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How to quickly open blocked chakras. Human chakras and their opening, harmonization, cleansing

The energy center, the chakra, collects, stores and distributes all human energy, from physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.

Negative human emotions - feelings of fear, guilt, grief, lies, shame - can block a person’s chakras. Various attachments and illusions are also a factor blocking the center of power and consciousness.

There are various options for removing blocks and freeing the way to open the chakras.

Let's take a closer look at the chakras.

First root chakra

Located in the coccyx area, cherry-colored, associated with the earth element. Responsible for life safety, strength, survival and procreation.

Most often, the first chakra can be blocked by the feeling of fear.

Fear can be anything. Fear of heights, fear of interviews, fear of relationships, etc. The chakra is blocked by those fears that appear regularly. If you have constant fear

Don't let your fears take over you, boldly look them in the eye. Having understood the reasons for their occurrence, sort out your fears, thereby removing the negativity.

The chakra opens with courage, will and generosity.

I let life manifest itself and accept it. There are events happening in my life that are positive. I see positive aspects in everything that happens to me. I perceive reality only positively. I can't hold back my fear of anything. The decisions I made were ideal in the current situation. Moving forward, I draw conclusions from the lessons life has given me. I accept myself with all my shortcomings. I am me.

Second sacral chakra

It is located deep in the body, in the area of ​​the genital organs, has an orange color and a water element. Responsible for a person’s emotional needs, cheerfulness, sexual energy, creativity, and life’s pleasures.

Often the second chakra is blocked due to guilt.

Guilt can have destructive properties throughout the entire energy system, especially the second chakra.

As if entangled in a web from which there is no way to extricate oneself, one feels a dead end situation. The state of hopelessness, limitation, gives the experience of guilt.

There is always a way out; it is important not to bring the feeling of guilt to a state of “internal self-consuming.”

Understand that it is not the situation or the person that is actually gnawing at you inside. And your attitude towards this situation or person.

Looking at the situation, as if from the outside, will help you understand this.

The chakra opens with cheerfulness and the realization of sexual energy.

The mood for unaligning and activating the second chakra:

Fears are detected, I turn them into a convincing positive attitude, clear in front of my immediate environment. I cast aside negative attitudes with doubt, swimming in a sea of ​​positive deeds. My thoughts are directed towards creativity, growth and strengthening from within. I search, find and release my fears without holding on to negative sexual experiences.

Third chakra solar plexus

Located in the navel area, yellow in color, fire element. It is considered a central part of the human energy system. Brings mental and career abilities, confidence, success in society, strength of plans, power.

Disappointment and shame significantly block the third chakra.

The blockage is especially strong from childhood, from kindergarten and school we were shamed: “Aren’t you ashamed?”, thereby blocking two chakras at once, the second and third.

You can start the unblocking process in the same way, find the source of the negative, divide it into small parts and “sort it out” in your mind.

The chakra opens with freedom, social fulfillment, confidence, and insight.

Mindset for unblocking and activating the third chakra:

My strength and life harmony are at the gates of fears and blockages that teach everything unknown in the Universe. I boldly let in new life knowledge. I enter my blocks of fears and concerns and no longer hold them. I discard different assessments of my status, listening, listening, delving into what is happening. I have a lot of time to think about the feelings of self-deficiency that I am letting go of. Life lessons bring new knowledge. I have been given the strength to cope with the circumstances that existed previously, which means I have the strength to act now and in the future. Death is just an addition to life. I trust the flow of life. I am full of health and love. I have complete freedom of choice. I am me, no worse and no better than other people. I am a whole part and a part of the big one. I can rejoice in other people's successes as if they were my own. A natural manifestation of a harmonious union in love, in the physical plane, is physiological intimacy, sex. A real Divine manifestation of the masculine and feminine principles, combining them together.

Fourth Heart Chakra

Located in the center of the body, in the solar plexus area it is green in color, subordinate to the air element. The heart chakra actively takes part in the processes of human life: love, joy, kindness, compassion. It is the connecting link of the upper and lower chakras, the strength of spirituality and earthliness, the sublime and the base, health and prosperity.

Internal isolation and the experience of grief blocks the heart chakra.

The first case is internal isolation. This is when a person does not give vent to his emotions, experiences, and sensations.

Another option for blocking is unpleasant heart pain. The destructiveness and danger of the feeling of grief due to the difficulty of removing a blocked channel. You need to have enormous willpower to get out of the state of overwhelming apathy. Grief is always accompanied by apathy, indifference and hopelessness. Only with great desire can you independently discern what this situation teaches, what spiritual tasks should be completed, life lessons to go through, in order to receive strong heart energy.

