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How to make a quick damage to a person through a knife. Signs and predictions about knives

At the word “Knife”, many immediately have a sense of danger. Perhaps that is why it is shrouded in various superstitions, myths, legends and mysterious stories. They wove such a twisting web around this symbol of protection and aggression that it is very difficult to unravel it and separate truth from fiction. Perhaps many signs and legends do not have any serious grounds, but it is worth listening to some beliefs.

Notes on knives

Due to the fact that a knife can cause serious harm to human health and life, the signs associated with it are mostly of a warning nature.

  • Usually they try not to give knives to relatives and friends in order to avoid a quarrel,
  • pregnant women are not recommended to sharpen the knife to save the life and health of the child,
  • it’s better not to eat with a knife, because. it makes a person angry and aggressive,
  • it is forbidden to say the word "knife" at sea in order to avoid a shipwreck,
  • you can’t turn the knife in your hands, hit it on the table or scrape it - to a quarrel,
  • you can’t keep two knives on the table near food - a quarrel will come out.

All these legends are still alive and probably many of them are familiar to you.

However, there were times when a knife was a vital item for a person, and then the signs associated with it were not so gloomy. A huge number of signs, where the knife is endowed with protective properties, is present in the life of the Slavic peoples.

In ancient times, a knife was carried with them as a talisman, and they even put it under the pillow and under the cradle of the baby. This, according to our ancestors, protected from the evil eye and the misfortune of a baby who did not have time to be baptized, a pregnant woman from complications during pregnancy, as well as from the destruction of the family happiness of the newlyweds.

In order for a child to become a carpenter in the future, a knife was placed in the cradle. Also, to protect the baby during someone else's funeral, a knife was put in his cradle.

To protect the child from evil spirits, going to church to christen the baby, the parents, leaving the house, stepped over the knife.

They drew a magic circle around themselves with a knife to protect themselves from witches, werewolves and other evil spirits. They defended their homes by sticking a knife into the threshold or crossing the windows and doors of the house with it.

It was also believed that a knife thrown into a storm could injure the devil.

To protect against storms and thunderstorms, a knife was stuck into the ground.

The knife was also used to protect pets. Leading the cattle out of the barn, they stuck a knife into the wall and said:

“Just as a bear does not eat meat from this knife, so do not eat our Pestruhonka.”

Then the cow was led through the knife. Some Slavs to protect pets got up at dawn, took a knife and ran around the barn three times, and then stuck the knife into the wall. To prevent the animal from falling into the clutches of wild animals, if the cattle were lost, a knife was stuck in the threshold.

As can be seen from these legends, the knife was of great importance to people. This is explained by the fact that in ancient times the knife could feed, protect and warm a person. Therefore, its role in folklore is often positive.

Divination with a knife

Since the knife has always been fanned with magic, folk fortune-telling could not do without it.

They took a wooden board, laid out pieces of paper with inscriptions around the edges. Also, sometimes the board was replaced with cardboard, on which they wrote the very inscriptions - the answers. A knife was placed in the middle of a board or cardboard. Fortune telling consisted in the fact that the fortuneteller asked a question and twisted the knife. When he stopped, he pointed to a certain inscription, which contained the answer to the question:

  • Be patient;
  • The enemy plots you;
  • Good news;
  • love message;
  • Luck shines;
  • Wait for guests;
  • Love adventure;
  • Tears will replace joy;
  • Wait for news;
  • A journey awaits you;
  • Important letter;
  • Don't rush into a decision.

Another variant of fortune-telling is fortune-telling with a freshly baked pie and a knife. In the evening they stick a knife into the cake vertically. So the knife stays all night. If in the morning he deviated to the side, then financial losses should be expected. If the knife remained standing straight, then this indicates good luck in money matters.

If a knife is seen in a dream, then this may indicate something not very good. Just a dream with a knife - to a quarrel or to deceit. Inflicting a knife wound in a dream may indicate that you will be insulted or abused. Sharpening a knife in a dream is a failure in business. If you dream of a lot of knives gathered in a heap - to an insult to someone.

Knife as a magical attribute

Magic knife (Atem) is one of the main attributes of the magician. With its help, the magician concentrates his inner energy, and direct it to solving the problem. This knife does not cut anything. Its task is only to concentrate energy in the right place. There is also a knife (Bulin or Bolline), which has magical properties, in order to cut herbs, cut matter and other material objects. It is also used to block the actions of evil spirits, remove a conspiracy, etc.

