to you, whom you will not be very happy to see.

If you dream of a big bee

A large bee in a dream indicates that the dreamer has the ability to control people. In real life, most likely, he occupies a high position, perhaps a managerial one. Such a dream indicates that subordinates and colleagues respect him and value his opinion.

A large bee in a dream indicates that the dreamer has the ability to control people

A large insect in a dream is a sign that in difficult situations you need to listen to your heart and your intuition.

Dreaming of a beehive and honey: what is it for?

If in a dream a person keeps a hive with bees, in real life he will not be able to avoid intractable problems. If there is a lot of honey in the hive, this is a sign of well-being and prosperity in the family.

If in a dream a person keeps a hive with bees, in real life he will not be able to avoid intractable problems

Insects that hastily leave their homes warn of financial problems.

A dream in which a beehive appeared may indicate that a person needs to retire and relax. He has accumulated too many small problems and troubles. To put everything in order, he needs to be alone and think everything through.

Making a hive with your own hands means that all difficulties and troubles will be successfully overcome. Seeing someone making a beehive means that in real life you will meet a very strong person.

Seeing dead bees in a dream

If you kill a bee in a dream, this may serve as a sign that betrayal by loved ones awaits you in real life. Such a dream can be interpreted as betrayal of a loved one. All this insect is like misfortune.

Seeing a dead bee is a sign of loss of money and financial troubles. Miller's dream book says that dead bees symbolize an unhappy life.

Why do you dream about bees (video)

Whatever the meaning of the dream, it is just a warning. By following the interpretations, you can avoid unpleasant consequences.

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