The chakra opens with love, compassion, openness, joy, happiness.

The mood for unblocking and activating the first chakra:

I love the whole world and all its people. The very fact of my existence makes me happy! God's beginning is in every person. I allow my inner divine beginning to manifest itself, my soul’s dictates. No matter what happens, I remain merciful. My heart is open to the whole world, the world shows care by giving all its benefits. Love always rules the world!

Fifth Throat Chakra

Located on the surface of the neck, blue color, element of air, ether. Promotes metabolism, initiates creativity, harmony, communication, sociability, truthfulness of speech.

The reason for the blockage may be not allowing oneself to express oneself outwardly, including verbally, or the path of lies.

Often a person suppresses himself, not allowing himself to express his opinion. This could be an opinion about one’s desires, an opinion about a person’s behavior, an opinion about a situation. If you don't allow yourself to speak up, the throat chakra becomes blocked.

By the lead of lies. This takes into account not only lies in relation to other people, but also to oneself, first of all. It's hard to never lie when everyone around you is doing just that. It is very difficult to resist lies; it is contagious, like a virus, and when transmitted from one person to another, it increases even more. To be able to resist lies, train yourself to be honest, do not reciprocate the liar's feelings. Be honest with yourself, as well as with other people. This way you can use the most effective and powerful option for clearing the energy of the fifth chakra.

Communication, truth, self-expression, and the realization of creative potential opens the chakra.

Mindset for unblocking and activating the fifth chakra:

I love change. The highest good gives me only good things in every situation in life. Every turn of fate is a new chance for me. My thoughts are easy and logical. My self-love is inexhaustible, I approve of all my actions. My thoughts always help me cope with myself. I exist peacefully as a gifted, creative person, unique in my own way, finding ideal ways to express myself. I allow myself to manifest myself the way I want it. I express my opinion freely. My internal resources are inexhaustible, my virtues and abilities are fueled by an inexhaustible energy flow. The endless stream of intellect reveals new abilities in me. I freely express my will and accept my desires. All my actions bring positive effects and emotions at the moment. Everything that happens to me gives me joy and brings me positive experience, leading to further success. I appreciate even small success by doing my best. I don’t judge anyone in this life, neither myself nor the environment. It is with great pleasure that I take life into my own hands.

Sixth chakra of the third eye

The chakra is located between the eyebrows, in the center of the head. Indigo colors, air element. Provides the opportunity to strengthen spiritual will through bodily contact with the subconscious. Develops extrasensory abilities and intuition.

The sixth chakra can be blocked due to excessive expectations and illusions in life.

The inability to separate illusions and reality leads to blocking. If a person does not accept the reality of the situation that happened and the actual assessment of what is happening, a block is placed. There is no need to try to be better than your neighbor and take on more than you should. Spiritual knowledge cannot break through if a person is obsessed with star fever or pride closes his feelings.

The most common case is constant excessive expectations. We are constantly drawing pictures of the future as it should be. How everything should happen, how I should behave, how others should behave. The main rule in life: “Expectations are never met.” Accept reality without exaggeration and dreams will come true, becoming reality.

The use of intuition, awareness, and flexibility opens the chakra.

Mindset for unblocking and activating the sixth chakra:

I allow myself to manifest myself the way I want it. I express my opinion freely. I see everything that is happening clearly and understand what exactly is happening, realizing why this is so. I have the courage to want more. For this purpose, desires provide an incentive to believe in oneself. I have the necessary knowledge. Everything I do, I do with love for this activity. My intuition never lets me down. I have wisdom and power. I become a generator of useful ideas and plans that I can easily implement. Obstacles in my path only make my life stronger. I quickly and easily overcome obstacles that stand in my way with the help of intuition. The very process of overcoming difficulties brings me pleasure. I trust everything that happens and accept it without tension. My integrity is guaranteed! I have the right to choose, which is always mine. The words must (must) are leaving my life. I work easily, playfully. Freedom of choice and action is the basis of my strength. The path to my dream is completely open, and I am taking the first steps.

Seventh upper chakra

It is also called crown. This chakra is purple in color, but it is possible to change the color to the color of the predominant chakra. Located above the crown. It is the link between man and the energy of the universe.

Attachment to earthly and material goods blocks the crown chakra.

There is nothing wrong with material things. Everything that is created in this world is a manifestation of divine energy.