Thus, it is important to know that Atem is meant to open portals, cut channels, clear space, or summon spirits. And with the help of Bulin, magicians perform a specific physical action - they cut grass, branches, material and other components of a magical action.

How to endow a knife with magical properties

When choosing a knife for performing magical rituals, opt for a knife with a wooden handle and a steel blade. The wooden handle will prevent energy dissipation. The blade, in turn, must be sharpened so that the energy goes exactly as intended. The knife should be comfortable and clean. Use only new knives for this purpose.

When purchasing a knife, you need to follow certain rules:

  1. A knife purchased for magical rituals should only be used for that purpose.
  2. It is strictly forbidden to discuss the price or take change when buying a knife.
  3. If the knife is forged independently, then no one except you should touch it.
  4. In order for the knife to acquire magical properties, it must be placed under running water and left overnight so that the light of the moon falls on it.
  5. Then you need to organize a magical altar, put a knife on it and leave it on the full moon. Before that, wrap the knife in cotton cloth and keep it in a secluded place. If the knife “leaves” the altar, then it cannot be used in magical rituals. For the altar, choose a place far outside the city, hidden from prying eyes. Ideally, there should be a hill nearby, and a stream should run.
  6. To secure the knife to the owner, you need to drip blood on it. No need to cut your hand, you just need to put blood on the knife. You can't wipe it off.
  7. Before uttering a conspiracy, you need to stick a knife into the ground, kneel down, lean with both hands on the ground on both sides of the knife. Looking to the north, speak a plot.
  8. For three days, the knife should be carried with you, and at night put under the pillow.
  9. This knife cannot be used for sacrifices. It is intended solely for good purposes.

You can relate to the magical power of the knife in different ways. Someone can do this from a great desire to join the other world. Some people don't take these things seriously. But for believers, communication with dark forces and, moreover, attempts to influence the physical and spiritual state of a person, especially an outsider, is considered a very serious sin. In any case, rash actions of a magical nature can harm both your health and well-being, and the well-being of your loved ones. Therefore, before embarking on practical magic, it is worth thinking seriously.

The knife has always been the object of bad omens, because sharp objects in many cultures are associated with negativity. We have collected them all for you so that you can protect yourself and your family.

Most people simply do not pay attention to how to properly use a knife. As folk wisdom says, this item is very dangerous, not only physically, but also energetically. Folk signs are aimed at maintaining good luck and success in all areas of life, so do not deprive them of your attention.

Knife Energy

A knife is a negative item if used and stored incorrectly. In Eastern culture, any sharp objects are very dangerous and can cause negative emotions, which are often very difficult to suppress.

From time immemorial, a knife has been considered primarily a weapon, and only then an object of household utensils. This created a certain image of a two-faced kitchen appliance that requires special treatment. Folk signs will help you avoid problems.

Signs with a knife

Folk signs, which we will talk about, will greatly facilitate your life and tell you how not to bring trouble on yourself or loved ones.

Do not put a knife with a sharp end towards a person when you are sitting at the same table. This is how you turn him against you. You can quarrel in the process of eating, so it is better to put the knife so that its sharp end is not directed towards anyone sitting at the table. If there are too many people, it is better to remove the knife from the table altogether.

Don't leave a knife on the table overnight. He will accumulate negative energy, splashing out negativity on people in the morning. People quarrel more often when they do not attach importance to the knife lying on the table, they get less sleep and feel unwell. This will reflect badly on work, study and any other business during the day.

Don't eat with a knife. It is said that it is possible to become evil this way. Indeed, it affects a person in a very strange way. Even in ancient times, people noticed that eating with a knife, and not with a fork, is more difficult to control outbursts of emotions.

Broken knife. When a knife breaks, you need to be more careful and accurate in absolutely everything, otherwise there is a risk of an accident or injury. People believe that angry spirits break the knife. They also do all the evil that can be met by breaking a knife.

If you find a knife, then in no case do not take it as a trophy. History keeps many examples when a trophy blade became the misfortune of its new owner, and a kitchen knife can also become an unfortunate acquisition if you picked it up somewhere.

The blade of a knife should always be hidden. If this is not done, then negative energy will be in the air, preventing people from enjoying life and depriving people of financial and love luck.