Problems arise when a person becomes overly attached to material values.

Everything earthly: home, work, people can have earthly attachments, you need to be able to let it go. Don't be possessive. Don’t put your “this is mine” stamp on people or material possessions.

The development of the inner world and the complete release of subtle energy opens the chakra.

The mindset for unblocking and activating the seventh chakra:

Thanks to the higher powers for everything they have given! I am the whole infinite Universe. To achieve success, everything is enough for me, I just have to want it. Trust is very important, especially in yourself. I enjoy every moment in life, enjoying the process. Success and prosperity are my constant companions. Whatever you wish will soon come true, dreams will come true. Satisfaction of life's needs occurs without much effort. The forces of the Universe are rushing to my aid, because I am the property of the world and God’s gift. Information is always available, Divine intelligence helps me solve any issues. I do not try to fight, I act according to circumstances, without coercion, relying only on Divine Wisdom. The desired and necessary will be in due time, under the accompanying circumstances. All restrictions are gone. I fully believe in my capabilities and luck. The end of something is a new beginning for everything and always.

Let's start with the fact that chakras in yoga are the places where energy channels intersect, or Nadis, as yogis call them. It is believed that there are approximately 72,000 nadis in the human body, these nadis constantly intersect with each other, and each such intersection forms a chakra, I think no one can tell how many such chakras are in the human body, and it is not necessary, because to become a harmonious person it is enough to open the main seven .

The main seven chakras sometimes also add an eighth, which is located just below anahata, but this is already for tough specialists. So a chakra can be either open or closed, what does this mean? Since the chakra is the intersection of channels, energy must flow in it, this energy forms vortices or, as the yogis say, a wheel, chakra is translated from Sanskrit as a wheel. A person, at will, can direct energy from this chakra to those around him, thereby tearing it off, and many people also do this unconsciously, since they have experience of past lives and this chakra opens in them unconsciously.

There is a widespread opinion that by opening a chakra, a person develops sidhi (certain abilities) corresponding to this chakra, but this is not true, because the openness of a chakra is only one of the aspects of chakra development, only a developed chakra gives a person superpowers.

In order to develop a chakra, you need to not only open it, but also pump it up with energy, and learn to manage this energy. Many yogis believe that to develop the chakra it is enough to sit in the lotus position and endlessly repeat the chakra mantra - this is a mistake. This method only pumps the chakra with energy, that’s all, but since you don’t know how to control this energy, the energy will quickly leave the chakra and you will have to pump it up again.

How to learn to control chakra?

Strange as it may seem, there are a lot of people around us with developed chakras, the only problem is that the people around us have developed only a few chakras, for example: people who practice martial arts develop manipura, peasants or workers develop muladhara, Hare Krishnas develop anahata, scientists develop ajna, dancers (especially oriental dances) develop svadhisthana. Look at yourself and think about what you do best, solving mathematical problems or drawing, caring for our smaller brothers or threatening someone by imposing your will. I think everyone will understand their strengths and weaknesses. So, if you want to develop your undeveloped chakras, then you need to go to those people who have developed them and learn from them, as the popular proverb says, “Whoever you get along with, you’ll get along with.”

A few examples:

1. For development muladharas you need to take less time off from physical work, don’t miss cleanup days, don’t be afraid to help a random person on the street if he needs help, the chakra is also developed by taking care of your health.
Vitality, fearlessness, liberality, patience, stability, physical strength, health, self-confidence - speaks of the openness of the chakra.
Inertia, lack of will, hoarding, greed, inability to work hard and persistently, the desire for simple pleasures - speaks of the closedness of the chakra.
Muladhara symbol is ant, LAM mantra.

2. Develop svadhisthana Visiting entertainment venues and meeting joyful people will help you; attending dance lessons also develops your chakra.
Satisfaction, flexibility, health, friendliness, sex, regularity in life - speaks of the openness of the chakra.
Jealousy, selfishness, desire for destruction, suspicion, malice, resentment, perversion, deceit - speaks of a closed chakra.
Mantra for YOU.

3. Manipura The chakra helps us overcome obstacles in life, it is active social activity, the desire to keep up with the times and fashion. Communication with strong-willed people develops the chakra, and visiting wrestling clubs or other martial arts promotes development.
Tirelessness, determination, perseverance - speaks of the openness of the chakra.
Quarrelsomeness, vanity, hatred of restrictions, jealousy, deceit, cruelty, stupidity, fear - speaks of a closed chakra.
Mantra RAM.

4. The feeling of love for others develops anahata chakra If you don’t have children or pets at home, get them; it will help develop your chakra; taking care of someone is necessary.
Inspiration, creativity, hope, purity of thoughts, diligence, control of emotions, discipline, selflessness, hard work - speaks of the openness of the chakra.
Emotionality, talkativeness, ingratitude, hysteria, laziness, anxiety, partiality, fraud, lust, indifference, arrogance, cockiness, pity - speaks of a closed chakra.
Mantra YAM.

5. Vishuddha is considered a repository of information, people who have extensive knowledge in various fields have developed Vishuddha, communication and friendship with such people will help you develop it. Practicing public speaking will also help you.
Influencing the listener, self-confidence, good memory, patience, understanding of surrounding circumstances, harmony with nature, power over speech, composure, poise - speaks of the development of the chakra.
Mantra HAM.

6. Power over circumstances and the ability to manage are inherent in people with developed ajna chakra. Usually these are politicians, entrepreneurs, managers of various stripes - friendship with such people will help develop the ajna chakra.
True vision, the ability to change oneself and one's destiny, the understanding that there is no past or future, but only the eternal present, understanding the need to acquire spiritual experience, clairvoyance - speaks of the openness of the chakra.
Cunning, cruelty, secrecy, aggressiveness, maliciousness - speaks of the closedness of the chakra.
Mantra OM or AUM.

7. Sahasrara- the lower chakra of the gods; for a harmonious human life on Earth, the chakras listed above are sufficient. Sahasrara - gives an understanding of the divine plan and access to the level of the gods. There are few people with developed sahasrara, but they exist.
The desire for order, detachment from the world - may indicate the openness of the chakra.

In conclusion, we can say that knowledge of the doctrine of chakras can give a person a lot, for example, predicting the behavior of people, knowing their open and closed chakras. For example: a person whose svadhisthana is open and ajna is closed should not be trusted, and in general one should stay away from such people, these are the type of people who spend their lives in pleasure, spenders and revelers, they do not realize what is happening.
If in front of you is a person of ajna, then you can trust him; such people rarely deceive, which cannot be said about those who only have developed anahata. When going into battle, you can safely rely on a person with open manipura or muladhara, but not on a person with developed Vishuddha.
But it is better to open a business with a person of svadhisthana or vishuddhi - they are good speakers and have a good sense of where there is profit.

Muladhara chakra is the center of basic instincts and survival. As a rule, in humans it is quite active. However, the energy in it may be unbalanced. In this article I will tell you how to open and develop the muladhara chakra and restore its functioning.

The root chakra is located in the tailbone area, between the genitals and anus. Incorrect functioning of the first chakra is indicated by anger, aggression, greed, and bitterness. I have already written in more detail about this. Be sure to check it out if you haven't read it yet.

There are several ways to restore the functioning of muladhara. These are meditations, active points, chanting mantras, etc. They will be discussed below.

Each chakra corresponds to special points on the arms and legs, by pressing on which you can awaken the root chakra.

These points are shown in the figure - see photo.

First we will work with the hands. Find the active point on your right hand - it is located on the convex part of the radius bone. Apply light pressure with the thumb of your other hand. Massage it clockwise.

If you experience pain or discomfort, this indicates stagnation of energy in the muladhara chakra.

Massage until the pain goes away, but don't get too carried away. After this, repeat the procedure on your left hand.

Let's move on to working with points on the feet. Here the active points are located on the lower posterior edge of the heel bone. Massage in the same way clockwise, first the right foot, then the left.

This exercise will help open the muladhara chakra if it is blocked and will also help balance it.

Visualization and meditation on the chakra

Let's start meditating on muladhara. Take a comfortable position. It is important that the spine is straight when performing the exercise. That is, you can sit, for example, on the edge of a chair.

Lotus or Turkish pose is not suitable for this exercise.

Direct your attention to the area where the root chakra is located - the base of the spine. A chakra is a spinning funnel of energy, try to imagine it in red. How does energy move?

  • If the movement is even, stable, smooth, then the chakra is working harmoniously.
  • If the movement is impetuous and uneven, this indicates stagnation of energy in muladhara.

Bring your attention to your feet. Through the soles of your feet, inhale pure red light from the earth. Imagine how this light passes through the legs and reaches muladhara. As you exhale, visualize a red column of light radiating from your root chakra into your aura and then back into the earth.

Perform muladhara activation for 5-10 minutes. When finished, direct your attention to the first chakra and try to determine what changes have occurred in its functioning.