If the knife fell to the floor, then wait for the guests home. In Eastern philosophy, it has always been believed that a knife that has fallen to the floor is a sign that trouble has bypassed you.

If you are given a knife, then it can cut your friendship or love, so always, when you receive a knife as a gift, give something in return or symbolically pay off with a small coin. It will be better this way, because you will get rid of negative consequences.

A knife can be an excellent talisman against evil spirits. To do this, you need to put it with a sharp end towards the street on the windowsill. So not a single evil entity will penetrate into your house, home comfort will be preserved. This is what our ancestors did in ancient times. They always had a special knife, which always lay on the windowsill.

A knife is not only a melee weapon and an indispensable item in the kitchen. This is a truly multifunctional item that has its own energy. Be careful and remember the signs so as not to bring trouble on yourself.

Improve your energy to be less dependent on signs that destroy and deplete it. You can do this in many ways, so you can always find a technique that will be closest to you. Good luck to you, and do not forget to press the buttons and

22.10.2016 06:20

Why you need to know the superstitions about knives. How they can cause harm and whether it can be avoided. simple rituals...

If you don’t think about it, the word “find” sounds very promising. Lucky - get something useful; no - stay with yours. Either way, you win! On the other hand, after all, you can find a heap of troubles on your head, and adventures on your ass. Our ancestors were well aware of this, they believed in signs, therefore they were suspicious of any finds. Especially to something as dangerous as a knife. What does it mean to find, or worse, lose it?

Signs about the found knife

Of course, not everything piercing and cutting carries a negative. What is wrong, for example, with a small pocket knife, with which you can sharpen a pencil, pick a rusty screw, and scrape off a tightly stuck chewing gum from the sole? Or a bread knife? Or a wood carver's tool? This one is generally fit to be compared with an artist's brush, what evil is there!

The ancestors understood this too. The “honest” blade, faithfully serving its owner in peaceful everyday affairs, was valued, respected and often used as a powerful amulet against evil. The knife was stuck into the barn wall to protect livestock. They put it under the pillow for women in demolition to ward off evil spirits. They hid the baby in the cradle before baptism - if someone casts an unkind look at the child, he will immediately run into it! The knife, hidden under the threshold, was supposed to turn away any hostile energy from the house; and a circle, outlined on the ground with an iron blade, was found as a reliable protection from sorcerers and witches.

In the mushroom season, such finds are not uncommon.

Quite different emotions were evoked by someone else's knife found on the road, in a field or in a forest under a bush. Guess who it used to belong to! Maybe a thief who cut other people's bags from his shoulders in the crowd? Or a robber-murderer? Or a soldier who earns a living by constant bloody battles? Such a thing will not bring good, even if it is at least three times expensive and good. If you take it in your hands, you yourself will begin to languish with remorse, not even knowing what is oppressing you. If you bring it into the house, you will bring bad dreams, illnesses and misfortunes to your loved ones. In any case, the knife will take with it a part of the black energy of the previous owner, and then beware of anyone who is nearby!

Where was someone else's knife found: in the forest on the road or in an apartment / house

What exactly threatens the new owner of someone else's knife?

  • Frivolously picked up outside the house - on the street, in a store, on the river bank - it portends quarrels, illnesses, separations, problems and financial losses, in a word, a “complete package” of troubles. One thing is good, until you take the blade in your hands, it is not attached to you. Bypass the dangerous little thing side, and trouble will not happen.
  • It is much worse to find a knife blade in your own closet, behind a bedside table or under a rug in the hallway. Alas, such a find says that you have got a hater, eager to bring misfortune to your family. Even if you are accustomed to neglecting all kinds of “damage”, realizing that someone who enters the house is telling fortunes against you is extremely unpleasant. And if we are talking about a suspicious person, the find can serve as a trigger for a whole avalanche of all sorts of troubles, because fear and uncertainty perfectly reinforce the effect of such pads. It is not for nothing that slander is often powerless against people who sincerely believe, as well as against seasoned realists who completely reject everything supernatural - their conviction in itself serves as a shield that performs its protective function well. Can't you say the same about yourself? Then carefully pick up the knife through a handkerchief or napkin, take your find out of the house without touching it with your bare hand, and bury it somewhere far away. And when you return, wash yourself with holy water, sprinkle the walls and floor with it, or walk around the rooms with a burning candle, lingering in those places where the wick starts to hiss and “spit” - let it burn out the negative cleanly.