Correspondence between chakra and element

In Indian philosophy, it is believed that the entire Universe consists of five primary elements:

  • Earth;
  • Water;
  • Fire;
  • Air;
  • Ether.

The element of Earth is associated with the root chakra, and in the image of the muladhara chakra it is symbolized by a yellow square. The main quality of the Earth is hardness.

The square has 4 sides, they represent the 4 cardinal directions, as well as 4 qualities that are mandatory for a person following the path of spiritual development:

  • directness;
  • honesty;
  • moral;
  • integrity.

Hindus believe that the square symbolizes the stability and order of the Universe. In accordance with this, our life should also be orderly, so we can develop the muladhara chakra and normalize its work.

Think of the Earth element as a living being. She also strives for purification and elevation.

And for this, the Earth needs to get rid of toxins and pollution received from human activities. Mentally send light and love to the Earth.

Let's move on to working with the first chakra through the element of the Earth element.


Meditation on the earth element will help in activating the mooladhara chakra. This exercise is best done outside so you can stand on the ground. If you can’t organize it, then you can study at home.

To perform the exercise, stand straight and straighten your shoulders. Breathe in and out rhythmically and relax. Then bring your attention to the soles of your feet.

Visualize yourself growing your roots into the ground through the soles of your feet. Let the Earth nourish you with its energy. This increases your resilience.

After 3-4 minutes, direct your attention to the top of your head. Visualize a white beam of light entering through the top of your head, down your spine, down to your feet, and then into the ground.

Send this life-giving energy to the Earth. In gratitude for the fact that she nourished you. Enjoy the fact that you act as a vessel for the exchange of energies.

Mantra for the first chakra

Working with mantras is directly related to breathing. Therefore, before chanting the mantra, you should perform breathing exercises.

Take a comfortable position, relax, but your spine should remain straight. The lotus position or Turkish pose is best.

For comfort, you can place a small pillow under the buttocks. Concentrate on your breathing. This promotes relaxation and calm.

Now you can start the exercise. Mentally count to 5 and then inhale, then mentally count to 5 again and exhale. Continue breathing for a count of 5.

If it is still difficult for you to hold your breath for so long, then try breathing on a count of 3. Over time, your lung volume will increase slightly, then you will be able to increase the time you hold your breath to 7 seconds.

While breathing, you need to focus on the tip of your nose. Try to feel the temperature change during the moments of inhalation and exhalation. Feel the air entering and exiting through your nostrils.

Continue for 5-10 minutes. After this, focus your attention on the muladhara chakra. Visualize white light entering it as you inhale and purifying it as you exhale. This completes the work with the first chakra on breathing, and we move on to getting acquainted with mantras.

Mantra Lam

Exercises with mantras are performed immediately after breathing practice. The muladhara chakra mantra sounds like “lam”. Her pronunciation has a deep “ah”. The sound “m” should be pronounced slightly “on the nose”. If you have studied English, then you are familiar with this pronunciation - these are words ending in -ing.

Mantras are chanted, here is the sequence of actions:

  1. take a deep breath;
  2. as you exhale, open your mouth and begin to chant the first half of the mantra: “la-a-a-aaa...”;
  3. cover your mouth and sing the ending through your nose: “mm-mm-mm”;
  4. After completing the exhalation, take another breath and repeat the mantra from the beginning.

If you are a little familiar with music and know the musical tones, then try to chant the Lam mantra on the note C. However, this is an optional rule; choose the key that suits you.

Sing softly. You should feel vibrations in the area of ​​the root chakra, this will indicate that the work with the mantra was carried out correctly. To help yourself, concentrate your attention on the first chakra and direct the sound there.

The duration of chanting the muladhara chakra mantra is at least 5 minutes. After completing the exercise, do not get up immediately. Sit for a while and relax. Analyze your condition to see if it has changed after the exercise.

Yantra for Muladhara

Yantra is a sacred, mystical symbol. It serves for concentration and meditation. With regular practice, a person can increase the level of consciousness and develop the muladhara chakra.

Yogis and representatives of other esoteric movements use a variety of yantras. Each of them carries a special energy.

The Muladhara Yantra is a yellow square with a red triangle inside, pointing downwards. Prepare an image for meditation. It is best to print it on a printer or draw it yourself.

Sit in the lotus or Turkish position. Place the yantra so that you can clearly see it. Breathe calmly, you can practice breathing with a delay for a count of 5, as described above.