New or old, rusty

  • The rust covering the blade promises tears due to parting with a loved one.
  • A sharp and brand new knife is a symbol of difficult trials that life will soon throw up to a person - “look, do not cut yourself”!
  • A broken blade indicates that some of your current plans cannot be realized.

Is it worth picking

For some, searching for antique weapons is a way of life.

Following simple logic, it is better to stay away from a dangerous find. Of course, someone happens to find an ordinary bread knife, forgotten by the owners after a fun picnic. Most likely, his blade is not involved in the "dark deeds" and does not carry negativity on itself. But think sensibly, do you really need this knife to risk your peace of mind because of it?

However, there are times when it is really a pity to leave a find. For example, if an old trophy dagger from the Second World War suddenly falls into the hands. Or just a good solid knife, which can still serve a lot in the household. And it also happens that one of the household, unaware of the sign, will bring home a “sharp” souvenir. How to be in this case?

What to do if you find and want to leave

Having picked up the knife from the ground, throw a coin on the place where it lay. So you seem to “register” the deal: there was no find, you decorously and nobly bought the item you really needed, which is now considered cleared of the past and begins a new story in your hands. For some peoples, this simple gesture not only completely removes the negative from the blade, but also immediately translates the omen into the category of happy ones! It is believed that all the most ardent desires of the owner of such a knife will come true, and hopes will come true.

For the most suspicious persons and perfectionists who want to protect themselves from other people's energy as completely as possible, folk wisdom suggests performing a simple rite of purification. Read the prayer “Our Father” over the knife, sprinkle the blade with holy water and ask the higher powers to protect you from evil. You can also hold the find for some time in a vessel with spring water or lower it into a fast-flowing river.

How to level the action of the lining

If you are afraid that negativity has hung on your home or loved ones, do a universal cleaning. Its many options. For example, like this:

  1. Stand in the bathroom and rub your whole body with salt (without undue zeal, you just didn’t have enough irritation now!), And then let the water go. Stand under the shower, imagining how dark energy descends from your body and immediately flows into the drain.
  2. After getting out of the shower, put on clean clothes, open all the windows, set fire to a sprig of St. John's wort on a plate and start cleaning.
  3. Wipe all the mirrors first - in a clockwise circular motion. Moreover, over each it is desirable to make as many strokes with a rag as it has served you for years.
  4. Did you manage? Move to the floor. There are some discrepancies here: some suggest spraying all corners of the house with melt water and rinsing hands and face with it, while others wash the floor with a solution of sea salt, which perfectly copes with alien energies.
  5. Light a candle and pass it across the front door from right to left, first at the level of the peephole, and then the handle. If you are not afraid that the neighbors will begin to call the priest in the nearest church or, even worse, in a psychiatric clinic, try to process the door outside in the same way. And then, clockwise, consistently go around all corners of the apartment with a candle.
  6. Wash your hands with salt and stop thinking about the bad.

Signs about a lost knife

But this belief is very difficult.

For a man, the disappearance of a knife could indeed end badly.

  • Some interpreters regard the loss as a good sign: they say that the enemies sharpened a knife on you (they prepared some kind of trick), but nothing came of it, live in peace.
  • But others consider the loss of a knife a warning of the danger that threatens, no less, the life of its owner. Judging by the fact that this belief is especially widespread in the Scandinavian countries, it came to us from there. And there is nothing to be surprised that the harsh northerners-Vikings, and behind them the Russians, were afraid of such a sign as fire! In the old days, any weapon served as a direct guarantee of the life of its owner - it will not be at hand at the right time, you will become easy prey for the enemy. Therefore, in the loss of even a small belt knife, they saw a weakening of protection: therefore, there is now a “hole” in it!
  • It is also logical that more often this sign threatens men with death, while a woman can get off with a temporary breakdown and a series of general life troubles. Despite the fact that our progenitors knew how to stand up for themselves on occasion, they rarely took up arms in self-defense, leaving the role of defenders-getters to men. It turns out that the sign was of less importance for the girls.

loss in the house

Do you think that knives do not disappear from the apartment for no reason? No matter how! Every year, almost hundreds of housewives miss one or another “kitchen tool”, they disappear without a trace. And okay, if the woman herself absent-mindedly throws a knife into the trash can along with potato peels, or the missus drags a convenient blade into her toolbox! There are disappearances that are completely inexplicable, so that you involuntarily begin to look for hidden subtexts in them.