The exercise is not limited in time, focus on your feelings. Relax and focus your attention on the yantra. Look at the yellow square. It symbolizes the Earth and its solidity.

Think about whether you have an energetic connection with the Earth? Do you have a solid base or foundation from which to begin your journey of spiritual development? If not, then later do the Earth Element Meditation (described above).

The color yellow is associated with intelligence, it will help you find out what changes need to happen in life for your development and self-improvement. In the initial stages of this path, the mind will be your best ally, but later you can rise above the intellect.

Think about the integrity of this symbol and the duality needed to achieve it. Become aware of your own dualism. Think about how balanced your male and female energies are.

How do you divide your time between work and play? Solving problems using logic involves the left hemisphere of the brain, while creative activities use the right hemisphere.

Think about your diet. It must also have harmony and balance to achieve the integrity of the body. Also think about whether you live in harmony with yourself and with other people. What is required for your spiritual development?

Video on activating muladhara

In conclusion, I suggest you watch a video about activating and balancing the muladhara chakra:

For many, the teaching of chakras is more than a metaphor. Recently, not only adherents of Eastern philosophy and esotericism have been talking about them, but also, among others, psychologists, spa therapists, fitness yoga teachers and homeopaths. Many of my friends have recently been “training their chakras” - actively attending relevant trainings - and are not overjoyed with the results. One fell in love, the other stopped having conflicts at work, the third became pregnant.

The most interesting thing for me is how to communicate with the opposite sex at the chakra level. It is believed that the first chakra, muladhara (the one located just below the tailbone, it is also called the “root chakra” and is associated with the color red, the energy of the earth and the planet Mars) is responsible for our stability, connection with the earth, with our roots, ancestors. This chakra circulates the energy of survival, procreation, the ability to take risks and solve problems. If it is blocked, then the ground under your feet disappears, you feel like a victim of circumstances, your lower back hurts, problems with your legs, joints, and endless injuries begin. Fortunately, unblocking this chakra for a woman is not so difficult - you just need to learn to let a man take care of you. This chakra is male, the energy in it moves clockwise (this is the yang direction), and in men it should be active, and in women it should be passive. Muladhara is, first of all, the satisfaction of basic material needs, and according to the principle of energy exchange, it is better if the responsibility for this lies with the man. According to the teachings of the chakras, a man's mission is to provide his woman with basic safety, comfort and protection. Then it will be able to be successfully implemented in other areas. And the woman’s task is to charge it with energy at the level of the next, second chakra - svadhisthana. It is located approximately 5 cm below the navel (in women - at the level of the uterus) and, conversely, ideally should be active in girls and passive in boys. This chakra (it is associated with the energy of water, which is the feminine element, and the color orange, and is ruled by Venus) is responsible for pleasure, sensuality and sensitivity, tenderness, the ability to receive pleasure, for beauty, for accepting oneself (primarily one’s body ) and for creativity.

When the second chakra is blocked, we experience guilt, cannot “let go” of ourselves during sex, doubt our own attractiveness and solve endless problems with the female organs and kidneys. And if energy flows freely there, a woman is able to endlessly give a man pleasure - through touch, sex, delicious food, a warm home, care and tenderness.

At the level of the third chakra - manipura (yellow color, fire energy, the Sun) - energy is transformed and returns from man to woman. This center, responsible for social status, money, willpower, control and perseverance in achieving goals, should be active in men and passive in women. Many modern women (and me, as it turns out, too) have problems with this. We want, as they say in America, to have it all - to take an active position in life and control the situation. There is nothing wrong with this if... the desire to control does not go off scale and we know how to switch in time. Back pain, especially in the center of the spine or in the diaphragm area, constipation, gastritis and other problems with the stomach and intestines, as well as anxiety and worry about the future are all signs that the third chakra is blocked. According to energy laws, being afraid of losing money and work is very harmful - especially for a woman. This is how we lose strength and, most likely, sooner or later we may actually be left without funds. Money and status will come - on their own or through your man. You just need to trust the world more.

One of the most important “female” chakras is the fourth, anahata (emerald color, air energy, planet Moon), which is located at the level of the heart. Anahata is responsible for the ability to experience compassion and love - unconditionally and limitlessly, as well as to charge a man with emotions, inspiration, while accepting him as he is. It is believed that when a relationship is built on the fourth chakra, that is, you are connected not only by sex (this is a union on the first chakra, such relationships are the most fleeting), not by the desire for comfort and pleasure (relationships on the second chakra) and not by social status (connection on the third chakra) - they have a chance to be truly harmonious. It is also believed that this chakra is associated with our relationship with our parents - the left side of the heart is connected with the mother, and the right with the father. If you are able to experience a state of causeless childish joy, regardless of the weather and other circumstances, most likely your heart chakra is open. Dejection, aggression, the desire to please everyone, a feeling of “emptiness” in the heart, the need for self-affirmation, psychological insufficiency, and on the physical level, problems with the lungs and upper parts of the spine are signs that there is not enough energy in this center.

The fifth chakra, “vishuddha” (blue color, etheric energy, planet Mercury) is again masculine. This center controls self-expression, the ability to persuade and lead, generate and implement ideas, and achieve success in society. If this area is blocked, there is a lump in the throat, difficulty expressing an opinion, runny nose, sore throat, problems with teeth, thyroid gland, chronic tension in the shoulders and neck.

The sixth chakra, ajna (blue color, planet Saturn), is another energy center that women primarily need to develop. It is located between the eyebrows, at the level of the “third eye”, and is responsible for intuition, wisdom, insight, the ability to trust yourself, listen to your inner voice, feel other people - first of all, your man, adapting to him and gently controlling him, more precisely , directing. Energy deficiency here includes headaches, vision problems, depression, a feeling of being lost and lacking a purpose in life, or when we live too much in our heads.

Finally, there is the seventh, “genderless” chakra called sarashara. It is located in the crown area and is responsible for communication with the cosmos, highest spiritual realization and unity with God. True, mystics say that for most modern people this zone is closed.

How to “pump up” chakras?

Natalya Ignatova, presenter of women's trainings

I have my own center where, among other things, I teach classes on the “Orgasm Reflex,” which helps to “pump up” primarily the first and second chakras. This practice was invented by the Austrian psychotherapist, Freud's student Wilhelm Reich, who believed that by unblocking the muscle clamps in the intimate organs that arise as a result of parental prohibitions, we release orgasmic energy. The more of this energy you have and the more freely it circulates in your body, the more intense the sex, the higher your creativity, and the more successful you are in life. I watch all the time how, after the “Orgasm Reflex,” girls’ gait, gaze, and complexion change; they become a magnet for men. If you don’t like training, try a simple chakra breathing exercise at home. Sit back, close your eyes, tune in to your breathing. Spend two minutes on each chakra. If you find it difficult to mentally “fill” your chakra with its inherent color, it may be weakened or blocked.

  • Sit back, close your eyes, listen to your breathing. Bring your attention to the first chakra, which is located at the base of the spine. Feel your tailbone, sacrum, pelvic floor, relax your perineum and breathe, directing your attention to these areas, filling this space with red color through your breath.
  • Mentally move to the second chakra, which is located in the lower abdomen and in the center of the pelvis, begin to breathe into this place, filling it with orange - about two minutes.
  • Bring your attention to the solar plexus area. Concentrate not only on the front of the body, but also listen to the sensations at the back, in the center of the spine, filling this space with the color yellow using your breath.
  • Bring your attention to the chest area, to its center. This is the heart chakra, slowly fill it with green.
  • Go to the throat, the area of ​​the fifth chakra. Feel the back of your neck, while relaxing the cervical vertebrae, filling this area with blue.
  • Bring your attention to the sixth chakra, which is located between the eyebrows. Fill the brain area with blue.
  • Focus on the seventh chakra, it is at the crown and above your head. Fill this area with purple.

Many people want to know how to open the chakras. This is not surprising as opening the chakras increases the flow of energy in and around the body and therefore improves our physical, mental and emotional health.

How open chakras?

The question “How to open the chakras?” has become very popular and even fashionable recently. It excites those who would like to engage in self-development. Opening and activating the chakras¹ allows you to acquire various abilities, strengthen spiritual and physical health, and also lead to enlightenment² and a person’s awareness of his purpose and place in the world.

It's no secret that every person has energy, and we all revolve in the same energy field. The chakras are the main points of contact between the etheric and physical bodies, or the conduits through which we are fed with the solar and pranic³ energies of the universe.

Through the chakras, a person exchanges energy with the outside world and with other people. If the chakra is blocked, it causes problems and difficulties in life. This is why it is important to know how to open the chakras.

Activation of the chakras helps a person to reveal his highest potential, to be filled with confidence, abundance, self-love, and the circumstances of his life begin to develop more favorably.