The ancestors explained the loss simply: Brownie is naughty, you know, they angered a good home patron with something! The problem was solved by leaving a saucer of milk on the floor at night and saying: “Brownie-Brownie, play it and give it back.”

Many fear that the knife is not lost by itself, but that someone steals it from the house in order to “slander”, but the likelihood of this is very small. A painfully difficult quest awaits your enemies: first steal a knife, then speak, then throw it back! And all this so as not to fall under suspicion yourself ... Why give yourself extra trouble if you can throw someone else's slandered blade? But for those who want to make sure there is a neutralization for this sign.

Folk way to leave an ill-wisher with a nose

Enhance the effect of salt with lavender flowers or St. John's wort

To get rid of the influence of bad omens, try taking a daily bath with sea salt or doing a salt peel every 3-4 days. From an esoteric point of view, they will regularly cleanse negative messages from your body, and according to doctors, they will perfectly calm your nerves and help you cope with anxiety. The ringing of bells also saves: its high-frequency vibrations destroy dark energy, tune in a positive way and bring harmony to life. Buy yourself a bell with a melodious sound and “dink” to your heart's content as soon as gloomy thoughts overcome. Or turn on recordings of bells, a great tool that helps even those who snort at the word "supernatural."

Should I pick up the found knife or pass by? Decide for yourself. But if you are afraid of bad omens, it is better to leave the find lying on the spot, "out of harm's way." Nerves will be better.

In the everyday life of every person there is a knife. It has been used for various purposes for thousands of years. It helps a person in everyday life, hunting and fishing, at work, in self-defense, etc. Signs about knives affect many aspects of their use.

People are accustomed to listening to what the experience of their ancestors tells them, enclosed in sayings, sayings, signs and legends. Some of them are known to this day, while others are generally remembered and used by few. If there is this cutting object in the house, a person should know everything about it.

Knife Energy

A knife in the house refers to things that human rumor awards with exclusively negative characteristics. This is due more to the fact that in ancient times the dagger was primarily a weapon designed both for defense and for killing. Over time, with the advent of decorative daggers, this item began to receive much less attention as a source of negative energy.

Its energy has a negative value, regardless of the use of the item. It is for this reason that all signs about knives come down to preventing misfortune or misfortune.

From time immemorial, any cutting object in the house was primarily a weapon, and only after a piece of kitchen utensils. He was washed with the blood of animals or opponents, and at the same time helped a person in everyday life. It is for this that the subject received the fame of a two-faced liar.

Old people often use the saying "It's not about the knife, but about the owner." It absorbs the energy of its owner like a sponge. If a person has bad thoughts and intentions, then such an object will carry them in itself too. This proverb also applied to murders committed with bladed weapons. After all, the object strikes, only in the hand of a person.

The most famous signs

There are a number of signs about a knife that are constantly heard.

Even the most non-superstitious people remember the signs associated with the fact that the knife should not lie openly on the table or that the blade should not be inserted into the table top. They come from the life experience of entire generations. People were guided by them for a reason. Signs personified warnings against troubles and misfortunes. Signs associated with dangerous objects were created on the basis of the desire to protect oneself and loved ones from possible troubles or troubles.

Can't eat with a knife

The main superstition about knives is that you can’t eat from it. Most likely, the sign appeared as eating food from it is not safe and can bring great harm to health.

In another variation of the belief, it is said that a person will become evil if he eats from a blade. This also has a logical basis. They were usually eaten by those people who lived in the field and could not use a fork while eating. These were:

  • military;
  • hunters;
  • robbers, etc.

Since these people were not of the most kind disposition, the sign warned of the danger of resemblance to these subjects. And yet there is so, should not be, it can lead to injury.

The knife should not lie on the table

Another equally common belief is the prohibition to leave a knife on the table.

This is due to the high probability of injuring himself about him through negligence. But our ancestors interpreted it a little differently. There was a belief that a knife left unattended attracts danger and misfortune to the tenants.

A similar sign recommends not leaving the knife on the table overnight in this position. In the past, people believed that such an oversight contributes to the pranks of the brownie, which can injure or stab a person with a sharp object. In fact, our ancestors talked about the danger of getting hurt in the dark.