The very concept of “chakra” is abstract. They cannot be seen or touched, but they can be felt. Each human chakra is responsible for certain spiritual qualities and energy in one or another area of ​​life. It is believed that if a person fails in some area, then some chakra does not work for him.

How to open chakras using your fingers?

Here we will look at meditations in turn to activate the seven main human energy centers.

Activation of the Muladhara Chakra

1. You need to sit with a straight back

2. Imagine that a small sun is shining in the area of ​​the tailbone.

3. Feel its warmth.

4. Feel how it warms more and more.

5. Distribute this warmth throughout the body.

6. You need to maintain concentration on the sunlight in the tailbone area for a minute.

7. Slowly open your eyes.

If warmth or any other sensations appear in the perineum area, then you have done everything correctly and the chakra has been activated.

Activation of Svadhisthana chakra

1. Apply slight pressure with your fingers to the top of the pubic bone.

2. Feel the vibration under your fingers.

3. Close your eyes.

4. Lower your hands down, but continue to feel the vibration in the chakra area without your hands for one minute.

5. Slowly open your eyes.

6. Look around you and assess the situation.

7. Listen to your feelings.

If you have any sensations in the sacrum area, then the chakra has begun to activate.

Activation of Manipura Chakra

1. The ring, middle and index fingers should be prepared.

2. Place them in the center of the abdomen on the navel.

3. Feel the pulsation in this area under your fingers.

4. Close your eyes.

5. Strengthen the pulsation with the power of thought.

6. Lower your hands down, but continue to feel the pulsation without using your fingers.

7. Maintain concentration for a minute.

8. Slowly open your eyes.

9. Look around and observe your feelings.

Meditation is considered successful if you feel a burning, tingling, warmth or any other sensation in the area of ​​the 1st and 2nd lumbar vertebrae.

Activation of the Anahata Chakra

1. Place your fingers in the middle of your chest, on the heart line.

2. Feel the vibration under your fingers.

3. Close your eyes.

4. Imagine that the pulsation is intensifying.

5. Lower your hands and try to hold the feeling of pulsation without using your hands for a minute.

6. Slowly open your eyes.

7. Look around and observe your feelings.

If you feel any sensations in the area of ​​the 4th and 5th thoracic vertebrae, you can congratulate yourself on successfully completing the exercise.

Activation of Vishuddha Chakra

1. Place your fingers on your throat in the place where vibration is felt during a conversation.

2. Feel the pulsation under your fingers and try to strengthen it.

3. Close your eyes.

4. Lower your hands.

5. Maintain the feeling of vibration for a minute.

6. Calmly open your eyes.

7. Observe your feelings.

If you feel pressure or a burning sensation in the area of ​​the 7th cervical vertebra, this is a good sign. The chakra is activated.

Activation of the Ajna Chakra

1. Bring your fingers to your temples.

2. Feel the vibration under your fingers in this area.

3. Transfer your fingers and attention from your temples to the “third eye” area. This area is located on the bridge of the nose.

4. Feel the same vibrations.

5. Close your eyes.

6. Lower your hands and maintain the sensation of pulsation in the “third eye” area for a minute.

7. Calmly open your eyes.

Activation of the Sahasrara chakra

1. Relax and move the ring, middle and index fingers of each hand, placing them above the top points of the ears. Feel the pulsation under your fingers and try to intensify this pulsation.

2. Concentrate on it. This is the vibration of the Sahasrara chakra.

3. Staying focused. move your fingers to the crown area.

4. Try to feel the same vibrations.

5. Close your eyes and, concentrating on the sensations, intensify them.

6. Lower your hands and continue concentrating on the pulsation without using your hands, with the power of thought. Observe this pulsation for about one minute.

7. Calmly open your eyes.

All these meditations can be simplified in the future. To activate the chakras, it will be enough to feel the vibration or heat in a specific chakra without using your hands and maintain concentration for several minutes.

Based on materials from the book Tereshkin S. N. “Development of Perfect Abilities”

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Notes and feature articles for deeper understanding of the material

¹ Chakra in the spiritual practices of Hinduism is a psychoenergetic center in the subtle body of a person, which is the intersection of the nadi channels through which prana (vital energy) flows, as well as an object for concentration in the practices of tantra and yoga (Wikipedia).

² Enlightenment (awakening) is a religious concept meaning “a holistic and complete awareness of the nature of reality” (Wikipedia).

³ Prana - in yoga, traditional Indian medicine, esotericism - the idea of ​​vital energy, life. In yoga, it is believed that prana permeates the entire universe, although it is invisible to the eye (