In addition to popular beliefs that it should be placed with the blade down, there is also an opinion that it is not advisable to direct it more sharply at a person. It attracts disagreements, disputes and enmity. This is especially true for lovers and people with whom business is conducted. If a person constantly puts a knife, directed with a blade at the interlocutor, then their relationship will soon deteriorate.

If fell

The sign that dropping a knife to unexpected guests is also often used. Such a belief exists not only among the Slavic peoples, but also in Japan, Germany and England.

This sign also has its own explanation. If the hostess is busy in the kitchen and drops something in a hurry, this means that she is in a hurry for the guests to arrive.

If the object fell, then you need to look at exactly how it landed:

  1. The tip stuck into the floor - a man with bad thoughts and intentions will come to the threshold. See who will come to visit over the next day. Not always this person shows his true face. It can be a relative, friend, neighbor or just a stranger. He should beware.
  2. It fell on its side and sharper and points to a person, which means that the guest he is waiting for will visit the house.
  3. He fell on his side, and points to the window with his tip - the family was spared adversity. These are tricks of ill-wishers or just bad luck. You should be wary of repeating attempts to harm households.
  4. If he hurt a person when falling, then he needs to be careful with his secrets. You should not trust unreliable people, otherwise everyone will soon find out about them.

In China, they believe that a fallen dagger is a sign of trouble that has bypassed the house. And in African countries, a fallen point down is a warning about the death of a loved one, but if he hits the floor with a handle, then you should not worry.

Two knives on the table

You can't keep two knives on the table. This can be a sign of a quarrel in the family and even divorce. The same is said about the blades crossed with each other. If two knives lie nearby and their blades are crossed, you need to wait for bad news.

Little-known signs

There are also a number of little-known beliefs that are still used in society. They also concern the use of a knife in everyday life.

If broke

Folk beliefs about a broken knife predict misfortune for the family. Relatives of a person in whose hands a blade or its handle has broken can be in serious danger.

A broken knife should not be left in the house. It is better to throw it away in a place where people do not go. It can be a distant part of the park or an abandoned house. A broken thing must not only be thrown away, but a prayer must be read over it before that. You can "Our Father" or any other well-known. Some practicing magicians are recommended in such situations by paying off the negative by throwing a coin after the breakdown with the words “Paid!”.

If found

Since the knife is the personification of violence and all that is bad, such a find does not bode well. If the item was found on the street, it is recommended to just walk by. If there is a desire to throw it away, then you need to do this with protected hands. Someone else's knife will not bring good to the house, on the contrary, it can embroil the household.

But if someone else's blade was in the house and no one knows about the history of its appearance, then in most cases damage occurs. You need to get rid of such an item immediately by throwing it in an inhospitable place. It is also recommended to carry out the ritual of stonecrop the room after this.

Depending on the type of damage, the knife can be thrown in absolutely different places:

  • under the pillow - damage to dementia or headaches;
  • under the door - to poverty;
  • stuck in the jamb of the door - to death;
  • under the window - to discord in the family.

If this happens, you can punish the ill-wisher by throwing a dagger into the fire and reading "Our Father" 3 times. The knife should never be handled with bare hands.

If stolen

Even if the knife was not used in the occult and rituals, it absorbs the energy of the people who held it in their hands and used it. Even a dagger hanging on the wall, used only as a decor, contains the energy of the house and all its residents. That is why the cutting object can be stolen.

If a knife disappeared and was not located for a long time, then people in the old days considered this a very bad symbol. Especially if after some time he was. Such an item of kitchen utensils must be thrown away without pity.

You need to throw it under a dry tree, and if possible, then into a full-flowing river with the words “Go away all dashing to your master!”. It is better to do it at sunset all alone and not tell anyone about it. If the ill-wisher finds out about what happened, he will again steal knives for his black deeds.

Don't put a knife under your pillow

In parallel with the recommendation not to leave the knife on the table at night, there was also a ban on keeping it under the pillow. If you believe the beliefs, then such an object under the pillow brings bad dreams, or even deprives a person of the opportunity to see them.


Everyone has at least one knife at home. It's hard to imagine your life without it. It is for this reason that it is recommended to listen to the wisdom of the ancestors, which has come down to us in the form of various legends.

Since most of the signs were based on the elementary rules of their own security, then edged weapons also necessarily appeared in them. It was also customary to speak the subject, recovering from hunting or war. Such a dagger not only obeyed the owner, but protected him from death.